Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 6

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_________________ donso KLPfCy&~MToruto ~ WE LEAfl______ wwoCrk u" ,»e%-,9à i ddoftb AIS& 8WR&l.ar fFb ot4 town water lado. plto. 4ble A Bymouu, Euclid St, poievte I< of. nnaimsi, eVt eTr-Jap a Lao vâriieh Stain eau F.OR ~cno. ~igtu o .pplied b hl~admakea oi<l Sou&me lmefu yfurpoe am-li. l by ouSyeih oan&t-PS'~Os. utpons Qolg dani omKy _22n&d.ntr ok e. rali odcn CHNAand CiJT GLASS. laugh mit us:sbl uli The followini' oficers w . electedi <i-oal. Âpy .1r ae ppl eG D.Crat New sud patterus sHou. Preis.-M m n:F._U'. areeI tloirea, aU ngo oniin risraybi s 92 Ne ddistinctive .n dthseh. 0oe14 lievm , otwit>y oictW o mae oa Atiaio anadUseful Weadino Gifto. Ho re.is T . Effeto Auto FIsIshmiakes te ldcr oo nw McClary Electro Ranges. REN FR AL SILVERWARE Vc-rs-r.N ast.Sunnysuda ElectirIc Wasli..pytXngBoWhbyeuQebHeerlag COLLIE DOG L ST AiMr&WaR.oN.. Apply J SdVice-P sMesUUwCoeland oa lctkVCRI t8I.' enl, lc n bt, elws -S~ otWib - 4th Vice.PmreS. Grey. >Fàdbaka Bilvr Tea Sets, $21-50 up T'es-Mrs. W. J. Hà.-Ulcharcîon.Perfectin 011 Stovel. Bec. Sec.-Miss E. Fotbegl. e u' rc nprladCret&Roofln of ai! kinds tie.,FldePeO oiyJ cA-A'-omdbue e Sandwich Plates, 500up Cor.SeC.-M1 ulu.Dryden.u, A PePaei.0 pPrées.-MisMaud Aimes. - thrd, 72FuIfè Ae Troto . te o yru A war ofeed.PhneGercon.-Mi",eneucs.Gaden fui Many Other Useful Artice Audit or-Miss Sanders.«.sriGiTo ro 150 up. E ff DEADPCTIGCLLA BcorMVINCeE. -BELL PUONIaS, or 8!NDEPNDENTe cattie. -Apply Mms .HeoPon O AEPiA Attadhinent, fita ,an>' swing ima- 104,r 3.dshbokc C IAchine. Frice P-50. Pronlchecks bretrriM.gaderator.,a r.FO 10e extra. -BridgmnuSales- Agency,)Ur. Edwin Copp bhs leasedfo A. u Ms J W acsn 14 i.suNi W ed woo , C sa oruwil b fo nd n ur toc . BoxU4,N t .Y athzconear he- rsisde BrofJs . lret , d a u regst'fMSSJcsn tton on., Owner iIY hv aieb ft1iS tG zte hhan n wn or tak n uossessi o et , as andPo rt Wbi t dt .B luh rckst ot iln 58 M~~~~~~rt .Prst Bait t, t orptrovi n t iI property su a yn fo j Pieces suob <J upesud Saucersa Cake Plates,ý MADE TOUR 0F THE ROADS. been visiting -her sister, Mis D. J Bon Bons, Vasea, Cream sund Sugr8,Pepper Rev eog Morris, a inember of The annualconvention of the On- Mclntyre for the past mouth returned .W"NE eua9 e tePa adBridges Conuittee -ftroRlgogEuafo Council for homie on Wednesday. S wtopiaiae uce.or an at.Pcs rm$.0t 55.the outy Council, accompanied s Wbitby sd Oshawa on udmâ-..... iitable. Apply box17 htyt Wsnd Sa eits. Prces fo $.0 toug5.50. oe,» eral members of that committe, by sud East Whitby - Townships was > BI RTEUS AMO .s.etIac.WUwa wd insPiz r ot etionof inntyshawa. on Wednesday attR- CONANT-At- Oshawa, Ont., on Fri- Betwen. OshawasdteLk.wl . lrsdt hwyutrog u trFRSL whethe you mrts onWheldsaluan whether you utend purchalng orhuet.and cfulvet nWedu. eparntoniudeenng- lrg àub AY May 26th, 1922, to Mi. sudAbu12aceinxelntttetbus;6cesodba _________________________________ Thursdy of lit week Tue f Suuday Sehool workers from WitMs.GD. Connut, a