Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Nov 1921, p. 6

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of yo~ ClTI1R XXIC--<CôjW41.> have. At à J RW50 rei,à.atbietaIe qMe.enci&èMet>~, Kajôt'fP1 %n â1 dh't )eer-uMot a V Mie afl*ý bb nigi. 4t on, a~1 ê ~ ide ~ dteuattrbi! ofiO a GÈ à iwintô îai WIIytO? e, tb: pexmenineqi ue rit.%hI m5t slt e ici h. e matl efoitr«WIi0irb~ t'd ed I ont.> lZ wfb. i *s£htdas exy-, *o~.la clon xI. h usu W]ew~wE.>~y r ie o e iar e. ¶ileWoth anwas e '5k B de b & die t ooeD15t Ofl nel!rai»'ue oudB SnAr i et'stedV ratymt. Urunet inf it 1dt Gojmre4addopddlt atvj ýor. aVithig. 'ni n n te gosort (ellàoniie. sinnpo sogt~os Thonwn ep h d ô"t ad byatete'e hés ipPEymI0liL .o ie4brmuch -o! Vite Inielieas i bcl. Aman wu$ er~îta*t~ evqitc M the Thouiandsxten Lie of te lu e.th)ckt rxt mafruon- TeM b dxs$P ant s at ne u seaw at ,Gine somàaaieo ed vroa gf the keanineat eDt ix> o t. h oèw h-o hy. - a ti c anelm. it wementh e t, c eg~ Ho-eClb"yi ie '~' tutn~e r u'i l gl o. n etr<rdnry ytrel> tle he fGIkW tee gde t, ahge»o-f il> lesute. As a mat;ter o! .6eV, .yo*Md-'i.à ù'l ne it , aI pketohn sa hs vey Jno st mesu 11)wlsgor,"ut atailwihlule rndrulheeo! thËër ing u iýt, - T ~~ e~ i eM peju&hes c" bs ave u. No* "Wbat's the mllwih hini?"h 1 thate YUiUO ny isou<f uGrixt téd " tyay? ios ! ay l itdiecIos e*p >. oef mll.m4 >re,4 e r inenijig yu Ã" tan pol wievri e s nu Iazy, gihelsr"esi ~htsadtael aegiiii.oualy o c a, S f te on ùsWi thens syrrvin bthia hcecktà . ntt ihl> nrigh wrd spaBu e oneie Tobjendcm. hmemteetathe "me cýeb»>icet Graikng the ede têintlere-e n Thtiro nie oewa roheJbTthe »eyeItpinedby a tide nollht. 11ireatxgee d MUSl Vhstbdrla fcw4,d th h1a e m been t ted Tog alitoreRow-sel ba s.iftheres nn e o! Us Why? mira l Ï ola bca s i nervecso!te cul' g o bi g eIithe, c:c ici ' it 'tth s , ud ry y . br1> kucinon m sue- 4 11 ilg jto o ut b sn sstey acaile e uth rya-itreli e a e s rlc of Vie y tb t ntltI1- Th~msn hul ekecl he da~we n1 - Vie pu"he-ous tbeserIoîn ecivëwert lei.fa littie pendacg mouèy SM for bJl'iB, bun .1 ý h-e a h ng aady w e r y tMsr- a f racy f ng.tasailing vcyseiIy 1 àir~t ad i«ivhat> x md nýàt there ae Again, i ff wc haraeltt .' hoMig#osTe tina ai.betofer tha "rat o n ow 'he said, "hat ort Dfou Grtrskeo! u s he a e, i ons o a in o mb ictre t, every- ayth iug e .l>e dý be6,th à t ntin Graet .Yae -i1knrcw now d1 ew'a n on vri~ho la y I n ocation. Ati thsoning seema much arke tanIl laùàise meil iote ueig - fdox> I hnko c& 3eie, seUIetiattailthr st b adofJbatually la. Thatnecofause lie ye te ti. ase tejuthac tj"i incidenta h teh I ha e raec, - llowkell. -wars Ik on icf." pupsielcoratl nd r, ve otadréiestht" u ahrad ,j are sapectd c> havig, l lb e ~-" t's agoo . tialoos" ate-ad tlime le dlat n d ath t h leserîir.taocrloetegV o tru theverda e o ssage f n»th. Ge nihivé1"dak4ismeei witnBfut belpsa ti. eu o yuroprtnllwY f Goveritm de ate n F ngi. lt4 n v-w ih t "o urth ouse ron t e rcmdJob hd ei. ya u d n ilt.