Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jan 1922, p. 2

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~L7~Lg JAZ<UAMZ S, 1S~. NewsyLetters Imh m 0vCoespendegs t wYm utecy corrempondeuta l u la. me r.pr..eutqd vi gl«"Y ebsM um New Ys' ihM. rxl, of noa from nir* lu>b" The late COL. Noules, woie death fr tok ptlen Toronto rcetl, a kawat sme here_ %e asthe fa*_ O E ATO Agar(.RdýsMowray of&Skùier of M&. Frmak Neueg, a forme BRL N Agr GlaysMovra) o ~ dent of ibis place, and vas e Em a daughtor, Gladys Victoria. ÏFn freuentl Mr. E. A. 01vr, ef Ottawa, sPeat Mr. Charles Morrison, wth bis wife Miae Mariou Neabît, cf Tmn the houlay soiason, wth bis mother, mand.famlly, *Ieft ibis veek for tlieir la vialtiflg frieq ndalu T oronltgofl Mm.. Ketchn. borne in. New Loweil, after. a brie! Mr. Arnold and dau tac euthec -4 ,V eval . Si Mr. Ralph White, of the- -0.A.C., visit- with friends and relatives here. holiday itngom Guelph, and Mr. Cimyton Whteof et Ot-The.Re*. Chas. Adams, o! Myrtle, o-'.--' -a.-Le-'-'Pom 1et tara, have returned sfter seding in yjthe ïetodstCh ' onwou y Âew Ia witil t.e s rnom b flstîrshffel pt9u pohe eacznlotbedle ihcrc OLLj.P thi oliday with their parents, Mr, 3unday cveiing. poputgv+j oi. smdoe ms Iha aidMi. onWhte *The Rer.> E. W. Rowland toqk the . The annuel school meeting was iield pains 1ev ,oiinthe bacek and s-iea hs The. annual Christimas treat for the annîversary services l alnOn Wdoa u t od W mooftebd A' - Lvie ietoe ifP chidren of the> Presbyterian Sunday_,Sunday.vprct. Matters of vital ae uoe ero thechol wans ieldayic hleomv t isben suggested thAt a CGher-,Importance were -discusucd ilaaa i-vély misartecit "Fruit--ie"n te th hrhonTedycening, De- ai deus.b. fommed iu the. village. 'Whyj waY. Recomencdations werc made, an .,.e cember 27th. The, pregram was given not combine the choir. ofthtei churches oe being that thc ire drl, which -iieiB~ arotenirely.by thc younger mcm- a abgmning. be ave lices neérbmgiven bue regalarîy-w y tmn-anu IÊ;erin"' Fog bers and 6ce One Perfornied their taient here, and there is -neao npaicd A new ca r r as been 1 ocf âun4 he3dac'iies ud patm a uecessfully., As is the why uoethiug cgnnet be doue to engs.ged. Thc trusteca, Win. GroXai, teeril- Cüutipktion, and luht custorn ef the -school the metabers stimulate and encourage the. "vit etof.P Batty sud, E. E. Peatterson, Wm as cz h futm<iie o breught gifts to b. sent toeietiier the arts," -music. .1'lZUce. aid -te cs." totaii Childen's Sbelter or the Llewèllyn Thc resuit eof emncia ec-CARD 0F TBANKS - M*M. J.. GORSE. o iP. Hoe ilaOshawa. A largo donation i hutiglsaJ-(OS U. wa8 sent toe aci lae for 'Wih . tien is, it latogt iby.tiufac- 1bo thc Electers- of- theTowna. P o!f sh. 8r2 trial size25e. br aceo rccve pltaeful the.torytte tie people. Four ef thc oldWhitby:-Raviug been. clected te Uic At d&Wl-m or>--etYpsp-E My eite At thc close o! thc programcà came a conilr aebc oned teet- position ef! ieeve fer the ycae 92 ~Fute.ivsLmti.