Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1925, p. 4

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TBURSDAY 4JMIUARYm22de 1925 I Dh.ugglet and Stationerm WHITBV, ONTARIO 7-day Japuary Sale at Walters'. Miss Kathleen O'Connor, of Toron- to, has been at her home here owing to the ilinemu of ber mother.' The Wltby Oratorio Socety of 60 volces, Arthur Lynde, cenductor, will give their annual concert in the Town Hal, Frlday, February 6th. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Stewart, of London, Ont., were with the Iatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, over the week-end.. -DLucani Cowan, "'The Mani Who Made Royalty SmiIe" and Beatrice Smintb, piano-accordianist, -are the as- a. 51t12g artlste for the. Whtby Oratorio Concert 1Fébruary &IL. Mrs. Frank Roberta was called to Woodstock Sunday evenlng owing to the sudden, aud serleus illness of her aged mether. Tickets on sale at Leuchs Drug 8tor4for the Whîtby Oratorio con- oert. -Admission 35c and -50c. Members oft Fraternlty Bible Clan ofthte Metloidst Tabernacle are con- slderlng paylng a visit te Blmeoe t. Methodst'Churéh Bible Cla t 0mb- qkww..ome Subnday inaU» Mnesr utum Two carscetPmu coul wlll arrive in afew- days. Leave your order early. Thon. Ross, Whltby, Phono 848w. The Wldtby Vegetable Growers willl bold a motlng lu the Coucl Cham- ber on Frlday evenlng, Jan. 28, at 8 _p. m. Ail hoe Intorested In gardon seeda be on hand. AlIse twoe sort pa-. pers wMIlb. given. A;,derson'u Fast celer gngham, 82 in. wlde, 25e yd. at Walters' W. anre lerng out oui corresponde once carda. Boxes of two.dozen, wltli envelopbs te match, in varlous tinte ansd stylea. 60oc box. C. A., Goodtel- low à emn De sure W attend the cazd paty a the. home ef Mis. Geo. M. iLe. ou Monday, J*nùuy 2, under th* au.- pvieu of Ontarlo 0-oucty Old Girls'es soclation. -Euebre, Brd7p *adlv. R undred. AdnlWon 86e. luhê Sarmt or th~e Lord'a suppar won obeervvd ut tlw morulng »«Soic wu to ha"" pread, wu usab4 tb cmhmon scaot t usus. Tne Btin .ung for lb. New Teni -et the Tr*Nogr Cesti.ChapW r w i b. belu theColbpgedrawlut.more mondayi Jan. mtb, at î4 p.M. lu p esud *bthé pe e rn 1~tlt 4mt-u, qUk JUU Spl«o Uauiia 'J5J a'wé, came o In u slgbé ýte 1wbitby ?~a4p ~Ihîounthefr anualpWi vifpta auraw Armaa sud spent su heur or Ivo -kating on tbe big ice, re- ýtwwA atterwawd te the Mot«r City .l Mu. LPAUM,,of- Capreol, la bliodpyiug for a tew weeks wth lier mïotlwe, Irsý. 4 J, pabuer. 1ta4It' da* viappurete dresse, roduced Ici U6, izes 8 te 51 aI On Frl<Iy eveffu l asIMiss laze Seldon , ntvWrta danumber et girl trionda u ofetMm.Harold Ton- Unt, a, bridoet isat week Durlng'tb. eveniug Mma. Tonkln was prew'ted wlth a,à lboiyer et mleous glfts, exPresal*g be goed wis et9fail. After the -olvu et numousteleý- gr4m by =b rde sud ho#us, wblch caused mucb auxlety sud ectement -and lsugtur-dainty retealments were servsd lu the dlnlug room, sund the bride wuma ecerted home mwth ber mauy possession by the enie cern- pany, wM th b.rlnglng ot hem sud geeral nmerriment. Mn. J. M.,helek,<'ornte>, Vo- cal Teacherad Conductor. Advuueed pupils prepared for cliorcli ad con- cert