tI vaery effort diectbê W ialpro Md vf1tle & Ilerit ci. the ruifl emtdf w--Ti èçjt ndI - ~;t.he que*,,*fl Abr ttward Ùwo" c ~Ill nust b .taka i4int. atcoet. itý mattï,r wWt prveuitive me~is r e cmm dd'alyi*, épblcPr» t,aken ag'ains't dieiese,' the Ph" lThe- Upaffla that C 'ont fUIYoffed co, ticn of the ilndividtýal, whether glah zp",t M ai pAult or cd is nl fot kept ln pe f averwlth «Il progressive rpeople, The crionif healtIiy e1cercise out-OF groat * imntag- of lwaýci ~ x 4,osis not indu'gedinrcise ie that it esui t,6 dn. st ai The qu.-sti<yn of what cOnstitutel time of the year an4 in praetically al .'t yeeitUe is important. 'Plier. kindaeïi weather. l. ,.rge nuimber clf peoitie Who There are, of eoýIriE, -mauy other semto think that touring around in t orm t utof crexrts uch as aMcutur car provides sifflcient exer- eingltOUfle, bowli, rawin':r, fs for the average persl.- ThIi in canoeing, nmting ,«isct swimmin.g., On- a mistake, but 1notcring lias certin taio liaSPeCial faiities for indulg- -vtiyatages.-_ It dletracts thoe iid uug in ýaIl the>se pasimes. Even vmoun- frorn doftscstie Care sudm orrieio and taineering cati b. 4cvé-. rrmst ex- tgkes 1j2ople out di doors in the fresh hi1*iîýgS«f.m ofÈ sjort. But what- ~îr ever the form 0 u tîcse taken, 'tlx! Real phye"l exreis-tiie kind grcat thing- is Vo et 6ut of ddeors in. tWvat Pro"euof8s leep at night8 and the sunshki*en the 1-ake shore-or 0ýit r'atws the à -ppetite, '* aCkirbg in where the. freish breeze blow. In SIMk thie pleasure that a MOtor car offers, nemas or in hoaltit there lano bettez ex-ccpt in cVhe case «f the dr iver M-ho tonie than froeeh air and suushuiiie, n11ýyget en,-ough exercise if - emething Among the tree3 ori by sanie quiet lakî nwc4qaIiral gCees wrorig. the tired body =diimind get a e=2 WWking is esO f the most benfi - t rest and re=ipeýrate. Let aIl wh( Ci'I xelCI4~tha iiCI be lvad and yetiroad ibttkh'ice rsice up theirmindi ýt< i ti of it is pnactieed. We hear t to spend as mucl time in body and il f r tou > r nu'he daii-y papers about I*spirit in the igreat:out,-of-do>rs,. IProgtresi in.CW.dL a Aninjer 5cf 30,000,000 buahe-laOf r wîîcat lin'ho three prairie provinces ~ 0ovgr l 1,ttyear's erDp, 1% the estîmate L1Ho oyf ttw NorthiWestý Grain Deaiers' As-. 191i ,iociatioli. A wheat Yield this year o! .000 a'iouîxd 20M0,000,000 bueheLq Is probably A a- roïiemnable calelulatiofl. Other esti- bau friates of the Association are, cata , bee 3,13,665,000; barley, 44,760,000: rye, brii C tî hpmuits to Great Britain to - >stlie l'rto!f Iontreai show -a e 't.- #dy inevretise sice the opening ýo! h jukigaiioi, atld particulaely since the 1 the (eoiuîlug into effee of!thie Fordney IMr 'i IX rfill11. Thsetotal tnumber of ves-dr J,- li lila, left tihe port thsa sea- owlîulIje 62,anul these carried Itra of ttlo 1,817 head, l Ticre were also - liev ~w1ldclî carried 1,880 sheep. t A oow hxcl cf lletrou; reîchedPO tht twi of curY Alberta, re 1Fý cîlfroni tle à MaokQlzie Basin 1Ma - keipl:uart 1ltarU Bay con Lake 1D Atsli4afîi futher slipmentlt, it W2 w~ 1xei wiIl .henadý beforp the an, o! navigatio on the 1),îg river.2, 1,11-; IhrVo irst sliipuxent of tins theru s L>ld' tiut 't bs îeaciied Mîri cil ora n l t buu(.nded re- d leb ( lthe Aiaa.t.taý \Ier i lLi inilîliCil ruUfdô cf Wo I wE.