BE mE lIT Ex*Mayor Bamstt Tello The Couniof v*ce.R«da -G*if te to Hil h ueploy to e ottrmnt hlm by lhe OoCm mn g 1h11 bMphotSo f Lord sud Lady -Byng, leged te havebeu pr.mmtd e hm urigth. vice-re = 'là oebo 7 on béhaif cf the Town ot Wbitby, b. given te Tomu cberk, liae followig loUter 'rom Ex- uayor Bmwstt wss read at a speCial meeting cjliaeCoundil Monday nght: Mayor and Counci, Town of Wbltby, Gotlemn-It vas vill surprise tha 1 rweived your eomnino regidg tbe photogTapbs presented tlmis.Bùael-and myweifby Ris E- ,,âlwny the Governor Genmeansd Lady Byng. 1 must admit Ihat 1 emSunt <pile underatand your btter. la it that you suggestat 1&m s keepÃng lmproPerlY proporty cf the Town cf WbllbY, or -i miglat intr' your habor.blo bodY tha I have had framéesmadé for the photos in qustion, Mms. Bma ant d myseif having In mid glvlng thon' elther W Ihm Boy Bornas or lb. War Voterais' Club, feelng tliait of hmac Io bodiies would approclate tbem. Au EU& Excelbeney in thé. pn- tuiai head tfhe Scout MovemStit n Canada, vo tiaought liait the photos would b. an inspiration 10 theo mon- bers cf lbh. Whktby Troopa, vhile on the othor baud, Ris Ex«eeiy having comnmsded and fought wili lh Cmi adia= n l lrnc, we thoug liait the Velsianswould alsoappreclaUte b picturos. This la ail I have 10 aMy on the mat- ter aIt tc proeont lime. Any turther communicatons will rocove my atten- tion. Yours slneerly, R.. N. BaÃŽsett Stili Uncouvinced GRFJLN TEA Trboe who bave ui à ~uTo9 H7uo~ oeunp@ d@t --Nwu m fthsdiOu mmeu. "wmy epure .nd rlhTri (ConU.nued from page 1) fnneaportion ef the dditionel holp, for wble the aseuismt oa- mlmon ut aIyear reccmmencbod liai $100 adad mdgiteu aun»t as t la ISamry be grmneto thlb.asse9sor, for extrahop, no extra -amount ha&s yet been pald over. BUIls pr«eeto te Ibi y«es CoÙmeilfor biis ota belp have so fax bien table&. KevRM lm a th m tc 1: tà t) Reeve Jackson stated atter the letter ri wus read that ho stil belleved tait the v photos were givon te Mr. Bassett for c the Towna et Whltby, mand clalmied that a since Counci's action, at lutI meeting, f, Mr. Bassett laid approached two mem- a bers cf the Coud! mand the clerk abat- Ing thaltash photos had been pmosnt- cd ta bini personally and tiait the towii would not gsI thea. gw ho laid put forward the. daim that hoc vas havlng them framed for th a v ot erins or the Scouts, but Il seemead j~age hat vhen ho gol the plclure hstcok thea home vhllaut oe lotI- iug nmabers ot lb. Couneil am them. 'If Ibis Io the actionhhoooxmsat. labo vitia pliuxugirm o tbm 1 don% 't an 10my 'anytblag more," lb.eBive doduae&. R. addmd, hoveve, lit a uOshava,' Paeboro aiUnd aaM lb.hephots wetq givua te -M mid iat n maten twbgt 1fr. nie. mu W hd vttm t Iis sbir. Cous.WMas opiunmd ,1h11 If lb. photogiapha wve r ivn te lb. lova. ft va. Coubdcl's duty to vy puit b to lb. Wan Verais or SemscW. Mayor Juins#Mdat1h11 b. o iner *leulter t th Ie ?pnl«y Co mitose to b. dm11 vitia. CouL Batusab s tsdbat b. Io- deaodthat li Othm b t obeos voe given le tb. MU madpu . hl y m tle b. enI ma aveJackson lai ed sidlgn Laveryo vasw» olmg t19Oshavat. li sCl.xks cRin I.liq" m asto th Revis toweerd 1mwb.Qsec that Mr. W. J. Tdul4 .wbx n ao blt-Fm, 1h11 b. hbsadsd le bl th. pictSusdemma othelb. %ow U H but fongottheIbsa 1mly isklag clé* t. nid for Ilim, vwu* b1 -The ROMeaatad thal lis mdnslei th11 tWy b.dd snce humafraed aid ve xlgup laui b. Oi&kS eOMM Ha ut.aoeut11Mi. BsAMIt bmd sW nlght te pint Ité«aMy olb. peso liait W"vie dgttfy bens"d te tbe Coint. 1>udeY: T"I ve ma%'l««et h11 lçtura,1 Movelalw»esmxd i tbe ex-majors picot nmud basgý Ibm fl *8eaunPno toder tetlb.