WlTBY Qrýfl-AND CHRONICLE Il ~ne means ièast, those remarkable nmen seôciated with hlinf the capaity of SJoun A. tMacdonald-adn eeSr lvrMwt n who have .formed the constitution, cf studnt-er irOivrMoat n, tg. to thbýact that ithere was BY MARY A. BLOW Canada, MacN#bb, Macdonaid-, La- Sir Alexander. Campbell, two men who eSna cho rcuchhr-ls jPontaine Baldwin, Cartier,' Brown,' rank high lu the annals of CanadiaSndy evra o ur church geer jTache, Laurier. it is upon a, meber 1Bstcry. went o ver pcilsricsa ren following is the address by of this last named gronp that,,Vwish The beginning cf Macdonaid'scar- 'weend ejer t oed sermones apreenh- Mary Blow which won the Se à It ddreà ss u this eeig eer-was by,ne means a path strewn _Id byouodfredadx-atr riie at the Tamblyn contest heki Joh Alexander - Macdonal~ was with roses. In-bis first case ini Picto" I Rev o1E. A. enn, cf Bowmavile. vweeks ago in- connection with hemrn on the eieventh day of January, hie-and the epposing lawyerý became Jn OrGewo renaaegigt igh Schoo , in t he City cf Glasgow, Scot- volved - i an argument which,. waxing1 build a church and wiilmetath 1815,in he Chairman worthy Judges, mcmr- land, and came te this country. with botter and botter, culminated in biows. cia Salem i cbnri util their own is of the staff, ladies and gentie-hipant five-years inter. 'The fam- hym sdadfugtt pncu edy for servt -As one looks back ever thé pan ily 'firstette n igtc u, w o4 the scandai cf the Judge who in- e of Çanadian Histery there ap- ing to businessdepression, Macdon-, structed the crier te enforce order.1 h en epi fBokl gave befere bis enraptured gaze, a;ald's father removed successively te The crier, though'personally miuh at-thidrm enildMyrsbReJ y cf wonderful men, who have Hay Bay 'and Stone Milsg on theBa tached te, Macdonald was compelledintehlbtTusa vigls. their ýlives in . advaning the; ef Quinte. * te interferei and, circling. arounid the, Eachoecfteatois rendered their.ý cf this great Country ef -ours The education cf the future, Prime com.atantsshouted 1 tetran't sledilyrT e odsnte rers such. as, Cartier, Champlain, Minister was meagre te a degree, but tomes, "Oi'der in the Court! Order in toc large but quite, reprsetav. t, La Salle, Mackenzie; great at the early age cf fiftee n hi entered the. court,"* adding.in a low butin- Ail expressed. them.seives as weil -cmen and educatienalists, Lavai, iupon bis studY cf law in the office cf tensely sympathetic voice, sh lae ih-h aeranet bouf,- arqeteRyrsc; e-Gerge MacKenzie cf Xingtn Sir cd near bis, protee,."Rit:hlm John.. Howard Mackey lias been delivering ied warriers, Frontenac,. Ment- John celebrated the year cf. bis nma- lit him." coal with,thir d ivery truck in our Wolfe, Brock; and last, but by jcrity by -bing icaleèd te the bar. As-.- By bis vigoreus defence* in seyerai village. - ~~important cases Macdonald soon. es-. The Ladies'Ai met a h oec ___________________________________________ tblsbe areptaio*an whn u Mrs. -R. R. Mcwbray: last week and September, 1844, Sir Charles .Metcalfe di ome qitn swl stegn appealed te the country an- address, erai routinecf business. signed by more than 200 -electers of Seeding is prety well compieted in Kingston, was presented te hlm ask- this'*district, but ewing to. the coid, ing hlm te be a candidate in the comn- backward 'weatber, growth i s very ing: election. slow, faîl .vwhegt.and seedsý are. .not . A few days inter Mac. isscied . bis grewing very satisfactorily. - t would A i t o x r p c a s first address- to a Canadian constitu- 1b a Lrood rtbing ifth ehrclk 1 ~ency in which he struck the ke ynote would send us soe spring showers cf hbis futurè peliticai career. 1 and a littie warjne.r weather. ..fLtherefore," lie says,. "&need scarcely Schocl re-opened here last Monday fo h ÎL W e -e d o opeM staterny firrn belief tbat the Probsper- after theEaster vacation -with a manant çonnection wit.h the. Mother The Weiler family have *-mQved -eut-I Country, and that 1 shah' resist te the cof. the Stone.' bhusa where they. have utmest any.attempt (from whatever been for several years, and. are, nowv quarter it May come) wbich :may tend situated ln thepl.Mce residence Continuing our polley of offering, a special list te weaken that union." on the bill. of prices on all Unes of groceries for the week-end, . h ne clgdymrived a Sma aloth e aeaa was leced by-an verhelof Salem Cernetery, h as, already. be- t we invite your inspection.of the following-*money jority'and se he became the. member- u i wradwill iln ob e- .svr tqaiypie. W ae truh for -R1ingsten, a constitueucy which,, ù pt heeois-xecaon Svr tqaiypie.W haegone, htuh with but one -short break, he repre- sr pt h epasepcain our stock and we offer specials that should rndule bs hoepli as lie C'ertainly~ did wben, he acted in quie an stadythis capacity before. quckan seaybùying. Phone us.