Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1928, p. 3

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wvould lie very desarable. It îs to be regrettei tha. m pastyearstht intetest-in localmunicipal matters ha. not been as it should l-be, with tht ruult -that only a ual! percentage of voter.avi"t tht poils on election day. Whiby is growig. Tht prospects for tht future we buighc. The town requires good men at the head fit4 affairs and these can only be secued by t)w rate- payers taking tue ntrcst they sltould. -Hold the elac- tionsiut th right tîme and greater inttrest oughcta bc.~i imutediately apparent KNlOWLBDGE 0,CF CANAýDA IN IENGLAND ucated classes, ta tea à"s lis s PpallintL , M»tueC ?ackerlng Newsý, wIn4-la&s -1¶py do nt * eust termi- ice andth ieïe t*W - io the Noahu American ota two great coinai th United State.s & Càtadea. the latter beina put ýhe pwom t sýB qumie- 'fi do n se=tolmdm t= anMOtwoe* Mf1td #M»v hàpe nn uift l ê 511theiiam (Cm, P40AD GRANTS TO URBAN CENTRES ada- The &iti6 laiS ouId be â<Itrou ato Mt bf uW -A ruolution fi-cm tue County cf Perth, now before great b"kê sud' ettji-uy dippu"-ý Man> p Cogiaa Ontario County Council for consideration, aika tht ?Pro- a«= - I> nkdth uUnited lta dci amas vicgI De artpeof figlhways of Oataruto e donc on back strcets initown#asnad' iàà -s gZâ~izt ri.? allcwance as is3rmade te townshi1p* for -d ie p of iv«raitieOff io.Ous cf, Thet'requtst would Sem ito US tO be a reasonablt Other, whO rretmsentaToeoto Utii*étye , >M IL -one, because of tue fact that with tue introduction* of iCeny,, son aof Mr. and b Mi. Keny. of WhAgtbya wbois frieglit and express trallic by trucks unban municipalitisgaining famç as an orator.-, la ". rdebatgttet thty are comptlled to spend mort on tueir unpaved st-tata visited Leeda Uiviruiy sud wS ila Vi ei- la bo*oe off than they ever did before, and tue Governmeat collecta tue C>amas tW.pue gulçy peed the vil*=otswit "Yan- f rbm tuese tr-uck and express waggon owners -a ta for -k. Doodle, 11%ÃŽ Caria sfatî oblipd to ,jo0Wnt t the use of the highways cf which tue stecet. art more that thteldection, howeyer wdl attendàd fl, 1Wt ~ ap- or ls conecting links for tht purpose of carrying on propriate. antiânfometi them dth tey vue Canaiana the business of the owners of these- vehicles. Why andi not Americatm Ik voultib.iosble îtoid m sLiould a distinction lit madie between tue urban and ignorance in owi Canadian seto*lswM hrespect ta, their rural centré~s in tue matter cfý roati grants? knowledge of the *otht co=try. Simil lkOf kuiow- Take tht case cf the Town ocf Whitliy which un-j letige ia regaurd tb C&nada existasa tht Unîtedi State. doulitedly applies te many other places. TIs Yeau a Tht progres. which a ben vade by or-ui-coy wIll hit over $1,000) was spent on temporary and permani- gradualy aae the Muiiaof oter cne, ud li- cnt work onstecets, m'any of which weire liadly cnt with sated ai being knon ** a nd i c tandi snow, vW4t trucI&N tht owners of which cannot lie reac-heti through lndiaut roeugaaoiM wvItmahawkS nhanti ready the medium> -of civic taxation. Why.ahadd n« Ttht "aP cvery whist mn vthin reach, ià wIUbc kaawn goveriýment come ta the rescue cf munficipalites oo ét- ~as a tend of great naturelwnlu ti as mecof the mmt uated and, help relieve tht-atitionlburden which thty important countrîes in tue voti. are calleti upon to face? Whitby could have speat more than $5.900 to goodativantagc, becuoe when tht yeas Strett repair pregramme hi been conpleteti it was found that mucii reinaîneti to be doe for Wh" hno funtis were avaiÀbe.I- - Up until