Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1924, p. 6

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MARO2O»24 ,byeryPm R" idm comlng 1>ffr. the. FWer.1 hou.. aud 18 had belon- wa=,ed -at Gnauoqut respectfüIly zequeit the. local member IJc tet receiVe order atM )n emM ac ud tosupp~ortit i thelterest of eomawIthe. saine rooedure ,Lad net been fol- and moral refofln. .»J lowed in te =caseofNe. 20. bocause ChrhUniin Te Peby ay wr very emprhatic' it 'w8 belielved that by thie Urne the in their protest aginst any preferenee traiX reached Mallorytown thé. tracki he regular- meeting of the Whit- bein g gveu te auiy particular denomn-1would be elear. eebtery held in Oshawa Px',ês- ination in state functions. AI, witnesses agreed that a heavy an C,'hurch Tue8day afternoon of 'lThe next rêgular meetin of the fog prevailed on. the morning of the eek several important resolu- Presbytery wiil be held -ii; ort Perry fatal c rash. Durig the heazing würe passed, dealing îth the on the second Tuesday ini September. there was ne evidenoe te sub$tantiate -io Temiperance Act, Clurch Un-- the story told b ý W. S Shoener, the ktiiendminnt of the CriminaI Code flagman charge wù ithth protectioni 1garding precedIence given toBoyesTJOIdDoctor & ', WaS of -the disabled freight trairn.Nton :ar denonunations In state -m of the numerous Tailway men examn - LW bflerIk ined eitheT heard torpedoes explod- lowing the devotional exercises 1n4r9 a iae urig yMofdeýratorIltev..A. McD. Haig, Jury's Verdict Says G. T. R. Wreck Schoener rame ini for severe criti- hhuptrn, ,,h o ocupied the chair, Due to Weathier. cisrn at the hands of E. Guss Porter,. treting and instruct4ve adiresà The coroner'é jury empanelled to in- hood ofLootiree ntedneteroter la, Itural Church School" '48s quire into the G. T. R. w-reck at Mal- byv R v. 1'. F. Gardinër, o Pick- lorytown three weeks ago, in which Arthur Boyes, of Pickering, received TORONTO-EA.STERN MATTER Eleet Conmissioners- fatal injuries,_ returned a verdict M-NUCH IN THE LIMELIGET Ml wïinîg x ere ected as coin-. which states that the wreck was due "obeo o ob, hti h ®rers te t'h g ýin rai assembly: to weather conditions but that somte, queââon with. regard to the Toi'onto- 1 1'. Vra , n (f ('oluinbus; Rev. greater p recautions sfiould have be.en EasMrn radial at the present tinie, 1;arine!r,,of ['I ,ktering, minis- exercisea. During the evidence it and it-is occupying mur'.>of the at- ?tnd NI?- James Wýeddé1l, of Pot was brought out that Bayes, before, tention of various municipal bodies in ,aN Ir Fre't C:Àsie, Broughe-hedetd thedtriiateace tie towns concerned. - Oshawa, of iel!]ders. Rr-v. 11. F. Gardnerithat he had not been given warningl1ore sdel neetd n a tippointed 1() act as representative of the train ahead. A report of the couchet stae. liThereoe.tefandow- il, ÏtiOv)e-çrturos at the Assero- inquest, taken from a Brockville des- ing from thke.Oshawa Rretfomerof andI Ww4. J. \V. ae, of Orono, patch, is interesting, inasmuch as Tuesday istieiy Ohaaninefreng f ap1p0intced to tuct in the sanie ca- Boyes was weIl known ini this district, "lWe are in possession of informa- y at the- Synofil and his famiîly resides at Pickering. tion which points conclurively to -the er Cle-rk was requestedto sentI a< The report, dated Mardi l4th, is as fact that the Toronto -and *Eastern r of syyinpatby to Ms ele who follows: