Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1924, p. 8

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PAGE mBIG2TTaU'lSDÂY, MARGCH 20, 1924 New «fcers leete some light on the matter by telling of hibition of hockey as it' should be ONTARLIO REGIMENT GROWING in 1920. , I 1920 a number of burg- New Ottlers EfrCreceipt tiiat day of a letter from the played, scored the winning goal. Tilt RAPIDLY laries were committed, however, mos t WOrkadIown . ia.H n couceru erecting these signs wanting made the score 4-23in favor of t>e There la every indication that the of the pirpetrators were captured and jSar O ndbogt 1i~ as ore t (Contiued froni page 1) to move it to the front of the oilegE Arena employees. 34th flegiment in Oshawa, wiil have a given faryln1etnea~ tMagitaeHreo Bwav e el thhe mniupaitiipa fomt Tront fethemarTorontoconerof thde Stra, Bthseaorter sho conconition Yrye sccesfu x yea. Tere as ben eemste ave iscoragd suh ati. ndhaveeicedte wo ionth ingaolgotlus ibe eustern terminus of the radial in ans., opposite the town "Welcome» aigu. but the ice was bard and they ail man- an average of six recruits every uight vities, as most cases now before the On avgac hre bî ngo iehvn wering the Port Hoepe propaganda a- From further disussion it would ap-1 agid to keep gon until the final for the--past weelc and thle roul bas -cur ae etejo .herebscewataeUpytw reogtI gainst the lake front route for the To-1 pear that the sign people by This c on-1 gong. Undoubtedfly Bob Devereil, on~ now grown to over 300. The regiment t___charial iies h euitdLubi e ronto-Eastern. He recalied the historyt templated mnove, -Would bring about a the defence for the "]Rats" was the wil start training about the end ofMr of the roronto Eastern from its in satisfactory adjustment.. star of the gaine. Besides directing MardI. There will be two week-end j Officiais of the Simplex Wbeel Co., facta n r abeli h at tutosa ception, and sho ed that ini every -.th ffrt f-i . 1em mae 9vr camps arranged, one 'about the 24h Toronto, manufacturera of a new type befoetem isrofutiewhattaino éstance wlien Whily.lad taken the in- POST-SEASON HOCKEY capably he play'ed a spectacular gmeIOf May and the other in September, Of auto* wheel, were lu town on Tues-I one odrdhsrlaeo en.a-tew~so itfativ'd as an organizing unit success The recent cold snap hardened up whiëh- kept the large- crowd present around Labor Day. day looking over Whitby as a possible sýuredta~hfcswr ssae oSnia.t ha teddoreforts bs adteiei, un'Aea nuhfr untinually applauding. -He s-hared sight for their industry.hu. eusewridor billim halatnddorefot.Tes a h iei urs rn1eog Robt. Richardson and Rot. Blow prisomn ngol n hetne t Egae of representatives f rom Toronto to ' ut1y a nmde good us of, there being O'Connor, who pro.ved himself a pasti The appeal of -Angus Truil against ship meet to be held in the Oshawava 1Bowm,-ianvi1le, attended during tke Hy- togie ttecoeo h ek master at the art -of body checking. the -judgment of Mr. Justice Watson Armouries ou Friday.--- dniro rg1iîne hy Sir Adain Leck, and! Histlers 8,Bukl Factory 1 Smith Wilkinson and Bill Smith were and a jury at the Whitby assizes last, invariably construc-tive action had re- the bèst for the Buekie Factory Puck fali, whereby James Osborne, wife' âuul. lie prop)oed no that sîmilar, Onr Friday nighithte Presbyteian artists, but the rest of the teamn came and son were given a verdict for; RELEASED FROM COBOURG; bteps be takeýn, and iiioved "Hustiers" of the Sunday School through with surprises at turnes. $2,200 and costs against Truil was! GAOL BY ORDERIN-COUNCIL toLeag'ue hooked