TUE AETTE. AND CHRONýILI5 Vol. 61-4eo. 39 WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MIARCH 22nd, 1928 C. A. GOODFELLOW & SON, Publishers. WHITBY ýENTILEJ TO A REFUND Elre ihSho lae npco WHJTBY HICU SCHOOL NOIY WELL COUNCIL WANTS ON, COO!êTY fOAI) -LEVI, RULES EQUIPPED AND DOINC COOD VIORK MARY ST. PUT IN CHIEF INGINEER I«UNICIPAL ROADS SAYS INSPECTOR IN lIS REPORT GOOD CODTN Deputatlaot From Council Waits on R. C. Muir and Learnfi Building with Exception of Grounds Given Good Rating, Residents Are Coniplaining That Town should Receive About $3,400 Covering and inspector Finds New Principal, with Loyal Co- -Take Matter Up With TWO Year' Grants -Of 50 per Cent Of Tewn's Con- operation of Competent Staff, Has Provided Good the C.N.R. tributionet Couny Roads Constructà on and Mainten- Organization-Board of Education and Council Con- ane- onyt be Spent as Miter Deignates. gratulated-B ndRdcsEtiae oKe a Negotiations between the Ton of Rate Down. WhitbY and the Canadian National _________________________Railways with regard to the repair of That the Towns af Whtby under the _______________MarY Street f ram which raila and ties Hlghways Improvement Act, nt belng WUJTCOJ ILfj The Board of Education ha reoeiv-Pantere takeci uP lait surrnner are tl included in tthe county rond system,&1 ,rcty nigd ieIsptrL1%Lva nhe ed from Inspector 1. M. Levan, wh~ in the air, but n0w that Spring la nd havlssg ne connections with tliat ONIND»AY NIGIT Wbtby Rlgh Siol eesl oagd hc npce .M eabh e rcetly raid a visit of ilspectinta "Clean and irt ear, and an accoaent of many com- syatem lthln bs boundrlea an ~n inspcton report ta Board of Educatbon. an>,. la nov WOUl esiipsed with ef- te ergdWityHihShool, sytewihn is ondresad nfetvetscig rensti heelagd htb ia plaints being raceived £rom ratepay- urban manlclpaity nlt eparated lrm Declded ta folDow up cloe aand ftv eclgognstas repart whlch states that the school is a " wi ers, Couneil ls anxioos te have mal- thse eounty, la entltled ta a grant of 50 »" p c Pamnpaln and I.ft thse -------------------- ow better equipped than ever forth e <1J5U " Vil tars ettled as quickly as pssible. per cent.of ensutslbt e tter lu the. hande of the Faeffctiryng tnfe dcatinoa Be Cff su misag town into thse ,outy for rond purposes sace enuosasittee t.arrange the IIPAVU sL'tCourt.U¶LPPLt E Ue SUftWIEIUi opin par fteanul,-ted yM.K C u d eannc traaheton 515 EJ85<OF 5LIQ viphysical training, aiso that under the D he had heard several cornlainta fram pngionexpesd r .aimuIC. iro, t ii LeaM frotse deptati PLAnI I I O T P W 1IV newPrincipal, Arthur Archibald, a residens of Brock street northan a hltb deatai ofmuicpal mdte p- hlihvWayuon teda>, tht Wlt Of IiIREflh i mi as PORT OF A gsod organization has; been built 5p. To arrange ail details aiid prepare icinity regarding the dangeraus con- an Whlm ondepatraymnn g. vi tisu- is y u udettieul te- andis warldng smootbly f<or the gen- the advertising for thse Cleaî and dition of tise Mary Street crossing on imon lauhéd, ty vrig fti i nrecelve civ. tram isefe uidty e 00el- ACC lb NG TO CU T M FIGURES eral bneit of the nichant. Only one Paint Up" campaign decided upon by over Brack St. The planI'skla isoose, Tpio ise eldeputaion coMprlse i War- e font he IfiI $3400,lie-Uor)namnely, formi t, cas f:und ta ha the Couicil two weeks se, the, Vin- net ofly canatittiting armnacetasna on or about April let about *3,400. tng t the rate.f$,00f a vei ddwiha tenac f47, neCmite fwii or.W .trgRadtarses uo coo Tedptto opselHaWr m Mdrepr«-etlng 50 Per which, in the inspectoras opinion, priagle is chairman, was nareed at of the noiae mretel! chen cars go sver sblp Mayor Bateman, Reeve Jacksn, cent, ot the moncy pald inta tbc Trnffic From This Point to United States Has Meant makes it difficuît for tise tescher ta the regular meeting on Monday night. the caosing, partieularly at nigist, an Deputy-reeve Underwood and Count. couat> b>, the tswsi for caOty.. give the required attention ta the The Cauneil hinsin mind that tise citi- annayance ta several rasideata. Frank Tlreadgold, ciairmartaiftise recll lriiose. Much to Goveiiiment in Mttter of lIOvéuUe Shipmlents mare batikwsrd students. The entire zens slîsuld if possible toscis up their Il wao decided t alaak the Solicitar Streets Commttce, and t tise Tow- Pecideil ta holul a apoclal mnt- Made i Boats and Trucks Said to b. -in Accordance staff af tise schoal camtes ta for a good bsildinga with a pint brush, dean up ta again gel ini touch with the Canae- Couneil meeting an Manda>, evcnhng tssg neit Meada>, evenlosg ta arite Wlth Customs Regulations, and Local Officiais Carry deal af praise as ail the intructara their yards and otherwise beautify dian National Railways and urge that Reeve Jackson repartedl the resut o theotax rate for 1928. ara graded "gaod," while sorir are their prsperties, for tiseir own benefit an immediats- settienient ofi the pres- tise viit ta Mr. Uir. Appainateul a apecial committee Out Instructions. classitied as "unosually gosd." and with the abject sf beautifying the est ansatisfactary condition of Mary Outllaed Tae Clatm - taendmleavar ta scure the endarsa- Equlpisent 1a Goed tacs and maldng it attractive to vis- Street, including tis crossing, ba Tise reeve outlined tisat wisen tise tien and support of Trnansd Frtepen- - yase lti The scisoal equipenent with the es- itors. The advertising wilI ha sulisfit- made at ance. Tiselat proposai mode tow'adam aaIat rogit efra Oha alu thse Proposai te have Frtepottayae Ilat t -cption of the grounds, wciih bave not ted ta the Cosseil neat Manday even- by the C.N.R., but wiic was sot se- tow'sclarewasfiet rogh beor Camp ordntar rcapcata-sic as campllyk enltall -ht baspu ibeene geneherallyd- ng heknawnr etallocaellytd y hehateil Ns FORth thse Count>, Councflil vit es roferred ta ticll hty hu oe at Port Wltby there bas bren great'MORKLE'GI u i haesig tenc diFOgRha otbrd tails o ta- ctad teCuclwsta h th onySolicitor on thse under. bo lM ued oiibon. ldà mot activlty in thse expart of liquor shîp-lo was buitt wiog ta tise setting in paigs witl be arranged and annouced. tc accept ini cash the sum of $500 the ~ ~ ~ b out' oadcdtatie decidedul ht ie solior mnt afh nta taeasmnnTM L teR m r, aise the ventilation systamn, and a tract of land, wich ls an ru- standing that If h c is e r w tei eedd th tiseoicto as to Uritd St artesimn ardYNis givra tirit grading. The ventila- -'eso fMr teteai iso luacodat aaallprs thse C.N.R.for geceame orad tecrsbige ae ion is 50w cosidered