Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1925, p. 7

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TE MID Ç~QNWLu ~l5 and otiier Mr. RosaMu'lo4 t luba commenoed nsj ni~ CIerig l lb Dôminjon Ba*k lestweekt., h lirs. Eddy vilted "iawekiil ber sister iu Bmninptou. Mir. W. A. Dryden ivaS teeda Director of tii, Canadja N ational Exhibition at the annuasi metn&~lest week Mr. Drydeu a gi bbxia1mn ber of tie Canadian national Exi- bition for several yeama, as-i ln. o its urOat valuel rmemben. Mrs. F. E. Secord las pedlng the. week iluTorouto. Miss Ruth Mille, OfTobroutô, spent the week-end with Miss me: 8savege. The show liat wua b lhave beeui given by Oshawa talent at Thur-. day evenlug was cancelled owiugt the bad weathem. About eue hundred and fifty peo-. pie attended the social evenweg amd dance given by the. young peo- pie lat Thursday eveming sud iii. re. port a jeyful aud recreativêevenhug and the wlsh te ceme agalin. lirs. Campbell, 'ef OttaW&, Moved inte tii. village te resdo lad t vek. and la living in- Mr. 1U. IonW' bous.. Th. deti occurred ofm.Glite in Toronto mtwe.Tii, late 1lMr. Gallotley owned a tuarin andd er until about a year age. The tax collector la busy wbunln up the yenr'a colections wth a&con- aidemable mum ye t te b colltetd Miss Beonde Hunter la leavlngtlul week te resume ber dUtues eciopl teaching. Mr. Harrison Spears pumoue~d a motor truck tIbisweek witb a cover -ou itt whlch he I va for tasot Dr Jjohn lto4 na& au appeà ,for lover Hydro rate* beore the Tp. of the Iydro om4kchat mat Mnday. Aft. ustos;u anavera regarding lbh. 50 per ent. bonus t wm mRade certa eifl îu ight c rtmrufi Sommy te o rt Mmâf. Gceorge Coope was not no veR! ageiu tus woek, beiug coufiued t* bi jooin. Mr& ShiorddgeBuneton, vWsted ths week wth bert daught.r, Mi,. j. Mrs. IL Brittôn la vlstting a few veeks he.. Mr. 1Ratet e,- xeewr, l is itln tis wéel wîtihbis brother, M. Win. Ratmlffae. -Mr. Wzn. Itateulf bt a vainuhi. cew last mwèek. Ii Loque On F%&dY ulht did net hear Dr. Jas. Moore, whe vm called__ aw&Y on officia bulués; but Pistor ~ Delve gave a betpfl tmehiug of the ram S. S. Le*M on .Mns. IL A. Savage speut aeveral __________ daya with BrockvIIe friends. ___________ Dr. J. J. Moore. unloaded a carload of brik for bis new bou lut week. Services on sunday at the Meth- -, CongratW*tlatIo0Mr-R.LE. Wilson odist Church were wefl attended. Pas- ort tM arrivai of s son and heur on tom Delve preached on "Chit ,the ffld*y. Arli," in the morning, and 4flihemn TIi.eallgbt eafthquake tremor wau wio wauted to b. a Klng," &t fek t~uhie vlfl agend viciuity ou uigbt. both sermnons being much 5p- saturdy nleht about 9»8. peciated by the cangregations. Mme. R.ni.rber tUs St. PWatr' Faime N. J. White sang a solo at the muorn- Med i*uADUlRg socialmud the nus- ing service, aud M m. S. Lockyer at pîtees et he WjM., a&t te Methodiat the eveuing service. Churci on Fr evnjg, Mardi 20. Mr. Roy Britten, Siili Falls, Good t« 'an programm2e. las been visiting lu the. village. KasAOlverattnded lhe funeral Sevemal meuales epideruic homes Of ."»=aso at Ashburu ou are f ree again sud out of qu.tran- Tbm'daY.tine, but still others are goiug down with the disea.se.