up the Buckle Factory The .score by periodg was a good in- heard by the Divisional Court o h Pathetic Case of Young Frenchl Can- "invit the Nla'r adeîL eriqetein Juniors in a gaine, whîch= was mark- dication of the play. In the first per- Court of-Appeal in Toronto, FrIaay.' adian Sentenced for Vagrancy init te a>oram Cunilto~on1ed more by the fun the players, got iod the Buckle led 2-0, but the "Dev- J. F. Grierson appeared for Trull who' On eday an order-in-council a in co-operation touliring about a meet- trec esfrn ttw foahexi ing t With tot iwit th prse, out-of it thanby thex superlative quai- ereils" came back strong and tied up la appealing and the court dismissed!r'iste omustia o rde m the rlae~i i i ~ dangerous situation ' of the Tûronto 1t of the hockey dÎsplayed. While the gaine in the third period. Both without calling on- D. A. J. Swansoni seofjtcorrngheelae Baser, nvtixgthemuicpaîtesorganized effort was lacking to- a teams scored in the third period and who acted for the plaintiffs. The ac- froin Cobourg gaol of Aiphonso Per- f ron t 1)owianvile o metrernarkable degree, it was more -th1an the score remained a tie until George tion arose over a motor accident somne usSe, alias Joseph Cloture, who was iiere and i ilhu arrange, if possible, md up by tue strenuous efforts of made himself the hero and scored -tino ago, in which Mr. and Mrs. Os-isnecd at Bowmanville on Febru- tliat ýir liebmr\: Iloritton, î'resident ofie.U the players, and there was no lackI the winning goal. borne and their littie boy were injur-lary 16 to two mToIths iu Cobourg ToRgsee poerssawy th CndinNaioif alwy, with o xi~et Thé teams: ed. !gaol o charge of vagrancy. Perus-Se h i 'é e ( u d aten theco - _henthewhose home is in Ford, is a Fr«pch- his ectivs,~huIdaten th cn- Wlwi hesmoke of confiict had fin. Buckle Factory -Goal, E. Clarke; I Canadian and is barly able to uncrer- foi cr-e mue îng'ally cleared away, it wvas discovered defence, Steve Bragg andi'W. Brown; ACC]ENTLYSOAA tn Egih e had been (lown to Teiotoi vsfvrbyreceived ehtrashdhe u-cnre .Wlisn igSihGREENBANK Quebec on a visît to his parents andi L hy tic iotingand. faorably a- ting.one over on their opponents and., nd flruce; subis., Sadier and Clarke. Last Saturday afternoon, March 8, on lus return homne lbt hlés ticket fron opedafs~ r.A.W.Jck ,,I -tory bo-ys had only maaaged to pene- defence-, R. M. Devereli andF. O'Con- young, lads of Greenbank, were out train. at Toronto, and xvas put off the Coir d in theîïininvitlato ha en rt h ute iadloc.fr ete G 'onr igJ hunting, Till's gun was accidentally train at Agincourt. From, there he POEFRAPITMN 9 albrgi rî te(,t(I.sha be The teanxs:- Bandel and Scotty Hawes; subs., Navv discharged, the bullet hiting Lee lu wandered around for several days, e 1aliîru-dn inresg. "Ilustlers"-G oal Brawley; defence, Clarke,, Coon H.nwes and J. Sleigh- the thigh. The boys had- been trampi- Isleeping out, and had his feet frozen. change in th and dihg ofnthcentgreet-ob-tthn;m. ~iN~I ng Lcnd f atton reSio the Hws:i ingof;~dr ~ hom for some time and the Till lad had ' He finally got down to the town4:-iip of tiig o.t 1tue of' i Factor---GoaI . -+-littie further away, lu getting up the a fec t1 okngfrhsoîvo htv oae ..Cakst onfra etwieIe eta Drigowhr ti eietycn-anICE OT uvider Starr',- lUI on tbic ast side 'of defence, Baines and Sadler; centre, IN ME-MORIAM1 hammer of the' rifle caught in TiIl's theton Shortly af1ter its *erection,1 Bruce; w ings,, Mercer ànd Sadler; HODGE-In loving. mumory of Edna clothing dlscharging the gun. The Tir. IKais"er, of O. ax ad Pa i s -jsuh., ionj Verna Hodge, only