-è Mitrw ,- antli, tdbne dginoauic b mo e - - tet,"hM. thew ieh ois eplied, IIY? Ows b ause thegers e flathée b~YU> ?OPe~r 1 filt >~ soxia xtiitter, I nirsel au~'~ct eu o!areiting ith IV niie "Maybee'll tandigthel sho thei at80uAe e- 1 chnvingt m ede twa and tepts ba y fe.knie if ou sen lt 1i r b niyesse dr e cas 0e av i orr ! mr hiropruaboe;if Vhtey r Thýý,ig ioen or l tha a coinm tii li'-onI Im u e itry be e ry wrto bav e~aldtu eletallesatee g oe. Let E àifthe yungsteë& wo'k '1h venawer band.ngculli&i en edo ms aghaind Doar 1Agiknofwehyve au ec ui'- f lt-a ou hg a e i¶ee a U"i wh-ic-d on e said, that 1 s~ore-4 oHesturùof dusask te the. stie, itl- iselesand gomirrort h àte cusev and the rdéemiatonA, 1cec- tho-ad . lIeswàdz . m i s fe4)- o. w1t vi e to, c lthc an de u and sendit lu e smiro aa u irdr r bt bea us nd ten rin m er tnte Mt hcecn'i -hug ieWiII pin om byh bos. liai about hall an eÃŽh don Ê aY hik ep p-int - -Baie4tes Âi het Ur li ers t~once s u' ofJubte l !B.' o gtfrea ui'fethe k- onexe abint m eanti the helO nt inued. "On Mn1tavéI nin goiug frn.Uewell. staldi.g here, u.hav1nun--psaÈ ctirgli i becas , h.av nepctdepess aeup n h areub uu-ite! t uof gne fcî' fnot- tidIilyrs etI ,>âmd with nthe look ad iug"ae to wuat adcchaathe OU' am ti r i ie ha IowT ate fiur Mal of t ane Ther s nlergnede de- n rkmu houvily. -j Fines ie alliiitw y rapaet- megedesw. îhtea ir tiue-o lile haessag<ehaete, if yuare ue. 111 the twos mes fy al onefi- e prcithne ~ocIns- erln pa f a herint I ail hé your dutybinèet m i-ri-ter- mnyfr0hu MI you ar coteti-t taml'ie ai pi -ted-"Iw yete takü icol eplmed, ia xe ssie peting pepehx ïeut t e c soageit fer ys f suopt---" of pilting la yo-h be-atpe. 'ay?" e1-Can Beews ndTil te TeIm-e otanged, bt- hw hth he conty hvnmaeToittonpusdonh-r ni he-n anefoura ti.sk. Ark eci exphert caethat-;o grlpouwenr b cmplofit Major ~mile at the corers ildcv'tou -s Iim,-ant e "lie bIi5 pMaytic wa opwer m; f ie-y far th ati quei, tis le hi ouaen- * - - - gnga il he m l o h Iaot n a dollarotwo. i V o higre nr eipa.hn cmn g'Ilru st bI-cd. « ' - iwrt in e arcaln tehsceu ta the me.rd "Ifnet" h enclded "ter isoneabot. Th~ i-g1j-usFruima c ouuct -athé younlge Ieuplhomereas - moreutIle- n-ec te d-cl a Ibi boo i "I, 'I- Gr and uzfrg-1cdaunt eve n g rkexprmn.H b fe syn aaat e.c h ' anti tii s we. nt w i hé futli. - b u d.r ndI ant gn y rektstug Ileopn cirah stnt ox -o! reoitg aniueinthe- kw nmtettis aitanGaeI el>cs oaieenocok plligo! IlgitOur- et. Prý1 ae c em inyou heat on l yen e - le e Frt. I 1aok - e helit "ti*g 1seves. ci c iy arIt heu o'clek lb.e aand ti -ipet o h uue l-acIlgie sw'ye ten hdaya t con ie r fi e érd sn t ti;tae m-o as c lcr.- At tic may __ ie I acept a oie w0lik s " ?