Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1925, p. 6

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e PAGE @a. (Continued- frein page 1) shape again. ln the, case Of Pave-' ments pipes would b. la inusthe curb1 between the pavement and sidewallk ifj there -was sufficient wiBth.1 The Price of Ga& 1 ..r. ýtra thy stated that without1 mkin a complete survey of thse1 town thought that gas for cook-1 . .2ng p rposes' could be sold for $1. 25 er housand cubic feet. The pricel for heatirig. hiwever, would be based' on j hthe dh-niand. H-e explained that with regard to possible competition ~vith the local electric light plant the g as to he supplied to Whitby was ver%- larzely for cooking, and couldý bpe ut:lized for h.-ating, but he did not figure that it would be used veryj rnuch, if anyi, for illumination pur- flJsCs. In this connection it was mentioned by Coun. Wilkins tisat)Whitby could ryot secure further electric power from the Hydro ('okprnission, therefore thei gas plant might be quite an asset to1 the town. Plan( Would Cost $150.000.- The estimated cost of the plant, Mr. Strathy stated, was $150,000. He promiaed that local labor as far as possible would be used in construc- tion, when quite a few men would bel required, and that when the plant was completed about ten or twelve would find steady employxnent. With regard to the plant at Belle- ville Mr. Strathy stated that'it had been purchased outright by thse city, as the watber gas plant ini use there for a numnher of years had not given satisf action. He stated that Oakvllle, Sudbury and Paris, Ont., were now conaidering similar proposals as that inade to Wbhitby, and he had the as- surance that a by-law now being sub- ,nitted to t.he people of Oakville would carry. Modern and No Impurities The plant which would b. instaîl- ed in VWtby wouid be one e! tho most- modern known. Gas would be manufsctured frein bitumnineus ceai. Ho figured that this ceaI could lie laid down in WhItby at $6.00 a ton. Such a plant for a to-wn the size o! Whitby was only possible, it wa~p pointed eut, on account of Iow op- eratien costs. It was just- simply coal gas. frein which there were no impurities sud ne disagrecable odora. Mr. Stratisy figured t-bat frein 45,000 to 50,000 cubic foot per Sinou oaI could be mianufactured. RSdy Thia Summer. Answering s question put te bt-m as te when ho would bave thbe plant lnhtslbed if sat-sfactiory negot-latlonsi were arrived'at between t-ho towu and t-ho company, Mr. Stratisy stated tisat il siould b. possible to gel lis, plant ln t-is susmer. 15 wis polntd-on t-bat et-her plant&. ver. e tasiplated and itUyu Jut a 'q'qkoufbhm znany could be put la thIÈyearw, MIen futher epnato Mrb'i. Strath7, thseCocuncil dot-bed .-t-o wat util a definite agreement vm ni- mitted in wnittng. Mr. Strth x. pressd bis willngnes to rap- reeentatives to Whttby any tisse tlzey were required by Qouncil. HOCK(EY I wurrnv LOSES TO PORT HOPE IN U DDHN DBATH CONSOLA. TION FIXTURE. To ait and watch Wltby Iateruied- lates with tise Consolation Ses ulinost wUthl their graap, les. a isard game to tise pucis cbathsg ag- greçation frei Port Hoper, wasthse lot of many local fanaWhoise et t. Toronto last Saturday afteam ooat wtneas theseuddedeatii<aines bo. tween the t-vo group champlouhlp teama» to declare a winer for the fte r sctiomn.uelIt Dot la Cath. publish it not tu tise stroeU of.1Adma