son. cultivation. Ample ulig.Fo-Frnl xeln tt travelld ove? 200 miles ad visited .M is. G.LL-Tn Revensudce.s.AF.eLort pien crop. Eull posses- Appdy te L F. Beaniish, SEB DISPLA IN OUR WIDOWS altownships et the couuty. bis- re lu eudnc ie. eor FRW ______ SE IPA NORWNaReeve Morris, when seen on bi e- Farewell, Ontario Ladies' -College, Sion Oct .1 or, Apri.t. _______ -aàvry mui P Wt Whitby, atthWleleHspa, Apply to G.D. Cn, Onr l trip, stating that the extent ot the FO'-LETorouto, on May 25thi-a dauhe.awa,, Ont. ontysd thie.good condition o et FOc SALE____-Port_________on IW f Sroa in-many sections weue a reve- F< icker baby oarriagefor sale. TINy, Ma PrtW1 22ty , n ds I Mara spendid rods, Townhip er Appi>' Gazette ofice. Mis. Horace Martin, a SOm.SOE Maa pedd édmuch better ---PINAR-At the V.O.N. Home, On TEWl T H ,1 i KI S than some lu the south end et the 28 on2TUE STMr.OaEd- c@nywieencouiitered. He fSuuday, Ma>' 28,-DITRI1922,poto Mu. sud that ew, i suyof ~ ouud I1~ITY ANNAL DITRL(~ Mrs. VictoxPludar, Pr htY bridgés y;of hed MEETING HELD HERE daughter. JEWELR WIIITBYONT.OPTICIÂN cilverts uecommnended te be built or Th uA itic etnge-icOC Onf Wednesday, Ma>' 24, rtpaired were -not fo ST.i ehoitCuce tWhtyDs-tete v.O.N. Home, to 'Mr.su SUCSS4RTOR .càilite eot t h~Cut riét *as hçUbinl the Methodist Taber- Xmr Arthur 'omi,'ik~lg ~AS~T ounilin une - nacle hei uTuesday wth A -large Township, a son -(GeorÏge Dalton). attendsucê 'of ministerg sud la>' dele- O'CONNOR-On Frida>', May 26t4, at- ij DAlSGEROJJS CURVE ANDUEAVY -gâtes; 28l i en rsent. A noti- the V.O.N. Hrne; t i u'Ms RAIN CAUe 0DEATU. - - -cbie- feauewstatthc majonityetCharlds O'Connon, a son -(Josephý At the inquest held in Pickering on l1,y delegates were young -men. Bernard). euWdedy Fridayhight before coroner Fparéwedfl The general session o'pened at 1.30 BAIEY-In y w. . Eu'u.ê.e~îtoe et., t-into the deith etflMelville Moise, et p.m., wiUi Rev. F. H. Howard, etWiliit- May 24th, te Mr. sud Mis. Russel leswM,.01Pt a result eot a motor,,caT.ý accident ofe Brooklln, was elected Secretaryr-- GIBSON-At Tsdy, . ~ DO"" . bm-t-tf. wcel"è ago lait Thursday- night,, Uic The meeting passed a motion con- May' 23rd,- 1922, te Mn.' aüd .Mus. LOCAL jrytendtht icdeeaed came gratulatinig Uic Prince Albert cireuxit- N.W. a son (WlCrliew- 1' -T A te bisdeath owing te Uic dangerug on uaslug- t h infimum si.lary, ast eue)Gis'n, (ne e rlined a w- __________________Mr., Philip Marsalal Rose, Tadlncrel icrn u h lpcr e no i peni laca u AMayND-i Treto, ou Wnds- SE.TAKRY ...'WT A 'ftraelln1othl metin etthe for Dominion Tire Co., and Miss Enid condition et the ronds duc 'te the spiritual advanccment et the circuit. nedyaySt eM.sdr.. bhe ei l d OUffimetnag hakry bohe0Truewr hesvy nain. Anaong those who' gave An lucrease ef 6 in nxembership wa-s Wm. Hanimond a son. V..Nt il Sad y un h i nry ts R fcter>', W htb ,o n ee vd Jon cke w ho erew ocupants rease d et $ h7 insotribti o n e i-D AT S1 0 ôt, n. Vm., lu the auiditorium ef thé -maurried by Bev. T. G. A. Wright u andvione wer ArrdwreoccBantsflXrepsof b'7te