Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1928, p. 8

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PAGE I~ GIT netgaeie Po ridmy «Cb.vs" of Osiawa at the Town Park. TheRTS Il BRIEF weserv hentour- WaJTET GIRLS #COSE1) VCTORy aee OV&M OEAWA 1RATEAYM 8AND». LACKFET Wbitby Girls U.ftbsU la. se urpucu. NEET TO-NIGRT the. Oshawa Ontario Mulleabi, IronJ Ba~ Worm t.sm at the. Colleglate grounds i. een t i.uwBi cm Yriday night when tiiev hbded Park at Port Wb"kspac l tiiem a 22-20 deféat andwnzeh imcl-(n)e- nh t70" when, dently proved te b. a veirbitter pûtl bi Town League, vul do bàtte wih ia for the. losers who had twievos ly defeated the. locaW ,Fans who ac- teaun froni the. Southx Wwrd Rtpay- compani.d the. locl4girls teo uiiawa ers Association. Docteiw nbIos - are confident that itii just a little and inrt aid treatment bavebe ar more practice they wlll b. ranged cor, and. tiiex' should b. some tenders for leagiie honors. lively t&wue. The* Ratepayers teamm la registered 1il un inthe seven sfoth w, ~ k>i frrn;si ýW it'ssepi« o Manager, A .Jcsw r m the. plate for thi e nd ,. i mWiinnithet aMero :c.; ninrs. Tiie Oshawa scoing beH.EL lmotu lb; W. Watson, 2b. el equallcd the. rune broight in n anailheWats6un, .; Slim HumpbAues, - BAL; previeus in b tby -but the.y Bull Rarden., p.; Tom Semple, t,;L faled te ceunt in tI<è remalaing two -otin~l.;I~rf; Joe Val- sessions. Maleables nearly cqualled W&&,'oac DGÃ"W*d, reserve. uni- their effort ia the eightt inling l'ypi!% J. M. shot ' 1., seoring .ieit VunTii.Blackfeet bav6Wa strong leao Kay, Larson and'MeLean poled out and are. eut to'ddé e*tti stalwarts circuit clouta te iielp the Malleable of the Ratepayer's Assoeiation. cause along, Misses Larson and M& .SOMB' .ONTAIri.rO FOOTBALL Lean doing thi e t ln succession ln the 6thi nning. Miss MeBride uit thei.GU Ione Whiltby homer,.> Following are.'the scores for the. Maleables wereVleadîng until the ýgaines_ playcd lin the South Ontario eventtul eightii innih*g wiien tii. vwait.Pootball Assê*Ciatlon lat week. At ors wcnt on the, ramiage and m- Whitby->-oodwoodp 6; Whitby, 0; at e*ied the Oshiawa spîrits cnsUdrhy ClareÃŽnont--Clareot ; ruhm Wltby's victery makes the. leaguç 1; at Green Iver-Green River, *2; race much'keener and the. remailng Cherrywood,- 0. teains wiIl have te step livcly te k.ep TIhe foflowing ganxes are scheduled well abreastlintth. league race. fer this week. June l4tii-,Whltby The. score: -Ciierrywood. June 16-Claremont Wiitby .. ..3 0'04 4 011 O -22 GrenRlver alsoBrugalat Goo Mgalleables .2 30 1 42 0 80-40 wood. Gjovernment, Mui~qal and Yielding from*-44% tô-.7%1 Edo.iBowman WIT.BY, ONT. F-orestResult use D. L. & W. ANTHRACITE- COALf Ail Sizes ln Stock, ALSO BEST QUALITY..COKE. Prompt-,Dellvery. James Sawdon, '082 Whi tby 'I I h Attoution .VAR OWNER Yeu W.nt Service If PATRONIZE Biectrical Padets aid Service a Specialty We O epoonly skiled mec efficient SERVICE on ail pa at v'ery reasonable figt rate movingparte and-aemi of cars which is anotheS We invite ju to caJland i touch wih our trouhle-shoo troubles to b. taken care of. hanice who can giv ts of your motor car charge. with aline of fast, ifor popular makes, ERVICE faue PII.ae--Day 418 w, Night 418'1 QnssM& 1a ONTAIRIO LADIES: COLLEGE From which Twcnty-Nine Young Ladies. Graduated and Receiv-ed Diplomas at the Comeceet Day Exercises Held -on ,WednesdIay Standimg-of theLeague with the College. It, was te express Team lYoa Lest -raw p-at their- love anid esteem. that a nuipber Claremont .3 0- 0 frin~ad rduateps of -the* col- Gree2 over 0 1lege had joined in thisway to pay Geodwood 1 1 ~3Çtheir tribut. ýte her. Broughasm . 