Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Nov 1921, p. 3

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Md0 VIe Ails- i - ion Band of the Aithodst Churcli en Satu*lay vftemnoon ilut andi showêtl lantern sildes o! the Mission work. in China. - Rey. E. W. Rowland preached iu Seagrave on Suxlday last, andi with Mmrs.Rowland and ehildren spent Thanksgiving Day lu Port Perry. Rev. Mir. Carmichaei. of Seagrave, occupiedthe pulpit lu the Methodis Chburch on Suuday. On Tuesday eveniug of last week the Epworth League of the Methodiat Churcl g ave a drama entitled "Dust of the Earth" iu the.-Masonie Hall here. The hall was fairly well 11Used, ansd those present pronouuced the ?aone o! th'e hoat seen in Brook- lin for same time. Each and every- one took their part perfectly and showed very careful training. , The scenery, which was 'borrowed f romn the Greenbank Church, 'and which was painted especially for them about a year ago by -a returned missionary, added wonderfully to the play. Be- tween ths acta music was provideti by Julian Becrroft, of Whitby, andi Miss rLaura Mackey, BrookAin. tained the W churéh Manth J ening la84, wi 1)sr. Butn a retuv- wd niissiOuary re ,China gave 'an iddreas ad Wwlti hfim agumb«~1 of curies. 'The eveniug wua much eajoyed.-1 Mine Gla4aHotpMssFleanor Johnsl;on, MIESs Hamiah Long, of- To- ronto, visite4 their respective homes" over Thanksgiving.- Misa Gertrude Tomlilson SPent Sunday wlth! lier mother. Mr. Rale ~White -and MAr. Percy Robinson are home for a few days. Air, sud %r. W. 'B. Robson speiit the holiday * Toronto andi Hamilton. Mr. Vaugian held his sale last Wednesday. The prices were not as higlu fr te r.gitereti stock as miglit have benepected. We regret that Air. Vaughaian ieaving for the West, where lie intendls te continue farmn-, ing. Dr. Best occpied* the pulpit o h Methodist Chuch, on Sunday eeig R1e told o! hls medical work luCia and of the di0iculty they found in get- Vîng -the confidence o! the people, but;. gradually the Chiristian workers are- finding encouragement, auqýd th'e t;up-~ BROOKL1N FLOUR: MILL& W. Are Makimg. Brsai Flour Now Out of No. 1 Manitoba wheat. You know what the marvel p'astry flour is like, and- our bread flour is just au good. . Try a bag. If you. get good flour and a square deal, hurry back. Flour in 81.00 a bar rei cheaper this wèek. Cereýals of alI làde. Mlx-_cîhep, Etc. FaUt'WhleatWante. Nlhest IPrUce PaUd. Chas.Wilson, Brooklln R EAOY FOR THE 'lAu ANO WINIER -REQUIRýEMvENTS. NEW ALL WOOL -SWEATERS for men, women and children. Underwear, Hosiery, Shaker and Wool Blankçts. Prpices Trhe Best Possible. e ouP New Shipment of HANO PAINTED CHINAWAE .e M.@ LAWRENCE GENERÀL MERCHANT, BROOKLIN, ONT. Treasureri s Sale -of Land For Taxes. BY VIRTUE of a warrant under the hanil of the Warden and the Seal of the Corpor. ation of the County of Ontario, dated the 1Sth day of September. 1921. comxnanding me to jayy upon the ,aid lands nentioned in the following list for arrearb of taxes thereon and cogts as herein set forth: 1 hereby give notice- that Unless such arrears and Cout" are iooner raid, I shall. in compfiance with the Assessinent Act, Proceed to seil by public eue- tien,. the said lands, or se rnuch thereof as may be nec$ssary for the taxes, et the Court Hcaise.itu the Town of Whitby, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1921, at the hour of two u'elock In the .afternoon- --Part Part .180&14 S. part 21 S. 'part 23 Part road allowaiice betweeu 24 &25 25 Water lot In f ront of Lot 21 21 *Water lot lu f ront cf Lots, 23 & 24 - 21 24 -Southérly part road betwen 28& 24 1-5- of S. '423 Npart i Part Part part Part part TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERI Lot Concessiîon Xcres Blroken Front. Srd range Broken Front, 3rd range Broken Front.