last Yeurviien -ig wus discovereti dmathte lme MAmbrn_11co aWe ta meàdintt County of- Ontarie wus nquired tw pay back ta the town S«Wno o sa he "fti aA r.tslt*ig tht paht fiftyper ce=- of the amouait coâttTbLtd ta the ewnOUy cf cas n iimliI lt ha. COM etothe pont treasury -for goçd l oI-caisWhitby wus oblgtdta ahoulder the a,1ew up htp eetocap unasitei tshevy raid upkecpbudgt*>Thtecousty g « i rep w uldisi-f ment w in la tyearsL XI%, WOW lmo Ieft, wauld : it Cý Ardthtegoveroiaeftt. r ecalen-dom o u& OCL aa *Wbaa tgasairoit fi fi-arnthesaîecof lifquor, coul ltvlt aicd ta help urban Iia ~b "Maasa, 01 ýw municipalities wùth tueur uyriaui buildûngproI4tm& drcI wga taMc=.=X Ibt Couty Cowillqe letws sam-d Mrnotal>»- 1Wia W M&* NK o Mu mittet shoulti have no healttfoo ta undîtha *M the resoution fr-cia tt cmtt cfcmshbe.dpeei, whilt the Councili tti hcpd iiWiowyen the ,=ugpjýy reWoltioti. Ile Rve A4 t 15 fue, ,igM oac- in upon it1 but ift 'lserve to Ïhow thte ueatioff fielintgï 1 - Medm tbpn net, -cm I te.-bingangoy ta.. liquor beoed t. i;ý"ÃŽ lie about if. - hi Iit.g the wiumm - tOar thé, 4«eoe. tratehWP b d rglt te *k~ Wep- ig assertintha tbttuate b b.d beeh srn TBtu -And *10 er admitted good evldMS ewm-.t* b. given no veight ànd that tbgs-ýuIthoa- es were to be dlsbelieve& N* they were not contradxeited 1 oir bosikbudown in anyway In5nfOI Mr-. Sawafsf i154 i*d iu#ibfof cases argùed that- tbe.law wm mttted. "It May be that tb6. Jud»KW 1ee the wiuesaes; but no tril ýibuna1 simnply because it dWsheiewe au* iltiess or set of witnessee, bhm ew rt t the fand as Proved the oppoit of what e is sworfl tW, .kember >of b. fa. -toe te i MiSlet4TownWeI ÃŽtremC in CiD ht nikubu cýf qfrs l gnzua C. A. GWô»IMuOW & SON1service dubiw noï only Mi'Camâ but trugotthe1 ________________________Unîted àsatus. Amre a meeQrganaù=iol5andlbe %VHT8.-T URDAý,tbanded 1,128togéther wdithe obiect cf, srfing mniit WHITfYThRSDÀ NOVMI3 15,1928 1 the truen ttaise muusoerxng spugtas ltforth to Ministr ~tu those who love peace, righteouoaesli truth and bro- E T 0 'therly lave? E T RI LOn-ebshýalo e d on tpt Of evf EAR&UERM U ICI A ~~gesv the smallest communities, to render a service in al chings Whitby Should fa"l in 1une with other V i, can bc made ýtrue of nations, so that when there isa municipalities tin changing the date of the tmunicipal dec-. mutual undersading ne O m >lbn f felowhp, tind rm haYstMna in Jae'nuary to the first Mon- and a demmr for the happiest relationsh'ps, war wi11 be da nDcmber. made impossile Municipalities that have made this change hive. not Tht would as both a neighborhood and brotherhood regretted it, because they find that the ratepayers take is a sure and certain ideaL. a greater interest in municipal affairs early in Decemberj than they do during the Christmas season when S aT1EXESO 0 AI Claus and Christmas shopping hold sway. They find, '-Recenit visÏts to a number of the great districtso ar toof thalagrnu rof electors poli theâ votes aLs ~and Frontenac show how popular radio bas lie- a~~ ~~ reu io h ncreased interest in the. election of their < ~ ~ ~~r, asttGnnqeRprcr Arepreentativî g to th arionscivc bode leton which, adds: -Remote farm houses are now initouch with thé cidhated advntetoherl'D_.mer letios d events, and know what is going on~- almost the thul fat tatstheaConclth m St motant Ov3C body, second iu happais. The telephone, the motor car, and wQul stat it yet's ork monh' ai-ler. nde theth radio have completed the wiping out of the iso- present -SYStemn the, Council is elected early n january lation of the rural communities. Faim life