Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1928, p. 6

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MMy Wi0 ië rom Ontarlo Five hundredfarm boys, MY f them from South Ontario, wlll ha-.e s» l. momnents durlng TorSnto Tip. If any cf Uic Ave hundred Ontari farisboys who ore te cxiii lb. Roya Winier Pair ai Toronto titis 0100%hi have eny time on their hands on wbh te b. home-sick, it will flot b. the fAuhi of those who have arrangqed the Pro- gramme for t.heir niait. Starting o0Y witb a bang-up dinner at Hat Hoeu.w. the fameus adejal oentre of the L"iii- veirsity of Toronto, on the night Of their arrivaI, the boys wMll ave tUiror days crewded with intere.st, entertaÂn ment and instruction. Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of ..rgieulturc. iill be the Chairman at the Banquet. and the beystwill hear addresses by lPrrm- ier Ferguson and Dr. H. J. Cody. the Chairman ef Uic Board of Governors of the University. On Wednesday. Noveinher the 2lst. the boys will b. taken for a tour of the UnionStock Y'ards and the Pack- ing PlanU% wherc they wiIl sec thc whole precess of marketing livestock and the ultimate manufacturiiig of Uic animais inte mcii produets. In thc afternoon of the same day Uiey will b. takren through the huge manulact- uring plant of Massey Harris Comp- any, IÀmited, and will sece the different fartory -processes in thc production of farrn implements. They wilI be gucats cf the Council of Canudian Meut Pack- crs at lucheen sud Masscy-Harris Companiy ai supper. In the evening they wfll attend the Royal Winter Fair Horse Show as gueste of tic Fuir. Thursday thcy wil risit large Tor onto stores, but the greaier part of the day will b. spent ln inspection of exhibits and studying the judging of lvestock at Uie Royal Wlnter Fair. In the evenirj thcy wIli b. guests o! Uic T. Eaion to., UÀmlted at a banquct. On Friday, the last day, the boys will b. taken through Uic Ontario Parlianient Buildings and yl h. given a motor drive around Uic Capital City as giesta of Uic Ciy of Toronto. More tisse wlll b. spent in Inspectlng ex- Mibits at Uic Fair, and ln the evenlng those boys that have euMvved tire. ~iayis of high living, and arc not over- corne by the pange cf lndigetlon wîlll be irested te anouher banquet by Uic Robert 8imp»on Company, Limlted. They wlJJ leve for home ithe tol- lowlng mornlng.- CAN TOWN GRANT BONUS? (Cdntinucd trom page, 1) nandal standing as on Norember luat wu led wlithmembers cf tUicCouncil for perusai. ' lButdTo Get Bomi clty ~ ~ ~ «M Mdu b tsac o tbé - b... - be b"th ees tbatI tii.bw~obotws ii. ety and t1me - ~ ~ ~ ~~o S ii l e 1 i.Board 4 ~~$i~ roitc te the. brldg. eo buic*t ioba barMd for furtiier cou-t. $MatJ Mou*aY ewqwfifts meet- Î0> 4 d- t4*09*4"d 4at ii.s4ous cd wootwg a Mmst b thut change. TUANKSGIYIcnGO! DAY QUIET towatiwid frein' page 1) th.;t the treffle over the ,«ck end wus tlceedin»ltr hevy, cvery bus be- ing pre"ec mi srù" eand thei.r Contention w» born out by the fart that on botih unmes manY P igrn Iey hid tu stand. Notwithsqta"dng the. beavy traffic, ,ery few accidents of a serious nature were, reported te local and provincial police. The. wet pavement on Monday cau_%ed seN-erel mishaps and made busi- nesýs for the. garages, but none was1 re purted injured. CHIJRCH DISUTE SEII'LED (Continued from page 1) point. The comiittce of thc United Church disputed the right of the rom- mittee of the Presbyteriali Church to certain articles, nameiy the bell, the furnaces, the