Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1924, p. 4

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.1878ýR OSiS 192 1RETIRI>NG FR0111 USINESS% The oldest establisbed Dr Goods Store in South Ontariowl ei Wolesaerices the best ectdsok fDy4 inte county, consistingof- iLadies' un.hfg, e s' FrnIshiflgSHous unsigFr and Ready-MadO Clothung, &C., &C. This is no 10 days' sale.* This -sale will continue. until ail goods are- disposed fadwl on at'-once T EG ZlEADCRNCEsnow and ici', there should be a defin- Most citizens were looking for a 40- is sufficient Power in a plut of water nucdlater.dpac ilbea-- it rga- fclearing at ieast obnce' miii rate at least. to carry the largest truck of today' The managrement com teesdeets et(rsegntM. alrhdh La publlabed .vri ThuewMdVooltU. a week, if ntV more often. it is quite ***fo saat h iyo ot sirous of haVing ail the boys who took Oshaaetdesdby et'aamt p sr ta ymfW bearb.ru leu .Untdtruc e, nte atthe pavements have - Economy is the cry te be heard eV- el h coln wl es efc-part iu the previeus shows and any C'ee etdesdcul-issSegt~m gin» r obe foloiM unrie 10 '" eenc as o itei dut b-eyhr.Te oiinGvr- cdso safe, and 50 cheap that everv thers iuterested te turu out to the 0 bSwhhte or ori l u OU là, ld beu en laedo ite tn ob e-eyh e h oiinG r-homne wili have a garage for one, not ýrst prcie on the dd l" ing (lue to the desire of the, Streets1 ment h as outiiued a prograin based ou lu the backyard but at the front door prtc. ADVERTISING RATES Tradet km lool Coftiultee to economize. The pave-1 retrenchlfeut, and is oualy'taking the which wiii be located ou every roof. &lalau e m~uu&iisqut pari beumlidmow xerit i course urged all over the continent. Anthracite coal wilI have become so "t o ontrum a pa..adv.rll8StaA behooves the tewn to keep them lu lu municipal goverumeut the same scutte-wl on the proéessiou te the Please Take Notice 1ýiat Ris Honor i cabd knowrn on applieaIon. good shape and we believe. that it need 1 uppermost, and' whilc ueed village of Sharon, There are suffi- Judge Ruddy has -appoiuted MondayP« odrumese iagt femV .reios lu be w that a defluite program ever arises te maintain civic a~ffars at, dent heat units in ten pounds of soft March 24, 1924, at the heur of Two Aru nudtsi toc"l uidla mtion» s ould be Wdlid ad srcl adher- a proper standard, it is undoubtedly coal when used lu. conjunction with o'clock lu the afternoou at his Cham-ý ru b luwsd l fobld.oute austritlyelectricity, to accomplish more than bers iu the Court House, Whitby, Ont-I TELEFUO ~ ~ ~ edtoSi this -regard this ycar. most desirable that every uuuccssary a ton of aut cte used lu our pres- ue o odn or eha n E..l..oeDdl" 1"fill"e avided Thee semS o b cnt wastef.u yanuer-Coal lu the fu- dtermine the several appeals fro..1T HE T W T ~belet. CmdiaW"kliNWUpu"** undue coear expresscd by seme cii ure will plirchased u t a -grecer's the or fRvso e h ui It will be with a feeling of satis- zens that the Town Council has a store aud*handled Tnuch lu the same cipality -of the Town of Whitby. 0. OOODFELLOW & SON, Pubillsbor faction thut citizeus will learn the tax 1000 expeuditure on thc Town Hail way as the sugar of today. W. D. Dykes,- 1 ~~~~~rate for 1924, fixed by the Council ounin its program fer- this ycar, even fe y ardsn oreoins, but wiTwnlol usey Monday eveniug. Thirty-eight mnilîs,1 though ne move bas been, made as yet the Metric'system ef France 'as devis-___________________ TIIURSDAY; MARtCH 20, 194 cemparcd with forty-five in 1923, lu that direction., As a mattcr of cd for the -world by an Englishman; ST. ANDREW'S CRITRCH mreans a decrease of about 15 per fact, the Gazette and Chrouiçle hast the ycar will be divided inta 13-equal - Rev. Edward Turkingtou, Minister. cet. wic i lu mpnasscssin ot mnae tnehas benabte n leyand tat euths of 28 days each with the extra Suuday, March 23rd i Edfitorial Noe&. cn. hc ilcmest ums md ahritn.t nuradu day added at somne cenvenieut time. il a.m.