Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1927, p. 7

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2Sth. 1927 wmTBYQAzI MBRONI. friends, extend, congratulations' and- ~ew y L llrs ro OurCore is At- the- meeting of. the Young (arfflfflilknts in eh plae represmteduI W t gIadweome People's Socety on Thesday, April 19, itemisof Bews from their friends. Mms Jas. Laxnbert'gave a very inter- liesting talk on théeSchool Homes main- - Jtaned by the Womïens Missionary,o maeial r eigpa da ciety: among the. New Canadians ia EEO KLN. atrias re eug plaed t ew -the Canadian West. M. .Lambert a r. aud Mrm E A. Tomlin .son, of Myrtle Sta., by the, Canadian Pacifie a member for se-verni y ears of the wa, ipent Easter with tise, lat- lalway, Wisich le alsofurniÈýilng the. Homeh itn a.n paavr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. ae upy lihyo iewokwibi en ht Miss Laura Mackey sang "A Bene- . Tise cxldrnof the r.hihoms e n- su abe Roistn, t Yrono, icton"ix iselJntedChucison un-ceive a careful Christian training and t~ part of her Easter holidays wqth day evening. Rer:solo was keenlY ap- attend. the, public scisools, being thus Vern Makeyhere prciaed.weîî prepared for tise. duties of Cana- s Dorothy Vipond. of Toronto,' Mr. Samunel McLaugblin bas recent-, dian citlzenship.. t the week-~end with relative s la ly purebtised a -arnu South east of the village. j village *of Columbus owned :by Mr. C. us Muriel Pengelly spena 'a few tpeno.Oeo b argest homse C A E O wth Iriends in Toronto l a rn i andaMlbepaed Snteis-r. 'and Mrs., Renfrew andf amily, fairn, the. near- future. Mr. St-Of Toroate, viited Mn. Robt'. Scott's 5,.and Mrs. Ralph White, of Chat-, pienson la te finish the spring work.on Sunday. Vlslted with Mrs. Johnston over Mr. and Min.. Tom Jennings,t of Ms., Harry Tisonpson.:bas returned1 er. Mr. White retin.nea te aChte Stouffville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. after spendingtbwnerxotaa wrhile Mrs. White is continuingMLanasSuay different parts of tbe U. S.* 'lait for a few weeks. The, Sacramna of thé Lord's Supper Mr. P., M.- Cooper sold a* valuable r. May le spending a few weeks wîll, be dispensed ina-tbe-United Cburch team of borses and delivered then ti friends li Toroato. next. Sunday ýmorning. -Preparntery Aurora*on-Saturday and returned oni ss Hilda Dornuan, of London, siervice will be held on Friday ,even- Sunday. Lpart of ber Easter bolidays. with! ing, wben Rev. Wm.' Higgs, of Port The -Baptist Mission- Circle met at and Mrs. Wm. Draper on their jPerryý will preach and a n umber of jtise home -of Miss S. E. Evans on i tuear here. new members will- be received.. Rev., Tuesday. *and Mm. Dorman, Mrm. Hitch- 'A. M. Irwin, of Whitby, will preacb 'Ms. -B. Forsyth. speat Easter week.1 and Mrs. Valentine, of Toroate, on'Sunday evening. . witb ber daugbter na Detroit. d wlth Mr. aind Mrs. Wm. Draper We arm receiving, ouùr new spring, Mr. and Mrýs. L. Feesby, -of Ulx- tly. gQods-daily. Come and look thern over. bidgvitdSdaatDM. or you want valuei for your money M oa as your footwear from M., Ross. Mr. Walter McLeaa is havlng h rs Rada spent tise week end reunion was held on Monday, Ap- house on Railway St. wired for elec-. witb ber son at Peterborough. ti, at tiseborne of Mr. and Mrs.. trlcity. Bir, Wni. Arnold'la also.bav- A large nuinber, fromisere attendeil Draper, at Pickering, for ail- ing bis cottagg7onî Duke street wired. the fanerai -of Lorne W-ilkia at Myr--i relatives. A - large namber of ThMe Brookil Spring Fair board i te a1 tSaurdy.fteaon, bowa les camne or were represented. furnishing sweaters for thse winning. accideatly killed at* Hornepsyne en-] iour comxnunity Mr. and Mrs. teaisin boys n il'afbl or route to bis- home ia Manitoba. Mach] Draper and Mr. and Mrs. Hugisnae s" n girlspea taltmsrlasysp atby is extended to bis parents,] er and farnulyattended. - IWhitby twshpand competition M.adMs ikn atersde ss Margaret Mitchell, of Dunbar- should be keen. bereavemeat. - spent last week end wltb Miss' The. majotyotiedryfnes * Macey, i this vicinity bave commenced sbip- BALS s. C. L, Mackey and daugister ping their milk to Toronto viamotor' Ms ue G~r a tre spent Easter wth friendai truck. A, few .sf11l stay wîtb tiserail- afe pnig th aste ildywt ten, road'la spite. of this. * reaisla orfae uer. Hwar Iavison Irin Tise ,plaes of business la Brookila Miss E,. Davùlon, ^of Manitoba, and Ieworth, and Wiliam Luke bave wî close on. Thursay afternoons, at Mr, . Brnt, f-oone wr ed positions with prominent firms oneo'oc commiencing on May lst., w wee n iier tV rs.Ja- haa.Mr. and Mrs. W. B. -Robson have ieson's. s..P. L. Juil, Mms. A. C. Elliott, returned fron I amilton, aad will bej Mr. Jas.,-atr fTrno lle F. BttyandMis May Giggheme for tiese ummner months. his parefits on Suaday.- led he ohoug P~shte"i 0f wish' to thank tise. mien- wbo soj Mr. F. Disney la busy 'repairing bhis T..~ wic ws el l Tintyquickly responded te rny eal for heprsiec which is occupied by Mr.j d Churcis, Bowmanville, on Tues-. te extinguisis a fire on Tuesday m lO~Iand Mrs. Roy Parrott. ue.ing. .Esotella- T. Bilkle. Mr. ra Jones, of Vancouver, is. vis- Rs Doris P)erry returned Sunday I A quiet wedding took - place at tise- iting friends and relatives bere. a holiday with ber aunt, Mra.: United Churcis 1aronage on Wednes- , Mr. and'Mrs. E. Jones, of Have- ýas Jennings, at Steuffville. I day, April 2th, when Williàai John. locis, Mr. and -Mrs. W. Brown,,of Osis- BJupp Construction Co. coin- Medlând, of Brookil, and Etta Pennl, awa, spent, Sunday Witb, Mr. ]B. W.1 ed work on tise hi gbway nortis of daugister of Mr. and Mms. Jas. White, Jones. village last week. Tbey. are te of tise 7tb concession: of East Wi'tby, «vement from tise seventis con- weme uniteýd inarriage. Reçv.'P. L. n to Reacis Township lime ,this Juli perforned tise ceremony. Atter MYRTLE STATION: g, and will attempt to finish their a 'bnrief honeymoon tise -young couple M.adM.HryHgsn f act by Juie 30. Eqoipment and wilî reside lan Brooklin. Their many Oakville,* wem visitera at Mrs.- J,t -IHugisson"s for tise week end. t Miss Helen Spencer bas returnedteo ber studies at Clarem6ont Iligb.ýScisoi1 ~> . after speading.ber - holidays.at lbert ~~44.V WWUhome at, Kaladar. Misa, Irene Hall, of Burketon, was - xthe villa .e last wek t la the selection of rlch. western Wheats -the flnest 1Mr.dMmge. -T.Pieadfm ~rewn on the. prairksfl - that.giv'es'extra flaveur to bread- and ily were ia Toronto for tise week end,. uns, and extra richuicus to cakes.and pie, made from -- JThe choir 'of tise United Cbhurch,'- JRglan, will have charge ofts ui BU 1 B * at tise* eveaing service'bere next Sua- j Farmers are. busy working on.-tise Send30e-instamAj$rff, w 700-ms?. Puritj, Flour.Cook Book., * land, -and seed will soon -be allia now., Vomtr Cda Pm leow Min& C.. Lwak.d. Toroatit. Moatrul.O.»,. Mr. and Mrs. Ei Cooke and Mrs.J W., J. Cook motored to tise city. la-st __________________________________________________Saturday. _____________________ITHORNTON'S CORNERS. IScisool re-opened last Mondaymom mJug after, a week- of Easter- holidays. 