Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Nov 1921, p. 1

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a . f W:. P., im, n 111E GAzETT AND CIIRONIC WLITlBY, ONTARIO, CAN!ADA, TI-URSDAY. NOVEMI3EII3,192 C. A. GooDFJ SHARPOS Super- Krsom TGFFEE 1S SIMPLY OEUIOUSI 25c, 50c and 9Oe Tins. E. t. ,Odlum ,Druggist and Optlolau Phone 184 Whltb, - Ont. BHIY-Y GAR AG E We haïe two flrst class aeechaics in ocur gar'age, vho cari repair any make ýf ca r. ORK DM$ GARS, 75o AN KOUR. Cars store.d by week 'or l'winter, frcee f frost. !ÙO Cord NiWxed Wood Hard and Soit, Cut Ilelvered at $1 1.00 a corde. Aso Cedar Knding at $1 Loam sand, sharp sanA rat clasa building caud-wfd ravel for concrete, an d ýones for-concrete walls. Wnd -& Gravel, $1.50 a Ioad,- fftoms, -$1.75 dellvered. jT, mnent donilnates the eonservative@, oneinrtscffecnm iyprcurysfaPlc. lliberal. Boti these elements, are ne- if cailediealrgrfldbu circula- M.Wam bsade a great suc- ancessary sud bofli equahlyvaluable, ie stancs m- de iipossible for hlm f0 cea s lapiaries.- - He las latsly or- Scombination c f fhe prudence cfÃ"£tic consider thec nomiînation. deeed some expensire Ézid elaborate Sconserrative and flic zeal of the liberai. R. R. Mowbray, drsigtegfi machiaery for cxtracting and prfy These two miaini parties,' whidli were ering, said fiat fie Unionr Gorerinent ing thc loney, and lins an equlpineni formeriy -caiicd "Tory" sund "Whig" lad 6iqtllned ifs us-efuincas, and fiat if cf whili le inay -well be proud, and mvnfrlybroke UP *nfo *arlous ofler was' finie for a'change. d"Tic Liberýals whicli enables lu te tara ouf a pro- IJparties. ThJus tiere were tic extrene have been 'caiicd efrce traders. Wcli, duct second te none-ini theDominion.>; Tory and fie.Conservative Tory, tic é xtreme Whlg and, tic Conservatiýè- Wlig. There !à a naturalietndcncy - I& for thec modeenfe Liberals sud moder- mm afe -Conservatives te mnite and fIer. is - a fcndeneèy for "tIc oid-ime, dyed-in- - tlicwool, first, lasf, and al fhe time" l A For Tory and Grfit t dreouf,5. ey inke te' eatcontribution te pro- -- H ON . T. A. CRER ~ gea, miou examples cf fhe 1way - A fie odcateconsrvaivcand adial1our nez-t Prime'Minister, and P1 pate ok'togethezrwere given by &nr.rwclL notiemostff5fl-1 eus was in canada, wlcn fthé id -radl- R I" tspîcneered the road for womaxi-I.j HO>J. E. Ue R R Y sufrgé;agan ~' ~gai tiy ~Pre mier of Ontarld, -and Sdefeaf cd, but flialy -tic Conservative themscives passed the bilt.j -TF.m 31,CHA PMAN party, whichi t t ly mg oerthe National.Progressive Candidate a nd shoutd b. cafled fthc Liberal con- -. ervatlve party, led t> Ilon. 1fr. - i Meighen; fie Reform party led byl Hon. W. L. Mackenzie Kiug; the- g-j Arire t Oshawa Ev'g, ov ECIALLY WELCOMEII 'o 0L'C, Sirnieni s Hol Alna Msqede REGISTRATION 15Il PROGRESS! Oyroehuhdfed young adies, the THIS 18 IMPORTA N T stuent ofthe OtroLde'-o- legeý, were in ,costume at the ,antual masquetade held at the Collegelaut> .Friday evening,- when one of- the niost successful eveats of - its kind. everpu on~$tisisttuin aputns tdb Everyone - who is eatitled to -vote at. the Dlominion Elections on a large crowd of friends, both fromn the Deceinber 6th, should make sure that his or her nanme is on the voters' tow an frm oherPOins'Tecs- sit. Registration. is.preceeding this -week, havi;Ig cemmenced