ýec1:ppcd froiAberýta sheep 1 i tlîUi ye and ro1,997,000 icundl; have t beo sipîRd east foi, sale. - Memibers th i ftlic Soutlieru Aiberta Wcsol Gro-wers lu îoduICe4 4i,0pSuids, the remain- t 1elr eoing fi-oasEdmonton,. Lacomibe, hb VurmIliion andi othcr points. Spe(ýCI alatte!tiufIl Ès l)Ctfg paid by i I3î'tis' 4oln;hamaber eL'ýý.orters to iUe irket.- of Austra1iai Newv Zéaland, Q Soutli Afrîlea. U'ilia, Brîti.sh India and lgp.Alr-effy svrilreorders h-av( e hu--;çcured frÇm ithese cou-e tr ,,à t~bly Egypt', 'Whlch has amade %-0rý C.xtensive purchlases of ruilway ties. Nct a înonth goea by but thatC thre'oi tour lrtitIl Colunâbla 1export luîuiber nien heave foir !orelgn mnarliets win selling aigd Investigationl tours, and alrcady tilis activlty li producing re- 'muts. Box mantifactuirers are aIso f!eellng tihe beriefits c!f frelgu mar- kItshula havinig placed good orders,C iuilitSingap)ore.now cntering" the list iýItliant oruer for I1.C',M0O0 boxes, aIA silvor leaul strike .î3 hem iMade atNoble Five, lin hie Treut [,:ike caun- tî'y, 13iitMlh (>uni A sanip]o e!gh- trm it il -1ikr~~ati avcrag- iîîg $210 lte ton wafi lroliglit mbL >1 hÀ.erc ,eiitiv.'le-aîd r n ~î-~: ' acro;s ti ttesjihîtudreul i );vï(ý o Lt~of 000 uigt't) 'ar 20,:~lî:L da ni190, witt! Are you steppii or the accelerat The~ food- you eut c Heavy, statrchy foc body and min4--often sý longs to, the day's wort ahemd f"od It containsit of Nature's beat grairi elernents tieeded* to nou is easy to digest. It gii energy.ý How about you r1 it give, or talce? * GrUpe-Nuts les s the taste, and is an ide buà y and diffiicuit day. "Ther.s a -Reà som r.'a cai u f0 tr< tir i l i of ra >. e s1 pa!da mexubershtp of 29,00 an in- a~ ase of 9,000 oi6r the previ-oug year, t nording toChe anùnual report of the 'U rticultilrl Socieýtles of Ontario. Ini IR, the Association exaende4j $70,e Y on horticulture,'C A large freight ,warohouse on thé nks o! the Kaianistiqula River bas b en loaaed by R. C. Harvey, o! Leth- dge, Alberta, to be used for f eed- 910,000 s'heep, whiclt he will bring Fort William to fatten on the reeuings f rom the elevators. The eep ,witl be sent t Fo-t Willimby e-tralnload early ln Noveinher, and rHarvéy is ccntractlng for hua- '9, cf tons o! local grown 1-ny. Praser, Brace and Company, con- acting engineers of Montreal, have E en awardc'd cotracts for the cou-t ruotion works o! -the $10.000.000 wer de-ývelopme»~t.sciienie at Great ils. on the Xinipeg River, by the terq t ilis -rot carréd alite that irheu"t te Iorotêd4,t 0 blox 4 t&to get r t0If MWoed. BÉtch weatlur oeudiiiM- &~y - tart the pal=, but± k la niM th* Lus»., Liniments snd outwu«d P, S;o a ive tempoNrY7 rell«,, bt atial they can de because thê?-do >t reaeh lI& soreee ini the blood. le ff'erer frein iheuniatIsin whù îe4 Lnts -with eutw'ard applLcatlo i e ri4y westlug ýtinte and money -inde-, enditg upen'- wueh treatinent; the ouble stili reina±na, an.d it la ail- tue ýme becomig nire firmreeed.tM matU thir. dà emssr-târough'the lflcod ad -ye will szon find relie!. Dr. WiI- lme' Plik Pila o.ct dire'etly on in- ire weak lc .od; they -pur1fy an .i'egthen ut, and .se net on the-ause fthe rheuuuatismn., Mr. P. J. Mac- Xhersnen, R.R. X6. 