>'Iow'bye bws.I- -outry ll anuAnme-i n'a ireetsirere erveta but a Graetpé-tete, I hul le ledin cmpn ai. h thSeodforaocofk lie fruoon fce thrirakCr-0 F0ac1 atuilty Vo sU ticrbbs yuheon the wjetty d cmrouf" to mnywhere adthnýh1» u -IfNewiser n e'ifoxté fac," ajor n-- The at's t. Ahe, oSaucy Jane' maJob in in a irhek a auailt b lelatic asies reuce fftive be asat h. ÈThuil Omn ocun 1 s-te vili'n "Ihat yenHo-udindi teatdslren ouI-1 a ueighbrogd seeu getÉirmnd o! ea a-edatsa osqEn have ýMpru ls ato '-ou ni fr fxnIty-tfol re s3eind-g ter. ma i.mas g"are o ak àn, t o amein .lsa --t. Meenties om uwi dtheret yihhou arssodirantit itti iror Gnns rbednod it a-mî schsiai ta. hc cvre -l e nT o u htias fie: liosoe i dmters c! l mult brng an t-nevr ian bingy which maslie t h e sdid-e te, auThe re als iadineshéort.r.ao rt at enov shs lhege, I havre )quit e eghev ýin idm e uve' ettele lig niord" For w-eeks tic vieysiteparohi ect-s kIO" aus laid risscrosntamit ar, lGiera . rngyou r career ,îte a ha - he sAé uested.1 rnti- yogtt sedulan ed!Bt m reçe wl " ar i -o l'I gracvent.g you hagd ifyu r ne, - irselista ath'torahoe t ere a eulas l ocke wo.r.Thcy tiu-e een inlaetr ! ceitoreard- pnt fran your one, but fer hebul acquEiese nthey pulled arengs mltted tosmi ad are mebeusene mgie, wed sunsed ophe nii bono cfthe rnî. WTaI o yu ani bardei tc "aucyJan." A~><*oae.cTaere's mredInthen. - ________one ayi" -, wh w they four dutontodceketecktthét Subsequrtly jareo mm iras Cinct.d Il Gronet p Gcrikedupis at. o-ail It tbaI R4awel,"sGnt rié- Isplaeld a.i-dotfr tc irs fve at Jesiee was spste, k If "l'Ilare nkit-ovq'," ic îïFtt, 111d. lewly bIuwt wiî prcion.T hé ie - iueseuvethu drn tedy H.wa-kdo-t ! h t-om ihot iethestp-e o bar ie emc lhasotlimeticbec mae e st -cbsut er tand athey !cour MayarThnî i aI aerclpuhe-ed hîs b h-e a ltoed - 'hury iit wt stheguarîy în hidru Ad rn te vnerflrt, wa -n te crikiors,(theIown e i*1d'Where ig-tuyeIbe ant o go.to tiFch lmet daycl besjudg e mlaunte ma ver m ete further of-hlep rdoI . Wiehl. Bsgo?" e sed. "Yc-u'l1 eet e-ni ail euak elthreferen e 10 a dok.fiug d olelericorsitercu i yl "fac waa disorted,-by a ewrp-s- on sinaboue" - is ,ge , f Fenmncnut e dre s ang ptetpcliehoener- morelttduinoe tm. dicnmas i b y, IgIhus,"(1qGctanonetd. g- ied 'Chersild's Coamét. eb- tayS cmsister lisetàe in pfet adienthe re by a reill e full.- , RoYolushuck -s h ad 1 ngn ybekatnd lHe oenSir t j oed huerf,M bt netîe Iici' e-t tin i-aimwt ihe h-ad taCoWhm ovrn Gesranet.a daystgofaedlbeve '-ok atkn flgtpe m___fent Phelp e Am fanky, Saily i on wlie h oun gt lee )SIW c i.t ,siervdelaei. " e s. Buy " inenly e aend olow ie s. Lokhrthés Jn,"sc 9. -theein lFeront.ag. a, Wht o1l nÂd ik yu u lent trcu-,h je.'l-uus. TIi theu-gttabley a pir î-und S. MarAantihhet smple 'ifro I el t nlve quiev ihis - rnd ivýU i e ry."te i eii, set eesre;bta Grine.t ii tet1111r . bdp V' i 1,( IGat fa. -al bs lsk. n-Dn o-eiTilbr e a yeh eknwaotrasnehltrnyT t l. o oeoki