1 1 3 The mebers of the Drainatic Club tO. 0 23 i Bail a silver mesh -bag with their ex. pression of appreciati9n of the great help she md- been to them4Juring their ItoNw SE SSION 0F TME College course. DIVSION COURT. is Bail replied very -feelingly, viighrregret at leaving se many - warm friends in the Cellege and the (ContiniÃŽd from page 1 & tewn. Her years in Whitby would al- eutfit for $460.00. The plaintiff's way? remain with her, as .among . the main witness, one Leask, who bought 'happiest of ýher ie. the eutât, said h. get a good bargain, ti t was peculiarly appropriate that tlmt~~~~~~~ ,*nieaoewswrhtea s final play staged imuder Miss t*iwene paid ora woleth ta Ball's direction should have been such Èibgly -$45Ã"0G, and-,that he had an outstanding success, -and' her ~claner te thegod which h. valued friends joined .in offering lier hearty àt $300.00- Judgment was reserved congratulations upon the brilliant per- in order te give the solicitors the op- formniiice portuniity of filing any. cause they Miss Baîl salis toward the end of iight see nt witii lUs Honrbfr the month te conduct~ a party, of t our- a decision was miade, nr eor ists tiirough Europe and the7 British i3c Ifu wge The second case et Harndcn vs. Whippey was an action brougiitte re- cover wagcs whicii the plaintif dcaim- ed was due hlm under brcach of con- tract madc by thé defendant. It was contended by the plaintif tint h.e hir- cd wlth the. defendant for five months froin the' first ef November, 1927, te the. firat of April 1928, at a wage of- $40.00 the, first month,. and $30.00 for! cadi month of the other four montus, and tiat h.e l.ft a good job te enter inte ths contract. Rie workcd a little over the menti for the. défendant, wiien a disagreement arose bctwecn them, and the. plaintiff said he was dismlssed'by the. defen- dant without any légal reasou, and that at the saine time tue détendant threatcned his lite. A number of wit- nesses were called for the . plaintiff and the défendant, and luis Honor gave a décision on -Friday, dismlssing the. case. -This case we are lnfornied- will b. ap-pealed. AIumnae Luncheon (Coutiaued from. page, 1) and the. Poct" (Lord ,Dunsaney), by Miss' Muriel Siuttleworth,. one etf'the graduatea, 'and a song by Mrs. lIeor- otiiy Morden Griffen, of Hamnilton. on behaif et Castle Chapter, Whitby, Mrs. Lcod Gray made thc presentation of a lite rmembcrship te, Miss A. A. Bail,.who has been a miember et the Coilege Faculty for 1a years, and çiho lis leaving at the. close eft tus teri.ý IMiss Bail was aisoei.recipient of a 'lovely bouquet of fiowers which were presented by Hildegarde Goodfellow. Miss BaIl very aptly thanked -the maembers et Cazt -el Chapter for the. honor thcy hmd don. her, and stated tint siic would always remember with pleasure the. many ycars aheh. d spent at the. cellege. Tii. singing et tii. National An- them brought the. progran te a*close atter*w-hich -a visit was madec te Unioni Cemetery -where fiowers were reverently placed on the. graves of- Dr. and Mrs. Hare, and Rev. F. L. Farewell, former principals; and someÈ1 former. students and frienda. 