on Mon- turnes were se numerou s and so'varied day morning, and' will c .ontin ue until' Saturdny eveanng, Nl, evember tîn smnthig ne wa pesnte t 5liThis is teonly opportunity. for the peop1 e of Whitby, te get On the eéye everyl moment. The ýmusical and iterary progranM was of a- most in- the. list. . Voters in rural muaicipalities ia-ay seture a vote by taking teresting character, 'and the whole en- the ocath that th.e'yare'enitied te one,. evea if their naines are net un.' tertainment preved,.te be unusually the list, but 4 itewns, sud as Whitby , and la, ci tiesl- this registratien enjoyable. s a-odntholstchhi p gt As is customary, the masclueraderorsafrstchathnetegtv heit. commeaced With the grand march, par-' I --The. 19 is1 used as a lasis, and anyene on thnt ist 'wvili net ticipated in by aIl the:girls la costume, 2Mo executed a drill on tIc fioor cf the reuie te gSte lge concert hall, giving the. guests an lanerl i pr s mi rfinale, 'who -are 21i ycars of age I epprtnit t se flenueres 5 o'r more, and British'-'subjecs, hQave resided in Canada for one turnes-. It was a ý'brilliant- spectacle. Gownsand -costumres of ah colers met yer n atqPeli-u0dvsinfr thc past o -monthis, have a the ey.Indian'-m'aid, Spânish danc- .rgtt oe hehrpoet oncso e.I orr na.e is net. - ng girltile young lady cf. the old. on the list, lose ne time ia regfter Colonial days , 'hiebnobbed". wi'tIc 1~ Society girl of the present. day, filet TIME-9 a.m.. te 9 p.m. Menday, October 31st, te Sae-'trda--, Neo I«witch with her*brom,,the nophisti-,I vemnber 5th. -cnted country yeuth, and the cemic op-II era character. There -were .nearl.y ns, PLAJ3E 0F REGISTRATION-Pohinlg Sub-D1vsioni< 1 'nd 2 at r many..diflerent costumes as tilre-wcee W. J.I. Richardson's -office;W. J-.il. Piicba±2r(! u i a N young, laia ies, and alnio-st eeheutex31 r5attheCoaeChnîc,--e<f'. No ies . etonthey -indicatcd11 eý3 ,ad5 tte oni'Cinbe';Se la-rvcs cale anid originality la ;(lejn. *Follou'injg the niarc1h, a splendid pro- Hutc hison, L.P.S.; prcsided. This -ia cluded piano Solos by Heleni Jolilston, a.1 Marjoie isv;ocailosbyLawson O. Clifford [s Liberal Canididate Franices Stevens and MarjerieThernp- so à denliilfful Japanese dance by R cie aoiy V t ~ rS efe Jean Hepburn and Leonera oqny; Sailor's'Hornpipe,,by,.LucHla Scott; thce_____ Highland Fling, by. Elcanor McWil- At a largelyr ntended- conviono n çgeai ieoî one wio talks> liais ad wtc dace b agrupofthe Liberal -Associatio of South On- free trade,- and it s lie whe imputes if six girls.. f-th pog<a' tarie la the Music Hall' lere last Sat- te thc Liberals," said Mr. Mowbray. A splendid feature c I tga urday, Lawson O.* Clifeord, well-kaown Mr.- Mowbray withdî-ew, urging thie was a- sketch froin L.M4. Montgo>nýery's fariner, lire stock breeder and expert convention te -theese the sfrongest man bock,, "The Golden Road" biy -the on Hereford cattie, was selected ' te1 among those nanid. membra f te Epresio Glss.Tusbear the Liberal* standard la the- Dom- Fred Cle meas withdrewtnka was -a fine, plece cf. humer, splýndidlyieon elections on December 6th.. The his meer nd eceder portrayed, and was a. decided tfiumph vote was made unanimous* on motion - Mrs Frwlc lhwteo for -thc members,,cf'the clasà, as well oe Dr. Hoig, cf Oshawa,.,and S. Jcffrcy, woman nominated, said she would like as -a tribute -te thec ability nt,e- teach' cf Port Perry, after Mr- Clifford lad te se - some lI~en>ded womea sent er, Mssall,'who recveuien given a majcrity cf ballots'over te Parliameait, at, Ottawa '"I don' roses f rom her'pupii i Ppr lation Mr. Jeffrey,: thc ouly other nominee thiak, wc could sh<qW you mca -hpw te cf lier directiag their rMs 'Mur- wlio would allow his naine te stand.