'lAbout fourteen beginners started;la pâlrli'n y P e f. a >À'addition to the alr-eady large xùxnber g fil of pupils. Misa Ford and Misa Taylor ant Easten w eek et their bernes. SA 1FISFCT1ON ( REASON&B.LE Arthur Boyes, We A0e flHBRBARBSTHM, 1 it is S'upreme--MARTI tker à' Ideal-14o Pli t t IMn. and- Mra. Wal's sud family IUARAN'TE-ED. spent Sunday ut tisehome, -f Mr. and E P ICE. Mms. Jas.- Preston. Mra. -N. Thonupson, of Torronte, was a -viiter tissweek witis Mr. and Ms.- BIrOoklin, 1506 Go. Rig thtue overcnwded isospital 'j: Toronto juat eat present Ted Robin- son's trip hd te ý be peatponed until. tise fist week i May. Werepleased te reportthtD- el O'Donneil wio' bas been ilI this week with Dipistieriais mach better and recoveiingnicely. 1;9 Tise snow-funnies last- Suàday'sug- ~IIi~g ested eanly' Marchiweather., Garden will suffer we .fear, altisougis r Y II 1 ! forzTorontt te , u stang a -iâ 1hs been very popular with tise young. jpeople la titis vlity wiil be mach - jmissed. We ail wish her évery sué-. REASONS WHY: -ess inber new werk. Wergret t er Et nBgee IN SENOUR Dearborn's. ilinese with Pnurnonia anîd o Bôthér - bepeho wlllsoon.be onf0ue -ed. - 1'thér. hop .4âk our avcel. 's rn~ ~of 14 evenliug uti Greetuwpbd ste sa Oliv wee Wit -LfanTors.to, U Nýto. mourn bis death four sisters and Sehool' re-opene, spmenh arethe weeernals' nd Min -One of th « .t wo brôtherS: Mrs. J. E. Webster, AI- a large, attendanc Trinib.le.Ase argests.funerE.lsgiever Jameà and r. ý gheeM atnd Asýhburn- cemetery took place mons1r; Mrs. . Er PtReEniM.e, einer w r Clarence and .wife, £of oklin, iitdo Saturday- afternoon when the re ak; r.(r) .M lrke, of the quest for knoý, wlthGrenwoo frsi ,von sid omis f h :ae oreCapbl WlCleveland, Ohio, ýMrs. A. O Flett, of A Chevroeto wiiiiGree'woo Irkm on unda. 1,Cherrywood,, James A., of Detroit and a Brooklin w~oina 1 AletHrvey, of 'Xorouto, spent kmtone o fM.ad MrsJas Murray L. of Toronto. AhuamnsM iSunday. with bis parens, Bert and Wilkin, were. laid t rest intfie:fam- sbr insM Mrs. HRvey.ly pIottL Sine the sad fàtality on. The paîl-beaïers were his two bro- corner here Môond, J.E.an Ms Ds~~,~- whtbMonday mornin mesgso thers, James an uraY.ohKn considerable damai r are -visi ting wîth theîrein,7 F. W. and pathy and floral offerings had con- neth and Clifford .Webster, R Wel- orsbtnoe fail.tinued to pour- in fromn far and _near. ..lington. Pearson.,i a very dangerous »-Norman:Wie ùdfmlo A proniinent banker in Illinois,. who Reév. Mr. and Mrs. Swayne attend hul xrcs v Broklu, ttndd murh Sndy as had 'exten si ve businessdaig ed- thePresbytery meeting in Belle-,fcidents. morning and vi sîted wfth. W.- W. -Gee with- the deceased for the. past, nine ville, last week. - andfamly.years, *hile expressing the .dee fi *- Gangs of;rmen are working south CR i Ernst ribleha puchaeda nw erest he had always held luù the young of the village: hauling tule and digging Mr. and M-sý car.~~~ ~ anya' efaeadi s uc u- drains preparatory to. ]aying the ce- 1Levian Mrs. Lintonï, of Claremont,in th cagebe ndsruosm t as soon as the frost is out of the ofakin*i-t ti 1visited Wm. Ommerod axd faniily on times of the Westi'said, "I looked for- ground. bosf lowr Sunday. -wr otetm ve M.Wld While, attending the funeral of the l shown in their ec( Howar Bar~s; ~'-qe Ontalo,'would be taidng his stand as, an influ- late William Tar-vis, Mr. James Cook'[h oso hi vis ited last week withý bis parents a': enfili'man in that locality with the'wssiedwt wa p>i hd the parsonage. recognition that. Ms steffing -qualitieslbas conflned' Mm-to bis led since. Ai deserved."