Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1928, p. 4

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FWOrrmwdug Bo» md CfrI, F«e b.Old féopl. sud Fr cà**bm ÏaÎ.oe m TÂrnl goe I MmS . @u toe.w in laph. next si e cor O.a, . iau I . 'M i. dW . VUuf., e, Bi. S - - ndbay ba-wo have bem iitiIp ' te me ofd'M. nd ~weekhfr oflWr w eethyvii f te rst ffre..p* . LUr. OlVMnh ohv ben euggWnt MmPrnesr wbor Toroto, whl e"e .11e theIbru- spet he ee-eamüy B.hoeraof a- ekludiy tarbanra, who ae benvtg At teameor.auJol wekfreengers owre they wiefal Kr. b. tii, gueste ooffrhendeW b.eenP. ooeiuin ringle'. reui-d Cec ~Boktrgeton olb, re mor- lugto shwaandMr. linon o of ort vIer, Win momm Into t ouate v»gted by Mv. a n Mv.. llaih îndWsékly Starn, 1Montr eandlIas b" Io4M& kl Foal a don o*MI »IagaaipýeîtcJed. fr A ev fo udl 6. it aJon, Emanaer of tii, ew sefpe»'vwu held on PrldaY 'ter- about spvice being beld aI i hm on Broek-Stveet S" tbiy Mev. 1. M. ~i AU0fMlSghtW Chure)'Quit. a number 0f old Mrende attended the servuce, aud wituesaed the, lnterment LOCAL MBCIIANIMC INJUIRD -Whysuayowigims ell kuovu ber.,inIn-luthe Osawa KosPitalSuf- fènlng from serjons injuries n lie v.- nhui of an accident w"lcbocuvred ou 3&tUrday nigbt Mlr. Smnart hb e tlxIng a cau for a patron of the gar- age sd decided te take iltet Oshawa to try it 'out. lHe got as far as Ir- win"s refresimeu.t stand eut of the towji when th. car came te a stop., hiidklg lth the. gaoline fecd pipe wn choloed with dirIi,'eanSe there vwu plenty of gas inthe tank, le got out to îinvestigate. At -tb. rear of the car; le wus dolng some vovk when s mnas drving a new Ford voadstev ishdm hlm., scudlug hlm se feet Into th1e diteL I. %e driver of the Ford droveon sud 11e aus ow be- lng sought by prvIncialConstable Taylor, of Qaaa. smart reoei+ed s tfractured. arm aud som bad bruises on the legs, arm and fae Wben plekedup h. vasuIel ~profusey sud sewini ufrom slock. the ho.- rpilai Wednesay 11e nas *eprted tb b. getting ilong very nlcely. True& Rad N.eUits While proceedlsg ean after dark on Fvlday nigit Wilhlim Wslk.oe f whitby, sldeswlji a huek wbih wua parked lu front -of Dr. Kcillivvy's residàM noeo Dwuds Street naît, viummt iglita. Kv. Walken a door was damaaed but hoeaeisaped, lnJury. The mter vas reporta d te .polie wlhh tic rsst litaIt the truck driver, ýGeorge:Clark, of Bellevile, vwu ehavg .d viiabrese)' of the . Hghway Traime Aêt. (Contiuedftoiu page 1) beard of su Engish lndustry. uit)' Cauadlau ot!lee, seelsgt te tabllu a plant lu ,Cnada. d0fome t.Toronto, eud bad weftts lhe manuger et -he oenetu wi a îMW îo, b"_ »M« tuiltonsopened -wit lie Tomoa . t Wbltby.IThe uting approvMet c the 0.eurr ?aaction anid "d.t. sesd a P*o dutto eToroita t. ame ,tiecai ftnmmu ffb"607 pleasant, evening Was spent. The. fiv.t part of tbe qe*nug waà spient lu eards, féooed by apigu of -vocasd instrumental umbn .a Tbremdgold; commuity lngued bF, tb. Noble Grand, BriL Wilim rjfr- sccmpauied by Brai. James *Dy solo, Bic. John -Frost; solgeo, Bc.Wl- lian