Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1925, p. 5

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J do Patrician, Sheuaton mi Georgiau, Patterns dis. contloued, -so We, er* CIositig out »0W ctir. stock of these ioveiy Patterns at hait prie, or icsse. SPOONS 6Teaýspoons, . regular $421 SOUe Pie. 02.10 Demit Spoons, regular sale %rie $.10 Table Spoona, regular sale Pile $.4M Sugar -Spoons, xcgu 1 Sale Price 7. Koivea, Forkea ad oiupw at Loert C oiig redudoema See DÃœIspay in cme Whtlow, JE WELER. First Clasa Watcb Rpaluing. BROOK STRIEET Rev. David 'A. MoLeen, B.D., et Toronto, was the preacher at St. An- 4rew's Preshyteriâm Church 1aI Sun- Let the. Ladies' Aid serve your IaP- per on March lVth at Taberncle Cbunty Itoatis Supeririteadent 1D. J. Ke*n a#ended--as 'represeatatifre01 the kCoaty Council te tnnal colfnù tien ofthle OntarloGood Reaa AS soclaiten held int Toronto lest el Miss - laie. Desmond, a POUpil01, Miss john#uon, O.L.C5 W555u«OWW11 inipasaing vit honora lier muai.e x am.It4atw & Resoee liarcl Tttfer Bu Honte boklng Sale, tornoon t.sj and Sopper hISUndaY sebol,.tÃ"M Of the, Tabernacle Ar1W. ur W.tLVadu tesbt IL g. IStdo breamesbM t U*OW UmissE.MIctchell, -Field Soetty 1 for the W.M.S. ofthle Preaytedlai Church la Canada, was the. gast ove the week-end of Rev. and, lims.y- Turklagton at th. Manie Nov toi* Ladies, Fibre -01% Se -Sudy, sale prie. 49c pr.tW1I Two donations of - books havý e ee recelved by the. Public lb='arty rO Juvenile cepartment freIn ltsMm ç Starr ad 'Mr. JohnLab.- Iil gifla are Immciiapprigted. The. coanty ontarlo Oltiel"W mu- clation vIl old licir regOW-issSllU inthie -auditorium o e is pbUic Mb. rary on Monday, Match oth. et 4 P.U On Tuesday èveningo, l the choir -oflte B&PU#tC u~ hiold a social eelgnl i achool rooni. A gootiPMoei ~ given, aish rfraIntl.1 .SU ed. Admission alivlyeWd«rà- Strlpe andi plain BroaddO* 89c pe« yd. . Wltrs Miss Gl;adp Dauey la &0M 4 her awmlley alr east -oPulOLbay ' & been 1gOO1tly wmOdellI aaWMMM a meut A~ttlY5 Bppum0k- AEt,- Tueida-pi mad ' Brown# rn Wb n *msCn eï"U iiotCof th e her tbey make yen Sl-.4... WBIT lZAGU$ ilè- '0, av. Vteraus ued 1hefr 4ecnd Win Xrt APTES? CHURCH 'théi. nseso on ndBl îvmnlg at SuzwubIte exp 8se otutiie GaCixh, emerg- 10 &M.nL-Stmy daSeel. Citf-l on top after a flouM~d Sxelting i]Pt,."W game by the Mas11 n nOf36 ~1*~pr,* Water'. i a..-,~MorlngWorsblp. Sermon, points. In bte other ganiêplayed te * ý the. Oatajrôo Mos- PentcoabalPreparuton." Oddfeliows deftethle Sciis ot Eag- m2-Ion, 'SaveYours.1vea." club for furt w M he l. Gu Mny, B.Y.P.U. invite al Young standing. s~~~aoay k» esrabbpr people and their friends. Juniors at Veteram Gu& club boots, i*d sole* end beels. Rsgular $6 4.16; Seniors at 8 p.m.. Special hm .Mair 166 J. Gray 14 nems Election of offleL J. Sieridan 144 F. Lyrde 168 ~ .K- ITuesday, 8 p.m.-Chofr social. &e1- M. Moore 164 J. Walker 148 Mr- W »L BMl&enbUrgb vas ina1 ected program. Refreshments. SilverJ. parker 154 F. Siatèr 158 Windsor on Wedueedy M last week offerlng. Everyone welcome. J. Howley 1557 G. R04b 156 &tteIidiI< ltieannual Convocation. of 1 Wededay-Cottage Frayer nkt E. Noonan 153 J. Mitchell 169 tii.ns Gr9dObEiz l etRoyal Arch, ings, 7.80 pamn, as tollows:'At the S. McAdam 166 G. Anderson 156 41 of, Ret eystone homes ct Mr. A. S. Hopper. Mr- W. N. JoyRI 144 W. Stone 168 hati Wh#bf,ýý!t tàmeeting Rt. H. Brulon, Mr. C. ker, MrS. Chai. R. Spencer 167 G. HuDtlsy 156 Ex- COOIP.. J>Vldsen 'of Mldland Hodge.. Attend the oné nearest te T.Richardson 173 J. WiIlla 189 Chaitr Lnaay vsoectdGrnàyn J. Brooks 156 W. Elli 166 SaoltndiîMOntarle District for