ý speedy recovery. is hoped for. Furthèr district He was, Secretary-Treasurer of the BAGGTSVf~LKnew consolldated- school ýin that diat- Sebool re,-opeaed again -on Monday! nect in which bis farin vwas situated, morning with 'a full attenda.nce, -after1 was. instrumental ia having a 4>rty the bolidays. telephone line- installed, also ., in hav- Mn. ÇChas.. A. Lynde visited la Tor- ia a grain -elevator but .in, Kane, - onto last week. Man. A -wire from Mr. Jas. Davidson Mrs. Fred Morrison of Toronto , says that Ms place in that comniunity spent last week with ber sister, Mrs. i will be bard to f11l. F. -H. Puickrin. The, funeral. arrangements, were- in Rev. A. R. SanderÃŽoa wili' conduct: charge, of the Masonic order- and a special services at Audley next Sun- very large epsntio was present day afteornooné j from'surrounding, lodges, sbowing. the Mr. #as. Lynde, who bas been uunde high esteem la which the younig man the doctor's care for soie. time is not -nd bis parents are held.. A sad feat- - impro-ving ,as fast as bis many friends ure was the, fact that his only brother would-wish. Ray W has'been fr about two yeat The Apýdley ConffTznlty Club will in" Florida, with à prospecting- party;, pesent their popular play "The Early,- id not receive thse message la turne to Bird"l in tbe Clarennont Community be hée for *the funeral, but arrived Hall on Saturday -evening, April 30. on Monday çvening. This play has been! givea several finies. Tue and' always te delighted audiences. The sympathy'4of the'community lis MYRTLE ' extended to Mrs. J.,S. L4ynde and.Miss Thse death of William AlbertTarvis, -C.. Alîman la the death of their sister, b ws cietll ild0hl.a Miss A. Allman,ý-in-Toronto last week. -work in Detroit, Micb., on -Saturday,. -April 16, -cameè as a shock to, his reia- AU LE -tives and friends of this cornmunity. ,,,~,. ~ ~ ~ ,ITie late William (Bill) Tarvis was -Ân iu J1u prsens wir ua ,,tise eldeÉt son ofWilliam andElTiza- Claremont on Saturdgy night. tbetb Tarvis,- of MMYrte, O'nt., Re en- Kennetis Pratt has begun building, j listed in tise Canadian Armnyin ishe operations on the.coraer. erypr fts ol a n a -Walter Mercer bas a finé patch of wone1t aba. fe.eigds stiawberries that- promise ýa gocid cbarged fnom nth am atis close yield. of tise war be - netunned' to Detroit,ý Mns. Fred. Ward and daugister,, of weeiewie until his- sudden Claremront, visited Urbia and deti.Tise .funeral wbicb was 1.held Blake recently. frnmtise nesidence of. bis parents, wasý IR. Winters is . building tiese tone largely attended. Tis e Canadian, Or- cell-r or ert arvy'snew ous lader of Fornesters' Lodge, of Raglan, Brougham. of wisich be was a,.mèmbér, was well Waitr Fwli ba on oftis het frepresented. Tise, number of floral trib- stands of- faîl w-beat we bave seen. 1ue ioe ts sii semi bc Most c rops are badlyspotted. j be, was beld. 0f a. brigbt a.n.d cieery The mneeting te coneden the rebuîld- 1 dispôsmition, he ,made for -himacîfimany ing of tise' chuncis was faùIly well at-_ friends. Besides bis pare nts be leaves teaded and canvassers were appointed - to wait on the congregaýtion to see About how mucb. money could be se- cured towards ttiis end.- It is apparent to ail that.