Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jan 1922, p. 1

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GAZ [1W ANI> 't CIIRO CL NI [z WIIIBYONTARIO,-_CANADA, TUt8AAUR 5, If*22 - ----, - Do(h Hockey Teais FL N. Burns.-Eleced Mayor B.y 11i 4uàëity IohiAIwa e StatWIthVictories BlIow for Reeve; Jeecrot Leads for -Cmunil{ rsWf WiuiTBY JUNIORS WIN THE -Allili aid lOd fer- - s<> 'ch ýw' estbasbeeu arousd OPENE.-I-]$ATPORTHOPE of te -inu-the woriug out of the, OPENER-BveAT PORT.HOPE - 'Mothrs' Allowance Act, that ýthe fol-j 2TO 1.. TheEleeteti. gWn-vr urnle ereferredi oigifrainfrihdb h Mayr-.R N B ~to, the several nepO fl Iitel 10'inev Petr Brcehai rnis of bythe Retee- E . BÉ. coming before the Comission in the Provincial Brdé, a aetngof, thej At the opéning Junior O.H.A. gaine You 'cL-F Beecroft, S. castie -near future, and pronued -ta do>liIda i-&iarde at awmeetigbofe Of the season Played- off here* last Smih,';. Wi«tney, J. M. Kenny, p ~lest in the interestse q the town. intàs Thssul rsd Pihort Hqoealbysoere 'u-Vickery, James Moore. The. Defested -Caudltes. The appropriationfor the year-1920-{ eessul oer Prt Hpe.b a s Oof Public Utility Commission- A-.H._ .H uean fteusces- 2..........71OO 2 ta 1, in. a closely-coutqsted struggle. AlUînDavid Builoch. . . f anaes, n f teCo nselcrtiied noutexeued000$7467 e ife ifanyaurexpet ta Considering the, littie practice bath Board-of Education-_'North Wsr<! th Cbnci cf1.2..fo t$774,ta6ub7; conoy l fyorh ea 1 use aithyplayeti gooti hockey. Win. townie. Centre Ward, E.L. O- 4 -mit tathe electors-at 1the municipal Balane .. osa nus Iachlng? -Tbeyliscloed combination, ' however, Ium. South Ward, W. D. Watson. Ail election a by-Iaw to, approve ot the Toa ubrfbeeiaisude If you w-ut ta be oure ani their wild shooting preveuted by acclamation. - 'COmpe an'sd opeta#sioiaf the To- t actDecmber, 1921 2880 nuin- try one o two thogh ratrontoliEhtterm thi yearsjbe, without Iber of beneflearies iu Ontap r l oty,ýl We'eeo w ho, gh ract ighea tho i yea, aiajri of 111, FedN.!goveruinent guarantee.Mbftàe bonds.- '0;Amount expended, $910. who wthpratieshiil gvea B fmnot' HbMaydore ofmctheo.bTngwnil Of ~the .280 beneficiaries, .2487 - are fight- for- group honors. The locals af Whitby for the year 1922 at tetr n atfltt h ons ios h etwvswoebs hati the edge of the play thraughout municipal election an Mondsy, w-hiebtintMessrs. agl'1 n,-élalo ad n in asyl>'oîphewà Lt eada~~he I the, gaine and ouly the god work of E. 'R. Blow 'w-s reeeceReebya MsrsThadod ntK ap ~aut> ica >hrwe t1eadaelle 1 ~Hain in goal for Part Hope- ket the lesd of .54 over bis :opponent, IR y spoke briefi>', expresaùtan ks o have endsrdbyti ,o soedw.the support given t j bfr ie e dseorte 'tei usad XVafers screhowa ltio n forCu w-as coe Relies Re Ria - y-Lw. o ie aso The gaine started off with a rush, Te These figures, ý Byc w-ic wllted a eov wthWhtb itth Suti nd' ubetween certain ot the contestants F. Clerk Jackson took