Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1924, p. 2

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from pc1 ù14 should be .quip- ight-a simple ont mental hcath, and meams strange thatI entury there is need ý.But the. very tact d et a&l the.reliet spitals, sucii an ex- on f or dealng with :ue home, shows the ,et which gees right !fects te the direct what thie movement s the preventative an the. remedial. It and with the phiysi- otf health te supple- dative work etftthe ien by Seekiug eui ofet tiii health oi [oun Need.d hi shocks newceiners te i. United States, frein lu i tus country et ýor, the rate ef infantile )high; aise the.-inortal- thers. It is greater r. clvilized couutryinl ept Span. SoeItng te reuiedy that. Iu there are multitudes of g men engage d ini,dau- ion s such ai' ceai min- and Mrs. Pankhurst as-, Lvely and without fear in-that marriage, ana otherhood, is absoluteîy gorous occupation-there Iegfisl&tio1i protects the If Modern Magazines iurst paid tribute te the past. Thley made great their- children, but the. 1y Made was the neglect on their children selemnu- ýf i-e. If they hS(1 doue 1people eft«tday weuld cminstuakes the young past have niade. This the great need for the ie rnovernent. The speak- at the youig people et ýre evil tu influence theni ast, aud needed such a (l sh1e condemued the, izine as a subtie mÃ"iral e the youug people intel those whe say that the ie inumy ewih ofthi e tre merit rele e i e eider worh. etofScott, ickens sud gthers con- literature, and if they e evil tiings of ite they in their true colora. On the moderni novel sud s thein in a taise light niake et.ii attractive te ople. that this is merely oe ocial Ilygiene niovemerit, et èlosed her niagnificeut an app)eal te the young nsider the-se things when ung and when their deci- for sormething sud would ,h. address Ea vote ot oved by the leader et ut party, Miss ildeii, i suitable and appreclf- t was fittiugiy SeCended ullech, the. leader ef the idj supported by Miss ader o ettIliProgressivel Mock l'iriamecat - r. Pankhurst *was called ock Plarlianîcut was held lents. The student bodý, into three Parties, the and the. opposition aud The speaker was lu the erything was carried on sitrict Parliamiftary pro- Bspeech f rom the throue ccl and replies were macle e Minister ardi Goveru- ers. , A s pirited speech y the Lemder ot the Ou- Le coudemued the Speech eue as a great digappeint- niugnthilug whaterver te exNistilig evuqin uthe legis- in aeh fiiie patceas to e blost- inamohtion. Mr. Thorold auggs dtiit a re-ar- rangement of ti89=. inlthe Alter plat igt elp the iuation,but ~Iii Ume lg eth h remedy. As the. materlatl n<question would be- corne more eucli-daatrzbuted ever the b.d of the lake the slt will bocome '1dm noticcable 6 the water,-pinnpcd inte the plant. Becemmends Suction Dredge. Mfr. Thorold said that if any turtiier dredglng in -te b. don, at Wbitby barber, her thougiit it would b. very desirable if a auctien dredg. were used, as suggcisted by the Town Coun- cil. Tis would avoid any furtlier posslbility et a recurrénccoetthe pré- sent trouble ariuing freintUic cause attributed, as the matcrial dredged eut would b. used te fdli up the, maruii lande A report, frein the Provincial Board et H.alth on samples et water sai- yzed, indicated that the. wster. taken frein the flt.red watcr reserroir siied ne traces et colon bacl, The water uupp$y et the. tewn le, there- fore,, pure.t Clogemg the Dispoai Plant.