will be thro-wn into the discard unless b 'n hrea I-of lher hushand, Jlrockviile, Ont., March l4th. -AttîetwsaogheLkfntte t L<- rCOIvtly. Nir. Leslie 12,,ocokth ronngtejr vigorous action at, once and bring >~h a> ,,mn'& rofthi Prt--sby- eîmpanelled Wo inquire into the deaths pressure to bear upon the Goveru- *in -nh-r-tIpldi<(,rvices in of Neil A. Woodcock and James Dun-, ment. f ,oivil, wh ý'rçt- hi' lahore<lfor sev- can Ritchie, Canadian National Rail- "We hold no brief either for or n yiw - wav Eînployees, of Belleville, who against the construction of an electrc 'ê>k orGr1 w ~ere kille i at Mallorytôwn'M on 'Febru- railway, but we do feel that tbe Can- ary 27, when eastbound passenger adian National Railway Directorate 4,' ti of Revv. E. Turkington, train No. 20 collided with the rear or somebody should be censured for ,rj Lwi tI-idi,"d 'to ask the ýend of f reight train No. 490, also expending a quarter of a million dol- i Vl110 olini ittee for grant. east-houtïd, but -standing on the main lars in re-constructing the old road Vl<0 p -r year for the congregations e'[st-bound line, returned a verdict of antI then letting it faîl int07 diSUSe justL sbunrrnda Dunharton. The re- accidlentai tIeath, due to the extraor- as the old Mackenzie andI Mann road 4from thW' Nestieton congregation dinàry conditions of 'the weat-her pre- was built and about the tume it was lpiru <1 wýithin the boundsI of Pc- vailing at the time, and that in view ready for operation was abandoned. cm resytey ws rfu.cdto oftuefogy ntue of the weather Why the T. and E. Was Built ntli(e cnpo, of Revq. Best greater precautions for the safety of "When the aId Canadilan National ltsý-'and their eIders,'Mr. Yellow-'the lives învolved should have been Railway was bult through froni Ot- a lnti Mr. Ier The Sabbath taken by persons in positoins of re- tawa to Toronto, Mackenzie and Mann (> >1f) repo)(rt, prfiented by Mr. Gar- sponsibiity. found that thcy were not gettig y' ho '<'4, an ine.-rease in enrolmeint,¶ By the accident four lives were lost, trade from the Lake towns such as ,dnî'aicontributions. Albert Boyes and W. Kerrigan, both Bowmanviile, Oshawa andI Whilby, Fmvor 0. T. A. of Belleville, dying later in a Brock- andtI t overcomne this built the T or- ýre8olojtioni%,as passed unanimous- ville hospitai as a resuit of tee in- onto antI Eastern as a feeder ta the Mtating, that the Presbytery of'juries su. tained in the wreck. CNR 't1y4 .'iru-, to go obn record as Twenty Witnesses. -When the Mackenzie antI Mann s s- g- in ftt\.r- of, the continuanc' of -About twenty witnesses were exam- tem. was taken over by the Govern- iîretseft Ontario Tempêra nce Act, mced, chiefly- from the crews of the ment Sir Adami Beck got an option on ,with. ýtttlnr the difficulty and the Taranto and -Eastern ai Part Of tili>i iinfler which the govern- passenger and freight trains obperat- his sciieme ta eiectrify all the roaas nitlor iii its <ver cammendahie r ng in the vicinity of the wreck at the in the Province. lit wiil be remem- uil ta enfo)rvý the provisions Of the time it occurred and previous te the bercd that Premier Drury heid up the - Tlvy further 'tateid that they1 unoetate ore cThe evid Beck Radial schemc and later the Tor- ru aware ()f tlie fiiet thât. the peopl e teth.te o hihp -vi onto electors voted down his absur«r 0 ntirio have on fýve formerf occas- a tm atei rctclyim rpsi