Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Sep 1921, p. 7

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Toronto. W heu the ifrtlrs W 4 R trees and foliah$ summrinr awniÈ »** f u* lats h4ve uearly 24*t Ufff'i'.àt an~d seaside ïi" a çohg-e -gin Vo revert to hýYNÏsa tqt'àd cârn "Q4ý rats, -then youi4f wt wàà nibrof peWpe wiping th'e1iCS-n'pram-uteilm s [teym t in a street car, or wialk ing headway tewards btter tiiga a1ong the street. t 18 uit regret at Ther e la Vi. qsliçhtegt doutt the departure of holt weatW &tlàbuihàt dW aw*flfl aff ecting theoe people, for *ho itbee e Ï".~Ufe iËdoti e-& who is î>ot charmod with t i6cliâà t0it 1~~~~ eaifly fali in Canada.? What then, happines n4ý heaitr of the peuple: cau~ses su nsany people te look miser- wtàot-'Ceg'tio ntitn an -ong main- able andi seldom to leave the- house taifl its #otàtib Inluthe w*rlé of* buul.- except fortified with three or four ness, science and ge-neral progreu. extra 'handkerchiefs for emergencien? Oike1W w-ile,8GYWIfI Incident, Hay--fever is the cause of aIl -Vils perhaps even an obscure item lu the niourning,*-vnd hay-fever is a moSt daily -newspaper, brings to -nu.nd this -d i.sLrcssîig comnplInt, «*- al Its vie- fatettht'*' are moving, low td-, t'ims know, t 15rMost ènommo"Iunais ahegher astte'd 6f 1i ltiodýL the Iii te sumixir and i early fal when Rtecently 1 notitee&'the 'follawinýg--item hPICîoileri of certain plànti is caýrîed in"a Torontou papre'ltn 'p~ 1 t h e u,1wi. is, 'atY i dslldtgm'en't i n tign of fifty yetM 'bck, «Retail dry, th m.tI~of persouswho are'par- gems mefchnts cf 'Torenta ititeýý t4i 1ry 8sL>itivé'tû, this ihftetidn. for seveftohc ils5, xetl T1)1 , chef offender here in'the plant Saturday. night, 'duen r iug 'sum ê îiný is the etummon rag-metd, but moxrtdhs."ý This, is fbud fer thongIit. thri is' the goiden-roti and other and -indicates thst the 'm-ovèef»-w'#rie ýý iniîiir botanical spécimenis thnt cÙasotrwr dyw&~rea~w àdj to the. tn)uble. . ~ - years ago. More and more Wé aré b- hd'the disease is most prevalent ginning -to e '"alizd -ýthât in"asDn1abl in t'.he Lall (f the yea'r, there is ciie long hours of wor persited yud' tiecomme n in tic Spring.- Knowing I ater dA$ are detiieut-tù' Voiilïd Id thcause of hay-fevex, it is particu- body. ItLt l ali véry well for the m i i- leriy dirtreessing te sufT erers that -ener- owner or- iéiehant deeply 'intere9te getc ff orts are ne-t madle by govern- in profits te spend long- heurs "'intais inn.scd runicipalifies tb destroy office but lb j1§quite a difrïntthih -xhilesah these plýaÙits that' cause sol for the wage-earner, who drawÃŽ' is nu ch ahnnyance an'd suffering lu se weekly wage and pursues bis ýoflen- iniy people, 'hay-fevembeing ent'imeIy limes inonotoinous roithlte ý4'M 5vbmk -i pris entaleû disease. BeginninÉ like from day tu day without interest 'lu aný crdinary cliiaccopnidwihth ir' poresmd tii 11 pas'oN-sms cfz sneezing' andi wi'th "nosel hope of advancemenl or attiet remun- m>o1ktd J1", hay-feVer 'tometir lis -at- 'bratien hio*ëevëte, -e prù fPs' Oflse tîact- ittle 't-tention andtithe victim erm may ' well.' There is'no neelti l tec"i~aacills~wptbbut bhe- pet- blâme lie epoefrsakn legiit1ý of ~.te' ! the watery diiscî(rge anti mate profits-,businness c6nditiîons net-ý zc '.;y frequen attackis of sueezîng, essitate thie accu.zmulation'-cf 'aJua n-rlmtate the nature of the ceznplaint. recempense in return for lie capital1 t:oîig1iiug also cccra at titnes, accuni- investéd, bh~ut nanyare lie einploy4ra ruP-ýeI !,y asthmatic atlacks wh'ich are who wouid ike, il they cousi, -u share ixi1 y 4êprcsin'g to the patient and inj ticir fortunes with tie men wl» help- i r eVses 'bring -on a tebilitalci stalee d' thélr ind'ustry ltow.Mèe me x- -f health. chanical toi is not eTlnobling when a Ybe conon aag-iweed, tie chieL nfian or woman works jnttas a-mn- cf ha-iLfever, grorws tou a height'jchine an-ti-s reSardeU as a "haut" citot foiiî or five tede and bloom-s ratier Ihan a flesh apti biood being1 'A rom.Xg!< zt t>à October or later. t wïth s Ilheart anti seul.« Ma¶y mÈârtî- 12 ec f mtn-I on alinostb èvery vacant f acturers and business fuÏma arre - ht , a" i e fuld, on lie foadside snd'ognizing thie vleu ueainl lauw 'uu-ultîvxt£d gardens anti lswns. Ils business, and are insttutiflg "ýprofil- pPnis,. abuniaànt and rea-dýi'y dis-! siaring in whieh lie workeis' parili- trU,1ureal hy tlie wind. -jpale with exce:¶et trosuls. LuI that Fi cmr a public &iealth stantipoinrt part, Of Publié Healt' work dealiitgi ~erefore,. such 'noxtous -weeds area witis In-custrtal^ Hygiène anthlie heath iihean-t a meae. 'Tise>happi- 1and ha-piÉess '*tife*'workèra, ilt i of large numibers 'et-people are beeomninlg er!et tatýthý lse byý -tie Présence o4, these'shown In theiseemlue'a welfarè .dW it 81'.old ble om- 'uthé ithi.e omtiàt iMnèr -Wbi-Aihl is t-o f'1 th ' Dep irtfmeut 'ot knauworti s à e ùiatéêslbeitt tei 1 ure te lake stepis twarda éftlT>iY'bl! ise .gitrust;"'susiié? copete'-eraication. Soine sy - a-tgrievaite' e- kni raute ut co-aperation >'hotween tâê' gov- weleriaUîfancïied, lent .oiere *rnament anti properly ownersa shoulti but to-tzroisIe andt fluascial 1'ou" te al 'hé ^volved, su tisât'neglecteti 'gréunci! 1ene. l'¶ 6 i Vn 'éxa6ple lihe <ruî,t be cuiti'vated, Pr wherethis is tireaten-ing conditions uf la&Éos' i wit feasible, te have tise dausgeou5' ezîg1.èit le-day, Wher-ê, civil stri-fe-, là weeds uprooleti orcul d-own 'beoteeé:lieIoôiingupai a uéibii '.'WatV '6lowerirag stage. - This prevenss. e'ultimate u-utwll s sard Wtetre- 'formation ut pollen aud 'the produnction' see, but- hellhý and,' bnp %eas resta of .the seedai. Lt uniled action Waunder- in tice coutelatuient ufthtie peôi1l. taien' by thc 'govemnent anï public, Witi' strikës aýl -16o>kodts ever#'here iu ma'king war On.