- spend moacy, butj I think we might chie, physical instructor, Waa aEgt geinointo soso towtic, or se-%i] reepient of a hanilsome spray ex . igtNimeMieomntin hwiyov o-ates fcsoe --Id ofanom santhemums, frein 1er pupilsoej>re- Mr. W.-.' rdnPeiEnC n ef<mt ed fnm sented the folk dances. elfi- hfadeipaadt teies -PiIu*g -ii prograin, the t grand convention wlat lad'already been an Made it Unanimousi for Cliffor& maciwsresunxed, and flic judges neuacced in the: press, tînt Mr. J. L e lfodadM.Jfry en then made their ýaw&rd& as folloWvs: Watmldwteaalte efeticonly inawhoscnamnes were before Most Beautiful Costue-t_ýEirothy Executive statiag lis iaability te nc- lccnetotc.nl~wstkno Di xon, as Spanishi Dancer;, honorable ccpf the- Liberal no mination. Mrý. Dry- thesé twc. Gco. Davcy, C. M. Forsy- Imention, Charlottie Fralick, as Span- .dea tîcrefore calcd for nominations, Jthc and J. M.Ri -ee serutinrs i is gir. '~~c - andirn a.fcw minutes igt nanes -haa Whilc file ballets w'ýre beiag' couànt- Com, ic-.Dorothy Sorby, been submitted te thc meeting, as fol-cdM.Dyaredtfiecîeiio BR[an.rgnpae. Mr. Wilttam-'s letter " of resignatiéfn. Most original---Marjorie Stevr1s,,;ns Oshawa; Hirnm Gifford Oshawa; S Christmas .Tree; honorable naîW.ifienJeffrey, Port Pcrry;. W. A. Dryden,., 1ndd nnyithing. fll ha nyo ntyWright as balleon girl. Brooklin; R. R. Mowb9ýaY, Pickcflng you can . understand, " said Me.' Wiat- Bef~reshments were scrved and n se- Tp.; Mrs.. C.' F. Farewell, Oshnwa; tan,"tI ilonor donc mc-i," andi I regret cmal, finie was spenit -before brin g- Fred Clemens, Oshawa. Il oacp. ingten cloe neqfthenistenoy- Mr. Dryden then cailed tînt'a ballotet a ouanifdmothe e cacet. I lable ercaings if las beea h privilege muigît be -faken-onîy on'flose wilingt beieven we ste and foret can ear- oi otfowaspcople te spend at the College.1 te regmain la the field. wiMigwnhaela ormayycr Frein tiis mem>ent unilflic day of vot --AU. BuTwo Withdrnw iag, I ami at your service t& lhclp -eleet' Addes o P ulesDr. Hoig briefly dchined- "If is an, thc candidate."' tts 0lgattm for aman t eutand 1 Tic announceme ût cf tlilevote n'as' S" e'wina fils figit, but I can't" le said. - ftl Me. liffordl md been given al Beo e'Iieh dit m à Mr. :Clifford.waà rtflfe h aority ef file votes, andi at once it! nomination., "I ami wililng te, accept," iwas mmdca. unanimnous no»iinatidn, on le said, "if thc no minatien is tend;.dmotion of Dr. Heig and Mr. JeffErey. - For an heur and -a hlf last Meaday1 te me, but if someene e le nomin- M.Cifr a ree ihvcf nigît, Principal. F. L. Farewell, cf the .