Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Nov 1921, p. 8

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< ï. PAGE ZIGHT NOVEXBEýR,3 1921 trying to W ý*ýonfýZoÈ 'the. PVBVC old Elms, Dick Bassett, Fmnk Clarke. ton. Over 60 per govern-, WHfTBY MINSTRELS AT PICK7 wére playë4 outside the Under 60 per cent.--Orville GiRespiè, ýon Willie Roddî- James Anderson, ment.. Bý4 wèi néed represelitation of thé perforni 1 lance by -il LS FOR 0-CTOMM --Éîîtg;Ëý- Smith is not a c4n :ERING., AMe Gantaweg, Joshua Clarke. 9aýjory -mueiôn; - n. alfthe p.eo le. Mr. Bandi and music, for the ngiim appear, in order JT. EL--80 per cent, and over-Bet- Over 40 per cSt.ý-Evèlyn Gzem Ab- didate for th grocers, farmers perf or reý Theïr first rma, née of the sea- the- W.A-A.A.ý Orchesiri ty odium, Fdith Newman. 75 pèr sent for - one - exami=tioný-Ernest taillers. - He will go to Parli' mézi" this year are J.- 1q' ament as son was:put on by the W.,Aý.A.À Henry Sbeet SchooL cent..and. over-Kaween Notter. 60 SleÃŽghtâo1m, . Jack ý Sleiglitholrn4 Re. lie has doine and to the best of his abil- strels in*the Pickering To 1 wn:-Hall. 011 Mathisôn, D. Moývat, L. Clam Sr. IV.--Ivy Lomax, Laura i ver -cent and over-Mo» - Bzloèkjý becca Hernum -Absent for--two ex- ities. represent South, Ontario.- ý Let TÙesdayevening, before'a good crowd. S.- i)ore, Dorothy Tallingi XargArêt 1 Verna Huntley, BeatriS Gràbsniý ROY amhmtion&-Imnard Beckley. the U.F.Ù. be a bustn ss ', interest but of spectatoirs, this first appear Hateh and - H-. Gýünyoi: E, tes tan is direétd.i, and J. M. E orrell, C nil Heard, Clara ilopper$,Gurney, Clifford, Mayne, KaWeen Teacher.. "'don't let it éome intô the politî . life ance-indica . cutor., lUS Buel, Mclùre J«et, , Russeil i Wood, Jack Symoils, 'Do Clarke, Sr. 11.--80 p'er cent.-Drury,. Ridg- l'of the ý ave W ë sure to. re*Y Government. We iiiust.h..,. . a first-class'shoi that will rothy H Y, -th Wright ý un- ley, Murray Neskel. 76 percent. -. representatibný in ýour Canadi 1 -rýroné. - The ý son -Kenne, an gov- p ease evE gsare up- ».ntý Oscar Moore, 'th eaimè-re Pedie oris . Little Charlotte Worfolk,-Clara ernm. A COSTLY LE )bott Price Ina S -Grani de:ç 60,' Wilson, D -$ ent, of Canadians, by Canadia«ns, to-date and, snappy, ýý and thé ilttle rnde, Claude Mosa Patton, SI Cora ey* 60 per cent. rge Hill Pearl Hill. Ab- Ridgl Hawesp -and for Canadians." stuntà and...specialties put on*.by. thé Mr Louis Levine, o nmett Oke, Robert Richardm# ý Bent-,Amel Shephe, *udrey Pirke. Houston, - Jack W-ilsO% Leona Miss Bolton expressed- her delight in 'singers in thé first part added ý apprý.- cently recelved. a. letter'.- Spencer, John. Heard, . Vernon Ban- th . g enthusias illiamBrutonGeraldWigàtonIjeaki Sr. I.--8ô "and oyer-ý--Ber- e growin m shëwÈ.by the ciably to the "attraction. ý The, chorüs in- Rjj_ýsi 1 nice Wilkinson - Isèbell Tucker, Nor- niste* o 'e that ' r, Mildred Xirkýatrick_ý. Aljtie,-mt wo acý n - > i 1, brMan. . 