- 3rd range Brokn Front. 8rdi Broken Front. 2ndi range range range ING Taxes Costa Total Pat'd. or SISIl ~ $17,91 Uupat'd. SISIA $ý-3 $17.91 Patd. 11 .68i. 4.44 122.62 Pat'd. 213.88 7.35 221.23 Pat'd. 591J4 134.13 5.36 189.48 Pat'd.1 B3roken Front, 3rd range" Broken Front. 3rd 3 Lot 8 77 8,15,142, 169 106 1M0 181, 182 187, 188. 189. 190 191, 1612, 198, 204 206, 206, 207. 208, 209. Lot Lot Iis la Io 14 19 18 la le 8 S range TOWNSHIP OP Plan Acres f70 170 172 172 172 -172 172. 172 216 1 172 TOWNSHIP Con. Acres 14 50 VILLAGE OF' Street Acres Peace . TOWNSHIP Plan Acres Etol Park 1-8 Con. 12 4 10 Cou. L L L N G.P GJ vit TOWNSHIP Acres 8-8 1-8 TOWNSIP Acres 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 60 40 40 100 '00 100 100 ie EAST Taxes $803 8.06 11.39 7.13 2.17 23.10 4.18 22.97 4.73 18.08 WHITBY Costa $2.25 2.25 2.28 -2.25 2.25 2.58 2.25 2.57 21.78 2.54 OF REACU Taxes Cos $14.87 $2.37 54.55 3.86 CANNINGTON Taxes Coats $35.20 $2.88 0F THORAR Taxes Coste $19.87 32.48 0F MARA Taxes Cons 36.07 82.25 17.96 2.45 30.90 2.77 0F RAMA Taxes Coste $28.80 $2.60 14.08 2.35 18.78 2.47 18.62 2.47 18.48 248 15.24 2388 34.29 2.86 16.70 2.42 16.70 2.42 20.90 2.52 16.70 2.42 18.01 .33 18.01 2.88 18.01 g.33 28.26 2.68 141.96 5.65 189.87 5.48 189.87 5.48 109.68 - 4.74 3.99 2.25 seulme@" M10IL381 6.66 2.26 .2.3 Total $10.28 10.31 11.67 9.38 4.42 25.68 6.43 '25.54 198.06 Pat'd. 6.98 Patld. 15.41 Pard. Pat'd. or lUnpaed. Pat'd. Pat'd. Pat'd. Pat'd. Pat'd. Pat'd. Pat'd. PaedL. 24.8i Pat'd.___ Total Patt&,,o. tlnpWatL $17.24 Patd. 57.9- PatId. Total Pat'd. or Unued. $38.61 Pat'd. Total Pat'd. or UBPat'd. $21.85 Paed. Total Pat'd. or Unpat'd. 38.22 Pat'd. 20.41 Pat'd. 38.67 Pat'd. Total Pat'd. or Unpor&d $26.40 Uupet'd. 16.43 Pat'd. 21.25 Uupat'd. 21.09 Uupat'd.. 20.94 Uupat'd 17.62 Uupetd. 87.156upat'd 19.12 Uupat'd. 19.12 Uupet'd. 23.42 Uupat'd. 19.12 Unpat'd. 15.34 Uupatd'd 15.34 Uupatd,. 15.34 upat'd& 25.84 Unpat'd. 147.61 Pat'L 144.85 Pat'd. 144.86 Patd. 114.42 Patd. Cmnaty Tre.mro thweek-end with Mir., Moore, o! mêéDouald spent Thaukegiving at 'The annual Womeh' n'o hi ±uecai- ventipn wili lbe held iu tho Tochaical SchOol lu 'Toronto, on November 3.5th, 16th and l7th. Mess. AIlems, Nebitt, Cook, Hud- son, Patterson, bave gone on their an- mial deer hunt 1à the north. The origin of- Thanksgiving dates back to 1621 and' waajLnstituted by thie Pilgrim Fathers after ingathering of- their first hsrvest. Ithlas taken more than two hundred Yearsfor it te real- ly become an ail American-Canadian institution. The Thanksgiving was observed by the Women's Missionary Society on Sunday> in the Preshyterian Church. -pecial music was prepared by the choir,which was. assisted by Mr. Scily of Oshawa. On Tuesday evening the Annual Supper was hel1d. It wras, a1s usual, one of the finest and too much1 cannot be- said of the prompt service with tJhe large number who attended. The programme was given by -Jessie Alexander, Mr. Scilly and the male quartette. Thae nunibers by Jessie Alexander were given with a 'style and finish which few, if any, can ex- celi. She is, and -always will ho, a favorite entertainer."h Building of St. Sophia" and -Il 'Ceptin Me" were presented with a fine, interpretation. Every number was responded to with an encore. The proced including - the Sunday collections, amounted to $239. Brooklilq Famers' OIub FIRSTand THIhtD WE-DNB-SDA 0F , ÙACH hM@ftTIf. KE i U IN MNDIl The Ohinsy Iudortaking ls. 0SUaIsy D"a) MM. 10'New1mw otif Equtpmu.t Aut>fl$bZOatib*flieans self-poison. Jsg. Mà&aiy peopilsuffer fron, pa.1ja &uw -or îàq ct $ion f u 6004.