1 R- P WY %F PÂi~E 'rwo TEURSDÂY. SFWIâme t1aom.tniartkuhari as ti.uon - The.score lu detal! folow.: whtbyLes Csce 'Gamete A ÂB. R H O A AgIcetRWaItoi,C.. ...à 2- 2 2 0 WhihyplaedmoterSeaboo L wato,42...6 4 385SJi Wiity aindsuthr cabeoCoburu, c......4 1 1 8 -2 i.dOgué flxture ou Saturday le at jronly ..... a dfet o hetu f 8ftb 5. .jConils, i........4 2 29G0 Wlitby boys feIt that tfie. «re Patterson, ...5 0- i 1 1 wmel,3.... 2 S82D O to biame te some teteit, sud prote tu.- 4 1 0 o- 0 ed vlgoroual sinlst sors.oties , .d....e oo twSousas 1 mgx~trary to tii. raies--- of heganme lead wasid first '39198iS13 27 il by one aide aud tieu* by the. otiier. Wiby lhe tii.egt ilnulga ziucrt talliedWhty men urui, but Wh"ltY esmebièk AB R H O A bard sud eoutedsix, euougiito eutPeiiow, 2 ........ T 1i 2 5 7 down ti'ir opponents' îesd te tire. ail, r.f.....6 3 -5 O0 O "BWn" Connor, the rengu i e. ennor, c.5 2 4 4 1 was il!I, sud hi,' brother "Jim" tooIk Moore, c.f.....5 4 5 1 2 'hi 8,Place, ihng good bau for fiiv Mayne, s.s ... 6 0-2 i 2 CungtenMa ger Butle 88wBrown 3.. -...0O 2 2 *1 1 fit t.; -angebieline-lp. It W«aoYt, p.62 h.rd gareto lose, and the Whitby Qutiiii 1 .-à .4- 1 2 12 O boys are bound totake revenge on Cormior, J., p. 2 O iO 2 Stuart, P.,il..i. i i, O O EMorsi-Pelow, O'Coner, Mayae 2,Y Joynt, Connally 2, Pattersea 2. Agincourt ... 00 30 4,3 1- 7x-18 Witby- ;. 7... 1 43 00 0 16--15 Two Base Rit- Moore- 2, Brown, R. Walton 2,. Thre. Base Hits--Connally, Mein. Sacrifice flits-Mayne 2. Stelen Bases- Moore, Brown, R. Walten; K. Wallon Mein 2, Ha ig. Boasely on Bals-Ceonnor, Stuart 2, - Rit by piteher -Byv Stuart, Con- lly; by Joyat, Walton, Coburu;. by Conually, Moore. Struck out--,by Conually 7, by Con- uer 1, by Stuart 2. Good'Groceries at Low Prices is -Our -,Motto. Try us, once! You'I cail airain. PROMPT DELIVERY -To Alil Prts ot the Towno Re BAILEY CENTRE STREET, - WUIITBV, ONT, SemRisSmt ihat Malce. Bu.inesGrow. Club IffouseOilives, Fiowery ..0.P. lTee, Club tiouse Coffre, Puîlty Flouri Westos's Famous Bread, Stripes Brand U(he.Fruit, Oranges, Lemon, Bananes, Cholcest Fruts. Tomatoeen md Celery. GUNE Us A MIG W E DELWIER THE GOODS, WE WANT YOUR QRDER. -Ross-SMITH- ROeR» EIIotrs a1ou Staud,19«03 Uptowm Station. Why Buy an «If? -I f leudon t touci ti.eopen coi! iuan exposod elemeat. et your Vc kRange vith s fork or spoon,- -If yen dont spil grosse or let syrup boil.over oà n the~ open coil of su- .xpeaed elemeut, -If yen den'tédean the. open eoi! fl suanexposed elemeut wtt a -viet Cloti or dou't let dint jute t-lt may ork- ail rigit t utmy not bora out or short-circuit.. *But If leu lave a MeClsry's Electrie Range viti Pro.> teted Elements tiee. v ib.neoif" Notlg eau touci the couls in a MeClary 'Protected Del- unet-nether dirt non gréas. cam get luto tiiesu UeClsry's Frot«. ted Eleigent tskes ti.e' "out . oftw Left ou Bases-Agncount 5, Wiit- Umpire-Joues On Saturday of tus week the. Wbit-i by tegm wiUhé at h onze, sudvil! have atheir oppouents, St. Niciiolas' teaixof East Toronto. played by 'Whitby last Wednesday, wvhen thé team veut te- Ennisktillen. TheVAhtbyboys piayed a splendid gai, ad ýledby 1 to 0 uutiiÃŽ.within fifteen minutes of the. end of the game. The Enniskill.u teain urgedi en by- the crowd, playedt th. game with thebject 0~ "gettiug the mau,ý and the res ult