mcullougb. Aller 1the programme a8lRvcreAgl-,e Lfsucy lisasund tics. ere used lu de-, tterwining varions Pam*= for lba-- quel, wvhlch vas-.served by Ih« 041 fdilows themme.Th ii. aberfairly groaucd vit)' their burden f good' thinga vie)'qulekly dlsQpeare when &U hmd been scated. lb. ban- quset over, the Noble Grand of lie RB- bekahs thaune icOddfellows for ther hosplhality. ~sadjournmeut wss tien mad. t*e the. lodge room viiere dancig as u - dulged in until tie early hours of the, vnorning, Bros. llauey. sud Clark sup- piying lthe music. lb. entertainiment vas voted by aIl as the, bedt ever held. Next mont)' a social wvii b. beld jointly by thc Rebekahas mdOdf- lovsa, further intimation of wich wiii b. made ltler on. Mir. sud bMv. Crawford sud sou, of Toronto, spent, the week-end vit)' Mr. and lirm A. W. Riciiardson Miss Mabel Mackey, of Toronlip, upent icth a nksgvng week-end wlth ber mother lier.. Mv. Rosa MeGregor, - of TorSopI spent the. week-end with lis percta lila ltidred Brown, of Apsleyi sp0eut the. T)'sksgvn week-eM ,wllli ber parents, Mv. aud K. Richar4d Browa. The bazaar beld lu the- Witby -Com"il aam ber on SAIuNa7 sle- ist the laies« t of, ei vkrh as a decided sce -UL Aý suaiber of aproa vre bougatsp, vcwy quickly and tic home-mmdc cook- Ing md candy tables W ver vl!pat- ronug. ii.ke mdlsply pi cee- tablesand fruit fosd veadysasle, q«4 tSunday viti eavýýÏWj- ait MssMarlo.u Couempi M I"1 8"ors Mu it eotém nd r. IË g7eula tli of W < K.J.1 V h j' -s irs- F. G. CaraweU% sub .c --v 'F ~ijft It's flot a bit tooE early to' chàose your CHRISTMAS GIFTS. jin1et a oàlnuModay .vemug ýKz merl st.AU -report an «céUeut lime.W s wit _r i s Many from. bers. wereemt at ýw,8ýï JÉSILg Mutp*a- lthe Sunday eveulng m 1esolmor-srie ]in roàki Umted 4ur&j It being. Uoiea IS~iVaék I e. Mdmmv..C. RuMsU, 0 f 'Whlt- Mmllir . lmAllas W1ker, Of by -Hospital farm staff, spent Susday Whyltby, veie -i 'lir, ur uelbbvood a ài M d ie. Wm. Bel'. - J ~Rev. sud, Mv..Lelsddagie Dorotby ealled ou Mr. aud Mrs. C. J. KDISALBStevensa uon Thsuksgruing Day en- KNSALE route tW Greuwood Laat Sundw eur Paator Rer. W. S. .J Seemsi.soi e Suurtprec1ed pariolosermon, i m.J t cvrn ~aevpesne d o lrepot beâng. ArmbUst day. A ;od nu.umberJ Tiiougweme sud ber mtiier passe and mplmenUI&Mweek passedof Wl~le Godon araus). asMml)ii5i1dLewis. o i te Brolilu ui. ~î~ ~oicolnsin,, revwsting at bis father, Mr. IL. IL MSWbray's team he met a truekIJOLeIBroil.Gorecm wbièh frigiles- the >ves. '¶iey t"3 stwushp 'ih .faiy fo t"o Î* te dîteii, a" .ve Mr. Me- th.e eat about forty years ago, aud weM u" ouh ater, where h. is a Pros- oe re àsud upoWu g lie k *afonperous reired farmer. Re camne home ,we *rkig te felisGordonvs hwu ti. W. extend- ecugrainlations extrksted sud-tib oises were canght, ftom his rmany Kinsale fiienâs. Gorn-wuas be 10 drie 11tbear home, lalgt.w an sd box b.