Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Nov 1921, p. 2

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eýÂGE TWO TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER' Se~21 Rsmmbs th Clan swospSasontnet.SudaI *IPiED Dflhf~TIlMt ÙANE-VER '111Ibe offertdthl I v IUULR RLDUVVII0IW oft.Sale,, SatudyN Corne Aong-and Secure- Some ý.of These Wonderf ul Bargans unr. .i i ~ ~y IARY T THOMPSON -Sun in W IB, Fir Ispctr ake hue o smiar le ngth, on a Ioad. It would lbeadvsabe n- Stndppe-hOlsoanst mainsecortù s jýenc0'-hs, ofshoed35lb.ressure creasè the .transformecaciy 25nI Send tlùofr.odrt Wib aeteRbr running.. to take careof th'e maximum i-oad. te osefrsecuring direct Maritime Proviaces, 31 seats-Cons, nd yhiore -. bot MayRecofamnIIdalioils hudb ntl a-1;.i.14 g . Crile A hydrant test wascommenced on Relief Nav-n hul ensal pressure immediately following an a-1,Lb 4 g.7 th mrnn fllwigth sremUn c iithe punip house.amo ie. This would. give, in -the final resuit, .rqfe TâGztendChronicle i 1 in- test. Oniy two hydrants wère- testedt Autota.tic steam. pressure- recr- d rasAnmber of 'hydrants ëf the 234 seats-Cons. 75;Lb 7Noeb debed e ir.Lous .Mr.hadsflofthenoralpresur bingrepecive1igthegeStaormalidto epaenshaeunrataemet fr ihregstretcgr.72eOSARDOWEY' DSPESIO. aidgo Wbty o BCP fthe report of ily 55 Ibs. and' 29 Is., and. the run- tained -iu one boiler geiierally at .a watering. carts. riydrants: should be: This meeting of the Brôtherhood was SALE.teId dia Fr~Undrwitrs'Asocatinevdet a naccident had -curd pmigi sually donebi te Ie-:ppsnetd otemiSbeigi addition to Mr. Farewell's address, Station iast WednesdaOtbr2 am folow ug isins ecion ettue mu i so fu thr te tsn re noned . t rcaiy drv nthme a a to aic prvie fr ilig atrng cat. oaise o m sc, ettthésig-msattiednsa rwe etrn te a finn peoptehTe_ ale :om-ened suli la olipl ipevàtieaplaces waascoeeJt htteewas a seanpressure recordlng auge Tests-The resuit of the stream song" b ing a featr ta rety150 yer ra n h -nh Wsupplying should be installed, the igaat ets are oluth vein peaedeveryone. Rçfreshmnents eeat 11.30 aa..with aot40 ne Augutuls h o liis yar thePrs» the Aslumr9econvnietly Aleyfoufutreeeferfwarvefutusatsfacoryeth disnseved nd mot enoyale scia bueraon andandthi :wa grd- asetan, On thatdat, satesMr.Waler, Mr. aiSr-rportdtat 5 hy ene ty Csf ddte tae M.Wk rautsMr ableeortsth26056feet c etr-necharge. froi-,three streams being at time was, spent. The president, Mr. uaily - inrae until h lc a nild alrn gvnby the Chief -fdàt r vialwt,60 et-e should be la-ý the approximate rate of 502,j600* Im- L.F ichardson, preie codd e ligotne ni an alarinVenturi mtrOto.F thsdd.cod d Piesli Police frein he bll t te fire hall at frst ciasai close. stalled at the pump h16use, so that the, perial. galions ýer 24 hours, hich i .3,wen:vrthingwsdsoe hnh. h.t Team arrlved at6.81 . Remarks on Deficiencies. accurate 'records of cnuplnmyfly4< shro h icag rnof. Good-Prices NWErerai &t er honthogxeeiieo d en i srcmbe obtained,,sud that the working of thiree standard streams.