- these w.e , a t uoý'thé-ly l ie mêl"-It"thefflral and, -th~rb eradicaling or greratly de- physical 'ý0ndiln 6f' ie wéèrkeu-s, créasig ay-fever prevalence, it will lieir wives andi families are boUhe l t bo a boon te ihumanity. $ uffer, resulting in malnutrition, highi-, MuaIeouraginbg results have been' er infant murtâ-lily and a' gênerai aé- ,btained by lie- 'use ot auto-vaccines lerioration oethVe race. -on hay-tever suifes-ors. The pros-pec- -peunst-m "yisoytele erunt- hay-tevr troamenb' eyeraimftle tive vietinxshould- consult aà slsêcialiat penthave seoeved a-double purpoe.1 in'ha-fee r retmetsevra Yn>IhsThe Greeks are -saidtol have usel es- hefc're the atlack is expectet. ManiIsence ut 'quince ý totoeWhso ,w er complote cusYes -have been effecti ,.by iegarthic ail dyspeplie, vine leaie the adminishrab'ioýn ut theso vaccinez. for tiose W'ho neetet te keep tlie rlid cl-car,- whihe violets for those wiodÏà Tirougi al lie dnrk forebodinga et puer digestion, and a Nftixture d i !,i tiese doubîful cluys, brighl flashesa« anses aii carthvora for tfi-hune who;U optimiani sud hope for the future a>- wou.ld ke-pep l i sir'- f romf turning pe~ trus imet Ure lu s1trengtietL *hite' Itiïs'tld thalturiing tlsè'htr-' and encourage humattity. l-tre,Ûss eslseasôn'tKii' dor ut rosemary'otf and straiitn f_-éýdern zindestrîal' "up' 1114Spain'ith conal la pereeptlb!e longi beavals anti crises lie pessimist nees bef ore the land las sen. '" Do you, discrimiizaie at th'e dining table-or are you thougktless? LuI thousandsof homes, a "line" is drawn aIt tse breakfast table. Tea or coffee is served for 64grown-uýps" and Postum for children. But somi parents do not discrinsin- 'ae. Tannin and ésifeine, the irjurious conttnts ef boaansd'coffee, ses'isly Meard'thé dèuvelo,etM* ôÃ"I the déiicgte fibe tbSâÙ in children. Consequently, mstead ,of rich.-batiafyisg Poetuns, cbildren are-ovier atimu-i lated by tisedrugeiii tes and coffe.; and so may 9 'ew u e ir-ritable 'and nervous. Any doçtr cen tell you that. this is a great evil and should be Althou erne par- ëenta féel a certain justii. cation for t is e Was, lndlkenc.Inbeaoçp e lbe éuaIfr -sprio" l'nt loë'Wt*i tglaamd coffe. to Affect an older person, but iu many cases,bis e rsvous systens and' aMled'-bodfly tunctions- will beconne Weakened. The surest way\,to void sucis pos- sibiities is torquit boa aud coifee entirely and drink Postum instead. Thé ,chanlge 'pèrmits you tâ get sound, restful sleep. Postum ÃŽs tise well known,ý9 meal-tinse bey- erage. Like thousandaq. of others you wiU like it b.. caulse, au &ivos' lb Iw rich and satisyig Do away with thse dis-. tînction at the tablè. Serve delicious- Postuns, W-estri am d l likely that"- you'U nevW zturn tetes lor coffe. ý Poatnin Couses .la two mati. iasê a* tbe"cup ' thi*iddi« o l4befngwat e 1~.C~eal- nckagee dé laiger bulk, fer tlso io maeainl b.ing prepatred) maxW' by beilng for 201inutes. t bowvr, for the foeod atordeti 1 ILn Ruesia the seeds have a been .eateu-lu immense quantities or roaétedi, ai peainuts are ii mountryÃŽ, andi the. ol obtainsti by Ing lhe seeds la an Importauti 'et diet The troquent religicu dtislu tha.t country restrict tI Of meat -aud leed to the' conmw ef egetable '61, an: u i>rnw~ the