- lion, butltlb. ymajor ugge tbath1 lmaiyexs Cound i isP4 ghala vout mahi. a good picla nt. bang %jp. T'h., Msyoxs nuuliuagfil l.mlu«e go o b e Fropuly Co.mlSiÃWwuc eoflM cf i l.mtidu fU IUA m a 117 b. à (Ccntinued from page 1) à $ de" t0 Colle StunM aidsiolyt gubuutng the rallvay trachs. The M"eto tIis u$hing tonnaI senied to b. blocked ln lb. Collage Street lclnly. lThe nouthoinportion cf "s trofrom lb. cemt bridge but b. Toronto EaIern was cmple- Jy flooded, lb. vuter runlng over on b.e sldewsk Il vas veryeary Iemntraed that lia. tiI. id on tis strot &long tha. creek vas out etfcea- niasion and dldnot fuuction, as com- plalnod cf by the property ovuiens 10 th. Council ate 1maI bail. A portion of Aliaci Shtrvaswalsofloodedthae oîlel to lb. catcha basin thre béing frouin. Up la front efthRe Methediat Churca thern vwu quite a flcd aid although men vorkod for smm tim te gel lb. water to inn îvay hhey voeeunsuc- esatul as the outrace10ta. tealoi' IcWer was frozon, net only on top but for a conslderable distance unde thae Il w»a neportod lia Chiot Lavez-y by ms isdulets that their hon Jicuse werê à o badly flooded that bons ver formuairen on tIbm ecaa&Hliday iondy ud part cf Tuesday- Moes4p SudTuesdy iWn cnsod ftmllabt. on Monday evsalg a"d JaekFroat gol t. uerk, wvh l lb. es.kthat by Tosday eson loods bad mosty subdcd.Caua ofe i&Sreels Comndme erY WU!- bina eazy Tuesday monnlg bad UM oul openhng sevr«e otzraces ai ici- ai mwd glvizag relief hezevor possble. 1-h. Strosta Commitee made a survey cf the Town Tuesdiy mrnng. Disued at Cofuwfl At Mdonday nighls Ceuneâ meet- ing CourLn. ino4,d au o f lias Streets Committee, stated that bis mms on Monday laid f ound tha.-ont- rames te abrm' sers frozS ibecau they laid not boon cleaned eut 1maItai>. H. suggeated a thbiis vas a malter wmothy Of Coanil's attenti9pu"liait after ai] lb. loavu had falIMen ad bad bSu cl.axed f rom lias streets. cur, Dudley, Stimu aComidltOO. Ch&alun n aIyer, sbated th"atlias 'sork wvas upposed te have been dons lia bail. He poinbed out thatit Ilwva voiy dicuitto 0koep clear the ator' meu entraneeon acceunt of baves hlovln.g tc thea. (ContinuedÃŽtram page 1) vork ho sste at o erwy yarl ontaulo 500 vomea dis tollowint cmn- finement 0f theso deallu 60 Per cent. axe due te septiemida or bood polsouing, and the balance znostly due to isuffidient limnatien et poisons. In England muid Wales blioro a io maternideata lu 200 labons, lu Can- ad" oeematernal death ini140 labomu and ln the United States ene in 86 bubomslui bis opinion a large propon. liSof ef b.maternai mortaltin sdue te toc mucb literférence vithlbe normal fortes cf liberaid fer that reason it is probably provenlabbe.In apekhig of itfant morblliy Dr. Belli slated ztaithlb.fnl tmontb et lite s.ccuntad foruoeshaioth éetota deitia rate of inftauta ddn* telii. lu puai. ThI ladlc the e cssly of prisuitar as vwonas. Postnaitaleu.. For, evry Inan athà thoraumxtue Cames of t ubai hilesu.Prmutemlly au. lb.. Ifwt* iluasum ieà » & to t"*vo =« Ibaa lod u f uU M ad Alt)I ROYAIL THEATRIE FBIAV miSAflJDaMV, FEU. 27u.2 Frod Thompson in a.Mp4n"Imgabori eofl* West This tea sCe"@dome. J>n't miss th. Wonderborse, Bilver mine MMOAV aMd TUESDAVMACU248 with 0Co1Ift a Mo.r. sd C<awwTourie. The tala of1à girl who m.ek.d Capld. Girl# o«me Msd se@boy a footllgbl t M =Isa7.d -«Mad vp*eu osbut kept harst free s i Plsbot ie .da1 elgutitbrofsb lier hban sd eh# trlpp.d d he tell btts ovu bed tu love (ns you May s") witbh a. wort euy. WEDNESDAV am" TUUSSAV. UMU 4 Douglas MoLsa. tu "The vauhan CWM8l You remeuiber hia four vmeks pat lu 'Qolag Up." This la etill botter. You esu't aford b mima iL. se» OMM. t11.npce& ,100 ma ale lût Fniu* thlS tbcue«W ah»s d Ia m1a -@W W»ekh'a. j y~ ~l Vhpuilmt. on Thmuradai mftenou aStwhen Miss FoIiubgDr oir adr.,Mi.Lonora Bondi Karrison, daugbiIur!o! ft . L~vau~.Barr4tr cf Oak- Mr.