Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1927, p. 3

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'Uf. Otk. 1927 TE! GAZM~E AND'CHONICLE Uiebs ««oY Tbuxud&Ymesiflg.Th ubsoiptlo à $10 a yur ina mvaa.; PJa ;t7o, tmabàm«n tii. Unitd Stat. eà mOtIir ---- cotrieLTi 0 W"li tii u baoeitfuminUPsu wa uicaou the a labeL )YJMTISING RAT -Traseut, ll aud Ile lsn ,1 . r Uine firg mt i lm ;80- por lim 'mb-, tu for coutrmct space advurtamemta m. mw Âuocatl. C. A. GOOODPELLOW & BON, Pubblms VHITBY, WHURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 192 7 NG WH1TBY A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE ýIN. ,e fact that good houses- are ini constant demiand' itby, and more particularly'tbis spring, as noted ýher column, also that there are f ew houses'avail- i-day for rent, indicates that whîle there is- no and notbing iu siglit at present -to promote one, )y is stili holding its own .as an ideaIl town -in 4-' ,o- long as Whitby is on the* Provincial Highway. oôn nain. lne of -boti transcontiniental railways, and poôs- scheap powef-and ail modern lmprQvemenits tiat make living worth while, therý need be îno fear, slump in locial property values. t i true that tise tax rate is somevAýjk high, "but flot nearly as high as in many other. places whÇre nd 50 xsiis l considered ,erfectlylegitlmate for' g care of muicipal requirements. Chere should always be a healthy demand for good es for botis purchasing and reniting. and, as isas polnted. out more than onve lu these columns, wi 'ths dle effort on tise part of tise Coiscil manypeople in Oshawa and in tise city'coud be induced to cto Witby, look the town. over,- leartis of its ad- ages, and pêrhaps decide to locate here. he citizens of Whitby' too, must have faithi their i, The "noting good can corne out of Nazareth" ade which seems to be,,so muchin. é vidence lu is of Whitby's sze, must be, abolishèd. T ise small WHITBI Cj~.IT~ method NMa to '.sell" the, space, collect the money in i advance. and depart for parts unknown. He was, appre- hended at Bradford, a nmail vilage,* where lie got , his~ just- deserts. The moral of thia incident la isthit businss nmin cannot do better than iise the legitimate and well1 tried meana of advertisig through the pres. A PERMANENT MÉMORIAL. To the Whintby-Horticultural Society has been en- tsted the important task of securing sitable trees, to be planted in some purt of-hie town where 'they are needed, a&-a permanent. memorial of thse Jubiléee-of Con- federation, whieh 'wtll be celebrated in Whitby. on July Uie moumtains ame - Theý Is it al true ail California? No, moonshine.. How4 denied that Natux mood when she- 1 share. On arriving lier February aS&d months. of the ye! only so but thaàt 1 unusually off. lUi theless, this- is as tops at- ie sunshine in &f the talk .is it canuoýt Se ;in a friendly California -her were told that Mre flue off msnïlne, pot 'ear, they were star! - Never- Swe, found it. 1 st. wnen tnîs uoea was nirst suggestea to th E xecu-Dybydycntinadwetr tiecommittee it met with unanimous approval;, and weeruha e*uld fixid them at' now that it la to be, caxrred, out it is to be hoped that home, in May withl Some June days- the private citizens as Well as the Society will do likewise, trw u fte~u-is shining beàutifying and enhanclng the value of their properties which it has done most of thse tie,' and doing somthing to beaùtify the 'town as well. 'The you. will find it ze warm much of cost of -trees is« very littie, bui~ their. monetary value, when the day (1----n UV2OÈOb. andi March), they are growxl cannot be estimated. . but if cloudy -your will need wraps; these you wiIl need- in. the morning and eveuings alwaYse. EdtolaNte.the coolness and oS-eeeds3to bewel1.