was that tbree Wbltby plaerswer seroughly -handled that the weeuaet play with- any de- gree of use4fulues-a, one o! the. backs and the galtender beilg PatÃŽclà ËiY nihib cud not held tii. lead, and EnikreýtalliecL.tbree goals, vin- ning the gaine. The Whftby. lune-up was as follows:i Goal, Kenny; backs, Spencer, Gn tou haii , Àvntone,.I>are, Kattison,- Jas. Scott, D. Scott. Game Cailà .dOf -Whitby was te have played Generaf Motors team in Oshawa last Satur- day aftrnoon, but the Oshawa team failed to notify the. Whitby boys that the gaine was1 called for 3.30 o'clock. The resuit was that when the. Wbitby team arrived in Osawaa at. 5 ollôck, they found that the. game had been called off owing te their non-appear- atwj - at 3.80.- It vas arranged that tIi'. game will b. played off sone--time before the, close ef the season. David Scott, who bas been playing with the, Wbitby team, has been de- clared by . the. Association Executive to b. ineligibiS te play until h. bas secured bis proper transfer from the. ClaremontýteaY, witii whom h. sigu- éd toi play earlier in the seasen. Scott is nov employed lu Whitby, and bas asked for bis transfer, from Clare- mont te Whitby, but has net received it. An endeavor will b. made te se- cure it at once, se as to make hlm eli- gible te Piay1 10 thi. County tevu. - SohhiTHere Saturday. Tenext league game vill b. with ~olina.on Saturday a!ternoon. Owing to the basebail game between St. Nicholas and Whitby at 3 o'clock, the football-game will b. called at 5 p.m. LUGE LAKE LEADERSHIP T RAIN-I ING CAMP. - I An event of considerable interest te eider boys and leaders et boys' activi- ties, is piann.d for tii. cemiag sum- mer, viien a Tuxisà Training -Campý vil! b. held on the shores of Bic. Lake troni July 10 te 17. The Rotary Club of Cobourg. bas ebosen a fin site and îs offening the, camp for the ove purpese, as weil as- for the u ofe sinlart1IYough t thp. great opporuuty for eii boys et a cnsidera idI together for a vek of canf e; 1 sport and work outs on theTus pro- 1 gram; tiiunderiyiug ides being, of course, to .é.-'rb.or liv. ~ hi epcieersbip aiaoug - in ei repecivecoumenities. C. E. Piewman, 'the well known Boys' Lâeader is te b. Camp Director. The district covers the territery treni- Beileville and Picton on the east, te -Whiitby snd Oshawa on the west, and ext.uds north te Caýpb.ll- ft d sud Peterb.ro,--Rice Lake being quit. easy et access sud very central for the, wviole area. Very suecesstul and enthusiastie camps- bave been heid in ether districts -lu recet years, and great satisfaction is b.lug ex- pressed on the formation o! the Rice Lake Camp._ A committet. represen- tative - o! the district, is inu-charge oe-t details, sud expects te have norne.-- terestins aiiaeuucement te make in the near future.- PRIZE WINNERS BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR, MAY 24th. Clasa 1. Clydesdales. Sec. 1. Stallion, aay age-lat, F. Richiardson, Columibus. ,Sec. 2. -Brood mare in foakor vith fosi at toot-i1,4John- Vipond sud Son, Brooin.1 T Sec. 3. Puly, 3 y.ars old -lst W. F. Batty, Broolia 2nd, John Vipond & Son, Brooklil. Secý. -4 Filly, 2 years o-fd-ist, W. F. Batt y Cm2 yedl Sec. L. Stallion, 11 or over, pure Sec. 3. Stallion, i92i-ist, W. Hl. Baladon, Wiitby. -Se.. 4. Brood mare luntféal or vith foal'at foot-ist John Vipoud & Sou; ibr, Oshawa; 2nd, W. F. Batty; 3rd, Harry Jame% s, haw&a. Sec. -6. Flly, -i920-isât, Gordon à easý akTuntou " sec. 7. FIfy, 1921-let, -Wsn, Dyer & Sou, Columbus. Sec. :10.