Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 1

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~, Jan, 102h 'VIlE GAZETT AND -r 111K OPEN ALL Y"&. ONTER N OW Yugê 'ud aw Bs. Toret. .-tb. hlgh grade 'husineus sebool of1 Ontarw .Our gra4uatou are lu strong dem*nd. Preparie OW sud b. esdy to a pt agoodposition i teFal Wm. Db Dykes Toseher of 8lnglng Studo--Dundas St*et Phon-Dey 193, eveutag, MS. Wu a I u laàa-rI -WEIITBY, -ONXTÂRI, CANADA, THURSDÂY, JUNE I2 Shriners Dring JOy Youtbh Couple o leoHospital. Patients CrssCntnent nIe Yeiiui11ho Ploasod wIIh ypur Plotw'osý If »Ulet Lus DweIlop and Muit, W. take ýrid* in our'* r loture service, and 1 1eve 1* to b. the -boit in te wn. We uupply prints in a beautiful, glo8Dy finish, without extra charge. ENLARGEMENTS, caii b. made from your favorite negatives at a' email cost. They make ve.ry acceptable grifts.. Brioig Your 'Ncxt Rol *of Film to US.- E L GDLUM Orsuggist and Optielan ;ý WH ITBY, ONTARIO Fo AUTO1MOBILE CALL 290 W.eS .Convention Met ai Port Perry The Womeu's Missonary Society et the Mieth , a t Charch, held theic Di- tu*ct, Conventîaa in7 Port. Penny ou Thursday, May 251h, witi mornin;ç, aud after'noon es r..Tiere arc- eight Auxdharies, tiree Cîrcles and six Bandas, in th-z Diaýtiiac,%sd g~ reports were neceived train ail. The Port Penny Baud gave sanie very iu- tonestlng exorcises at tic aterneon session, anc impressive oee ing- I Wanted, the 'Wiole World for> IChrist." Tic papers on mi 1any parts of eti work wono ail instructive aud hoîptal. Tic monoy raised ton tic yean was aven twa thausaud dollars, a substautial îoreasse aven asat yoan. Miss Campbell, on turlough'-'tam Japan, gave n :M ,st insplnlng sddness ou tic workk in Japsu. A callege, teundcd by six dejiomxatous,' for girl, ludoig goad wark lu-in is- tineducation; sly-s even girls grad- uated tis yean, sud many et tihem' wilb werk as Chistiaus amang thein o'wn people. Shec spoke aofs hostol lu 'fekia, for factory girls, and aise for kindenganten work. The spirit of Japan la chsnîninl many ways, aud there la noam - tor man' mare Christian wenkers. flore sos a great improvement lu Uic wonk fon tempernce; oanc womau bas been Prealdeut et tic W. C. T. U. t fon, twenty ycsrs.- Miss Camipbell: was veny urgent lu asking motions tao e-i courage ther daugitera -te 'Prar for nissloary- wonk; aise shwlug Uic need tar mono carneat prayer, as even more -important than lie in- crosse etofmoey, thaugh that, eto course is necessary tee, In tie menu- iug Miss Àdania san'g very sweetly, "«Thy Will bh o ansd in Uic af- termioon, «Bui d15gftanEternity," ws enjeyed and sung by -Mn. Tordiff; sud Mns. Beutley gave an iutoresting readiug, «RHis Mather's Senrman." Last yeafs officenu were no-elected for thc commlg.yesar; sud a very auccesatul Convention clese74,te mccl next year at Manchester._- NI lD Wn iAaKAM1 tmisnstue~Èt Thic aunual District Meeting -et South Ontario Womeu's Institut. uil be held mbuKinsabe Hall, eù Wedues- daJane 'tIi, commenciuget .10M .a ni.-Afternooa session willopenl et MisEmlly J. Guest, M.4. Dept. 0tAri1 tue Tononta, wîll 4Urée th eetng AUl women lutérested luanttt work, are Invite&. - Itla~ hoped tir M ilb. a lgateéd- flou Ztoulugteattend the moot.