ý ________blanketed te- be coznfortable. -No, it ile Cuncl as nacedtha Daligt avlg lmehas not frozen, and jw.e wonder thatl 'theCounil hs enctedthatDayfght.Savig ti e au be so cool and yet not freeze. > salstart in Whitby next Sunday at 1. a.m. D]on't for-, hytl seeyhr ht"h get to.-move7 the élock ahead one' hour before retirlng jei es ami uner- but not- Satrdy gh. ~ ~ .,.oppressive, th -is la aoudted..for be- O * cause the: air is free from any huxnid- The idea of inviting such -former Whitby boys asity-the'uights gZrli ys cool. Sir H-ansar -Greenwood and James Houlden to take part nedO Ieole, bdnsomèw 1 1 he o is W-hitby's Confederation-,Jubile celebration isa goodnedohaybuesoeratie one, and. it is to be hoped that both, gentlemen w brcing imkeetvryejoal accept.- Probabilities for sum.mer-no raî, * * *seldom high wlud$, always. thunder .The-schools re-opened on Monday for the .last lap in andLlighnug . the present school term., Mucli work is, ahead of the ~CanaWda scholars in al .schiools during. the next six weeks. Does the U. S. A. kuoW Canada? * * *Dou't forget it, .CïiMfôrnians do!, We Newmarket Era:-"The Toronto brewery books hhaveav hdth peaansie also, o goslp turned u~p and it transpires that a- contribution -of $2 5, ping wtherosrm ayohr 000wasmad attis lat povicia elctin t eîct tates and always. teëY SP.eak.of Can- 000wasmad a"th.làt povicia elctin t elct da.in(the most. frieudly. way. "Fine "wet'"' candidates. Tisais the opposition tise- temperance peope-gret outr-wonderful re- people have to figlt.- sources-beautiful scenerY" (they cer- * * * *tainly grow eloquent over Lake Louise,: Out in North. Dakota it is proposed to revoke licefi-Bniadotescicpns)"N, ses of al- motorîsts convicted. of driving while itox- they* say, "Weý do't. need any wire. ce tw û - CàËâa ttnd Il S. A." n -8 cmmgbak ito tsoWf ~ iseoplun'>~ca~dandto iv poer ~ isejudes ndmagstrte tie srfa. ou an is y who see'.tie trend of events intise ligist Of û-to proiit sucispersous fromidrlviing an automobile'fo cr ubig taÇud u .S transportation facilities.. But lutise, final. aialysis, a period of,.two Years. . "This, " says tise Barýrie .Exam'- ought àto be -on MZ6tWhi ' o? if )V antrs i rtisaistise faitis and ideals Ofie, > 'oudb drastic. treatmt but -noue too* severe V.. s. coula haveCnd'fo ha Citizens. for drunken drivera wlso menace tise safety of *those -and minerais; Meüco for oual, tise_ ungth ise ay. would lndeed find 7themselves wel 'rnr IDAL CTIZN -clothéd. An ~ itizn, ~ s tse OhawaReformer, ise Tise -City, Solicitor: of .Osisawa bas been ,asked by t e t hl esn,"ieMpeLa An idal ctize,, sys te Otise Forever" let us be glad we have sucis wiosees clearly and ever sometising good is bis Cuicl oluetigate a reported. decrease lu tise pop- good ue!glbors-b4ý of our boe and Dd t or town and neyer loses tise-opportunito spread1 ulation: of 'Whltby of 800; becamise tise, matter -bas fi? flesi of our flesi. ,. Children, cousins, t good news abroad tlhat others uiîglit derive tisepraneiiscnetowthteamutiectyasans duce allvhee to tise Céunty of Ontariofor administration "of justice ueoa2B r efits iserefrom; whose nselfisisuesa pýrompts hlm todu o 2Bùn it otisers to sisare opportunities, healtis and pleasures adoie cons iect oilo fOiaawl Every"here, appareutly, more and 3 Burn< du his home town offers. ~find on luvestigation tisat tisée bas been no .decrease mr s eu petfreufoa Loyalty la the first requlalte for -tise ideal citizen Tise lns population-lu Whitby for, a number of years. As a purposes. Hete, neafly-one-haif. of al 4, Burn( e for the'. place ansd bis iseiglibor Swbich is dlmisses1 matter of' fact, an increase was teported in 1926, and a. taxes goes for sehool purposes . thugito sifineea o olcyan eslvsitself veW asmali decrease in 1927; but it was notising like Tise boys and girls, of to-day have - Us kowede fduy isn edoes all l is 800. exceptioually fine' achoQi avnae wer to make tise city or town a better place lu. wiich1 * * *(Côntinue4 onspge6 Le.This l is ow the- mercisauts of- Milton undertake to____ Tisere ere three distinct àttitudes wlicis a citizen May promote -a-frlendly spirit among tise farmlng çommunty .mmetowrd isepîaç i~ whcisl lIes, Wicisfur- surrouanding tiseir town., and tise idea is one ihat could hes him food, siselter and association for iùself ýànd 'be dbteb ee to iily,-to boost. te remain quiet,.or to..nock. TIle * Dt igtist slchare detise hwome ctowu M laevr milton, ont., April 11l.-_Tise Business Men's As- md atn ti fr duhhen a n m ovemn aluscle ocanlas divided tise surroundlng country luto dis- ~l Icismiglt tnd t tie adancmenit-of tise lterest tricts -and from tiuie to lime will entertain tsfamr ise omitY.Wnd eo ters se dakly to hlm good of eacis district at a banquet and eucisre party, tisus ro- visbleat il ime. -Tie qietcitzenla atsfied to nsting an everlasting f4ieidly feelingbeentie - visbe ne lbrd iewr n otn oluI1 tiseisessmens lis Milton and tise faemers wiso are among cnuiyalep and let it test. Tise knockr la tise teirI-eat custonsers. LIt lookelkeaseniidaan Lfl wioy la wliotaeonty is ano roo m for is -alreary sisowing- resulta. Tise farmers of Mountain n anywisere, his presence dampens tise entisusiastn ofl Vlew district wVho. were give a banque thd uhre ,ery mais or group of menwiso unfortuflateîY come partyliere have extended a returis invitation t h ui contact viltis hlm. Maving no faitishu.inhs ovin ai-ns e r togo orwrd, ie atually lacks.f altis'in lishome* * * * iYo o f have tise haeto eogt nyoeo ie iesgi ic fCnaasJbleYear is keenly j n to doso.Thsiecc oCa ree class es. fcohae abotr or iglbof appreciated by the Old Country, if-oemyjdefo t eif and arelboost ou. 4youre lned oern s- wbicis have. falIen froni- tise.stald and self- siW containedrepectator.That journal, wisose loyalty to îtis tise quiet clasa, you 'Wll not breaddoe ' '-mdeducationl standards la not' opento questioni,ils -- te other, for tise mais wio selecta 10 steer .tieopnintititheiprtntfr the British.scisool- iddleof tfhthepinron thgets notsuppot from estise dddn frtenteya e a nockerpetredy tobo y toknow sometbing of tisehisfory of Canaea even -,unortuatel youareat tise Cost Of neglecting «tise Pelopenhesianvwar. Tisere ocefreventually it is coming to ýyou.. As youca icedblttedu httserol. of tise self-, ve, so will it be meted out to YOu. governing Domnions. 15 one of the* Most'. conspicuous - pisenomena luintisehe volution of Society lu recent years AFAKER GET S IS DsSERTS f-Ifthe Britisis scisool boy lai to. acquire. a real working A mai whodefrudedseveral BeavertonIs erdhants kiowledge"of tise Empire as an organlc wsli b )y selling tisem advertising on a fake stage aScreen la viously will flot do to treat ther o 81, forEngaple 0W ~ ~ ~ ~t dou w rar uts ef or matory. Not only lu as a mere accidentaI ide issueoftsbstrofngad Levrofl bungt uoier n s i hsmn ~~ a Suds of tise"eat Dominions lias a i!oryof its own toe ino be a good d ~t artfe an So"-en whe were bto take geof wliat whlciscan no onger be'regarded.as a.serles of incidet Ro~ avertxiisgpropoitio. Thse faker àsim theç tale. of Britiis seafaring and dWsovery. Lý. ni'. <1»Ls Angeles, Clffornia,- keeps his paper full of friendly news, ,AllfhI.Dear Mr. Edtor,-We are sendlig net afraid:to tase 'a clear cut stand you, a few Unes wmhi, if of- any use teon the moral issues of, the day.- y0e we shall be -peased te have- you we thanis you for your Spacé. 