manufacture of oninfleer O!] wayS of cosiderable dimensiomi et'e.yleld an.cil which cou ~&6r*Itby"ýwttu. olive M14. The e %ds ofthVe larger m bads Pure For their 1M~i camp thse BoyScut *of We a ve been e(torelêthe us ftuoe ALove Token., In -every woodland bree, 'EÀcb iýwayslde flower, MY eyes «behold Thty guodnse, Lord, La elaeh glati nhower Aud'aully-singlng 'breeze, 1I"ee Aý.loire1bken, dear Codi, trom thee. Thse triend wise c=e to nme PFri-m out tise n4glir WasýlhY haut reachhng euit O L To peint tise Ligit. Eveui tise'ýdark was moant ho be' A lae-loken, test God, froni Thee. >T4.1 For every glft s f rete, Or large or asmati, 1ne'er ucm show My gratitude. eBut here's my ahl, A joyýtul> hearht-each day to, bo 0 lov-ttkeni dear GodtobuTie. -Nina M. Langford. A Popular Crown Prince0 it tie royal famhly et Norway tise favorite -wlth tise peuple la 'Crown Prince Olaf. Hia popularity s.laeii- mîeufsé. But elgisteen yeara ot, lie'me- cently ipasset le examlnations' for' ou- trance to hie unhveralty. From ciilIdieod he has received lypi- ca'iy 'Nôrweglan training sud han 'de- veloped Int a genuine son efthtie vik- ings, -bal., isantisome andi au 'excellent spo0rtsmaàn. Eeregulit-ly partîcipahes iu bse annuôl-Nortkan derby, lise Holmenkollen ski-Jumpingcoumpetl- tien; aIt which he la a truquent prize wlnner. His'popularity la nu doubt' partly due to hus'deniÃ"eratlc 'tates.-'Eductti a't -a 7priva'I chool, ho' inglet wlthi ils ~ ~ ~~a tel- uiso uequal- !oetlng and ha lWaaheh *h*IIy freè ros afty tnden-cy te seIÇ-lmportance. - Oi'trwnPrince will enroîl as a abutent' lu hO ecinialitg 'ehoulai Tîreudh- jeus, lu be educated as 'an-'euniiter. PrtnceOlaf new-1 he.. tise$ht to-it- tend Cabinet meetings, but as yet h"à lie vo ."' Distress in Switzerland. Switzerland, havtlng no coal 'or raw mattriats of Its 'wn, hbas always beeli oôbllged -to--cater'te le'vers-ot luxurfèa b$r Iîéhigh quallty M 'fIts manufaa-ý tire; ',but othetr cOunftrIes are ndw Ibuy-. ing uoni. necessariès', âind 'tbè 'competi màiiy, ar& -Wel organlzed k> -Ûderseli the Swlse In eyel..thtIie. - Thé ôe buùsineisexci-ept' iù-thie'large cenfFés, Ws quite at a -standstll, . Fo t'ne SWISe people who depe nt on, thei r -daily Vkikl for aw living' the situation l',ve y ficuit and, If h were t 'tfer the nMore neY<re Éufferitig inu chier ptartý.4-ot'the -"Wdrld,. I*t -Wèii cailnanýd some out- Rich, Red Bloo# eans eah and Strength. The e n emia et Young girls, may ,bel InlÏeTitot&, Ã"or lb aY-,be caused by baït alr. 'untultahle 'foodpr:haslyanti rre-' Ènrlar-ealg nffCton-tur 'exocis 'an not o~~oub sest andi It cornes on gradnelly, beginning with languàor; Indieeùiiaou lumental or bodlW xetlbtÇIrrhtabliity su :4 fee1ln«g etf ttlgue. -bter cornes ts paulptatllon 'tishe 'hoart, heaahs ddtzzlness -IoÉltwlng a, s'-toupýlng poi- thon, frequent backacies sud breati., lesnees., Lu w _maj«'rty Of case& C@i- stîpathôbn là iiresenÃŽt. There may be ne great-16io ut feh, but usually tise complexion bakes.