isadequata for ISt. P ti~ W salclaires against tise cmpany. Hlgisways At tise moncy, appraxi- satlutactor>, settlement af thdis - £ rom that port la ose mpntis, and witi -ties ine of the schoot, and the grounds &J atflsns s The CNR., it cili ise recalîrd, wben matai>, 38400, waa ta hae pald ave. On puteavec the spoir of Mary bhors'and liquse cargoes valued tW EN SicirSns$tae sogt haasnilhagsnitbadneteTonoadEstn lookg iote equestion Mr. Christ- W.tE.eNtStramaivisics 10raires soghtitticstonhaussndsinofondollars.dSMd theaorotho ntEasfet Stee fai *iFundl Tdotalsosadsofdolas.MTwoofth c lauinsiesinsthe eo r t cics y ofth cheme, tosk sp the rails and ties on ian was af thse opinion that tise tact ver. takea up but sommer, gouda ltendd for tise quauchlng of F dNow Tacre in o c aus n tesepot Mis sionary o te Mary treet, teaving ttalt torsugisiare that; for tise pat two years tise tswil___________thse tist af msny ai Uncle Sam's $136.00 cere read ta the trustass y Srcretary PL £'LL in a very isad condition. Ne-gatiatiossi bil received geants freen the camnt>,, citisens bas gene froetieare la bots, Dr. C. F. MeGillivra>, at the MarrbchilS LU'I were tegun betcees t)ie town and the wards tise repair and uplceep ai thtisi IM yed part of Beack Street sostis oftise ANN Lempiumnaorill of tise Gazette and Chronirle last lest Wednesday evesing rend: street improveeld a is arlng the aI noer ta ascertain tis exrtant of werk, and on bafâ of the Bsard of "Tise Board tare ara toeise congrats elrs e.A M. IrWin crossing remrovrd os Brark streat and bridgetetdeaeem, the rnt ore A the LI ts alhllents of beer and liquoir freim Education, for donations ta the Tamb- lated as tise iaprsvemests they bave rpae ihcnrt aeet u cma nt>, caotigremet>, ve c rthe CONi'T'EST liELD AT Port Wltby la the peint year or two. lyn Content Fuisd ta ring the total effecteal in the accommodations. With in 'Sermon in the United neplactifwthon etent s I cof1>, pre cnolgt.ita aonten e y T L UIU Q ff jtise Gazette and Chiscice ceote ta up ta $200, bsamuet vith o generouaotise ca operation of the municipal Church rd. iter eputt.iws ntnd Mutheom.mg- luNe tiseCustamo ai 0t- rapasse. Tise fond nasa,. tatalà $136, causicil thry bave installed a pocerful Siga Noie for Girader gthe etatisn e orntiruig T E ha - CH O tawa and asked tet o opplied with asd Cisirman Dr. Bas*",,ssii Sec- oea ieating syatem and erectad a lhu tenefoteAdm ledutd rthe 0 visicis ise sbd certain figures, and tisese leere luen- retsry Dr. C. F. McGillioray, of the aisg chics provides a murh needed Presching a sermn itte United Atog iesl o h dm ed ie tn cas ewnicieilttia leedhadan Btt sised witiin s dc>'or tao. It ineon11,YIBoard af Education ciiili bepleased ta gymnasise nd aisoemisi>,hall, and (hreanSudy vnngîn1t 927 ira duaed nty tftc of unrly ruld he ow wa eitIIe te tat ucen chud nd faie ta state, hisocever, tisat spplica- receive furtiser donatians-as that tise additianal clasa rcocoa. Ties oiol mumssk, teslanda patronsaaint, lien A. M. (i th7 arte ustil ath rnt f ul tise>, wre fnt made b>, agreement sut Lawler Wiiiner&-4>rators tien vias adefor tiseor te the local total amount requin dmay ha fartis- noa rrciving th eise of tes i1 rwnthe pastîr, pîturcil hlm ano ifthîMaycranr, t tc ('oun