1 men and the splendid resp ns of sixty were hampered -in theïr ussian eurrericy, arnoui R. A. Senneft, Teacher * m= Notter. Z per, cent and ý over' , i. twe examinations Delbert lUrkpat- had been met with in the varioàs ý meétý- tion by the sniall stage -but did y . well 'On- thé -envelope there '-IKar-'Dbnald. Pringleî, ýDorot1iy Ogden, r-ick,ýBessi£ Rudney. ings. -, "4i some cases," she -.said, "thé within the,ý E.Mited' "area'. The . per- 20-kô:p' mps.*- In'c Sr. III-First Clau Honore ir. 11.---60 per cent and over-Dor- women are more enthusiastie than the -fonnance gave > them a- first-class- ek sta ret Howard,' Eleanor Cor"Il and Bruce Tod Below 60 peit cent - l - the kopek au Robertson (equal), Ruth It d% ineii.$y othy Roberts;. Haroïd Augustus, Fran- workè-àout'1, and. will. enable the okrt- Purceîl Rod m tO dýan'eýnt,,bqt its' vàlu'e:h Miss Adair,, Teacher. cis Anderson, Nellie Dal4yi. Walter égPolities - and Patrîotism are one and - ÏMProve the; §ho wî and take out - eny tosuch an . extentthàt it a, Marguerite Tomil, Frank Palmer, lie àame thing. There is in ] ý age arnounting to'1120 k Brown Christine Anderson. t pýolitleà littlé «'kinks" thât -arise - unforeseen iry Gascoigne, Hugh Baker. 1 Hon- Sr. L, Betty Lawler, Margarèt gr, IWallis Bruce, Kenneth-'f;o-l elieve, and le Eý-DougIas MacLaren,ý RoÉs Mow.- mowat' Adâ* Jubb, William Baker, - » ireally a noble service., Weý b which only such . a, P - r£Ornlialieë, _the postaie . relquirerfien maxp Delmar. 4ýitIer, Gladys Harlow, 1 that if - out paity is successful, ùncerý makes pos'sibIé to detect, ay, Grace Newman, Jo3r Priest. Earl Johnson,' Gordon Boyd'. Roy Bradiey, Leslie Wilson, Eu Cafiadian. &c piece.. Thé )ove 60 per cent.-btario LeB , Johnson B e n'-C'e'taiiity Will be sWept and-, out The second part, 'of the program prac4 n' ar, Marjorie Heard, obbi cover Anderson, Euùice Sleightholm, Peter 1 count will. ýenter on. à new era 'of was excellée _ýIIy -ed with ry Solos were r [cille, Bascom, Albert Sawdon, Jack CIarke.ý Lavine, Charles Houston. by Mra. .-Lý Rowe and Miss k. Nic1iý eft for the address. endered front and back, witlijust prosperity,'to carry on reconstruction T Achison, Gertrude Rogers, 'Ernest ir. IKathléen Porter-, Ian Davey B. J.:Anderson,-Teacheiý. and re-establishment whieh is É eftal o1soli, sopranos, and D. arke, Edith Mayne, Rà3,ýond Slee and Bi 1 0 VI 'IlieRuddy (equal), Hillda Burt, jr. I.--Frances Wallace, Keithýto-day." -jk s and,, C. - F. ý Bushen- m, Reiitha Van-stone,,Ilelen. Roddp Frank. Every, Hoiace Baîneà, Irene Coôke,ý Walter Lubuck, Henry Stine, , In concIusioný speaking 'on free Peel% Hawaïlan -Troupe made 'a dis- MARRIAG' -thur Wright. Hartrick, Florine . CamýbelI_ Sollee Warren Mowat, Tom Anderson, -Ben-; trade Miss Bolton , . declared that al- tinèt THoIlIPSON- ? hiti . and- elqually. . pop , ar were -PRATT Ir. IV.- Pirst Class Hotiors-,-Erie Ruby Ward. nie Dalby. M. M.' Gitson,' F and ay,. October '19, 19, )rman, Harold Ricer Clarence Colmi'l Sr. Prîmer»ýýBiII1e Gràham,,-Maùde St.