gowne, Uiecrushions, the. electrîc fans and the elecri fixtures. also claiming ihait tiere was no Organ Fund, The whole matter was tien laid 'before hIDs Honor Judgc Thomp-I son, the senior judge of thec ounty of Ontario, who according to the Act, was thc officiai arbiter in case of dispute. H. rulcd thai thc articles in dispute werc equipineni snd asuc ordered Uie paying to Uic Preebyteriand of the half cf the Organ Fun. ii -final .esetlement wasa made Monday, Novem- ber 6ih, when thc Presbyterlaus y gencrouely walvea heu leg am u moralclamtiste ibell, the. cuehons, the. gowns, the eleetrie fans, tii. cisc- trie fixtures, the fursaes, the musl and mvslc books, ithe table sud Coi- stulon Unen amd scepted a cash "uY- ment cf $511.33 sud thé. articles tiif were uiutujahy agr.« upon by tii. ré- apective coiti»tt« on u it IOItlb EL Y. P.U. (Coshinil d roisPage 1) usually ltrestltg Md mâ&d e re- change e.idées. b*twem --tih e te Nov r nt a"". lsea lCh*b wu sp* Om tt, r - 4ê4w~57 wai t«sd iby ame» $a*- fer-u.ijspJhsgiu l>ari wlnh son, MW iwhlrls rory criy prqhîbigio raly wil zmlu atW oeliu#atous. A the. bonusling cf industrieswuathe mohiuw*«al" ltrodaoted r.gdibtg chefprobleni beo, tic Couni, nd ss110 atlnauw pli* tu be h u- compsnysu represlentaive wus cm- Ig-tiiý .*m.r.IWO . zv0d v-- phatlc that uhere wua away whmrbycuable sotIF4 wus dul r U d su titi obstacle could b. orercome sud one isSd . in 1wband& oftthae shlvêM whlcb would b. ssnctionctl by lthe Rai- q way Board. Jusi whât titisWay fi Tha xtI"on tw rgmta wa» net revealed. Ailli ai UicStatut. the. o.m fa agoup 4*mUln*"eau.1 apparently allows lu the way ot bon-dr8fScma atcSP1 b .using le a ixed asseament. Tihe comp- subjeet was iahrodsod by R u".Saa susyasaked for exemption t rom local <,it Wio owainmdtbe. togi. wtiV»7 lssprovement and sehool taxes but h <of a blak-Is.rdsud saujM*i the vw- wu pointcd ouitiatthies.exeMp- "Itgosu Plem minutes smspu» tions were illegal sud- heu.. buPos- in scio4%0"esuos..oi u ible. Il u spolnted ou, wWr «in mmeo b n'«w6 that tue only local improirnient« main siablee Wlc n «M og~ whici thc company mlght have ho pay , r4bt4op of u~asi was- a sldewsik.vuwo »& y0lda Xr COUNTY COUNCIL IS IN stadard.Mr. Co**o« tiwsi SESSIONmuet*W4M.-r' kb , xmis&MdaLatfflm usStear- (C4oUinued .trots pare1) m Wmu b«W U.dat Railway Grade cr«osi n1ud; 40 P-« aMp, gMuig tis gpp c oent. by the cowity of Ontario; 40 -auga bn.?myRessM cent by the._Departuet cfPWAblte ssboug Riis M mp Blubvap sud80 par cuit. by the C Dom Macedu"ltwItii l P. L etem»d te tiche latlou*W ty t oChdlt ii.uOwbl bé« 0"f "WlicCounty of Pe.ti, 14 a 140er l ty. Ml ubi Irons theCcouuty cia*o askd f«rs ulda«>yai donation cof a ruob"tuMln MfobellS twe *lm"tnWm ui ing the ProvincialGovemuesite W'otû tho ooo a fflmof ». brjSeaon* i. e i «i~t ie4'b grant lot m PWr ot *. #meýr Pu"mib*go wo* do.Aosw bus tohwtaâ lcaui a k ~~ ~ ~m belbComIt0 o KgolB b"esagmi MessP« «W M .>mg DssUs elm wil served Unealwaspro Osaaladies. At hidi tovu~~~t orvilaeluwh Eelag e Feaktures o the eveulng 671e works Lis Makes. SweeJtè TSmach te ct-too rich a dit-or too muel moking."Lot hfigu Cause Soar 8tmOai±h. but one thing can correcti it quickly. Phillips MiSC of Mageia! wlilslkal he ic cd. Take a so fui of Ibis piaat prcpara*lon. m tà systau la soons wsiteaed. PbIMlps is always rcady te reier diatrua frais cvertsg; tae eeci&ai .idlhy; or uuatndaiia ans. Pte- Ua Ibi" for your «ws omiori; for lb. ç0. of tbam srouad leu. Endoessd ycla but t &hm bemt y wm.hblg - lmm wha