Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1927, p. 5

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19i7 j1~~~~~ LAV l A1U. 9th. WHITBY GAZE'ITE AMD Dîaoonds-. If you are planIingý the purchase of a Dlamond Ring eor yourself. orthe En-ý gagement Ring or' Weddlng Ring, we Invite you to cornie in and consuit us. Your purchase of a Diamond from us Us t h e assurance' of buylng the best.ý, Our Diamonds are' ail1 set ln beautif .ul mountings end the selection Is f ronm the, Iatest designs. J. m. Hicks, JEWELER Flrat Class Watch Repaléri BROOK STREET Iii HONRE BY RGIMNT ..*WATED-Clerk for grocery store. CROUSF-UAWLEY WHITBY FOLK .B Vtt geprec,-fay n a-'n. Saturday. aftepOOn,. at St. _________.Y The, following fr'omn .Sturday's is- Saeaeeprece fatadsl su0fteTrot lb à refer ary expeted. Psition permanent if Géorge's Rectory, O a0 he wedd- ence to a former brilliant pupil ofstsftry Apl't Bo 44fin eeinywss dofE-W4T 1 PD (OO ,TIAT J0 S.E Whtb HghSehool, who will lbè hiby. . - e1nHawley, fBw vle ag- ~ C~MlT E 46 il AN 'S A PA mernbered by quite'a few citizens: Gtro r adMs&*rHaly . UiiT r4U BRiv SR.EAK$ T o "The regular parade of! the 48thSTADRWSPEB EIA Whitby, to MÉ. Miltou ,_crýuse, of Tor- -ro t-% Hihlner, ed as ight, under the CHiURCH - onto. The cereinony was performed command of Lleut-Col. -& R Marshall, Rev. John iàndsay, Pastor by -the Rev. Canon dePencier The PIC4DF.f~~. .MD.S.O., was the occasion for' Sunday May 'lst (Dnylight Savigyug opewre u4attended. the régiment bidding good-bye to its Tie) senior, warrant officer, egt-ajor il. a.m.-TÉhe Gardener. 1,., Dehart.-.3 p.m.-Sabbath School and, Bible. SALE RE1 MSER rmenit'nearly 17 yearsago, a.nd weflt 7 p.m.---Our Account Wit14 God. Sàudy ay 7th,127Acto overseas with the lSth.Battalion.o! Monday, 8 p.m.-An open meeting1 sale of farm, farm imjilements, house- the'48thi early in the Créai, War and of thýe YoungPeople's Society.- Rev holef eles t. h rpryo was a prisoner in Germany- for. three Robt. J. Koffend, of Evangel Hall, Wili the, late Peter A. Parrott, will hbe sold yars. Expressions of regret-at hisgv a llustrated lecture. A hearty.a ot1 Con. 2, .Reach Township. Sl rtrmn- e voiced by the- coin- weleome is extenided7to ail. atoeococ.W .Mrqi,,u-We help'.:you tahe care of the baby. Standard s ;toèk goods A retirement were ~~tioneer. a l,. tt mnilgofie adother ofcesof1-.-Wensay ay4-Acio-al fmodeÉate prices. nousebotu ,nelps that imas-e homne- D 'Sai thSeiet prseiato fo a BÂPTIST.CHURCR hus . ~~~ f keéeping mor pleasurable. Candies of exceillec...W ranJk wllbe made to Sergt-Major Snay ayht,127 Ms. Jas. Aston,,ath,,ropertyHf, _______. Délhait lnthe near'future. A large! . a s,12 r.Js shoa 1rl ayes'_____ turnut ! al raks as n paade 10 Daylight Sa*ing Time farmi, one mile northa of' Columbus.*WiyJc..2 - io-m.