and beloved lad was taken to Uxbridge wheére on a -trevrl riti,"iz;zîg the state- BukeFcoySnosadAea duhe fM.adMs h e the advice of Dr. Mellow he was tak- lx,,flts vonitained- in Iliii- wlvçrtiseoient j uleFcoySnosadAea duhe fM.adMs hrlen to the Genaral Hospital, Toronto,l Mi nt ag Aereerne o Rats Play 3 1ntsOetm Hodge, w'ho departed this life Marchi where the ballet was extractedl on ai-iino loavng ao he rfer encte t 3 iue vrie 23, 191:1.3'.mrin. Te a s on Whîty. avirg aharbr, eingthe On Saturday afternoon, what- R.M. It la .eleven years to-day,Sudym-ng. Teldidon te(rinuirts of a railwayinto the north Devereil says was the best hockey o swift time flues. nicely amidivili soon be around lu his. <ortvîn1tat it \\-as an iîîdustx-jal gaine of the year was played at the ve sett mernory neyer dies. usual good health-.i cîoirlllnitY, laItaîl bee eliminated. Mr. Arena, when the Arena Rats lead by We miss her help, her cheerful xvays, ' Ame adif th1ere w%ýa, a spark of the "os engaged the Buckle Fac- With her we spent many'happy days. CRIM'%E IS ON THE DECREASE IN rsatrhîqtic pride in the citizen. of Whit-, tory Seniors lu a duel to the deatb.. OSHAWA 1isioiiiiresýent that ýaction and: The conflict went thurty minutes over- Her life was earnest, her actio'ns kind, Police records show a decided de- coini)el t1ir retuirn to _thie original 'time: before the celebrated goalkeep- A generous hand and active mind. crease lu crime lu Oshawa, particu- wording or suc-h other as -inight lie er, G. O'Connor, who had left bis post Anxious th please, loath to offend, larly those that are termed inditabie. fouind desirable in the interests of between the Pipes to cavort at centre A lovlng daughter and faithful friend. Up to the present date f orty six ar- Wht1y JrsidI'nt Farewell threwi for the "Rats" after a wonderful ex- rests have beeu made this yeur and The fairest flowers are the first to faîl, six of these were for outside police ~~ The sw eetest flrst to fade, depax-tn-ents. These figures do not ln- Thefbndest, dearest, best of ail clude summons. During the same jWîthin the grave was laid. period last year fifty arrests were M1UI RV91R . lffl rAIM-TilDV Il - -1 . .- Jmade. .33 lu 1922, 54 lu 1921 and 64 DIJNOAS STrREET IFAST' Ail klnds of lumber, Verandah Naterlal, Sash, Doors and Trlm, ShiugIs, VJohn Nobit Oivo us a eall and hblp build up 'Iivery to aillparts-of town. a Son, Phono 807 on -Savinigs-, Acc-ounts ('hthe Priml*e otifuixÀingcheqtoei) Orie dollar opens -an account. andi deposits or wirhdrawals mnay be made by mail. C,ENTRAL CANADA 19M4, MND SAVINGS COMPANY 2 SMNCOI ST.N1O1UTH .OSHAWA 0#.OWUd nr -iwnwIrap"Uoe ~ J .Su1 -mg&SE - OtbN& UNITE» TA XIS Cofortables.cars- by -ti8:lie v Tdp- Fumerais, Weddifois and Partie a Spolat DAY AND NIONT SERVICE., Pour Doons Watt of post Office Sssis tst.WMey* OSut. tDeath cornes to let us know- We love -more dearly than *e show, But love in death doth let ns see What love on earth should always be.- Father, MNother and Brothers. Y MARRI'AGES ELlISON-DUDLEY-A-t-th*- Meth- odfi-t Parsonage, Whitby, <n Satur- ia, March 15, by Rex-. F. IL How- ad, IRobert Fréde-ic!< tllison, 1te i)o:othy Agnes Dudley,- both et TRAFALGAR 1DAUG.HTERS MEET-ý ING Nqxt Monday afternoon at four the regular monthlY meeting of the Tra- falgar Daughcet-s will be held lu the C'olle ge drawing rooms when these addî-esses wiIl be i'icluded lu the* pro- gratnxne-"Ober-Anîtergau", by Mrs. Eîiwaý-rd * 'iu-kijng-lon andl "Current Evetlts" ,by Mrs. Webster.