OfSGI P~IL8 T» MAX ls putlg -up telePhofte poWs Eviy -i the mrnû i is boui uÏ*kinga& wl>? for the ' wiretbat -is ho c oisc At iight Bthks& itTherls tfi te,*ék bc 'a olu, ou ieta u ew countryý..The*m have tZobeteeh em itebefore ne. Î& bluthe trial. After hlm viiicorn fauiles sudboies sMd toreu MdifactorkStg mak aotiuelty. Over the wim On the poles i* plants there viiibc iroiccsansd laugliter, busîmesswMiihums, alithe vorid i 4 lldraw 'Bc wodcs wltbmagie. Tht e trsafao tdm î ud distance.Today you cm tlt ithe telpog t ybur elbow and ÎvitEin sev~nmi utes ear tii. moice of your tricuci Sut Eugand y:"Azz you therer R j'IIS' MAGIC in the tepbou banu q CoC coin la day., 1t ias coise whyear aitr Y-Ur of rment sMd lmproleft. Thi e(êplioqet-y s nnu"- iii. tii tbai todao" of. oomy. Twhý ,$t POW thbw v i rb Uk»',~Pbe M yç« olwM brinljï ir 0 0 *4Z I) M i u. t ithirty, wee theii Wtby; Presldit hUme op e it &otio.ai peio d by Miss DorisaFA- chener of Linday- Vica-Preideut, ML 4id W f i n idsay std thi .leli,! ckoriaii ofet 84reuy aI d4àeu by 1LenàrciJ. iebcfWiuty.tresrer, Mis»- Oi 0etf Osh- PékO m uihe, iab3ec of the. ava. Theae oftlîr were lztrodueed ?ents, zaak)iguu pappropriats sund by Mr. Rich, rt lg psadent, Who tiheÙsttgag ad4resa.'Vocal seloctio n sded over the r to Miss Ki- Vee mere dudrtng the evenlug by 1cherser. Afier afe worda -« appre-. the Wbl*by siIr4d quarttWms teudMti. laton iKltciijemer called upon MIL Itln.dthe Ladie'quartette. Both num-i Suteiff for the. addz-ess of the. .ven- ilWh cil;e w w .- re celved sud heartly,'ing. mIa, dy, »is~ IMr. SuteUMffe teok m8h18 topie, #'FOur yellsor-iOfiçe Named Pesu ln a Pod.» lit points were The report of the nomlnating com- PUi!POae, Prayer, Praie and Persever- Mitewu received as follows. Hon- anS and in preeentlng tdm he made W O rlOnry preeldeni, Rev. T. F. Best, of a etrong appeal to hie yo=ag audience aixd gave theyn a high amn to ntup ini their loc" societies. Mr. Sutdlifeé z rcvived the closest attention uhrough- out and waS evidently appreclated greatly by the Young people. hIt s to b. hoped that this will ot b. the. g,.last riat h. May make teoOurYon er eIi Grain epesSite. The next meeting of the Whitby- L a DuIl M arket inLlney a iiy wiii b. SNo Lottery No Oisappolntment Wc want to treat A our customers alike. We want to make our business grow and grow in a letimate way. The Bank payvon anteret on what vou save. We av vou- interet on wbé: you spcnd.- Our interests are your întcrcsts. Come and see A. T. awler HIOME OF G00LP GROCERIES. Prompt beIlveryï Phone 471. a GCOAL For Best RIesulte use D. L. & W. ANTHRACITE COAL Ail Sizes I0 Stock 4L$O8s&I QUALITY COKE. Prompt t>livery, Jameés 0adn ~c W 5 MOTOS CAL âv Nc on TT does not always, pay to seil grain assOon las the threshixig is fixusIed. If you have a bgood crop and the market is depressed sec the local manager of the Canadîan Bank of Com- merce and arrange a loan until more favorable situation presents itself. Our manager is aiways glad to discuss such probiems in confidence. i j i i j k /~ 1 i SPCAIT neMINO iSlEcUR ITIES STrOBEg FORLONG &A'.e Hiead Officesz Retord B3uildigI SAÏ A WELL11GION BT!., T I0 PRIV&ATE WIRE SVSTIEM 11 mni St. E., Osihawa-PhoneB 143 aUd, 144 Phono CamUs at Our -Expense. The HOME Of 0000 GROCERIES- We aic making it possible foç evMr home to, secure a beauti- fui and exclusive Dnnerare and at the saine turne secure mer- chandise as îow, or lower than by trading eisewhere, 1

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