- iag froniWhtl1wiU plussegive their âAmanies"ta SecntrMs NOeaias sonlé pssbes aangemntSu b. mile feor acm- May Day Fesival e Khsi4erainPupil Ask ssisance h Pavhig DokS;S NO mmr fi< 8h10 snd happy oc- Repnosentng the'twn as.d eputation' esieu las bem iveu on acheol child- cousisting et Mayor -Bunns, Reve nr= in WhitbY tliat the MayiDay Fes- Bbow, Councilor Beecrett, Town CIenk' tâval held on -the lawn et R. A Rut- Jacksn sud ex-Mayer HRwper, inter-, chison bast. SatTqday,*when the child- viewed Han. F. 'C. Biggs iu Tarante ren ot the:kÎlutaaten, King Street last weék, requesting that- the, Provin- Seheel, gave sa<oncert. 'From begin- cim1 Goverumdent bolnd some iubstan ning te end the prOgram, wai adimir- al assistance lu the OftnetC>u-! ably' carried esti The attennoon was 'stnicting a permanent roadwa . on", entireby for tAie,,iildren, but thc oldeul Brock Street south, c9nnecting the, folk Who attended had fuly ai mucli Base Uine with- the -pavement new:i pleasure in secm-' the children happy ! runnin<g seuth te Dunlop -Street sud active lu t-Lar festival. J The deputatien placed betore ýMn4 The bawn was 4adsomely decerated Biggs their arguments 1why the Gev-I sud laid eut *it seats sud beoths. A erumeat sheubd tako7' a share'. this' barge number o. the parents wern buwank. They peinted out that- a great' attendance, a.ud- were webcamed lii deal ci t Uhe vyý tramfc new passing Sheniff J. F. Pliten, who, ai chair- aven Brook street.eiginates trôm or1 man, expnesse,& appreclation of the la destined- for the Ofitanlo' Hospita, work beiug dom~ for -the childreu- at sand that the -traffic lias increased ai> Xiug Street Scbhb1by Miss Wales, the'breysneteHoptl*5eet kinderganten lucer, sud by the oed. -Very heavy trcs tram the Ras- i Home and Scho; Club recentby rgan- pital wear-the roada badly, sud if lias I izedj boom very much mare -difficuit, lu fact, The program ýnblch tollowed was a almost impossibîe.....ta keep .Brock delight ta ail. Agrn ardi was Street lu goad con dition with this ad-' held 'lu wbiâh a:l Mhechîdren et the ditional traffie. krindergarten t~ part, follawed by ]Ion. Mr. Biggs gave a cordial re- the prctty cerewr,*l1 of the crawniug ception ta the Whitby deputation aud et the May ,represçnted by lun answen made a-rpoiio n0 o littie ean . iaI! ot the Departmentthat wilb prob Betoreth- and hon Court a ably be plcd ficalyb tor ht lengthy anc - -able prograni thon Council at the-meeting uext weok. Iti was glvon, t ? bora being . fol- lauderstoad that the proposai otfh~ blows:- - Miniater la oue, tiat will enable .te Floeon d- Dance-Craig Hlut- toiru ta undertake permianent,"work an, chisan sud Vatchen. this section efthUe road..-e Selection by' fiawailmn Boys. At any rate, it la expected that as a' Apple Bloss5 Drill by eight iftbe resait of the deputatiou's -visit, sarne girls, more satistsctory-method et iandbing Violin Sel ' alter Thomison. tie probbernof Brock Street wl beh Hansel ail-, I1Folki dance. paôssible.i Doa1Wee L t e wn (leuni1 ie.Decilin NS» *uàsu Boys; akPon sto Felki Dan eCabbagè Pateht ak r i" o ol- Bell. - A apecial meeting oet the, Town Butt Council waa hebd Isat Saturdgy even- lufer the parpese et considering grM thtHmo ehépropositionplcdefr tbG Qnd - ~ Kigtr teoo P. Lynd, who offered -ta renlt, te the asua peaatotwn asa public pait for a poniod et soci ~ u by hos prs- tree or five years, the graunids et the Warren property, rocently purchasod the necipient et a 1w him. ofetcarnations t ram Svra-ruieations ld te reation'of hon lCounli *,ta decline ta acc.ept the offer.