-geavy Draugit Mare or Geldinsi,' luharuewa suit.biy hitcied. -lot, John Vlpond k son. Sec. 11L Heavy- draugiit team lui harnesa, auitably icie. lstèred Clemens; 2hd, El=rtt Stock Far. Cims3. Agriculture!Herses.- Sec. 3. F;ly. or gelding, 1920-last, Chas. Reeson,- BrookbLn Sec. 6& Team n lu Hausuitaby hâlched.-ist Elmcroft Stock Fn Glas 4. Liâgit Herses. Sec. 4, Bosd horsý inu-barnes-iot Job -Wiite, -Brookia; 2rd4 M. Dring, Raln rd,- J. J. Ormiston Oshawa. Sec. 15. Crrg hrs l iarness. -1st, JR. PWard' Port- Perry; 2ni4 Nermau Allin, -Oshava; Srd, .Wil Martin,, Myrtie. Station. Sec 6. ýGenersi piurpose or express horse lin hruss, -htehed,,,,ad suit- able- outfit- lat, Water Iteean Brooblin; 2r4- Elmeroft tStock Paro. Gla S . Poules. Sc- Pony, 138% to 12 bauds - lat, Mme. E. Glover, Oshava.. Sec. 3. Pouy, 12 bauds sud under -ist, John Howdeu, Oshava; 2ad, Dorothy Mrter, Asiiburn Glass 6. -Biierou(Registered> Sec. 1. Aged Bul--lt, Thos. Hall Brooklil; 2nd, W. H.,-Balsdou. Sec.-2. Bull, S2 years-lst, WmÃ. Dyer & Son, Columbus, . 5ec S3. Bull, 1 year-.ist, John Mil- ler, Ashburn; 2ad. -Wm. ýDyer & Sou. Sec- . 2n ager, 1 year-ist Johu 1b Mfier;'Znd, L W. Webber; Srd, W. C P. Batty.b S.Se. & Hoifer CsIf-list john XiL- i.r2nd, Win- Dyer & Sop; 2rd, John t Herd, 1- maie aud- Sfemkè over 1I-3 year-lst, John huiler. Ch 7In. Beef Grades..-- Sec. 1.oCiv, aS years and ier l W. ]E. Balso;24 hs al Sec. 2.Heer yes-sW.. Sec-. 3. Reiter, 1 year-lst, W. H. Baladn; 2ad, .W. H. ,Balsdou.- Sec. 4. Steer or Heifer caf- ls -W. F. Batty; '2nd W. IL. Bain Sec. 5. Fat steer, 2 years- -Cim s8. IhualpwSe catte. « Sec. 1. Dual purpese ceow-lst, TI Hall; 2nd, W. F. Batty; 3rd, WMIn Merdà IsenBrookilu. £hms 9. Hoisteins (RLegistred). Sec. 4. Bull calf-lst G. H. Hua- ter, Breklii.- Sec.. 5. cow, 3 years and over- ist, 2nd, 3rd, G. . Humter. Sec. 8.-Heifer calf-lst, G. H., Hunter. . Herd, 1 maie sud 3 femaales1 over 1year. -st, G H. Humter. MOTOR -FEES TO PAT FORIt ROADS. W'iI Prov-.Ie $25,OOO,bo fori mme.m (liste- Use.,- Within tlFee years,. construction work on ti. entire Provincial Higli- way--Systek of 1,800 miles viii -bol complèed,- if a bond issue*.o_e! 000,000, prposed by the Honorabie F. C. Big~s is approved by the Leg- isiature limeuth. The plai of the. Minister à Publie Highvayi ih te capitalise a portion the reven"e from Motor Vébicle License Fb.s -$-2,000,000 a year for the next ~et years--thus previd- ing -ime ty a fund - of approxi- mately $2 p0000 for the. construc- tion work4fthe. next tiree years. The. Minit4 seeks, by su amendznent te the Higi4ay Improveinent -Açt; te eff ect tliis -.ject. On séve,1 occasions the. Ontario MtrLes e bas urged tii. Goveru- met te apt the sciieme of capital- izing9 a poýon of the revenue anti- cipated 4 Moter Veicéle License Fees. te aside fuuds for the build- iug of t~vincial Higbways.- The. League dvauced this as au alter- native t proposai te largely in;. crosse étii. 4nnual moter licens, fes at: the pre~n timie, emibodi.d lu the. améadmeni prôosed by Mr. Biggs. Whst ppostiohiere is t the a- miident asedprncipafly- on the, argument ýhat the roads new b.ing but viii ibot last. for twenty years and, ther!t>re, viii b. wora out b.