-Bible'selipol. "The Danger Sale :at 1l.30 sharp. See bis. Wmn.byhsontyfpupeisaer Lae p.Snaiîeur ST. JO! udenTepttiPs"0ilweçoe.Ma, ucioee. ence to principle, and.- bis exemplary days only for Toronto, instead of 7.33 or todeî: .JOIN'S ORTWHITX i a.m.-Morning worship. Se-r- Eto-Rev. D. B. Langford .mon, "The Value o . ie nohsflo men. The floî 1 .... . ctr foi'F S Maay yMy st-t yigt avng pm-Evnigë wrripnSrmn, EAwo0FFRNCI SOT t thretem n hic h ws el OdF-, eFRsANCISndFrdas fr anehth time. . "~~~~~~The Two Covezants."Telregteiga i.uirltiûe rmfins dr etmn ev htyJt .5 .'.Mnudttt Th aggtIiga i uea Mr. Scott issurvived by'his xidowý Port 'Hope (via' Orono) instead of .5 and full iprt 11.a.mh.-Holy'Communion service. Thc ordinance of theLord's Supper odrdylato of kgfinsan ge rbtnGomry fEn~i- . . cam-m 3M *..Illustrated nîissionarY- ad- will be observcd at- thc close -o! the fre rm Osaa e.Helae afmily of Efive:Wi- p.m clinavan dress on India by Mrs. C. H. Wilson,-1 .srvc. nihlo Whitby -Jet. 5.17 a.mi: dailv cttt u eveming sevce ro.ii and Oth2t parts where Fran- liam, of Acme, Alberta;. Frank of Van-: for- Toronto instead of 5.53 a.mi. -t if' am, to the Sunday School and Bible Class. Monday, May- 2nd-Junîor B.Y.PU1.U--i You are ordially:nvited.at 4.30 .m. "TheStory«o Jeevamoni had lived, was evidence of a couver, B.C.; James D.-- Of Winnipeg, ~ Wib e.1.1pm .iv AJIut 7 ý .m -venng .serice.ffewwedby andbllporofitablye sspenýt amonig and Edithà'nd Bessie at hm. ofor Ottawa, iiîstead of 12.18 a.mi. 10th day of p*.Eeig evc.fllwdb1ofbl ridorgms the -people. At lis Ikte .home, 108 D-Edad1id butto é. a-.o. Preacher at 'both. services, the Rec- Senior -B.Y.P.U. at 8 pm oivso tet saa i tr .Thepl ereswr aegof- , AIT trains operated on Eastern si,-he'd \illa tor. -The }~Lord's -Prayer" (I) Speaker- Rev.. F.;,L. Maxwelo.S.Adrws. faTthére Krr Ai- -Standard. Time. . stirrogate Cc FridayApril 9th-4 e 6 p.. The r. J. . Rcynlds. - Chùrch, donducted the' service.' Mn,,. court; William Morrision, Brooklin; ulpriuasfo anda a aj o'a little girlsý of the Junior W.A. invite Thrsday, May 5th. Midweek: ser- ct tional Agents. .i~gvno thirpaens rind t atenon f-rYeranipaie.Toitt rre was bora in NewcstYtnScot- iJames F. Pirie, Wib;J .Gre,.....si it'0ic-1 i the Thentsand avesmoadte'r- Worship." veryoand r e. codialy wýe-land, omJly 48. As a youug'Supérintendent.Motive Power, C.N.R., . ..- eto î îng tThe yaris'î b.ae o exhibit Woion. . come -. - -. ily w'man ofo seventeen le left lis home. and Toronto, and W. E. N. Sinclair, K.G., NTC Otjrtata - . - I ff in Durham cup Abo' .PPî Ohaa In the matter of CReEDIOS '5tte, not THE UJNITED. CHURCH ALL SAINTS' CHÛRCH (Anglican). forty >eaS. g e u1 h sae 0Mi atmy Rev. A. M. Irin Pastor smtig business at Brooklin,. where TRAIN SERVICE CHANGES SUN-.grtFrelis h I ~ AYYltWhitby, w Ciow, deccaszed. tDtda ia.m.