Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1925, p. 2

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PAGE .TWO - i Suday ~cho1 *1 i 2) md lira. very lu- 'a. The. Boy the Ch"ke In his address on 'ne BO ansd the. Church", Rcv. X- M.L rwi,4 Witby Taberniacle, sald in pagrt: warkers, fond oai e on, ami prone ta quadrlsect boy Ut. upon the K " scriptiural basis oi Luke 29.52.- TM May prove heipful, if it b. always r.- 3 ft*IlV tiaii<&M OI4 iiIý in dealing with the boy prôblcm thia u" mj d lt h ylldlng. Thre f act mnust not b. averlooked. Observ- hidr.d- cups to the Pouiàd. ation proclaims that the. physical nat- u re of the lad taday receivee more at- tention than any other ieature ai his leat isthe e luadwostisth-Sassn Yeur h Churdri hl oin ofiecexrsn sca. Official records and currentth oehatefuremg bû- hiappenings declare grass imraBlty (ContInueà iromn page 1) ed with happines ead satisfaction. piNevalent in adolescent f e. 0f course 'l'92ý h. resignation was reelved with we are stili making payment ta Mare l 92,Which le a substential in-' genuine regretsud a -motion Pass.d ini aftcr-war experiences cf shaznc and crease. Qulte a nuziber af nw names asklug Misa MItcbeUta carry on £or a werc adcled te the Cradle Rail. >~Tre utlahe rag.et ol qorr<)w; but there are other prolific receipte fer the. year were $426, a bie macl hrarnemnscud sources, eg., suges;tive rnaves1 scant large portion of which was given taib ae faliions, indtiscriminate public dac- varions lissions. O oin ir. John homeoiL ig, ail abetted by the automobile an.O mto o r Jh %os1 dlistant by-ways. The constant expos- SeMlorGirls an Traiinlg ail alticers of the church were re-ect- tire of life's formative years to tiiis The repart ai the Senior Girls lne d until such imre as matters naw b.- tIecvptiviý bure-cf these things has al-, Training was anc of progress and e- fore the congregatuan are satisfactor- realyiý >ent its results into cdr nation- cOuragement, 'niere are il members,'ily settled. The afficers iclude the. air-ods n aiosatviishv bc ia-eiders, managers, secretary, treasur- The bov lias sufrered ini his religins ried an, the repart speaking highly afi er sud other churcli offleers. if e f roiii*'platforni gushýl, wlich, aim- the assistance rendered by the. leader, Pastor Apprcclated ig tt, tiatter-, declares that there arm Mrs. Turktington. Oi particular ie- Avoef hnkt hemisrfr IM a( b» 'ýz ad ignores the actual teres4t was the annual suminer camp A svote cf taneatuericsdr-o fact-;. The direct effect afi tus sort at Lake Couciitching. ing the. year was carrîed unanimonsly, of tceclng i., the loosening cf the Thc Girls" lssionary Auxiliary aiea similar votes ta the organlet, 1:1, iir-e boîsierous spirit and the The Girls' Auxiliary reparted a suc- choirniaster, caretaker, officiais ai th. oullur.- of the heroks of pandemon- cessful year, taking part ie van,,,S Suuday School, Ladies' Aid, Mission- ium. 1'1e speaker who recently said: church Activities. The averaLge attend- ary Society and Session, Board of 11t, boy îas neyer meant te be a ance at the meetings was 12. The r.- Managers, and other officiais sud or- saint, nor a lady, but just a boy" imipts for the yèar wve $11920, cf ganizations for the. service rendered sowirng seeds dangerous and false. vihich $.fl was giventa uecuci vrosapiis to tie chrci Trhe real 'boy po.,.