'rnatcClub. (Centinued freni page 1) Muriel Shuttleworth. as Mn. Erro,] Jean Campbell as the Eari et Doris- court~ and Leone Everiat as Mina were aisoecxceptionaily geod, and.the entîre caste were a great credit te their tencher, Iiss X. A.Bail miss Banl Hononei At tue conclusion et thé ýplay, and juat betore tue singiag oethte Nation- ai Antuem' 'a very lnterestlng event took pince, ýwbn lira. Robent Tiomp- sen, on beiialf et' a numbêi' et Whlt- hi' fnienda, pÏresented te Misa Bail a' iiandsome ,diamnnd.dplatinuni pin, together witu 'sevon"> gold pieces. lira. Ttonipson spoke o e tirt4,èyenrs' devoted 'service Miss Ba&l lins rend- ered te tue (Ontario LiWes'-Çollege as teaciier sud friend of the students, sud of the acëtive azi&!Oeusis.suti l- terest «dlsplaycd -in thé àfalrs etftth. tewn, sud -e±presed gréat-negret that] Mise -Bal iad tended ber resigna-1 tIem nd Ud #severing lier cenneetion j TOWN FRWIJUE -WTOWN FIETRUCK,, layon J.W. -BâiaLmahWasbeen advised h i' f tTolinte, Iaw- Yens. that actiag -o n àsttimn tru Eraest StaffQlqi, ofWlatby, I. la pnoceeding.,againat tii. Cor. Pomrtimo f -the Town'et -Whithy .4i reoven damageS ferijuies sustaeul hi Mr. Staforil Wha le vas strè uckontue Tth Of Mai' hi' ax fine tru.wmed hi'b the Whitby fine .Deutient '.and, h staning watching a. fige MSthte Towa Làne. lb. lawyersadvised Otat he auowst e'd aniages -daiel by -Mn. StaffSl bas net Yt hem uoralebut that the Tii. caste et characters in the play, "Little Lord Fauntleroy" was as toi- lows: Mary, Marlon. Miller; Mrs. Errol, (Dearest), Muriel Shuttlcworth; Ced- ric Errol (Lord Fauntleroy) Kather-ý inc Martin; Mr. Hobbs, a Grocer, Jean Walker; Dick, a Bootblack, Lillian Arnold; Mr. luavishani, a Solicitor, Ethel Cross; Earl et Dorincourt, Jean Campbell; Thomas, a Footman-, Mar-. fgaret Keeler; Higgens, a Farner, fHelen McKenzie; Jameçs, a Servant, IMadeliene Yoemans; Jane, Norine Heena; Wilkins, a Groom, Doretiiy Beattie; Mina, Leene Everist. Whitb)y'Township-Council The Couz.cil et the Township et Whitby met at Brooklila'on Menday, June 4th, with ail the. members pres- ent and the Reeve la the. chair. Tii. minutes et the last-meeting were read and approved, and a number et as- ceunts were preaented. Communications were rend as fol- lows:-wFrom Hon. J. S. Martin, Min- ister et Agriculture, nsking co-opera- tien witi ilis dcpartment in the. de-- struction et noxious weeds. From thé London Guarante. and Accident Ce., re Collector's Bond. From . J. S. lUnes, ncknowledging re- zeipt- et order from Whitby Township fer a Cletrac 'Model 20K!. tracter. This tracter is now werking on the Township ronds. Froin N. Allen, Provincial Account- ant, inciosing invoice for $718.23 te cever ameunt due for ý1928 on con- struction of pavement in the Village et BrooklM. From W. M. Croskery, Department et Agriculture, advising thé -Ceuncil of a conference et weed .inispectera, te h. held at Iàndsny.on June 6th. The resignation of the late D. W.. Macdonald as Township .. Treisurer wns received. C. L. Mackey gave--notice thnt at the next meeting he would introduce n by-lnw *te appoint a Treaurer. . IMoved by Innes Grant, seconded by IW.. J. Cook, that the. Rond Suiperin- 1 tendent h. authorized te purciiasc two- tons et calcium chioride for streets et Brooklil and,-Ashbw-9~. Cnrried.. Movcd by C. L. Mackey, seconded by Innes Grant, tint the. Treasureir be authorized te issue a cheque -for $50 as a grant te tthe Broekhin Spring Fair. Carried Moved by lunes Grant, seconded by W. J.ý Cook, tint the -Reeve and Clerk1 h. authorized te smgn an order te purchas. a'No. i Ferry Automfatic Seqaper and an extra plat. frem the J. D. Adams Cg..Carried., Moved by Wmî Garrard, secenided. by C. L. Mackey, tint tii, ToWnship Hall Comniittee h. -authorlzed te re- pair the. Township sheds by straigit- ,ening pasts and a new -roof. Cnrrled. ýMo e y W. J. Cook, seconded by' CL.Mackey, tint the Rond Supt. be nuthorized te give one or two entran- ces te private property in the Townm- sip et' fW1itby, according te uis judg- ment, on a 50-50 basis'. Carried. Movcd by C. LU Mackey, seconded by Wm. Garrard, tint théeCierk bh. authorized te write a letten et con- dolenete Mrs D. W. Mncdonnld.