- SITSTAINS SLIGHT- INJURIE9 WHEN (TTFER OVERTURNSj -Miss Eileen Moore, principal in Har- nxony s 'chc*pl, and forînerly of Brook- lin, Ont., witlh her gr andfather, Mr. James Mctie, sustained slight injur- ies in an bacciclent on the Harmony roadI Friday morning. Mri MeKie was driving Miss Moore to school in a cut- ter whcn part of -the harness broke allowing the cutter to hit the horse's heels. -The fiightened animal bolted through a thin wire fence which guardIed a bridge approach and plung- ed do wn a twenty foot embankment. The cutter turned over twice in des- cent !antd the occupants were forcibly thrown out. Fortunately their injur- les W:ere slight, Miss Moore sustain- ing a sprained shoulder, and Mr. Mc- Kiýa bruises on the hip and head.- 1 - PICKERING On Thuràday evening last about 10 o'clo k, George Elliott, the caretaker j of th~e chool met with a very painful accident. Ho was retutr-ning home fromi his work at the school, and when crossing,the road did not notice the! approach of a teani of borses and1 sleigh. He w-as nerly across the road i w-hen: one of the horses struck hlm,i throwi-ng hini violently to the ground.1 1 14dical attention was irnmediately i given to hin when it w-as found that two ribs were broken' and he was glad to know' that Lr is mnaking satis- factory progress towards recovery and long. On Sunday last, Mrs. Moore, beloved wife of Rev. Dr. J. E. Moore, died at ber home in Uxbridge at- the age of 74 years, after an illness of about nine' niontths, w-hlch was box-ne with great Christian fortitude and patience. She resided in Pickering a number of years ago when her husband had charge of the Methodist church here. She was a woman of high intellectual attain îments and took a prominent part in i church and social work. The large nurmber wlio attended the fanerai andi !-the many floral tributes testified te the high esteem lu whîch she was held. She is survived by a- sorro-wing husband and, -tw-o sons, Dr.1 H. E. Moore, of Lakefleld, and Fred at home. .-,t A crowded hall, consisting of the business men and a large number of ratepayers,, held -a meeting lu Burford one evening last week for the purpose of organizing a. Chamber of Comn- merce, at wluch it was the unanimous. *wish of the gatberiug that F. F. Bals- don,, hardware inercbant of that' town, and formerly of tis avillage, be their president. 4-- î At the meeting of the PIre Com- pany on Thursday eveming of lastý week it was decided te purchase a siren for the new chemical ire e-' Mms John T. Stephenson, who bas b4en iii for some time, la now soute- what impfoved. We hope -the im- provement may continue until she i-s fully restored te bealtIL.. - S. J. Coilacutt began on Monday te rue bis two busses between Wlitby and Toronto on bis new time-table. PASSPORtTS NOW DEAIE Persons who are planning te visit Europe during the coming spring aM suemmer will find jtbat they rtt pay mole for their pasaports. 'The fue in connection witb the. issue of a pasa- port basý been advanoed 'froni two te fiYe dollars, while -the (ep for the re- newal of a psssport, forsmrly oe dol- 'ar, basbees lmclrsd to te..: Auction .Sais There xviii be sold by public auc- tion, on Lot 13, concession 5. Town- ship of East Whitby, on the Osh- awa-Colunibus Road, the property of JOHN Te GIJV Thursday, March 271 HORSES -1 sorrel mara_é% one bay mare, 1 bay nia'e, 1 Percheron horse coming two e s 1 colt. COWS-1 red -ýOW, due lu May or Junp:_I.-grey Qv due April 5; 1~ roan cow, due June 15;1I Ayrshire heifer, due in November; 1 Ayrshire heifer, due- 'n December; 1 redhie not bred; 1 blue cow, not bred; 2 yearling steers; 6 yearling heifers; 4 calves; 4 steers, 2 years old; 2 heifeFrs,. 