& Waste'matter Which shoi: !a pin out of the ibody- every da3,3 yMidains andiPoisons theblood. As a result, there is lle,.daclies, Indigestion, disturbed Stoniaeh, I>i la the Back, Rheumwtfiszn and BEzema and othèr akin diseases., "Frut.ative» itta1ways relieve frorn fruit juices, act gently on th1,e boweli, kidneys and. ski and keep lb.blood pure and rich. -Mo a box, 6 for 1$2.50, trial sz 7* > A delers or sent postpaid h)y hult.a4ives Limited, Ottawa. The efforts of the W.M.S. for the year will amount to nearly $500.00. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will hold &. bazaar in the base- meut of the churcli ou Friday, No- vember l8th, beginning at 3 o'colck in the afternoon. There will be for sale ail kinds of aprons, children's clothing, fancy ýwork, *howemade Cook- ing, etc. There will also be a fish pond in operation. Tea wili ho serv- ed in Japanese tea roomn from. 5.80 o'dlock. During the evening a pro- grami will be given by Mr. Wes Stevenson and others. Orchestra in attendance. *M "TeDixe Duo" -Theé Dixie Duo, which is to give the progran at the first of the Lyceui series concerts to be. held here this ~Priday, November llth, isi an excep- tionally hMeiiclase conciýtý company. One-of the l3rockville papers had tbis to say recently about thern:. ..lThe entertainment given by the Dixie ýDuo last Thursday- evening, quite jusified the dlaim of the Do- minion Chautauquas, Ltd., that only first-class entertainers are sent out by them. Miss MaXie Terry and her as- sociate, Miss Lucy-.Griffis, charmingly oostuned In the-. quaint styles of the earlY ,Victorianperiod, delighted- the very large audience present and for two hours, with song and story? kept them "Away down South in Dixie." Pringle's -Brooklin. 'Everythlng Un Patent Medicine." FOR' SALE. GUNN S0O4OLA TAIKINO MACHUINE The Most Musical Instrument On Earth. In Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany. . This machine has many uew features. An inspection is invited. THE PRICE IS RIGET TOO. >RECORDS-doubU e SUded, 10 Inch-65c* Will Play on Any Machine. Prlngle'ls1 Brookilo Agents for TanUac. *Central (larage, Wh-itby, Ont.i iiue Mnt cnarmi*ng numiier was lir Iope. ~ngohlaby. Altogether the Dixie -Mr. and r'Pbz d hlen Du rvda fIne introduction to the of wTa-endt.,h Miss 'ti2a-4i, o! Wesit RHi, Wa$ home over thé- holiday. Cw«F" WI). ýMiss Marion.-Piçcardson, of the 0.* Th GW--mEs etNWOteOD e L*C', 'spent tba w-eek-end with ber The W.M. S.metfa the ome o Airs. W. W. Gee last Thursday.afte-,. Issfaz-Wad f sawl The '-B ,jsking with, Misà- Mmell Bryanut., Te"usy Beele" siionBand met Ms oeu~4tehldya at the home of Miss Alice Pegg late, hlidy t Saturday -nftenon.lirhm lu oomt Some 'teToot>vstosovr Ar. and Airs.Cephas Osborne and the efketdhe Trnto. isiortandAr.Crof£tspent the week-7end with Airs. tharey aknd -w ith Bý-oert and Airs. MeDougajl, -of Bawmaille. Harvey;ad tywt Bz n r. Dir., Lee, of Toronto, 0or>ery o! Have;irs'. E. Perry With John and Whitby, 'visited lis cousiM"r. M. Airs. Adamson; Gordon McKay and Mackey. fanlily with Jos. Widemhan; Randal Mrs. Underwoodp of Wbîtbye visit- Brown and Lloyd Wilson with' their ed witli ler'daugliter, Mrs. F. Draper, parents. *recently. 1 Ewart' Bunner spent a few days at the parsonage with lis parents. Airs. F. L. Green' and Miss, Edna; THORNTON9S CORNERS have hoen ill with bad colds. Bert Harvey has sold his house ,We are ail looking for an earîy south of the village to a Mir. Wood, of winter this season, and by the hegvy' Toronto. frosts lately it is <eoming. The Sunday School have decided te Mr. azdAirs. E. Baggs and child- hold their usual Christmas entertain- ren spent a few lays with friends in ment on -December 22nd. Dixie, Ont.