-Morning worship. The Pas- ..Hî omno n e for thirty. yea rs lieý carried. on lis AMY 1t 92,acdt 1I aCANADIANoNATIONALanAIL-r Notice. is hereby given that ail per Aii 12. tor. mon. trade lhe hadso wel'l learned as a Cj sons havingNany RaiLs or ;demand7 2.3 pm.SunayScoo a Bbie p.m.-S.S. in Parish, Hall. Bible Young mn bu e er ago cWY ginst' the late Mlargarýet Farrell, Classes. cincuclSbec fsoy st. gave ýup -hisbuýsiness and mov o,, Anuumber of train service changçs. wode -or about tlie, rd day .of t 7 .m-Eenngwoshp.Be. r.Pete'r's.. life." .IOlwa hr ielvduni i il e ade by Cve-adi ationalFébruary,!1927, at the ,said'- Townsýhip Solcto o JulofBrokinUitd hucl, i 7 p.m.-Eve.n prayer and sermon. t et.Riwy nteaoedt. liO! Whitby, in the Jh"oléince of Ontario, preach. I ~~~~Wednesday, 8 p.m.-Service ina Par-At Brooklin, lie, as the village' ev.Wib-c.54 ..di Tuesday, -8 p.m.-Y ung People's jish Hal. baékmih mtthe peopieof the su ____for______il 9Qn :a, piiL ,q: n UT A-W- --A-.A'A o-642 p.m. jOn* Tue'say, (May 3rd) a 3.30 -P, .m., Mrs. R. S. Longley, o! 'ýW. hia, will adress thc W.M.S. Wednesday, 8 p.n.-Prayer nîcet- ing. Tlursday,ý 8 p.mà.-Choir practice. Look! Al the ,Tabernacle services iwill bèi hed on daylight saving. tilme. SALVATION, ARMY ______________ Sunday, May so-l.amHlqes 3 p.m., Sunday School; '7p.m., Salva- and Ivrs. Robt. Tlinpson have t tion- meeting. ,ned home after a most del'ght- Thursday .n Public- meeting hree months' visit in Ca f oriia. You are. invited to, come: and-.Wor- slip witl us. is Gladys Davey spent Monday1.auay My ltARmag oroto ttedin tI sumerSal wil e bld in S. A. store, open- rery openiags. 'le t 10 a'mh ing10an ss Smith aûd famil.y moved, to wa this week, where Mr. Smitb. -nloyed wit h General Motor s.,-.A N UN E E T rs. Geo. Gdbdcen and Mr. A. Baird, -_______________ idland, have becil viiting at the The regular meeting o! the V. 0. N. p of thh. iser .Mrs. Jas. Hoar., beh held in the TIhbxrFv on, Mondav. meets.'et Mrs. M. W.',Cllins, Byron St. PORT WHITBY Owing to a- shortage, o! 'huses iîî Oshawa, buses. at Port Whitby - are bcing taken up readily. . This week1 Mr. 'and' Mrs. -Iavis,,,o! Toronto, moved into . Capt. I-nds' -cottage on Brock St. Mr. Davis las-n positionît with Gencral. Motors, Oshawa.- Mrs. Jamies Is aac, and Mrs. James Willis 'reiweed last week at- tending the funeral of their nephew,i .Geo. Woodlouse, who. dicd in Welles-, ley, Hospital, Toronto, after an opera- 'tion for mastoid. Mrs. Wlliams and daughter, of Simcoe Point, have becs visitine at thc home o! Mr. Goldring.' ýMr. and Mrs. Graham, o! Camp- beilford, have moved to Mr. Northam's- bjhu se. ýMr. Grahlam is employed. at Genera-1 Mtors, Oshawa. 1well, b unt rlie as a social man wbom it wast a re t pcas soireltomet andm t awias -çk l asredton, lis' wortk. iH as ge a redro!,good litratu. He foiloed cret eventso loelan ketin toloe.uli wth Cana- diane and Imprin potcs. 