- This resuit A NEW AND GROWING IN DUSTRY Downey soid his finerdo Dad foote ethose from hydrnt opposit50 e D ling 'ihhis eo mndations teptpha ychce..Tem-i yieE ob u o h ag h alePout Çmay o -onctitgehr wt i rd et]uster shouid be of the recordln type, qusutity of water -fiowiug from aWh th iehall at 6.833.The w' ebri- reMpor-vthrated- capaelty. -tfthe the d.agrams -to be carefully fiied for' number of hydrants in .use b h bl? un induistry c.aty sa ttlCyedl oreohrlv thnhtryrcnlu tre stock and farm impleret.Tesl adé responded. Normal pressure 33 twoeeetrieally driven pampa when future réference. p~vu opn ow at, woko by Messrs. Rlussell and S., Castieé totailed ore- $7500( Msr.Wy "'8.tng ansre.,si-tts was os.htbisfi t oe Maw, of Whitby, anderean e at 687.At .39 he ayo tel- oeraing u srie lu ive bytbe Supply mai-Ç-onsistsofea, sngle Duidas Street. A hydrautts mt,1 htbd i obcm phoed e te pmp otshfo diectmanfacurea af1,52,0irepctallin of10-uchpip abut wo ile l1mmu52,onthefoiowig noru a rea aset a te twn.'Evn .cksn, ftPrterr, mde stong . presue it. hestnd'pecise of.gaios er 4 ous. Taxn te a-luieugt1ih. i e shout belu duilesi, but nc ont.fthe fivengr na- tog u is nac tism eig tam sof Puct ies- M.Dwe Pressure rose tdlb10 OIbo. at 6.45. pacity'of ±he steain pump at 1,500,000 este, especialîy in vew -of the large isfactory pressurýes obtaiued-the test wi1th a most ene.ouragiag share of ne.wha speddacnoiao re-___ Later on, oee une of hese, 250 feet gallons pê 4htr, h oa quantity of water suppiied to the Pro-I was-sadnd Later . it was discov- buies and the Messrs. Smith are. pared for tfhem, and teraepe iu Iength, with 1%~ inch nozzle,-ou a , epacity l ,5200glln.1 vincial Asyluin thirough au 8-ineh pipe ered that a break had occurred on-the kept busy filing orders for Itheir var- did time in seliig telag1uatt 6 inch main, showed a pressure et 96vewttelagdeinmdeoth conneeted to the suppiy main. Addi- 8-iuch main supplying the Provincial in rdca of stock sud impiemet. h lb..rwmngthe orml pessue a sytein by -the Provincial Asyluni, tional vaives shouid 'ho installed u syun.DuiIng the tests a niumber,. The fimmauctrsBve- the hydrant befig 1,15 lbsi. per squarepupigaaetshidbinup- thesupply main se that lu the evént of brasocre uitra lnb rnd Mapie. Syrup, Reindeer Braný~.T ladu. Two lines e osef s St. sc netn ht iteo ra euigbtenVictoria ig.Syrup, fleaver Brand MapieButtçi IISS -BOLTON AlDESSOLC i lu enthonan8-Icl minsh~develit etofthe - disabity oet aby -oeeadKihSres I e o en-Ladder Truck--Is an out-of-.date .Peanut Butter sud Saited. Peanutr IL. 58 lbo. pressure runnlng, aud three puinp or ef- tinuin rn ceectîou cessary to*close off supplies te the appliauce.. A. truck should be ýprvid- The process of manufacture of thes,'Miss constance Botna1Trno Withwhaeve poer my b 'e- -rovicia- Auni - &'prsen thre d cryn od r e euipme nl- articles is most.interesting sud. a visil vho wvas lu towu a plôyth ae immédpower maaay te exi- Ir ea syl cA rsetto a masiThrsam e ou-nt pleyd th inueditelyavaiableCS'are. ne valves on the supply main be- ciudiug au extension ladder et suffie- 1te the firm's Place -of business on -Dun -iectiou .witb. the wemusmetn ta mpacuty aghall net be reduced ,te leas tweeu Front sud Keith Streets, a dis- ieut, iength te enable, the firenien te das Street will provide eu.e with an in- evenîugi in the interet f luW thian 1,700,000' Impeia gallons per Vauceeoet neariy .5,000 feet. get, easily st the tep et the bighest structive hour. Smtareedhesdesoft Ahe 24 heurs. iThe Present capaclty la 82 mercantile 4)lldig,- sud the truck The building, iateiy ..ownied byt J. E. Ontarie Ladies' Cole~ta'mrig Sooond iRd Siner perent. short eofthis requirem'ent. 