ý Considerable discuioni was givwn tw tiie situation arising tronu tlii.et- fluent frein King Bros. Ce. tanner wiiich ls b.iug turned into the. 0w- erage. systeni. It was stated that re- cently wheu oeeoetthia compartinents et the. disposai- plant was cl.aned, 140 wheelbarrow loadi et îludge contain- iu'V hair was remeved. The. hala, being turued inte thesyâtciu createi the danger of serious damage te the niant. and thouwii efforts have been made te efet an arrangement where- by a system would b. installed at the, tannery te preveut the hair getting into the sewers, ne satisfactory con- clusion bas yet been. reaciied. Iet being agreed that. the situation rquires imniediate attention, a mo- tion was iutreduced, sud uuanimously carried that King fos. Ce. b. re- quested te disconnect their- tanuery trom the, sewerage systein by May 1, failing whicii-a charge ef $50 per month would be irnposed aiter that date. Water Rates- Discusced. The situation arisiug frein the ex. periencing et a deficit in operation of the, waterworks department Iseft ycar was given sorne attention. It was printed eut that rates b.ing pald b~ ail tthe large usera are net equsiz.d, sud tbat'the revcmua could b. lu- crased by piacing rates fer theu custoniers on the sanc basis. It wau furtiier pointed eut that inu mai> tewns, sion g thein OehaWa sud Bow- mauille. a onae et ofay V,4e per foot lis imposcd on ail vacant pro. perty a4jediinîng watemmains. If pro. erty is-mprowd It is exempt ron tis' tX, but if uuimproved aud ad- joininÈ-lhe- water syst.ni, it contrub- ute. tis frentage tax, wvhich giveE coinsiderabhle revenue. This was sug. gested as another means ef, increas. ing the tunde avallable, fer defraying wauerworks dobenture. Ne actiez was taken but the~ question will deubt- less receive furtiier consideratioi during -the comng year. Ail the members were promeut: W, J. Luke, Chairman; Messrs. A. H. AI en, A., M. Ros, G. M. Goodfoliou% sudý Mayor R. N. Bamett. Set (Continued finýpage L) (Cen*hued froin page 1) n taken u. i.rport Of tie farinera peet&y their cbàrman, L..Mit-the piaubelaredofe te Ie te cheil, uit the court ot Revisien 'Was RepbS ll wde lt. owe ti.tdMto read and the. report os the Court ofE coddM DWI' DtOI Revision. The agreement was then Bildig My Be B-eiiulYdFo Other carcfll discussed, and it was Itnov- lUM& cd by gir. Kemiy, seconded y Reeve Mr. Iawler gtraék a new note ini the Blow, that that the agreement be- &disisieu, when lie pomnted eut that tween the flarier= ot 'e Town Oef1wbule physical culture was undoubted-< Wbltby and the. Town. o Wiitby re- îIly neccfssry in the. uhool, utill achel- spectmýg the gasmsennt 1 . ta=inIm ,ani attabuluent was aise desirable, witIiin the Town of Whitby , snd wiz1aa atiiuc tholdb lta bus récently ixpiredj, be rencwed da the student bod should remember thec the saine trm as torjnrly exiitcd. old maXir, T4 Who corne, into , And that the. sciedule of assessmeit court must do-se wth clean bauds." of farm lands, wbich have been reomft- R. tbeught that the schelaatic record ly confirmied by the. Court Ot Revis- made aitti.heigh School during the ion ot thc Town ot Witby and agreed past few- yem li*ad net been at al to by the ffariners, b. nbo<ied ithe, satisfactory, and the àdou6e huldj 1)0w agreemuent wbich the3 town clerk take stock !d pay a ifttie