- _____ Ar. H. Drew visited a few days -in1 BASE LUNE WEST Dr. Wm. Story, of Ohio, visited his biter, E. Story, last-week. Airs. Coon is visiting in Toronto. The hunters were eut in force on Thanksgiving Day, shooting ducks. The Port Whitby Syndicate expects te finish the grain threshing this week. Air. and Mrs. Button, of South Osh- awa, visited at E. Story's on Aionday evening. Air. Bert Greenaway is very ill with typhoiti fever. Messrs. Gordon and Ralph Reynolds o! Toronto, spent the week-end at H. Reynolds'. The Hospital workmen are laying a cinder path along the Base Uine. It ia reporteti they intend putting a cem- ent walk there next summer. The election campaign is very quiet s0 far. Aiany will vote for the first time. We well remember our first vote when Coon- Cameron ran in South Ontario in 1873. RAGLAIN A number fromn here attended the concert at Brookli on Tuesday even-, ing of last week when the young peo- ple of the Epworth Leaguge present- eti their drama "The Dust cf the Ea-rth," which was utucli enjoyed by all who heard it. Mrs. lHarold Hodgson and baby Helen have returneti to Derit after two months' vacation with Air. andi Airs. C. Hodgson. Air. G. Braden, of Toronto, spent a few days renewing old acquaintances here last week. Miss Ada Brout, Misses Beulali and Fleda Dring, visiteti at their homes here over the holiday. Air. and Airs. J. Strong andi famiily,' cf Purpie 1H11l, were recent guests at Air. J. R. Brent's.. A numhor frein here atteuded the fowl supper at Columbus on Hallow-- e'en. AIl report a gooti time. Miss Rose Breut visiteti in the city1 recently. Airs. A. J. Evans anti fan-ily vis- iteti with relatives-in Lindsay recent- ly. Air. and Airs. N. Hughson and son, -loyd, cf Toronto, spent the holiday at Air. W. Brent's. I r. aud Airs. C. Luke andi son, El- mer, cf Myrtie, were recent guests of Airs. W. Luke's. .Miss Violet Stanton has returneti home after a pleasant visit with friends in the city. Air. Russell Ormiston, o! Toronto' visitetiwih his parents over the hol- iday. A number from here attended the fowl supper at Manchester on Thanks- giving night. Airs. C. Hodgson visited in the city recently. Air. W. Brent andi famuly were the1 guests cf Air. and MArs. T. Taylor, of Burketon, on Sunday. A number £rom here were enter- tained at a dance at the home cf Miss Mary Marchington, of Columbus, on Wednesday cf last week, where al spent an enjoyabie evening. Miss Vera Virtue, cf Oshawa, was a recent guest at Mir, W. Hodgson's. Miss B. Hagerman, cf Toronto, was the guest o! Miss R. Thompson over the holiday. Air. Alden Hodgson, Toronto, re- cently visiteti his home here. Airs. Frank- Britton, cf St. Cathar- ies, is spending a couple cf weeks with Airs. O. H. Dcwney. Airs. T. Price aud chiltiren spent the week-end with her moth'er at Stirl- ing. Messrs. Downey, Birkett and Wiles left last week on their aunual. deer hunt. Airs. Levi Tordiff was at Seagrave last Aionday eveuing assisting with the program at the fowl supper lu the Aiethodist Church. The Quarterly Board andti hs Trus- tee Board cf the Methcdist Cherch will meet lu the basement cf the Church. next Aiouday evening. The Sacrameut o! Vhe Lord's Sup- per will be administereti at the close, of the morning service next Sunday morniug. -ALMONDS- Airs. Win. Oke spent the week-end with 'relatives iu Toronto. Miss Baycroft spent the holiday at lier home in Beeton. ». Miss Euice Kemp visited over the oiday with Miss Bertha Goldring, o!Prt Whitby. Missediffth W empthorne, olf Toron- J.JL'Juw r ciuo Mr. W. Pierson visited recently with friends in Cobourg. Mrs. Loucks,- of Toronto, spent a few dgys with Mr. -and Mrs. 1. Hug- gins and Mrs. A. Robinson. Remember the Ladies Aid Bazaar on November 8Oth. Cômne and have a good timne. Miss Jean Calder spent the holiday at her home in Grafton. WM. MAW LiSUnSeàIS AUTUONEER AND VALWATOR AI! k" >aof misprompUy att.aded to. ÂrrÏýgemeuts .for umareuasb. made at the Gazette Office. Terni reaonale. Beansd lad. Phonos. WNU'TSY. ONTr. DON'T NEGLIEET YOIJREVES l If you have -the slightest. trouble with your ayez, doni't_ run any riek by neglecting to.have them examined by Fe E - -Là,@ Optsmmtrlst F. . 