Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1922, p. 4

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TMUESDÀYe. PEJL..69 -19a. P*GE OG 1 The bearers were Mr. F. Hatch, the routÎne Of' Me m gt OLM La-- >Ur Robert Thompion, Mesura. -A. -W. gave an enpiing talk ou "Money and and L. Richardson, Mr. John Thoman, MtauBs," demontratmng by antable and ex-Mayor E. Harper, men - it storiea from lite how the motive whose mothers Mm. Powell had leen power ot mouey may b. loosed for elo.olyaaaecated lna CrWaian worlc. the benefit of mankiud and the exten- Vrybeautiul tribute as to Mn. sion of thé Kingdom ot Goil. Powell'a Christiazi lite were receîved ýA-,very, gratityhig part ot the pro- from the. Rev. Dr. J. Abraham, and grain waa the preMtentai made by the Rev. J. D). P. Knox aid'others, th- Mns. A. M. Boss, lit Vice-Preaident, eIudng the County W.C.T.tJ, of whlch of six lite memberahips to diferent Mns. Powell wax a tifs member ladies. Onset these was the gitt of Ihe faniatY ak themauy friends to iaiso, heolee of t tthe. acoept theirfl piecàtftl Bet.Yii- Soclety. pathy. mhe Thoffeéroýved t&.é-- SPGILSFOR. WEEK IEh Ut..uuo54 ft*r2 aÇeaqBnef fer. fos - 25 Lux. 3 f14W **ptr Loa, i9 - 5hd4ed*WbU at,2 for 5 tAtm er peck- 40c WiOtêsulgar, 100 b..bag, $*10 -. r rx i Li.Uneof «eods.. WHITBV, ONTe keeping et stock. Judgment vas giv-- on for the plaintiff ton 4$41.54. A -dispute over 1he émeunt et bsy given eacb day le herses beloaging te the defeadant vas the main feature et this- case. The- selicitEna vhe figur lu -the case- vers W. il. Kennedyfur the plaintiff, Mark Holhiday, and A. E. Christian ftohe defendant, E. E. ïWailace. Mn. Hofliay demaided psy- ment et .feed for lirsee rmes belong- ing- le Wallace ftrom No-vember, 1916, le Jauuary efthle tollowlng yeir. The feed .lunquestion consisted et hay be- louaging le Mn. RHolliday but vhic h e detendant ted. le bis .bermes.-- , The. frInt witness, Mn. Holiday, *hio bad .bad -certain deali ng ir ithle.de- frula~t,-ntte -tetho iad ber su ec Ofnt1e aJif oe.The bo as paoue.-Plaintif altatel ie bailne ceaveil -a choque- for'- $68.56 ou the Standard Bank frein Mn.ý Wailace. "I ak4imfor the, balance but he4ust 1. geatrnm- U. Youwrall iigbt he uebL AboMeten b.stitovel fMe *84,Thils wvîth interest camne le9499.64, J E ste«- .him, leto, but I -nover glausaltifa4ctioa.» &Wia bout th.eue enca' cd"? "The vne riglit. I haskid - 1 e "Teyehonses ot tlevolu Iô <bane l-h 4e s day for hie hersest suhd h cot.40e ali or se-e s fu ande Ithesclyt.dTth n I vrèascfar- sie ral intting 1.enouglir" Qn.nutoebrri-itUifo tIi.defedant witessstall fhtrb had ùmade wan es try l th book whon-thade' an enry in.me. b'mok surenthél il wauiorignalme. - ry. Io suet'l wm he oilisifgIisaee n't "-1Were they dlivery hersei?" 