the, oppartunity r.B autpined tIi. ~ ~ ov peur thtcue thfrtfe eodetlatehtsL. Beccroft headiug the polls - -k ta treply ta Mr. Aunes' iàarge against' uarouel vincng enough; tere ailsasurd Hhm u goulst he t 404, sud S. Castle -Smith a close sec- the 1921 Council that they had tailcd proot of the resut fthàtt your distreas. wr l rudHmi ol u ei terdt ynts'nitn b-.toeciia o h ubro ee Peula Ieadch Wt- kept cool aud, dîd some clever w-anc. end, with 403. The sixth man on the luterdt1yntsbitga'> hs rtca ftenme fbu- t orsar e ae Wiar h "<i u w es"md sielsJmsMoe s 0,R .U-law-on the Torouto-Eastern question. ficiaries under the Act. ersarefavrits wth ur od ushs, ut oul no . et astthe derwood bcing noscd eut of the race Mr. Jackson explaiuedthat,,the by-law Iu speçial cases fouud to be necdy,ý hatrn udweuugs o)tbmuhsy uteudntge eb' eleven votes, his totali > -292. had been brought before the Counicil1 somle latitude is exercise.Tu n It you keep tliem handy e Whitb defeuce aud wcre fdrced ' For Public Utility- Commuission, À. tee late. in December toa show for the the case of *a woman who owned a! for immediate use. Thoe-take long shots, which'Noble had i » Ji Allun w-as returned in the lead, with proper'perioti et advertising, hence it bouse te, the value of $2000 eéity, coinfort they give you diffitinlt>'in stopping.,.The first goalan, 44ut6 votinned f w-i bew-il orh tei wa sove i byPacoe owas Ï6 ontes. Second place, sud aa t, could net legally be submitd udh u -h a n edo iey, she Comm Gnuission, w-eut ta David asserted that Mr. Anes w-cil knew would net be induceti to part with her price which inu 10ensd playing a stioug game, in a general, Builockn r 25.mau rudthe' visîtors' -geal.I llc, a. uew-min, with .384 votes bs. Proceeding, Min. ýJackson ex- lise lu order ta become a beucllciarv ahereawas îrtWtlM.penaniziugwhorsaitgon plain'ed the more important details et but would be encouraged te keep iW Ther wa litlepenaizig fr rughthe ommssin-drin thepas - wo he Hydre by-law- passéd lu 1919 b>' 'since the Boar.1 believes abétter hm Pi e ý coreat he yars whothe electors et. Whitby, sud lie peinteti could thus. be- provided for ber child- -E. L. OdWm, PhendS.f the first perid -1-,infs r eof , ots frcvc eosti that 5V the present time Oshawas rer. than if she rented. a houe n Luteyear wsS rather more intrcstiug than adBaw-manville were *et submitting se would become, a bcnieficiary. Ds'ujglst andS OpUtcIau n h second peii, Part Hope set- ususi, andi certaini>' createti more dis- by-law-s on the matter. *cuce ho urg- Fr Dec br 91 ayoecs WHITmvOT dou t sane aut st ayi' I>, cussien am oug citizieus general. dtepopetWityshouÎd-9 bas came .under tâe Act, nW3,hitb%. sud oxhbite . saine, speedy skating Several et the candidates worked liard slowly ini the propositioin, sud not en- tweive-in Oshawa, and four lu Beaven-_ aiýd clever stick-hajmdliug. Bût they' ta gei eut the vote, but the tact that dense the arrangement Withaut the