(~aa. Deéci gnrubao!adinusndfiee and with one.new eevine wish te ithank ail tiose. who bave se, So genro ago f anis,.tsadeubt, prove excellent men fer thi kindly supportcd me. As Reeve, 1 will on ornesfr h zebeso!tework.' -Thc electien stands as follows:try tescrvcUie ownsip tthebes'bek man fiedaoMr. . Reeve, Inuis Grant; Councidlors, Thes. et my ablityý. Wishig youaie ,dlatyanclnhlefertuuevfi Tb$ aw-1Hall Oscr Dwney Urii Jocsmeasure et hchalth, happincss sud jzgteir hemeâ ai a net tee late i rence will be sonry to learn of her Wm. Ark-scy. rosýpcrity ib ouut Uccmn.er ad.Id rocent sudden illness on Saturday last DO ntfrc iccnetb i i yar, rohe- Mm. G. Fu . B y !ot e oa - i wile perfreminig ber iousehold du- interests of the Library, te be hid or msetuly d - C. m , aci.4 roklnN.adr tics. Under the careful treatient o!f Flday evenlng, January- 13, la tihelmsGat viie bs*âtF C rnl'.Rr Dir. John Moore sic was soon restored Masenic Hall. In rn.Yvstd hsZ ý,P ,ýe. to £onsciousneas,. S ic ils stili q uieM . H ~ M a st r Yre c- iP bd iii.. and the famnily wcre sumrnoncd to Tcana.mein ftcBn--ick isîi Hidt recala, he esd.culturel Society wiii be.held on Wcd- 'pH0RNl0N's M xa .ikt ber beslde.nebday altemnoon e t 3 e'clock, on * jMsSdecfT6ropN us- elu At Oshawa Hospital, on Tue9day, January. ltin the Lihrery. Aill- Jack Frost has made us a cold' risit ied, over Uic-1bldai'. at, M.IL El Dcc. i3th, teý Mr. and Mrs. William IR. tcrestcd arc askcd te bc preseut. ibis wcek. Twclvc bclew soero ia mî Blottes.- ________________________________ ported. .e.1Remember tup Ladies' Aid meeting the' li Tic annual Scheol meeting - edron WednesdyJuayli A rcuis ---- -lest Weduesday. Mn. Geo. RPeffn- invited ici attend. Core nesd ilp oi j Wasre-elcctcd trustee sud a fvorabi with tic good work - Mm e report, wth $113 in tic treasury, wae Mr. 1 ye' read by Sec.-Trcas. F. C. Frenici, Mr. BIG ;BARGAINS W. Sctt istird tutendM.J auditoreforcttelle w boche l. , -b!en . UE. Mr. and Mis. Cias. Elliott, of -l gný" C - caug's ".j 1S4. p, li.ws bourg, are visitiu.g.witi the laitcr' or's Toe lu iit at," O- e Dou't fai ,te seue a tew of thèe bargains fer this week: 1parents, Mr. J..Ellieu. bcm. «IrKigd - ftc pesü S lb.. laok Ti,'.peial, fr *i.@Miss bean Calder vlsitcd ever tic 1Blinde» WnigIu'lm H1prt ee-ldhste ins Choice Sardine. for '25vielidays withlier relatives lu Graton. H," o bg' Ti Gutc as, e Lin (eodPok nd ea. fr 5vMis. .Jas. Luke cntertaincd a nm-; of -Alceste, 'D lOM "Te-Lo -asekBumk fisGo okadBasfr 2Gber et Yeung people including thc Boy ril"ad fiemlt' b k Bui;yer,ï bars Gôood Laundry 8oap for ev- cus uhmhm etFrdyce- loOHuyaVs tom-," ! .' n-o - ing. An enjoyable enterteamnnexut vs, ost r ~tr~-epe, oir DRY G0008 ~~indulged in, suci as -gaà nessd msehoo' SicemÈ," liuCmns DR______008 n tic Comeul àâ For ut 'nie wad Men'a -Ail Wool Pull Over and. Coat Sweaters, re.