heatrn t e a in t n eye îa onu anda prsn a gilrO toTR1.1 & r w-ie --I ni îdhaive oed for a uînwîît osb6all er e o titsecflybcue erethm v-nlke1 lup th? l -er u e sailis. j dyee ncor . a iglncguaranswtce wlh Dauon ee a hden te knol îow S te aise wrot af im Rei I - \ 'that iu Le- cl: e, h- ad, tch ing u haIDyaveî f eu e nye r t id of b e- thun causen t a ansild ca lolent1 go reti atsotffie --d'r atlie ut et 'Grat ea btiler, "thi inîos m show foe.wrnst, a e doress itse saile. "Oh, ie:lowas ally," aies tho hu son e ith y u ,ta cms j n-te Rtoewcl Tcr' afvepu d waiss. c-IsPwetru eti rned. N o ptae is erliltie ei- eht hav- uv-. AiteV enou4 vc 10' 'Wet.- fr y-ou aI te cu an o arhda, drpees heging softeev e sy ig, 'k cb]C l dd et hre. Detyeudm inkir -taxi al nced. I i O CUr ' lX3 f Roiowl l e Ite-Il yen a nt n3 er.e as regu ar a l. cwok.T îlvory teu ne w nlaer th a lir mh-r? tiewa e YIt 'lea'a----- lie m-n -cy i hli sîllenly. A few w h îo dyeii; wocnl or silk, cm- w'îîcîiiîr Il lier, "Yes, îîîa*aEî. 1 feed thenhi, cdbi 0-na>1.±- frmiî-îi-i -I n ate-dr ther ywere ru-shi-ng out - ,cotIn. or iii-xed geods.1Itbal 's mial s-eu man. 1But I lain't suit, -atlr tPudu.tin AX rx'; rf llni -'bor. nil is lin-ill ofthinto Sminute s!Itil -h- 1ls e ~'il p"ool- j 0,, siiî lauoDmn ys ny:s1:rak, spot,-fadeeeryttuhacyt em e Coruisi ~'1~ -~ - , c mutter&l. 'Net mar-y of us or rTUM-- cathhv y-vi nt cPhàï; oul fo)r five LUN .Uiii CGrant na-vgel frocm te Te'i&: ThiŽy rncdSt. Agîmes befoie ' heY1- a Ilote, rît I :S bbc f-tit,, i c imev oUe Ofthe firs-t tack. Then,- mni-grlout O?:-ut gîî1 -oiAlwitb.- i spry ba inlutheir-faees, etrlîu d '-uhi l'i'U1r1zw ofp ct-mxswuumi- ai-oufd and made for the luwa wîhich îhordee' tcrirtoccii-lte- h-e'tlira islands. Forf c L et.A c ir Vi ' -c1v- 'iitirne the buisiness o! sailing kepti lu m11eet 1111u. ( fC c. i tliu'm bath ec,-,i-piemd. In twoe murs' 1 A cbcil.. ie they were standing out towards e N "Yes, I wantîa t-Tisihop ýighthýou.e. Je-b Rows-ell to-ok h ~ "I'd bhete do a bit of A: a~ lonig breath and fil]d a pli w E,11 !riernd O!mine waîs 1ere ad )h aA a jtû,b-areo. lie ma a-ok301iug aî. h lai- diap ramend Rrws-.l 1Job Rosel-l. -selî mcmv. -1,itIerf you arrte f-) Lut .-1 'l r ie r rowndth ie point by -uîcrýe ?"- i u-'he sali, " lw 'îl Conte UP 2c 1h,. eter cf the tv -hek n is hi- 1, hiiiiîmn i h i i y.ir-r." j - Myraines Maithcw Niehol~s," ii2l ,o Ubn~ of ie-srt," aoucl"at Iis is amy bri-."OuYuf e Kcep ber bonad out' in-lair, Jee LeUrbridge. Wî've ù-th hC lii)etii tfiyut-o Of uJs 1gat atoUt snilin- ur.1ft an i ~' --rta the- rurii2mflichiills àd *:iai -cd liowscl-lloo d tlis paz-.aegcr. hAre Nýou arD.ther of 'eni?" lie se "*Doul yvou nýînd -,who I am," Gci'amit - ,, ~ answem-e. 