5. Cardilgan, ?.El.I., 1318; "About tte years ago 1 w Ltacked with rheum-atism. I began akfug Dr. Wlliants' Pink Pilla and Sn. the tr 'ouble diseppeared and- I Lm la botter heaitit than befeve. I lao kc.w u tani old lady acquailante ?hoi was bèAly crlppled with. rhèui- nat-.3-m l ier arus sud lege, and who iuffered very mucit. She, toc, tovk Dr. Williams! Pink PIX& and- la noév iblé tu db beër hlmuzeworc.- I tell Êou [hi in lte ho;pe it, may bco f bepýtlt t» Somte other sufferer," You cau procure Dr. WIýlIlams' Pink Pilla th-ro>u«h any deuler ini medcnÙe or they wiIl be "ent you by mi at 50 cents a box w sIx boxea- for "2.501 by writing direct to Th-e Dr. WiffllamsI Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. bées Lond n- Lead the World? Whether New York or London leads tho world in the nunîber of populiation is a question which is agitating Ameri cans as a result of the publication oi te Brltish celsus returns, giving Lon den a population of 7,476,168. Nelç York's inhabitants total, accordintg h the latest census,, 5.629,048. The National Geograp~hic Soc!eti questions the right o! the Britih met te% Rle. a,'oIç . Tftfl¶l he was te b-éd nôt aà t& thait10randup bY T lthe-- ýiDCnÃŽ-iÉ 1net sur fer.i These Arè attfilshie abfe. tlIkô thé C4d Folk%-. 'A - bâcelor Wh ' lâ fdrever Pùttng h",à bout iii it, reenkly vlê'1W'd t.' proud peretà ts Ã"! « nw tbby;, Irhe-'nioctheër heId u-p thIe biÙid.le f or the :i, e ti n e tbe bettielur and , asked gýayly:- "Tel usn, franklIy, whlch o! uis' eye t hhuk he lalieV Aer&careful examunaiâof-o the mite' the bachelor answered: "Well, -Marte o! course, intelligenceha.% not .yèt diwned ln hie faée, bu"t he's3 won- derfully ik. bOb Ã",o you." CORNS Lift Off W ith, Fingers wu~ lmfu ta&tfUp#t awaT. ne Wffas- soon b4 I Wlth rn dUftlnfy he manaed to revive -the b' l4i Who wasa ! .rSdB , ha hoee See~t0b~'t~. qmbill of the It Exeter. TÇOOw and two Otier b y~de- cided to to te thelr ugu*liswixning tbay hcil hvetiie tmiig-th o! the a aieavy flood, sanid it reallzing PA tlteyshould have he .Strenïth et the eurtsutwhlo-h wae ruinlig. 'tered thle ws±er. -one o! Uiq bo~ya who wua not able to awi, lhld hJi 4hande ýhigh aiôethu ". st0er 40dcllowed the other two wadlng. Fi 'or. a. momeùt the two bol;s -Wbïo coùI4 swlinilest slgbt et the othirtboY a sud then Caught sight, o! hIm f or a momeOit afttr ho had faîl- en into a hole, whkh, it thé tint *as- eaafly 14seve1l feet dg"p. Gambrili swam Vo hm, augt hilm ýby hW bathln.g suit aI the shÃ"ldMr and tugÃŽtd hlm ho thé fà à 7thet ¶Ebak The. drowunng boy en- deavored to grie- -Mmi but Gaxabrill kepthlmunder it pwe sd finally 'maged Lt.6 ét hlm 1<> ssfety. Wlewimifg itittwo other Scouts iù the large Current River swlnming pool-at Pcrt'Artitur, Scout Sterlinz Morrison, o! the isi; Port Arthur- Troop, n.oticed that Scout James Sbires w as in dlfffculty. He pluliged fato the Water and managed to reacit Shire3 Just alter he had gone under for the second time. He grasp ed Shires aud started for the side oi the pool with hlm, but Shlree4 becom- ing hysherical, grêppled with Morrison and sueoeeded In dTazzilig hlm under. At'this point Scodut Fred Thlynne,- a m nember of the saine troop, plunged in 0 ud swam to Mrrisons assistance, the two beys then managing to got y Sbires to s-ore lu satety. 