more at- is hereby instructed'te prepare. Tii. tention te their échool studies. Hec motion carried. hoped that a littlc bctter record might1 The Council then went into commit- tb. made in futur e o xplaiued. that( tee et thc whole te tiioroughly diseuse aome turne ago Uic gymnazium build- i and analpze the. traasurer' budget1 mg was censidered a nuisance, and1 with a lview to cutting down the. tex théeWiadbecu a. proposition afeet te - rate as low as possible. Tii. commit- have it tom down. Then Mr. John-1 tee of the whol, reported back to thel son came- as principal, and it was council, recomedfng that the report aued forer jcwok * agricltur. At1 et the com rnitteot tii.whole, -adopt- Ipresent the. Board i. iun duedd wiietii- Cn the. budget as amended be adopted er te coinue agriculture or not, but An the. Town Clerk be autiiorlzed toift it, decîdes te continue the agricul- prepare the nuecesary by-laws te car-i turc classes t will need tiiose clans- ry the same inte effect. roins in the gymnasium, or etiiers Council then adjourned. neine wli.re else. In the first place, when the agricutural department was started thie buildinç was utilized lu TajulyliCoitest. order te avoid building"an addition te Imblyathe. chooL Tii. wiring coat a great $deal etfnquey, and if it were altered, (Coutinued frorn page 1) as propescid by tiie delegation, this Mr. -Maundrel also presented tote iigwudb.rmd r aw Helena Watson the Maundreli Cup, wstnted te make it clearthat he was the trophy held for one ycar by the eaying what he waai order that the- boy or girl winning the highest nuin- students would undcrstand the diffi- Lber of points on field day. culties coutronting the Board, be- The Bassett Cup,' awarded te the causecvcryoe would admit that the. rwinner et the mile race, was presnt- facilities asked were necessary for thieI -cd by Mayor R. N. Bassett te -Robt. sehool. He finisiied by statrng 'that rRichardson. if the, Minister etfEdication shouldi An interesting feature of the po make' the agricultural course less at- rgram was the- presentation te Alic tractive,1 a there was soen talk of LCorreli et, the Nelson Shield. This deung. then by ail means niake the presentition was made by Jack Blow, building into a gyrnnasium, but oth- President ot the Literay Socety whe erwise he would not think it wise t occupied the chair., The Shield s a- destroy the. werk already accompliah-1 warded by vote of the EHigh SciiooI cd. - students te that one wiio la consider-, Mr. Downie added a few more r d te b. the, best "ail-round" pupil. words in favor.of the, proposition and a The selection ot Alice Correli was bis motion was put te a vote and car- rvery popular. ried. Good-Musical Prograni. Appointed te Committees. In addition te tthe Taniblyn contest There had been corne littie misun- and the. presentation eto medals~ a derstsndiug ithe~ Board in regard te splendid progrsrnwas given'by the ýwhat conintitteca Mr. Downie waà on, - pupul.s et the Hhgh Sciieci. Cesid- sud M r. Lawlcr explained that when erable inusical talent was displsyed i Mr. Downle reslgncd as chairman et the several selections rendered by the thei* Sehool Preperty Commttee at the, orchestra eto several pieces, ai~d b.gi ofihet icycar there was no a by tihe string quartette. Otherhteio that he ahould ceaie te b. -numbers onthe prori werc a solo a member eftbtat conunittee, as would -by Miss LauraMacey- folk dance, 'ern evident frem the. carda with the' a "Cochin China," by girlf ec sec- naies et thc comnittea on, from 1- ond Forin; vielin colo by Thos. Bru- - o;solo by Miss Thcodora Priest; r'Japanese Drill by girls et the Firat F.1oheccncludig - nunuber was the F A r.. *gett,-"C.