- 1. Moved by lInes Grant, seconded by 'Wm. Garrard, tint thi ee and .Treasurcr h. nutherized te issue cheuesforaccounts passed, Ron-ds sud Brides $2839.10, and other ae-i ceun4e $976.37. Carrièd. Cozineil tien adjeurned te ate"et onc Tuesday, July, Srd, at .10 Ln- 1< -EL. W. MiBnien; Rev. Josephi Bornes cdUl preaeh his farcweil sermnon hure nexct Sunday. In a few day lie- will move te Markhaiii, is -niew home' Everyboly -,here la sorry tée see hum go -but-ail-jonmi I o ing lia h~a is wites aila Jmest etijoytble sud pleast future. Ma"y-have been usuffering frQm, tue '¶u, ere confiaed te tueir .beds, but as yet there bas bcen -ne serious r.*- -Mauy £rom 'lIer. attended. tue gpring Fait at Brookliu on Saurday1 Us and aza eyed'a geed tine. Miss ThrQua is- workidgoý'0vei-time )r geod resuits from hexr efforts. Miss Greenwood,, of Toronto, apenti the week end with lier auÙit;lra. G.- Parkin. Greenwood bovs came over lset MF- day nigMi and ptayed. éur bal team; RAYON-SILKS u i teN weit reghar85C 'd$1,25 WOOD'S LAVENDR E L Vest...........$.75each' Blomer.......... .5 p4. Pr WATSON'S LIJNGERIE .79e.each Bloomers....... JA~NES KMONA ç olors Pink, Mauve, Blue Pric.....-$1-69 and $2.50* Deach '-Colors auve, Peach, Blue, Pink Price.......59.ec yd, peca AJiIES' G IRDLE Two Styles te rice..... The famnous b oni * brassie Prie.... Jrice LADIES' BLON Whiteand( Price. DEMY LADIES' PAJAMAS C~osMaUve, Peach, Blue, Pink price Price..........$1.19 suit No sleeve', opéra, top, white diaegeonal Prics........29e. 50., 8e.Price . 0, $1.49, Every Coat in teSoeR .BANDEA White and.] .OSEE * LADIE&S ILK HOSIER C- or. Si7 Nude, Pearl, Blush, other shades. Fleur-de Lis Silk, HQsiery ..... Fleur -de Lis Silk .Hosiery . Fleur de Lis- Sillc Hosiery, ful $69Pair. Fleur De- LisSilk Hosiery, full $1.50 pair. KARO SILK IIOSIERI Colors Misty lWorn, Flesh, White,j ana,eother shades,' Ldes' Karo Silk HosieryfUa Ladies'KrSikIlsey.Laes' KaroSilk Rosiery....llý m~ ~on ur shopping at «nr Mns Furuishing. We Havegeai Bargais For'You. W.avÀ. Dela W -*ýA Din~tn~giçn 1~nrIin iu ~ I.,;[~I :1-1 tii. resuit being Kinsale wnbyna large margin. Remember the Saleih cemetery speclal memnorial.services on June 24.. Sermons by Rev. A. P. Lattejr, et Onk- woed, a fermer p .aster et some forty yenrs. ago. Special-offerings at, each- service in .aid et cemetery «upkeep. Special'singing at encli service. We rege very much.the -moving te lroiin et our -friends, Mr. nnd Mns;. .R.Mowbray They havé boti taken yeu are about -te leave. our community lite. Mr. Mowbray, was one ef our moat able township officers, being. reeve for yenrs and Wardenetth county at leat. twice. 'He wns aise Liberal nommnee. forSoüth Ontario- seme- years age. Mrs. Mewbray was. interested hia e-výery ,good work,, being president et the W.BLS. ns long as her henlth permlitted. Miss Agar, who han been with theni for some year s, han endeared herself, te the commun- ity by her splendid efferts for the, ehurch and Sunday schooL Ail jein in wishing theni a happy future. Be- fore leavng. us Mr;. and- Mrs. Mow- braWy were presented witii a dlock, ith the. tollowing address: Dear -Mr. and Mrs. Mowbrayr--As you are. nbou te leave. our community wc, the memnbers et. the Wemn's In- stitut.,- Ladies' Aid -and W.M.