Ir. iv. té -8S. I~~nu.-i Nornmn, Jack riesê, êoeEI Pasà -a-lcle oy, mérisyla Glaude Jefferiés iafloÉ1.ë t~ Ilurtou Smth. -end r_ don Rédd. Sr-lm .to Jr. Ivd-#&rs- Ra-irgh Baker,- Eleanor Correl,ly aitr - Gas- coigne, Margaret HwrfukHt chison, Douglas)jaçjà ren, Rs Mowbray, FzankPamr 7Piat Jean R Rt». uthuJ fl4taon olive Wil ïo wlfiamujtHazCr wIlias. Pai - Lucille..asom Ernest Clarke, Edgar El&dde, os McUiy, xertrude Rogeris,,- Àlbert 3 _jn, ymond 8leema - Ma-x. guerite Toms, elthamnV ne, Frances Sonley. Reco= Mý Grace Newman, Arthur Wrlghta"e Rodd. Jr. HLI to Sr. ]III-Honors-W te Burt, Joc Bascom, George ow Chester Pearson, Eleanor Paa-Nora Burt, BobbieHo Cliffo te c Sharmn(fail sbect). 2 Promoted te r -I. Douglas1 Mfaundreli. pman ftiza aidtwo ylw 'y set a i e t a to PImd- menjyt. Conty iftecoa3t et I~~~~ Y.atm riiL sidCont o ite4a-tWLiby bisl9tday of COUMny Clerk IL IL te se. I- ios-Wi aker, Dotothy Clark., Poar itty Lwlr CuFord MXa7zm, ant Moa~-Nanan Notter, c*Ilinon Eitc Wlsn ukala HéraE. da-f, Pu- Tom rideso4 Robert Clarke, Imn Dave, FankEvery, -Arnod Gutter-: rdMarjorie Heard, Imee Hart- ol Bcd Rub aird. RScommend- eanor Ogd rÀ Class te Jr. L -lph CoUina, Lesle Dair, Doris Hoaard, nes ffuntloy, Staniey Jones O"eK=n1 Chtfton Manrdreli, Mal McKhùnIs .Leonad Ogdeii, Ana-s oultonLu-- 4i awoKenneth U! 1ee B Glass to A. CIau.Bertit Gut- terida-., Helen Sheard, Befty Spry, Jack SM ryt Walter Ward. e "te B. Clam.- CecIl tlm- ding, Herma-n Canmpbell, Freman I/ ir ,'y A NationalLight OHi FOR LAMFS Thexe lOuaI L tween a Katie G Fa-lIo Na-t- M1- chu nax8 LawreuneJ n Heuvg&ilnVirinyack- mis & o SLt r. U - Ayeda, Wa~rWnllisNarer idenBa- nstii Lamai Lene Suiiery leg- lieVirin Josp rothy Roerta m iss- Sr. L .t. 8.IL-E'(Ma And-eson Cooke, Alex. Jeffrey, Mary Neakel, Hilda Rudney, Henry Stein. Sr.. L te Jr. JL-Beà ie Dalby, Stel- lDenis, Ehner Haves, Katleen- og, Janet Hogg, Lettie Levine, Warren Mwat, Evelyn Sheridan, Iso- bel Smith, Jack Spence, Jack Vingin, IEarl Wilson Prom Jr. 1. to Sr. I.-Robert An- derson, Lorne Bradley, Wallace Brookes, Isobel Grills, Madige.Reard, Wiie Hewson, 41Ian Hoppr, Muriel Lttte, Arthur Moore, MadeIne Sher- !dan$ John Watts, Neal Willkinson. Jr. Frimer te Sr. Primer- Helen Ariderson, Roi Anderson. Jack Bard- inBernice Hewson, Dollie Neskel, JlaNeskel, Annie Nichol, Jean Wil- son. BROCI STREET SCHOOL Owmng te the school being closeil on account of an epideniecof msls thene vene Me promotion exa iatos at Break StreetScel- SEPARATE SCROOL PRO Jr. IV. te Sr.,I. lem -Barton. Bosu Long. Pas-F Sr. MI. tO Jr. , fter, eWe ~ Sr. ]M. t. J.IL ta the appeflnt This la refcnred to l m es-Va. Gailagier Trani- portatin CCo., was an action brougbt by -lmsoMss égainat the defendant fordanags ustà lnud « tthe 'Othda -cf.a- last wheà a truck dilvmnby athe deendata dive anfite buýggy -belng driven by _-the plairitif son lii wblcbuggy the pantf-'wasa ae, Passons«o. Considérable evhlenoe -a takeni the defendana die tht -therp- W"li feU- won and W"lc thi, appli.d- bis brakes but tee ýI avold thé collision. Tihe plantl wjtnusses' evidene as to the. effeet tbat tiiey wereonuthenorth side ef the road near the ditch when the acci- dent happened, driving slowly and wMt car, and that there vas plenty of rooni for en tbve asd without Ca ih.-accident. fe was giveq for $M' and ejud. W.nI Kennedy- for plaintif; Grierson& Crelghton for defendant- (ho.. MoissYs. Gallagher Trans- portation Co. was an action by-1 plaintif for damiagee to his buggy -t the Sam inemre that -the accident -c- curred te Mns. Moss. The evidenc w88 practicaly the sanie as in the last case, erceptng as to damageste buggy. Judgient for plaintif for $55 and cats. W. H. Kennedy for plain- tif, Grierson & Creighton for defence. Habli .Gal W POOW ~-ays a mari wants, in a1 our wheels and an engii rts something ta bp hWsme appearance, high d a-bic seats, easy riding s- cquipmenet And he wants aUlthese th*i the firet rout-not-to be:cla 1~ 2* À ed car, More a aplace .at ià i i ' comzfart- *id dup-to-date 1 t e Included in das= e STAR BUSS SOHOOL 1H13SOMMER MWh M&tW S%à "oin Trmo B««e wrati.soha" d i==ol "mh Individual inuenceioum oe, courge P. itelateoItCà Id PuIa.Ipa SH Aiq ' Answo 1 1 à ý ,M>lt 44ý