ce- ton. ____________________and ut iast gave up trylug. cnet: oxtig ed -ihtes isîe nclusion et Oshawa in the territory Mn. Bryce statcd that a thnce dsys' - - -- lng theinselves wlth wild shootiug number e ballots cast. Net more covered' b> the line w-ould mesai l conférence will be held iTrno frei s istnce Thebac-chcklg thn aout800vote wee pîlc, et the difference betwyeen a.surplus and shOrtly', at.which reports aud special ofe their torwands, however,- kept tetofia possible total 0 betw-een 1200 a deficit. TUe peapleuhudue-apaswilbier. puek utý a ste distance froni their; sud- 1300. stand thoroughly w-hat they wa-re The members of the Provincial own goal.- At l'ast, -a slow- shot frein1 With four ballets ta caunt tip, and deing betone appreviug the by-law. floard are:- Rev. Pet îr Br>'ce,- Chair-- gotat vis1toal ziglit w-m , 1 ourteen names on the Couci bllt Dr. C. F. MeGillivra>', Secrets do mn Mrs. W. P. -Singer,% Major'T. -J. got astNoblsud w-as*in 'the net it w-as neari>' ciglit aclocIc betore.heBu 'o-dctoïwsak oMrpyi4 A.JRynlW.G betre iereaizei t. he ble sd cmpete returus were available. By. speak, -He rcad the report et the iu- Fnisby, Ekieutive Secretan>«'. .~:,golti" worloed Wed but could't score seven o'clock, bhow-even, sufficient fig.. spectan R. A. Hutehiua'n with reter-. There sriâ 96 local Býoards. scsttered A before henig ofe the bell. _Scène ureshad becu tu ned in- to the Tow-n cuceto the- threc 'Whit'oy Publc throughaut 'the province1 and special ut eàd et eoo iod"ed1-L. Clerk taindicaterliow the battle wag chols,sd oe d' elg~ddutCsi5o~~spitd(u ô h hid Penlo ioebt eislikel>' to-go. Complete returus w-cre' were Brock snd King -itreet Schools counties ef tSik and Ontario). As a ti *ieie -saus~-~ follow-s: as companed - withltiindas Street result et thii system, thorough iu- di odtoadbot- Ur nite wi w Mayor 1School. D.MGhinftl h l veàtigation - made in ail cases sud ïu-ivso 11 2 ectars that the rcmodeiling of the lat-- enly those, neal>'l dbeoehu thescre oud3et4e ep 1- fr otal iten building w - ulld !have ta be under- -eficiaries. - very long. After s fcw minutes ot Burns .. 1378 72 8 - 0-444 takén -very -'ai-y,aï the parents RvPer lycdcacdttth play, the visiting goal-keepen 'was Maw-.. 97 67 56 61 62-331 wr ihl dnidn t. l e e er- v?~. Pt-n yO(jtai lad th athet E willlshow yc .-à w-laS >Yeu put off for tnippiug O'Connor, Who Rav.mdaietl e wo aiedngtsJo e sudrb.oadestMohns f air -eV wu wa bimseitfereedti taretire foran a -.!e iOt w -in nsé t'adbodetMtés:lovYc- ny eed lu th. w-a>'of .loctr*e short trne. With eue of: the *visitons'1 Sub-division 1 2 3 -4 5 'rotai' School Act recenty* de-envet f any province in the Dominion, or fixSures if you wil eall.fonwards lu goal, Whitby 'woi-ked liard Bo ...2 7 581641whc lmntsa' Pyli yieeà ef auy county i1» thewonld te susrtaea l s l.aiu ~ and Charlton scoreti a pinw-tteGoldring P14 6_5651836 Mlgh -Schea pýupils,:-o ' e othe.rne- ~k ur asorten-is-a - quirne sincount ir 5 5565 ta pý --. ih S oksnôWledte, sud that.needy cases ____________e__r___ - - assometimes- stated, turucti to ha Yu ' Pe Beéof 11'7087 99 47'-404'Scot of-iliu' ". ws o sdfor v&Iit Srui th. vialtairs'godl &""t*,~ *~t . j ~ h meiga'io ihtre -Ba-ý 09= «4,ursièam. 