Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1927, p. 2

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- ~-- £' L ~tW hinielf and the, t own, being h CaUUIW IRpwL elevation «to the wardenhp. nTh op was expressed that- he would live t iuedfrom ~ 1) render to the town many more yeal mied frm page ) 01service in many capacities. h. departnipits of our GviAdeaaISle but, mucli of which, be- GvnAdeàAdSle *~ ~ ~ ~ b inchaace, mýTe principal évent of the èvenin d in -gharate, a waà h peet te tMr. Jagckso The months have delar- by, Secretary Wm. Harden, Of t] [nuance of that splendid Bateayers' ýAssociation, of *a beatl ;h wbich the two cure sfut tray .laden. wit h. sets- of silvi regatin cinie nto union knives, forks and-spoons, the gift e sreans ninledreadily. members of the Association and mail ng on as one placid river friends., A box containing roses,.ti re has beén no larg addi: gft of the mayor :and council of t] nembership of this ehurch City of Oshawa, was aiso presente, bere has been a healthy aCOmpanUed, by a. neatly engrosm he spiritual life cof the address which was read by Mir Ha oth appointments. The den, and acceptedby the guest of ho ols have been welf m- or arnid.cheersz and. the1 singing1 ifui officers, and teachers,. "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." T mne effective work; whileý address, bearing the signatures of People's League bas dis- xersons, was as follows: ni spirit of 'enduring.ser- .! Whitby;.Ont., April 22, 19, st creditable resui.ts. The To Albert:W. Jàckson,. Woman's Mfsionary So- Reeve of the .Town of. Whitby, its thorough organization, and Warden of Ontario County. onderful; and -the Ladies' Degr. Friend *j swthpriu 1the best year Of its bis-, pleasure that your frIends of t congregations have been South- Ward, togethçtr with olda hout the year; and mostý quaintances df:inany years' standii i.bas hoan v.ndereid hv the 'from other1 sections of the -town a - - the county, gather this evening t ecx- regret to have te record the press te you'their gratification. upox Fnine isembers cf cur. chure 'i the signal boxer that, bas been confer- lie year, but we ejoice te, be- red upon you, ix youmr election ' te the1 at every one cf theni was tri- impo rtant -office cf warden cf the1 t, ix deatis. * Ceunty. cf Ontarie. -hurdi holds hem warFant for r whole life tirne hisa been spent ýe in that site prove.lerself cf lin' the Town cf Whitby. Ne .feel, 1service te mankixd, sud, a therefoîe, that it is an exceptionaity )f uplift te sinfut men. Titis fine recgnition cf y>urlongc1 e s a Christlike membemsbip. . t of public service tisat you should be ýded that "He -went about de- elected te represent. your fellow citi.- ýd," that "He went'up into a zens upon the Ceunty, Council,, and in n te pay," and that "HeW addition be placedIn tise presiding cf-;, ýs one having autlierity." Je- ficeecf that body. It is -a fittinig tes- s cm, example. Tlfrougli sin . tintkony te the :fact that yeur feilow" otion te iIim we may acquire citizens, bave well and tmuly weigbed Lrituat strengtit equired te the long ýrecord -of yeum activities in needy humanity. The needs this town andoouufty, and have placed wonId censtitute a clit te ser- the golden seat cof their approval up- 4ay al His followers respond on ItL Y! * * *We, ,thereforewho ceuni curseives istor's statistical report shiow- axncng youm friexds, have takeit this ýptisms, 14 mariiagqp, 26 hum- means cf expressing te you cur pleas- 1050 pastoral catis. . ume at the licitr wbich bas been done nts ralsed by the varicus or- ycu. We rejeice that you bave crowit- ens during thse yeam were'as ed -a long caeer