ý P 1 though Canadians were capable fùrîm- T. Mat son,' rimer-Xathleen Hogg,. AleK- i ers) with a scientîfie k 1 nowledge of R. 9. - Rateh in tumbling stunts, and . Church, Vancouver, and Adelinp Price (eq 1) -,_ H.on-" Park> Alice Threadgoild, , Clarence ander Jeffrey, Mary Neskel, Jafiet--faiming, yet, eve with the moderate the Jazz -Boys G.P'. Lynd, J. Rév. R. -J. McIntyre, s--Lorraine Smith. vie Hog , Stella * Denîs, jkoffl Lavine, M. iShort, daugliter of lUr. an( at.-Burton Smith, Marjorie Rud jr., Hi tariff now in force,,.and which oppýo4- H. Dôhèr owel 9 e ty, E.ý-W. Evans, T. L. R - Primer-Ma%ýk Bmsett, Sidney Ida Rudney. 11; ents déclare is too highý ýeàés to the,àiid L. MeIntyrë, in a corilic 'andl Pratt, Pickering, Ont. and Jack Priest (equal), Gordon Wil on,' Fthel Threaclýold,'. Arthur - Jr., Prinieit-Elmer Hawes, DÃ"rothy musical *sk teh. Se éý4I selectioùs fý S value of $2,800,000 wereimported into. e eve Edward Thoinpson, V. idd, Morley Hall.. Moore, Fléanor Ogden, Dctothy Hawley, John Bivratynski, Earl Wil- 1 1. . .:, '- 1. - 1 ce Brooks this country last year. This. applies Edna A. Davidson, TeacheT. Sheard,. Artliùr'Hii*l, Walla son, Jack Spencer, Neif Wil'kinso.. 1 equally toother products and if we 1ad Ir. IIL-60 per cent. and overe.-, Donald Williams, Donald Hodte, Dor-'. Class B. -ýýWilIieI1ewson,. Dorothy WILE Igar Eldtidge,.Clifford Hill, George othy Gray, Freddie White Jennieý Cornish, Marjorie Ho- free trade, the result could éasily be REPLY To uston, John imagined.-, The tariff isneeded to keep '4Wild - Ducki'.', in last - N) wers, Franc--s Sonley, Rbýea.,PoW- White'Ji Ada Gray. Watts, Lorne Bradley, Allan- Hopper. out American goods. Ili spite of our TRAIR TI 'M the Gazétte and Clil,01111 s, Walter Burt, John Màthison, Y.. B. Henderson, Teàcher Class A. -ý-Llôydý Waïlace,. Isabel -.TABLE,. of -j1-ý -niôder'ate tariff, we get quantities.. üanger toý 1 ýuglas Maun4rell, Eleanor Talling. Smith, Robert Anderson; Muriel'Lit- ,In Aïr. Meighen'.sý pla . tf orm,,- occur ueur iitititei-ý< ýý11ot Dundas Street School.. bv ainut ýlow 60 per ceat.-Thelma Ogden, t1ý, Roy Andersoni Stella Lubuck, An- Jr. IV--Oýver4"S thé woTds per cent.--m-Birdie 'the tariff niust be revised in t'le àt tlie B Bascom, Thelma Todd, Florence, nie Nichoi, Helen Anderson Bernice.-the interests of.Canadian industri crit'c*zeti Ilave 1171ade, 1., Mons, Ada- Newton. Thomas, Gordon Smith, Louise'Ridg- H.ewson, Julia N. ý skel, Dolli > ' Iey,ý'Ross - Barmister, Ina Ma',cKenz.ie,. Wiilie Nieliol, Bernice . Hamilton. 1 1 This means sometimes uP and Sr. Il-Honors, 75 per cent. ýand ý .1ma Rowe. George Iiomax. es down. There îs -,lie C0111111,1011- r--- ýr - Char- es Robertson, Preddie A* P. M.' Sýonley, Teachèr. t'm -King and 1 sense platfo Macketizie ,winan, Marguerite McArthur, Har»,ý Sr.,III.-Over 80 per cent.ý-ýBruce Brock Street School. Nvalit a substulitial rectue io1ý, Iîaffiday, 60 pýr cent. and ovýer ý StÙrgess, Walter -Lane, M.aitni,2,Roýve, 1 Sr. IV.