il nonnas dtboer noom Tue uttie .foi pganad a&oW 'J Y T b>' iéI Mr. wanam wdtUoip car man for the. evening, ad amé,mncd at tii onmueieto that theBok te ç lwon the >i.T or tebge number of rn hl won at the School blas been won School, and accordingi ns i handsome uniriao e)afa h lefowtng Io the- Bahoi Dril and School Yer 1; ýuzry Rhy- mes, b>' tny tots; Mi Sleep;-Brownle dialogue; ritms drill, by Junior gplay pla msFautas>'; reitton Adam; recltation, Pat kéal; comde drill by boys, «Scirecrows -roani- ing"reaino,.Ilss oorecitation, Dowot tl1ou7êBritannia and GÃ"d 8aetse Cl0 g AftertZAOprogam SantaClaus# in the persoin of Mr.E.1 èlewpre- sented the children with itabos~ of candy and orangea froiatetee SEPARATE SCROOL C(>N(3T The -Sepairate Sehoo 1 e a Christmas Tre. wae el h . 4jhOol las't Wednesday evnin.g, and tis sehool was 91l.dW *th an interr'- audience for the occasion. There an excellent program of dijils, reýý tîons, plays an musical: numni given b>' the 8cholars, and then ta Claus distributed presents, en and fruit to aIL The whoje evex - wasa a oMplet. succeus and heartlly enjoyed by al] thope prs '~RIW M" i MN IEb$200 Mit 8BêNT9S FOR «,O.T.A la the DurhamCounty Polk@e45c last .we.k Chales Segufre, of Bni iUton township, appeared before liUCe Magltrate lo dof Cobou on renwnd on thse chargeof sell licluor,"contrary ta the Ontarjo Tc SA remand had be.nmi ei M onday to ýsecure the (' dence ef F'rnk McDonald, of Car beihford, who wua with Provln< Constable Cousins whên theelit, 'Nus Purçlamed, but the police v- unabie to secure hie presei"- ,ancterIvas gve-, andlicer.nlw PolitcMgrm±qn tae thd crown Cosa, adplus tUtsA ,us; Tom. Tselot wpe otsd a à by«r e, TOt .d -1'-h. xepi CNo4N»JIaW by and uanmn« bave. enebit t te tumêof upwarda i ko-haita iina Sunderland, depesitors had a ti4 Me tisum to tbefr eredit in thse Uom Bank when it collapeed, belug$10 117-00., u I Ontario Rog % 24. ai' ON .s BROCK ST. hôn 'rofit: 71 spehit i horne a Mr. awa, ai to , spel - Miss attendii ýsat ht The -i on Wed ail]and Mr. Christni V Ighx- w'th bE At tI ends it .booksI them b New f( ning o: Mr.i holiday Mr~., radio c which. ceived. Miss the we key. Miss Christi Miss Christ her Ps Miss spendx her brt Miss iday a Mr. ton, si ily OPE few Ch Mr. a afew 1M r. the *1 iday m Mr. the vw The zièw s ings i --a ten pletio * alon and à s lenA -Of, th, mnd è tennii wu j bve * the ~ The