- We deliver.. career. c - uring-his frst ye 'ar lu the assembly Next, Sunlday service will be con-' Pure Lard, 3 lb. paiL; net......... ....- . .49 hs veice was heard infrequeutly. ,Hea duct 1eere boy.thelpastertté sa devoted pset er veyoywlee Pure amdst1bcfrhis t ime nt - 'Morley Ross, our mail clark, now PureLar, 1 b. rmts............. 17e. - n ls knowiedge ofpaimetr bs. Seedless ]Raisins for............... 2e prcdadne.esimotat t es carudme ale ic sn 24 lbs Pasty Flor for.- - :90e a study cf the men with whèm lhe Was bscr 24 now broughtnin contact. As a* resuit Roy Parrott is .new doing business, 2 Ibs. D mestie Sorteningfor.......... 29 .i Macdonal d became, perhaps the most byn gsadbte n akt 14 bs, Granute S uoteigarfor...... . silf ul -parliamentariati in the history. ing the same. .- 14Is Soa Chpse S ce for......... . cfCnda eiis His speeches Some front liera attended the W.M. per in......... 3e. were infrequent but bis abilities won S- convention. at Bowmanville 41 prompt recognition and. lu 1847 hie act- Wekad report - mtin teetn Shirriff's Jelly Tumbler package for..... .. .23. cd as receiver-generai and 1ha asad noaletnet -commissioner cf Crowu Lands.. From We regret very much te report tha - . 2c. - 1848-1854 the Conservatives were luM.Toainis eetl ottoo Chipo, lrgepackage', for'..... ...... .. .... oposition but lu' the latt er. year Mac- three.-cf bis best.cows frem indiges- LageBoti Vmîawîith parmngk - . .25. donald aanto-ofc sAtn1iu avig t-eteei bx - a ci-e general in the cabinet formed by Sir dentajly and over eatii.cuigte Swans Down Cake FPour ...... ........ 9e. - Allen M4acNabb and Auguste Merlu. trouble. As atterney-genýeral it, feu ýte Mac- Joseplh Stellilhas 'beau working. for ______________________________________________ denald te dispose cf two vexing' prob- Mr. Bunker, west of the. village. - -leste legyrsers and signoriai M,1rs. Lawrence is quite îrecovered - -tenures, wbich lad long -beau _impo'rt- again. 7 ant.. During these years Macdonaid, - recognizedd accepted. three prin- - ci.ples whlchthereafter guided bis pol- ASHBJR - --icy-first the nmainteance cf Cana- IAn impressiv ~srie took place ba- 0 0 's '"dian-unin with Great Britain; secondfor& a large. congregation on -Friday - a tariff fbr' the protection cf- domestic néfternoon, April 22, wben William B. --';COoke's. Il,, a ~aeof XioX- "The Central (Il industredies;the Phone «.21 a considerable degreeof.Bu'nse Cburch. Thé devotionalex t wc ricile stligude ercîsas ware. cenducted by -Ree. A. C. - Reeves, cf OshaWa. Aftar the sermon dinttesmen. the acting Mederator of the Presby- (Ccnciuded uext weak) -tary, Rev W. Anidrews,- of Toro.nte, anA iiV- i uaL jIk-T."lUbGr nfW U± v lun crop* production the Fordâon farmer's advantages are seveniold: Hast ~H preparesan ideal ieed bed. Fordson speed. and power allowý thorough use of. plcow,- diéa, cultivator and hià rw producinga splendid skate cdf ilth iu whlh yugplant thxive heartily. - S..ud H.prepame as much land for fid ç-ý crpahe had pIain&i. Thiri -He:getsjzls seecing.clone on dine. LVeurtà -He accomplisthesie work with greater - eaue sd convenieuce. POUlft -He recèlves alarger yiéld frein -timely work well doue. SlxU -Hs -c onle much lower, because, one main can do' twe oOr three turnes as inucli work. - S"eetb-iHe makes, more moùley. Inu addition the Fordacu farmer has.