'withraa byan 'cnv iti, hepriisedAitsdoc- trins an was alwasea lyalsupo- prter ofd his p artyanditloylcisup-a prego he '-artasaadPresyterian. wgsÈ deeply interested ini religious m.atters and.was, aregular attendant at churel services. At hi!s 'deccas.e,,le contributed much -to t côcmmunity' luspec tor_-W-anted The Childreni's Aid Society ýof the, County of Ontario require an inspec- to. -Applicants shou1dý give thei iqualifications'and réferences, and also' salary cipected, and, thes e àhould'-be. sent to H. P.. Schell, President, -3 77 Simcoc . Street. north, 0Oýa&a, on or [before May 1lOth, 192 7. I will hoid a Whito Elephanàt Sale. TeMdavt -Ma .3 ici las been ili, but is now recover-I May 2a>d, at 3, o1clock. « J ~1 Reserve Friday, May 6t1, for the i ie ril n Council Chamber. Mr. and Ms Roscoe F. I»wney, of aftrnoo!hm eMrs. tea and sale ofhoe -d terboro, visited with MssMr cooking in thc Coundil Clamber* under u w m nith, Byron Street, during thc E-ast- teusieso!Wme'sIsttue *r,--ii- RIL guit Uefresh. ments. vacation. . ' ' ' pcciai zprices on sho'and larrness1I Tc ts0. HOUSE NOT SOLO repairing. Cols ahSo tre. -______________________________ Th--auction sale o! tIc -Brag prop-' Buy your apr ns' at théc Presbyter-RALET E ty on Brock street sout1 advertised ian Bazaar -in April 29th in Council r Monday evening, did hot material- Chamber. ' 44 ORSAL-COTTAGE WrrH GARAGE,_ . s 3a 'Sl e.Auctioneer Maw was on hand,-ý Visit tIc 5c, 0,1ebo a.teFgood baseiient, furnace' and lectric lights,. A ony a ew wre pésen andIl 1near'station.. Price. $2,800-. Tiernis arrang- i' it oly fe wee prsen an noPresbytcrian Bazaar on,Friday,,April ýed., Apply Manager Dominion Ban' rok ds were- received. - 29th. -4t lin. , ---The Lýadies'. Aid o! the' United i OR RENT- APARTMENT TO RENT,. NATURALIZATIONS GRANTE hrhwi old a Rummag slenni'nvF ilcS pl oE .Bse~ LARGEST.IJSED CAR SALE EVER OFFERED Five applications for naturalizhtion the Council Chamber on ' April 30th, ______I NWIITBY iBritish subjects were favorably bgnigaPi cok OR RENT-HOUSE iT.ApplyT_ W. RSWEKOL nsidered by. Judge Thomipspn Expert sh-oe and harnesseara .Hlet e.30 htu'._f.G't eue r e ounty Court on Monday Afternoon. 1lws - pices,. Collins' rCas a S jho let li 50 hib. fiAt GeatyRdcdPie hywrai£rmOhw. store. . BfUILDING LOT FRSALE-EAST . M ýSMAXWELLS.,-OVERLANDS, -.. . I of Euciid Street, n ear Dundas. about 6Ox70 MCIEVROETS ALFORD IThere* wiîl be -a table of useful arti-. ft. Apply ta G. M. Goodfeilow.- A ESCERLT bý OD A NEW BUS SERVICE STD ne)w bus service between Torontodsa hRlaa~o pil2t.41 FOR NT-ROQOM3& FURNISURD OR UNj Al as ae -been reconditioned and are Lxuaran-. id elevile wa sartd last we-Al - women -interested in, mission'funished. Apýply tYMrs. W. H. Srnith, cor. 