'I'ui n on a job I'mgeitig te - - sée t]Ïrouglu. If a fiver iga't eiiugh fer rou, ni-aise Il a tefmmr, but kee1p lier geig where I put lier." a. - - Ruwsell obeyed but hie fàwe gTeW - * ~ * darker. Bc leanecitoi-ards hie pas-. - What's your gane ?" he deùmded hoarsely. "Thew» sonue «t Iheni-OU 04 by Iji thsoe DMtheyouly f !eni. -What's yoSr gaine bore, h; .*re you on the cross?" IaxaneMt," Gran.et epidzO Slnu-bmWnt bavel ucede.d te -brixxg YOU- toseýa. I kueir al aboût YOD, J(O> RoPeW il. Yoeýe doing, very mcli aWc Yeu uMay do e, bit better by arid ly. N« s it tiglît an<lkeep a s tKzn« Wercen a -port &I tbe -brokie1N rOcy grouqx Theiswae a ~-- - ~ trtlnegumte <1WIII, % -b a«noh n î JWUI, I E 1iVMI' VI; 11,o0%a mountalu aide. Ti. "Yes," aàd ýe lkirdi "bUt I thl.k *té-in a& mtb bge abe4they would id préttfier stililtu t1Ié M cSO tof 0îlie grata. In Bc- ÉUORE AVOID IMI- corner of a baxxklng sccount!» çm- hFe -ki" wte Bt W ,.. f 1théquestion of, lntriuM alc#aue of j<m, .ïqièim ttu .Y<*r $et bëtt« the tim lmweacoetcerned, it meemed ,Wtif oal.m venwitdir i i-oMito, hlm tha.t m-ore rl wéaUlth as re-* a ~t~~ a a. oe. erve JhnuxdCet:orYu'cf presented by -the oaks standing on the. landIord's land than a mere Ink mark' - h Wîii 14 u a cow*tbock. But the laird- evi- M3a.té Yo* ytàtt. thoit ttr-- '110w lttle fter ail, eveTt4lug 15 use! nJ te 'AI W it w ieMna l littbltkwe make o! lite Cou-ènbd Émwee Mealko Ile% ~ unibe theday 0INnu ? laideiuBwhat it off ers," sald a trien!1 o bdy>m hee W alnw Wit ai. < oe k, ! inereenty.that even dirtisl only matter i the We.w1yo o t"Th aPerfectY ru writdngf -ý place, Our greatest treaaure' 1~mmoè'e j~'h~ mmsbw hin e mfrey hOdeo. bost etUS pasds ourt tdutdY t~ ol ~rtg mebazlcal round of trivial sepn i h eydoao u oùii r Ékhè otiè -thfe In a blood. Deep down -in our hearts.aand rwi 4~èpoi~e',anelà interoeta that we magnify tu 1111Our g>t eeuec n oi1a ieo tioué't an dys 'uhnel co D o!mimds, beneath théIl~feeting faucies ~~~ ~But when VS is lade, US lire an involuntary existence bardly ofsudd and!tehu, isawat À > rss ea».ýqij~~ rIîfli thought, stieep- owsrnn4exerience gathered byl uepewer and tir 3ageIEzd151 9~' i~rt osulbeforç them, bequeathed un~ccoua- I2>~ ~ ~ ~~~ï àà é~,tè i éoe ~troy1»g routinle;devýeo . lyb te tf ,thineldrn mil te "iwà orçuy wy të and eae orr original, thought.dre 831 ~ ~mgthe wék'W w.sblag Itisteàd o!f uakIng le a Joyous Pil- Ail tlilsead werlneead d ,bu l o~~~~Moe.~~~~~~ grm ew afloW it to degeneratel-Ui8e.d whnede: ute 'I fi*m thm iy ing o ~>fo a-te a tedkffl jonriey, affordlng fow in- %e ' be. IUG.#ï te qiÙite ùiete k t I ay be a tact tbat t.bere ls noth- alefrs.èha _sIre uî il 01&>1I aç~oo or ~tdum use lng w noi thisold world ofours, ocalobut.san fo LLII ~ ~ ý "' -e b m*rc A jos au tuie dame the old truths have to be 1eante.utio!eltcéu * ae thèd eizéd i .ponn> d 0 If* rhl eplllO t>ea eertingive ourselves time for thouglit. lodi, hung in a cavenxt place at as it coma al<>" -MAd tod<ay we ha~ve all, sa.ie ouT attention, 1lu turu if we he tUZO or intbedi&Y WUI be - b"d go to amuse té make the most cof ourtalents., yr' th mnianof tbe bbuWW i b~ne idOur e îc>t!