1* at for. euded 2-1, f aven of Whltby. - 810Whne 0 ..268 "469 69 403! , The ee~afrtin do.t e Wfg met here.Wednesday utternooa là oi " siae Hall ut -centre playeda gi'eiit -gaine 1 King7.6 < ~'M. ot Topo, htyCar for tac towu, aud Hutehiugsat riglit'Vickery ..85 66' 61'76 6&_356r.Grai. "N ses Out' Rowe lChair- wing ntanred for Port Hlope. Moore . 76 . 62. 4à 69 51--3031IrM "O nyRw n m The line-,up follows:- Underwood. 68 67 53 61 43-2921 Y- ha.Fnwîî sa-a e" Port Hope-night wing, Ilutchings; Conlin*. 86 45 5i 47 56-285'r Whitby TL UsheMr. Jh chrlCnigo lcft' wing, Roberts; ceutr'e, Wsre;: Heard . 55 49 44 35 43-226 - r.MlomFryhCaeot ight defeuse, Harwoed; left defense, IAunes ...64 33 40 37 36-'~210 <jnt tsvn -L-Mis. J. M.-K. MeLeunan, Beaverton nis Grant, et Broklin, detcated Fred Mn. Jas.'Lucas, Pont. Penny F. LANDON Emerson.Thneadgoid 51-'2.7 12 23 21-134 iT.- Rowe, ot - Whitby Tow-nship on Mn. lHensty Heave ner, Reeve etRali Whitby-nýight wing, Pascoe; left Keil....8 36 15 il 8 -78 ndi Th oten ate h Plumblng l'tc.tlng and d ef',ns, C'ojôr lftcentr , l t S(e t - 9 89 6 > "- -8 Tonshp 'ènt strongly~ for Mn. defnse O'cnns';lef deeus, Sew- Public utilit>' Commission we but furth'er uorth, at Brookîj k l r am. Egcigg S ppli - art,; goal, Noble; subs, McWiil an3 9 813 146sd Ashbùrn, in the neighborliood et -Week fP ayer. ~cr.a up*s Sleightholm. iBlloch 1039617813 1-16 Referee--H. H. Mitchell, of Teranto. Pnill 196165T 53 104--384,; rn'shmte oesu #HI f flV, ONTAIOl INERMDIAES SA8TWEL6*.75 106 52-380 ta hlmn, sud *tihe final count show~ed Observed- in Whllbyi Candidates Addrcss Electors. himn in thse lcad by seven votes. W. _________Candidates___ddrss__ Cobourg, 4 H. Guthrie, the third contestant, w-as t------- With 8.The- Tow-n Clerk's office, w-hidi 'as 'tie low man et ther thre-e. Wihawhhdlwin(d finish that gave rwe I vnn ni h euu For the Council, J. N. Hehant w Vrahlflsu rciclhy îf'il En 10? LhOP ï JANUMY 3rd the four go, t hiropness nm efntl>' known, -as quickiy the unsuccessful candidate, four beingbenh fstt reigse lc ra'c. n te n-m pexod Witb Iner-vaated w-len the aneuncensent n'as required eut of the five contestants. 1 Week ef Prayer, wc shl u riediéttes: scos-ed a clean 8 te 4 victOTY imède that tihe successfui candidlates Oscar- H. Dowuey,. of Myrtle Station, uuaily ia tihe first -week of the: New ever Cobourg inasO.H.A. gamie-lere' andj others would address the electons lad a big lead ove h t-2swt Year al aven tise worid. Al the'ser-, .JAP4E BROO S,' csive ictar' by ta 4 I îmrov'eroad cennectisg the 50w-n Dehart ...26 61 66 33--186 ' atuseihtw-diot JANIS B OOK, "Tommùy" Southwdll,te i insuad thse OtroH s uiaad hpl- ac e amoré tai ti ay ;er." PAIiITI and PAPIhNtO I graduate of Uic 'Port .Whitby teaxu, lunlieveti this euld ho donc. Mn. Bi oacw1 Stacevi Is Mar'I asin tEftY ST. (F..u11)WHITBY the TA.n *ffl , n fh it. aatlic pions sd innces athe tharbnion S- Oey Is iyi (oq i sta tecesoprayr er, Mr.