-on a greenish-Yellow -'Cas eofthtutukhndi4 If noglectet, be-i caine mojre serions, but if taken iu tinie there la s no -need-to wurry. Dr. Willams Pink Pilla, wich are free f romù any hajrm-fuI' or habit-forming tmgu, are Jusltishe- boule needecl bu remedy bits' w retchet state4f isepti., Tisough It Jes nobt-tlcoalle, iniprove- ment 1 beginé witb Vnie e'frsÉt dose. As the bluet l& matie'rlqh> the" palor leavenlte face, etrength, and'-activity' grdaIyreturu ati 'the danger 'ut reèlèpseî la very ellgt. If, 'any, symùpWm tr6f anaeemia a pears, s' f-P MsdeSaxgges e tha r. t- il&ms ilakd-Plis e ber I6' glvn 8* o~ke ahttise Uae~, aIê te oàr'b by niat S fe ts a ~x'r slx Thse authoriati$nst alippel irto lie vUige uÃ"-tretiàd boajit ' copy '0f course ýth 6 bueliseller titint kuow hlm. "Ant how lsthe Vlums seiling?" ho asked. "" XI's tise' o#Wyookw e've soit tuis monts," the o ele1er repliét. "Wiy, ÃŽhei"tAht'ýCakes ilt the lest- lug Cne < teal.i n elra,'ho J»>ouifëriÏÏ'arkètianid brinkly .went is *M~. " " TeZoalous. Joirter t4hs' %Pprentice)-"Well, Win-lé, " havre yu'-sharpened, ahntise toa f' ,Wihlile-,Yes, ail but tiseisanti saw, andi I haven't qulte got aUl hie gapas euf rt titaV, (Tr~ Net long ago some iutereatfv1 g ex- took off hîs saleekiags and walked 300 periments were =mAtelu'i au-]5i i bu oyards. IIei% beetob(*. When tisa set- test liestrengti and'acuteness outlh& ter s- wa' jtt Ubou "-bstraéll' it hie out- se-eut amel lundoga. ""set ifl t6I&wtihus-ual cagernes -Tiere wvis- ates-ries' tint count et dh4'mntaIÙed 'thig puisuit ýthrougis- bu' ttiovin ff is master's- trasik upis ttà1'aàé tié - pav'iels o f Règnts ?r a- Accompaniet by l-'tranger hteh tscu*li "hià frack wag"i.4 'r ed-ït s e- to-g, is r é er oeut aIt6ug a car- crst'by hundreda ýof 'tfreshe -nàeà nae i4-âj Sô'véaai UÃœn-de'yddfrn and -byÏ hiousands - thit Wer6 ýnot sc ' é ' oisýteéên'E'ýqgitoIed ut alked lu freah - ' hootln'ýg bot8' flftty 3rdi besilde lie To make a te-aI witis a setter tie carriageý:goto enteredthe'tio"crage master sat lits menfIn Indian file-, andi sud is'triend got ont aud wa-lket 200 tse- ganlseerbeuýt 'up' tise reas- yards a Ioug tise way Tise setter rau uthe ue.flcis lisait illèéis feet thie wele oi yards aI tful speet witi- lu lith tnhtcf- bis 'p0dce.o- oti akllüg* any' pus'-at 'use pint Tise inasteK s'cent twas moaI oerlald WhereIthW -cè?nt"l chlllÈet Th é màs-er tisiw of tisegaeieè- Wa.s fie' resh-is Walke lu h.s 0ordiuuYsa-hiofIu'gboots, est. Whseu -bhey lmd'.gene' 200 yarýds à 1vIn fletÈnAket.-L h 'm in oiT et anise lise nt-rfids-ei e usrgtfi.ô.et Ato 'gi h 0d fth'nise Oct by,#iveout thd'iméÙn; ý'tIié'bther 'six 'seeti VInen trOfg' as le be percelu-et tiruetalu.tise luIt, keeping their usualb a rIýenti a97 i-nr «Ienrlise -bsailwas orties-. Tise setter followed tlise cus- mati-e"tee- tog tullewed tise tr'ack ut mou track wvI-ttisncli eagerneénwas bu te' fIb Muter, titis 'tbzufrd, ý*lth uS'ua I eversicot 'be, point cf" diverge1tC' Ua%4à, aftervii'iMie'h'is but, qui'ekly regain'lngi ts;pNrlnt, cIÉes'ý fiee rs4-cý fnr it oncWe e