â ted, i will de al ia my power te ecleeuscernTic ers esck *Onfa4 Ladies Coliege, tle otc l. "I appreciate tusà honor very mucli," te- na lerinè Of frftytmeni cf -fe Hiramn Gifford said le was'netla -a1 lie snid. "hs fyuwoko c MelodifTbence-Broflerhood, positio n t ccp.know tînt. I. dé'fdo* tiings ilaàn lf - ad wtlo T ernaulengtf1. wap.l lun-iscf out nevldgot. Soe md feed -Samuel Jcffrey, cf Port Perry, said henrted way. .I'm geing eut te wln. h- . ef o lt.Smehd-a e had hoped tînt Me.,W.. A. Dryden There wihi1 be lots,,eoflard wofk..in fIte beoéthc-meeting. tînt, an address would have been thc Liberal candidate, next five weeks, and I wat tolhave thc on -politics would be an excccdiaglY but asle lad sfatsd lis inability te ac- co-operation cf ail yen people. Let's Janunry ýof tItis ycnr.1. During. these fwenty-flrc .years .tic dcafh - rate la i Ontarie -for censumpýtion las been ce- duced by one-inlf. Orer 5,000 cases' were treated,, of -wi'-icl - t-îo-thirds.i werc cilther- cured* or grcatly - bencefif-*< cd. Now a streng centrai cemmitteef under Mr.1 A..E. Aies, cf Toronto' - la' appenling- for a- million dollar emeér-_ gencyý fund te - restore the lospital buraed down, and te gire-needful help to- fie sereral consumptire institu-. tions at Gravenhuesf, Wesfoa- and To- ronte. Two Toronteo-men, (Messes. Duabar and'Simpson), eepecsenting thc Central Ceminittee, vislfed Whit- hy hast week, sand'etÈlàined flie needa and, askcd for $1500 from this 'tonM.I A steong local organizafion. was ap-l -poiated te- present flhc app.cal te fhe, cifizens.. Col. 'FarcweIl is Hon. Chai- mnlannd' Mr.. C., C. Parsons las Sec-I Treas. Circulers wcre sent -otee .hines fils week, sud a notice'appears i fis issue,.cffle. Gazette. ScouÙt Maâter W. 'P. Ashton -nnd.- lià- scouts ,wil < deivre"scout-geanis" 'tee homes on 1 Saturday, n s-was dope -*in Toronto. -Tics. are-.envelopes for fhe Contributions cf fhe fanlly, te be peaaled up and gnfherpd by the scouts on flthc foilowimg Mondày. - Thc clergy, -will give pulpit- notices, on Sundny, October Sti,- and thicn on. Mcnday. or Tixesday committeëb wili. visit spécial subseribers, blusines pmen, .etc., affer Wlich an'appeal' wfIl be- made lxitic adlicols -on - No-vember 9ÃœLTh t la hoped tIntthfIe town will .rmaise fhe S$500 askcd for, se as te obviate any çtppeni te fhe - Town Qouncil. Tic -whole eoinmunity siould be dcepiy in-, tercsted ini eheckIng the great whte. 'nmkos. adhdÏ* thice", f A.T.Lawler, FRESH FR Thie Best. Lini FREilGRO( - YA lways on A.e Te LA) Phonue 7 -No 19 et#i & S'ouii *530a, 14or 74. St. N., Whltby ZCREASE YOTSR EARNING ýWER BY ATTENDING THE ,ge and £harles Ste., Toronto Iýr irst-class.,in ahi departineni sands cf courfermer staden ln busiessa hf.. W. J. ELLUOTF7, Principal ROOFING AND, IBET METÂL WORK- 1kinda of roofing don-felf wa el4 siate sand file. Cleapest po prices. S. J. GASCOIGNE.î e 248 WHITE kr LogRoom orer t ank seodWedn"sda YisiUng brotbr.a e F. W. Nopmu, UR4.lu thé bet co, MINED.à r' COQAJ and 8MT ys lu stock All our mn cover Ires froma the. w Mi~ Agui w.m ds04kR»ph ro L GIme~ r te ut.-W. a. ya* id 8ufr uof PortPiý » ay. airxgt 2a 4 ~Whi Premier ai Oshea Explains fils, POlcy P e 'S o St The Rt., Honorable Arthur Meiglien, ______________________ PrimeMiniisterof Canada, was ie an enthusiastic receptioni at Osh awà last .Tues day afternoon,'.when he ad-ehaea od e dressed a large gath-erîng ef is sup ae oo ection of the Ne porters. la the Armourie s.., When Mr. Meighen ascenided thç. platform,', shortly after too'clock,, cheering - F OW4 hall The o ureswns gaiy , d e-, corated with flags, perimants and ban-I ners of 'welcome, and several, thous-1F R M N O E ^ andpFOReWeMENrsenWOMEN '.nland Cl reundingr