te give radiais a- free right ' y largo a~iis xrseî possible te distinguish signal lights Po-a it teCiy intj)ritis xprssdfroni a short distance. ,. o-a noteCt. is ln favor of the abolition of It also brought out that e. Ã". Keel- Spending the People's Money ý if4ii-.u tralTic in so far a. such can er, tespatcher, of Belleville, did not "Aboutthe- saine time -Sir Henry iUTIO ii.h t. - gîve order to No. 20 to stop at Mal- Thornton gave ouit an interview ta 'rTaking iito) cotitIcdration tlie short ioryi1owvn, when he was xiot sure ,that the effect that the Government itself ef tho ml laethelillonin force andI the- trark w',s clear ahead, antI that would clcctrify certain roads as ed i ikwihh a v(ai -rau-ru 41 lt-*0kotiian Scihoener, of Belleville, dis- ers to the steani roads -antI to impie- r-rna fitdher eoitinliance of uhu'yc tho orders of his conductor by ment that Promise xvork was started wa:t ii1ud r' i-uit lil greatcr --tit givingt signais callcd ior by the on the Toronto andI Eastern. Sir cvi'veîtu. The-P"htr th4,r ,- ru s <of the road to passenger train l'lenry had planned to clcctrify roads S'c.a peict or rýeÊerenduiri No. 9N vhich preceded No. 20 into fromn Cobourg ta Toronto antI thence r»> amy 1hp prrsont tinme. The Mio~ov by a few minutes, Xia 1'lamilton ta the Niagara frontier. s tîyof Whitby tîerêfore e- The Cmown was representcd by M. After an expenditure of probabiy a [c '.iliv r> rq fls in:t lefore leter- M. Brown, Brockvilîe; E. Guss Porter, quarter of a million dollars of the niir tý' 11w l> tviuodility of' hinging 1'£.C., MP., of Belleville, representing Peopflc's inoney the Toronto and East- i d ù-it-or referendumr, the the Irothei'hood of Locomotive Engin- ern is nl6w ta bie abandoned and the ramri soudappoint a s( lectet rrs; J. P. Pratt, of Toronto, regional rails wiIl again ru3t, the tics rot, the ~n> lc 'os heUi cenge- of counisel of the C.N.11, cdaims agent, bridges decay antI the People who bu inin They reso1Vu-tI that represct ted the oiay antI James clan-tored for an electric railroad will ' o iuhrat l < h f this rc-ý'cltn h' .cnt to the EF. McIýii le, Brockville, _appeared for be without this method of transporta- tht()f Prvic 0 ntar'.ýn limeUt hytry :i-eîha fort Lutiouuii in îrlt>> (huirch lt 1ir pihiulel ili L- acther <d r ~u'i ulvsutIthat mdi rogou hý,- outide should to writ( l-tteeslthe loc' uvi :.xt. - vtiir for or C' t il 1 lo ' tic wîîioîm ut' in i1.-v <of the l," ,aith lh' bli ul's areclsgn' an n:tui' ,uiiîugthy u!'it-h -th-varîtui courts or g utIt' ti>'v:rious chuir-lui tati>'i dot' »pusuzmiue gîmam îmo'>-lîîrll'>h>r ti e -arl -luî>'h T'he' met-mb> tlwt opinlil nth at thest' ruC sunsshhdIa'v it 'w lit) riuf i te -el 1 tiom wir 'tlý11lt' uItM)iiurs fielaiiane lar lxeuo~'~tson rtcord as Mv.u \fVu . ( C desr> -*ha nmotb sud id odentSUy kila drW en& 0-emmtly thati *ui-tik us for tw ~ uat Ik* «islt OR7Ulg M sd MAd .Agi THEf BIGGEST -AMD TES OF THE YI THE, EGONOMY DRY GOODS -810 (NEXT DOOR.NORTH 0F RICE'S HARDWARE) STARINOFIDAY -9.30 a.m. The elggest Bargains In Dry Ooods, Gents9 Furnlshlngs, Sprlng -and Pants and Overalls-'that ýwas ever effered In the Town of Wl - LADIES' )EPAIRTMENT Ladies' Spring Coats;, made ol Burberry and Fancy Tweed Checks. Reg. $11.00. Sale -Price $10.98 -Ladies' Spring Coats, made of ail wool materials, sinail and large checks. Reg. $20.00 Sale Price $12.50 Ail Woo d Spring