-First Class Honors -Karl G. T. Rý Lin M Erie. Lund- leading finally to free trade.' lZuth Park, George Scott, phylIjýs Mary Spencer, Evelyn 'Hawley, Murý: L arjorie Bîrd Sniith then ýýpoke and e- WÉITBY:JUNCTION. iel Smith, Fiora,.Scott Jean Heard, grin, 1-1 o n ý Mr. ird, Rtýna ffall, Carnet Roberts, Pass st'r Ward; Rov Hall. Below 60 Harold Tucker, Llovd Johnson. Over: Chýas. Mi.ý3 Bo1ton ,ý statements. Going. West-4;52 aen., G.04 75 per cent.-Fred Watfsý -oOver 60 First-C -CI i, lie Le C.N.R.), 16.182 a.ni., 2.24 ï, 2 %'A c cerit. Thompson fass Honors-Edw'"in e sevei U ý1 'U i 1larriý, Lee Ilill-, Constance Raîný per . cent. ý Georg-_ 'Brovm, Earl î Wils-o'n, Ruth -Spall, Mary Bram-ley. ý,îivill -ý(Xect ti Ver 'e, y, P ra. (C.N R.), _80.45 p., Laýv1er, George N Sleîgh-tholm, 'Irene Allin, Clarence' Second. C-"ass e'zed the fai-iiieis' rarû, for th-ei r «ý e-lý-ton, standing Mary Blom- e" < Going. East-ý-12.12 a.ni.ý (C.N.R.), Th in Oiita'rioaiit;l declared xgaret Inglis, Lillian Underwood, Marston. Nellie Hàwi'ey.', 4bsent for î Efrie ýW_-ts0n, ý Pàss-Lon'nie- o 8.10: a*.-ý,ii., 10.14 a.m.,ý 12.b5- V.ni. (C. lrie Mayné, Fredie Sawdon. ail: exam:n atý0ns-'Sophîa, Neskel. -Ab- 11-dyke, Fred W that it \voulid, be a dark daY foï.. Can- olfé, Dorôthv Hall -.an ýN 9.3ü p.M.ý J. Wright, Teacher. sent for 1 exaïninationýJeà - H-eardj Erie Todd (equ part .ýR.), 2.et pou. 6.42 pýi' n al), Frnest Wolfe. Be-, ada if Mr. Crerar and Iii wa. Sundaý trains wi il 1 eave fô r, Te 3r. Il.-80 per cent. and over. Fred Watts. low. 60 _perý cenÉ.-Manije - Gra Hà-: coiltrol of the go'vernment at Otta oi, n the'An,,Io- .52 a.m.' 6 - 04 a.Mý (C.N.R. "The sober sou dsense of at 4 ' Ist zel Allolway,, George New îl ,ra Burt, ýBobbie Halliday, , Gracie ý ir III.-Over 80 per cent.-Walter! Baron, absent nd, 7.31.' .']Prom Toronto-trains o- for one exam. (85, pler cent.).. Saxon lias kept him in thé banguards a wson, Gordon Bradley. 75,,per cent, Hawes, Alice Wilson, Dorotlly John- 1 sa ne ion at 1212.a.in (Ci. 1,ý of éiv.ilization. What we- as Libera.1 t- Whithy iù ti . - '* 9.30- over--Beatrice Harlow. 60-per son, -(equal). Qver 75 per cent-Jack - -First 1 Class standing - N.R.), 8.48 aim., 10.14 a.m.,: and t. and over-SydneyCorrelit Har- Neskel, Çxordgn Côliýn-s#, Elsie Hamil-_' . . j Allan Wilson. 'Pass-, Doris Gùnyo7u and-Conservatives in this UziitedPàrty IN EFFI Howard Lavin Stanley Marti . Be- want to-day is to maké Canada.% . safe p.m. a for ci-v'ilization," foi- 16W 60 per cent.ý-I1 rry , Salkovitch, Atthe close, of the meeting the Going No tW-ý.31 a.'m.,.ý6.55 p.m-.ý. Ernest, Northam, -Kennetli Southwell. lowing . central comm ttee was fôrmed Jr. III.--ý_Fjrst - Class standing -1 # . .1 1 - r for, the Lib' 'Going South-mt8.01 a.m.ý 150 490 Toui [Marguerite. Thorndyké,ý'.Jàck-spaii,,, eràI and Conservatîve As . so Helen AllawaY.', Second Class. stand- ciation.of WhitbY: 490 Spçq FRIDAY AND ýýSATURDAY OHLY ing-Norm'an Pindar, Dorothy, South- Presîdent-Miss Clara.,Powell;- Sec- ý,w.ell, Bernard Wilson Boris Bird retary-Mrs. Wm. Dýownie Go- Wësý-6.17 am., .