-hic i s Tom~N.. »t by's best, aS centre. 15 w-as his irst i Government te undertake repairs an suil> ryntnoirM.Pia O. H. bti gaeïate îr adware t h aroiconcluded.w-tli variaus examples frein flrst-class demonstration. Wita propenlaand w<quld 'endeavor te have furthier -Biltmsneiong eh las lisudliug sud coaching hle shouiti Iw-ork. approveti et this >'oar. -o 7oetWatm prayers fonr Isel sud conchudiug with dleveioplistoa ~star. Ré w-asaggres- IMessré. Beecrott, Smiths, -Whitney, Majo'nit i eteapee I.we i sieail thraugi the gaine, cheeked Kemn>' sd Vickery, Councillors-elect,, one et Uic closest #nd mest keon- Savieur pns>-ed for tise soldiens w-ho WU T V IA A Ed* dedlsstc dth speeti spke, veO">'bnii', thanklng the eec- Y Ogt otssfor thse zna>'nalty 1crue.ifiot i Hm. well, n au j tis ti ougritnsaJn ~J Ullul I NUL, andi skill. H. a 1s a surprise tara for Ui. support given thein antihoor JInS ac>w-s Rev. F. Hz How-ard aS Ét. Andrew'1 of the eveniug. - iprominig tor do th--Ir besut. on Monday electeti ma>On for 5a fourth On Tuesday niight,-Rev. F. H. IIow-* - L golGea OConorpla"~ bi IMn. Moore w-as net prescut. ternib>' a inajorit>' ol 557 ever hiis. r odcc i eodsrieu ivuy Mn.,Bulloclb, w-hahati e lcucecteti oppeneut, J. L. Whatta#_i. t la sanie 1St. Adrew-'s, w-i Ucsu1et"u ~~~e~~ 'hv w frtcaS I a dse'gane udw-shole'-Public Utilit>' Commnission, aI- years since se much 4iuterest -w-as w Churci nt its Ncighbonliood. eaw.hnies ilu.Our garage, sure aS ever>' turu. Ho cas alw-ays ecitedtheti vote given lin, aud said eiziced inl a mayoraltt figitt and Mn - whc>eaurepir n ae jdhedd pnatio mr thaeu h epei icofficiai count w-euid noet e have béen few conestsan receut--owadpitieutitOu ouf car. -sLAvia ei u tic à,-Paî"desro>' tise iaîl leati e b-ad beau (Ceutinueti on moe 8.) vj 0w-n Chris wasdethacourse tise Uni 5N CARS, 758 AN HIL The veteras, BerÏ 1'Smith and 3 storod by weeoko i "Pudge" Watson,. were once more oni iter, f rees-if f rost. r jthe ice, and still were able to mIx titings up, and break up their oppjon- i ents' rushes effecively. "Chief"- ord Mlxe<3 Wood Lavei y also was in the game, and did Bar and Soft, Cut some fast playing, bis rushes bein" ï. DIe. at $11 .00 a cor&. ways feared byý the- Cobourg boys.I *4afKIutIn E ,.. In the lst period particularly, Lav- ed'i Kidlin at010. erywas eryfastandformnidable. Mn sand, Sharp sandt i Bunting aind Bundy, the Pickering aSi building Sand and boys who have -played with Whitby for coacrote, and fo everaI seosons, were again on the fi'*~ forward lp.. Bundy partieûlarly was i ,rconc rete, walis. good, played very mnuch faster than it Pavel, $1-50à lIfl, at year. Bunting displayeti a tend-ï Re, $1.78 delvei eney t. one-handeti