iathinizor- dy e tiseMnicp and nat tse m un DoVOTy Fie ork. coeme and excise collector, H. L .comnig. provements io addrd roafort anti' n emyttisial chararter, tut as a man tcMys sirsr asg is waer tMnia anttishvncalRgis-Taylor, ciso tatad tisat ha cas unable Dr. Basrom hisarecraee tise flloa- fsmltims for careyiag os physical cd'nah,,sipte great Iardssipo and i dfi- der that tcrnapasy aîght tans- ttc waysAztgo tat te Prvincal Rgh- u lties, aaccardad in praacbmng th use sf1i. It cas madie rclar Ihat the cays ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t Deatetcsntolp o To4sebyiaje hty5btfuralis tisai altisut astisority ing lettes- frsm W. E. N. Sinclair, K. ucation tisaugisout tise year.' hita oplt ts epeo ,s-tîîas bad ntered inoanasagreement paysn'$5 purtlos t wset .Me i -T cl iraseliHllod laitby Rida3 han romt'aawa- Ha stated, bowevar, C., M.PP. for South Omntaro, and anod rgansatona gospc retîsh cipeoala foIr tsucas ftevahs, amgypi tis re dputatisn's copra- ersing fortise aminua i a y* ar- thif tise motter wasataken u sp with pi o te caidwh sipupil "hene Pafipl tisevieda neco te oosaen frchoo ntiaremetllig ikeepnos-ae agereel Commitheosar, altis tise raquet is tourstaethniuslsastîsitiosaas-ltiter- "Tise sea Principal bas prtvined uacces afitse ('rosa cr51aforthtfror antctogres-cent Seing angocîl and scaîr (Contisurd on page 2) tions, chas, Lucien Mchaud and Miso that tise raqsired figures ha givZ ests. gond organisation and bas the achool Kmreralal laie ta otter parts of teadts oaisrae hti oi _______________ awrdedrespect- fronttisa local office, lha aosld h Ohca Otrî, running smoatisiy andel slcrtivs-ly- earîh. il cao as interîisomisational liane ta pa>, for il, notaîthotaodînig the NELON SHILD m thetsesenior and junior prises for Ohpaleasatithte idofaltalan ccompi>, h o hihSt Ptrcilns tise-" 7 Ccierinteare ta ritaliens traigadoaoy pesdt opywt heCm ac 7 98staff,a ftac spirit of asieS tas becns -aîîid evM r w iii c he segospe~l il was st aba t cao retuietiflic cari ES N SHE D open snly te tsdents of tise Whithy the Gazette andl Chrosicla in an> y .Chincan of Scisool Boanrd, created aaong tise pupîlo asti gond wiis t e preacheil Oas tte simple ons treet ln tise Ton of Whîtisy. MihSehool. Tise contesta la radIta- . pragress sbeing made in ail ilspart- oînry of Jesua ChrtiilIandl lis lone foîr B ogres-ms-rt -s-etOns- afo thc G EHO M isaagdhe ledpossible in secsring tisa roquirad in- Dear Sr,-I notice b>, the (hrîin- Pventsde of corS" aaamîbînd. tes tLi en snd igit raadimig hdbh el eti;s or. ak ntise charehto liistcis heeîrciiegssaltrmatet GrOvSoualM.idBtiseLitarar>, Social>, formation. icde that Mr. JosephsKing isuas es Tise repart fsrtber points sut tisaI eoel oacs iui'e elien tie s te s-stare iconmtionîsforu vicas in charge of tise raterical con- Beer and Liquor Shippeel a promise of a donation ta revins-tise, the coisof pupîl, ta teascra, 26 ta o as cow the atrsnghslî,l sîf lisdisa nsprisg espair aarl, Popular Student 'ins Hon- trot. For tise fiscal yrar of 1926-i927,lTamistys fond, andl tiat other ofsita îute satîsfartisey, andl thalt te chics s'as tise chief religion of the eTtc time foîr tte retors if thecolii or Because of Work For A, Arahibald tated that tise judgeo yeax, tise romrissoner's