-, liid Ri.Ma y iiends areplessed to Wo* hau startedin remodelling the leara ~ ~ »t mi4h asstsroulylVield Bros. store, King St,, Cobourg, Inhu d, dafier eosaultlug a doctor into the. groeeteris for the. T. Eaton aud taklng a frw dayseresI, in a*Me te Co, of Toronto, who have taken a be os duty mga. lew. of 25 feet of the store OS]âIAWvA LITTLE TIiIATI3 The Up-Town Box Office of Osawa Littie Theatre wil be at Mitchefl'à Drug Store, 9 Sim- coe Street North, on Thursday and Friday, No- vemberl16th and 16th, from 9SO am.to 7 p.m. SUbecribers Seasoris Tickets $AQ General ad~. mismion $1.00 t> each performance.Anl seta re- served. Womcn*s Crepe de Chene ýand Georgette Scarves. New fancy patterns. $S2.ýî, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95. Re W.. TalI-ing Phone'361,9 Whitby Clothing, FuirnishiogsBoots aid eShoes HsIIiday 's',Har-dware EL£ OTRIAe BO RDNfx£ MIELBCTRJC lIMATBRE 0 at tA 1 mLBCmRC PICLTR.Nce.... .. . $1230 EEMIC l'IBRCOLATORs,, Alummisum .... . .. "flT PINt" LBtIU RNS......$7 EU~~RXC RQN El(g rgte ic) ... 4.50 A eet we'dplace" okst '~"""1*Wmibf Mev. - A.- IL 'a" Xm San8d- Irene, daughler «. Mr. sud Mv.. Jpoa- epli Clark, o! Sott TiwUablpPW-a united lu marriage taiMr. John FMa-. cia Bitte, cf Greenwood, by the Me«. A. P. Sanderson. Mm . ILH.Ormion ia idauglitr Joan, loft Ibis veek for Alin, N.Y., where they wilvisitlthie fotmer's fther. WINS VALUABLE PRIZIL Fred raham, oX postypool, week vas advîued -liaI h. 'vas wlnnevrof 011,*, aend pris. Army 4nd Navy Vetors,' wepgs on Cambrldgeubire Rtue, ' rmcc firsI mony ey lvi spuos to for a tombalone ounli grwvO parents At PontypooL. J. a. Dlsias Whltby,_represetatht,,.of joholate Cranston, Toronto, clo..4 lthe ah Tuvsday ho suppIy, hlm vwli a ) e*he luonsment for im spurpos.. OtATORICAL CONTES? FRE Th T'unual orst.$uslC«,"s vhihlçbPris.wlmus a lurals É~ais tii. umwr vU> part w-ii tah Ie Pla FI4ay fnm fore h tb'Cornsy CUOCseit lW e«teudstnin Ivtation t. the clâ of Wbltby and 'Wa4 to W be . v l-b ?Sehoola rqprm Im MINER G AIMfi -bO vtio resont a oI»Mo- ww- PnWsdnt R&. A. Rutehisos, Vlc-Pre Ideat 'beodam Iit Dr.. L mi*> dougali, j. F. Bochbe, F . J. -uelatyte. Win. DavidienJolis F. Froït4 P. . M. Irais, CapI T. F. Best sud tie seeretaxy. &MUCTION B«ýw-gOARDi TO' f tdWhit Supl' ..,.10IDmf«r58c. a Raiin-s 10...b d 8u1tmiâa Raiins . ...... l.b. Pe4 Umon, Orangé, itroft *. . .5c . & PU Beas ,. -. ..tU2 AUl packed in the ncest fançy gift boxes you -oldimagine. Corne in now. A4 deposit'wfll hoid any gift until ChristmaL Men*s SiIk Ties, new, Christmas patterns, packed in our fancy boxes. Special........... ................ .... $1,00 Forsythls, Arrow and Tooke Shirts, ail guarantecd, $1.95, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Men's Fine Kid and Mocha Gloves, silk Iined and wool lined. $1.95, $2.50 and $3.50. New Silk Scarves, plan white, white with colored stripes and fancy silk patterns. $1.90, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.95. Womcn's Holeproof Hosiery. heavy quality silk, new shades, Militaire, Mignon, Chaeau, Chantilly. Special per pair $1 .79 j: r 'fi '-t v

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