-am- ple lo .p-werltfor3such bkjbs as fdqreshing, filin siobaling hay, grindîng grain, sawingý mwaaudmmay others. Over 17,000 fordsou farmers mu Canada, enjo~y theseadntgs Mb fo a co of Th.npgsYou ShouU KnwBeort You Bal, Yo.uv Tvqdm#2' - Wilder & Devereil Wkltby, Ont. Modarlator cf Asbburu ,chaxrgedeuringi its vacancy, teck charge of the officiai, ceremony. At the close of the" ser- vice a very pleasant. -social hour was, ent lu t4e basemet f the jhrch where the ladies cof the.ceng.,regatien sarvad à deicieps supper te ail pres-' eut. A yery generous gift.of $500.00 is beiug presanted te Burns' 'church by Coloniel A. G. Heudarsen, cf Toronto,. a-former residtent cf this neiglibor- beod.. A goed number from- Whitby were presant. Burns. ChurchI services as ý-usual at 11 a.m. and 7 pin. on Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. Rev. W. B. Mitchiell, pastor will ceuduet botb morning and eveuing, services. -Mr. Jaiaeson . and .son Buruett, cf Balsam, with bis n ieca, Miss,- Edua Dbavidsan, of Carman. Man., visited Mr. and Mre. Walter Kerr on Sunday hast. Mrs. Brooywn cf Port Perry, spent the waek end with her sister, Mrs. W. Brash. - Miss D>ai.sy Fisher spent saverÉal days lu the citydurlug thc waak., Mr. and. Mrs. Geerge West and famuly were lu Oshawa on Tuasday. Mr. and Mms, Blair Ketchen, cf Fer- -gus, -and, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, ,of Teronto, visited Mr;. and Mrs. Jas.' WHIkin raccëntly.- Messrs. Rcbért Duif andý 6ons-have purèhased a, ftnew car.' -Mms. Twaadie, cf 1Whitby, ,,and -Miss 'Ela Durreugbe;e'f Fenelon- Fahls, vis- ited relatives lu our neighberheod hast Mrs. John Leask returned home ou, Saturday aftar speudlug' a faw days, with her sister,_Mrs. George Hadden, cf -Wick ' Mis Marjery Wilson, of- Claremiout, spe4 ver: Sunday withliar parants. Mr.. Wm. Blop1dins reclved word on -Tuesday cf thesericus ilnass cf bis fathar and lbg.lr, .We regret te hear cf the serious illus cof Mrs._Goose's parants sud . siùcerely hoà pe:they may accu ha re- stored te health and strength. Agtood meeting. cf Community Club was held on tuesday evaning with -Mr. 1George West, convener, for devetional evening in charge. -Misses Berulce Werry and Olive Duf, M4essrs. Walter . Ker and ' Hrold, Walkerz were ai>- po1ited delegates te attend thc Yeung* ' eoples' - gathem* W In St. Audre*'s chul, oientto, on Monday' evening, DEWANI .STOýRE NEI I#RE: 18 A SPRING SPIECIALl Smart Spring.. Coats of Tw eeds, -Poiret Twill- and Brocaded Silks in the tailor-,, ed styles.- and also the dress models, featurin the fur. trirnrnings. .This is a re al eavinig for you, as these gar- mente are values up to $25. Spécial $16-95 ?Spring MiIinery Speci Charming Hats of Straw and Silk in the very newest colors. Regular $3.69 to $4.95 Wasli Good(s English Ginghan i nlPlaid eff ectsii dark colors. 36 mehes wide. Reg. 29 fi Friday and Saturdi Lingerie Crepés in plain designs, 29 'inches wide. Reg. 29e., 35c. Per- Ya SDrawn Thread Rayon for ingerie shades of Orchid, Tomato, Nile Grc Green, Honey Dew and white, 36 ir selvedge isdaaged abo erwTli the. rnaterial is -"HOSiery -- "Allens" Pure Thread SiIk -Hose with double: run. -stop. Th se -hose are substanýlardà -but the si-ight im- perfections appear'in:.only the foot or to ps.'_ Shades ,-are Atmosphere, Peach,'-Champagpe:and ShelL Sizes 2½10.Reg.- $1.50 98 MnsSilk and Lisle Sox in fancy cheks and, fr sprng and summerwa -1 Pair "Puritan Maid" ur SiIk and Art S11k Hose, good w( shades. ôf Moonilight, Peach, Pablo, Nude, Grain,' Ch' Pping Rock and BI'ack. Sizes 8½ to 10 * Corselettes '~"Parisform" Corselettes of good weight pink coutil, elâ inserts, front boniug and 4 hose supporters. Sizes 30-40, Per garment Store Closed Wednesdays at 12.30 p.m. until further n W.A# DEWLA4 Dry- Goods and Ready-to-14 Next Tuesday vening_ a ineeting asi "What are called respectable sins ,'bE7- L-fG ase à nd-work is under IM PracfPtroo kg a new- cisteru, aise uar eSnng-. - r.au1m ~peing getin tbngs Mr. and- Mrs. Jainas Horn wereca- are, visitiug titair daugliter, Mms. Gor-. re ev Mm Mtc ellc to Port Ferry on Satumday cwing don Fisher», 'brei he members te. thec saribus1 illnass cf their d augh- Mms. -Erniè Jones returned te liern -o ailu thr me er, Mm-.-W. 1D ay. We are iudeed homne in Haveleck wlth ber busband fI ýveIconie te Our' COin- gadte report her condition moe faz on ,Sunday atrsedu ekwt vomableé. B hem parents. H er sister,1 Miss Annie >bie and C>hers were Trno iie ihhr ou - Mô~d~y.-sud ~ R.V. . Mitcll l i giving a ser- 'Grant, cfTretvstdwt-er ese. l~~es -of ser=ons on Sunday eahg r aoo udy 1 1 Raise IL.arger Crops and. Make MoIreMoe Ii 1-- *. b ýý ý -ý Pim 5S $0 8 acTes daul V.oubla ddac1st. 3$acm~U 3"d 25 40 eudB Phonie10 Ont