2 years old. Sec fu her list on bills. Sale Conmeý ces at 1 p.m. sharp.. TERMS-H!v, grain, poultry, pigs, and ail suns ot .$15.00, cash; over that amount 7 months credit ou approved notes. 6 per cent per annum discount allowed for cash. JAS. IBIShbOP, Auctioneer Local Newspaper Advertising-. Comwbats Mail -Order Propaganda The-. advertising manager of one ot the big mail order houses lu a recent address said: "'We have a bureau whose duty it is te read igach week the weekly newspapèrs from ail over the country. There la not a paper-o! any consequence in our trade terrÎtory th at our bureau dues flot get. "The bureau looks over these papers and when we find a town where the merwhants are not advertising lu their local paper we immediately flood that terri- tory wÎth our literaturem -It alwayi briega resuis te us farli-n .exesa o!the, samefe- fort -put forth in teritory where the local mertbants make tiberai and constant use of tbefr local paperYL" Tpn-l*ink ik over, Mr. Merchant and, ilien use The Gazette & CIronucle whlcb g. etéeg 95 per cent. et Uic hwuses in Whiîby* - -Mr. A. W. William, Ce"IManager of the Belle Ewart e Company Limited, Toronto, who says: "We have been us- ing Ford trucks for the pas eight yeare and flnd thesi indispensable in on CP-a4C Endorsoed By- Fleet Owuers In alxnost every business where fast arid economical delivery service is a factor, Ford trucks have established an" enviable reputation. The experience of Robert Simpson Company Lizitedisa typical exarnple. The Robert Simpsonu~Company operhtes one of the largest truck Ileets ïn Toronto, 55 Fords. This Ileet has proved 80, satisfactory that it la being constantly enlargedi so practical and ecortorical in oper- ation that during the pastfive years flot a single car oi truck bas beentradedin. The prompt and efficient detivery system which is an inseparable part of thusstore's ser'ice to the public islarge- ly due to the Ilexibifity and staunch The Ford ,bhsthe' conLËa1.nce C l'its usexu That's why there are so maziy Ford- users See Any Authorîzed Ford Deater CA&S -TRD.UCKS &T&ACTO,ý' BUY. REGULARLY AND- SAVE REGI O~NE 'bargaîn doesn't make a year*s Savings. Every day is ' at DOMINION STOR 'ES practically every price a bý Buy regularly-Save regularly i t a DOMINION STORE, wilI a)ways do better. Try it. huse Price s wilI 11)1 your m much cheaper. COCOA RAISINS RICHMELLO, 1 IbtnlOCSeî-d-ed orSteedless'- l'o "2 -1b. t in Ci bti o.pt v If You D o Your Own Baking -These Prices.Will I SWANSDOWN CAKE WHITE SATIN FLC FLOUR - --- - .J (Best for Pastry>, 2ý CURRANTS, 5c WHITE SATIN'F LC 2 lbs.-----------------------98-b. bag - D.S.L. BAK.ING POWDER. l'19 PURÉ LARD, 1-1b. tini-------------U No. 3 lb. pail - FLAVOURING EXT RACTS PURE LARD, -7 (Varilla. Lernon -and - 7, 20-1b. tub - Alrnond>, 3 forc - -27c' AUNT DINAR PERFECTION FLOUE < MOLASSES, tin (Best for Bread), 24-»b bag 97C. BACON,. PERFECTION FLOUR * Machine Sliced, lb. (Best for Bread), $6 NEW CHEE-SE, 98-1b. bag -$369lb.- - - - Lenten Suggestions or For One of These Dainty F CHOICE RED SALMON, CHICKEN HADDIE Eagle or Tiger Brands,22 -l-b. tin 22C- - CHOICE RED SALMON, KPERSAS- Eagle or Tiger Brar,.48, 3 tins for - - !!i-lb. tin - ---13c cRoSSED F1511 SOCKEYE SALIMoN SARDINES - ~' (Maple Leaf, Horseshoc or 40e MAc~oNocùIR- Clover Leaf>, t-lb. tin- HRIN - SOCKEYE SALMON ERN (Mapte Leaf> Horse.hoe or 9, RNWC CbvrLs) z-lb. tin - --- SARDINES 3 fins ToCample teou aippng--Deliciou Freali Fruitsad1 SlJNKIST NAVEL - GRAPE FRUIT ORANGES (Sweet 3&&45 3 for 2 LARGE J ICN EONS, .2le ÇOOKING ONIONs, L -- SOP AND SVEA- riteî OUR >ý4 1b. DUR 12c f iý

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