'el thuilc se, anyway they ver. -consumn- ing bou 49cwofh ethaya day. "Hevoldvas41.col?" Coming on ene year." - ."l'm told il b ail a long way te comle?" I 1dent kba* about that." ."Hew much waslaàây liaI year?"I "f$20 a ton." "The. item 40e for t*o hoses-dees liaI mean foi'tha-tiwe etthon7"."No, no, 40ceoaci, o e ter ~ ye * ml*wet Wullacq, tIv- ew ag'o but I neI bt - 4tU& lmi , Ici somethiné neurto hLm. 'wa.tlbofSst udQsStreets. ,The bu fori' the Tu O RUL OF pM& was made y1tue yaatorI'evF. H. ve hourd ot it" b. id. repaira m ms.Hutchison decared she _ _ _ ~ w pi n n t wrwcr i > w à d td en d o o u u mp m ind aMII O W S i'< tok à" a u ap«e oeubig wheuia tonoert waa esnta Dmrng the afternoon the WAtclipled.the fact=t tno settiernut Wadenouh rnon"cy wit.him lus Mn Ttzuruday last, eenducted by v.ade W caieso teTower hera»rportedbriefly frorn boom reached.. 'don't âsée iyseit bwe& dto 413.5 H. Howard, pastor e hoMf cuý uovnagrattend- therfr iebda, and'eélh oue had smre bey tould boiàt ait aceuratoly'weîgted'Smale ln the vitum sbox, demied au- T EWLKL 8e=~~tb mrtic<Club Au gut ettuo p-e rota u< ia raintgeon -a platform saWil.Iamn sorry no knewledge of -thia.- «Ipaito'he P a b n a l, w lc a le g eM Md0 5 5 t u e lmak s& t hre M e t oft eo -n o e in Ua "evit al i nf o r m atib enre a c hd m & T h e c a r, » M m. H u te h ins ai te d ePmt Pwell'a Sabbltuedaymer, put féat music, readinga and A very pleasg MÀet vwa reudered- W'hole question àaseeof amoiut. The '"Wereyo ithabtterly- von the tessons eadandt~io hymuby the Mises Drydeun a"d Roasm Pant-pusth-às I44aday ad ikg 5mai for taxi er"?"e!" <Yisaud~ weethke l. uans eetua d> nd hsymta>-su Ar h bnditen scA lpthe dofendant ut 20c lIIR plit the dit- 1 always. gave hm éaÈh for bire." 17ike tasihong, bittlpro'iic tCp.J .Nu a ttevan dùWepesoi uda happy heur ïferenco -and i*ew 30e. Iis maketSoreqesin-erW se l.vt ' aid bi ofnlg n eat.frig eadiàwg theena irati $110-10p-ad, $6&56 theaves oracoma orut Plls out 14. sealit l as et aet ta boîf*14rneteorn ue evni pogrini vereset he l4t captr t S.our lksWOY ltt.le cshteteeig i liedâportommed eaeh tricrstpfovrethv ryIn s he aiai Tron e~tonRa. John's Gospel, poetrayugthe. home id.srutif or $4154.-,te-ciet nte Ra! heed fer led ehildrtrickt Goie. ve- DUNDAS ST. HOME AND SCHOOL "Was lie arrestediniOha? f t e .paumns etMrs. Powell Interesting. Captain Neale appoared MEETING Cai «m"«e. leid wlt a mlle as put orth chaIrai dsucceatul o Bronuvthe SmoyOva .e bau msu butpe awati uoigwhmetehl aseord ae etn ith oni A ou rn ita tae ien tolilt tgiu p hnst s 1as ead toi' The ard to whe muaid fr h. dancng. r- Taday evem-Cubg.Seavera topcet taefes.BrwnVokÈae arware vs.WK" alaysovorpitaidhmsuas lt chsal ae" a eue-and tarseemeit uosv- *dsusd eeae .Gifihpedb itk u pitoI or o l. lie grit eveforfoyrsvlt th apvalet haudie. t isverseetppin thd Cottenlaber' nudte véat>i moupofl My té g«on.ype nidhor vte?