-eusr es É-%r>1 the.ace1 paper, by the editer-in- chief, Mis Grace Couithard. TIs& in- cluded a, sumary et the scieol ac- v whicii providcd nxrtii for the. cutire audience. lEHAVE MÃ",VED -TO' 152 Sit.. Street S -'uih shw AIND CARRY À LARGE STOCK 0F LADIES" SPRING COATS, SLITS,9 DRESSES, SKIRTS AND HATS. Corne and Sée Thomn. Nothingcheap about any garnient but the price. th sides' et the %'House rosf Mud the. debate -mfged (4ilUeflt speeches both for S m t thie nieasures fellowingSa n luiciik succession. There ,il paiilizinieiltarY Ilan guage dtFii4itr rember \\as fore-_ 152 SUMCOE ST.! idraw, aud fiualîy th e OP- ave l ack oet couficlence îl,_________ of the .seession of several cuintsupIIpoters wheu' îg v-tc ion the motion was groe-cinent wa's -sutained-. - Ing on Disposition- 01 Surplus. 'tin1ue.d fruîw ;page 1.) 1 11\1 juiyimonts the town hàd . 011 dtel)entuires, if-it were i dcj so legaily, but he Nwant- Lr cf the situàtÃŽoni audi ', \\ld b- e Nell te put the aiîily before the Hîydro El-1 illilssi(orl. asud ask for -al . il. Allun iikewise wantedi the local Commission weuld penalty by any .illegai ac-i therefore dlddte a.Akthej bciter te cemniunicate with iEIectrieC ommiiission, state and ask for- a ruling as tei 'stedj disposition efthtie su:r- Offer Accptcd.I nu.nion Bauk,_tiirough the. lager. G. P. Lynd, acceptedi -niasion's offer et $100 Per s remuneratieti for the er- o1eetng water snd light « at the. bank's Wliîtby branch. muion ad ade iyoffer ~ R s requcat for remuneratioii Ii sevice wbich bas previously j v ieland forracd gratis. I ~ ~ .~ < ler A'.ysed aw the. new infiltration ration, Superinteudent ported that the i lite iWred frequcut cleanlng heavy deposit -of sUt wn prccipltatcd ou thel cornpartmeuts.A sam- gter w es set to P. W. englace, under viios "e plant W»vas euit- eport on the. sualymla of nas ae t thé. nmetiug W ý dve it as bis opinio £ aswebahldm. id=»m iwyj for Improved adrnan Advlaoryl -Sv Township o .lmmua :l.ata n unit wtne Dy soins uverz u . .. - W vians, AweYv v iuage " )ownic's nam lid-been omittcd troin Beaverton. -I the card àt wu recorded on the umin- 10.4,5 ajn--Our Ceunty Rosd Systein tes. Mr. Downie was then appoint- and its oçièration.- imittee aise. D. J. KeanibCounty Road Supt. 1 I E Mfr. Mathisen spoke of a' certain O1en discuWson. Presentation o f natter, but h. did net know iiow it questions pcrtaining te Coui could b. remedied. This was lu eou-i Road mattems ~ti1nw~t Uc crublried 1t1»SOa.m.-Addrsses by Represent- 'A. Superi sho Hefound that ti.cude, atives O e - 1=lcalmunicipal- wasted a great part, et thefrj ities présent. fl a -aud y "crbblrs, and used altoetiier teel Foremen will b. -cailed upon- to nsuiy. It wus bis opinion that the stt I "oiioscncrigBoy of Board should supply scribblers to- the, ceta i r opinionts.cnenn o lxue~Ie ichool, or the. teachers should i certa12n00ead matters. Walthal and U vise their use and make sureS1 1200nou-unh.Mouday-Tuesday, evcry scrlbbler was really flled betreAtteren uSdsion "The ,Man N4 discarded. 1.15 p.m.