Ion," that the local tesa.nWh" ispr- ious to tua <su mo a vou fou atralght Victorias,.vas un"bltoS make tise grade- the 1 dohhlIodUa to the Rope by a *om « "4. R Uas a great gainte W"at" a bard gaine to lome A largemumbor vent up frein Whithy te uà* rame. N. Alibi-en..sq, ft lualtogetse ium, te bMt up nevupp pe a la odu' le puve ans alibi.M l'h. Io ed ,.4 h Md lat. Tt Miy hm va bohmuset tb big ice suda u4disebdot otb gams vas $ptm la aWu au". ow ahot notkes $"umh«m Mih« Ummam bbom Onfes tu1Wut. b# and Put SHoi*e munjr àMW -8 bave bbum au mur >- At Mr u.,WUy throu~ ami * - 10, m'rut*lu-.Om wmm AEM 'rrEAIDoHOiGLE War. eut dowa but sissed tih. net, lng in the Tow»MhP Hall at B tday inrttg atleains cntre ng c F. Illi foflowlrg ngmfazt nailed thse onSaturday, Rarcis 7t], at 2 dctatreylttebsescnrena :U>nd and beat O>Conner for the. p.m.,teraefrteams ct O+Olbi 8h!d Y tote fin~t goal. Thse irat period ended therefor. A hesrty Invitation eX- destruction including thse principal PWr Hope 1, Whitby 0. tended te ail Sauth Ontariob r source of t-he Village faine and busai- Seed PertoiL of pure bred, beef and dary >e ness "TIN Kirkfield Inn," of whicis Por Hoe cntiuedther ofenivesheep sud swine, t-o be pree tis nothing il left but a few charred tins- ,Por tise econ p edR.Wrofe nivemet-ing anid take aunativnlubers sud lt-a chimnies. Thse fire, wlsich t fherecnd atpu e nt & re, sen tasepromnoting thse chief imd the It-hua sweDt thse village originated iu post by Inchies He -grbbed the puck Ma~vùwe of Ontario, and fo lc the cellse of tise Inn, presuxably in Up again sud on a sot froin efence SouthIs Ontario is particul ted. tise furnace roin sd is believed t-o got ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ «0te o sateu. Wib have be caused by su ovenheated got.anoter fr hi tea. Whtbypipe. Fxism whatever cause, onlya to-ssht af e r lotidebutisedonie Cut inR i i sotprdelsdbfreth e- tashod Ilichaseed ot isdle the îene This year the Oshsawa Bo of tire building was in fiames sud sei andMics eemd t bndl th l-1 Health will a-;k for $12,000Oo on rapid was5tise destruction t-bat tsel cals with very lit-t-e effort. Bundy,, J. Sîcigistiolin and Charlton secured'their w-ork. an increase of 1, ver guest.s,, of! whom thore were somel numerous shots, but ailn-ex-e either1 the estimrates of last Y - twelve, although it was late in thse misdirected or st-opped by- the Hope i port. will now be forma ed1! e morning had not turne evex t-o save geaiewh semedteho uttngfor-hCity Cou ncîî for action. their clotlsiniz or valuables. a supreme effort, haî f thle tim e to'1Sa y s t he U-,b ri dge Jo 1! r k-oep on bis feet. With about 15 sec- onte paper in a recent- issu h pho- A-PP LICATloN TO PARLIAME.NýT onds t-o go A. Hilis got number t-hree'tograph of one Arthur El et eupge NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t-bat for Port Hope on a pass back from Swvede with hi., " treadlo s' i hici t-ho Corporation of t-he Town of Whit- a face-off near tise Whitby net. Per- is tû be introduced te T t-osPo rt by will rniaie application t-o t-he Leg- iod ended with Port Hope 3, Whitby lovers, next ý, inter. W r&üig juat isiat-ive Asseînbly oS t-be Province of O.telil the Torontoi paPers a>id ublic Ontario at the present Session t-ere- 'rnrd ~there generally that one R a Khar- of for an Act:_ Thr eid ki, a Finnish grntleman fU. ridge, 4T osldt iefotn n In t-be third