--Moriig service. Subjqct: cases for any increaseinassmnnotp à e blt er ht Our War Memorial wlll be regarded "Cornelius, the First Gentile fl P t.l that may have bennae1 ee-aylre~u fmnyha enpo as among the ancieut landniarks ef Acts 10--i-6.. K W. J. Trick h-as becu clccted Mayormiidcceisasbttalu, dpoeleb epedd u the Town the City. The symbolic stenes will ne 3 p.m.-Sunday Scheol and Wom- mill decrelonger standbfornthelc-neoendepeseef en'séBeblcnClaa o - of the city of Oshawa by acclamation. ît should be a, gded advertisement for Hall. this year. This appears te be 1mny frcig ands uthe will bhoei n steble-p.m .rofSua ecig Th w sarceutest or alermnh n te twl tee asw v a nwdfnteyetbishcd by the stnlk- speak of a Féderation of the wonîa sermons on Oid Testament Characters. only oeewad, ex M rJh tcy 45-mu1l rate is quite commoni- The, ing of the tax rate last Monday even- 1 and the common Brotherhood of Man. "Elijah, TiumPh. and Despair."1 Spe- seeldng a r-eat on i'e Ceuncil. Thei decrease is due, of course, te the fact iug, when lun the estimates approved,1 Floral wféaths on Armistice Day of cial music by ch~oir. You aie cordially smen of he own he sm ýsucceeding year, with iuereasing force, invited te come and bning your Reveani l:~-1) Ie puty-Rceves am that the total assessmu fth onth u f $1500 was allowed thewl"apifaubrdcs"ams-rins Lh - iwCueiwih ish-butyen inc înM-5e ill Unff ndb o rgott es- en. memer'1 Le nw ouci, wic l hit ee icrased togâther with pos- Towu Property Cemmittee- for the age te the Dominion et Canada f rom Fiday; (this week)ý 5.30-Girls' comnPiW< (J>f xtée members. 1 iiiy-of eetn certain econo- whole year. Any suspiciou that the "«The Garden of the Ufrotn, Missionary Auxiliary. * mies.i1hchsadthstggetmanPcpeSSity Que ef these is the sâving of i town was te be committed te a $10,000 There will be a union ef aIl Christian Tuesday, March 25,, 8 p.m.-Youug ~ c-î~ t u tht tuc mvi~ yanl end.lesscned luanresteexpenditure shoun-d new be uSoaietyd. con~1ain ~ ~ duetain a few hait paralized denomina- ' hetow w r hr ,b eae ttxrlietý**tional limbs, will be merged into eue THE TABERNACLE- METRODIST paved, it has not bèeu the custom te standing for seme time, beiug cieared Under goverumeut coutrel Of the litge temyple--of worship where the e.FH.ewrPsr sweep these pavements frequetly up and returued, and the couséuent sue ef liuor, as new iifrel h oqet fdsue ieaien Suuday.HMa.rd2, 124Une te erooldie eno ghan th t rsienc s djonlu r lucio lu the am untetmon y r- urc as cri e wjll ev er st t a ln s es 3 p.."Gre a i hoeX" bnuh n htrsdne donn euto nte rewd -th oey e Province ot Quebec, just howmuch li- of peverty,, $nd 1the victfty over vice ¶ .m.-Morningwi 1i. Sb ~'~ !SM BA.R are roflse<iuently deluged with dust, quircd to-e b rwe, y te wn. quor eau a man prc u t oue time ? and 7 iifrvrsada teje,"ra 5Daa. 1924Counil ho 1e ivenil s This question lu a simple eue, and yet age. -A '--&.s~p1eof such a~ ..Eelgwih,.Sbet - lu the Province of Quebec a manÃŽTthhse immertal%7ords--WEesday 8 pm.or3.r suevce.Mt:a, Mae ecM - oe cn nen ,icldn eeti rneDîning-reom, 'iv- u a hatl'e4Ieee. - ing-ro o ci hll n i c he n n g a elNo. ic rangfloors with pine tnin miuls-iu Valleyfied gave up their work e splendid progratu w s1OrUY-"E eee. fingrrihl ndraîd; l age pNtry1 okf kitchen %vith - buili-mu to take jobs et buying iiquor, a bottiely I cabinet :i god sizedbedroou upstars, flors B. . Fin tainedenoed. The roem was p~iyd-To-night- _March 20- Missionary ______________________ :trnish d r4n ite e om put aited white;B.C.emplet -iece at