$5.50 !i Robert's "udo tre, oo' and 86.00, te clear for $3,095. I "ic BeyS<os Book of Hc.roes. -Mon'. Heavy Ail W ol Shirts and Drawers, regular 81.35 f Petgei9 "erbillera aof te"1ô thîes aMant".Te railke-< i Bô!Inln4,"ti aud 82. )0, speoal $1.19. R N L ' i TcTelnk? Ã"S nul dangen AUl fine worîi szd elone otheti forth -i Biaoê, aime Navy Ail Wooi Dress 8cr, et 42 inohea 'vide, N éul eof ffycents. $1pca t la, e-ad .75e AOK I ~ '. W. mcRay. secretaryo et P fcthub luPau.N.Iun l~ie Ubirary, -v;" nTorntoQ bus.-nate Shakrer Biankets, largest aie seia oojai eîar, tuyblginom lest week-end. tnet ~ar $,5.I The wcok of pXayer in wiich thi boàrd, * Théeelinos are mmmi Vaiuea and wc will b. gdad e haveA HEÂR s tnBl e; yÏ * your inspection. f huc'3~ or praYer, "Tice M 4sx R ~ TH<in~aud Ia d ng Pople"lie Mondaý bRe. mtuLllaÙ; Tucsday Chirop, 14 L QaMeh, sub ir "ie - M:hod" A~ U the latet imgAlo, * * Oh ls sisi WRE E', the ÊM of Va,U th*Iemit to*aelwm op Wws cam uwo! the _ K. K1uý,f urwa&, and W. S8 j" mbacl w~kn.More tàê M.. pe'49, le the O.AôÇ.,Qulpi4. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A andy mmmu~ i ~edg bf ~l~y Ies- ens VIew Of the. nov SumtdaySQlcW Some or the Toioato ,iitWii 0W ba ve à of lessona m-ando« the Ry.P-U. the IIo<iday we!; Mms.Enem Mdm e ~ Reades~ Curse nov u bad, > rry, uitli Jobn and Mma d~ ad C. . Rngofthe Bap6tist bol; Rlph W-ldem ita JO& wid xXhw vii gre au address if -ape- M " Win - Lloy4 Wllso t i iterest -in .ewteti. u emt.4 ,-.ind mm WIIu;M.ïn, et the. Morning service o bUi Ptal Tinai, F. amm. » Bile- Matches" Evung -Nutt, wîth ER -ad Mrs. Tlaa th . «Jheki'ePe K ~f , .J. IL Pegg la visitiag friends in goma, x.,vs large atteidance kt aturday eeigmeigl . Quite a number attended- the liom- Hal wen Reeve R in 191-mations 7et the . Townishipr Hal uinfrb cloemg, ai Maor Mcgu0eof ig the n ou onda ~~ ~ The Young poleaeenjomg w p is s n t- a y ss u s. i e s r. ic e :o u: th i litt ie p en d . Midetn -nh uhr. Miss K. Wébster sspendmg .herlit? e -m G.M. ffl vacation withi her aýta tF.sm Sâti [y on varions qu - . 4 r- F afla , E view of tii. a Bert -and Mm. farvey and Albert AU e ad sPenikChristmaa wlth friends in To- andgealc4latedÇ oute.r. onto, a~~rti À i--r- . flAi p kJiti .40 me~vs andifinswr guua, a sumaptue us "cda [fase" -an:d an informa ei _gw*tligaim nesad nusie.- Mt.] Krm Gostiek werc ibe- recipients I nimber e! Ii#dnde s llierveci-- gilfis, and te cngailmox ms ou liai! o! 'thcfir fricndâ h C., W. -Rinmg. 'ITie bridegnoola re- led ln a ebrigit remiiiisccnî way, ïfg ninny changes - tuatibail place in tic ai uate e« y- and tiec. many vaùued ftrlêne tiy ad made. -Thc. pati~ id'sf tie ili bail anrUearty cet-sxhycem. Thspper witi a host oet frieuda l 'lsun ýa Mrs. Goatickeymoehp aia et weddcd lita. MYRL >ajCuuaL echool 1- meeting, wvici 14 1"etvek-aqut a suc- euoe, as tic ratepaycrs, by their' Cc iwdmore in!terest tin Mn -noticed lunprevious yeps. It. anmlY regretied thet Mr- Jnu. ~retlred frei.ticle oard, ibis but muci satisfaction was toit I Mmr. B. flonnelly qualiéd foi .e-m tic nurng tbmee years.