rackt'u tise rîgit' i"xrlioIf tSetihe powar Tie 'mantet,'anti a slrauagcs bu the] et scout t1ÎÏ6lOh 'fié e h ri as &Zg exciangét seoes aiidi ten vielft waie tdàfW'-~ i"fdmspIéd-eis!4 lwa dffferent 'viys. Tise setter titu1 néfi-~i b Md4rd~ts tiFi&àer é(f 'à mile, ils3 -master' sies nit tount li -2l ' 9(k o r$ ~ve -al strangen. --Wicn tise master and )bui1IÇ~t wkdbs~ t-wr stt-anges' vaikedth le -park viti baà tlié fosus. The sltofiewvan van lreasît teet the setter tuiluviedtz-l' aslers igli and about aahus14(te4 yar4t o brail, but u<,t hi ti'eigès'ness - t U e w1hawa 'O l hW4rae devintle vuS l tilwe he traio ee do'tahit~t~i'atts sisues. When ho walked uinov sho0ot-1t _« a'#4 thé~oew& i ing boot3tshie'ettes ' ult Dot felO-'Jo,mauhr'iilzlg cburse. 1 Te e tbe âîit glbd t -singV'~le *tteýkRId& ny't<-yWa'dý h I Ofthe Èi6t ià'e e t afft'isultilî it h oe '&*&Il5', .'>11 ' - tttbtior'thriý ' tàs hIé&<v hM- Wqalking ln nevi cc-tou socicn het l f traÊIiiitt" M'ttôW IcouM folêpwj{ lu ç-eifl-eW dly*4,'-bu»e 'I%'biuaster wvaîket fitty yerdis tiii - '~r'?~'wr -~."-,1 lriinflty tfathoùiiB r -80naierbu eurtce into wbl-eh P~hean o tte. Below t1aat, gays Pret. 3ta Aï- Lthut' homàInsc ta is lectures lu the Roy al'Insttutlon'at London. 't2aere &b Vent loeey W-astes of water with saxacely auy lite àb all, anà b7eiow thiat aln'aet 'deptha? 'ary'ing, frrom toai i hl to ix mes, 1la another -World ivntlnigâ but ýiÀ tÃœ,ely different frein anr -worid t. we hav'e'.auy experxencP.' -N' une htigever seen It, but the long a-mi. bul "àhn' tli#e '-'t !Ï écId14Ûnd dark, .stlU aud veryr sulent ani' tli "preËsu"'_'ý*re'of 1uýèwatir iÏa't leaït iýW4 and a &lf tis 6tb sjùare lnbhY; et ail ,>tfe ani"ÃŽils bav4e, aaptecithemi séleat' it uuker ïjîfii4. grlmý conditi 1ons. _ i'the Iani mals Vint live on the sea bottom have enermdunly long, 'thIn lesespevlly the sies'dthe ciaa."?re otoMthedeep' îea' i -Sa that they al l kâ iit'wdk 'on stlJts 'b esca pe being nmothered. -1 Thre ty~'e utlite "are absent from thosie great- depths. - There "are no, plants,- because plants cannot grow wlthont sunlight: there 'a re' unc robes, su- that nothing eevr decays; and_-thetre are nu 'real Inseets. Âs- there are- nu plants, It la hard tu ýëe how theVanimale fêed,ý; W. -know that ln. the deep sea fIshes eat mo1ludýc, ant ollusks eat worm,'-ani wurius oat maler worin's, but that"aort inf tlg carnot go on forever. Seme- thbl ,moSuEâGMé m tuhýé -btslde. 'Lt ?>-4Çxaolaýand hroïui pu Il" s»ta the £Ï~ew adowa *ýr Zy et the flahes-have enormous eYes, soma Indeed aq large that 69 than pin potnts. No, one knoews what tUef uàe tâbee:W f ,* *hy t1Ëey are su différent. A&èhteý"D iize 'la phosphoresence. Many deep-sea fisies havelaJr fi - là-eU -th7afThefi use uiiô futd their way about jsted Pti_,_e caus3e the t~iWear mhetu ùthéir talla.' Perhap ' théeyue"hi as a lure. But,-'if si), why de o rneuofthem have red andi some green lîghba? Il la all very puzzling. Perhaps il la beât to say, "We do flot know." A third puzzle la thse brilliant celer