Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1922, p. 3

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j - -1r * I iU Kwsy LttmrhomOr Cerospdout Mr. ailm k OPeert vuebave retsued te thoir ba àw&-.ua- Ifra. John Toudiff, et Barrie, -bas beqp lu terni for-thé pa veek ovlng toieus, .1 ofber MLrno)l~mu.jas. * t, She retur~e oeo us day of Ibis veek Starihg on Thiuuay, April Ot, tb. stores et Brooklin will clos. ev- #i' Tiunssyafteuuoon et eue o'clock foztà elWebiy baiu homiay. Peeple azese fte keep Ibis la mmd! Rev. MK6 )KeLeod, s returned MWs eleaawy, Pruacbed in tue Pýreèbyter- tain(Curcii on Sandaylest. Mir. Meutin RoutIer, w)*0 iii.bues lln b. GàaaHositial, etuuaed ,,Mme mucb uusftored lu bealtu. - ~Mr. Griffin bs moved ln Mr. Bhit's bouse, esst efthte village. rau. Wnia Lavreuce as "at'home" teo anumber ef frîenda on Monday The Easter muiebeing prepared by the Prwnbyteriau Church choir viii lue given sext Sundsy. Mus. George Pringle continues in a 1ev staf. of healtu. Mus.Ssdluw, etfQubaa, la viating ber sinter, Mr%. Cee. Prinýgle. *Mr. Rosebuali, of Oshava, tWlsted Mr. sud Mmm. George Ward durlng lest veek. Mu. Campbell, vho han moved onte M 1r. Galetly'i farm, viii operate t as .a mauket garden. Tii. neyerai achool section& inme- dlately adjoipinf thIis village have D 0jeu«mev tiat two M" oftet le best oor paint am le. a'"1-,100 ef Toi uey blnkIt nlicu- loua te expýe s U " l -* ew t mted p U"«e *al *e voeu sudtour t a bootg&tu. 811tua ' eacyviet Fleer Paint -dosa Il tands &àu An, etuae bmüd a . bas et 1a amaJior* estule u fla v llkey b 15k... th harge et lb.Servie u ii leb.ol dem n te ngegtlthevmate sp- chor et ladies.n On FEstef Moday eveing, April- cfl d thaeurviclbeXoLuthes li.thdith rch unr ue p-e te " W MS.T.eil kuvu lya propur. ldaai edrRr.eb ert W. Plercy, vii entertalu, assisted by Unansd MissFollett, et Toren- to; Muiss E. Jobaston, tue Misses Mac- I%, sud the Quartette. 'Mr. Pieucy's selection. lau, "Keeping Up With Lis- sic,"I by Irviug BachelIer. This bas rioved te t. a 'pepular, hurmeraus, helpful, up-te-date, entertaimnnet. It is eue heur et funi, sud yet coutains a vital message to our age sud -nation. It la the farrmer's viewpoint et City lite. Mr. Piercy vil give tvo other nuaibera. Atter the entertainmnt a social hour will be spet.- Admission Good General Puspese sud Clydea- dale herses vili t. aold at' Chapmsu' on April 121.h. ,up b ecausu l'. nmaduetfplg-- monts sud extra tougi var- ulsies htua bvegral Il ye.u'Ivu bomdisappolut- ed vith, your palnted fbousn prebalulyy jeu ivea'tunMifa paint madle epe"lIly for paintiug bord. Love Brotheus' dm1.. barld sand .»M"sbar&. ItIs long-, the sample POuIW8 BROOKLIN 120 aRE ENWOOD0 . MI LILS for Qualiy ofeflour *for pastry and cake, bakingf a~~~~f ï EIUDPOT Ail K ý4êf lwê Qsumty. A"sfe Ioa m«o O oi Oaat.. Cha ~t 60 n 1«e4 vs w.du» by bs lT e, VrWd Redeswi um . anaa udvs2M&* r su EpaoUll.Ate Urne "dvi extemy el- ufo s uccsa ay such ousrvaIW. liay a Tiisdaaf »tnoo'avhictok illase fr ini .1 boestaadin 0t St.PauF Chmi-h,4 Columbus, vhlch. in the -oldëst churehin l-the county. -ColonelJ. E Farevil snd Mr. J. D. Howdenvee ameng those present froni Wbitby.