- Ju* becaow. w work for a llving mW nWS be os o e t .kt play &Cg W the. Mnge wlthsnSem.a"ndr epeuula hibouts..uluer ov«baad .espenseâarelarge. owev, . ba r oidg aa«r of SALT and woudappreclate 7our ord«. We bbaad ttbeetm e c m sat ad by tissa ii ervme you for servim e a ue.Or aw aig4 T«oom d.eyou splach pas. Brookln F ,mor's Club i The following young people spent1 the. week-eudl witb parents and frieudai bore: lias Violet Sargent, Teronto;1 Um J.Evaus, Aunera; ClifordPiey lton; lias Myrtle Thompoon, Tee- ente; Sone Linbert, Toiggto>. et tisse vis o tuce ta au id Mnut bmm w ut tvaunmm houlng about t Sundayrmur4 mme. MCulh=hm bsDow oeud ber mlllnery osinuse thelb.Buudy Blek with a large stock et up-tu.date MmIaLR.D. Sherwln vas lu Torouto one day lai eck Lewis Joues bus bien on Uhes acb una the. pst veok A number attSedd the. Me bSebool toceuu a a uut tantThum<ay &Md fldy eveuinga Mr. Nilpuali. ef Drydms, vWsted Km. and lins. JJ. Wamd lIt wook. Mm Arthur Holman mtuned te Torto aft*irspoudlg a few daya wfhbrparent.. Kr. snd Ml in.W- kir. lir, sudlira.Simmema entertemnè a nunber eofMrda test-Yu$ay év- Kima.Wm .Joebson andi eblirnvi i1o a few dffl lut st k wltiBrook- Mima Vlvima Appèby ta home for e short lime Moctei t r lueua LMs.pary ae <qva Tee oute lest wmU. B«mdaoemD« oh.-ms bis vtm4 ouundpaomts oMesmday fflWa& Seme ckt aid a&" e-mie MI pr.ulkmt$lea" & Ufr*. I . A amiior t bWis"VIei*Wau îx siakSu o s«ftad -h .4 nT. u s fer td%10M "* 1- BASE UNE WEST Mas Ida Story spent a few days Iast week visiting Mm.. Prouse, of Pickering. Mrm Richardson is having a new wdll dug on ber f arin for the tenant, Mr. R. Hoar. The. min last week cauised a flood on the. mai-ah. The rossi was submnerg- ed sud the bridges could not carry it off fast enough. In -vew of the introductioni of 4.4 per cent beer it will b. interesting te mnany to know tint there were at one time years ago in V'hitby 10 or 12 hotelz seliing tiquer, also 3 stores, aud two breweries ming beer. The hotels sold liquor Sundays snd were open tili ~nidight for many years. This was 65 or 70 years ago and when oee e- alizes that to-day there are only two selling temperance drinks kt is seen that there has been a big adivaxcemnent in the. tetupemnce cause. No doubt the. cause of se many hotels in the past was the building of the G.T.R. and the teazning of grain froni the nonth to Port Whitby barber, which was one of the largest shippiug points for grain to the. States. Many yet liv- ing viii remember those surring days la the Couuty towu. MYRTLS STATIN The draina entitled 'Welcome Home, Jlmm» giveahere lat Wedneaday evenlng by U* Genbsmk Draimate 'CUýW«s won rmred. Ail took titer parts&ilzI anâd stlntly bt w lug to the ueatbo euW ya a ml ab-o A niumber troua be aUndid 1h. sblpped a qusntty et stock tro'»"r tis! vuk *0 Tornto by C.PIR M. PMry Nantie sMt Sunday la Toronto. Quit. a&aumber froua b.ated the. danu in Broila lust we.k m" repot am ooUbst du&'. Seversipbople Mt lb. ecta 0f tii. *&tbquab.boe laut Baturd" M.&NUWb u h.boen ider lii doetom'sCa r- Ar*tur Wlsou vWWalt.d txw a Neveast ue tiy. la apstn 1fr Roua Muam-b n W b thê Dominion SB at9 DMOUiol Coire tien It lias been mnade lit for trafic-to at leut Some extent. Mem. Awten bas recovered freinberi rececut Ilness.1 Mr. Don Spencer, who bas ben woring the. James Salten tarin, te the norli o! the. village for some years, is glving up farmninl On- tarie aw in uail prebability viii go west and engage lu tarming operations tiere. Ib la reporbed h. viii bave an auction sale ef bis tarinstoI sud inn- plexuents, lu the near future