-- fore theireost bas'been met tirougli the retire»nt etftii. bond issue. Tuis argument, liowever, is fallacious, at at least ovtliirds etftthe whole work being doij t. prmanent valu e. Ierm su2tutheconstruc- Mon o.c-tio ts di, ind tionE7 o!and erts, giad fact al' work, wiii bave as lot 50 years f-rom n hence. maint Tb( rr ehel Ti-s aPProxi- ncresing from ya dI i2OOOOOO annually i15 set "rde by nt"ea of a bond issue for construc- tion work, tkere will. stili b. upwards of .$liOOOOO<remainjng. each -year te, provide for maintenance. UXBRIDGE PASTOR LEAVES FOR TORONTO. Thé Re. John S. Ohnstead, Who recently resigned from the Uxbridge and Geodwood Baptist Churches* te, grc-of ulrngh-o. IMer No. 2. *;~ o. a..*5 l? ILz ~~ Bold b '.il-ngai;or umat -r 0 don eeipiof prie.. er.:: mplet. Address: "HE COOK ME-DieimEg eo. LO.IL mn Mts et tabI.mr oi om omer ti Standard Ignuk sonèd Wenmbdy-u -" mon& VictUg bkOUâ"vol- a mhrie, WlB., F. W. fneuu, lu. Ss MUTYOM EYES at. AH ..DvgSore- TIESDAY, i.. Stu lui tê*. Le (Iowah) mm etG smof, MuT-.GOAL, E. I LOW Agut VOllEYi 001-. Une"«tam iTrwapb WM*MAW UinSDailb CONEIiiMDN *1 mge, aud fer tais reason aud froni tbei.Witead- Pr.dse osIn spit. lattbgt hé 'was a d in u xbzidgethi% uuder Mr. 'OlmstewIsw Lins pIC iievehavavrso u, - atient aud .ffienUthueS 'nil ieart s' ii. oertaWuy holds a togetiierwa itils bai! finow-'wel-i large.a udfinnty 1se&ted- Pkis..luthe.way. the cause bas prospered ubsta iiearts of the. people of -ths whole.dis.. tially.,tii. WOnlug fore.. are muite Lict, a'w a s ei Masn sd a creditablltereat i ffl ù pi hopr witii b M 01M Ol- théas uever before iu the ,aessry f Ple ho Pr : 1 au MmOhn-thèChureh. Besides the,,qùendid ei stead'sud their two cildr.u itii the. ortuuity opened at the Humber, M deeps regret.-,Mr. Olmsteid took j d Mm .Olmstead we attrctedt chafge of the work'ber. whe. ne iu~tii.. uearness of Mouiton College $53 5: F. P.AB Ford, Ontarjo À WilingParti Who addsý to. your. business prestige- and never. questions yo ur .-business judý Who0 submiîts to neet without eomplo and. noyers harbors" a grudgo. Who 'Puts up. with your whims- and neyer épea ks disparagngy behind -baek, Who is on the jOb' morning, onadn and nover asks',for a ýday off just needed most. - The ordCar Buy your Ford-'C ar NO W. TUE IJ'JE1A A"] '=f118.l U-OWE, Prôprietor WHIITBY, ONT. "Built-in-Cantadar" 1- e - Fiee~paaa.ngeu., 40 . ,~1iic wehélba..Coud rire. otand TH Owner Of a ghSi nevei - for bis car. It rivais the highei the essentials that cause permanez 'Mie UghtaSix L-mhead 4O-Lorsepom mcc crankaaft anid cnetir able frit motness.quietnesu freedom froým vibration at ai*se It le a. god lookNgresponsive car nedcin ~ sW drive and. remsrwkably comfortabl 2%for due Liga.iom genume leather cushins and a m front and rear, assure iding case and, parfkinight add- to its srvi 7 îappearanea. 5-Pou.. U2* W. B.. 40 H.-P. Toung.......$1495, Roaier( ).1491 Sedn .. .......2425 Insuranoe rates are reduoced 15 to thief-prpof transisinlocir. Vast resources. elimination of par and large volùume marepeille thsunusus car at so reasa>nabk f. o. b. Walkérvi1e, Ontario.., And witvîh thatyou grt the benefl sevenity years' xprenoebulldin1 THIS71 KSTUDESBA1 4 Six tIMES«- iThe Champion t h tnukM Yvo o- sMAWTORONTO ,--y