'Street mis-The systeulcntis hu esod te *ail aam rm t-heDisney sd us PA .by hlm fôr his im- MisBolton spake-cifyacvc, andHnSiTasormer capacity a te pumja large number et dead ends, whlchbusiness -'seetion. peetbsn~- samrby'utddaigwt.pbi fa~s n dfu hoseluisufllntfe hecenct-.hol t paed1ucrcit hee 5Brigade--The number on the bi-lte theérequirements 'ef. the firin. The iug t-lieternis LiberlsdÇuea- -.-lgMahinch pipe,- including somie recentl- yvôiunteers sud noue se i uefr saus upper fie or ilsd as' stoe, v.Hewaar s laid NQ main etof aierdiameter hall. There should bo ,"three ui aity etew maple suga, sas uàit. isleyun A,11 styles. A N T -E D -t- tW 6.1n-'che's i suitablé forfire Pro-- paid men irieludiug t-le chiot, wlthout.qatt frW'mpesgr si.if rle ngnfrmteetien. It, would be avsal.to- lay receivedby them tfram the maple sugarl, oterdni~ udlucosan ated-dstics-fQuebec. It caneo n ag NOTICE TO.CETRS $10.00 A ~reliable, eaergetic sales agent a 6-id n RylsStreet .freio scel hebrralsditqui udtsan e drkiIcno. uthe matter of thesteo!obr for Wit-h sud ount, tesouor Dudas tet iioerth teLet or dsale thae oral two eau mon Ont-ho main floor the varions pro- Egar Hall, latEofheowsi well kuown FRUIT sud-:ORNAMEN- tue botter poeton e h ais leigl -ofr al tngt dcsaemufcue,-Two Ilr Also see our New Style TAL TREES,.etc. ',GOOD psyeX Colloge, which is ow dependenton a weiboln ktis, ete ystai are N OWti.srby gaive usat Machines. - . - CLUSIVE territery sund free equip-! single 6-iuch main about, 2,000 teet l HiesNntalng poied1.n used for boliug heteyrupwicis ect ment,.l ength. It is tôe,xegretted- that for; t-hehall f ohrses. Apusentrou 6R.S.O. 11,Catr11 Our ermoare asy.600 cres of Nursery Stock the-protection of the new publie sehool ' t $.00is adefo thffis- ea. ptdh raw maple aus r Ouragu~ 1 vlubl fr e~owou King Street- a argor water mi er o~ uama*ud$00fo!SPecial ili sare provided «for 1111-____________ __ <J~afatMoInyrs lard*té ué s n sd&e ivéf enlý jvaà net laIdta htuwsrm the ecorid tearri.Tvra hor§s sahouid igteVfOi i~ ote uJ~,r. terms.. - nt as thn -nd iaee, tbyte icpity o iecatainersin which the éproduct is rnar-ý W. I. INGIIS, PEL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ih,,aé'Nstock RY O, nw o id;hav Thbeen cou-d tehte be~ ied o-en n h iehl aito ntepees~fbin.I W~~-3OQlm o TORONT, Ont.phoneain2onDunda Stree Aearne y themThe onliy frmieutre uta rbe bmud, Manger I 600Acrs t Nrsey not lu crclth6in -wih ter nd-il ugvigaani yhuld e prbos1 sutd whih la tsuakre ady o ale flnn<iýnç rectcomuatio bewee t-ie vaerbiion nth ce m ptes f lag ke W, Jhali sud the pnmp lieuse.COTheobellhaveties, audecinteromthi.g1 thised earnthit-h instheWorke hall.t7e 1 ar TORONTO, ý Ont. - 1 . ý 1 1- the frm se ll hol outnîic uansinhna'on udsSre n l n ter boing ot-ae srup, .Iloudnd action" cfunected.'te«s 15-incthé gong inocaolithhi aein ad afeob slne.; u stmt EhSTpuARS.hanstredSa.tele-no'di g anle. te. malsple bue i pt shouED40Yld e iu sad nthe frehl.NtPi ls aso iedfeetsza ire Lase-Nareordiskep. orthe makug: ethpe arutebutterj- JM SBOK,- -Tecimt e Lthe fiewepate irtealmahnsaeudhchlîlAITRn PPIANR Ifire. h um hus. h- "cl le,ain" hhlatexnla us e lumakn eehn o J jNgh ptolShud o xviedtepautbutr. iis Béaput np l ..'1-.IV" u .. .e d ' û'\ Soldiers' Civil Re-establishmenut ma they- are now wevkig wlth fulsed 1IU~K~ g~,'j