'ike aid Optiolan 187 Yumgate (aptuaki) BRONTO <Opposite Slnipàon'@.> Read These, A B.C Rules About Batteries Adjustmnent and oiing mako your bearings last longer-. proper inflation and careful driving make your tires last longer-cleaning makes your spark plugs serve longer and better. It is worthrat membering that therotri rules just as simple for maek- ing your battery last long«' mnd serve more faithftuly. Hrar e thre mes in A S C $.-Put in wates reglaAiy Md keep up the Charge. I...Come ln every two ek1 battery service &--And whcn yourprs tbat-. tory wears out, b9r: W7 ad- Threaded Rubbev Eattey- the only battery witiih Thruedd Rubber Insulation between the plate. There la only one battery gooci enough for us Vo back by our unqvialified recommendation - that's the Willard Threadcd, Rubber Battery. :' Cor nl-ïmd we'U show yoil somne-records it bas madie rlght hon. ONTARIO BATT13RY SERVICE STATION 11 Church Street « Phoneo 925 Oshawa Whitby RepI'eleftativ.s: CENTRAL GARAGE- "i y- zr~>THE COOK r4 Thek Poulle .Tr4cRu Betweenuk ot MONTRIÂL' TORONTO- and CHICAGO- tinexcellet diniug car service- Sleeping cars onnigtit trains "ni parlor cars 'Un principal day trains. Pull informnation from any ' Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. F. Horn-. ing, District- Passenger Agent To- ronto. Be rational Patronize the, Caxiadian National J. D. MLJR, Agent Whitby. phoine se FOR WEAK ýPi 118@ &SERVICE Consuit us about knocks and îgrinde, the steering and brakes, the elotric syatem~ ind power plant in generai. Have Skilled Mochanies repair your car. Our accessories and parts are the beet and are car@- fully inspecte d before being agsembled.iu your car. We have them. Cail and se. Guaranteed Tires of the beat mokos, Rose Tire -Pumps, Johnston Clear Ray Reflec- tors, Gasoline and 011.- . Try, our V-arority Trucî Geare. wu. DAtVIDoON, 0 Pp PROFESSIONAL CARDS Jno. E. Fâreweil, KC. Barrister, Countyl Crown Attorney' and county Solicitor. Office, South Wing Ct. Hougs Whitby *A. IE. CHRISTIAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. ýStandard Bank. Money. ta oan. W. 19. KENNIEDY Barrister, solicitor In, the Suýpreme Court, Notary Conveyancer, etc.- -WHITBY, ONT. ,, Offlce-Dundas Street one door weet< of Post Office. D& R. T. MacLAREN Reaideno, and Office Cor. Brock aud Marýy Stree's, Whby DR. D. Bo NU ELY Physician and Surgeon EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Office Houts-10-12 a.m.; 6-8 pxniýor-, by appointment. Office and Residence: Just East of the Standard Bank Telephone i22 WHITBY. Ont. DENTAL B. B. Beaton, LD.S.,- D.D.S Graduate 'of the Royal College p! Dental Surgeons and University at Toronte. -Office over'Murdoch's n fectionery -Store. Office hours, 9 té 12; 1 te5.80. Bell fton. 220. lad.pbme ta H. J. Hfudson, D.D.S4 LDeS 132 Carlton Stxmeet TORONT" Phone North 5316 Opposite Allan Gardens. E. W. -Ssson, D.DS., LD.S. Bell Phone 294. Id. Phione il Hour-9to 12 am.; 1 to .30 pjm A. A. Robinson Undertaker andi Furnfturebeal.r. Bell sud Independuit Phionse. Day, or nigte. BROOKLIN - - O =98% à 1 IWO tmdemark, stamped ý la ej

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