period. ater ten min- bas operated a -treadle ilei " on 4 ocnoiaetefotn n ut-es ef alternat-ely good and bad bec- the streets of 1 xbndge Q'r e last etd_, -fhesiTonncrd key, WMhy at last located the net, two or three w inter5 s ad ý 1 had in tise years 1918 te 1924 inclusive, C. Sligistioini gettimg tise first goal Jone on display- at the C Ç i a dont-ing yt he 500Osud .Te sissu for bis teain. This advantage, unfor- Itional Exhibition. n N a ckbent- e~t aytess aine Tiedsfod fort-uuat-ely, was short lived, as Port ItI's alI over so far a.,t-h voting1tinr lloineb s inuredfo Hope camne bacis sud got two more in is concerned and Beavert 1I bave In thse construction of sldewslks;, as many minutes, Jex gett-ing the tlrst these'tage of which it- n oee xpendliwres for Houaing Conmia- one on a nice individual rush, wbile of t-be special actors in 'Churcis sion purposes; O'Connor deflected t-he second onln'us Union struggle for soine 'm Atr Ts ucas Snwrmmra t-o bis'owu net when it bit his, skate ftr Thpucaeo awrmroil frein~~~~~~~ a aaotf-nK ae uapersod of voting t-hoeP clesed ste; froma pso ut romK. are InTuesday evening last at o' ock sud.Fo nestpit B k; t-he cboahg moments of the game 1J. theobalnoesesî paldtoBanka;a Hall, of Wbitby tearn, took a shot found that 432 votes }oue For aiterations sud repairs te Mu- from centre ice aud beet Micksa for of which 9 had been spo o f t-hese nicipal buildinigs; one tisat ho siould have stopped. 296 were for Union sud 37 mgainst,, And other unforeseen expe"utres Tise period ended. Port Hope 5 leaving a maiority in fa r of Union in excess of tax levies durlug the said Whit-by 2. e! 149. period. The lino-up::Th l- 2 oatoietesdTwn o Whitby- Goal, O'Connor; defence, Says t-he Pickering N s:Tepe- 2ToaholetosidTv o Rice and C. Sleight-hehn; centre, Dick ice- trusteeos have al y secured borrow the said sarnso! $U,000.00 by Hall; right-%ring, ]Bundy; left wmng, quit-e a nuinber of contra for hydre- in aspeilissue of dxeengtrepy al Charlton; subs., lrwin snd J. Sleigh- electric light, sud they e t to haveinaerontexedgtwtyyar thoin.ne great difficui1ty in urng t-be t-e retire tise said ffcating iudebted- Port Hope -Goial, Micksa; defence, nuinber requisite te get h iito tisenes Cayley and Jex; centre, A. Ware;1 village. The one objection t-boy find _______________ right wing, R. Ware; left wing, A. is tise twenty year clause, whlcis tiey Hiisa; subs., Hagernian, Hfilis and,«insider as a mortgago on tiseir r- Ham. perty, sud a kind of a holdup isyr tise South Ontailo Breeders Wil Organize A nunxber ofSoSuth Ontario's eut- standing breeders ef pure bred cattle, L-heep sud avine, met at Myrtle St-a- tion on Saturday afternoon, Fohruary .2lst, Wo discusa the adv"sbility of formlng an assoiation ta Sc-perate in holding Smxbination sales oS thse various breedsansd theroby establisis a Ilisme market visicis would be very mucis appreclmted by ail conoerned lu tise Iniprevement ef Wett-or Uve stock. Many good suggeStens were made, sud Il vas docled t-o bcld a meet- 'I. 1would see, if t-bey considered t-hemat-- t-or properly, t-bat it was simply a safe guard inserted in thse contrct- t-o pre- vent loas by t-he Commission, lt-lsaa safeguard t-bat would be adopt-od by auy carelul business imsu in conduet- ing his own personal aftairs, sud is not intended as a catch as some people behieve. No sane business mn would go te t-he expense