district. The Premier sm-- For -Good Service TyOuir ed hoarse: andtired. frein lis exer- Tr tiolis, et, *aIDoLEATHER mWOR1( BOrî ing in enthusiasm, and drôve' homLe f his.points.again anff again -%witli lera-! O I EA H R'T R phatie. declartions. In opening- lis âddress Mr. Meigli- -ndef' r.ded 'his -war-timle polie - -lIe l& S c oil Shoes That Wear - declared that .thie numÈber and wegh of- the probleins. confronting the -Gv- 21NS~ IU ll ernment duriing and lfter the war- ~ JE . yeare, hàd -ne Parallel in Ihiýtory. "The darkdavs -of '17 and the still blaueker day"S that followed iarc -no\w sorne v-,:ai-,;J the past, and it is tee e-asV to ifle ut htltis culr anci its* IAaJe' o'rnted i t1!;«[ days. The ')eeojldilumde 4 ~t i_ nien0 îld Ci v'1 î tc a - Nvo ciigi'cî'r w a sù<lita tov-ti ~~ ermnmentwould secelcvi be coiîdut.ted as P party Fi.bne lor sev en or, eighf 'e.ars we -have had- no party organization." Ilegarding the question. of railways Mr:. Meighen s.aid he didn't kn.-wwhat; the raîl-,yvay questionwag. complaints had been heard fromt Hon. W. L. Macà- MWa nd e1li a rdv formation, about, the'railways. A coi- OÃŽten the Oheapest. -Aiways the-,Baes commlittele had been appointed to in- i vestigate, and Mr. Hanna and the.dir- ectors had been, called; ah the que- tiens had been anslea; thée report 11 .oth.committele had ýbeen unani- 1:1 and the question was settied. £Yqu~I U K S O E N E kaow," le. said, liow it is - operatdl ~ There 'is a Board of, Dir ectons .7'like îN wil good tiie 4 look over yc that on the C.P.R. 'ýIt- is run- véery Sbv.r e eradlt nrcdir h~<.P.nï. "mie conilittee Soe r -lae ndotus lorder any repai already metioned had called witress- oltiher may need. es who had declared that.the g-vré ment -had -neyer> interfered in its mi,ýami' agement. Wlether one is in accord. with the s 'h l se o k t Prime Minister's views 'ôr net,- thère is 'ne miistakïig*,his. attitude i ea*e sqetos np ih l s d C o t preios ecaion le'.dWlt patýlWe lnve Mereral stiihtly used Cooc ically on -thé, tariff issue. "The chair- 1 - e r fern ~a bargain. nianin ntrducng me,' he said, "ýde--1 clared -that 1 was .emphazizing theé a. pretective policy'and id wlere. rpvis- G O EVC lion isneedàýt'wlb mde on a îG OL E V 1protective bss. r Kn watts :t'o.iei v<t Qi u iknow whlether 1 favor revls,-ion up- Q-cksrieswht na o- 1ward or-dowm%-ward.. la one cases I1 )"~v. atayh iÂntecid tc e îdcce and in others te Iin- q\jUn ceas2, it. I favor revisioninte p1ý0e- . heofh bvarle, plole .. teclive, policy wilere it is nee&ecd, bt ne more than-: it. is needied." , The Prîie -1iister acciised Mr. Kingi, wlnle 'in Ontario, and. othier places, of fttelîaptiig te co.er u Ithýý Ipîcôge s - wihiéhe ad made in regýard U te hlis tariff *policy .and -whidlih hidf- r a nd sevd admirablv -for 'securing votes Phone 25 (Successor to W. NI. Pringle) P. :while ia the .Xest, by..variouÉ-.othier Goods dellvered to ail parts of the towiî side issues, such as talk about "Meu., Murdock getting à scolding frein one ______________________________ of -the iiiter, and "Shieils.-on the Shore of I evis-. ,____ The -Hon. Dr. Edwards, Minister of He-alth and Immigýrition, . who was in- treduced as a 'younger: celleague of the' Prime Minister, addrcssed his r- È%P ECI111AL1119-% ntiW ed ni

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