a time, for thcse nunt-runners, Who;cerated for the occasion '-lth St.program. Chaik tak. Al eco e Bralupton hodt ai furmce with etater attcmnt lte SOilOebetela p ec stl epatbv'ki ss dein e ebrt a is L SITofHU ati oll ulszdcl tadweal elr thus, by the heip ef these imen, vvere;-Ptic oes.Iiterefis ate bativm;fo s~ei elar, divîded fruit ami wgetable cellurs; ly and sil epthe prograflithere wreparmsolos[~Poe uine eti or sddrv.Just a reulii modern home. Close te, ceutor et toWn. iwithin the Quebec law. îndeed, the Is1u-bel D.avev; vocal. soles by Misr, Sunday. Mý1arch 23 ia> Teris-aitcah. huso Br kStSbic vne, governmen't store did such a ig busi- Bunner aud Miss TaFrance, O. '4. C, S a.m.-Holv Comnioni.Ify u fi to agh -t n tm $3,500.00, 5 oonmed hue nBokSt . rcneel,, -ice 1le ssthat, another one had to be open-,ad 1ad gb Ms aruhn .il a.rm.-NIojiitifprayer --amiser- bauthvreacelhar air -unae 'hrdwoodfoors trougo;good ed muthe saine town.In one rspctL,.C', mhich wvas, foliowed by laternmon on"Bibie periodýs cf Forty D-ays." bath Peae ht t 'ded fi thout' d b~ I -sldes sho-u'îng scenes of northernnd' 3 p..-Biie Casr i Church. S.o a etr osi ot wxtIICti èsrbehom.i eas.t, govenle eta rland. iev. Mm. Turkin;ton S. in Parish room. I Dntfi os' U hw o i kind is as bad, or wverse, thaui the open giving a short taik ou the scenesde- 4.30 p.mn.-Brooklin service. $1800.6romdcottage, ou Brock St. N., selid brick, al bar. p- I'4early Threelie I eryfafl 7ours of Side yr ad s-r miodemn conveniemices,,het air turuace, nearly uew, fin floors ia.T Iilt h rgantr o n"il usînz. throughout. Ternis $600.00 cash, balance as rent. were vocalsoo bv Miss Bunner ad Thurc-day, 3 1p.ti.-W. A. MonSthslyaddor oe $3,60.0, rome trme gaon r ~.~.,3 ~ - ADREM 0 TU FUURE Miss LaFmauc, aredmg by Miss Cr- buzioess meeting. $3600,' omdf ebungaow, nByru t. S 3Die. rutheris. and a piano solo b y M -.. Confirmatiorn ls-' in pregro ss as bath, htar tae a adodfi îs huht, bouse wired Dr T.' E. Kaiser, et O5shawa, whose rMeath. announced each Sun.lay. ,, for electnie steve, full sized cellur. Thits house is in excellent re- iestlt adeiiait r elRefmeshmentz and a picasaut soci l--- tI~*.*~U~ T knonmak a iteesingadre i timo closed the enjoyabl vuig ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. PortWhtv pair. Can be secured for a reasonable cash paymcilt, balance ar- I the recetî an lebrsting wh e Ohaa l vnig ht" Il b. ,te eciena cký, lbatonwh enduOghdawaSunday, March 23, 1924 mauged. ~ ~Iil a.ni.-Mornimg prayer andi ser -______ -500.00. 7enîdbuso Brock St. N., brick veneer, 3-piece his nmgzto etectu t ofa - ELS>ýUDîjmn bath, hot air furuace, hardwcvod floors threughout, with handwoed prophecyiý ns te what the future may , uetweddling waas olertnized -.1 p.m.-Sunday Sehool. triim, fulli sized celiar, wired for electrie range, double garage, bring. lie paid t A ue eteit prja .Wity. 7 1îm.-Eveniu ryr m emo ___________________Z_____ izodsized gurden ut the rear, lu which are a numvbcr -etbearing Oslîawa'wa-s a hamiet for 25 years,'turav Mrc itI. e Drt Mr C. . L er and sieprmon.~ frui tres.Ternis $2,500.00 cash wili handle this, balance as- avlae3ryasadaîonfr,~usÙde;dubtre m !bt evcs rauged ut a very reusonable rate et interest. - -ears. Now we are a ity, and 1 won- iI mm ule .d u h e o -I .a b t evcs This is onlya ftwtofmtheew.yluptheddSummer et 1922.isludEug., became the bride et Mr. Robe forsl nyafwe h yslenihmswehv fIdr iîatwe wIloohie S lu 50 vea1922 rsinWalisoDudseyof r sa; ut NOTICE TO CREDITORS for ale.Phone 268J. and a.sk for Mr. Rogers, who will 1e glad Col omp n E. Farewel, I id te-a vii Freionan tE lt rs gai; In the EState of William Edward - te show you anyoetand ptoperttesM1i5-edar toshw o ay ftb poerte ise&Ct;hnE.emplee Sh idaron