Coats, Silk ined ail the way through, Reg. $27-00 Sale, Price $19.50 Spriîîg Coats, made of Poiret Twill, silk lined ail the way through, Reg. $35.00 ale Price $23-00 Spring, Suits, miade of higrh-grade Trico- tine and Poiret Twill, beautifully de- signed and wvell fiuished, navy or sand, Re(,. $35.00- Sale Price $25.00 20 Dresses, made of Silk Canton erepe and Tricolettes, heautiful styles, Re-g. froni $17.00 to -$25.00- Sale Price frorn $10.50 to $16.75 leiefers! for Girls and. Boys, sizes up to 26; On Sale $3.25 Bleached Cotton, good quality, 36 inehes wide, 5 -yds for $1.00. Cambric Cotton, 36 in., 5 yds. for $1.05 Flannelette, good quality, 27 in. wide, 5. yds. for $1.0 Flannelette. good quality. 35 in. wide, 4 yds. for $.00 Reg. 35e yd. .on Sale 4 yds.,for $1.00 10 doz. Corsets, low or high bust, llcg. $1.79, HossIERv EPAnRTmEN1 15 Doz. Cotton and Lisle 1hase, - On SEe4pr.1 IT for75c.j fui line, On Sl 75e or 2 pr'. for $1.25 Silk and Wool Hose On Sale 8kc. A quantity of all-wool Ilose, diffeitent braTids and different shades, Reg. up to $150 Sale Pllico 69c All-Wool assorted shades, values up to $2 Sale P"ce 89o Ladies' Vests, short and long, sleeves, a fiee, wool mixture, bn Sale 2 for $1.00 A quantity of silk ai d wool vents, bloom- ers and drawers, tÃ" lear at a reduetion of 331-3 per cent. Ladies' Fleece-lined iiests, reg. $100 Sale Price 69e Fleee-lincd Bloomers, 69o MEN'S DEPARTMENT Men's TWeed Suits, nicely . iffde, Reg. .$17.00 Sale Price $1298 Blue Serge Suits, good quality, Rleg. $22.50' Sale Puice $15.50 IBlue and (4reystripe4l Suits, iieg., $23.50 Sale Price $15.50 Pure Wooi Ribbed F'Wece-litîed Combinatioans, es34to 44, Onue do zen boys' Combim -lined, ýîzes 32 a!nd Ã"4 Sweater Coats, Worsted ini Shirts, miade of Mlitary F few left l-leavy Tweed Shirts, On 8E Gray Flannel Shirts, On Sa Wool Sox, 5 pairs f or $1.01 Pure wool sox, close kilit, MýaekinawSeks,, eg. 65c Boys' Sweater C hats, 24 to Puillover Sweaiter C'oat, roil Boys' -and Girls,' Fleece-li1 draw-ers,, Sale 69C M rio liderwear, Ribbed t'omhinatîons, spr .eream shale only, Salel Boys' Merino Coinhinatiol BOO0TS andi RUSOI Makina'v Ruhhers, assorfi $2.9,,Sale Price $2.98 Black and 'lan Boots, the ,olid Icatler, double coi anythlng Un the store for you. Money ref unded for anythlng whlch does not prove si Economy Dry, Goods SI Canada's arc in Power Cor 4 .c 1-~ -~ f> m ission are iiutii i g .21ii a 4. HdoEuc' ~-ilpun iimited i ;l a iuiuo Initial An ta4at-,nut "0 durlogm 11, '-p .?b W'ýinnlp>eg1-fl ntiii-I toaddaà <birdi> ittf 2x.Oïmt capsctty of Thie puant1ilu. 16> 1. Queeu.ron-Chippav.3 hi di'- ~-l~it cii'.~ p'-'.X ,.tatioîî 1,f 't î t - Eluctric Power Commn,i-y-î .uof >,ntarï- o'n mthe - -- near Niagarai Eau-i (n-i.t 'aa.a-' i .l lr compiu'ted wî.h ithe fiOul'i'>.i-n.fîta - r Theree weCMir ufiý ' " 1 1 iopeutra! - 0 ! delitering pO,er t' th.. '~i ~rniir '.- - im lar uni t s ut hl - N d'i riin-. C 2, Gouin storage dam nu>i ' uî"i --ir-, !the,5.Ntr -n. ()ueiwc, Canada. Uti.' u ii -.Srv nuu'.u" f »r the regulta n ri!f 0 '. î. '-~ i.u k ~$ p~~- -tî"'4 The ,peraticin of th.- '-fr--u * '~, a nu',-f s ire mile-s a.nd a c'aiT-an: <. f>'>iil-i cîct-- >a.n-- r douliu-d the ,-~:rn i- ~ i-rù, r aui. "" -i-il vimlha colti'>%p'fl>ui7 1 i 'O ii' o'i' n:,e rivetr, Ontario-. oft h'- H'.-Ir'.-Lle. tri, os, .- - ui O)ntario, (Canadia. Tii>- lan' l'aF an 'iA,;mAî' ieiy:t ;aty of 75.