* - 1e'tie ccalion It was toit that tao, stablisi a park for %.:a short terni o! years, eveontuabby ta have the land novent ta theoawneora vantage,.f -h ýý ý +ýnnÀI t aànne iats ýthe, place w Hundreds of the patients of the Attnir n the- orthodox hi]k".g cos- Ontario Hospital hors wore made ha- tume- of khaki and brozed .tfroini the py~m letota ytevste h uef many days spent beneath cloud- Nobles of the MysticShrine, Ramees esis skies of the sunny. States of the~ Temple. A party cansisting of fity, West, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burns, a Nobles and their wives,- accompanied pair ot youthful Canadians, who aspre. ~by the Shriue band, left Toronto at te Win honora -as, the chamion long- two 'o'cloe n o>e oWbitbY.- distance hikers of Ameros, paased flore they we-.-, joined by Nobles through MWhtby on 'Tes môinramng tram Whitb> and vicinity n the i lait lap of their trip troi New partyprocoedod ta the HospitaL. York ta, Sani Francisco and returu Th ad led the way, plaYiug pop- Under contrac t withlthe Blszed Trail fular airs, to a spot* on the beautiffuI Filmn Company, the two set out tram. Iswns ;here soveral- hundreds ot the New Yensanjuy1 fltyert patients were gsthered, sud bore a tramp to Calitornia, sud baok within This -l ldnmeosséeton July 4of aft ont thOy win, a Agmes Addle, comie selectious by Jo be made without any-mo ney except t ing by theM Mses eaeSuocd. -what they might earn ou the way by Sing h iS e , m. Mnsolling picture carda ci thezuselves. Dunng hissplndi prgra, ~ AuBurns torxnerly was ,connéèted qurnthiti sp "ie»fo with the stage, ho made good an thel qan canies ofor the oeuwer-mens card-selling game lky singing lu the tiibuted, sud over a thousand- iceV8LUthtishchovstdsd cream canes were handed o~ut. 1',then passing the carda out axnong the IThe party weroe ntetrained at* amp-, patron. Ho set no price upon their pe n the largo staff, dining hall, sale, but took that which was given li iveePotentate Dr. W. H. Wright, return. Originally ho had 8,000 cards*i exressed to Dr. J. M. Forster, Med- flow the number is reduced ta, 500.fie ical Superintendent, and the . Bursar, must be rid of these before ho entera J. M. short, the pleasuro it had given New York.. the Shriners to ' isit this great imati-, diinlitra to this trans-1 tution. -Ho cangratulated Dr. Forster ce>tinental hike is given by the -tact; and hîs staff. on the fine appearance that Mrs. Burns' lsa'-a tive et Toron- of the grounds and -buildings,- and ta,-her father and zuother, Mr. sud- said ho had -heard nice tirings about Mrs. William Foster, residing at 179% ithe SIstitution and' stàff trom the pa-- Sackville Street. Burns la a native Ients themaselves. He believed the- of .Mantreal and both are under 22 ,Institution had beeu a rvlto < years of mgo. They vlsited Toron- the Shriners. -ta until Monday and thon