-aMd Nrs.Y. Igarion, of BmckUn, «Ma, dru s otety Uffluai Ont, vas udtod in IDariage t10 Mi. __ tat &W etpMW b*uqOU=carViIaa Shaw cf OshaW8aWsOu f th imdimcalk, Avot luet. he l. in d Mx.C. Shaw, of Mldlaod,i qu"m et . ,pidbfo r ithe pq.. ont. . »» EiaM. SharPeattsndod m.ntQf uu , 4movicu, lb.que@- the d, Y nt)gr. Ruredl 1D. Bâb- tioe cculuda boitl@u, mitoucb..cock supp edtbgroom. Th appy md upom t1ic upat" t o flamaltY oP10 vii On thSr retarn from a bcbt ymlud aî.'-8 PI lu cutrinai short trip, rosdo on Dearborne av- =asis. ne .d.,ibd tbat lth egal Wde- flue, Oshawa- BnlUhmOucf jMty usne icI ufl-- Wîd oeç bmoUhuld be amonded Stoek for the mw otl tobe er te cosform te~ adwamue WIICeeted by the ciLun of Oshawa bau have been madse l payadbty. bai half subscribed and work wiii The meeting adjonrnsd about 5.30on the structure in the AICTION SALE THUR8DA19 FEB. 26th LOT 149,COte&MF*51W81TVe AL"F MILI ESI OF O5NAWA Good eatomgfaim tom b.avywagon. »et of aleigh., stel la"d aoller, mower, hai yak. bider. hameak. 2-rcw com plaiter. mt a of es 000 lb... »t of lmo hanova,.dad«Lihay bi aid ropes, quity of cloer hay. M00 bahl of oala, 3U hmans et vat uouh, NoClary Pandra rangs, MoCla un el O& boit*4 exteMmon taslenumber cf chairs.2 b.d. w» s prints, »d othear oesolia.u.areilea. a"8 Sm»OPAuciluuisi FRANK WELLS PAINTER AND DECORATOR AiU wort promptly attended to. Dr. AL M. Helst Gvndua Des Moine StiLi CoUtgct of Ostepathy Lkentiafte 1 aand Mic1afganState! Bo"rdaof Medical Examinera Actite and Chronic Dimease treateci Disaoa f ucacn andd cldn scaentificallyftreated Royal Hat4lSaturdays,2-5 o'cock Stoôp Look IW at your BATTERY ACID & WA1ER -We bave Every Repair for All Makes of Batteries. TEST GRAVITY Get Our Prces TEST VOLTAGE before buylnga Battmr ELECTROLYTE REPAIRS, *ali US L Battery VEARS of Servce. Service WalkeIm Diiiing, om13 ePidndwTi atIDnu " atu, l mui » la"-I h"w letlun o. mm*0.breue of futurfeprp.ty DMn CL P*ema e e UC mlbrn Whcnur Id ousy Tralvels by IMail F'1 aaà . IWhou, à à WeIy i IZtESAY FDMARTI, U OLP~D. DOIS I~ i ysêh.k 8pedila uSurney Aadms.-84Brook st. Eam 0*g TOMORROW 13 on the way. If you knew ToDAytIhat tomero i'ffi woul d destroY your home-you'd prepsue TODÂY. You an't know what yuil happen tomorrow. But you eha protect yourself against financial loga îhrough - rire inaurance in ouby one of the many forms of de- pendable pioperty protection vo offer to those who 'would - b. prepaîed for lomorow's evenlualilies. j Ropre.ntîne the INBIIANCE OMPANV 0F NORTH AMEPICA -The Oldest Amorloau Pire au# Marine Insiuunce Company » onuit Fonr insuraioe agent a»FOU would y0ur lIawyer or doctor E. Je SHIRLEY Veterlinary surgeen V*tlrb y Anl d&ammuof *dda&4tt. 448 Blum etD NI (0"»% 0" John Scott Agent BoxSI.Plans Peai Coke.-'Cod Ro UWi. I Prolessional Caris ARTHUR JR ISTIAN Bau t~Soilcitor, Ntry= blc E Offloe lni outh wu 1br BOT»Mon"y t. bau. Coul, &otouvqmoin d 00ob-DUM» StUrul, ou do& PMFsto DIB. L T. dAR MsÀead on" Oo"0à BU14m Mq *WMtbp7 = 1=i - aom 1 Gampbil &Son Feed Store Fleur, Bran, Shorts. Feed'and Oal:e Aise Pouitry Feeds, ilayq , pawg sait* The bes grades et Bred, and Pà *stry Fleurs. We bave some flue Ontario Oats sultgbe for Seed, dust arrlved, Tlmethy end Clover Seed. Campbell &Ses, Pho SeseWhifby I owaw -î-îM- ShM star. ove" elgt a . ThéVoteraiFruit *teu ifflu imbu matl« & priom im. Toi, 144 1 et 1 Phone M. 0. Box 403.'