(M h.p. <of -hich 2Sf,#0 h.p. I Iý .)%%lnuns.a-. > f".i-i be tramnitted ro Port 'Arthur and %Frt iii, ie Cù'm- P ower C r'r rr- uati ÃŽ ta lie . cId ï, L',rdîn, eee4ding 90 0 ( r u England, <rorn un,." 34>' to July l2th, antd - -axis"t 4-v dopm nt oF--arp>'- after tke Unîtel se1. hpo5seSSes gtaz r 'îrt'imaI h ýapt'-,ca:-frit ,'ar waerpow is tan aru oTh'-r c(utr andI:--t" »at it is 'o.r thîs reao that th(. poit to p-r capita Iro,,( io ofeetre ' ur sIe las progrEs.sed More rapidly t' sands almnt at th h atIofal nations, hi ,½uuci ,during the past fe-w years. in this respect being thrree timnes greatier thjan tha t of the ; Briefly, the ob)Jeets of the United States.' consuder how the indifstrisl This is rapîdly 1b.ecoming the electric age. a f'act whirki power may be adjuste-d natio, the impending Confereace. which la'being huK»,d under the U b considering the potential l auspices of the British Electrical and -' "ied Manu,-¶ in hydro-el-ectric power, oil an facturers Association in co-operation - withsreverat of 'experiencesin,.the develepmcî the most technieal, scientifie and indutitrial j» ztitution-e irrigation and transportation throughout the World, emphasizesçeai- The Cana- I y conferences of civil, inechi dian committee consists of- the leadaug ]uu'mbers »f the engineers; by consultation of electrical engineering profesio Kth>rC(harles Cain- and the imanufactureraso e i seli, deputy Mumaster of Mines as chairruan. by discussion on the financial Sa faras Canada is coneerneti the hydro-electrie indust'ry, by coniference ou tii> developmeut la a tweutieth oenturry developmient. A a permanent World. Bureau foi Quarter of a centuiry ago there w-as very auJ.i hydre- preparation of intientoris o ~e«tic devélopignent inCanada. lu 19fl the. turbine the- exehange of industrial installatiÃŽou of water pow-er plants in i ada w-as but tbrough the. representati,: , 01 965,M ILh..; lu 1915 it w-as 2,078,WGa,.p. ai 1920 it w-as It viMbe seen theis, t P,483,000]%-.; lu 1923 it v--'3,228,000 h-p. Nezt year Couference oaneot bue a bai kt 1w exneeted te bue 4,O000, G u -p-, the. i nIIications being dseiaino nweg tt ,0,0 -.w-uterahd 90 oganenieaby ti n cauda fortunate ln u t ber large w-ater neection that for every uew po POW are «= compruyi close te tthe centres lageivutestnt, the money cih«udutrllie- anit omwabhhty <ýo uede d is poal tsn bSe valr povuu ahe. lu erab better oàft-uteé nions ofdolab ave been a Unitud States. 70 par centoM thei.=&besng' eimosbe o vrotxt Wenteru Mtat, remttfroun industrial icenIK Witbin owrdevelopumsena use aa u" t3 "0 ma«et fthe 14m" Sanit rapide ou lie st. Cnd Fren -ier the Bruthteî-bnod cf P% way Train- iin. ~~~>evi. ~~~~~~~'19 the C. N. R. hn Polities ______________________ i'eNt uof Verdict. "The public have ailght to know The urïtetrne a erdct-what sinister motive is back of thisiof radial raîlways is a.- ide Une that1 ther e- Th eathur. î etued arerdc action on the part of the Govirnment'is likely to prove troublesome and per- tlîat deathp unwasitaccidentaiatiolarge-l nin. hy through the extraordinary, andI the Canadian -National Dretors.Ihap unrofthabe teNaional R al linlel condition' of thé weather, and The people were promised that the C. ways un]esthyar o-ntedr iv.lueomg ht ave c hs nadto N-R. would be kcpt out of poîitics, but more carefully than the Ioos-one i-mî,toa disabled -freight train apparently political influences have lines nowpoetd uuu bin loking-the track. ahead of No. been at work wvith the result that thel h lb eivsta aiIue -îînt 20, greater precautians for the openîng anti operation of the road han! should be owncd and operated by o-J agai s afttfth ie n'Ie hui been held up. The public have -a right!