Thursday, 7.30 p.m,-Special Pm- P,. Finlay 167 G. Whltelaw 146 theensin yer.paratory prayer service. Pastor vwi- tW. IL aeel Bass te. S- grve brief address on «Personal Evai- 1891 18us os. srw ~ p git% gelimn. Everyone welcorne. OddfeBo" soui of Eng>ano Duaas8tnt, huby ~Speda evan"gic servlm begin- A. Hopper 1665 E. M. LOmax 157 ning Sunday, March 15th te Maréh p. William 167 R. Harden 145 *Of TOflidcl 1 ethle Student 27th, Inlusive. Everyone cordially W. Heon 166 W. Brown 157 Volunteer lM«euut vil present s velcome .Hde 6 .Babr 6 inlsslonai pr9grain - lectures on China, laxttern .1es, and musical num- lors-4mthe. achool nemmofthle Tai,- ernace, Tuesdy evenlng, Manch loth ut 8 Pin. 81lvrcolletion Drý . V T MacLer., Mr. John Thorn- son and lit . > Gbrath vere repre- sentatives of Ut.Andrs charch at tu e n me ting f tby Presbytery Ited ln OItabon Tmesay. OFF -FOR CUIRA Dr. B. Baucon d Mi. R. A. Hut- chioeft, for New York on Monday, 'WIten they aail for Cuba, where Dr. Basem i# asbusiness interests. Ibe vi b. absettfor about a month. IPIRE CIE7S SALARY The. Town Coina Monday nlght -o"w t" annual llowance of $75 te Pire Chid Wu WmSItI for, hi.services for lte psrlof et1934,a&W 1926. 285% Slnioq$tbut North, Oshawa, 9te 6"0. Opma liondayWeoday PANCY DBM:SCAENWAL Io, Fancy Dreýcarplval Wid at OBainAena lest 0"'nng was well attended andi wns a linge suocea. The namo ine he rim, plasvieralnauai events wiiilb. pubOu*s next wek 'MINST sRES H , D; PEUT PAC-. aduei frt the ~tbU bliy ~ th the ste Lew%.Il wglb.aoutme d- us clia t m, q.4èva Dig bv le= e 9-" POOR TE UNITED CHURCH (lTbe Tabernacle) pSuuda, BMatch th, 1925 &=, sanornlng worshlp. Rev. A.J M. Irwln wll preach. 230 P.m., Sunday School and Bible 7 p.m., evemang worsMhp. Rev. E. Trkington wil preaeh. Monday, 8 P.m, Ttis Square. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Young People's W<efsdy, 8 p.mL-Prayer ineet- Thursday, 8 pan., choir prmctice.1 Frlday, 8 p.m (March 6th), con- cert by Madami Fabey. Strangers welcomed aI ail services. 9 -- STf. JOHN'S CHURCE. (Anglican> PORT WBITmy 1ev. Da B.L AmfrdRecto. Frlday, 7 p.m., choir practIce; 7.46 p.m., TeacherS' lass, both at the. hme of Misa Woodbouse. Sunday next, Mr. Charles Emieryl wil b. the preacher at both services 11la-M and 7p.m. Sunday School and, Bible Classe .18 p:M. Wednesday, March 11th, Lenteni service.ai 7.80 p.m. ia theSund&y~ School all; 880 Pa.., meth*etl Rectory commIUtsoth DEATI 0F MARGUERMT FORRESTE Margerite Frese, beloved' daqgeroetMr. and bn Geo. For. mester, pasad away very Msey on Saturday 1aImfrm hes.rt fallure. The fanerIwsau w oon b deay ifr einI hSo M br anuta- to St. J1nS E.L C: ChWUireb Mo wfflwsa le- d-by- X«v. PaUier W jsn hic -tr. lTboasvie d.li uier porreater*id lirM, wilam $Ott, ce l¶orone; WMo and Xmra.-W. J. D"«e, of Plckuelng*lMr. -id mmraJ. For. zuter, et Oahaw,19r. W. Drinkie, Oshatea;4124 Mr. George Diekinof. Western. The, psarerswere Fraa* L. Movat 159 E. Gurney 168 W. Walters 182 J. Lundgren 147 J. Anderson 191 G. Movat 165 J. Fearon 153 M.Pindar 130 JCoux 166 J.Adam 121 F. Matthews 147 1661 146b The league standing: Played Won Loal Points Gun Club 8 5 8 10 LO0.0. F. 8 5 8 10 S.0. E. 8 4 4 8 Veterans 8 2 6 4 - The games nenxt Monday evening: W. V. C. at I.O.O.F.; S.O.E. ai Gun Club. CRAWFORTH-At Whitby, on Sun- day, Feb. 22nd, te Mr. and Mms Wil- fred Crnwterth, Brock St. South, a daugiter. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WHITBY SUNDAY MARCH 8th, 1925 Rev. J. Le -McCulleugh, B. De (of Toronto) , i DALBY-At Wlxltby, o-ce8undat, M(ardi 1*t4 to Mr,. a im. Chartes Dalby, a on. DEATHS ANDERSON-At ber- laie residenee, &t CofSlCSou, Wbltby, on Thurs- day, Feb. 26, 1925, Maude Rice, be- love wife of WIlliam Andenon, in ber 58th year. FORESTERAt Whltby, on Satur. day, Feb. -28, Maguerite ,Forester, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mns. Çveo. Forester. SALE REGISTR Wednesday, march 15h- Aucetion sale of faim stock and Impleinents, the property of Richard Gîmblett, 539 Rg St. E., Oshawa. Sale at 1.30 sharP. Jas. Bishop, Auctioneer. ---87 To Rent For Sale, Etc. FOR SALE R-entrew Separator, only used seve montha. Apply Gazette Office -37 WANTED District Agent for Whltby and sur- rounding country for Canaclian Lit e Insurance Co. Toohonest hustllng sa]- esman exceptlonally good coniract wll be given; 'also assistance Apply J. D. Bell, 188 Sllverbirch Ave., Toronto. FOR ÉÀLE Store and dwelllng. cor. Dundas St L. and HI*hory St. lately oeulpled by Ros Smith- Apply M. A. Elilott, op- 'bos1te pemises. -f Parke, Davis & Go@ CoUd Cream, »0c Vanlshlng Cream,50e TOMthPaste, 50C Shavlng Cimeaun, OC ilAlmond Cream, SOc ONE FREE Ask Une. L EXCH98 I Dntg a&d Statioaery Store WhifWd»e id Stad Phe a l Soms agesetfer bett.clck Pttoea. FOR SALE Overlald Tourlng Cr, 192à rmode. >lws claa conition. $40.< CASH.L Apply Box _867, Wbltby. -U BOUSE FOR RENT Néw seven-roomed trame bous, on Pro«vin:ia1 Highway, one an4 a hait mailes west ot Whlthy town.' Posses- E Sion April laI. Apply Robt J, Wilson, Phon67 r 2. -- CARÉTAKER WANTED For the High Sehool, dalles t0 com- mence on April ist next Apillications received by the uadersigned.. Appli- canis please stat salary. Chas. F. McGillivray, Sec. Board ot Educition,.-36. FOR SALE White Blossom No. 1 Sweet Clover Seed, $5.50 per bashel. Seed potatoes, Iish Cobbler, Green Mountain, Davies Warrior, $1.26 per bag. Remitac with orders. Owen Davies, ex-Ree, Uxbrldge, R.,R& No. 1. --46. FOR SAL. Three springing cows, aise one team good young mares. ApPly te W. J, Wilson, R. R. No. 1, Whitby. Tele. phone Pickering 1M2. -36 FOR SALE OR RENT Two bouses in Whitby. Aýpp1y W. 'H. Kennedy, Barrister, Wlùtby. -Ùt. LU ll Under the auspices!of the Woguan's MIssonry Socletyi MADAME WINIF-RED 1 GIIN mFAHEY SOPRANO 101V iROUS[ R08 slts OBERT N. CO1NIRELD it t.Pai ithékll.st -at th l Tabernacle Frlday, ,,March 6th at 8a'clock AdmI1son-5O cents tiA~RN ESS XI yull pay you waes Ail kinde of a Subreote bu$ngelsawh.re. 7pm -8uidy SboOl st 3pm Yen are ordlallyln'ted te tome an take parlt la bSatktu g, OPF3NINO SHOWING 0F, SpringmilIinery SÂiJRDÂY9 MARdI 7th, 1925 Gldys. M. Davey T Ds~ .1P~lkLhray. for 0l kîidisof work lia il race Of ithéBuilding Trade. UMRE OIR Wiln Recel'. Our Puiror*I Attention. miablu oa ITta NevEu 15 lb. IuIoeiç P bgkkfture for thoiru dieu 0< b. 1asM Il11 38.25. I FOR SALE bilad tablea pool tables and ail eqtipment. Blght pies for quick sale Apply Eoyal MofteL -6 F~OR SALE OR TO lEN T'he Bolton Restaurrat on Dundas St. West wth tbree story b"Uig- WiIllng b baeor uniioutright Cah or tra. T. H. Bolton, Box 36, Whit- by. * -f. FOR SALE A flamber of horses, several cgwsp due to freshen; and two Young bull.. Also 1 Deerlng Binder, good as new. S. C. Bunker, Phonie 5204 PiekeringI 4 % mile west of Wbltby. --40 FOR RENT House on Keith Street, six roomis, ail convenienoes. Immediate posses- sion, $U pet month. Apply Bolton's restaurant. -If. FOR lENT Fram b oue%, corner Mary and Bîne street; &lmo a umail houas onuDadas St- "is brick bouse on Goee0 Street aul convsencss. Apply te King Bro, YMtby-£ FOR RENT. - Four-roomned apartment fer rent, 3-piece bath, hardwood floor. Apply R. N. Bassett, Whitby. -ef 1. 1$ j, Jm A . * Ili

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