heretetîlison, whlàtay. Miss Ethel Dd~Hobhs. late of the Village et BrookimuA HEVTRA U lic e apas gmmralonwee s erofthe bride was bridesml lin the Countvy et Ontario, Gentleman, relis o a astgeneatin wre switer.Ellison was supperted e: decea5ed. D YKES 8& ROGERS sembled, and which told of the activi- i rte WlMmn. erml>Ntcei eeygve usatt tieofpeople now passed away. We bsbrterWlla . FTHe em apNtie 21iRS.eeb.gve9pu1 unte es et r Àtatwas penomed by Rcv .H H-hper11 .S 94, Sectio ' 56,i Sa Real Estate. Insurance Goversment Bonds. Money te LImm. ponderedfe ayhusov r.Imdae'ft heceilta ilpsnshvnglimaant DUN AS ST F1 M . ndWH TBY O TA O on e t m d is ha t fue Washingteu n n d r. Llisemi left ou a si 11e Estate et the above uamed W i-' Iframeofmnju htoW eigtrp liam Edward Hehbs, who died et or1 Phone MJ ~~~~Irv-ing en mused ever 1the sectes abuethddug tofrip.ury 124 and surrouudings o e.ýtnsWAb are required ou or before thé lSth day ______________________________________________- Ibey. Candle moulds-, candie suffersMINSTELS AGAINI AWTIVE-et ofAprIl, 1924, te seud hy pot pre- l.pu eradasr hmo o khtey keg oesuun whrs, crans, WILL gEL? OLD GIRLS' pad. or te deliver to the uudersigned i h uus .ofrafwsei ksis drleras and finI lesu SOIA NSollcitor fth1e Executers oeth11e Will gats vpw*er rs endbt loqueutin t a meeting hel4iast Saturde"' et the sad decease'dful paitictilairs t Fohf- etce e.15,2f profusion -gave h 11e Wbutby1u-* thein daims and 1the nature et the se- CipClrrglr1e o , t j î~estîmouy ofth11e home lite oet our cu , a!h --- curity, if auy, held by 11cm. -D e aOntario. Eaeh sueceeding decade wiiIsu,11 floin f-cm e- date the said ExetuterswildsibtBnalbo qatyrg.'C in th1e future, as in 1the PSu ndnd- the assets efth11e sad Estate amougut SaiB nos b.fr2c te 'Sharon, as cuzosities, the ilmpI Presidet-J. I. Hicks. i11the pnns entitled therete having re-LeoS gu.r2,fo20a mens bih sahhae eenlucen-VicePres du-.T. Mah% grd euly te the daims. et wbich tfiey Are you one of thoso 'who, must b. overtaken with mon use, but rendered obsoleteh~ 1e Scntary..-J. D. Fluker - stiah then have nTeceived notice. ~&le,2e 5,3c 0 n disste bfor yu ralze h. mprtaceof nsrane? inventive genius et erfl, eTreasurer-G.P ~.~Du t Whitby, Ont., 1the 14111La oUcS buh u utr efr yü eaie heimotaceofisuane mad rush of a Ïreiss, rlchaflg - naee-eCUiDttda of Mreh,194 Don't ait- for'the .ostly 1leason of exporience. ~igppi5.Lynd. A. . Lyiid5 loin G Robis, auid iCcmOS aihs r suAs Iay 1project imy mmd 4for fyif St VCflmitt . E. E. VanstousExecuters. sure today. ' ~yssrs intô the future 1I-can sS ap II.1 Taylor, IL. M By ArturmE. Chriti&14aecrs,1Tw ot u Let un help you select the protecluon you ne.d.- Oshawa of 50m,00pceple. My m' nr- Hatel, G. il. G.odf- . Whitby. Ontario, ms rs *sa1sav nôt idPr¶leieiTW Y Soilcltr. iu uubeswihl b. daturbed it y stage aid --41!* the wbistle ef a factory, but by lth e ifntyYe, W. CooeT.B.1W deep iiens of au()<ean I T,ilS t Ajes, En Rumpbil JHOCKY yCLUB RELD CARNAL obI 'C.JiH IHA D Ã" -setyefave f SU*11A'- mw hut pt onthe show On Tuesdayight- a carnivalt was 'Th 01*8 rlos uu. â ~ î..,~.1. *"ý, or or grnuo o 11 bpes upQ~o eld at Burus'A m n id oftheLI I > F > - b. 11 d.asdutg fh.î-ris nidm - tý ord f thel Grl -Wbitby Hockey Club. Owing b 1the- O oasult youriasuraaoo aeat be , e p mî"ïi@d bU i e bgS m m & tms i ild w ead m hC 1 e !c asw ua Bit tAs et, B O K S . S I T , Foaué.ou$% «Msuiwlr a ê ý ow 'bt a falry large um ber vers pres- drsd va uaeyer aul filat o 81V41ý% The B er uftBMpas ut nl fuers in costume, l.__the____________ __________________________________ 1hcle drvesbyatouc ow5» ee lice w ferh f a ,e days. nizes being von by the feflwng.- &e -Êfe fýM Ï,,r.te-tcs hc tr.i ervnb tokleP

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