ýsomething- wll have to be done. AEMON)S. Mr. and'Mrs. Herbert Reeson, of Toronto, visited onWedneësday at the, home -of Mr. and Mrs., W. Bals-. don. ýMiss Louis*e Ridgley, ofWhty spent, the week-end with MissDcrothy Brown. Mrs. Challis and Miss . MabêlChàl-*l lis,, of Bowmanville, -visited several days with Mr. aAd. Mms T. C. Osborne.! m.' W. Hall1 entertaine d a large pumber of youug f olks, on Wednes- day evening, last. A vyery enjoyable time was. spent in 'varions games, af- ter which dainty. refreshrnents were servèd. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. ichardson. were àt home 'on Friday evening -ta the members'of Almonds. choir and friends. Varlous gaines and contests mnade plentj7 of. amusement during the evening,_ after which ail enjoyed a dainty'lunch. IThe male choir on Sunday after- noon,. assisted, by -several young men of the Baptist choir, was greatly -ap- preciated by ail., The UnÃŽted choir of Whitby will supply the music for Smiday,- May 1. .Mr. and Mrts.- WIllsh.aw anddaugh-. ber, Ada, of Toronto,' and Mr. . and r4rs. Diplock, of Oshawa,-visited on Sunday wIthMr. and Mms.I. Wray 2GU M DIP PI NG Bugilds Ext ra Miles 'THR Ffretne procu of .Giun-Dip 'ing oýne cf the most important, cf the -many : Firestone :coniutions to mýore economical highway trans-. - yttpoeaS, every fiLer, cf ver cod is tis MY ruiem ilmling fritoam and Lest s*. destructive to tire On thse carsof isundreda of tisousauda'of motoriat,in thse dlay-rn su ad* day-out servce of thse largeat -truckr, lus and taxi- cab fleets, in tise battle cf tires on race tracisFirsone Gum. Dipped Tires, because cf th.frý greater.stamina, are dellveru longer' mileage- ý withadd aafety snd comnfort. Tise' Firestone dealer ils- yoifr locallty selsland seces he.extra quaity tires. ,Let im teil yen,' oftisetrouble.. fies 1servce tisat the- Gum.. Di pin roceas maures sam el swh ea »M eyen b~tsu and Mire you rnoney. seo iato-day. FIRES0VIS TIRE & RUBER cos PF CANADA. LIMUIED 1¶T MÃ"ST Hatcm4 .~Ont. MOTMILES PER DOLLAR Ah1 ~ rub Bwatne4 1dthe 001Y GuoeDpped Thmu For Sale by' WILDER &DEVERIEL W interna ahd .xtérnaI Pains W' are dro py elîvd byý WDI - ;-4CLECRICOIL Mme la TOPY R ATER E MLE TRNUE Onte wear "hIiu *n OÙï ~ no od-tiçeè is wash4able -as LaSting beauly ".haLyou"flldelig There? s such a od of pleasuire in s;po)t w'ork and wlIke.pt flo)ors,! Sabyil-c faces -hav\-e no P'lace ulithe -w(211 kcp t boyI \Vhevtoleratte -theim when Sus-j' Vani brightcn themn up for \'OIi SQ easilv wit]- nent, mirror-like, -wàh e bauty. CA If its- the w( vvi\ / /i -wll cuv.eý-r up t] I I -" brn"back ahli I Ine--Anid, -w ~- Sr o -caIl ~ arisýhCd Sur -1o)\; water; v lNAAPAIdNT its -, catutif.uil fii the dofot row boat and porch cîg, -too. Il to ressst the rai ages of thé weather derful 'varxish for- allwod"r-. For th-e latter yôut have SUJ i i0 a rich finish that blotsz ou't wear ni. wood-floors. Cracks, chips or heél is mar 'the spotl ess bea-uty of this f lu Leak-ing radiators wîll not deface l drivihng through an open window -lustre. - Your local- 'Canada Paint deal nishes. A visit to i, store wi towrd ealsuccess in any vàrni iii, view. Write -for our beautif.ully illustrated showing actual color pbi 'tos of bornes, to g'uide you in selecçXiig cc] the interior or exterior of your ho ~ cottage. Address, Thi. Co. Limité-d, 572 Williai CANÀADA -I PRODU cfephn/ 5rand Genu F~OR SALE BI Phone 129' 28th, 1927

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