1-W~tIWV rATE irivlie n rimnn1îm Teor- Disi- ribke He appcared. &dit nredsnable, but 1 have &et , 9 I le sthèrn the wouinaeriui 1 have dezived fi'olu tha U » otth fi m e d,1ghue 5s lsm p- ly astoikihiS sidM'.ReM Browrn, 111 Thirti Strt, Mauchester, N.H. Wb ,Iamn 00Éappy to b6 reieved i«: Iiy t ý<b1eG au ealy nevý,r pralse tlfts taedléiné. eýb3ugh. Up to the trme Ibéto ai t'~Tafriac, 1 it feè o êia*ý!Di over two years witb a very bad form oetotma-ch trou-. WW "Miy appetite was 50 p-oor i eouîd searcely est a thIr-g. My, stomachi 'Woùld bte j.6baaI .lo te w t gas son~ ti ea * -aincst; afraid tDgqo to bed !ô r Iwil ciaIsnt er.' i tèlt tirèd and'worn out niosi;or the time and becamfe terribly dbocur- aGed oer rny Cou.ditien. I often h«di uc violjent heraadcee I was unable tobe 'out o! bed for two, or thiree days ai; a streteb. M .ROE . ON "F ùÀr bottleig o! Tanlac eemrpîeloy MR . R $ .D O restretmi Y bealth anid an-Ydne Calird :in The besit -o!al!, 1 am see at a giiïce' tbe wonvîderful change neyer bethered- any mcéré,wlth held- tihit -has' takêu plaê' fil my conditiont. ac'1heq and t.Ês was the greatest reflet 1 hà âve à §pjlenddd eppetlte noW and the of ail. i want t6 tel everybo-dy what stornach. trouble bas entlrely dlsap- this rnedieine has, dGne ror me." pèared. I 6an eat just anythIng I Taiila.c Is suld by k dI n dpuklr! want withoiit evei' feeling a sign of everywhe. d. To a1 )-day an itoba Power Company. Limiteul. rpJLrUA LA I~ -t-.--*--*l ---, ~vecpmnt orl isalradyundr tion. 1h points out that îegally, as a iULIJJ LW IlR; ilIl IM~U tanhly tint corn stops burhing, then DR. MINARD, Inventor oft']i s y. l t ot 400 nie nîy un-dr unici-pal unit, "ondon" refers only j~sborhly you lif t 1h rigbt off wth fngrs. Celebrated- ay, w th a out <400 en e m loye te the are-a w ithin tic County o! L oan- I Y S O N T B E S T u y idt~eprbbiiy S icm100 o di. Your druggist selle a Pny botteet etcf 500 findînig employment within a "rae London" which the cen-. O-c "m'Freezone" for a few cents, sufficlent 0f thé l,500O000houstýis'dze:5royOtlu ri ort ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u figures cover,'extends over 693 OneamUe a uidBb' w o remove eveiy hard cern, sô!t cern, Polan.d durir2g theWsdW--,arl - -sQuare miles, an as-ea six times tat Tablets for lier, liîtà ocnes' she would or corn between the tocs, and the ebd- 500),000 'ave beenrcti'. ~ Fne iewfora Cemit.of municipal London, and more ta c ewd-u thn.Tc alt lusest wîthîut soreness or irritation. "Garage," naw ua*.zed -u'd" The famous esuphaît lake ai; TrIni- hwi-ce tha ! uiiplNe e. ir efc oerm-y hyoa age for the kGusii'g foraMotor atd Las a r'. StatdahBsqe It les polntcd o-ut that a greater New reguae h bwlssd.tm'e; Briar rots f.or the manufacture o et qicu, was otiis v--à linFranc -British Columbiai, is a lake that con- YQrk modelleulciiGaerbno drive c-ut constipation andl indigestIon; p..ea