play, which de- stroyeti much of bis effectiveness.. The teain was weakened by the ah- sence of Clarence Rice, w-li had been IIoau'd a Saybutwasill HUUM S(S Thisbeing their Birst -game, and i*p.. 809 14 or14,, wlt.h snly a few praeties "umder their cliOL ~ belts, the loals wre notin the best ck N.9 onilUq.and frequent use of sube (Cothtu.d on page 8) Annuel Ba.i OFWHTF - s- WHITSY M - wene -inu>'different coxtinunions, _________there w-as ju5t thceue lied>' et Christ. 1 Reconition must be given tisat aU are I equall>' sincere, ail trving ta pertonnu i ftise functions etf Christ. Mr- How-ard preictetatSmore sud morea. defin- Che risian. unit> ' wa growing up lu a nd-' Su or hevarins us ce.Daigwt IRE prdsamnementsth speaker saiti BRiADEUntis te Chut-ch must lic cordial te- * wards thein, but muiS reinember Shat ~ I .~ '~ tint is nôS its chiot tunctiôn. Mn. .UHflW Q fHoward, ý-spea~Mn - in conclusion, de- Ing te le donc; if àF'dhurch undertakes -te beat' _tise'w-old ie providiug aue- met-fer its ow-n people'it nus>' suc- IIJSIC HALL - ceeti, but isrs work tien -romains to be doue; ifs churci undertakèesta amuse its people with ýworldly aMusq- 0 Cé . monts, w-heu it bas succeeded i nSe tdoelig it w-lU. have lost iteg gipanti Do abftyt dCoa or amn EXTRA pI# f u~iie. ad oiw- mu t -, Last nighit Bey. E. Tunkington de- - livered tic wldnesa at the meeting in - ~ -- ;I he Batist Cuc.: Give-1, M¶IIRONS. New Tel FOR RMEN* FOR WOMEN flous. Stippers $ 5c t-o 3'.50 flouse and Bedron Sllppors, Hockey Boots-S 53.50 t. 57.50 Pumps. Gaiters. Moccasis Rubbers, Fulo.ts, Over Shoes I ekm hon. Ovep thon end Rubbea.u FOR BOYvS l' or MISSE~S and CHILOREN Hockey Boots -S2.00 to 5$4.50 Feilt aofd.Velvet flouse Sf ippers, School..Boots $2.00 to 14.'00 Schol Boots, Leggings, Pumps, Sippers- and. Moccasins. V andi Hockey Boots comlet Un ofMcPeron'%Lightni'ng HitchHloclceyShoes Club Bags Suitcases Tronks PeeIs She store Phon 1 5i e. Broc k-St . Soutis, Whltby Mauûdrell1 Hardware Tk this « opportunity of *wishinig thleir mÈauy friends * and (utmr and those who are not their c ïus ý-ý a-¶iý eh appy - end plroS- PerouS New Year Fred' D Maundrel i PhOue.25 (S!!uccessor to W.. M. Pringte) P. 0. Box 452 GOods delivered to ail parts Of the town. ~h SPCIALSUHtil Wednesde< i 12 ibs. * of G raxmulated u a fo Sl i) Coffee, Pei lb. B lack Tes, regular 45e for - 5 lbs. etf RoliedOats for Pulre Lard, per IL.- Ii5 l1b. pail Of Hôney for. Harvest -Pèars, 12 lb. Smtî- Re St- rlon als Bee bran.d,-Jelv Powde7,' 3. for-- Fi.ve String -Brooms, '- - î Fresh Peanuts, per 1b. Fresh.,Headl Lettuce,i W. .PA I I Pile 19 We 1wish. ail_ 'ur Frieii Ofe Ajy 550 Y-Ti ds ~wpuiuems- the. easoni and truste that your -- - ' -measure of,- Hapness, Health Prospelity may be filedto overflowing duri thecoming year A. Te LAWLERI ~~The, Home e ofiood £a'oceles Phone- 47 - ROCER WHI -UE' -No '28, win oc Hi slu * cg Tickets, $i %ýAR TA 1

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