-cal commissions representing the mu- li ýc!have been taken by those in 1)0- aîuto oe a hena iiaiistruhw hte a us fac sitians of responsibility. aiiuto oe a1 honaay in ior by the Hydro-Eiectric Commission - 11) Ï" ddu> etavsgnl, a an abortive attcmpt .ta electrify the on their behaîf. The Toronto & Éast- i e "1di nt tam>-sinas, a -al. They hiave a right ta be inform- i ern and the Toronto & Port Hope lune )-ver l' - thnee t te - t e rtC.N.. Bas, en- d w hy al thîn; had not been thought lof the _ former Canadian North cm vrumg ger tran, the Dr.aEd..R. ssent nûùt in atîvance. The public will not be should be operated as part of a coin- es, and e ran al.E . islof satisified with the Governient or the prehensive, municipally owned radiaI of ir-eMiortwn toty atrhe ha C .R. Board if.,they are going te, en-1 systeni extending froin Port Hope or1 e -c ibeen released froi his engine. Later a r'ofairadblînýbugthuhBwm vlle, Osh-1 l-ch~ ieu siu-cuibeuî to his injuries ini a 1such as characterized this countrv in awa, Toronto, O-akville, Hamilton antI mkdî(lra hospitatl at Broc Xville. ' t the hectie pre-war per iod when we St.- Catharines ta the border at Niag- tii tlié > No W;rning Given, hil 'ncoienal, une afler trans-1 ara Flals. Thrër tlast 850,000 >rbai E O eee - fBelleville, des- continental lune, only ta.hve.he>peole-onsdeoflymare than a x'iulîials, patcher on dut>-, ad that the pass- countmry take over tv-a of thein. Ex- quarter of the population of Ontana I Ill\.. A enger train had itade up five minutes planatîioiv" would seem to be in order -living in the cities, towns antI vii- i' mîxailed tiiie hctween Ganaiioque Junction and fro-ni the C.N.R. Board'antI frorn the lages through which such a radiai ,w hi' e Mallorytawn, travelling at an' aver- Go-vei-ninent." would operate. It woulld carry dairy t>u3>a5age speed of imore than a nmile a produets, fruit, .vegetables, coal, anar mîuý inute. If engineer Bayes had been A -REAL RADIAýL NED cntres farimoregchuplesthanthis can i t-îe umable to sec the signais he shouîd cnrsf- oe-hal ha hsc 1)eru * inii anv case have stopped, he stated. Unulcu the above heading the Tor- bc donc by standard steani railmay 1 t'SiiutitunKuer admitted that w-hile train No onto Globe of Wednesday publishes an limes, and it would lessen urban con-! etiteriai in dominent on the flght now'gestion by pi-oviding swift and cheapI --in 1rogre:-s over the route of the transportâtioa for persons dûing busi- mmmimuaim.amiuuiiiImiiiIIIIflhIImIIflfl î'ronto-Easteii lUne. The Globe ness in the cities- wýho prefer to live in IIIIII1IIIIiIIIIIIIlhIIutIIIIIIIIIIII >ay' .PrtHpeGud--te on-u. A properly plannea amnd ThePrHeGie continues its l carefully operated radial of this sort -- campaigi agaiuîst the completion of u s the greatest transportation need -of the National Railways on the groulio day thev wiîll make an, end of their "hat- it - was originally projected ta faction fights antI build it. -îlraw traffic ta the Canadîan Northern - fm'oni the Grand Trunk, and now that' *thlicf ofmfer C apadian N,rthem