- (Too late for lest isgue.) Mms E. 9. Pattersoni bas been quite HlL Mr. snd;lira. e.Thompson, witji the children, spent the week-end in Toron- té. That Brocklin La net béhind. lu any- thLng is shovu by the tact that t has in the course of construction a vire- les receiving apparatus in the home of one et the hîgh school boys which will, when completed, be a source of delight and -benefit. The Sing s property is being rapidly tomn down by Mr.-.Coolidge, who L. tends building a bouse on the sanie site. Mm. George Ward has been confined te the bouse with illness.* 1. A number of people- and somne-of the children around here are putting out bird-bouses. A pamphlet ssued by the Dominion Parks Branch, Ottawa, tells how the childmen cai assist ingt tracting the birds. Every yeam mil-- lions of inseets, their eggs sud larvae are eaten by such birds as the chica- dec, robin,' fiy-catchem, swaUlow, wood- peckem, amd vambler. These insece, which multipl s1 rpdly and lu such immese umbea, ould devour al the vegetation -in our fields and Lu our terests, were it not for tii... litti. birds.. Boxes built of board, oe e luh, thick, are prcterrcd, whilc old vamnish tins, apple cana or tunnels will oftcn1 bc accepted. .To encourage birds try putting out matorials as string, cot- ton, bitaet cloth, paper, feathers and straw, on lawn or bushes. To keep cats trom dcstroyi ng the birda swlUg the houses trom limba- of trees with strong wlre. By deung this e sec the regular arrival i e ii irds trots year to year., Mr. Edward -Long and sons have bought the farts of Mr. X. Mchael, sand vill take psesinthis lu. Miss Alice Moore, et McDonald Hall, Guelph,, la home on ber bolidays. Mr. and lirs. Jerry Eafley snd lira. Starr spent Sunday wlth Muende. PUIPS i PUMPS! W. have a full lit g.uide flapà*logBlIr I ne of OAS ENSINES, Sheuld yeu be oontem- pl.ting a 'replacement ot your present equipmoent, give us a oeil. If interestd et ail yen will be wel ed- vised te 100k overeur lUn.. Ask Un., We KLnow How., lisom 1101r CPo. LiIi1 8 WUITBY, ONT. Chas. Wilson, à±2 .1 bu in fe theuer. -Net *-ow O. lma reunder thi. inath - resait -4t Mazhlu RoMeter iiesiyJqirys. geisieBad(Voices ou)retues Cew uday B99 apKt s4' vics.Hur th=na Duvid A. Scott, wv uba usu- feming from a severe cold, in reported -mud bejter, bis*msuY f rie"ds il t. glsd th uw Chartes Sargen*at T*rOato, vas in Claremont let week-end, visiting bis Oid triends, ilulding tL1ose ofthtei J. HE. Evans' saleo etstckx etc., -on WWenesday the 29tb, br*îtghtont a good crowd, snd geod prices vere melizcd. David A. Pugh, Clamemont's new auctioneer, gave spleridid service. .Win. Doîphin feU tfrom a ladder -at Mma Farmers sale sale on Satumday, suffering a broken jav and a severe joit, and escaping what might have been a -very bad, accident,, as he vas < eli up the iaddcr vlan it broke Ln tvo, landing hin upon the stoop, hcad first. There vas. a big atten4puce at the annual U.F.O. commnnite sale m at Saturday., Some stoc jW consider- able, goodi of about everj'description ver. offered,-sud as a viiole br!ought- 1good pri'rca under the persasivencs et Hugh Pugh and David Pugh, auc- tioneers for the day. John - Scott, secmetary o! the U.F.O., and W. A. McKay. ere clerka et the'îsale. IMrs. Fred Farmer sbipped the bulk et hem houschold gooda by C.P.R. te. lOrullia on Friday, and sold the re- nisinder at the U.F.O. sale Saturday. She lett on