instrictiaise su in- DA Publuruda>'. A , a' thr, 1. Vlthe>' wonin the car, sud tbre farinera ho siens, sud an increase et $300 b>'UcBOW-tW es ley Hespit l, Toi Mis Ages esu stnogsphl! t iresde u Trmie. ppcsrcd on the - ccus immediatel>'1 W.M.S. ente, on Thurida>' Ma>' 25th, Jic Ring Bes. taner>',was oprated n 1 ~followig the accident.:.'The cvidence 1 lev. W. D. Harrisen was elected te .Ben formhent>'etO it=by for appendicitis lu~~~~~~~~~~~~~as th e saa Hon-.p oved t he esatisfaction et the jury Uic Statioun o iitse i n' îvd hssde lzbtiRi t~ ~ pital n Tucda>' o iii- w-ck CARD 0F TJIANKS. that Moie *88 net excein tee Quinte Conference wbich meete uBsi~ pital onMn. sudyOMia. Jamesk.D.1b, , u 1 a-> peed iiiit'whcu tue accident occur- whituq in -Juue. P,.J, sullvsu, lieUAéd pilmher sud il wisb te thàigik their minu'friends red. T ink . MsCo8 paSn rnle5 u e tiilhBekuuet uouth? WbItby,. O.-.-- --o"--rITiuko$IIPfIuw"nitdas-m euaio i y,3ie-t#~MtUdY Mis. Lerwis Gîtublet upent Ue4tiihe ndIL lo'nthe north-estcerner et John Dn aul toes UJM Around tbeIi. 11* a.rn.-Iogilu rayer, sermon ilu Osiawa. __ I e ar sle genefrMCaIPt ih.Nww a sud Brock Streets oppositeor bis rsil- Cornée" at Royal Theature Wednes- sud Ul>' Communion.Mn. Frauk Barten visited bis par- ~~~~ipratcp terns. W. are ul iee cm- dence, sud wlll euect thereen a inod- day and Thurida>'thsweek. 2.W0 pmn.-PiIbllc baptlsm. enta recentl>'. 9 hs oalit-y suditsasntia ROP-Rac r ad, lc w1eadcl-~tneyugti mou. lu tewn on Thunsda>'at. that the seed b.et good quaIity. ors. Bis-tape-wieclns vbod Th cndtin t oh Y Pttrsli -DR. JABELLE MeTAVISH'S DuugunJl'sdAgtth Miss olga Brillinger visited Mis. Inu-aIl the yeare. that w have ery,.slssdctos ed u Breck Street 8011th, Who has been fi MEETING POSTP0NED. Sna'Sbo ilme t1 -n Lewis Gimblett neceuti>'. supplied seed corn w., have mhade wool. - fer soua ix nie. -lin ver>' cnitil. Thursda>', June-ist, at 8 p.m=, Un- 1Mus. WM. Meeker is visitiug in it -a point to seoure -the boit - E .-rw iiII' s Owing Irte um"idable circuitan in evieM. .H. Guttle, Supt-of1!Toutfrste obinb.Pha30wITrWhby4 1wrrwA.1 d'f14cor, ý .L1- ltIn evieMt _ om tta a hm for a shorte Hurt, ue ema wh weto"Hu- wek' paer Th dae e be met-IanSteaidbiPb,1 Mss a V BaerM.AMcrocep - ,20u4 whlle A"Y. Misa cGllvWyfgbt COMING1IC S E M ILIST. Tusday, l8 pan. -Epwortb Lmeage. Were lu towu.-on Satuda'. - e-Uci- mm l hom mrnewaerceleri ketà h1 D. .E.ukso67TugnS.,T r hurida>', 8 pin. (this wccèk) SIew tends te open asu office lu Uxbiidge. W iTIY of wbierna>' b. seen at NichoesndAIWUIUTY, OTARI Seldon'a. She bas bad contiiuued sui- ente, eploretriatsdopiiuwilb dhiieei tS.Jons- IPoe1.E e ng I W biby -___-_____.