Effeets etftth. eartiiqu.ake were feit herm ou Saturday nigit at, In sonie instances tie fowis vere scattered off their roosta by the siock. It wau about nine a'ciock In the eveniug and vas quit. perceptible lu mauy amal places ini this localiby. Our Sabbatb Sehool requires soine supplies for the. achool sud It la con- templated te boRd a speclal Sunday service snd free-vil offierlug tom the benefit et the. echool iu about thre, weelm. W. trust the commuulty wili do as they have nlways doue ln sup- porting this mnat deservlug cause. Mr. Bmeadbent, te tthe west et us, is deiug a good business repalmlug watehes sud clocka, and lias put the clock lu lie Hall lu splenidid runlngi eider. Tii. opldeml et Meases lias sub- slded heme, every person having me- covered. M S» cmelu Ioh. ood old tai- lsaud Iwp-,etmyea" TOUL. *AM Ume81r$ .a*q.eb wa fUit .r )lput ulw zut Mde& émay W'gbt hm v tue t#Poft Perryj ivb.. hb lie. Gorge sud Miss X'a Pmott, of Cbalk l*àbN vsSti einOblter, MMa George Lynda lam* w*. Mr. aMdI&lia.F. T. P»ov late wltb gr. md -M& . J.Draper luPick exbg lesT ?nuday. Xi. amilma.3. Chabera ver. l Terct.on M " a&Wlit mtendiugas e tom" eraioftbl«ouin Mia loisblaes spent the w«k oud W» Ur. Mm Mmlia.Gordon LaW,] 13W t. r»Port M Li.m. Mcky la Mm. sudM ssli T. ae et biro ve epvlslun lb. fo % sla Iom lu Mdetw d «pbiseth 1 m- A nee*g e svp et t this wmof - miction la e Sé for Mouuayrmonlg, Maru 9h t liq .dock epte ~m m p..t et m dsmuaug b.e iniot* Mde&de a nOv a"iefoi r u W steé nWb40iuq an"ami v oo Ma a MOéduee M fn I - l Usunt Ploasagit Poil FourWhie WandtteCoc-kerels bre4 from Wh <roducing trap neat- The ufWadteCce ,bed fem a ;rw i the. wÏnuing peu at To- ronto C.NE. and Royal Winter Pair. An fteebrs ht rbf jýg:deoq.ocmeei n show sud are from exceptionally high producing females. Prive $7.00 to $10.00 each.'P EGGS FOR SEITlNG We are now booking orders as follows: pur ls 30 60 100 0. A. C Bred te Lay Rocks . 3.00 $5.00 $9.00 $12.00 Whiteieyandottes (Regals) ........3.00 5.0ô 9.00 12.00 Buif Wyandottes (Durand)..... ... 5.00 8.00 15.00 18.00 O. A. C. White leghorns.... .... ... 3.o.00 ~90 12.00 Our large peu of Rocks h eoe of the highest produdng in the. Province M. . Mdson PAGE NEYER VeietaIe and FIoweT Seeds from your SLocal Merchant b nq mte <fya *"» £t.U Y ImS et lu 60 a ~Ioscioueiimo aB eo ,ro. te.«0n@MW@ e am mi Sm" m e b se , have "MbmtboeouS> mmwf1wo Çuvebt a"nvh. u0" s-" à repeituatim*« .-4 ~ w eo fer puddmgtbe weeY u l b ero tained a number oft their friends in 1 their hoene last Piday eveuing and' ail spent-a very enjoyable tin3e, - turning9 homne iu the wee 'smna hours. It was with -feelings of deep regret tint the uews of Rev.. G. -R. Clare's ,dahwas received hem. last week bv of this circuit about 25 years ago and rernained hem, for three years. He bas beeu in the active work every since until two years ago, when he retired owiug ta ili health. H. diesi at Nor- wood. Thpee years ago he W~as elect- esi pressident of the Bay of Quinte Conlerence. He was in his 62nd year and had been connected with the Methào<ist uinistry for neraly 30 Years. He leaves a widew and two da4ughters te inourn the loss of a de- voted husband and father. Mis mnanyi old friends ou this circuit extend theirt heart-felt sympathy to the bereaved 1 one,'. 