-S. eto Kinsale, cannot - let you go* witiout. tlling you iiow we' appreciate-the. greût.and -uxtirlng work you, Mrs. I&owbray, have doue la our niidst, not onli an president et so-me *et -thèse. societies, but. in our écommunity- er old sud yeung for years, sud .wich was done se wiingly,.chenfulli'asdC intelligently.- We have regr.tted-very, nauch-tbat on accountetof ill health yen, eould, utcontinue la the. workasd in mrm~,but you bave been a greatf exarnpleto ail, in tue beautifulChrist- 1 sun way yen bave borne your suifer-. ng,asud werked for. eth ers tee, wien Yeu were unable te get eut. We prà ron ma'le spared 1mnny more years to thoseyaround yen, and, ns you are not geing far trom us u-,ad -eld Kmn- aàIe,ý we hoe. te se. yoÃœi sd Mr. owliraY very often sud.,wisii you Rth mucih nppinesç and pleasure la Pour new home. -WM lyeu please an- ept tUis dock as a sinali token eft1 :ur love sud best wishes, and ns it wrks awày mai'you tinfktetti nmai pleasant mietngs,.ef tues. se- 1 mc i s , os ud e t O u r n a y frefa laei. Siénedo'n behaif of the se- ieties iii' lNà. C. .teeslra sune 'Rîciiardsen, lms W. Stevenson, IT [ns. EL Panlcin, _lmIrs.R. . ewbray. Nine VWines BrokhFair Tii.follesviug ila acomplet. lstofetL àl prize -wm-uers at the. Brookihi 'P'ring Fair, beld ou Saturday after- ion in thie Comnmuity Park. B n c e J i ai Si Dl JiORSES Cemmiýttee-Messrs.'Job White and J. A. Peéer. Clasa:. L Pare Bred Clydesdales Stalion, 1926_-X. Duif. Filly,ý 1925-lst« sud 2nc, M. Duif. J illy, 1l926-M. Diii!, F. Bntty. îilly, 1l927-M. Vi 1pond. -lueavy drnugiit mare -or gelding ia harnuess-T.,Parisii, Roy-Hall. a eavi' draugit team la inarness, suitably hitched-te wagon-E. Pariai. Cdas* 2. ýAgricalturaj Herses (Dagttype unider -1500 has.) Broed Mare. in foal or-witi foal at foot--Garnett -Cochrane, R. Johnson. Filly or gelding 126F.Batti'. Filly or gelding, 197ý ono, M. Vipend. -R-J.hnson, Mare Or'geldig, i harness-W. R. Rolibins, H. Kerri', W. R.- Rebbins. Tenm la-hàrness, suitably-hitched- W.. R.-Riibbins, H. Kerry. CIasa3. Light Konses Committee-O. IH. Downcy, Chas. Grass. Brod 'Mare Ïi foal or wlti foal at tet-Rey 'Hall. Colt eto 1926--Garnett Cochrane. hnrness--E. -Parli, Roy Hlul.. .Sînglej herse in hurftess, 15% haisud and under-Job White, Garnett- Coch:1 rane. Single iiorse lu harnesa, over l53 iiands-Ge. Cochmane, H. Jebsen. Sec. 7. Geucral Pdrp:oae Teani, suit- ably -hi -ed T. Baton Ce. special-G. -W.: lcLmauln. Sec xresHorse, 'suitablyliit- chedm-R. K.ILWcbber, E. Dearbora. Sec. _9. Saddle herse nidden by lady ,or gentRli.Verno.n, le, Hunter. Sec. 1.Peny S. Lockyer, Sec. 2. ony Latj podeapcu na Tiiotàpson. pai' and net i Commnittee-, Reesen. Cla"a 5. MOI Bull, i year--; Bull Calf-P, Cou, S3yeara brai'. undprop- ros. Gnibutt, and under.- li. Simpson ,Parish, Ed-- 1 showing-a- prize te r.- Steer or M.Bailey,] Famili Ce F. Batty. Clasa, . Cow, 3 'e; 2nd and 3rc. lueifer, 2 Ileifer, i Heiter' cai Clase 9. Cow,.3ive; Douglas Tio Heifé-r, 2 lueifer, 1 Thomson.' Hiier cali son. -- Winners o elscwhere m- $tifs Says: "Wl' Jomnt It was a h eni to And sil serted tl h. cemp creaky, work -yi as tii.>. New iouered Dyver, C. niacigts t( suffer fr4 zist.nd) Ilimbeing Mowbmay, jSwollen pain-terni causcd by st an&,2nd,Ithrgh's, jto ênd ec 'y- Bmm * I...nimits of iLS Solid Brick Residence in Rosedale, Toronto. Large room, in excellent repair. Fifty foot lot. and centrall1y located. For futer particulars apply to - G. M. Goodfellow, Whitby, Ont. dWar 's erviS' auid 'l' i

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