werk; "ls special course for be- glunema.WhItby Studio aet Mr. Frank Erkeau,pbMedy. -! BOUMIf PROFERTY FOR $2,400 At th. atictien sale Saturday after- noon of the- store properhy on Brock Street south recently occupled by Pet- er Mackew, there were sereral bids madie, the property going te John Jar- molo, of Whltby, for $2,400, whlcb la a very low prie. for a centraliy locat- .d lot with a falrly good building on it. Auctieneer Wm. -Maw wlelded thé hammer. - TUE CARDINAL KING At the Onharlo'Lýadies College o n Saturday eronlng January 241h, ah 8.15, Henry L2wrence Southwlek,~ President et the Emuerson College of~ Oratory, BosWtnwiil preaent "Te Cardinal King," an interprehallen ef Bulwer Lto' drama "Richelieu." President Seutliwiek is a distlnguisli- ed clas toamber; erator sud artiat who has appeared' at the Cellego en nurnerous .occaionasti put yers, and'the progrunfer nextI Suturday evening, deaIing. with ene et 1h. ment interesting figures lu Britiah Rlstory, shoulti attract a large audience. Ad- mission 8SU. MISSIONAUT BHIM ON SUNPAT. Rer. W. E. Storey, QI the faznous San itedro Mission, Souli America, wlU b. an îialerestiug visaiterluWbt- by over Ibe week-end anM viiipreach -ta St. Audftw'% Clurcb lul.utein1 lng sud tbe MethiomITabernacl" th. evenin, Dev i. .storay vas lu *wblIbya »f. liee ugematgavea ver Intereâtln tt nas t a .An- dreW'. WS e "a4% oderta u asge sud no doubt alarge nimber willtomu eut te hear hlm ut bolli ebuxmls& The mlseonry lus iphew Mlet.U Edward Storey, oft *6 Buse Lino. BAD FOWY INJUIRD Corb. Stiner, alemet fr b. Uni- verWaIGarageW, d bs foot mmmd ou Tuesay wben tleb tutW" ,« e aa«r pasd ~ Lt..Mr. Bllneuand Thoe flowe .turtudýr l-vie anMW gelmIcI ltué# l the Movwe " Ibacci- j dent occurretiviauun efogrt wum bolus, WwWadW le move Sr ar b"ei .1APIT 4muIm SuadA&Y. auv S,1 10 amn.-Blia04t holo '_lsue U usa.m4 Il 7piasDivisew.relp. c« M meeuy luvlu&d Notmi«, E. SSUea . t iJl vite you& JuInr,*4.1;eour. et ouer l.T.P.M, nt S p.. TOMMdY,Jeau.. h-4"Oer WIe. IPmer at aS p..Ltaw-CO. 1 1w m "Uoe.u tllu Snby Uhof cTduled, l -aJ U -,Pe j V r rie svikoe«$n W-e T u e BpmnL-8un4ay Sboola Md New's 7 britianWo*k lu. South 'Ajnrla"-ad address by Mr. Fred.t W. B. Story, mreturnodaso»àry., lionday. 8 P.m,+-A Joint tingetto- the Presbyterlau and Methodist Young ,'eopli's Solety lu th. Tabernacle, at wbh Mr-~ Stery Win give an mu- tratdlecture on South Aniericu.A very cordial invitation te ai. .W.duesdy, 8 p.m,.-Prayer meet-1 Tbursday, 8 P.ML-Cholr practmice A. Manaulilwila.- lWhma Misrâ w ol.. sa -MW bkS t yiIoSw15 LU u te prevent (ad& atava ep te a*~ voltsk ovmtralw. slug.n or wotth brethiu1 u.ken &Iip.Alîo wiII a86Y thât dLtnM.aogtket iutton scommon WA h nny p"ele alter Two %Bu, 1O&_ w2Ur. E.' La.