-K !pmg Ceuntyý Road Ac- Alice Calhoun. Ac( Dr. McGilivray stated that hi. i ceunts, TmeBoe, e i e-i uet would like te have the clause in th1e port, pay lis, etc. Wednesday-Thuro, [ste CoL. Farewell's will, rnaking a b.- D. J. Komu, County Road Supt. "£Big Bl quest te the Sehool Board recoirded Que-hait heur meeting for fore- With Tom M<><,é in thc minutes. A motion te that cf. men enly.ý jut don, a tremenq feet was passed by tiie Bard, sd 2.00 p.m.-Maintnancceto Highways, ness at eeoe Toron -thie Treasurer was authorized te keel? by Patiol Syshe. town theatres. in teuch with the -Toronto Genera H. Jardine, isatrict Engineer etf rd-atda Trusts Corporation, the, excoutors et MunicipalRoads. FMa M uray ¶ thc estate. Discussion iutrodlced by Warden Another exceptiez The. Secretary, who had been eeoet McMIllan, jeeve et Re,.ch Tp., draina-is l)ou Uie members et the deputation wbich ad mernbrs et Advisory Coin- Menday-Tesday, had gene te Toroto te interview the miittie."ine Minister et Education sud tiie arch- 2.45-p.m-Instructiens te Foremenré Poer itects o et i ng Street -School, ré- netiioda et construction as u lnLni ù ported as to the. dcgr.eet satisfactioni maintenance et County, and Tp. two Splendid starsj with wich the. delegation met. They1 HighWays. AlalTfl"inloe ofet did net get very'much coxntort £romi D. J. Kuan, Covnty Rend Supt picture-s ever produi thearhieot. hedefects in the! Discussion open te aIL Wednesday-Thurm construction eoftthe King Street School 3.30 p.m. - Distribution et blank 'Gleria Sw wre pointed eut, but the, architecte brs, -wéekly reporte, tixue The Bluebeard'a claimed that the veutiilition should books, pay lista, et;c. Friday-Saturday have worked- and wqud give neatis- «' ow enjoyinga1. faction whaitever. Tey had b.en ac- Nwejyigas cempanied by Inspecter HutchisenluMI DMATHS. Pantages Theatre,' their visit te tthe Minister, of Educa-j DeHART-At Brookiu, on Monday, 1 Xnday-Tuesday, h tien. This visit was more sa.tisfac-l March l7th, 1924, Violet May Ri, "On the. Bankc tory sud th.y ex.pected it would bear b.loved wife et Ebuer, Deîart, ifl A splendid productii fruit. 1her 34thvear. - in the easrhdas ol IFifth Ave., Ottawa,' on Tiiursaay, ROAD FOREMEN WILL CONFER- March 13th, 1924, Wm. A. Fraser, The thirdî,aunual confereuce et lu uis 77th year, fommerly- of Whit- ceunty road toriamen will b. held next by, Ontario. week under the. auspices of the Coun -_______________ cil efthUe County et Ontario. Ou 1Wednesday, March 26th, at Port Perry' meet Md o husdathe o th On- TRAI N TIuE TABLE tarie men will meet at Beaverten. An interesting sud useful prograin has been arrauged, calculated te ret- ly assigt these lu charg.et ros con- struction sud maintenance., 'Mr. D. J. Kean Conty oadEngineer has had airangmens in charg¶e. ÃŽepo grranget leisas te ows: C .E Morning Sciai on Whitby Junctien 9.30 a.m.-gegstratoui. G(>ING WEST-*4.62 a.m., 516 am., 9.45 a.rn.-Addresa ci Welcome. 6.04 arn., MM 38a.m., t2.82 p.rn. P. Figary of Port Pcrryon Wcd- r2.6 p.in., t8.55 pan., f 8.8 pin_ nesday, dU..A. McMillan, War- GOING EAST-j8.10 a.m., 418.M8 a den, on Thursday. i. 1.4ai. .3pm,1.7p U., t42_pL, '.50 lD, 'z.- HELP I CANAIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS mN cO-OPcATInSîwiTI ONTARfO GOVEMtMENT DEPAMÉNT 0F COLONI1ZATION 'Li ASIN 151!.FAiNSUN Slot «=iNS ANtE ,mp p., - ,li.i a- areike èueii' a v ltlwifColonizu snd Deve *epm-msatativ« ,mct Brita. ,cn- uriopuan ceuutrie,, oifeii a free servie te f ariners. Oru>.