solvei; ail reieved in rosponsble gov- Two roprosoutativos are covoxlug O- T ND R ýrE'ç 'ermeut; sund thexe was ne quarrel oM- ~>fr -ofirrm, adn-o prsects I --A . ~~moral aud seciài reform, for,-ter Or fut-ure * business arebrgt- - '~ ois ~ o xough roads. -ispltfraFu therneocet-h towu, sud t-ho entepiugro Whitby Branch - eot ,ýîhav y loads tho-bn-bdisrprsn-d types of pre -r re to te congxat-ulatod on t-o Brookln Branc:. t-he fineat- Canàdian manhood, sud as success that- las slx eady 'been met wit-h Quick -to Était -and, stop,-and. capable of being, hi ffrs.TepSsibilities fer N manoeuvred into any psition.. endtee ol en:al-fnig Eeonomicial iniinitialcost , IMrpairs and in gâs Thrahoe trat- qstingothaebg grIalmnjOl. - )J tha tf-horailway. problem. Tito Pol- - ~~~~icy et t-hoConsorvatives liregd e I.PORT WHITBY. EUCIIRECU T~+~'t Yow'r Forddealer will advi Ra yo the best t-ho VULLty.ùéeClb ne type of body to'suit your needs. -jlatretteonow sMnfv0 oTe hty tchoCubmt.B n uw 1er ales o c re as d iv o - n th po i n T -e t - bomho e et M r . . R osa, t-le hast sud c s UNI f 'i ,, hasonths P)l t- oas boing Mx an.M s.1H. Welid.shd rdpoie at n » àk te Quebec Libexals wexre.maiulu n.Aùot-her table was added -te the Club, ' Depostyu itr o verd et the pub'gocof-owned .rallways wihno osit t -oty moibers. . Saving eatetade 20 uig hauded -back te the concer,bu-James àre now llmit-ed te tweutymn a great many et-ber Literals approved ut-es at- each table, insteaci et hait an et ownership. For tIlis reason, Mac- heur, consequentliTth-o scores axe net keuzie King was exced t-o muint-ai 50hgl.M.Rao wst-le wlnuer siec.Tho agrar issled et disre .er faeret n- firat- prîze, reeeivlug a large-size WIB RNH - M .C I& ar er n v u o ub , ium inum double bo lier. The m eu s OSHAW A BRANCH Ol -ho -arif -oCoir rsc arof wintOr mitt-s, weult t-o BROOKLIN BÉAC. - -aiePrydemgndcd "tarif tfor Pro- ere won. by Miss -L. Pexcy auciMx:J.-_______________ tetoquhl teIeon-, aAY w Lot i Nr-am fueboyprss- aeyDpstx pan~d tht wae vstuitelu4otatthohme t Mx. su Mm.the ~~LflS. ~~~ ~ -. ~ ed tariff ftor reveneOnx.FaeelMVg nd~.~ay eveirng of -it ees-h o tts e e al concls ion, Mx. sud Mxs.Re. ino ads.o I - goocis sud setpro- b, mat ect-aletlo "tarif forlfrevenue"tse adst and Woteswerte- 7,The wnon,-of liy e adpieswrie ,ut-y Tcfren prt- s asolt-MssLnwrn u o nli. kted o tbisqus o.n;.-hY re lu ncet onda eeg -o luas I faver et raw inaterialSused he u t.th oee x 01 - i&~' admit-ted free sudogadjuIsiede etsu Mis'r. and , Mr Cpoeoepao te MLF ta li yeabutgitge about-tfroc t-rade - - _______ In conclugrsiO, ripal FÎsaewlThewereaaRoiBga-toGet-<rwitet t8pi ay Uid tonat peitiestwsil hby. es ét Malueve Offtred nCanada.l _j Lt ioforecw mte grUeat-int lu- The Gae t-e nd hronecosfaM$2 fater1n-o! *ellowtheov etcmeu et rI. OS WeeiyStr 't onrel catcoq0 Fov rsusrsngnho utre te ae ssya.W o fe i er- T W0" 5t -OIIÀroat,__With the Fai.N-ly.Healdsu eek- Scl u saotble Pich oipalaew ly tr llcldd -'ey.etihe uew - ned-o h-in'io , -hoby.Coue Caaisu aetaBrislu t-ru ir térïii t, lw the 5f6aseats-ou. ; Théul.plate held b e feud .nd l Ontare,8~ eae-o, have Lii>. yeansudevoygilsould eSt1uht- e I H dorsc$berssot-bewntCdnsda Cot t r thebakbud Sbsrpto t. o;h.p-e.for $.50 .79" ~ -'fun------ --et - xOn "ges;Yas e 2d -l $ Wthth 'mly .al nd e - ,

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