-OULUM VISITED PICKERING LODGE - District Deputy Grand Master A. E. BSanniister, et Estern Star Lodge, .L O*Q F Whtbyq witli bis suite ef in- stallJo officers, vlisted Ontario Lodge, Flckering, on Tuesday even- lng, when th. oew .officems-tor Ibis year were lustaled. They aise assiat- ed the local offiers lu couterring the lnltitry degree on sereral candi- dates& ' Feilowlng the lotige work a banquet was lield, aI wblck nome flue atidreuseswee delwred by vluig asud local otYcers PD.G.X.Bannis tr viiicouMonday eveffnng noit u port Ferry cmplet. bis instalation woI* for " mywxr, ODDFELLOWS. LEAD IN4 WRIST Whist 1..e« usa rosula o!their in ovegtbh Bons of lautiS98pouls on Mondey btetwhle saGan club aceti theirtnltr !Imsa uona utlb.expmnu et .f bmVeterans. Ta dvdual soes:ut W.M*Ubadson lu4W. WiueoIu 5 J.Lungr.u162 A.Ior 10 -W. Revom 60R Rm-in e A. Iýp~ 176 W. Roberta 137 W, la C. Araet 1u P. Wilam 16J. Coux 4 e. Gwrny 1la IL vd~ 4 IL -Pelow 168W. Broya -tb J. Imitantelu5F. Ma*tu*" a5 T. Ulebm*mo 144 -Z. 8mbamuU au. cab Volera W. Vaneolm l *.Pather 1 P4 L7ute lot- &W. Secr160 Q.~ ~ l Iob 1 .La. 14 171 EL G. Sau 152 147 Ireo 144 3. Wbltelu 47 18. BMuta 5li R. Coies U . *aIoekliai I~,e tie Mbaycor 'iaability te act, = AgtWi ruMp tlng Mer kludly - opeatinI an sreil Wilnge grale- Yours truly, H. WILKINS. 1,.uI Reacb -Townhl for the12 season tbe Cnci lUp yly (f su heur for a n= ~ou suow shovell- iug aud 40e. su bour for man sud tearn. In thb. Ure nion vote at port Perry, members et St. Johin's, Pres- byterian Churth voted 98 against Union aud 88 for. ST. ANDREW'SPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rer. E. Turhjugton, Miniater il&a.= - Mornlug service. Re%,. Fred W. e. Story, Secretary etftthe San Pedro Mission te the Indiana ef Argentine sud Bolivia, will teil about tb. work of the. Missien. 8 p.m.-Suaday Sehool and Wom- ensa Bible Clusm 7 p.m.-Eveulg servce. Mrs. Geo. Heliday sud Miss Wilma Jolinoten wlll sing -"TI nviible Land- duetL. 8.00 p.m.-Monday evening lu tii. School Room et the Tabernacle Mr. Story will give an illustrated lecture on the wort ef bis Mission. 8 p.m. Tuesday evening. Coýngregaý- tiouaI meetWgIng luhe Sehool Room te hear results of th. voting on Churcli Union. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH <Anglican) Sunday, January 251h 8 a.m.-Hely communion. 11 amn.-Merning prayer and ser- 8 p.m.-Rev. W. A. Geddes et Her- schel Island in the Arctic Ocean, will speak iu Ail Saints'. Sunday Sehool wlth Iantern slides of the Aretie re- glon& 7 p.m.-Rev. W. A. Geddca wîll al- se speak in AUl Saints' Cburcb. Every Wednesday evenlng, 8 p.m- Bible study in Parish Room. The. pub- lic invîted. Thuraday, Jan. 22, 3 p.m.-Annual 1 W. A. meeting at Mrs. Wm. Diownl' residence wlth election of efficers. Tuesday, Jan. 27, 8 -pan.-Annual. vestry meeting in Parish roorri with reports et Wardens and other church offficers, election ot officers, etc., for ensuing year. The iret break luaeueetfWbltby'e1 oldou and boat kuorin famies c- curden on Wody lut viU ebn deatbof lMaryC. iovatvit e t Mr. E. 8lmeof Teroto, antidaugbturo 48yeM o! age, h"d bo i* lhce rer &ho*k, netonly le nienberaet Ibm tamly but t» may lu WbIIby A"d vlclutyl, wbo bM kmov ber 1« M" yearm. Deceasd, wbul lving-t Toa Mte, wu me a slul;a IW ov«« twte Yormgof, mant Il rimogtad">e- a"I to brWu,-ber th e a rente'om ber%, iboteup " unI b tiom o! du* Oeab*eh.resevulm look*g cMr Mru Aste, i-MiUlebebM oriat a"t otherme"=eterso!latmIy. nebte fnt ai, blW vs pifte, placefe- hin %lb. faintreudm. S DanO, »fi uts, -Mr. Whitby;, Jrnd 1u ftemmaoou bs_& Jobu!a (Ée) Wbltby; elgit ,bkcthîùs, George, I,pthe aervlc.q belng conductedi James, David, Rbôdedanmd Arthur .B. Turkiugtms. pato t fSt.f tWbtby; .Bamuell iud (Cbares of~ ClwIrcb.',- Elg1it.