of two or three hun- <fred dollars in renovating a house for a tenant, Yfhé thought that thut ten- ant woald pick up sud leave st- the end cf thse montis after paylasg fifteen or tweuty dol"atireut. Practically ail -tiaS vws left cf thse business section efthtie village cf KIrkfeld -mter t-h. e t Ir fin Of weeks mgo vont uap u inmoka on Fr1- Maudîol'sHardware OF IEN TOUeffrAPESI - ALWRVS TUE ISrT. Incubat ors and Brosiors W. ore agents la this district for the Buock- eye Imeubators and Brooders. t Us the cbkcks you taise that.pay the. profit That Is why tise flrst step toward bigfes pouftry profits lies ln choosing th iseugbt liitbt@<S u" Brooders, and we beileve that thse Mostsucn fui poultry raiSes are us1g Buckeye bncubatoes and Brooders as the rei mmey uisars that safeguard you. lEveryizaubator and Brooder s»d wth ma absolue guaramtee or' nomy ce rfu e fumie ed wthout amy arunt Fred D. Mîau'ndrelll il F 3. -ro mutso" he eToua ef Witby t-o roeve tise ownem er properties di- reclycisrgabl utis -a poof tise cost cf ldewalkcntdce ner Tise Local Inprovesuent Act frein hucis direct payaient sud t-o levy the sains required te retire tise debentues issued for sucis construton by s gen- oral rate upon tise whole rateable pro- port-y p tise sad Munxcip"lt. 4 . Ile debeuture Indebteduess of t-be sald Town ansounts te $586,086.60,1 apportioned as follow:-1 1Censent sldewalka .. ..... $16,367.57 Pavements........148,626.32 Laterals .................3,914.05 Sewers .................. 117,659M8 ver 4SL~ b w4ulyb~ :elOtO thse xstemY- Lynde'a Cre* Biaik. Public Sehools . 1.U>1M rs-<> ' a4 Eow cù v 1 Higis Sehool . 61.S and à a B1lb Scisool repaira . i1a ll n aieWsavad nts Consolidated debt -70 2,4W.~pub"i iterest thtep mddi8 Water and light. . 79à>58.7O given to issgu dbetaWs for of whlch no part of pil'Topalofr Whitby, est is in arrear, and ýthe amount otie DD dat ie of PbrM 'wM by rateable property oe the si9dTo, niS t3szs a f eraY 95 $2,264,946.00. rhrEChitan 5. The sei8o!ifor requirlng ttO iB bib, narO sue of said debentuseés la that It would Slilcitor forAplCIt- j Day 'Oid BrodTo La hicks &C. BARRBD PLYMOUTH ROCKS Be Lay O.A.C Strain. - 2Y chicka' 50 chicks March only ...........$7.75 $15.00 i0 oochicks $28.00 s. c. wHILBGHORNS 25 chicis 50 ch;icks i100 chicks April and' May...... .... $6.00 $l.OO $20.00 june ...... ....... . ..'.,$Y.1O $l.00 $18.(0 Ourw Barred Rocks Bred-to-Lay Cgucke are hatched from eggs Purchased- frcsm Profeasor Grahain, of Guelph 0. A. C. AUl of our Leghorn Çhickè are batched from egg purchased from Walter Rose,- of Brusselek We~ pay lie express charges and guarantee 97 per cent. safe arrivai. Terms, 25 per cent. with, order, balnce one week before shipinent. We have aiso for sale two electric uscubators 250 egg ca- pacity, at $25,.00 each. Two 1000 chick capacaty coal sto breodera These-brood- ers are good for any legs rmber of birds and are economical to operate. Price $13.00 .' Th range Fanl, 3, Whltby,. Ont. a" vaioe RANSINS AS - USE ,1~k now oetAbILs atiseWoe*4'mm Affi. Stop l'h. For Sale Woods Sand, Gravol and Stone. Wood Sound Mlxed Wood, $10 per cord, stove Iength, deiveed. Gravel and Sand, $1.50 per load of 1 ý yds. dellvered. Stone, $1.50 per Ioad of 1 K4 yds. delivered. Jos. Hoard & Sons Phomes 39, 14 or 74, Brock St. N., Whltby Pli by 1 #11 monumffl jb À Élim iww

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