weighinîg 6,000 tons, are ex- Vo d'fote. a place for kesep -îng'lx Lins, ict. aspiaît, but EPSOMi saîts! usaigi i uubncte break up coldsansd simple fèyer andpotla 'iyfrnQesc.r<h1getkrtt The salts extertot a deptit o! !orty-. wlthin a radius o! fifteen ilesfrn makce baby- healhby- andi happy. Co'n" Minard's Liniment for Colds, etc. _ ne fcai;, and perlaaps go mucit deeper; tie cihy centre, ais the English capital ceing theun, -Mrs. Noble A Pys, «- se ?snes wo irt ,humb Pdupi does, would puss bondon's population Eu eut Swie'-Ibv A bab>y eliigattor et the Lontdon Zoo1 T-r __ âlaREt!Qar11Id toýttrà t-etthraUd -t-hen wtil T irareà . ---- on a-' w !g'-~ a~vïyad n- barel, 1 -*rr. - oaio Ftsh mid hostop for lacki cf driîlliflg facili- Whsîex bLondoit bas noc State lin-es to1 benefit for my chlldren and 1 Would ion-g; lie growa azbojt 1-lu. oaci year. WinI Be H e n tes. The lake covers sevin acres and pt-event is expansrion -lor administra- tbewtottm.'TeTl-a The trouzbl~e wlth famlniy trses is' as a liarde crystal surface. ive purposës, New York hauts ai; the are sold by medîcine dealrs or by 'that many efthtent are sliady. UniaixStockYards. Wlîenlisesnow meits from thé Hudson River, andlriust continue self- mi h2 et o rc h r __ ucuiitginiVuls'es the surface L-3covered contain'd and inerease on-ly fron t ls Willh1ams Medlcine. Go., Br6ekvllle, MON EV ORDERâ.' ix ineca deep wit.h- at which Internai growtii. Ont. Send a DomninIoný Expreè's Money By reeson ofthinsability of îuickily heccines brine. Then the sun ACee îr Order. Five Dollars eeta three cents. teRylArcut~rlWn ayis oraescit, and alUtoth thle cs-M th le anThe preprietor o! a shoe a-tore in Knawîedge witho¶1ktjiitztiic ighi'Ot er Pyar te rpu nashow t T crust 'lut lias formeul. Spring fresit- Cil'sBwes itew England is very proed o! one of!1:0 Sea.Qed cnnirJ r thtn wiis- ets preparc 'anotlier seven-acre pan, affrà Fg y ubsron sons who net very ln ag'o do ,ïato.OmniC iV 4~kwl Calioini Fi Syrp yung on ~be lieC ai; and thei' uiners harve-at a crop that entered the eimploy o! 'iris father, sud th ~ c hce ti e .-UNION STOCK YARDlS hey tonay disiuose cf for seventy-five EYren a slck cbld loves ths "fruihy" ahi prie wa muc ena c Y t" Mnardsa Liniment for Distempe-r. TORONTO S1r a trir. A !ew years ago thie;tanie O! "1Caifornia Fg STIup." If the bpy'6 eleverneses in he motter o! a qaine pruduet. sold for ane dollars. little tangue fi.- coated, or if youi'child Is peir o! shcea sold to a îstranger. Cierri* were lcnown in A*iù, as far- EEBRSIIAD91 hisains.crss,!evers., flio! olclor The lad had ehown thaisn an a sahis- bock as the seventè,enth cetuy I PenunIeterL.yfrds -Sad Mistak. bo colle, give a heaspoonfitl ta clown-se f-actory pair, but the etistomier sald rui ctbr3î.Wih Inii -e cf a railta-y carnage the liver end bowe'ls. lu a fevw- hours thiat lho-bou net enougi ntoney with Scetwce, no tc wvas a youug mar studyitig a seto ycu <ai' see fer yoursel! bow thoroýugh- him,,asking if ho could lot "fifty cents ~ officiil-là oking papers. SuddellY lie l uForsareiecoetitong put us îarN t Ut lin-u a-d cledpol-,- sour bile a-ad wagte out o! the' The boy conà eted, for which, aiher .' aloul a bs agush.To ymptheieboweâls, and you have a webl, playful the stranger bad lefi; the shop, the tI5 * Uf DhDl dodinqi-es anuc xiinedtia t he d ic child agala. father sev erely reprintanded VUe lad. R-TO-- LmaeP DU lNg th-~ srevi loua day for a Civil Service Mir-lions of mothers keep 'Cat'ifornia "You'll neyer see thte man again," he 9 % AIR - e"niato.Fortihe e.s-say test."te Fig Syrup" handy. TUcy ltnosv a hea- salul la conicluisioni. 