î «-ôtier mattera wicli a'eedis-. was tic nuuch ielked - of!.sidc - eunnecting the two 'àbllages. A- iber of et ry saal udr-encon frei the înerthiît isfeiu ew* cngesed traifc conditions-on Itr.eicietfr"ad tit i lavcry- xous for. thenm1geing. baci sud to achocol, and havlng te be con-, y -dodging nuotors on thc centre . road. However, as ibis was a. r foir municipal aspirauits te look- hc suggestion was tàblcd. - Thé ,for the, ensuing ye-ar la Messrs ['ordiffI Grant and B. 'Don- - N. - A. Marsall reiurned o n iy to resuine bis studies ai Vie ?ractie C ollre. Toronto. - J. Pikespent the- ioliday withl and Mms !te. smet, Bage. - Redman WE HAVE OPENED UP ýA NE1W IMPLEMENT STORE3 IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY on Dundat, three doQîs wtst o!f'the Post office, and are ehowing a full line o! Iniploments and Fermer.' Supplies. W. have aeoured the agency for Empire Dairy Supplies and Engiues. *IVE US >A CALLO' Wailcer Bros., Whitby, Ont., g oeod& f m&acow NeSreerco ,cue~g bt rce fe&I Cow Chow, Ibut thet , iý ke r more tha made up ài the fit week. Thé. emt of thaem" tyou g« yo>ur extra rd&l for iodung. Fecci out of -themiecka. bosi Bag anad youwiiI W. iave a Concert- Grand, Gunn- Sonola -machiné ai a veîy speciai price.' The Gunn Sonola la withoui a doubt the boit buy in ftalking machin,s., tp-day. Ask the peepre who have JNO. 8., PEUI BRKLIN- hoped tha~juleuuxerwlt part 5~I~*I rn s5eaefpa- FIRST'aid TIIIRD WEDNESDAY OP UeCH M@NT.. KEEPIYA N MIN4D INOLE. Theo IIsnsy aiu.tiking -Sem jNAI .,04 1AWA BROoKL1N -PLOUR 1MILLS -W. Art. Maki.g8BrMd'F$rk Out of No. 1 KManiteba -wheat. Yen kýÎv what thé Marvel pastry fleur Io like, -and -our bread $-url10 eta g0od. Tiy a bag. If ye et geod fleur nad a square demi, hurry. back. 'i Fleur i. 81.00 a barrel oaper ti. we4k Ceu'.as et ail klé ds. mix £~,Et. Feu What Wamt.; HIgho.t 11e PaId. Chas. WlilsOn, . ro mi, - 1] ancake baktan, FIL WEN, a * nia worther lest week. Mr. N. Adaï aPd Miàs Razer Ad s iirc n the. ciy last wcek -M hsnpatby is -fî for, Mi ]-vyIn. tic dcathethe lst slù viigsister, who p assd away at ,le hminToronto on Strdeya (To lae for lest we. M.Gordon Adames,~ Tet spnt- te Chrisi ash'olidays -ai u home;'ànd rctuMýnd, te ticeiéty o' Tuesdey* nomning, accempxuied by lj brotier, Ndlles. Mn. D. Heldcnoft, 'B.A., o! Queeu't University, la visitiug ai tic Parsoný age. ... _ - . Thé Chiiaimas' Ertntaltànment .givei icre by thc Sunday Sehool on Thurs day, Dec. 22nd, wes one o! tic besi crer pnescnted. .Tic Cantate &&The Key te - Jack -Caànuck's. Treesui Bouse" was listened, te viii rapt at tention. Tirougu tic kindncss of ilu mcen a stnong and large platfc>rm*wa.î crcicd which made. a fine vantagi 7roud.- To single, out any one paM o!tSe play would -be mosi .difficuli The Qucen o! tic Fainies, ,(Mis. Tom. dfUr) as aie royally waved tic "'mag'91 Wand," lent digaîty and bcauty te ithE Fainies, as ticy marched past ln éiarming and Prctty mevemeni.. Thè Boy Scouts,. tic Province -Girls, and tic~~~~~ aractuc buappropriate dress, won- tic admiration o! -,jll as iiey siug viti force and feeling tie various cheoruses. Asraiiter, cowboy, lumibemm, trepper, fermner and fisi- erman came iu, bearlng ticir. respcct- bye instruments et labor,- in scarei of tic "Lest Key" eue could net. but teed tint Canada sieod for muci. Miss Canada _(Mis.