cf useful service byrý Wemai's Missienamy Society, bringing te ,the Town cf Whitby an Mission Circle, $46831; Mis- honor whiclýt iÏ bas neothad fer thity Lnd, $18179; Sunday Sclioot yeams, an ishonor neý less 'desemved by y) $457.47; Men's Bible lass, yeuùrself than by.tise tewit which yeu 7; Suriday Scitool (AlmOnds) 0; Young People's League, ; Young People's League,'(AI- s) $4250; subsctiptiens te mis- ix League at Almontds, $60.0Q; s' Aid (Witby)-$120La Aid, (Almnoids) $11350; choir a2. Kt week thte Gazette and Glimon- rutl deai furtber witli the annuai ýng, as tirne and space wUt net t sanie, ix tbis issue. ior Store Not Considered (Continued from page 1) Lis district. This will be dône e May 1 on *hich day tise Gev- ent Control tiquer Commission take over the "dispensaries",, ibave been oprating under the L. These vendors ,will bee- d a nd i n pectoms who have es- lied red fer duty and service be take, on the staff, cf thte Pro- al Polieý Many Seek Posts îplicatiens stili continue' te pôur the comnllssioiters freni ail parts [e province for alkidnds cf jobs. applications, which new number tha-it 10,000, are being daiiy. ad- ;o by about 100 new aspirants.' Given Warden Centinued froni page 1) P. for Ontario ridixg; ex-mayer tacey, ex-warden Fraunk L. Ma- ri several others. Froni W. E.ý lair, KC., Liberat leader, came c f 'regret that lie was unable te other engage-ments, te ha, on sucli an occasion; ,froni 'ni. Smilth a teleplicie message e that the illnescf bis son bd his preÎénoe atthe. feasi; )r. James Moore, Broeklin, ,a was rend regrettîng that lie aot conie owlxg te having te& s physiclan; alho tettersý from: J. Swansen and J. A. McGlb- io were prevented freni cnxig te tise Conservative convention awg c<hming on tise Éame day. <s of Whitby Town Councfi, the of Education, Public Utility salon sud cf the Ccunty Ceuxn- te also in tise gathemung.-' platform cf the hall hiad beei 'uty decorated wth flowersand 'or the occasion, and te enliven Deeodings, the servces cf Har- eyd, weit known Torontoe singer itertaixer, were obtaixed) snd, s te say, lie fitled the bll te the etion of aIl. Bis numbers [te, have' been chesen fer the o, and he was muchin i demand hout thse evening. He bad as a ble aceempaniat Mn. James Purpose-'f Gathering president et thse Seuth Ward ýyIn Association, Seymour y, was in thse chair, and ne per- thse audience coud have filled, osttiçubtter. In a brie! ad- e éxpWaIed *bat the kathseri m-fold 1Initg purpose-first. te an IntaimaIt la the wozk of thse "Reembr- away, This lauAdry introduced the "semi-finished" method -,-o family washing to Toronto housewives? And'later,- more 'recently-the 24-hoem, "sàuper-speed" service, taken to-day and backto your home first- thing tomnorrow -mcm- ing? These two distinctly Toronto achievements by this laundry have done much to iniprove living' conditions '£*or householders i ii ihis city- 'T13y am 'v.5ty reasona'*b, priced anid.we know you X.il be delighted. from thëe mo- ment you phone 'us., P'hone 21 Wo.K.-Cooke. WHITBY EONICE li- 'er h You Zmusf try RED -ROSI Id PEKOE. A ;iîttie -higher pri, teas, but'a real difference* in- Ofi packedin ii Iuin4 bel )RANGE' han other' lity, -Now, have Ioved- and' se faithfuily semvd the gcod old town of htb whic Mey we ask- you te accept'bis gift- bad not bad th~e honor for 30. yeams. as a very slight token cf dur un- WhateVer -suef lihe liad attained in bounded esteem and respect for you. life, snd whatever service lie had been We trust. that tume may deat kindly privileged to eédr te the town was- witli you, and that it may be.