'd vU.W ilb lae oarnetm id by S. J. Collacutt, who now oper- work, are invited tohearýMmR.s. ayadEuld -pVmnSad Sr.rsn- a'i xcaw.I tes between Toronto. and Cobourg, Loge !Ws hna;tteWMS ARAGE, TO RENT-i DOORS NORTH, OF. i Lwrh orWhiet on nad see these ndwo a prhae iv ewbsss-meeting-a te nted Clurch on Kingston Highway. on Kent Street. Good Wil ue rt.o ir ui servce. - . . ,May Srd, 3.30 p.m. roadway. J. P. Yule. phone 384. -b arLgaîns.' Moody Atkinson, bavinig taken over WANTED« > - thec teaning, and livery. business o!f MOTEL IMPROVEMENTS, Walter Moore, wishes 'to. annou DCEA ASNTSMLE riade to the Whitby HousePinondeedte.office, 65, - - ceWhthy a 10x0.and Chronicle. usÎ' . Phe, one, '- Telephone 147 rIight Cals 249 or 216w ,gthe enlargement -of the diming57 24. ' ANTED-LAUND-RESS FOR BOUSE 0F -D na tW ib w - m by utiizing what bas been' u i .J ulvn iesed pImbr Wn Refuge; a persan of mature age an&. one ws a sitting room. On ýtIc other ' side 1 ~ ~ pume accustomed to sewing preferred., Also .a i ehllasittin oo o ae aetlnsmith, Brock Street nùorth', Wlut- h osraId. Apfuge.to Dr. J. F. Lavery, ~ ' f' Oite hotel's reeds will be provided.,b.Poe17.~Buec _______________________________ )ther improvements are contem-plated j Càt price in sho n harnessa re- ,1TANTED-WOMAN FOR UIRI' HOL'SE- ' by Manager Lou Bandel. pars Cllns1CshShe tWe.w9rk. ML.sVail, Byron St.. Whitby. -Te ie 1 Sehool nupils.o!St. -Ber- wNrn-OPERATORS * AND CTLE CguArTR Mihl EETING ofnard's Schooî wil present a play, "The gr alaoo power sewing machines. Th H Eo O D (R C RE à -Affairi Steadyeeorkts AppSt.ta Samuel Trees & Go., flai' 8d5 I 46 The reglarmonhlymeeingoxfou2-e-d A.un tarHOEcd 0000eU N -In Castle Chapter that was postponed Bernard's Hall, on Friday- evening, - ivli be held on Monday, May 2nd ir a t."aetfo saaad -ATCE O SALE. bbc ~olege ~,aingRoors. issMr. and Mrs. A. W.. Lynde, wml assist ______________ maxwell au giye a clsas" study o ntcporm di on dla FRSL-GSFOR HATCHINGSN i Hv ou.en h ._ Robert Browning's "My Lost flu chesa" 25c; children f , t gl comb White Leghorn., bred -ta lay' "Memorabilia," "Rabbi Ben Ezre". snd Arthur W. Lynde, Teaeber of Sing- Fta. 5. ver set« i pgon15egs. Applyta "Development. Mrs.Jcko iasoling. Studio corner 'of îp nd i'F .Bh.Xn t.S,-on 2.-.N oya 4Ib t reuder a solo. .centre Sttets.,/Phoue 871, or addrýess..i PF SALE_-CREA#Mý WICKER BABY CAR- -Box 159, Vltby. 58.0; gcrai iicker .,sulkey. $3. COBOURG PRESHYTERIAL M'EET. - - llto be' given away- with 5 or 10 seais from. Whltby was veIl represented-at the j P OR SALE- A McLAUGHLIN-BIUICK, I-MCÈAeN'S INVR'ICIILE PURES BAKING ýPOWD ER Coborg Peabyeria pf ie xîitd AI ua,~Ia* ý qosed car, !la good conito- cheap, Ap- Coburg of C ranaa theatBUn-d 1 'di -U l yat Sî,ruce Villa Inn. -tf. -iSeat in gach, 1 lb. .can. 