has litai te- 4nd it iW sualy tht end of 'the ruonth before the or, volutionized since thetclose of the World War, and radio ganizatiO>ti Ï3, completed. A council elected in Decemnler ha. played a big part in this change- Thi-ough i s means would take' ffice immeateiy, and proceed with such teetraneto itn iisi ruh otefr work %s preparation for strking thetax ra.te, deciding ttetran o itn iisi rultt h ai on sadewalks to lie built, streets ta lie epar and the family, so that in this regard it can lie consîdered to lie colletion f taxs. Th Co.r. of Reviinwd . under smail disadvantage liy reason of itt position. By collctin j f txe" TheCout, o Reisin wold c 1tsmeans tht f armer receives grain arnd livestock prices held cartier which would bc a- great boon to tht assessor.f mtwrshigi osd.abtsvn flm lu ht ven Qfa Dcemer leciontht6nacsa stte-and money. Ht is also advised of wtather probabilitits. ment would be submitted oýn tht Law Monday in. No- Iand can lie as well posttd on current events as hi. lire- Vepiber, whtn tht nomination meeting woulcl lie held. 'thers in the city. Radio ha. dont a lot for the farming At pret it is submitted on Decembtr 15 th and hand- Icommunîty, completing what thet tlephone started and .4 t th eletor on wee laer.the automobile extended. Reception conditions on rural Thtnomination meetini this ytar will lie htld otfams as generally excellent in tue absence of ail foi-ms the bist day of the month, December 3 1st, and the elec- of> inteference, and it ta doubtful if thcre ùs a terrftory tion on wek lterjanary7tu ThtStautoy mtt-where tue radio is a greater boon or bassch a scope of- iga weeklar so that it wfflbe nearthe end of tut service. Rado lictait issued liy tht .)epateto mostiibefore the municipal ship of state is ready to ti pn Fsee nte iclya artaiecht3lf bar ohat 199 vyae. Tht saint would apply to the ubrd2805 scmae sh2560i h Boad of Education and tue Public Utilaty Commission.« l nu >er, 68.55,ac of mly 25%wh.65h thner Froitht scandpoint'of stimulating a greater inter tviusy i n gui. ofnary c 5%.ed 1aerueretn ins mnuunicipal affairs aIone the Gazette and Chronidi about one-b9rfof the tatal radios Ï4 ust c, hl would f" fe that tue change would lie weil worth wbule, wbà ie t a about 131.0W0st eei prtoit h the>.CÉtninatîon of elections during a holiday season Domùùon, or about ont for cvery eaghtcen persons. thi Caadyatec tl r urpose. lie ~ALCAN~DA ~M~D SAVINOS cOMPAIIY St SIUÃ"OÇ SY~U? USAiS, OSUAW4~ T~ o~ Z3TAFIUSHKD 1fl4 i h * erlght to refuse te believewituess- dd i t»plead hinito do ». Judge bel hèd, inmaking Judgamt, that, «re might b. a gi-eat dealof sus- cion în the Magistrt.'. mmd but at Supjiji not evidenc" amd Agreed with the. cotention of the ape.l-- tant 4s to the Maglstratels indisig be- liig wrong on the. ground aisse that lie dlsbelieved the witnesSes. 1The. stry told by eii.aecuspd and eu - a Centaýl , Account for-, L-- F 0 R E 0',F 10 1.11 1L L.1 N- P4Uinski. whle an exti-aordlnary one,' w"s fot unreasonable and snce it was ndcý contradicted mut b. accpted, and thst reasonable doubt sbould also be a»pled. The. Judge ollwed tii. ap- mial and quashed the conviction wc Y' I -r p 1 e r, t s: v z If t s I a tby Ll JG 94 anger' line 351w. NJNES e- Loan STIAN FrY Public, 9 Of, Court Iflter, etc. tione door' S Shop 16, kj.c. l'me Etc. "sfte Burns' 92 tde -for even- WIN tary Publie INorth 'drus More rgeon flice cets, Wtdtby S., L.DS JCollage et roch'a con- houri, 9 to $,LD.S 124AC S ý J. A. MeGîbboii, f4r tii rwn i replying said that the magistral b .d

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