>,o Keep Movlng Ail the. Time. tleinan orng fier, tbe. miIIc. f01- t, hW te o!work. We muet cease to -ccepitour. ideas âpvhM- bibe fI& ,tiie cidkiron'o9]Iý t tec ftepr rom our neighbor ready made. We y in Itis tie f tol.,and. that le Wear at tiie tabe e bp woideiu.lly < muet. thlnk th.ings out for- ourselves. repiug a>eir dottiing dlea. qulte another thlng. It ill add considerably te our enjoy- Teuèe of !po<er -todc alkik The Way tû )lgBetter Self. ment o! life, and increase our mental >t; will ble foulim a lsboriàVer W1hile N$n l ~e o like toilsome peirers te au extent almosz beyou& be- iese artiClis axe oomipaw>atveiy Che'ap labor. The oly benit we get from lief. To use our braina Is to improve it m4ght iioV b. irise from aue oOur êlalbprate machlflery is that 't them. Au old proyerb sayd that ".What ~niai eanpczi t ue iimuevrytakes theéc 4gTof >' sode we don't use, we lose.Y Se, on the cou-; Iay, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i bu tlaag'd lnV ke utwr a i.ie et verse, what we use to, atvantage, wel BPPW on bwd toe, bed w'Iien l he play. If ai work and no play mksimprove îmmemi.ely. - S SiOilOi or ~ctraworkVojacdou a dill boy,<9,ll play andi ne work Get at the why anth e 'wterefcre o! w~deueba lftII tme o s>ed i 1 iufinltély ir1se. everything. ,Don't ie satisfied wîthî rasbnigciotea.for re urronde by ppotuniieshearsay evidence. Folloir thc scieutftc wgi dte.jrenjoymeiit f&~ ourselves andi ourpln It1th o.ycm n-ee I fhi ti t e neriwsbn felloirs. AU ire hvmod.at a e mthod o! learnlng one.sway -about. àsa greatly diministied when, Vhrough advantage of hem. the world. Suit kill acts given yen thél Peeces, sucli us andry, a e- We ail.- crave for the same thing, àn-d eliminate therubbish. oerbies,4oiiis, lato.el, aaonly sme aUil thappIness, some When 1atIast you have the Pure >Imceoes df cisd~ibt owla s h ealth, so>me wealth. If ire take the mnetal refiued'from the, ailoy, study it ste.s of tas but a n*ngtte tune trouble to dellue our wants we shah ireil 8.andsec irliat you make of it. It "'~ fina liaI they a on etbeSll nrpay you. Weigb up evidence as a.~~~~~~~~~~~~ nu4e !timyt b sit&tlg T a mlllonaire oty hangs on the baàker welgha the lbat,anide ,WvekIy _114 WII11be 1<CSl t l oe ags becauise he canune you mill have something degnité, smaler if hisla dne.A mdl fuâthemý te procure health aud happlness. somethlng useful added toeyor store tub, a etqut tey wauhboead, tii. kiud if h 19ges about tii. joblntelligently o! 