'Wý .0maf'nl »n A i VeUs - U(ChiW K, S/ The fojowii letter was jntended rt publication last week, but bad to e held over until tuas issue. Mr.'and Eng. Thompson ini the me Pti hve eturnd, to Whltby, after spen<ýIng àe last twa montha in California., We ar haviug a WOnderfÏul time but o uspt f that we very often,,thâ ~Of home. -We ois forwvard.vryea. r ly each wee'k te ou' tews paperOfj -whicli we are al se proud. [t la in- deed a splendid t"igfor our, town te have &.4.paper edited bi a a nuwho Applications Fer The Position etf OuIF CONSTABL TOWN 0F WMITBY3 thse pQstien of Chlief Ceusaabije fer tise in be -remeved untl n o on$aturda.y,.,Aprîl ions Mllap- 'acr of thse Wny marked STORE HO IRS Opýen -. .7.3q Exceet: Saturdays WhitbyO t The F. J. Mci Hardware THEl MOSI -:SENSAJIONAI 011 SE! -EVER ANNOUNC-E ,. J--Mclntyrewillallow $%5000 For any 0OU Stove Regardless of It's condition, on the new-DetroiîtVapor.*or,,Nescô> Oil Stove on our Floor. m that the prices as, advertised below are unheatable. THE, WORLD'S .GREATEST WICK BIJRNTNG I .OIL STOVE I J 'juriuc un wP E xrFE CTU îîî SQ we bought a 1esco Perfect 0i1 Cook Sto ve. Since theni our fuel bis have been cutin half." That's what one owner wroteabout her Nesco Perfect, becaù'se. one 'g-allon o f o011 will supply one burner for'twenty-five hours. A few'-cenits- a day is ah ki costs to prepare three meçals. You' really cannot afford to deny .1 -, --A ~ -Corne in for Demonstration $OOfrom these prices if you have an oid oil stove té trade in: er.................$20.75 .e . .. . .. . $2650 ..... ... ....$2,50 Burns -Sëe the - pera- Li for C"T NOW-THIS OFFER WILL BE WITHDRA ;atî r NOWLEDGE, Skil., Equip- 9 ( e nt andO rganization' ýl% forin a combinaÏtion Of Strength that stands back of ,every: 1 New Star Cars The Coupýe is: no exception- and, like its fellow-members of theNew# Sar Car fniy, k tgiVes of the beSt because k lias.. es t gve!ý Tlie New StarÉCardelivers* more e, r- Motors of can aiým Zde iles of satisf action per dollar than anyother automobile in the world because it possesses a quai- ity that' c annot be purchased in an y 1other automobile at or nearits pr~ice. Surprisingly low maintenance costs result from.the emnployment of quâlity materials skilfully de- signed to operate at ma ximum, efficiencyr. - Canada, Lim'ited ~rô -.The1 -- 'Red S Contl, -Full Press Mo rse Sul Whirlwim Locomoti Cold'Rivett Super-Seýr -Therm-ostat Cooli And Other Nation-wide cage by way -of tise Sauta Fe ré.iroad, missing by a very few days one of tise worst storuXa and flooda cf twenty-five years.- -Frein Chicag .o,'a Il tisé way, we were waited on by the saine gentleman, a man of. clored sisin. Row wel he did hià works we shaU isot soon forget. Neyer tee , much sald but' always ,sO ready sand wllingl ýte help>. When he gave us ,tiselast teucis,,we, ieeked at hlm and.said, "You and I are net tise, saine cler,: but youre a gentlema'lN"!e itold tise 'trutis-and were rewarded by bi set friendly amibe and almoat sobbing, -"Sir, I thianis yeuY.! Thse Grand Canyon In oemhg-te Calfer aif it la po aible (bythis w e'de net mean con- let h e te otse eGràudC yen. When- yeu bave seen la y»u be quite safe iii saylug that yquz beheld one of Natures.gre net lier, groeato ral s i~Itth etask of the SH evrwe ungt b. e, n a ay tha--t lalaovrtçwo ,hundk« 1long; about ten miles wi4e,ýuj deep; Here the o'l aa&ying "tjsert hollow withouzt -a' hm" a is is tremendoua gorge, I *~~ NE TAR'K- ~rso0rt gfthe fOwPr, 'S for theo New Star Six and Four Cyllnder Cars for Darllngton Sales,9 Bond Street 7Ost Jeet- Ph nes 533, 172 and 457,O ""Apý "'If- Seîlvi . ce Coueils We - Win 1 1 orner. cn 4057. -'1 ....................... ... ............ zi

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