ot mauy of thse çreatures tisat live lu tise'dark--crimson and blue and gold, 0f what use la It? But, Professor 'tiumson concludes, perbape we are tece anilous to flnd usefulneas-in every- thixneverhaps the Vêry beauty le sut- ficient use Well, posalbly ;4,-'buuo riÏie thé question of utiityagafin--of wixa use la beauty, that no one ever SM.u Once a ime-tien ina nuti Baby's Own Tablets for tien utile unes sais ai- visys happy lu rece:'mmendt them tu othe"s. iHr ativicu, given afber a care- fui triat, eau be s-eatihy toliewed with assuret got-esalts.- Tise Tablets are a m-lIt but tiorongi laxative wiich neyer fait, tu regulate tise bowels anti swcee-tiste sbomacis. - Tisey always de: guud-ti4y eaunult poa's-ibily de -las-m even lu lise yeungest baise. Con- cerulng tisei Mrs. P. Laferest, St. NzarQue.,.'writes: --"For thiee muutsst my baby was censtipnted'and crieti contlnnuaily. On tise adýlce oet'a trieild I gare hlm Baby's Ownl Tablets and now aI lie agu uf fis-e mentis lie la' pes-fectiy weli -and -we ighs -twenty ponti. I "am teUlghited tu -be able te, ativIse cther 'mo-tisers 'ta use themn" the Tablebe are .se'1-d be inigtcirie I.dealers or by maâl at 25 conts a box frin' Tise Dr. Wiliams' Medicinue Ce., -Brockvlflè,Ont. Trhe Shortest Chapter. lis Louton nuvispaper t -ngt fn t ic-vd el ý-rt t lie - ùorte'st e hapter coxclude t liaI bie prbae vient lu Bul- woiVytonlu visue "Wishat WiII Ho Do 'Wi~t?"tie liapter IheiCdud "De- rinuemlell" constnlntà ýofrly ýoeeword, "Pol';but' MV EfglIýÜ c'4lhclias lu bndto"ýrn6unc&"tisat liéshCort- àYoisabtia is etene eare ar Oce ý'te s 7%r ' mi rarn Slianëty," for ha cisapteru XVII and ti X.'-*ruie put xnuthinËbut desfiei - Whis&blos Unctor Water. For s-gnailig two Enish scientlsts hae n eIada r w4iintîeîi cal bel'liov" utior wt'exltnt sea mils tise'prâxier instrmtihéitt ouirr ni,!e. a*ay. ' 'Chine È'eis -itdauii & ed l is e' prE'i'en*Tt p f wming tisatI tauuage. Ask for tMinaidu mccl talc. no othmrt ehfore et LakJe Brie. a bulblng wtzluh cau b. utl9$medt t gre* , #atage, a thse nlckl. compau-w, anaouua-t'he Ot n<otary Club aI 4hich Dt. S. N ixon. Davis, cbimman o'et te Rotazy Boys' Wurk CO'ýniIttee, gaîé i î DX,àrt on l11 Welland Scouts' campý this- year at R~eb B~y~à~outl~ wildawa~par- tlclpated lu by isonxeý1265 menibr*-ot the frve Welland Troopa. lu France thse Roman Catis-elle Boy Scouts. are taught end urged th r-ecog- lng a 'love of PIaistý.andi anIffis. 4 Scoutmaster, in opening a ca mp, et- tered a prayer from which. we quote ."Grant thial my word-may be a ligh-t te tiir" 'à-&l, ->- r te& Tiy divine 'Spirit- lnthe w1iwld, 1tho hâ~érà~e~: ~akhthiky hify- lu*w', and,. lea4tlhem 't 14Ie, MY Goti, Int lhe 'camp et rest aud joy, where Th'ou hast ïit Thy taber6acdeed ours. Fuil iniformation regarding Scouting and tisé fotinailiû et l6a1&Â'cout brooras niay bW haà up6n ap»Toation tlu thse Fie1-Dý rtÃŽ- à,B~ couts As- soci-ation-, Bloor and Sherbourne Sts., To6rôùnte, n tao ASPIRIN î -ayer" ônly- f ~ jiî Warutng! Take nw> chances wiLIi sb- ,.pirln." Uns You, see tie narne Bayer package are 'directions forý thsm, Earacheé,- Tootisaçiehë,'- Lombago and~ for- Pain. ,Hla'ndi"fin b1 s e twelver talilets cent f e' cents. DT1u9- gisa aliFo s'eu larlàger packages,. Made lu Canada. 