figures sow fonmd aOcP te $200i00or1 wlias- table ar.ass s g -d fsrIs- maypepe tha t lhimeiand ihnntertitleslirondyraIl r126'rtr'h.im Sehool cossidered thtise ochs givra te have lisat 2,376 gallons ai air, hli, porter, 1Igine ta aubsrribo, $10,00 te this fond, Tetute osdr Ih eotcrei aeryasgetdvsos been af a ver>, bigla order. Tiselis- etc., and f0, 94 gallons sf spiritutous las one of tise old pupile af Principal ,Th etry as odresiths- nrar ut t .cen atIs-ryas cr- atdcsioneu Miss Mary Blow, a mont papular tee>, ai the Tamblyn content. chicis liquoira ieft Part Whitby for tlniteti Tamblyn, and I hope that tisa fuliapîZnss ising that tiese chool ta nov isundeil osn Christian faits asni gospel. OBSERVE 35t1i ariginateel in 19t4 chas tise lete Pris- States points. Tisen fcom April 1ttamlouait ciii ha fouadoti 0 at tise fusil1 f ai>, cr11 equippesi andl la accomp- Tae al itr senior student al tisa Whitb>, Migi cipai Tamblyni gave a hquest of $200 1927, ta Fabruar>,, 1928, tisere ce may lie availaisie flic tie purpoors for lishing gond cork.Re.MT rces Ealy hidsto, AN IVERSARY 0F Scisool, issu bran acardee tise Nelson ,ta this purpoae, le haioagit cas celI siipped 14,536 gallons of heetec, ciicis il ras originail>, contributeti Wrting andl Spelliag Itesults RrM irii o-i iadicus Shielti, chicis ia an botor canferred, kasonta ail la the audience, But af etc.,,anti 3,233 gallons of other spanit- Wisrs pouo-ad tise $10.00 pirase That fes' iîgis cooals le Ontario on Psialm 97 1, rhte iordirtiegneti doue t mot fr te ahoo. A T.bren jeopardiseel hcausar maithis iai- thse govenisment got 20e a gallon, anti Youra rl, i hw nteisetrsrpr f filsb ldtepferyuo h o rgr h a'aeya8h lie h otn alnu iur.O ipre n oeltm nw saeti aln mn hi uisltteerhrjie e h uttd HT Y D FE ucweo, ati-er tise B r d to aItiepatios of this fud. No-, howorver, on olier iquors 90e per gallon. Ail W. E. N. Sinclair. ter he hati examined tise iower formo Traeîng tisahisîta ns f St.Patriek, Taaibn Oaete r Cstat ion est tse ougi tise generosit>, Of Mc. Josepis of these ohlpnetevcea legai, it in Ties uhcriptions so fesraceivrd for of tisa local scissol in riting and in chu cas generally rs-ciignios-tas Ira-Pics ayLdeH TmlnOariaCotnfilletKing, a cisool trustes, tise 'Wmen'o tieclrai, in accordasce citis the rage- tise Fonds are as fsllOWS: upeiing. Altsosghthtie stutienîs araiastis patronsaint, ttc ministerecm Pics a og lI Fritia>,night. Ho tateel that even ,as Intituts, aid otiers, an amaunt cas lations ai the Custms Act, local cue- jasephsKing ..-....3..100.00 (o. - n ae ) ptaaîoeî tisaI the fart talfour r,,un Fine Banquet and Miss Blocwisad reasort ta lis prauti of boîng raisedtiet replace tisa onginal 'insu employeeaS eing Irequireti te Wsin's Institute ...... 1000 trsîsdanpg >ines Engiasti, Scîîlasti, Franc anti hec focebears chawerre asnang the sua aryoe their instructions alt lisaW. E. N. Sinclair 1000 - - land, claaad hia as a satins- sos, Programme. first cesidens ai Wiitby, ber fore- Miss Ruth Robertson, president of p.otril te the letton. It casen their Juutge Thsmpson .5.00) wvun g ao a Iribste in torlf, asti spîîts-vol __ bears cosîti sochave just cause taehlois e Lterar>, Society, actati as chair- dut>, tasme that ail necossar> papers Jude Ruddel>,. 