ýseesqualities or managers. indurig ue caar. st tecuc botu saint anid lady-at lcast should he WouroiLades'eid _____ - f__________________________________________ _________ofLadies'____ roi. have a> , 'y, -.n, -.,î- .Z,. and qweetne.ss cf lufe? Th'Ie Real bov i> just as patent in these tlîings as h i.,iin appropriate, ea r-sp)litting y'ells. And he is just as religious a.s are men, if noL more so. Thre duty cf the day is, to guard hlm, encourage hina, and aid him durilig the crucial periad, that he rnay net iflU victim ta the exanîple of some un- worthy seniior. The boy docesn't talk intrch about his religious experience; that i., the delight of aged men-not cf boys. "t the, lad la jnherently re- liglous, and he Éheuld have every chance for the roots of religion to grip bis entire life.' The churches, and cv- ery other praiseworthy 'society must needs have regardl ta this fact in boy life. A grave danger in somne cf aur s1lendid organiiizatîins is that the very pe rfection and charrn of organization mlily dnzzle the spiritual intert out of mmnid. In closing the speaker used an apt and. powerful illustration fromn We-stminster Abbey which deely im- irresseil thlq truth. New Officers Elected A sumptuous banquet, prp-vided by the Ladies' Aid af the Church,' was ollawedly the tçort ofthe, nominati. 99 Ctnmkee,*hie *éltled ln tii election of the following atticers for the ensulng year: Presldent-Mr. J. Garbuti., Brook- lin. Liît Vice President-Mr. Gea. West, Brooklin. 2nd Vice President-Rev. H. J. Lat- îner, Myrtle. Secrtrreaure r- Miss Sleep, af Iort Vihitby. l)epartmnent Superintendents elccted werv: Children's Division, Mrs. Nor- mari White, MYrtie Station; Girls' Work, Mrs. Grigg, Broaklia; Bays' Work, IL J. Leamch, Whitby. Young P'eople'$ Division- Mrs. G. F'. Milîner, Whiàtby; Home D)epart- nMent, Ma-s. W. C. Sonley. Brooktle; 'Leacher Training, lLev. J. R. Fraser, Columlbus; Missionary Departrnent, Mis.1. Webber, Brooklil; Temper- ance l)cpartmient, Mr. M. Kerr, Port Wlîitby. There waLs considerable discussion regarding Whltby'à wlthdramwal irom Pickering in the miatter of financla appaitionment. It was finally declded at the suggesition of the chair that the. rnatter be Ici t in the hauds of thi.- conùng executuve ta get le tpuwl ti the head off ice of the O).R.E.C. sud arrange it. Mrs. Thompsce, ai Broaklun, sanga deightfilsala, «"Abide Wltli Me", ai- ter which Mr. Kerr gave a very inter- esting exhibition - tempergm .wltii lantere lildes. 'niere wasan lntereutig ldémon- gtratien lun Promotion eXOrdlaby Mrs. Whlte, whleh proved very in- structIve. Devotional a»d SpIrtuýa~ i" Rev. C. W.' DeMilIe, of O"hwa. gave a very fiee addresa on,"Tii. D#- votional and SpIritual Bld.ni Sonday Sehool Lii.-" lu whlch h. plnrted Out tint al S. S. work wus io1edevotiona sud spiritual. Borne «acii's wr disorderly as to 1»-I--1 sud unday Sebloo ok ldre out of tbe home, but aepebn i tb the place of parenýts te ChMlldr*, The. Puriday BeiooId # ewe*,Co- Offlte-wluthobom l r J vdd t«i, sudtuaS .bIml uold trinsA $0 Worahlnbi lmt1 Mi The report of the Ladies' Ald So-1 ciety, of whici> Mm. Geo. Anderson is $ ';l ,nn president, showed that a.g a resuit 01$of-3 u l the year's activities a total of $312.31! was raised. Of this amount $200 was, (Continued from page 1) forwarded to the Board af Managersith Commission, ssinples ofthfe et- for the Building Fund. There wae a1 fluent going Into the town sewers had balance on the right side of the ledger, been sent ta the Toronto Laboratory, of $76.41 at the close of tie year. The and the report was enclosed, BIIowiDg meetings of the'year wejre well attend- the effuent ta be practicaly :fre. of ed and- several successful events' to! hair or acids. raise money were held. 