'Aspirin la 1is6trade Mark (registeret lu Canada), of Bayer iManufacture of Monoacetlcacideaster Icf Sallcyl'lêacld. ---- -",;. - When Ignorance la Blilas Atter' muci reflecti .on Marisu hat esoé le'telegraus and h adot i t fhfuu"îîgý tise'wiu'dôw lu lite cleÏk. âÇe trippeàl ont, and the transactIon sen- e-t cumpletet: but lu a mom ent nie returuedto.utise wludow. -"Let imeihave etint teegrýam I1virole jusb naw," is-hosait. "I turgot aume- Tise des-k andet out tise message andi Marian adted, "I want ho under- itue 8peiaWÏtl1r l-ovely' lu' ackntc>wtèdg- iug tise recei'pt ef a present. " Will It cent anythiug extra?" "No, Miss-,' saidthtie clerk, with a smile; an-d, as Marian drew lwo heavy uines ben-cath t1he words, shiè lge' wibh content.-1 "lTianks se mucis for letting me doj bisaI; il' will please Augustus sol miucs!' One o et ts ct known guides lin Nôva Scella givez tuas testimeuili-utf MINARD'S LINIMENT:I 'Have thred Minard's Liniment 'sn xny home, hu-nting' and lunubu-r -amps terf- yuars, and coRsi.der lbtishe best wislho liniment en tise marktet. 1 findtht-it gîvs uîc. elef' ho minr 'aimenla, suclh as sprains, blrunhae anti ailkints, o-,f wounts. Alào'it, t*a a gre2Lt remey "e ècgis, cold-s," tc., which one la i lable tu cateli'*hi n h-'driving anti' cruising turing lise vilter anti spring ur~th.I vicuiti nul bo itioutý %1NýARD'S LINIMENT anti canxxct recotumeut Il tço isighiy. ' 'I (Signt) ~ lisonGray.- M Ient îf te i. M r. Boaster lad is portrait paint- e- t Lt st hm îa' gotli'-sum, àaise! was prcpt o- t i. Mienii il ame hôsué f isesliwed ti il lu s (ouk. I "WiMaryl"h at "Su-w do 7en irse abis portrait'?" ' - "Sur -e, sir," sait tise ccok. "iles 1Lve. .'And-, JtêotisBe,' 'sai d. sIr o ~know wio -il isV~ ':Qh, Cf Courr'e I do, sir," re-pi$ý e,- couc. "0! course, ef cours-e." A h s Pek'êpt drawng uhro tlth. -h-lstgé their colos' lhey- beemumobliad. helperi me tzang~ I ea.t arees wMt--mé- pere*y. Ij have recouimeMded Tanlac to àY number of iay frlcdand; 1 ain ýgl>d t c.. hai jýéJtd therna i just wlsh tI ou4 eU e'erybody '"e- Buàes a- 1 diiV wbat TàÈaixICda&-. ff Tanlac is. sold by leading dru!ss everywhere. ÂI. JOY, a g-reater uterest in otir live% coSbéantly -1iÃŽVex perkeIL-e3,, .1 tendI VýO keep us yuung, despite Oui r 4r WONEY'ORrWRS. Dominion. Expres Money ordezS ara On Bale "in1 ffe theuzsaud ciliceit -thxiukhout Caria4a. ýC'd-liver oail atiouiý 25Q t< eiken*o pàterat ii od vobseea utr Keep inar', L netL! the hoa. Clasified Advertisementà. IM.NTý-D:-C)NG LADIB8 OP APZ od eduéa,6nýtratin as nurseaL Apy eWêliatdra'-Hospital- si. catNir- tInes, Ont. *E 10in Kessock,Sa-is letOf r bas wisigare able toi lhe oe. le co-fom ,withl -Lydia E lesebilapuwe if-vuwd; "0001 Sr. 'I Of t, 1

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