*8.50: a.m. - « ., '- ý ing OCTOBER 28th'and 29th Willie Uhryýnowitch, 'Herbert Xe C itteeý- eolli 9 490 Coui al, OMM n Sub-Division 5.10.p.m., 8.17. Ma jorie Pinclar. flow «) cent. No 5 (P( ri Be per )à Whitbyý-, Mrs. Seymour ý Going.ýEast-9.51 a'm., 2.08, P.M.7 490 Sedi ---ý]Beat-:ýice MeMahon, John Gra' Whitn y, Mrs... Goldring, Mrs. Willi m Gunn'a Smoked Tip-Top Hams, 6 to-8 Ibo. èàch, Y. 'Geo. le am ?mC.24'p.m., 11.54 -p.m. Ross, Gladyi McLarç * - n.ý - Lavis. Do ùot rim, Suaday.; Othm are 490 Mod every-ham. guaranteedi per Ib.j 32C M. W. Kennedy, ýTeacjier. Ward 4--Mrs. George Ross,. Mrs. Frosh Shoülder Èork, 5 tô'8 Ibi., per lb.' Sr. - II-- Pàs*S-Hazel , Ariiott Isa- T. Lawler. 490 ýModel G. bella'Brawl-ey, Billy Thorndyké,'Peter Ward 3--Mrs. Coulthard MAILS CLOSIL Freah Loinis Po - rk,,por IL 200 SâlkovitchAlex. Uhi-YnoWiteh, L&w- McGillivray, Mrs. Barnes. 490 Model G 1 Trimmed Loïns Fxesh Porkperlb 28c rence Sheridan. Ward 2-Mrs. W. J. H. Richard Sr. I.- -, son' 7 66 6 1 Helen Levine, Nù Mrs,. E.,L., Proctor, Mirs. T. A. XcGil- Side Pork, per lb., Tman 101prIle 7p 18Cýand20c, Spall, Jim Grant, PhYllis Lafete, -Nor- livray. For. Bast-7.30 Sausage, made fresh every d 2ft grOve Clemence. -am, 825 :M ay Ward 1-ýýMiss Arklaind, Miss Cle'n- For Port Whitby--;-7.80 *m, 7.45 Hilda V. Taft, Teacher. denan, Mrs. Baker. p.ra. For 0shawa-1.45 Pm,. The nèw home'of Mr. D. Spratt, at. S BOLTON ADDRESSES CON- 127 St. Juben St., Oshawa', was t m- MAILS, DISTRM .M rket:, IYHI UTY1ý PRINGLEIS Moat, a. TBY MIS Central SËRVATIVE WOMEN. pletely gutte4 by fire last Saturday Fmm'Fant--7.80.ajr- DUNDà%$.âT.ý Wffl , PHONE -.169 That Canada * wag Thel-1 îamily was absent «gt From , w«t--ý-7.80 ijn., 9 8 through the war, by alo' -the time, an(l.ýtUe blaze was well un- IL16 pm. W. Duf the saine kovgniment uâilrec ;d ay before ïï was noticed: The Froix . Përt Wkitby .. ý7.3 100, entIv in '9r W #LMo 9.00 in ývar tîmes, did everythîng that 'was unpopular in order té proseýutç. the LUMBER ànd, W001) nge i th of the L war as quickly and ýas effectively as, iùg. t -the cha n e* management possibleï _ T1iey, were absolutely ré gardless of -the. èonsequences,. 1 > Their s --carried.on ormerly by one and only thought was to, do every-; We Have In Stock thing theyýcoujd. that Canada might WOOD9 ROUG help win the war." fî AND DRIESSED.,LUMBERI,-, "Thëse'unpo-pular thine,'ý Mss Bol- SAM UEL SCHW FILOOiZIN(igý V JOINED SMPLAPq ton added, llwfll be brought out.in the. elections. AU worked to er.,ý icÃ"minL Ëeth M INGLES' LATH9 -ETC,-. to- caM out those Weat measures,,! 7 Simcoe Str' ts a- i ecessary to Whieh did make Canadas part in the -stock o me a. 'h:' rder t(f war . a remarkable part, which did in-1 rch n-dise how on h a*nd,- and. i 0 C9 deed bri1w Canada. through the . war. Yqu will agree with me. thatCanada W -be marked do n garment.in.the tore ill Was brought -safely through the war byl ..,.w below cos at govern.ment. Thé answer Capada. e greatest s-elli d -eted in one, of h ng, ev.entsý ove con gave was the right one. . Conscription Lu11b8r.