'kueletdge. Systematic thougbt I thet usually olis for 'alf a dollar, anid Ihe l quite as senslbly employed ~a abracing pastime. la e 'is w'ith cvxV .ue orra avil a1ia r Às Io. elym»d la like a atone iu as boler ae te uonilsI Iidte take his family on ahla le blyur'soaime; k ungive YOeu1no peace bàandy miieni wêhing these mMIai tey both b. SR85f11l!tll you put It rigt thaigs. Atrai, at does thc magie irord W 1n ala5 aaid antd doue, Lite it- When doing gCI1eT5dI irhig 1 f ind suceSese itseif mean? Ail tiiese t&II1B self la the aurm roftitwt la scrul ' brush valuable la reznovxng 150 rnich lin use are purcly relative iu ail ns troubles. it lu a git worth har- dirt anld greae from hoevy v-Y0ealI1s, tîi1r interprtation. Ing. nien's shqrts. undei'cloing, etc. Many i may be fairly suecessful &t wrltlug Only don't mark timw; alwaFi ad- tuiles 0a flUIIIbirwil nMt renive Vies. a article for a neirapaper, but I arn vancet enthre#y andi it îs nxi mary to rub sure that I shoulti be a hopeles!ail- themn on a Wwjaahb>Oed. IBY Pkcaeite ure ou the Stock Exehange. I kuow a soileti part u a board and rubbing man uith a big banklng account *he Minard'a Liniment Used by Vettrinaries~ w'ith ja etiff eerub ljruh the work Can -îas been what la called succesaEful -iu lie doue better andi casier than ly Wb- business;1 but he le. hard put, te it te Bamlxo has been found successfWI 'bing with theii. expregs hiMsel! clearly lu hai! a dozçu as a .r4eiukr:eieeft of cencrete pi1em, lines oin a posteard. N. uould car_ for use aioxig a Chimese railway. Four New ifePreerve Maces taInly net be a auccess as a journalist. strips of green .barnho, tiedtiogethçr Se ikngIP ossile. oukes e ail bave oui' little trlumpba and I 1-ft. interNaIs with square Iocp, Siddng npouibe. ourlittie tailures; steppliig-stOnea to aime of bamnbo "o, are Placed. at eakh A neir form e! 11f. preserver, aven our better-selves. corner of the pile and ram 1en.gthvis an inflaed runertheatket, covcrlng obstacles in ouila'orpthbuslainfor - -. age hinged lu lhe middle. Lt la moru 1Eutcrprisc, initiative, will-powr e around tic ecek and will support a ,solution. caîl il mat you like II itste 1 1 \V Ue wcight et 500 peunids. No ImpedimeatI same, the determnablen ho face fuels se is efferoti b swimming, but mien cf- boldly and net bmmidly like n cild lI M for-b ceases lie body assumes a perpen- , thc dark. Y ., dicular position, witi bice chia. above A Heritage -of Wisdom. O 'i Self-kuemledgý,e and self-government -j t I boana said le - e tire on t-hé Greal XVe-ztern thle enjoYnt of life on bia planet. Raixvn, v-h-chaIcerainnt-ges- e!1jWe have l, reiuber liaI me live liIsdl4flj th cIr j ouieys trave lat -a speed o!: an emolloilOl world of opinons and 718.5 in-les per heu-r. In-el ia an Aladdli's cave. And i li i oui' persoilal estimation of thiagsa i-fol.~ Mirnard's Liniment for Colds, etc.' gives tieni their worth-, nothing cIsc. i ~ ...-- -- jF you are out ail day mx the cou, £loeep warm by weaig STANFIELD'S 'lRed Label" Underwvear It laheavy wool underwear -tck enougli to protect you against thé, bcauss .ocarfUfy imade. W. make ail weghts sitable for ioibwomen and Chldren.- lo Coulic

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