'The letter requested that i vew The report of the audiltors, Messrs. of this, it was quite apparent that D. Wilson and G. E. Copaland, certl- any trouble caused at the sewage dis- fied that the accounts cof the-treasuir-, posai plant was not due ta the. et- er, W. M. Pringle, were correct, and1 fluent frais the tannery, and the re- congratulated him on the careful andi quest was macle t.hat a charge of $60 painstaking manner *in whlch the! a mnonth nposed by the Commission books8 have been kept. jdast spring b. withdrawn. 'lhe Cern- A letter wae read f rom the mission- miasioners were invited to visit the. ary treasurer, MI.s R. J. Mitchell, of plant ci King Bren. Co., and imake an the Mlssionary Association, tendering inspection of the seoen recetly in- her resignation, and thaning the utailed. minlater, eIders. officeres ad all who IThe. Seretary wum in9trcted to F. CURL, Marialer FR1 DAY and SATURDAV, JAN. 23-24 i Charles Jones in Â6,1sted byaFireman" -.thand Marian Nixon. Jones admit$ on. thill was more t a ufficient. Hie five story Icap into net &s «"Oupid's Fireman"" worries western star more titan any stunt of hià career. Don't forget the date, also 7th chapter of!I' VtTh e .S ione Girl 9 and a Two Rof *medy. A -Real show. IMONDAT and IVESDAV, dAN. 26*27 1Kathorne )&&oD*uald,beautifiil actrest. iun ew picture, I Yeuterday iflions oheered her. toAyI a spaudmai wreoks WEDNESDAV Mud VHrStlka&V, AN. 3se29 1h.0"LONIE WOLF" A OpeoIitOCma.47Dra=&, I Shw Stamte*Vary, algh-tat 1.81 The we bave a, sioo a' E. TIUJRSD&Z-JAfflUAY2d.15 matte, wthelbdew et barhntthe ,wbol e to~mâlaupon b>' the ex- Tmwg unit le 7W IB.P. Tiié Superintendent reported that ho lâ& boom la eommuwlopwti the Hydre Becke IPower CommissIon on 'ti.maer ier en that the. tOwn hoIr>wer Ioa" dowvr ta 700 horo our Supt. Bemr pointed out that a Bei sasof ett. lma tbe big douand for t suad Vower, due to the. duE wmnt.r days, begizis te eau oep, Md ho hop eti tawn would b. e " te kep clown ta the. 700 hp. mark. T'n. load rima close ta this mostote t , m, how- ever, and t is difficuit to sonwtimes keep It to tiat>, SUPt. Every wae authormed ta inter- view seme of the. Hydre officiais, end possibly make arrangements for a conferencwlth the_ members af the. Public UtilIty Commission. Té Provide Relef Work. Mayor Burns,- on behaif 0i the Council, brought' up tii. matter of the. necesslY ty rofling relief work for the. unem~ mmn of the tawn. H. suggested tbtitif ther. wcre any sewers need.d ta be laid, the worlc mùight b. sftarted now, as a relief ma- sure% even though It night coat more than if undertaki in thie surnier dto aud would 1l*s lrgey Àier-' mhied lu orn l l - -bitwoen the. May- or ad tbe Superluteadeut 0f the C@m- AUl the.work ef laying sewezu in pald for by debentures iasued by the. Town Council, boc. the. 9=1alde=i- ion would b. chlefly ithe hbauds of the (Council as to how much work of ths nature would b. undertalcen WiU See 99% of Ecise i (Continied from pag.1) turing plants of the town wlll b. ln operation at the time, they require nearly aU of the. 700 horse pawer whicii the, town le allowed, snd if lights in ail the houms were turned on the load might .nally b. jurnped up to 1000 ta 1100 hors. power, with couse- quences dhfflelt ta predict One re- suit of titis greatJy incrcased boasd (stucs the town lis to pay for the. month for the, greatest demand regis- tered et nny trne durlng that monthl would b. an indreaeed cost ta the town for iight of anything