ý" "~ vhlh vs eor eptbnght ai tboui,. "MTi at Esae veuioui Set to m id cs ~~- nito. lirhmV&galoD5~e BI clas ontedailhro1 cuh lb. su ead fot r t a uie bilt-ceathre ienuo*MisJ. mwnih bsiehossoee ciaon ed.h' ele uthoxConiaboid by mis taou Arfl or o-ler wihu djuaeu.E miies t hoe holoei ler a "lia nialt oin, i.W Ah elg, oot.M. cioave lb. cêt io of eutoplon v. Mae, d. bo maou rlb.or vîtuebo dc net ~ ~ iowi togwuifrl brls thee o s"isTbi oia" aidMss vrterespo4ýtngadtedesso Bu-to ~ ~ ~ ~ o httepani a b ote sou, F A.PowllLoiAu~elo, Jhn ankrogin gav se or bsteo Covniteeio cé temphmzang th a rtee te ui u ntesith" d er:7 eme n.Htc hCl., sudme ajosHw. eil Osa ey nersiig edig ad oes uepin ta tru5 b.ceoer-afMn Tcl B'su1HebeTh e rmpayiug uedAd ila." th- Surng Mia ud . dmud lar, hi M. rskinsud Mmn.Danie l tieeToroenHo.m s utchoo! he"gdavbae ai - fhtaccidmeu SIept. m~itby, o hsud dauglo, n.lrr, s "M eyacpaly isM le fudo a aid or ettr cte cTas ero thSgeondut'2t , od n th Kingtn od«o.» MsC.te udMia .foow i se gave ab ory instgadi.ship. Follovirsthis inedmo «Bers- not forgot llasttdstees liteaboni'sinaenoflHedad choëlttCluvs apo t-eth e" h. n ajned fo the plantif,t"hat vheld Mn. Husth e S b graulaugmile rhro n um; ewu1Y C. ona 6cr Dvis i olo*icitonmluthetn. tpae hg a -gr aebdfnV.I' Powes, Les A. Poell s; broteCaI ciJton the ovonng vers vry -i ouhrtieonthMrs utcaisofOs-vibor n Htcheionbvsen cRaI&uc Cal. adMaor LSunoFeldo; cez gratitlussudsi' heaz pnd solof CAICAICA! maedae vs, h ontal rs ûéias bslSUtof, t -he-tid " avas pid M.Hmphei s u dW£ . Humphtary the erMars.BÉe aepnd M.v iii go t Co eaIa Haso nbad. ehtho " ies ho oovlliehefan. eber t ayl bock. ingdontoe hm ent SugFrano;1ce lr. ilyuo hebulin csieoteCeiiuiiYs ad orulberve. O- i hewekmsuo muocaseusj"wi avet bi-a agientblln Sept. Locua HII. Flral tibuts ~ all.dors ay h lot ut he boseT.yro.bob ier t onafrthlevs uif or. t'2tho t iligli. Wgil ,n ace l u . heseincluded beau- rSresangon 12. as Sa an, eaptaneblycbah.deiassS aleM.dt Sl ye sre11 as n. Smae' tîtu floenu nom n. d lia. Jhn __ Or Smle Iunc>ed acoutûembersoe yn ves l on epteberPo" ? Thomon sd fmily sudMis BASER TA2N OFF1UNGnddsiW.55H.or enmonts for texi serice wÛ Mai;sMisA. G ibsnMisV. owell;a w.gav M. SOCyinerTY.LNTYCAEnREgT II hseacut n. ucaonca- ave -evideace."-Mmn. Hutchison palil toand. d MnFord, Ms.Iss M. dinTeBoss, SItoalaehqri erlldan N utewas cdit- eresoalidorsdintaton. pm àle taWaxi bill"fhoytdeclarIl. aa Dr. sdM . Sme,fn Hoîl-e sdthe vniauni ase TaDk- ffliK dfrtep fprhig Sile et a(s her taenl. 1-drverm i'.nleagintookWtheWon. Mfon. ackon, daMn. sudMs. Wntii-a meet asin heWoen'ilMlO h e iSr oly Ifeocses es:j' her a h basl ee4 idecedin e sPvoli-cet a littp eHnmn? 'Cx, MndMn. C.rSyndo;n su Soctify ing-n e etheit ernceApipe sssofAioetli ivon Courte villa e xeptwa ion of tat o To-"tha t and.b-rlbusinetsotmn.