500 U iRa .,R ue o h rans fhscaac hrýlv tasaoo ac 3h prn fbr a nnb ier apenisg remarks se la consoction cits tise varions abus- Dr. H. Basesa 500 Vs'n xa teersiandwrtif lis life tisaIt e waeýn a oca icer Hicks' jewerr store, the achol by theNavy Leaue and,8hoel fertheWtîlc tiseshwcasesthpliureraif, luisletîthIteSUnstcsUasTEDals-'a "0ea-set b PeincesacesMa>, tise statient body lonte hem the rigisl citizesa af tise tocn s indicateti b>, tates lisntise dry cslmmn doseeslt ratai $136.00 wageerd Ita e sorii s narLoladg, Wsutsoadîlatei. otiEn26 te gas> tacwhai Il shall go. Miss Bloc the fine atndance.lin an>, cay enter Iole tise dities ai When lise Fond is complets atil il BI U CESas sol cia.t staibrn ails un-an .dg, Vllaughlws'm-sstituMa, ith 26n cOU earnedtis5 onoir b>,lhec leader- As thore were igisl contestants ail coelome officers cho are ismimnti5y tise ha investeti and lise lntscest there- WAS I UC E Sbartiii, Scailanil. and us ca saidthtiIcharter iaemhcra, oîghl of uhea are sip in sport anti scatemie actlvitles. talel space* clii st permit in tisese requirementa ai the Acfram i dli ha uartannuali>, for prises here as ae u soniosfaliv gnre alise spor Whe ae is W als-lt, Bshe bas isa laiton a leadng part in columons te give allier tisas a bnif (Costinmeod on page 2) t Tamblyn cunteta te ace LrgCod heraiifts tirs asti t e rteth'e r . Wlion, Ma Warsp.MJ aes thise Lite Scieyr ndan>,ow asociot>,f e aspech it la- Akedone ngeas suintmmfcrybithaidthedae hemspeechlo, MssWatsp com-Jme an ail around t ldent, monta, itlae nîy fais' te note, hac- Supper and Program f ors- oosnst pîuitiuc, but t cas Smaithu,Mra. Bats-mas, Mm Joseaph ever, that ail che tacS part pisses- Prces vr$50 lsugisl1ta e loin acu the closae of tise Hearti anî Mes. tastisige AS OO E Asd apleasing masnerof tidress,cwitis LAIc4 BRANCIESO$T500__t tis-lry. trIos-en the- nears 30 I h ...Hall l taVhriay s-yen- aitymtecial, asdthie local inatttm-e- A E M B A CH SO Tand 400. Sa las- a.,stiiy cent dtailtin listeoriesary was suntabl>, bs S C -P R TION qaitfrane lupossi9 ois WWFavaradti c inncke ccatiser. ofhissesly life cers- a -inaits-uS Oe,. lionin ortnat inblant, basch l nsd celehratati aisesa -,umptus splendid ptniltln swsds R n iha r ag tedne h hnaot1 eýs aneti h aeu anqîuet. foitoact b>, a peogramme 0F CITIES FOR AIR piasetion ais ssoccasion. ia sna' FORMKS NEW C 0 PEN IN CoD URG foiirth annuel St. Paîiebo Bazaam, prisons-r le lrel:nti b a tnd of pi- ofamuaical ant i teraey ubran CAMP M q fBY %neel rIenà let hld nde th ausice ofthelades'ratas oho made regutar raids un partasaneerat atitrenses. cas ield. Ovc r MieRuts oetotie eirAid of tise United (harahs st Tisura-of Scotianti, areundthe prar 400 asti t00asal siuu a abl es ta taIompi C PI WH speaker, tock for ber subect "Friend- bOf 5 olis e epeople of Whit- rnovî,sg ta Whistiy tareplace Ms tie oandpeist usfuuceosed p er tam us tis euasmu oSedas aslave grd 's- tisi tise iswe.:ight f or Council Names Special Com- havlng tree friemido cas amie of the in the annouaicement tisat tise W. A. store, chargeý As the resait of lise tw aYs sAsnma, serving faîtisil>, and el ce s-vtman ltiea reand Wutb rdlets-s greatest Joyn tisaI con Se posaessed i fDowlandl stores in Whilb>, amitiOsh- Sine W A. Declasti camescai