and ELEUIION CONTEST IN ýONE I r'- G rand Tuk ns have been nation- WARD ONLY ft alizeil, andI coinpletion bet%çeen them j IN OSHAWA has eniied, it is a scandai and a dis With just four minutes to go before gîaetoCanda o. pend another dol- l the time for qualif yink had elapsedj l ar oui the Toronto & Eastern Radial.'John Stacey, veteran councilman, andI 115 It shauld be abandoned, The Guide 1M ayor of Ozhawa for four vears, sign- i Thre VVords Riches f' i '-ays, and the former Canadian North- etI bis naine ta the qualification papers 1 ern Une f rom Toronto te Port Hope1 in the presenje of Çity Clerk Fred~ M-an Can't have better by way of Orono improved to taXe Hare at 11.56 on Moruday morming and care of the traffie -that originates in .precipitated an electuon- ta ward two - Flo rs hûnYOU Gai Ithe region it was constructed te serve. in Oshawa. Floorsthan Y U Cim The Oshawa -Reformer appears tao Although there were nine nominat-1 be of the opinion that the enemies oý cd for the Mayoralty, W. J. Trick,!I the Toronto & Easternt may be able to, present mayor, was the only noniînee! te the best of a&U foorlng cima-biOl, exerci se influence enough te prevent te enter qualîikatoui papers, antI was MUty it >8 li «EveiI its completion andI operation as part therefore returned to the Chief Mag- it etands Moine! at buy U17 of the National System. The Reforin- istrate's chair by acclamation. The, tRDOODJ'LORIO gvesy~ £ae _ in possession of informnationl wbich were also returned by acclamation. I UZWO PLO IMsip Y«a fow oite Iusvedytthe fact that Ward two, whuch will sec a four- d-wi s t ongue nd S'vedcm i S threw-n into the discard unless the R. Burns and A .J. Graves. Nelson a perfect -and permucuDt boWo 1zU3ht I towns along the lake front take vig- Baird, who la lu the present contest tht SKAUAN-EN FUNCMOis ' eI orous action at- once and bring près- -was. one of the defeated candidates at WIth tU<h ~sure te bear on, the Governumelt. the electien Isst Janu.ary. 0. R. Burns> mnunicipalities through which the T. & despite- the. f st that he was absent oogu. - E. Radial wiii pass on tue ru'> fron frein the eity until a few heurs before LRDWOODFWOID e, W u la ~Toronto ta Bowmnanvi1le should destre tii.eection, aMi did praetically no * Whte Oak Ma, DBmbé. DB" 4M& its completien at the ea of tue tex- Mcaagunng 1 oàe:tr d 11111111. payes of Canada. It la te be expeet- 'The election tàke place next gatur- ed that the shippers along the old day frnaine lu.tihe morning until, Canadian Nortiiexi Une betweeli TOT- five lu the . ethlEý- eontôanad port Hope shaH insist .thtat .flThecandidates mu ward two an': 0. - the Une b. et a bàmo nd ituat a -R. Burws ami A. J. Graves, present reaonbl feihtan m e asnger er- counciforsami Jehn Stacey sud N. S. vic e b provided over it. Bard as enutenues for tue luonor ca 'fl>e .aneotier, interegts luvdlle&d-being tii. wdm repramtative. - Te txpaeri"0 anaa who il 'flue - reeinsd- , cel1awo bave to foot tib l if tue Unes î=1 weze: se hl s =hite l mtue.1. Wird Ou.-Robet ID. Preaten, Jas. Stanrallwaya are fer 11m"reexpe'- L. WbattaeZ_111Ha. tor a d uidos i" 1»to poeat *»aelgtrie UnesaMi War4 mfl Ce nettealy o e.àmlcl lÉ bad- oI l ,Dav aM ý I Jé*ob. gtO - 1%6 *MW i ~m i 1a" M 1 ww" PenfW '»th 1tr te >y eiwl W heCPLiiMeZ-i -àk1 ely good quality, A- -0- &.4 ^à% e8%q%ý là r;w

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