-youm lot due in large measure 1te the -loyal sup- tô live- and carry on- your activities port cf bisfriends, snd inte the yeams among us-for many years te corne., that might reniait he would carry that Sigxed, on behlaf cf ycum friends and spirit cf. service, willing at ail times to.' admirers.* do what lieé could for the town as a The' Warden's Reply commty amiÏ, citizens individually. This was a, mmn.n i ie Deeply moved, Mm. Jâkson-found ad1oe, màf- 1 ongmetinbis lfe it difficuit te express himself. Hel had adct htr2dln eanwt heard that a gatheing liad beeliplan- OhrSekr ned. in is'ý houer in- the old South OirSekr ambt te'ive ulioeswr Other speakers duing the eveninig a. genuine surprise , aAd gifts te ýbe, weme -E-Mayor JohnStcycfs- cheisbed by humi for maxy years. mis*e awa; 'Dm. T. Z. Kaiseir, M.P. for On-1 evening it- seemed, was a fitting ci7-'jtarie riding, 4?%nk L. Mason, 0sit- max te the . appmeoacing end cf -bis awg; Mayor,J.- *. Batenjan,ý ex-meeve municipal career. It was true, as bas jFe oe fEs hty r hs been pointed eout by the president and F.MGilvyA1'Laeal-c ethers, that lie had spent mcst cf bis whom contira ated*'Mr. Jackson on life in Wbitby, ndit was*only nuturalfthe honior that -rd corne te hi as that while he had tied te serve evemY warden cf 'the ebunty, and- referred te part cf thse town alike during bis mu- the.high esteeni in which he was held nicipal career, lis. heart was in th e oid by. the citizens of bis towx. South Ward wheme he spent bis -happy Dr. T. E. Kaisem's address was a boyhocd days snd youxg nmanhocd. -masterpiece and -.featurýe cf' thée even- Every time lihe came over the -bridge,j ing. ft was a, great patiotice ff6trt, thse air seemed just a little- more free stmessing the fact tisatishe success ati- tita n ixtise est of 'tisetowx. He lad many friends ix Port Whitby wbo had always placed their infd nce ihm and- had given him strcng support onj many 'an occasion ut the polis, and it & u L X was- a * pleasure te see mnany.cf them NATUE S 'W AY FOR SURE preselit. After manyyeams cf stiv- ]RLIE FRMts ixg lie liad attained tli& coveted p*os- C N TP IO tien cf warden cf the- county, and hem ,%as glad. net only. for 'biiniself but for 25e and Sft at drudglsts rR. up~1 BAA~~ ~ p "i I~-> n t- ~ AMONG the innumemable.adyant ages of using the services cf the Stand - ard Bankto makey.our collections by draft,-is the -efficient ppËmptnes BAKIGwith which you may, clQsé tral" <Iof-ins Owngtoe.-eptiona11y.1avcr9- ir angements with oui various :;Wets, YM we -ame able- te haundje ;-ieeetlb atý minimum rates'* ýthrýough c'0ur exclusve connectiollu. STANDARDB-ANK -WH --- ITBY -BRANCH--C. A. ?vlcCellan, Maager Brancheg ai»o at BIowmanle, Bftokfln, Oshaw, P"&Mieng 50 miles*-per hour 5.S-25 1milin 8seconds.. <Jhecnly fulI szd car inwte wordIQ t.hat gives th.se va lueathsIw price-Q FuPiUSizëed- Sturdy Construction With- Ample plush upholsery. ChryýsIer sirns and beauty of iùi nd coor., Full balloon irç&. Low.swn bodies. Spèial spring fro)nteniemung TeungC 1411045;op$045;RPoadator$1045(humbleSeo t ube) Casss $080;Sedn $150jLandulSd$au20;s amins OMM*t Ispr aenuL Jbowgmeit là$ ,eo..mt.q ua a.deFadsa, "- *l~ deries 1mpat.a#.uredM7~-.f n aiu t7l'1 r I -I tained by Great, Britain as the great- e-st nÉation -the wcrld had ever s een was. founded -on the, principles. of just:- ice exemnpllfied whemevem the British fiag held swây, also hem grTeat ideals and sense of fair play. Following the speeches lHarvey: Lloyd again made his appearance and led in.coimunity singing -in. which alil joined'.heartlly. Refreshments wereji semved and William Ellis came- bèfore1 the footlights to sing an Irish songl for which he is noted. "kArt" Lawler' rendered one of his favorites., S.George'sDay. (Continued from page- 1) child, in -his father's burniýig rectory, and.so.sure was lis, good,'father that! the, child wol be destroyed- he com-. mitted the child's soul to God:i but the child was saved, ànd becanie the. lead-' er of, the -l8th century rëvival, perhaps the greatest revival, the w*orld ýever; .saw.,Wh.o could then see thermighty P ossibilities--in that chi!ld's life?