Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Sep 1921, p. 5

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*g Qualit,,, ther.s. for@., ahould b. the firet considera- tion -in its pur bsé. W* make asp.- JJ i3lty of hi gh quality. q e:g u arante &e s r.pr.sent.d.' Atpre.nt we extra finevle n Dismnond E ngUageÇ- ment Rings at *$35.0010, $1 0.oeo J;. M.Hiock IJoelor and Optlàlai (Sucooluior toe R. NKBasaett) 7 _ -.1 i D~e sure te attend Chicken Pie Sup- per and entertanment iu Kinsale Methodiat Church on Monday, Oct. 3rd. A. T. Lawler, 'grocer, has a new eordelivery truck,' and Dý Mathisop, bake;.and. confectioner, a new baker's ~deivery wagon. Cail at Bolton's and try some of our FiNith, Hope and Ghaity pie. The regular rnontly meeting, of the. V.O.N. ýw!l1 be held at the Home- on Monday, Octobêr 8rd. Dr. Baird, Chiropractor, will vsit Wvhitbý twice a week. Parties desir- ing àdjiistm 'ents may communicate with office ai; 921 College St., Toronto, or Phone to 275, Whitby. -15 Iay Bell Marks and heir company of wellhknown actors put -on a threc- niglit serles of -plays in the Music Hall -oni Thurs,1ay, Friday and Satu rdat of last week. Thief xvas a f air attefid- ance each evening. MIr. Neil Yelllowlees, piano tunc~ will, be in' Whitby frequently duing, the coming months.- Orders for titn- ing niay be left at Allin's drug store, and will be promnptly attended to. Mr. Wesldy G. Ruttan, who bas been in '\ Whitby f&r the summer., bas returu- ed to Toronto, and will continue his course at MeMaster University. P. J. Sulivin, licensed illurnber and tinsmiith, Rro k St. N., Whitby-tf. YO ung- rme e, -Corne to the building. and wood work class at the Whitby' 1li h School, 7-9 beginning Friday, Sept. 30. Ilod]ney Millar, grandson of- Mr. and Mlrs. John Col1by,"who was $in Whitby (1uiri ng the summer tnonths, but has ltly been living in Toronto, wase- iously injured ahput twïo weeks ago, when he xvas struck by a motor -truck. Dis condition is stili very serious. *Repairing at low, prices. Cols' Cas-h Shoe Store. r *. R. . Stinxy and. eblidren left on We~ sdayfoiu Toronto, %where they \il ioin Mr. Siinnv. whre fhe ha% been of Toronto, will give an.,addreas I is lioped there wllbé a1arge-attewI ance of the W)htby BrazIch. Those in- teudlng to _go are aaked te give theix naines to the Secretary, Miss NeGlel- lan, ms soon à psible, se that'a con- veyance mey Ihe arranged for. Meiiday, Oe1tober -Srd, Chicken Pie Supper and Cq)acert, Kinsale, Method- est qiurh. Comiplying 4ýîth the request of. the Men's Conuni ie, of the Warren Pav- ing Company n the Town Couwcil, the Ontario Couinty Old Girls' Àssocia- tien, the' Wolnen's Institute and Vic- torianý Order If Nurses wil serve the - banquet at U.3)t 7 on Thursday, at wb.lch the speakçers, officers -of the' town, and otilers inconp~etion with theL formai stieet"pening ceremeutes rS will ho present. Tickets 75c. tsave ]Dollars . Colline' bartain wixi- dow Friday,f*rom 2 te So'clock HIGE $CHOOL SPORTS The annualý Field Day of -Whitby High -Sèhe.ol ià te be held at the Townu Park on Fra. Next Wednesday the