- Lewry) drapcd in .maple leaves sud tic Uni -on Jack, pie- seated e chemming appearance; wiile -by ler ide sood "Wisdem" *.(Ms. Donnclly), viii dignity , and «.grace, The Men n l K. Whi, -wi th -Mr. Kerr, lu iica,,merclag lu tei music of miliiary airs, brougit rounds. o! applause.- -Thc Indians, led byA-ti Indian Mald (Misa 'tordiff) wio wes wooed by the Chic! of lier tube, pro- sented. a warlilcc appearauce as they marcicd iu, dr -essed in- testhcrcd ,head-gear, and stealluily- moved et luI single file. JacdE Caîuck -(Vicier Hnud- glas) viii bis rnanly stride and noble' bearbnig, sud-iaving lu :is pobssion '*he Key" te -Canada's Treature Elouse, impresscd oee iii thé import- ance. of luis gTeet_ mission, wbilc tic Aviaterbt (Nelles Adams) wiosc esC'-, tume was tic very stbi whici, duzbng' the war,,sailed often elieve tic clouda, W is ci' aracteristie grace aud charnu >t ma&nerteek tic part liest fltted toi im. -1 h would Wval psy mny soeety, o' engage ibis company te; stage ibhis Çant.ais. 1. Puice, of Mcbiaste. University, rpronio,. preaciod et Myrtle, Raglan, aid- <Jolumbus lest Sundtay." At theo Annuel Sheoël ,Meeting elid on Wesdey eof iis:wek, Mr. Don- "eUy vas elected- Trustee in place of Kr. flurkctt, viioseterIn hlue xpired. . i -Prie., of t o o MIe, la t guesi of Mm-. -mmd Mis. T. Prfce, et Mrte Igm. and Ms Beacoci spent Cris-t- âini Day viM -tudr daiiterMi. 3ponàcer, et-PontypooL- S(Tee laiéet orlautissue.,) Tii. Tuiand A Wtý .wi- ReadThese ABC.RuIes, About. Batteries ymr besrnphet longer proper inffatUorimdcreu I divig m eyou tiresli end, btter. It i. Worth tw membe«Ingthat -'theréne r"lo jut as siafiplefok muk- lngyourbaettery luitloe Rubbw. dn@WWdw à j ee.v" iwtesm.Y vem Abd w yo emelaa-,bi- .OTAIO... uTb-R Wfl ?b.SRuICEd RÂTbbINy CIENTîUL BARAl]E G. Go- M, OfoSouth Wlag ci Aý E. C R Be m so, Solcitor, Oi!Offlc, Broci St Bank. Money t. L« -W. IL KEN Bàmnlater, Solicitor fi Court, Notamy Con, WHITBY, 1 OMflc-Dunlan Stret O! Pont 01 DR, e T. Ma«! Reeldence -ai Co.Brock, and Mary MR.D. B.N Physiciau and EA, NoSE AN Office 1HeUr.10..1a, -Office and Reideee. j Standard B Telephoe s122 B. IL Beaton, Li Graduatsetofthe RIL tmctionemy Sior. ce 12; 1 th 5.30. Edl Northmem - ----------obete EW. &IODDj bel Pioge 2K , OMM oer AHB!D @vm k ài Rosa THE tC-l WEII#e eI ~ i-T rw~i allis..)g epair-your c are -the best 0 fully inapected assenxbled in y We hmvq -Catil an Guarantced Tii makos, Rose Joinston Clear tons, Gamolin'e b Try, our Va Gear.. . - M.MAW ILICENSCES AUSTUONEER AND reaaOn&blt. Bell aed Iuid. -Pieuta. WHITBY. ONT. GEN W OýOD IILS ESALSIIED 13r Tho Sterln a frQualt-. KLS5-iP

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