______ -_____-________ ntdrL L iUS _______________________________________________________ Canada. The Dominion GO'ÃŽefnrnet ricently bouglil the third pictur "Itee v About" frein'heu collection. l Ibre. ay b. seen lu the Nationai Mueunu at Ottawa. Thora bas been contant reference made about Misa MdeGili. vray'as uocesU lu diffeneut papa&s "4Juut Around thie Cone» a PICturo- Ibat bas ne shinumer ei alika or as of weeht, or fasblen dr«aaedte Par-1 ade ou the Avenue, Roya hauo Wednosdy sud Tuua The reg held aIt t] man, ou ged te b -rangermi tien, WUJ Churnh & andsaftel of meeti et Toroa ofthte1 "«IncreaW School ( esons v thal cmo was mei *fectura ýgular ming the b.WOenks aTemepraneSUnionu wtt b. tiebnehetfMma J. W. Bats- Thurada>' aflerneon, Juse $, )'eock. Everymemaber la un- be preseit, te complets mn-- mts feo the (ounty Ceuven- Leli wiii be bel in h ast bn Pstiay, lune Itb, nxrnuing irnon. Fas.note the date Mg, we r tnhan uswàL and beau Dr. Lily MatheaQil, zto, .ddress a union mneeting How» Msd 5ehooi Clubs on Md 1 f ,th .D idý8TMM 1- Mi= t ge Y.IL . at ulgbt prises&4 Bau HÃ"?k'a>ace at Bay - Park, Wbltby, Wednesday, June- Mo, 8.0te i arn.Adrla4n 2e.Cars .Pared tues. J. Bolton, Propriletr.- A LeNGTUYMMERUF lu lb. recent a santion af E)m ts ethedist b-rc.Toreonto, with h .metrôpelit&h hue, u the clidng ef lb. -histerie cbuicbou M.u Street, amê in[tenesting detalu bave cerne to ligbt, one itenm a-Wbi" at least will b. of interest, t 'Whitby people. It is tUal Mr. R.C.. HaUni- ton, President of! tii.Board et Dii- ecters ef the Ontarioe Ldâi' College, WbIbhy, was ee hôTet boigna nin- bers' f et b.Elin StlChu 2-baLn beeii a inber there -for - sxxty4ve yeaua. Mus. Hanullt-nbas heen a member .fer inI>' yesrs. 5PEDNG.- Peto*ezf Ms>' 18 2-4eg..T. Mers ! m Oshawa, snd Stewart Alger, t wh- È~ n ntheir -Sunda' servies'at ila.n. sud 7, .sunda> Sehol and, won's.Bible The, Mlboe, the .union- seul.eseon ,vveaardpP" qwl lb.heldluSt. Johià Ghureh this cvening aI it i oUcodk. Mr. A. H. Cuttle, ef Toret will b. the speakcer. Come mui brfug -ALL SAINTS'CEfUXICI!Auiglicau) Sunda>', lune 4th. ia- -Hol>' Commnunion su-ad sermon. 3p..:-Bible Glasinlu chc,'S.S. in thé rnerniug .aI 9.45. Please note change lu- S. S. heur., 4» 0p.mý-Brooldlu service. Tida>y,- Juins .ist, 8 pu. th meetng u "tewa~db" lua t Johna Ciù~h, Prt buty. dressý b>' MinCuIll., ëMToronto. Tuesdyi- June Oth, SyWod lu To- %- I katB4,-ur ýSuuday, Jun 49 192' akirnTriek t- Destroit God&$ -Word.?' ShnUwe Ielbim 1 -Je. M. . er~mon iubjett. . I -a.m:-"A New -Teem~ient Cliurob;". 7 pan.-"fle Ivalue of a igl Oni. I - ouday .vun<-,. ofetthe Auto tCentéat. AU l i"gpeple cordiail>' I 'Iema,..pi5V.? aud -Pu". &id Iee s ne waltlng at J. m. raser a BarberShop. 51 EDt~D UP.T-DàTB BARBER MI. EIKWbSJ C TIARS '1,1 SPECI otein e h.ne'west desigus lunWall Papss t tell at eduoed- prie. Dininàg Roomas, Fanlon anàd. I al roM 2e to 3kc. tdrooms from 8c to 10., I~I .TA. - -DOES T!E WORK ofclesulngyour rugi and ca.r- pets, 1your* walls aud* porticres, yom' chair sud sots cves, your -rattresses,_ meu your elothing -andi docé il aI ietuing speed andi thorougb1y. No'mors back- breaking, dust-breatluiug bouus Eltie ea nerfon u Let. us 4emonstrate il te yeunonw. SAeine w a nrV n h ý-LET- US HAVE',YOUR Pide of Nishua, - Whit ýe CaYeIi Wisconsin No. 7P -Compton' Early. :We also b&ave Ma~ng Sugar Beet and TurnP Min "~EEL-IL THE BESI. Woe -s 1-' I ---:4 111 ý 1- PHONE 21

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