9 ' sni. wc er aked Voex hun tUe pç'cnfui to-day savccsa sick chlu t-o- 'Oh, yes, I wllI," salul te youngter,- saduut"WaC , -'uping a ' niar ae i'tOx-rÇW. Ask your druggist for 6Im 1r apped up two sioes for the lefi;GIRLSBeats EIectric or Gas j1u-ýt Ve'ti7ed Vînt I lia- e ha'rided ila genuîne -C-tûlifrfia Fig Syrup' whiclîl-.ê four~~L, heujcU'wrbtas~ge s - dircý_-tins for babies aisi childreix"acrt"ToNgtLvl new cil lamp that gives an aas jýagý "CascTet" 7 -Nih ngly brlilant. sofh, wh1ite Uglt, ee :ouu nsay ______ ' better than g2ts or electrctla eu a:r1ageeprnteion otilc.Moter!For Liver, BowelsDi ete ytcU.S ivrncitleflt sd3 _ Ydat~i riepn n oti asusi;,,ay "Cailfornia" c-ýr yt iyDllt'l'3 Y h .13 Çvrlun Fn 1tc:'- i.îii t c".1t'C'e 9 ý an imitation fig syrup. You'î'abilicus! YuaeUaahy ' tle-,dlng iunivei-sitiS a a-d foundhoe îins::nGlI,9 C.(' ;'t Britain, iconstipateri, your eyes humu, sk! ia-laI wi+-h uperici tÙ101) rdinary cil lamps.I Net Popular. va-el-1c-w'; ýci-sr stoinach is saur g'assy, burns withicut odor, amalto or nise Litle Georgie Goode was tan i upset. No onder you feel mizerable. - Bur s~~n g p ,da3 ae apart freinail the otbier hiappy boys, You need a thorougi phy.3ic witb h -Bsee 4% a'à oir id) %c.!nak wlio wertx playiflg as only ipyby Csort"t- th o eleanx:e the 50e(oa-I)- onu. s'Q-tomacli of saur, fermenting !oed and cjTUe nv St. r F T Js oil, "Whats the nmalter; soany? asked fzul ga&o akethUe excess bile from cr aStW-M o 10eay l, forn h a pass-er-by. -Wliy d6n'i yoiiplOy thse liver and curr-y eut of these ystelfl Tîi.3 lave-er ; lte do(1011 r-ist!Mair or evengiveonPRE e he£is withth-e of te b-yg?"ail thecon-tiPaeýd ) liG Vine andl eyes tiat openanod stIx-at. he tiser lu each iocallLy. wbô -will e 0'They dcist iwaiti me h-o play with bowels. Go-t a 10-ccitt box now and let wearg a lnvehy drcçrs .andi hat, Ehoes lluitrodiuce IL. Write hlmteda lem," replieul the lonely boy bitterly. etÇascaiet& s"straightan youà ont by and st&ckiitgs. Slie l-jst1 o e fr fin.l piculouan e A tho amh "WVhit'tU trouble, thà t the otAier mrîn ~tal'l and Un-s j-o'lnte-d legs and arma xiiso o a a;Vt gny boysdnhwrtyu epa il -.-*-----Just s'end us your n.aine antd addrez3anl lhOtexriic oe thenim?1 hie stranger persishedl' The FIy in the Ointmenh. andl we wii'l send you Thriree loI-î-rs rae$5 e$0 e ett '~'hey'v foud oI soethig abut Ah, old feliow., .