-xvim ielp au carly as possibç la erder.that -tiey viii reaciiCtt ada la time for Spraug. v.'.- More Cattie 9~ jFyour Pl t ~Managerc - .OSHIAWA CANADitAN NATIJONAL RAILWAYS AGENT OR DEAPTMENT OF COLONIZATION AND DEVE1OPqENT- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS MONTREAL. QUE. )rogressive ideas for cattle rai5ir rond thie financial resources ai yo;- taik the matter. over l4ith, the c of thisBùi SIND RD5RVICL aids Productive Prgres STANDARDBAN Whitby Braxich, C. A, McClelian, Manao Brooklin Branch, - C. S fihompo' Manager RECO 'rhe Wonder Kidney le Liver z- Stamach Tonic ýîs Nationallye- v c r t'i s e dl Sold hy Where You Want It izf eatoe oa d1y-2O erave s---- -- o*e or aY 3 ten hour worling days a Year-are spent in the irksOme, wearying task of pumping water. 34deys which one f- M 'rnlootoWndilwi give you for profitable work, 1unnmg watý rust- or rçireaton--besides: supplying wherever you. want it. Thtorn lxheuaetsk.tbt oi i htwmdil i inda ci weatiwr. as overcome n tihe Tornto SeV4XWle, wlh ruirsfi cil omly no a YeaL" Friction and wear are ratîcally abaiihed Teroato wWililh teem.c A.made al»olutely se1-reulsp gm fli-eoTSmWTower wiH msand for a Iifetime bemmuse *18 the bmmiest msrmep* and best-braod 1 me huit f«r My wkwlnmil lt mu. uxplain vhy Ihelieve à- m o ei f tAo iea a-temvsoe 7o an ahaie. W. IL àW 1TM. lu-i-O Wednesday-Thuri Poli Negri in C.A. BIR Painter and fstimates furnisl Breck St. S., Whi Piione I Studio- -Dunda j Phon- 'F. 'HOWAI 1 Rea Estate - l 300. P.i I LLs amAppointm.nteat Mr. K, UP..Tows ITATION. -Next Door Pot Office GOING NORTH-18.80 arnt 8.40P.-______ C. P. IL Honer Gra"uteo f GOING WELQ *6.23 aiM ,1.0Ln. vels4w OSi4 *5.10 pan Affillatod wltii Torsm 001wr Ex-Govcrarnt Vetali .~~,l.SPJtqîM~Miii>A't -î i5asur-ar. t Daîlly xeeptz t *1Sunday enly. Um Fo .s-t .r. 1280p. 7.80 p.ni, 8.20p).m. For North-n7 arn. For Bast--730 a.mn., 8.2MpU Fo« Port WWby-7.30a&Mn, 7M P. EZ~ - For O0 a1.5Dn zD iTIRIUTD * Prom Eaat-7.30 amn. Frou We-7.30 &-n., 9.00 arn., 8.00 pan.4, 815U . g j ro North--1.50 e.rn. ' M'. Tonofsky. JIJNK, SCItAP MRON and POULTRI PAPER, BOUTLES and RAGS BOUGHT. Phone 236w, Whltby High Grade instruction OnIy - A,. B. CHRISI Barister, Solicitor, Nc etc: Office in south wi House. Money tc, ban. W. iL SBarrister, Sehic Court, Netar WTII 1 Office-Dundas Of P A,,H. C.I1 Barrister, Solicitor, Office, Mathison BIsc WHITBY, .MORTON Ontario Lau jYonge'sud Charles Streets, Teronto P-r Remains open aliyear and admitsHoknSt t students'at auy-timne. Demand for our graduates far greate tiian ur suppiy. Write to-day for free cata-, DR. R. W. J. ELLIOTT, PrincipaL Rio DON'T NEGLEET YOIJR EVES DR Reg If you have the slightest trouble. eaitc with your eyes,- don't run any risk by negiecting to have them- examin.d by F., En- Lake, Travelers'Cheques ~EOPLR tavellng oeimlog or short jourucys wM f fin t coeuenet tacaryehDominion ankTravdirs he" Tbe menegtiais nywcrei tewoeldmd cWnbeobtU" Bt~~~*ý fm rnhc u ank IT riM I »rROM Mmd CICGO 1nm - h-uame - p &l,cht A Nom . .FLU KXE - % _ 4 Dominion d Civil Eni .e late W id Surveyo ie day or. n T. Brock and Mar Ci.IL. IMA, Physician and ideuce sud 0O f Standard aB B.B.a Teronto. Off. fcetinery Std 1.2; 1 to, 5.à0, PROMU 220 veuWve o, DyP isi. Schwartz- m r- Thé jt42 -pin" PX4 *UX *10 no - _- 1 t i v water .runnmR

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