1 h. remains were laid te mtý in the UundSaY Cernetery on Friday arl- ternoon lust. Mr. and MUn. Bentley have flot yet returned home. They have been spend- ing two or three weeks with their sons, Bentiey Brus-., at Audley.' Mark Brignali has been spending a couple Of weeksq at Bowmanville wF-ith friends. Mms M. J. Law-rence returued home, after speudng a week with friends in Whitby. R. V. Mowbray ha& nlready made a trip to Brooklin with his truck He Commuications vere rend frein Messrs. Conn & Aimis; W. J. Sar- geant; Globe Iudemuity Ce.; Salva- tion Army, aud County Treasurer. Tire. tenders ere meceived for position et Rond Superintendent, but ne action wau taken otiier than the CWek wasà authorized te advertis. in the Oshawa Telegram for appUcants, to 611l the position, as saine ù;new vacant.1 Teuders for lie Township Printing ere rec.lved frein lie Alger Press Ltd., and The. Reformer Printing & Publlhlg Ce. On motion of Measm Dyer & Ellott lie Alge:r Press vere awarded lie Tovnahp priRuting for tb. Sm ofet$192.. Moved by Mmr. Dye, seended by Mm. Elllott that Couneillor R»» and the Clemk be a cernittee to Inter- nvie lie DepartmeM tot Public Rig-hways Iu referencete lie ap- preaci ab Riverside Drive. Carried. Movesi by Mnr. Orsuiston, seconded by Mm. Dyer, tint'Moasmn Ros and Etliott be a comniittee te look suter Lb. Relief situation for the. balance of the year. Carried. On* motion of Messrs. Dyem and El- li-ott, Mm. H. L Pasco wa Sgiven aui extension ta April 6th neat lu wiilc1 to retumri the 1924 C9llectom's Roll., CA blaw- eapondoa oe Aen PoundKup te ppin RadFe- an, SePouVdlue=or tb*Feue*ir 9 w»d iive.pt"Valuer. eye12 vaogven tvo ir. oUnga. e Mi m by Mm.he lo tt, =nddb m.d Rosa, iaI Us Chi bý»ee t- fécd te ite Llya dbm lo U et with. EaitWbltY Oeuoiud1t lak umngs epqblie hlqhway us a dsanp- ou' Park Wax aoutb. Carde, W J. Moved by Mr. Dyer, feconded by Mr. Ros, liaItthe Reeve, and Ciemk b. autlinzed to aigu sud subinit ta the. Minster of Public Works - aud BHlgways, lie petition siowiug that' tiere bas becu expeuded upea tth. To)wnahlp ronds duig 192-4 the m ef $18,461.06, sud equetiug the Stat- utomy Grant un tint anieunt. Car- A by-law was given three readinga ami paued pmovlding for estmated e"peudture on the romis during lie y"ta 19M5. Moved-by M. PRosa, seconded by &%m. Ml<tt, tintthe. suin of $6,M0 W. approprated for le mantenane oroada sdbige ulg1925, as 3~lw:J A.- Nebitt $1,20; J. T. -Opulston 1M0; W. D. Dyer $1200; $1600; sud John Efilat. SM0.ThIa expouditure smli not ap- p .to the conatinetien ôt z4ew bid- 1. wter ig eineent sidewaika On mtion oft Mesan.Ommiston& Dfrer, the. foltowing accounts weme G.LScet, 8.S. 3, $300; W. N. "nit U~ . 4.,$100; Nelsn Ledgett, S5. 6, $20; R. W. Grierson, S.S. 11, A. E. Gras, S.S. 6, $26; Jue. Rellef $750; Maple Lent Dalry, Se,$816; JJ.,L Meays Mrel,$7; iF osephs HospitI a drle, $8m6; j. Humnu, relie, $10; Wmru. BIe- bbeW Polt,$; Osha'wa Bakery, me- "#- ;Jamn Shi Mreief, $20. 3. A. Cordon,- relie, $4; P. G. reglasttlons,ý $28M2; P. G. ligti et ail p.O;P. G. le Ni l c W a . u s e e O a WesLlatan ca *omnt& $l».O * I 100 YUr Da* ptwk D.mkfax d - k internai and Exernial Pains r are promrnl r.ev b DUTiiOMAsTRIC 0O- W? 1? $&0 Fmmoon aaxwra AIIO~ 'A 15T.OYA RAi58lu 5 AS UEIOMtl,& 55A15WoN Al.i~1 saT s o TO0RONTO coee. okinRamk,,a S" MMAlo 6 B~ eed Anaumd -the o« ecempute liaSid Caîaogue-f4rtfon requumt w4w,àýIsi li p de- JMutAoue CuAai~vg oua~.m~

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