Monday.for a briet visit with her daughter, Mrs. Johnston, Toronto, atter which she- expecta te resi 'de with her son, Jacki Orillia. Mms Farmner as recentiy presented with a fine club bag by the. Ladies' Mission Circle et the Baptist Chumch, et which aie bas been sccretary for many years. Tbis - taitbtl worker, inuch belovcd- and reapeed. in tiie commm nity vilI t. grcstly muuacd. Her departure trom Claremont is dceply regmetted. .Hear thei. Master University Jr. Evangalistic Baud, including the Maie Quartette, ut the Bapti;t Church Sun- day, services. 10.80 a.m. snd -7 p.m. BringOur UAwakeuing Souga"-,and yomur betvoice tqr a good smg atthe evepng service. Corne.early. Briûg Meaus. Song 8psmrow sd Cock Robin havereundair.,lad busy* lu the. good vork. Mr. sud lira. D.I Lry have returm- cd tram -visiting with triauls etStark- ville. Mr. and lirs. Harry Hugbson, ci Oakville, spent, last Suuday with bis tather bers Attii hue h e setSunday eveaiug instead etfte usuai sermon, a song story eutltled "Mary, the Doubt- er's Danghter" vii t. ead. The choir wull assist lu tbserdiogong. ýAn EpwrhLoWgue bas been organ- iz hreL conuection with- the church, witb Mr. A. to~eley as Presi- dent, d iiit cet elerThursday M r "Wle s hslu ased '-thie tarin lately vacated by t. . Martin, and- ownied by Mir. JA Maaderson. 1fr. Wiles viii mve t. bis,. tarin thus - Brooklln GOEAU-SEPARATORS I-I --1 TUE 4gg~55~~ f. GEEWOOD mini sud mev ae but m rab- Qiehb e eeuiviatqMods Miss HelenBumier-spent aeveod cadeon M£mg a Slemcor- Duekett £wat iner, t UCIL ,is visit] !nt rtb bisparentsaItue pussae Ghpnuahep artht. Stadard - Macb mde ia exlSk a roaring lion. MUr. f. Sheil sp eut part et last weck with hem sister, lira.W. English, et Manilla. RPemember the speciai service lu the chumch on- Suuday evening, April 9th. *Chapmau'si Sale on April l2th on the Highvay. THORNTO NIS CORNER ýSuow storuis and sleighs made a real April Pool. Mr. E. Pascoe is- remodelling bis bouse. Mr. Watson, of-Tomonto,- visited this week at Mr. Geo. Balew's. .Mms Knight, et Toronto, and MISs Margare ale, et Grafton, visited, Miss Jean' Calder at Mr. N. Buss' this week Mr. and Mms. J. McAlpine and'cild- ren, et Oshawa, visitcd last Suuday'atý 1fr. H. Drew's.- Spécial services, sud a collection in 1 aid. of the Russisu Famine Fuud -will- be obsemvcd iu tue S. S. next Suuday. . .Miss Hartshern, et Peterboro, visit-i cd a few- days vitu Miss Adà a Bay.ý Mr. aid Mrs. W. Stôeliuse motor- cd -té Raglan last Wednesday sud vis. itcd ficnds there., The suirprise party sud î'resentation given to Mr. aïd Mrs. H. North was vcmy much appreciated and they vish te thauk ail their friendsansd neigh-' born. Wc extend our very beat vishes for theis iii their new howe near Cor- betta Point RAGLAN Souhaskugfor sidevanl on motion, f etMsan. IPM 'Nsbtt tiii Coundi as. a wbï TIeb. uetL5im ta reéturathe. shah oa On mtion oMsr.Neabtt sud Freucb, the 0"kva instructed te o$er -ou. apprevAa, s1M00IL.grader frais~~~~ t> CndalgtIton col, aise The B,-Law tÎi ap point Overseers'et e ighvays, Pound. Keepers, Pence îewers sud Sheep -Valuera for th. year 1922 vas guven its lird zeading sund.passed. Moved by Pr. Farewel seconded by1 -Mr. French, tuat tue Collector's -Bell as meturned t. sccepted' sud that Mm.