Inter-Scheo prs for Omhawa, Bow- manville and iWhitby -111gb Sehools, will -be held here, commencing at 1.30 p.m., at the Trown Park. The Týown Preperty Comlmittee cf the Council bas gone te sàome trouble te make a running tracIý around. the outer'edge. of-the park.1 W. H. Ken~nedy, Barrister, etc.,1 Of- fice ene door west'cf -Post -Office, Dundas StreetY Whîtby. -tf. RALLY DAY IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS Sunday laýt was llally Day in the- Sunday Scho4ls throùgbout the contin- ent, and the ýscbools of Whftby parti- cipated in celebrating ..the, day* by1 special serêlees at which _special music andiaddresse à were featured. W!4.A.A. PAND Ail baudsmen of thd, towu of Whitbv are asked tQ meet for practice next Wednesday e'veninig, October Stb, at 8 oMcock, in the practice room over Maundrell' s tore. Everyone is urged to'corne out, nd be on tirne. Specials. lriday, from 2 to 51 o'clock, al iuds of boots and shoes $2.98. Goluts' Cash Shoe.Store. HELD RIJMMAGE SALE. The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Churcli helcd a successful rummnage sale -aud tes last Wednesday ster- noon and eëning, in the seboolr of the churclu. There was a large pat- ronage of tbe sales tables, aud many people also enjoyed the daiuty 'tea served.* The result of the uudertak-' ing was quite satisfactory to those lu char"e. BIBLE SOCIETY CANVÂS. The collectors of the Bible Societ~y are meeting with a splendid responsel lu the town, A few of the collectors have alreadyý han7ded, in rèturaswhicb with the two collections at Rev. R. H. Haslam's meetings in Mardi anâ Sep- tember, already make a total of over $200 for the year 1921. Several of the collectots have not yet hand'ed iu returus, and wben all core ne utbey wili 'far exceed any previous year. It is hoped the collectors, who are still at work will find a' ready resp'onse everywhere.' Meet me at the Motor Mechanies' lass at theï Whitby 11gh Sehool-th.e place where'we stud-y the principles f Gasoline Engoines, Electric Motors, ete. iiib -me.for several weeks. Mr. '- -,Iny viii tajke over the Sunny- BRIDGE BEING REBUILT., el~igand Tailoririg business here, The eWoclk Street bridge over the G. Wn~cr esiel recornmended in bis T. R. tracks bas been takçn down and duc f wrk.the steel work is being remodellëd' in okasthe company's worksbops for the erce- L)ance tc ht Ben ofc1a's tion of a new steel and concrete bridgee ti:t\aian rchira, Music Hll, Whit-1 about the sarne sîze as the old striic- I. Fhi. e.uî :ot. jacrg .3 turc. This is a work that bas been * \dikson Cc. ancng Oci under consideration and for which the t'. uhuBolon, \laage. - towni bas heen asking for a long tîrne. i o-l e~'< 'oltng.('oms! ashMr. C. BRosoÎs i i ciaie of thewok cfui n ih-ck Street is bbig-divert-1 ed ove-,: to fHeaily Strecet andi across-thq; - ~ ~ !brige ovet, the t'-ac-ks, -,tith to Cthe -- ~ X ~e x. I wI! pobabl y be ,sorat -C À le. t wil pi . ~~on * n! ~X S-Rf. - -: DtO Î1A il tLANNG U jL LasIt-Thut-sd' ni*-g-b-, tbive8 f4rced7 an entrance into the resiee fMr. Jos.Kngand sole antity o9vlu able silverware. 