SDufoerinT=e (> sSuIhpg ýBpépubtêt ê Quebeo Skilag md a f take la t&e bIeaati .5 îvvanoet O VER ail the world dhere's flot &D- other place like -QÇudete. ls beauty and ii oid-worWd charu bam made it fammosCvetYwtb=r. -Three hucdred yer bave psascd sinoe tiret it ben to be, and esde one of those ycnrs bus left its mark iipon the town unei t bu become a itorehouse of Cmiadlan.phitory. It be Pluce fo ail the vend to vi an d yet (t-ie, perbaps. teus welI nqn lma4iseth=n it le to Amrluns who ev y ur couse eorth to sS it when d MM* r tthe iu bold outlhee or w e~winter snows crown the lofty cimudel und -the towu's nuny &pires. rt le luin W r that Que- becis at itsbept - At othertimein it so charoderistically cnaien or eo typically French and~ is tg' winter tuai Queb-c meet .etbusiastic*IIY throws ope ts doors 'o -inviete t worl tpom o ansly, spleddw Simngnrhigh , upon the fmnU.,.. i ud overlooldng tihe wideeweep of -the St. Lawrenoce, and the snlow covered Laurentan bills tue Chatýku Frontnmcý &W$a obtînt et o ~thsepluidi9 eoene as MWvmade eI og o:W= the addition of a lova ha và m .iI.tht accoomodalOnf thb fmou o On a winter nig ht i no memrepert fect cmm. lTh.e 6ouuad lighlt bi upper md lowes towu glilt un tbé -mow and store <dm a i tan h.ead ouibusOf the chaà a, « eYcht wmdokw telllmg of the oemfoSt aw «Y dt a eite W"th. Thbttnlor-of the Cbeaisle-» f.ct baù wl,,th dit" duoleem Of fort and moderni exoelleoe. It is oce of *ee pisseswhere h_10 çMfovi- -ame lmhe v tise oeuavetalenof the q>4>" dafr hgt dihteL - ri =n oi w à uçmeth eeeo bsstà fa fi =$e 01«V * le Mto = ofale u ok te 1-ote ice t md aldà ns "to the smain rkbm oeooeut-?tedemand pen fs verwhte to the boue- ktd .vr'Ywher la the land. Thais à d la modbile Mdmuat b. heed- C~iaala to carry the huge bar- fE'dêbt tbe war egueed l atlonaldevepment But have b«teed, thatew I a etos. >miy aeki ad3r'W to having e- y racticed- ýou them»elvSl a Iocaiyla dbsteed wblch la h.*Oà e Savh a sw oh%larh or Iarr % temotlaer mulel STEA HEAINGALWAYS WARM ýANPJ- COM- POTBLSTRCESACESTILL A-VAL ABLE FOR A IRM.MORIE-CAR&. s MoW la demaud, md we cSn stipply youùr néedS-wlth' Dmntured Alcôhol. Do not overlook your CRIS or WJNSHIEI>W IPER. We -have theiià lustock, as weilt mmy other accessrwe. Fo« your Wlnter Ovcrhaul, ailow us to gieyoku a pric for labor diarge based on our famt a*. acheduIe tôt. foy mnakof Cor. Wrqcng: Crane and Truck for EXPERT Road T!he -DAVIBSON TIr S aisa Tuocnvrt lè o Culagtn on .cey Club Organ&Ise . ltb.>gO # At Of - he tenoi la. marna I~ muid prograsu wiIt~ b. of.ewer, elected on. Pree.-4. E. Crnfoet. Prsldent-Sctt Brandoni. The Swertary wu inatrýate to wto theO.EILÂX tve ask- ing te bave a group otf tauu Uxbrldge, Port PmryB. u Gamnngtou untesd fi"e tousas! last seauou FoUowlag la thse m 1< i- &chedule ltrelt jSIL 8--c DEh¶uBt; Jan 1Sil--bMiw 1&-.B.aV*tm at ibn. fôflowhag rjaus su Jan. u'teêenIn i.-Ku aud the Ti.nton, may b. justly prou Wbitby I*term6 hocke l lie5 d, a wu II 70~l "s fOttUftS i n«tWd