- - Johmnsoin te a w-arts o! our lc>vei.y embccseed Xraas ________________ me,".held nwrdhyn tbr o friend, "so yen are marrieul at îa. Prord os-liaito.cna ac-*mricu PeusuaroeNntd he ba hisweurs. ngha Al1-ownme ho couigrattilate ypeu, for 1 age. Wh-c e-yar-olti, -end us loc0 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ leýyu have an excellent and ac-. u mny1n0eVlsedye i DOG DISEASE -~ 'aisit omehin bai' har >~Yloely De,,, wii;:b ail c irg-epre-paid. I f'TUey thiiril se, But, 1 can't hêIp compilhed wife.e'if youpr-f-ec It We wlll sebntiou- a i-ai IIoFe Ie au t' heby eeddhirnself. "hae indeed." was tUe reply; "sU i4Sehool Set,or Fusîlgît, or F0-unt.an -. adFrea b te &A d lte' theiboyYdefended is 1i Why, sir. s-Uc Pen, c-r Pen Kuiute. or M.oith Organe drees y tUe Authoc ià pi iea t Ziat Stre '-Co rneiï on, ei1tme ail ou .»le e ghy aC oMPlSEd ;l tead cf tUe DolI. --N. e ok ., hc, wa~~~ - bor~~n uart: at borne la science-lai Address________________ "No, you car't be-hp mie!hom "Wei, e-I me- aywîy."short, ah home everywhere -excpt -- NOMER- WARREN COMPANY _____ Tise boy besitateul forlamont-rult, but "1e3cept wlierc?" Tast ei -on the brake deelded to cidé.>;îeii "Exoe- at home"à "m * Aeoc4rteom r oda igan. A. ) enrwshisamtaueY N tor ? 1arn a s-fty becausei 'r"-and hoe Hi He etn Restored. j guipedý hard-"ýI'm twiný with a girl! The Invisible car dru'»i nvenheul by D dees nuake ~~a differece~. 1"1 wr;a apassenger à 4 a 1ran ount of megahOe ttni'ie ieern- Eùtnburgh," says an ý4mer'ican, "and t'lrèly out(of s'igit, 1 rostorlng thi. 'a""h. tue' MW de often do slomr downbcremuh nee'dl n Ii)ng r hean f !undýreds cf people Inu New ~t sptbroiIoau steal the energy that be- liEbman nd a Scat I~wcuei. Yu fy r eottr n entedf, Vilns ayeu c4 ls.i k. Grae~Nuh la a o- t'The- Scot wes in bisHghad abdrui te relieve iee3o!da!es hieare hablwy, ùt1, andth f4ttha h V<> enifë free-lyi and bead noises, snd it doeg this su 1iýtu ntà 4 ý asc ia veIgt etr at hoe, whoe spare-tinie, good ps-y; worlç sent ans distance, charges paid. Send steiiîp tor particulars.- National Mà rà uficrurLu= Co.. Mentre-ai. PLAYER PIANO FUR SAL& inusi roilis, for sait at a bargitin. L. Costello, 718 West Adelaide St.-eet. Toronto. irig. N FORe Si~w~ ALbE.oepcIg _9' TIn Canada Yor.mSTREET, TORONiTO. COARSE SALTI LANDBSALT Rnà Ik carl4tsI TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORON4TO PRETMir PRESEN'?S IN PROFUSIO SEE OUR SAMpLEs ,ote= a ncy Goods Ca.,Ltcl 16700 TORONTOý WHOLE8ALE ONLY If you have fuinesi afier meals, ahbad .taste in your mouth in the movnmg, fur on the t6oime, fiat ulence alter mneals. sud no ýappe- tite, talie Mother suigeIs Syru> tt %4i cdean your tongue, renlew your appetýte, give You esfo food. and the power,,to digest it thoroughlyvand easily. Sold in Soc. and $1.00 botties at drug stores. USE SLOANST LITTL E ache5 grow into big jai'ns unless-warded off by an apê'lica- t!on of Sloan's. Rheumatisn. neuralgia, s5tiff joints, lame baëlk won't ight long against Sloan's Liniet.. For more than forty years Sloa Liniment lias heIpéd thousands, theo %wodd over. You won't be an excep- ton. ltcetainl'ydocspr-oduccresùdt. It penzotrateà s wftkozêt ubbin Keep tfiis i fà mily friend ahcaà ys h.andW for instant use. Asic your neighLbor. & _I1 druggt-3c 0,1.. ;pirin-*say Byr îAspllinluhandy tlin bôxes O! 12 tafr lts,~ and, iabotleà oC ý24-.an41* Aspirin la the trIde-ùjý (regiter biÈnacij o eyer mi1 Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop s littIO "Preezn "' on an à hine co~rn. In-1 6à tý : , gndi ÃK