beft an Dr. Forster -thanked the Nobles :for their tramp for Montreal. While on their interest in. tho patients, snd for thé road Mr. and Mrs. Burns tell et the -splendid ontertainnient provided. many advonturos, including being lost -Ho annouuced the opening -o! two on their way and being rabbed. For largo new-buildings ta ýbe held on he aste abe tlrei JPoncial Sec 1 re ierHonDH. . Na-d big Caifornia desbt,. without food orvi cilScreaof he dHuC N-ansd-living ouly an the ji#ce they suck- on, on the ocainoah grauton ed tram the cacti plants which they exercises. cut. When discoverod by aband of. After supper, two bail garnos wr eetIdaste were dlio" hebd. Firat was s game between the- dosfert . asthy were usdeliriau6 staff of the Ontariq Hospital, sud thern oe. hywr ure mkt Shnurs. This *proded an uËliznited health hy their kindly desert friends amout aftan.TheHosptal and thon resumed their iourney. won by a close niargin. Thon came a I-, Whon the trip la flished Barnain- game betwcen tho ladies of the Hoas- tends ta, act as a guide ta parties tour- pital staff and the ladies of thel1 ing to the Pacifie--Cat. ýSubsequent-ý Shriners' party, which the Hospital« ly hè Probably wlll become connected toamn again-won by a amalniargin.- with the moving picture industry. At dusk the party adjourned ta tho Mr. Burns tald the Gazette and' theatre, -whore an enjoyable dance Chronicle that ho sud bis wife have~ 1was hebd. travolbed 12,800 mlles,and 'have sbouy 1 The party tram Toronto wss In 1200 more ta go te, finish theirtr charge of Potentate D)r. W.H.. Wnlght, Under their agremnt tjiey cn Fast Potentate, . A. J. Rrôwn., and _ç , 'lftZonn~th adbut Chars. oady, of the <Coed anid We nt syf71%èyies 1fae Cmn~tfeorSein, ccasionaly get troquent lpeV 4p aryi e'ut s full pragnani ot en-1 this kind 1a trtain ment -for the ininates of char- as n tdfom mtlo istswh i-. 1spon Y~I~Y~ x~" siii~ entntai71 Bnna aid, that thi. ni e»tvyt L.?'~' - ~ tiNs bad permaneutly t>I I o g nI iN e. al of the "zWMtbjr Public-e o , i.a ' ich la was. stere on Mna apucaesnew Shools, sud bately et Torenta, died st net prepired at the pr È7§ntUe outfit ton hinisoît aud wife, the ern- tiiq Wellesley Hospital ou Thursday da. pauy presentedto, them oaci a cern-IIsat, May 25th, tollowlng s bengthy "'iTe proposition submitted woald plote equipment ot walking boots, iliness. The t*ati et Mn. Brownf will have meaut the nebating et about $250 khakî suit, etc. lie greatly regnetted by a lange circle la taxes. The use o!: the grounds as1 et ieu nl Whltby. Many o! the a park would, it was thoulglt,- neces- citizens et tthe town were hi& pupilrs tate the emplayment ýo! a carotaker ta Deah t . . al Iyeaugo, nnd have always held hlm give'almoat his whôlë timo ta ,upkeep3. DeM o W.L aly., lahigi ostooni. Mn. Bnownretired andecleaninguapthe'geounds., f [ram the Prncipalsiip et *tho gcioola These-considenatians led té on Tic death occurred lu Oshawa Has hene thirteen'years ago, sud joined the cil t0dclne tcofe. pital, an Frlday last, May >lOth, O! staff et the Departinent et Education,. William Edward -Dalby, son of- Mn - -at Tarante, where ho .served tan ton sud Mra. James Dalby, Kent Streetyas oiigtneyaaao tC nldn iWhitby, toilawlug su operation.