procradinga tiesoiof aver $600 ias his rasoler. otandng sansve et i o ifrMc ors.litig. iateats- inittee-New Highway i tis~ ~ ~ masmsSen esreie0 lear ni a ns-w mte sons la ha opeseti busineson Osiairasoine years aga, setted ant ilutbhaappiieu tiitise cuirS nocis-dge aiflise language andi ros- is IEhdorsd r lti a tvrete. ana 15InÇobourg vi s nw Se k55critas W- and lter in Wiitby, he bas matie Seing caro-n sb>,tise Ladmea' Aid toms of the pepl ,ater ha cax abi starter as-miscro acre presesI for the Aprdaio fIe ota M.Fct ieoinatimeushec It dmua inh ~A. Dewlasd, L.imiteti. The officeca crapiti pragreas, asti vilS the eniarged year after yaar us tise chureh. tesaendruntah bi Apeitooft e tiors fMr atind ea0i ftise nec compas>, inclutie W. A. partnereluip of timers experienscet The bazsar openeti on Ttuac'tio f- Srotland, antidurinz tia sthe,,saehsu. ecai, H. Amnes la scuing te nd ' Hin ec auisect nattler cas oiginalind'DwlndPrsien c ils R. R Har- ei aol so l espps eon ttreo'lc htierse micias c il bo h e lise Inte estre of a leautifuiiy deor- b> siaaCtyCunl a sî~,.shaceti ceail haaaght,uie liser tage ei, ypas iteditable stooitia large birlitia>, caSa ta iseDepntaantai a-dotenn csex jeît a asti W.A. Ccrke, sac in Oshawa, greater pregrano sn ail tlsree damier- Miss Lana baS ts-eno-usal cas- scus- e astedita oee te lsa ofonicrbrhahlagn lh3 titaliDoentsfor considersiion an a moke ciesci>, andti citi o a, a: sso n h Wibysortiaetsensii l oienve teml foE.Hapru techi poleaanyisatettisev cnisounouif-sct-arahls amiabelcain onis am cuion Mliaut, the second anti lent asoiaDel th hm ieil fielns. ises, aassti by Mca Bastrîti, Presti-Snna tise gospelif JsusChrstanti lstge' esuotenne To lister Mrs Jas. motiac lction Aortr Camp, ioudtdadpen . - tirIof lise Ladies' Ai af Eresîne Un- ils grcat gaaing pilase Smih. oeoms'i te charterean astbI morde ArCmool&edpt-speaker in tise senior content, chose ta Thise iOf the newcromps>,, il With Oshawa groving as il ia la-iti hueTrni.asîhetaustlascDrirdncm arhafitiaboorf ment tiocide upan th lattss"aremovai, siiestcadec s"anto. i nonei 8t iets epeday, asdtihie Wiitiî>,beoinas ax- deirgationosfaiU4 y specual starter-si Dcling fusther iota SI. PatrieS 'o si iect.anlapsn fi s ai tee rapesei nec B ionnner ai speaklng iras teliber- a Setter service than formerl>,, b>, sdmigtisere tanoimâut te lise neux ats ausat > eaIe - i-n e risponet st tha ng s-the akpesandail. f t ansi ~ ~ gh iolascrnlasat., hie jation gooti ant i e aip- leys nlags unil si~tnt a bssinss like Dewilansl'a Liie- a e-dtailpsn. vayth foui Trne ast, pa hsiagpreossI markabl>,eaIeremon thse feieve saving posÎ~sib e wacisiteti ma> eaveîap, ant il intheE. Turkingtos. Toronto, ssinf o afor- Cnireio ae2 ofiPaeo og wasfo TrnotesPar n lsrte arrs iclie passeti on la the custaners unmer assiate pastor ai' lie nisurcin Cniut spg )Ieu lc iLtg usoT btehosraiti faitS tisaI thceemen have W Has evMe TueSinonail cao The hanquet os'ar, the guestosfl be uawaaasm '* thefaudietceiaantitesamiaicti fortlise pro Tavu W oncloMoa>ngitaes asiteadecaviieaaavigttim.The eniarget inlaOshawra, Wiitby asti Cobourg, tstearard cmtbILgece. candnabis-ld ha-suths-ara- ...athm nd cilsa sseiing erfect business wic l mis lnoibe lamemite it e, asunblbas e TIiFt.TA O ,-a- tA 'i