1fr. an-M.Yn wýere gbsent frein to wna-4jhe os was closed up. The thieves force4, he, f rent door, and were ;hIe te makë an. entrance witbout being beard 'hy- th. neighbors. A box c f valuable silver- ware was taken, while othe2' siver ly- ing ini plein view was untouéhed, No damage *tas doue otberwise, but the' loss 'will ,be censidérable. Mr. and Mr~ Kigwho h é~ been in New York, are expected retuIrn te to#n this, week. ¶-'OSTER HOMES WANTED 'TOR NM NI FINE IBOY$. \8boys--ages lA" te 3% years. -4 boys-êges 4 to 5% years 2 boys--ages 7 and 8 years., Take one cf these boys into your home, aud.,gjive him a chance te be- corne a good citizen. Phoetos et thee will ýbe sent upon application.ýI This .,ugh tote appeal'te ýevery Ihome where there are ne' ebildren.> For further iii- formation apply te: H. W. Elliott, &To M- Fotr' "SaesEtc.- In the town of W itby, a ln change purse, cotanng, nearly- $à.i Fliudrxpleeeleave at Post Office. Re- Ford Roadster, ini good ruin conditioù, 6 goodà' tires,, 1918 modè1. Apply to (3ordonSniith, Whitby. W.,C.T. Ue. -SIPPIER UN COIJNE IL- CHAM BER WHITBV FR1 DAY, OCTOBER 7tbh FRON 5 O'CLOCK FULL MENU -PRIRTEO NEXT WEEK§ Co. Ruttan Canadian Tenor Choir Leader and Soloist of North Parkdale Methodist Church, Toronto, will give a RECITAL IN THE MUSIC HALL, WHITBY TUESDAY, OCTOBER llth /ASSISTED BYTH Aeolian Maie Quartette Admissi.on, 25c; Rcserved Scats, 35c. Plan at Wh:tfield's Drug Store. Tickets on sale at T. G. Whitfield'a and T. B. Jbnee'. Mr. BRuttan ba s'started a voc'al clase lu Whitby Anyone wiishing to take lessons should write hirn at 58 Marchmont Road' Toronto,. phone Hilicrest 5500 W. Whitby Studio over Jones' Flower Store. Il - SPECIAI, at Coolke's For Fridey and Satûrda O lbs. Rolled Oats - C bs. Milxed Uoney' lb. Tiut Rockland CQcoa- Pa-ckiag.-s Horiie's iRàpid Tfapioca Pat-kages Hlibrook's Ctista,,ird Pcwd e-r OmcTitn Eggo llaki-ng ?owtler J .49 $1 .69. -~ *~T~tit 'ro-petty of nate ichanel Gri*nmn -ply on prenýiiSàes, Mary St., or, te J. Melnty-Ëe. -NOTICE 1TO .HOU'SEKEEPER.Q Let ns fI those' boffe doors and, rattling w~Indows 'with . Ohamber] Perfect Weather Strip. Installeui Threadgold Bros., phne (5. I4e ÂPPUES WANFD 1 wish to buy any quauttty of nièe eatlug and cooking appIeâ, pears,. fat 'chiékeng 'andliens. H.A. Â'owers Whitby, Fý0. DAN CE"!, awailan Oe'chesteaý' *tJulc NALL, WHITBY FRIBAY, -SEPT. 30 DANCING 8.30 t:01 JORN BOLTON,.Manager Mt i[ E .will s'how you W'hat you 1iN~Jneed in the way of electrlc III fixtures if you -will caîl. Our assortment is a pleasing oue aud we wlll be able to a4vise you as to what you need for various rooms and purposes. Let us fur- nish you with estimates. F. LANDON Plumbinig, ileating and Electricai Sûppiies WHITBY, ONTARIO PRLNGLE'S .BAKING POWPER' Manufactured by.-- experts frorn finestanugredieuts obtainable. 25c per lM. HEU SPRUNG-CANNEDt SALMION Snow king Brand 1A Beautifuil Red Salmon, 1 pouiid Cati 45c e !t 23 Broken FrontI anca) en 24& 25 ~BrokenFrent' S-td§-ranger 26 - Brokèn Front 3r&ýrange i -21, Broken Front I Nater lot .nfront Of Water lot :in front Of ILots 238&24 23 & 4 Bro; 2drange- Ïken Front. a?