- Mn' Tic late Mn. Brown was bon oni' diî'ervices. Dalby had been sufferng tram appen.: Buttonville, Ont. fiHe taughtitheicBu dicti, ad asnecveln trm icpublic school tiçre, inter becoming »y meNaster «4 operation, whici had taon succesafalprncple li PuicShosa when complications developed which Whitby. -Ho was s Preabytenlan lu caused a relapse sud bis deati tolbaw- religion, belug s memrben et St. Ai'- Three services -wcre held lu- tic cd atter sevenal days. - drewv's Chanci. fie was a memben et Baptiat Chanci ou Sunday, tic last The late Mn. Dalby was thirty-three 1tce Masonie Orden, being a Past Mas- day et tic visit ta tic tawn ofeticMc-I years et âge, sud anmannied. fie had 1 ton et Composite Lodge No.- 30, A.F. Master University Evaugeistie Bandj boom a résident et Whitby for a narn- & A.M., Whitby, aud a member et that concladlng a twelve-day sénies. In ad-; ber et years sud was a paîuter sud Lodge ap ta -tic lime et bis death. Ho ditiontce Baud hsd change et tic ses-, dcrorbtad.. ws always keenly interested -lu cdu- sion et tic Sanday School lu tic men n- Ieoao ytae fie la sunvived by his parents, tram cational nattons, and was an unusual- ing- at ton e'1clck., whaso residence- on Kent street tic ly able teachen. During is teilîl liri, At tiemorning service Mr. Walter tunoral was hold on Mauday atter- hie was principal of Uic Model ScNdai,. Hughes was tic Speaker, taking fori noon, te Union -Cemcteny.- Deceased sud mauy ýoung toachers passed un- bis subject,."Poweir," and by a séries was a member 'et tic Brethren. jdon bis instruction. et acipture quatations ho erhiphasized Charbes sud Sidney Dalhy, et Wbit- He is survived by bis widaw, form- aud'elaboratod apon thus tapic. Mn. bysudPetr Dlby etAudey, e rly Miss Elizabeth ]Rosa,,et Toronto, Hughes' message was dinccted partie-, brersdPee. Dlyo Asuy read bytulre mbotions, John and fHenry uianly ta Christian people. ______________________of Toronto, sud William, et Buttai'- "We must live consistenu tS ani Ce" ColgEveul.t DON'T FAIL TO HEAR THE "PRIM- rose Sorenaders" of Chicago, at the dance at the.Bay Park, Whitby, on Friday, June 2nd. ville., The. funeral was held on Saturday lsst to Mount Pleasant CemetorY. The Ontario County Council -wll meet for its June' session at the Court H ouse here next week, the session opening on Tuesday afternoon. livca if wo wish to, have influence. Thie autienity-f' tn'pÉower la the Wdik etf God, net tic- Word o! man. To have pawer wc must have. strcngti, ton tic Bible says, 'Tiey tiat wait upon the Lord shall renew .,theic sitÎength.'k- "Power wil ho glven toalal wio ask for il lu prayen.. Thneugh prayer' Chnistian people wiUl have tic dyuam- je fonce thiat wHi ensile tieni toaëa- complisi al tbiugs for God.» On Sunday atternoon anathen meet- ing waa ield, wion-oaci of tic fivel inembera af . the Baud gave . a brief message et encouragement. aud inspir- ation. - At lie final meeting an Sunday ev- eniug, MT. W.