-brothers of Teoeto, and John of Ottawail o aewe U, illbearers. I hom ba'hVe the ueer smpth a ;4 la suùvived by lier lis-' wlde cire.o!f-ieuds. e Sloop, Toronto; ber par. àMnongý ,thosaItIise4uneraI Were: and Mms. eo. Mowat Br., of i.a&eudrMs. S. C. Mewat, Mr. and tvo uisters, Mis. T. Hawe»,: Mia. 0.. Mowat Mr. and Mms N. P. Nias Elizabeth Mowat, o! P. Kelly, Mr.,and lie Wm. Graham, Ur-' and . Mi-a. W. -Delabough,' Misr. Rober t Iuir, Mis. Irelied, (ne. May Mlexapder, Mm -, Pae (ne. Tina Sloèp), ail-et -T7oront; . su d lir. .SlePickei1ng; Mis s iie Sleep, Oshawa; Mir. aud-iMrs.. Rbt.-Sieep and tauiy, Mr. aud, Mis.. Sleep, Miss Ada Sleep, Mîi, Willliam Ramsay, Mr. lewis snd Mr . Lsuieron, et port 1 ÀR 10 (IOZ. Sauiple Gloves anîd Mit ts, On. Sale 98C pro HOLLIDAY-.ýOn Saturday, Jan. l?, 1996, ah Generaj Hoapilal, Tormoo Joseph W. Holday, aged 63 years, beoved husband et Anale Elizabeth Stevens Rolld* SALE REGII'R Friday, January 80.-Auction sae ef 100 corda ef wood, eut mb tevetm lengtb, the propei.ty et porter Bics, - lot 31, rear con. 6, Wbiftby Tp., cou-e lstl-ug et beech, binli, s, elin, &»« ai.See bUis. Sale ah 1.30 sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. MES. LOIiSE RUGGARD Tedahonl Sunday lui tfLouiss. Dailwldow of the litê R.1, Hug- gard, ath ler home, Byrou-.sh, soutb, WbitbY. lest a very eld and Iiigbly' respected resideut. Decemsed, vite had reacbed th. ripe age ef eighty-: six years, had bien lu !allng health tor the puat tire year. 8h. passed away in the bouse ln whlcb she bad resided aine, 1876, nearly 60 yeams. Her liusband, who predeceaed ber' ten -years agto Ibis sprlng, wmau a early sottier lu Whttby, taklng a keen Iutereat lu municipal affaIresud serr- ing iu varlous capacities om tb. Coun- cil and School Board. Despite her age sud infirmities, deceasd was always cf a briglit sud cheertul dispniatlen The touerai took plac on Wédues- day afrernoon at ±=0 frein ber laIe residence, where Re«. J. T. Prisegt o Whitby Baptiat Cb.urcb, eonducted th.e servce. Intermeul wwu mode.luthle! Union Cemietery. Deeased la surrveti by one son, B.L D. Huug«ud, et Port Arthur; one daughler, lir. Rmueli, ef Whlty, Mud tiare. gruudcbldren. DEATU 0F MIS, X.SLBEP I Telephose 31 Brok t.NorthWHITIOY : SPeck lori SUALL Il Recela. Heavy Rubbers, Fine Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Ail New Stock at Lowest Prices. See Our' Windows Foi* Other Ba,'galns. il - I t -l t I a s I c t e a 14 O0I/ERCOA TS Men's Winter Overcoats, latest style,* sizes 36, 37, 38, sale Price $1500 Youth's Winter Overcoats, ages 15, 16, 18, regiilar up to $ 16.00, Sale Price $9.9 75 sUfiTS 20 Men'i Tweed Suits, qizes 34 to 44, regular price $20, $22,50 $25 ýnd $28, Sale $ 17. j5 Men's Bluo Serge Suits, our regular $35 qu'ality, Sale Prlce -$24@.00 Caps, Gloves, Rubbers 10 doz. New Winter Caps, in plain anîd faiicy tweeds, latest patterus, Sait, Price. $1la 50 each l'

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