ý chicks cost: to lakmuch to lose b'y l ck are azid proper feed. White D iarrhoea and 6ther chick 'diseases1 prevented by. feeding Pratts Baby Chick Food. It saves millions and insures healthy fàst-growing chicks and eaýrly-laying pullets. Buy the best. Baby chickiFood PRnLT FOO Of1CND if, ZSCrlaw Ave. .Toronto ..V TAXISERVICE Closed 'Cars. Licensed- Driveres. Prompt Service. PhoneHall's 330- REPAIRS CARS WASH mi, R.S.- Garag Dundas. St. West Next door: to Whitby Hlouse No physical defeet contributes ,more. directly to fatigue and in-' efficiency thanfaut vision. Have your eyýes exaie d NOW. -54 ]Disney Block, Opposite!P. O. Phone, 1516, Oshawa DoYouý Want to * Provide fer your depend-. eitts inx-case cf yurdeath? Establish a ,funàd for your. cbildg' educatiôn? Guarantee payment of 'a mortgage. on, your home? Provde additionalbcur sity fer yeur business?. rode a pendio for yu old age? Itwl bc a Picae ipTC l .yen about .the1. conveient svay ini w"uih i mIuTIcC Witteable you gto do Mny of 'th' ~tng W. J H. Riharsoli CýUT -DOWN fC YOUR FUEL El8 SIf you bùy the DEST coal, you use LES Is something that everyone k-nows from e) saving- of- this kçind means more to you thi lowerprice on an inferior fuel. I Wi1I flot offer my. customers â2nyting and it wil always be at a price thatUis fairi ForRELenoy and satisfaction, D. L. & W.- Coal and Hamilton By-Product John tMcCleIlai Cor. Brock & Dunlop;- Phones-OffIce, 397, House 396 FIRE La W.e IZW»LE General Insurance Whîtby, Ont. DISTRICT REPRESENTAT The Mutual ;hie Assurance Co PURELY, MUTUAL. NO STO( Profits Alloted to Policyholders A Ail Latest Features. Total 1 Double Face of Policy if Accidenta IF INSURANCIÈ SEE DurI h R N ý, Pa inter and D4 West cf Tod's Store Wallpaper, in, VELI 3eccrat nStocl Phone 404 AI -k CHIlROPRACTICY DIJRWIN'E. STECKÇLEY I Honor- Graduate 1 Ontario College of, IE Chirop ractuc. Al in Residenitial calîs In .Wiùtby, Brook- 'tu. Arri lin, and surrounding district, Monday, made at and Thursday fo'renoons. reasonal 86Write or Phone 224 8 ice6t NOshawa L. H.;IULLINGW PAINTER ÀANb: DECOR.ATOià Inteniow .Decorating a Specialty Opposite Royal Hotel Cf GEO@S KEIL Painte r and'Paper Hanger Wàil Papera in Stock Estihates fe. Phone 851 w. E. J. SHILEY Veterlinary àûrgeon lionoriry Graduate o! the Ontarlo Veterixýary College.'- Al diu.aa.a c Domeatie Animal», scientiftlly treat- 74 King St. W, O"bWa, Ont. Tefrikom m Ail izsla . & W. An thracite Goal ON HAND. Also OTc6Nut Co.ko. POTWHITBV I ICHOLSON & SELDON UNDERTAKERSI EYES ,EXAM IMED iBy TUiE MvosI MýODERN METHOS GLASS EYES FITTED. MONM N. W. GRANITE AN . KjiinstGn-I Caiand lieuse. Money1 Bamister, Slic Court, Notery 1WHI Office-Dundas Publ AnnéesBlock, 0 DIL Phy, Rej Cor. Brock F. Es Lüke, pand 161 Yonge* St. (upetairs) TORONTO «ippoute Sixnpsn's> ,mTe DoUble Track Rout* Betwem MONTREAL TORNfTOl DETROIT * * amdCHICAGOt Unexcelled 'dining car nàrvle& . Sleepiagc j.oRnight trains.and ,ma$er cars it au.piaipgd day train&. Fui inforpiation frein any Grand1 Trnk Thke Agent or W. J. 'MofTati, DititPaxeniger gemt. Toronto BYRON S J.F. REYN Office Heurs- Phone 294 Pa bal id ýoui atic s0; Bar hiy fis m»MrA 1 1 , 3 -

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