<à ràÈRlA- Southerly. part read between'28- & 24 Bxroken Fronit 1of S 28 N.part .i1 5 Part -Lot 23 &89 77 2,125, 142, 169 106 180,_ 181# 182 187p 188, 189 190j, 191, 192! 193, 204, 205, 206, 20ý7,208 * 209 N.M Part Part Pra 5 Gallons BritisbÊ American Coal Oul, 5Poun'ds Fresh Rolled -Oats,- SRolis Good Toilet Paper, - - -3 P~ackages Waxtite Corn Flakeès,- E. j. CURRY, Phone No. il 134.13 10 186.40 66 193.06 '43_ 225 6.98 13.08 2.33 15.41. TOWNSHRIP OF EAST WHITBY. au Acres Taxes Coats Total - ?atd. or IJ 170 $8.09 $2M2 $10M2 Paii M,ê 8.06 -2.25 -10.31U Pat'i 172 11.39 - 2.28 11.67 - Pat'd 172 7.18 - 2.25â -.9.38 Pat'i 172 2.17 2.25 4.42 Pat'd 172 172 172 - 2.10, 4.18 22.9i 2.58 25.6R 2.25ý / 6.43 2.17 . 26.54 ), 210J 172 21.78à 2.54.é2, 8 -TOWNSHIP,0F REACIL Lot Con. Acres -Taxes Coste Total 7 14 '50 $14.87 $2'3 172 8 4 96 ' 54.55 3.36 57.41 VILLAGE 0F CAXNINGTON. Lot Street, Acres Taxes Costa Total,- 38 Poý.ace $52 $2.88 $38.08 TOWNSHIP 0F THOP.RR . Lot Plan Acres Taxes Costs Total 29 Eth Lot' 13 il 29 Lot 12- 13 19 20 13 14 15 18 19> 18" 19 21 1 -35 37 -.38 39 18 iel Park 1-8 $1.' Cou. 12 -4 10 Con. G G -H L L N F.R. F.R. F.R. F.R.- 7 TOWNSHIP -0F Acres «Taxes 114 $6.07 3-8 17.96 1-8- 30.90 TOWNSIIIP 0F1 Acres Taxes 100 $23.80 100 14.08 100 18.7à 100 18.62, 100 18.48 100>' 15.24- 100 34.29 100 16.70 100 16.70 100 20.90 100 16.70ý *50 13.01 50 13.01 40 -13.01 40 23.26 100 141.96 *100 139.37 100 139.37 100 109.68 5Q 3.99 Treasurer's -Office County Bulldin:gs, September ISth, Ï-921.-- Gosts $2.25- 2.45 2.77, R~AMA 2.35 -2.47 2.46 2.38. . 2.86 2.42 2.42 2.52 2.42' -2.33 2.33 2.33 2.58 5.55 5.48 4.74 >2.25 Total $8.32 201 3326 patl4. PatVd. patd. 'Pat'd. or Unpat4 Patd. Patd. Pat'd-or Uinpatd. Pava. Pat'd. or-Unpatd. Pat'd. Pat'd. or Unpat'd. Pat'd. Pat'd. pat'd. Total- Pat-de .-TJ*tnd.~ $26.40- Unpat'd. 16.43- Eat'd. 21M25 Upat'4. 21.09 ljnpat'd. - 20.94 Uupat' CL 17.62- Uup4td. 37.15 upat'f. 19.12 Iunpatyd. 19.12 -Unpat'&. 28.42 Unpat'd. 19.12 Ù-Épat'd. 15.94 unpjat'd 15.34 Unjat'd. 15.84 Unpat'd. 25.84 -Unpat'd. 147.51 - Iat'd. 144.85 Pat'd. 14485 I>at'd. IÏ4.42 Pat'd. 6.24 ?at'd. A.McKAY,T Couuty Treasurer. p n OROOERY SPEGIALS 2 Gro cer Under thie auspiceq of th(-;Laciies'A14 cfthe £ E el Ioe id y a 3 t?9 t 4 - -i té , - t- -t il -t '- t t -iti (iii: - -'i * ~t Ci-i ~ t~t eut' bî' 't -t t;.. 'te t~-t~ PU?- The pu'4Y uein:~ -su~x'xheç1' foi' +h~ tnxv~, - BIITàTS, HEYIS-AtV.O.N. Ilonie, Mr.Geô. iewis, a son. onMon- Mr. andI - J ;-~; ~-4; - - - .;-~ -t- - - t - et 1 lb. Stewling Veýai - -J - - ;-~ I 't -. ~tt - - -t~k-t r1 i 'i t - - -' k - t 'f - -- *> - t -t, 4 t-' - -Lt- t't t 1, 'i l~i (-t t-t4 - ~' ~ -P - t 5~Ii 10e 1111 El PRINLE'SMoat Marketf WIIITBY' DIJNDAS ST. WEST, - PHONE 169 Plwrne 290 - i -t, t FI liii 't- niembt:r The -Socie-ty Of -Ct - a Ys, ai reco.pliaria; in WlOm hicag'O, and TeQp--s8~eyof? Tc -tOCAL APPENINGS PulsReoelved- For PIANO and ,-ORGAN- PheueIÙ 12 or 201 ýWma THIS WEEK END t,' Ont. tq 7c1. wmmmý --6.35. 1 1 là $21.85 L

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