> tsil, h OtuieCuny 1 Grl' i lel n Tuadyeflgno t held on ueay n bandfor e HisHnoue r, one hrag e e , lio vasleaear " DIIyent e if lu au. ok" Sans F eanomièe,'aMmnsil,ni tebil3.30 p.m 'f.re. , ti Judgte Rud ady Te ouksr cmmeucedinethende-andu heosawa Divisionu I «Ygra?êk"W ? garDaglier, ethdiî abenale n auualy ine unmerelirtlmy bale ttheo colustheByrCourt - - perfe cas vs hn 4jmg' t 1 CoirLaies' Aoüid ethds, aerw ae aherean noteHall.ag ilan ajunietfo uchl ep temToroeto1, liSUe ani saaDvso or, h e nlacl eIho Maple Lest Clubed eatt n Sa pnt h har~ntlet houion et2. eas.itidngs caI no,-whedeclared la o eigdrvnle on-edt'lendosureSince bei-Mr. esbeon Work Glaswes fo . LMraO.L . Iocanddyte rsiétettc e Iooclc l h annJ.ohnl:eby the etendint, an accient15 eOraw lwsn4y ettl~ Teschlng Saff. cîel, isa.CeNK iFAii u te Jdmn a rahdl fr b ap e i car aiwservicen taraYsouldhe eenIir uh i Mr ad IN O TM MITOAcsHoia s aiae nfvr l ae aI thef cornlerof yJarvisplac. tdi ad elrah et liereaplaintif.II dttvase s iaim tonavelie few ofthe many bargatmsw.J 1 .acIh o! ComaPeàs madi Is!ate' ,Delight soap 3 Si Aapiaetu Tipi, 1 lb. tis Port Poney or BSroobUaCr4 PaýstWy Pleur., 241M. baga- 14 bars aay kiràd Lamadrv' .6 Relist Toilet Paper Çhocoàl&te bars (NeUu.ê*) i Aea" h1P~~e~lI custom *WACW OUR PICISS 4 r AN STE SPcIA SALE -EXTRA0RDU'NARY 0FI Lalè oasSuits:,Dresses-, Blouses - - from. BAKER toWEAnE 3-DaysOnIyE ApRi6,7S J etc.,id are being sipddirect-from- Our factOry to -the store., 4~eYe buy ut mrdatdprce. No two are aike. Latest gods, Mt atl n siâs. Comuierl and, have a good-choice. Your new. i. Ear-Cl.thesiarg. bere et your own price. Leats.3 AISTS - 2 doznWit0re De Chine, Voil liafô imd stiep tus 59, tor Asr-8e T '-2 demoiL eoslt~~ de 1he e nc-,tmmd «wudYeuuit coÏis eady le gelao Velerad eotla lsllk liued in u i bds;n w tyes make.- Veryeiala...... 2.8 Tretnbatt-tlnci; aItu szes' lue abde ad ýstyles et...$1748 Vory, Spi lVoeurcoite, tbe-I quarter lenglh;-iaim isd shadoal la anl ha eombrolersi sud [sibL m .12 l3aud 14, for ..$" sïaid moug4 CoZ I ~'M ~ Tii. riglit place and the night tree.tr ýpeople-and the nright prie-es have a wayi vening, at the same.-addness. We're ne wait upon'you,-butWo are nather e;peci that new tire yo.uneed. -This l' the rie. tires-put i lutal usshape for lhç BoaE - 'SlATUSF&CGION IIUARANTI Il - 17Me':Raiucoats ut I Reg. Pnice., selling st, $10.50: $ 7.50 22.50 16 50. 25.0018.75 26.50 19.75- NEW GABARDINES-Beet Quallty- These are veaU money Save ROY F0I Suoo.so teHarry.T. Ti FLOUR AND -Hueilqurtors tor Cruished Out, Baled Hlay, Stre Flouir. - Ti'ya- h WANTI- A qu saiira'I . CSIL' me- DRESSES gi S serge; 6-14 yas Mldes, embroidered dete kirt; - srge fer ..... .... '39 R. BAILEY p~IYRI SIR~ET, - I u I H0w Îiabimates - t- T Also a iwel it , q«MwNmmMý at PORT lu --

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