ý H.. Gifferd, Collecter, t. p Iaid bis sal-ý amy et $340 for bis services fer. tue year 192.1.. Carried. Moved by Mr. Nesbitt, seconded by Mr. Fmench, that tue Auditer's report as presentiBd te4this Council t. acct adnsd that the ÀAuditers t. pad te suis et. twcnty dollars "cach, t or thein- services. Çamried. On motion of Messms. Nesbitt sud French tue tollowing accounts %veme pad- Roadsansd Bridges--Chas. Holman, $14.40P Jos. Greentmee, *2.00;;,- N. Dovu,- $4.00; Tues. Newsotse, $2.50: Miscelîsuceous-ReomerPub. Ce., printIng, $3.30; S. -R.* Hart & Co., printing,ý $30.00; Alger Press, print-. ing, 5100.00; -E. . M!othersili, Relief' -Kirk, $16'.00; R. C. Henryi relief, -Brysut, $8.25; Ring Ed."Sanitaminan,, relief, -$42.00; Jos. Greentre, Salâry, $14.40i -S. Roberta, Mis.,ScC.. Burreva,,.eS. S.No. 2, $700.00; G.>LU Sc'ott, S. SS.- N.3, $17500; A .E. Grass, S.-S.: NO. 6, $100.00; Alex. M êKensie, S. S. No. 7, $250.00;- Wm.BRuent, S.. S. No $8 135.00; D.Lyle,. S. 8,No. 9, $100.00; W. W. Manning, 4 Uin Mrs.. A. Bryant. la visitiug relatives Moved by Mu. Ommiston, sec. by, Lu Toronto. Mm.. Freh, tuat Ibis Council do nov[ We extend eur'syinpatuy te lira. L. adjeuma le uneet, May 1sf, ut 10 a.i Stanlos La hem sad bemeavemeûnt Lu i. G. Par,.., Tp. Clerk. tue-deatu et hem sistcr, Mus. Steven -______________ son, o! Breokiu. an sd Mrs. M. Knapp speut, Sun- day vitu relatives lu Burketon. .. a'Mi Mr. sud lira G. Wiiaou entertained EH a nuniber of théir rLendto a dacel ut tueir hbme on Friday cvening,.rP LLS vhich, la spite o! tue veather, wvaS e dccided succes& asud eujoyed b "' -Be ose.present. Tii. music van by .our, favorite -orchestrÉa ftreto____________ aa,-n su was as usualU very inuch. EvMe - eWet v __ __________ tusnk!ng Mu-an. ,-WR3l"ufoa~ veryen=evi & - uuie frome. i'oftteuded1lb Bioolin.dl- mqçib r umat tuurdefti. aI M. ta n, 0 ie m r.eeélt: of Miet Violet S-%gn pit a0fe Ir-spamphlet. Ad=- The Box, Social iield under tue sus- TRUOCT Fc.jUa.. pices -oethe Methodist Chumch on Wed -_ ___________ uesdsy evea ing vas a. decidcd success. Much credit. is due tue auctioneers,r. * -, so Ted'-J.au,.f'e&Fry~rt. H SIID? vay in vbich he cauuied off if e ehung The DOrai api eft the boxesi. Proceeds amounted ' '.t) erm am. nkes ne~~w Bood about 4U5.00. I m é M*kes ae:wbloMM - Te lctue Ten Thousaud Miles» by Land sùd. Ses" given, by Rev. C.- Ad- anis, vuas enjoycd by everyene present. f«, S5. Sod b Ildrvgits. or m1ld n pai Don't fail te see Chapmns choice pk& on receip oflIoee apanh4 ,iV daimy cows On April thc 12eh. f".lm MEIU1OTINTi? THE LATE WW .'HODGSON.. Wheu William Hodgson passcd-away ou Sunday..aftcmuoon, at Glenhodson Paris, Whitby TCovnsbip, s very, con- sidemable blank was made'lu thc ranks et tic pioncera et Canada. His taàther -was Wxn. Hodgsýon, late et Carlyle, Eiland, vho came to this country in 1882, sud settlcd npon thc tarm nov owued u8d- coutmrollcd by Mr. P_. W. Hodson, --eÏz-Scu.Stock- Commissioner et CanadLa", ni, othem was Elizab 1j. -Watso#,, a niece eto Hv sauof etKèyler, Scotland- lie fluaI improver et Abérdeen Angusi cettie, as recerdcd by Mm.