ýýânî,Weod lad -méa -Come h- re b was, one of thé great sures passect. biust go, rice is:ý 110 consideratio Phofie 12 The government we are aslied to su'p- Eveningg 127. pôzf to-day-is the government that won « AppareL. the warý supported our-boys overseas Fall W earing and has.carried- onwell since." "Arthur Meighen helpéd Canada -p SIALE STARTS:,,.SATUR-PAY, NOI during the.war WM all his brain ow" er. PB One ailte=aU.ý%re,-you are asked to,,gi-ýq yoursupprrt*to a man.who, spent his time in the. wat, in the Unit- a gg. ed. States. 1 am not criticizing- Mack- dàzen T rieotine smt9,-, just, frora the enzie King for goîng into, the. Lcto season s at -U.S.A. ry' Made up ini 'thej 1 est F-ý Thàt is none, of. my business. - But it is vy he comes back and 'AR wooI Botany S ýýS]drts aU sizes, styles., Black and na , silk lin* ýour business when erge 1eloth ts, reg* asks for our support after- holding na-,ïy ënly, -pleàtèd, regular a few -Broac - sui ' oïrn a soft jèh in that cou ce $1999 ntry." $7 00, fèr « ular m$45, t $50. Sale pri X -=P "The oýhçy alternative is' to eve Zrz - ort to a man who has come All, wool Botany -serge Skirts your supp W -trader. He is 9ý out honestly as free navy, reg., $9.OÃ" for $469" the leader of the grain-growers, in the West, Thi idea which, ofiginated 'in Blousés -M wool Botany serge Skîrts Vulcanizing will save the life Of your tires and North Dakota died down, aLad then largîý size% r $10.00, .$6099 25 Tricotine and silk dresses, trimmed it will - d h bee fos- eg DOP YOUr pUrse from ru4ning out of cagh. Our vu, crogsed over înto, Cana_ a, as n çan grain-growers in canizing tered by Ameri with braid and.beads, r 'e.a $1,2.99 ,ethods are- fitted for th6 best workýan>dýthat'a the kind ôf Cýnada ever since. In the Westýthéy £or 1PAiring we do. Bring inyour iýùbberboo . tg and water bottles. gr«w nothing of any real importance but whéat,,wheat;. Wheat. . AR theyare 25 ý.Triýobtine Dresses, trimmed. with SAiristÀcTiON SUARANTEiEm thînIring of is toget rid of their wheat, kaëls and enib ' roidery, very latest New regardless. if - it will bri»g down iiàdus- 1 -,dozen. Veloir - suits, nayy Yo ýty . Aý$35.00 value to 010 YOU PUY 1 PUT tries to, a.low-ebb. And now, even fie -and'býaek, all iiZeR S.-n' . . s, ell. legs fha wholeÈale price ré%Lg AIR, IN (Mr. Crerar) is béginning te he4ge ý-1n Gabardin suits and also Sjývértone 9 AISO. large stock of silks cA N 1 7LE - - Ar*urMeighen, we have a man , Canton Crepe, 'trutiltful in the fpo»cy 0harýieusé dresses -COMIE A LO IV who is, absolutely suits, - rýeg. $35. - Silk lined d and , up to $75.00. hé says is best for Canada. There is 4icely tailà.rec1. Sale Priçe Greatly redueed. no mistamn Mo attitude when he â;pe,*s from ýthe Pacific to, t.he.,AUàn- - tic. - *é have, a man we em whole-, beartedly admire. -ven the- Opposi- NO RefUnde N tion admire bim. - We have a clear-St 0-.Goodt.,EXch,ànged or>ýAiteratiot "The old g««=entôf two.parau »ýýullmember the.ýplaëe come, Early. 01 mm of parL7 ve bMe :,Stlr *am et Ombdo). au Ga e0eý- evc IV 2ze XI

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