'ville on Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. H. Rih- -A ardaon, Mm. Wm. Pringle, Mnà. (Dr. s.F%" SALEcndion;R.BABY CAJ'witeIeAGe, .s Bascom, Mns. . A. Hutchison, Mm. FO SWtby 8 IAdron er'Special Lux O a George A, Rosat Miss .Idâ: Mc- ______________________ C1llnMa.Jo. enMisR. 00f ~ FRSÀEFOD SEDAN, IN iPackaes LiR aii J, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O Mice1pdM.Pxerpe- uei LLAU -msodr Trenwtrs e erROGERS' 1881: SILVER TEASPOON &..3 W 'U0Mr . E easOBCorrellgear.new sheil on radiatare, 1927 icense sen.~uOi ~ Chapfor cash. Jos. Vallant, Port WhitbY. Lucilie Baacom,' the Mission- Cirele, - ' - ' . 11 F oÉ.49è sud Marions Osborne, Dorothy 1Hadleyi, MY LISTIN4GS COVER: FOR, SALE-ISEIFER CALF, GQT BY AI aud Kather ine Thonipson,themiBioii pure bred shorthorn bull. Âpply to J..M. - Band. Prom ail branches, ofOiel 30 to 40 fine Residentiai enpoe2l Presbyterisi came mot encouraging Properties lnth T'- o F sALE - Evi IgGS4l ACIO reot.The tresure3b Mn. W M. "' e, Wh te eg % £,from large'eLw e Ibea" poduîngt-anyeS snd, yearing hem. Pringle, of Whltby, repored that thé Whitby, it£u eh"mtd o v«f A .2.5aw Iem mlilgona tobjective of $21,OOO for OeCthd-s e if tthein .Ot ih. w vi Prembyterisi had -beïxceeb . sern8 huu4red dollars, Witby being arc tnterçsted.NO ()F OPG ÇER1S one ofthtie plsces to exeeed Oie sillo-I LOSir AND FOUND OE0 00>GOEUS cation. Thse meeting wslarelyat-~ tsuded. ,Mm P~riugle 'wà A ber W Jakso 1'OUD-LMSKIN DRIVING MIT ON PmgPt flIe'vPhone 47. Treauitrr, sud Mm. Hrry Thomp-1 a- - KasstoEReè&nd, ofest o m. Owner là" sois, Whitby, AssistantI - Pbone--Res. 15, Office 3%5 .bi p-ingfor his vt.Appl IIOLLIDAY S- HAIF FOR GARDENINO TOOLS andl Spades, Rakes, igging I FIowe r and Vegetable Seeds- Renie's, ail standard varieties in 5 FEItTILIZERS and' INSE( Tayioîr-Forbes' farnous "6Woodyatt" Lawn. Mowers, 14, 16, 18 inch widths. Prices range from $9.25 tô $13.50e~ IlPOULTRY FENCE-4, 5 and 6 -e PlOULTIRY NETTINC-1 a ýfrom 18 to 72 inches. FOR RENT-johnson E Electric Vacuum Cb $2.0,0 per day. Phone 25 for Prompt Attet W. A* Holli Beginning with Wed -close eai Lnesday nex ch. Wednes BURNS' CASH GROCETERLU Friday and Sa Pure Cane. Sugar, Special Creamery B BUTCHER DEPARTME 1Fresh Shoulders of Pork, special 2 Pickled Hlars..... ...... .. 3. Sausages, homemade.>.... .... 4. Harnýurg, Steak .... .... . 5.,:Fray Bentos Corned Beef, sliceed 6.' Rose Brand Bologna 7. Rose Brand Weine 1rs . .. ... Black-Puddings,dCooked Hock, Po GROCERY DEPARTM] Groce 7. 8. Eagle Brand Milk..... Lipt on's Tea .......... Baker's Cocoa, 1/, lb. tin -Pure Lard,. 3 lb. paîls Handy Ammonia ...... 4 f Pure Lard, 5 IL pails.... .... Eggo B akîng Powder, 16 oz. tir tPhone Your Meat and. Gro< - Together., We De1iN Burns' Cash Strocik St, Nortl - k' 'LE ur 1 t]

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