-Cenibie, et Tilcytour, ilu bis noted wvomi'ou cattle, ,breeding sud fecding. This faaiily trois vhich* Mm. Hodgson *vas de- scended have been uoted herse, est-, tic aud sheep bucedeus .for. buudreds et yeams,;in 1he, north . .England. Trheir .fimst importation vas made te Cauaaa lun 1847, viien lurge white Ea.g1ish piga were-L«mported,. aifor niuety years good animaIs frbreed- Lug purpeses bave been produced, sund aise, during ail. tues. yeurs good tovl for brecdinig purposes have beeu. kept. lu Eugland for' centuries vbat are 'no v knowzÎ as -Short euns bave been 'bred by the. emily ais Clydadales, ,and on the uis Che neot sheep, snd on 'te Lolands, Cotsvlds. soe . orteotsvolgia, sud Ihere a fte -becýme a-verr'-y auceesatul breed- er, se, mii se that thero v'as a de-. lu 1876 ifr. Hodgsou rmt et l. lis Amenic= an sd -- Caudiaû bocks et thb. World'a Faim ut Phnieia and there hbu v ý as.iu tu cd î b é - f boche, defcatiàg'tue bockshovu -by Rusase, heanwIckth iaýd tuI yazO vo lan&. 1& 18509M, H odias". 1marriod Re- beea eor , duhiter et John Spen bUdaugsbOd oferctIe ~oUaodt.bresi and aMy thes Thet imd IV»- -for uu" 70M UM î _" udeaci tliàe 92 yie ma.cfa-àg,vesa"bl dnlr i nuI t WbIw-hy &g àiveýlm#s MÉORTON IL GIBSONi»i Ontario and Domiunion Land Surveyor and. Civil Engineer Successgr, to late W. E. Yarnold Ontarlo-Land Surveyor- of Port Perry~ Phone day or night -231 Hopkçins, St. Whitby ne. Double.Trak Route MONTREAL TORONTO' DETROIT and -CHICAGO *Uriexiellad dining car service. Sleeping- carson uight trains and parloeres onprincipalday trains FPUl inormation trois auj Grand l'in'Tlckct Ageént or C.. E. Hors- mag. District .Pussuger.AeuTe- 'route. liu national Patronise lié Canadian Nationa J. O. LURERïAgen Geleg Sostb-8.Q am,&U, 1 De. met ram nu". Im dmilSZ Fer West-AIt 7s..,12 7.3 p...,8.2 m., m*.T FS oret Wbtby-7.80 s.t Zn. Fer Oaa-1.45 p.m MAILS DiSTRIBUTED.4 Prom Esst--7.30 a.m. * rom West- 7.80 eam., 9 p.m., 8.16 paun. Prom Port Witby-7.30 a-m., P rais Osbaai-3 p.n Prom North-1.50 pi. PROFESIONAL Ci Jno. E. FaireweD, E *Bauristor, CuuyCreva AI sumd lountySolieltor. O(Mce.South Wlsg -Ct. Houa., K. E.CRISTIA Dardstu, Solicitor, Notary Eskm<nej t. Ida& DuutuSeoltor la tiie Si courti, *;otary C.veyauc. wHITB, oNT. 0O@f5..Dudsj tto». de .of Pott Ofie. MR.IL"T. MacLB :COL Broeh a" m s toul EAIE, 1(5E A,îm> r Offic Houu.-10-i2 a.;ê office adm: -Juil E Smd ar n Telepiiome 122 WHT1' Dental Surgeousasd -- Univu Tomante. 0Office vur Murdod tectioaery Store Office bau 12 . e5.30. Bell Phone 220. lad. M H.l J. udson, D.D.S.,1 182 Carlton Street_ TORONT" Phone North 5816 Opposite lasm E.- W.: Sinson, DADS.,1 Bell Phase 294. Imd. P -ffice* ovor AllUna nDrug 8 Hous--9 te12 a.m.; Lt. 6J G. G.-McKee, D.D.S., GieGàduate OfthelB.ojrd C DeaSurgeons sud Unfvm .Toment. Office ov Bank ef Comm ell Phone 311 A. A.Rol ýUndeutkuu and Fund Bell and In Éme. -andSave Youi Back Let me dhow yonbw.T -,Lutter camervm ae M ea «dgS mntsar. wbeebuu,1' â dpioejuk as,,w av fi* BROOKLI1I 'a ~. -~ ~ - - ~ ~v~r-~r;-<~u-. t * **- * ' * j t Soin. Floor Paint Facts. lWorth Knowing .. FL OREEN, BROOKLIN FLOUR MIULLS -W. always k.ep on hand Brookib. BreadFiour, Marvel Pastry Flour, RoIIed Oats, RoUIed Wheat,- Wheatlets, Corn Meal Graham Fi -Our, Bran, PureMtddllags, Mlxd Chop, Cu'ushed Oea, Wheat, Sereeuiboga 011 UC*ke Ment. Cor nsd, gel ourprices, or phone,* and ww i i use you right. are Xondays, Wednesdays and Fuidays only. i

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