frais $400 ta $600 or more. Citizena eau, therefore, gréatly iiclp the. PublcUt Uty Coms- mission (and tiienselves, icldentally) by refraiing from uslng, electric liglta any more than les bsobuteiy ne- cessry durlng the. p.riod of the ditrZ lengtiiy discussion it was Supt. Every's appeal aippears else- ~ecided acceO.Wo the.req'u"t aiwhere ln this issue. the Council, and te îay certain sew- *- - ens, lucludlng a section ta serve the south west partg*Èh, tawn, near tie A grant af $25 was made by the Junction station, sud ta continue the Port Perry Town Council ta the Hor- wark for the present au eeeded ta tlcultural-Society. The Society spent provide relief work. The present cx- over $30 lu town beautification, be- tant af the work, it wae agreed,,would sides tue free labor given by some of dep.nd upon the. unempboyment con- tue members. ML Wear a Battory SmiIoe Noit Spring DnfLot Your Battsry Frooze! Your.battery can't freeze if it je fully charged. If you plan to lay' up your car w. will store your battery u4er proper conditions, or tell you how to care for it yourdelf. Now le the tîme to prevent battery troubles and expen se n4xt Sp ri ng.- Ourestorage charges are reasonable. Our advice, coste you nothing. Coie in. w i 011g Phon"e 133 An zeYor S.pendÎngs car efullytht monerY' yu»v a large proportion o tmgtbv e sav.d w tltti. or no inconvenienca, Decide n»w that you wiU deposrt ti the bmnk régularly tIhat portion of your oarulnpwhlck your a"iaShw you can Save. DOMIIION RANI WWT5YflA~ OSh<AWA AOcH. I VIflLlN i DR. C6.go. DICKINSON Hfouer graduate*eoftthe Outurlo Veterinary Goiege 1918. Ex-Dominion.,Gýv.mmnt Veterbur under Animal Contaglous Diseas Act Affiliated wUthDr. s.,-S., Dickinmon, V.S., of port Hoe, Specialiat iSurgery Addzes-84 &0&ckSt Mait Osiwa Tolephoue 105J. Omtpbell on Ail the best grades Of BREAD FIOLJR AND PASTRY FLOUR. Mlay, Sait, Grain, Chop Feeds, Bran and Shorts'. Poultry Feeda of ail kinds, Campbell & Son, Pono 8 ,sWhitby THE OU-NCE 0F-PREVENTION i Teere ie no "cure" for the financial loss represýnted -in uiinsured property' or merchandise that is damaged or déitroyed by fire or accident. There is no curs-there' 18 prevention:- Insurance, if rightIy applied to, your risks-anddependable-prevents financial losis through property los. We can give you property insurance whose dependability is based on a 132Z-year record of met obIigationei. And j we can show you how to applX it econoinically to your individuals! i. W. 14 H. RICHARDSON jRepresonting the INSURANCE COIMPANV 0F NORTH AMERICA "The Oldest Amerloan Pire and Marine Insurano. Company" Foundedf172 Qonnult your insuranoe agent au you would your iawyer or dootor Prof essional Cards ARIHWR E CHRISTIAN Babrlster, Soilcitor, N4otary Public, etc. Office In South wlng cf Court House. mou.y ta boan. W. IL KENNEDY Barrfat.r, -Solctor lu the. Supre Court, Notary) Convoyanceetc. A- ]FL C BRUCÇ Ba6tr oUdctor, Notary PubIl OfcMathlaon Block, Brock St. N. WRITY, 'ONT. Dit.ÎL -T. bMclARBN Readouce. and Ofic Cor. Erock m'd ryStrr*, WI DR. G.L btMaDôÉ;&ifîz g' s (Continued ire. pagi Mrm. Delve, Mmiru.Htter, a White took part. This proÎe4 teresting. gareoI Je.à-itusr lrat@mun . T. ufisJr. E. je SHIRLEY Veterinary Surgeon - ý sonory Graduate of fie Outarlo Veterinar>'College. All isase of Domeetic Aialzn ascenti#lly treat- .d. 448 Sîuco. St.W, O"hwa, Ont. TeIepho"a M2 N.Tonolsky M1UIl S I l tiONa.POULTIT ORO£ ReTAK N For a *W sersonn Nu, teeK~ ti BuyIng obi il 1 a * -

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