-W. Fboîseher, leader-o! Uic Baud, was Uic speaker. . Hls- text was «i muaI work thc wcrks oet Hlm that sent me, whilê it la diyPi the nightý corneth whcn no mnan* can work." Mn. Fleischer ernphssizcd Uic need efturn- jig ta God whiIe thera is an opportu-. ity ýta serve-HMm, for the trne-wUl. cerne taovery man iihen il wM b hétee bate, end ho 'wlll eaU in vain. The resuits et Uic workoethAe -Baud during thelrtw-weeks'stay i M it by w*ere -vry encoi aigsd9 h mnembens et the chunolihave gety appreciate.ild u enjoyed ther wonk. 1The Band beft at once 'for New* Hambung, wvhere they wif stay for two woeks, following *wbich ey wll fbe at St Catauidbs ton s turther -sun- ies of meetings. On July 5th they Provinces, whercthcy are schèduèd. ta, hold meetigs at vaitions ponts, j C YLEE OI;TBACTS L The Adviory 3oadsé:ýmmîttee o week snd opeued tenders *foz the com- struction oet concrete, culvents, includ- ingw te.sau A bidgeÈ4,in varlions pla ,ces tbroughout thb. County. * lu ail 80 strutures wM - be- constructed tbi y05?,, ai a total oat of ubot $m'm0. Co.frafrwreawarded as, follaws- IW. G. Geibsn, i Btraèture; Mat. NosIor, 10; T. J.Mulvaa ul ;John MeGnty Pikeing, In luevery cme th ~ oettdrW" accepte& - ~C OODPELIOW i& SM, pBb r -PEL'SSHOÉ STORE- a -complet. "Fleet .,Foot*" Outing.sh< for Every P*e>mbep of.the Fàmîiv Ask t sec ur ByW' STANTOrI, an extra 1 L iteng.- for 1 Boys , . EEL &SON~ Retalieii's or Good Shoos. Phno11,BOPck S.t. South, Whi Mauodrell's Har OFIEN TuB CHEAPEST. - ALWAVS TEE ~EST. ni~win, stock now a funli ie of Gdardon Tools, Rake,, &Uui Trowels, Lawn Roue aud. Lawn Mowers. Newfrira n to Electric. Cleaner,,for rent with attachments. " Fred D. :Maundreil1 US <ç*5 Suéossr to W., M. Pri ngWe O.0 Soode deollverod to ail parts or theo towm. SPECIA LS Uhoice. Dairy',Butter, 38C New Potatoos, per peok, 50C Roman Me.al,- 33c- White Swan Wheat-Kernels, 20c 2 Ibs'. of Prunes for 38c 6 Gastile Soap, 25C 1W2 lb. package Dominion Macaroni, 5e 2 lbs. of.Icing Suigar for 23e ;Solvene Shredded So.ap, 15 10 1b'pail Crown SyruPl soc St.ra-wberrles and Pineapples, fresh fc Friday -and Saturday- SPlhonel199 W.. AToN WHITY Af T1 LAWLà HOME 0F GOOD GROCERIES. D: YOU SEE Tii 42'PI ECE SET 0F DISHI IN OUR WINDOW. Call and letus explain hif0y can get this. A. T. LAWL[E,, Prompt Dellvery. Phoule 47 g J' 'N 58-.-Ko 49 Zi, prapasiuoii i waJLue ençeI.LrçwirLeuZ REA~S01NÀatLE. Coinftiirt end ,Courtesy. PEERLESS-GÂBOLINE MODIL OIL J. PARKER~ Auto ULvery One Dooi'East WbttIy flous. Dundas St, Whltby W. have two fireI clama8 mehanios in our garage, who eau repair amy make of car, VOlE ou AS 1 i OR Curs stored by' we.k 'or ail vinter, îfraSfftrot., 30 ou' Uxed W»d Oflead atji .e,» E0OP A48e Cmia, NImaffl 8a:1& efloq t Bis.fOPicls CorticeIii WooI - SALE FOR THIS WEU uad NMUT 6Slishfor $1300 One pr. of Bone Knitting Needlei given away wlth *very sale of a dozen- balle. Your choe.of etz.s 4.S, 6,7. CORTICELLI WOOL Now Uls the Urne te kàt yomrsel a P.RETTY* SUMMER. SWEATR 0or IULLOVER. WC haïe aiu thee beutifl smmer shades that arme s@ brlght and pretty. Take your cholce from the list, Iv.? below: Gendarme,, Begonia, Turquoise, Brown., Orange,. Dmrk HeatherJIgUtRate, upkin, Mauve, Wlstena, Wedgewood, CoMme, White, Black, Itueda4 Spding Green, Cdn Daffdi Coen hagez4 Doe, Fbnier l01 fose, Hesina, BeryPIk DeIft NlkeAmidan Beauty, Tangerhfe, Dove, Nqavy.-- COPPS 1BOOK ai'd STÂTION3IY STOREý

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