Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Dec 1928, p. 2

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MOMMI4waum o what it hs4 d dev ed a t* Uezofthe boys. The Com- ÉIaou 1r could nes no reason why the 2a4 Whtby Troop ahould net contlnu4 to, prsper, although upme day theii lesda m5sjt bp r.mo've4 <rom them, Reamoes*hed the. Scouts to adher4 stly tel the Scout Laws, whieh weri naodelled after the texi commandnienta Otbprs who spoke briefty were A. G Browning, K.C.,g close friend o!fth boys; É. R. Blow, father of the Scout -master; J. EL Ormiston, of the Gazett andf Clironicle, James MHolden, o! Osh- awa Da»ly Times, Lionel Bisliop, Hon- orary Field Seeretary., Dr. Milîs, o: Eglinton, and the chaÎiman, Rev. D, -B. Langford. Scoutmaster Speaha The Toast to the BoyScouts, Asso- ciation was responded to by Scout- - master Jack Blow, who, lu a peat ad- dress deelared that, thé Associatîor - ow linked up the whole world and * that its succeas was largely due t< ita mnts sud the fact thut it was founded in the British-Empire. Ne urged that every Scout lie a mission- ary- for the movemeut. ýThe Scout- muster thanked those who had in years past helped to make the opera. tions of thie Troop success!ulp, the churcli, the parents sud people o! Port Whitby generally. Hle expressçd regret that' the service badges which lie had Intended to present to various Scouts at thus banquet had been mislaid, but ýthese would lie given out later. Hie announçed that next year there would be celebrated the 2lst birthday .,of the-Boy Scout Movenient. Field Semrtary's- Message Respondlng to the toast Field, Sec-: retary Arthur Iiaddon gave the Scouts aud visitors much food for thoùglit.lHe firat paid tribute to Mrs. E. R. Blow, te whom lie re!erred as the Scout'mother o! the Troop, for what she liad don. to promote the Troop's wel!are for xnany years. The success o! the Troop; hie opined, was largely due te her willingness at al times te help sud encourage the boys under lier son's leadership. Scouting, he declared, was a game o! sel! train- -ing. Tsking individually the letters *of the. worâ- "Seoutlng,"l the field sec- retary stated thatthe letter "S" stood -for service-service -for others, the keyuote o! ail' Scout- activities. The next two letters, "C" sud 4"O" stood for camping out, and here the speakçer declared that if parents only knew the beits to lie derived f rom the anual* camp they wquld not be so e- luctant te letrtheir bbye go. The next * «4r ,-U,,,~' t4d for Unity, the bring- Inof boys ýo! ail creeds sud nationalt4es unider the -Scout bannier an'wthoeobjet-the promotion'o! -ýd Caiad~i citlseuship., The let- W 4TIstood Zr training. that would] ~of ocouu 4-1 ture days leaders ni This ng embodied thei p e Scout a aScout's he n er tood for initiativé Wpedouce, self confidence ~u Rut0 nthe pgrt o! eier-y Scout -te soeting'y6rth whule. The final !ý,_G2 sted or nar eceaysterniy re- *them ,te go there. The Movement, however, could not take the place o! parents or o! thie churcli. In'closing the field secretary admonished the -Scouts to carry on, lie prepared and te do anything that a truc Scout slioùld do. T~he next toast o! the evening was to ~he Second WhIùby Scout Troop. It wam pr6posed by Scout James Aicorn, of Lindsay, ý ;nd' responded to by *Scotmaster Blow. The toast to "The Parents" was pro- posèd Py Scout Ernest Northam and responded to by E. R. Blow and others. The singîng o! Auld Lang Syne and a 'prayer by Rev. D. B. Langford brouglit a very success!ul anniversary celebration te, a close.- PARK ESiTENSION BY- LAW GOES TO PEOPLE (Continued frorn page 1) ýiby the Council te the people Mr. Knight shouid comply with the terrns o! the resolution passed at the -public mee~ting, which provides that the cern- pauy must show factory equiprnent'o! an appraised value o! $75,000, and furnish to the ýCouncil the narnes o! reliable men who wil-subscribe $50,- 000 e! capital stock foir'wvrking capi- tal. A motion -wa-s accordingly'pass- ed instructing the clerk te write or * telephone Mr. Knight o! Council's de- cision. '~The Council is anxious te -have the bylaw prepared sud'advertised in tirne for the January elections, but the generai opinion wae that the terms o! the resolution shouid lie complied with a- adinatter oe 'security ;Cor the tewn adas evidence o!. good faith o! the Company witli the -people of Whitby. *Mr. Kniglit will aise lie asked te, fur- nlsh an agreemnent to be' signed liy his company sud tii. towu, se that the terme therefore cari furnish a basis for the, bylaw and be incorporated threi. Get Somethlug Defihite In ordp, te hurry matters tlie Coun- cilla wiliug to hodi a speciai meeting ifbydotng the blaw cnbe vted -ik in jauory. If it'la net ready for corting te aMr. Lnlglut hm e e o, -pany had blot yet beel formedl t.erep k- fore for Counil te prepare anud adver- ,e tise a bylaw without the cutomuty le agreement would be a waste of tinte S and money. lie tliought that an ogre.- .lement ahouldbe furni&hed se that ut 'e--could lie handed te the -solicitor te 'e enable him te d raft his- bylaýw. Crossing Not Satisaoy Freni the Canadian National Rail- ways was read, a letter advising that - acording te the read foreman for *this ;e ternltery thero was ne cause for complaintas t6 the conditions o! the, ,osngs- on bandas sud Garden SStreets in the T oo Whithy. )e Town Engineer H. L. Pringle re-, ported that while the, Town had iast year widened Garden Street, the C.- -N. I. had net donc se with its cross- -ing, with the result that two cars' -canne at preserit pass on the narrow ni tsuk crossing d ;Mayor Bateman stated that at the oDundas Street::crossing enly gravel, alhad been placed, while the road fore- man had promised that board plank-1 ing would lie used. *A resolution was passed instructiug Ithe clerk and engineer te write te the C.N.R1. at Belleville advising that the. ecrossings in question- are net yet sat- tisfactery sud- that the Ceuncil wsuts tet have them attended te forthwitli. 1 Dangerolus $idew-alks It was left in the h ands o! the En- gineer and Streets Commnittee to look a!ter a dangerous plank crossing on, Ann Street in front o! the residence ,of Niglit Constable John Thomas, aise a simîla'r walk ion the west side o! King Street running south from that- saine corner, which was reported by Relevé Jackson as requiring immediate. attention. It was pointed out by Coun.ý Frank Threadgoid, chairman o! Streets, that if these walks were net >fixed -the Council, miglit have to face an action for damages if some person got hurt. As -it ils too late, now in the season te lay concrete, it was suggested that gravel walks migit lie substituted for the planks at présent. I" BEAUTIFUL LADIES WRIST, WAtI-t. latest styk impo,-ted direct 'TRAIN TIRE TABLE (Standard Tume) C. N. R. Whitby Junction COING WEST-*4.52 arn'.; *5.36 a.rn., t919 arnm.; t2.15 p.rn.; *7.34 p.m.;_ t8.55 -p.m., t:8.23 p.rn. GOING EAST-t8'10 a.rn.; 1:8.48 a. mi.; *9.51- a.m.; t1.05 p.m.; *2.23 p.rn.; t6.35,p.rn.; *9.32 p.rn.; *10.58 p.m., *12.18 p.m. Whitby Town C.N.R. GOING NORTH-t18.31 amr.; t3.30 p. ni.; **6.45 p.rn.; **253 p.m. GOING SOUTH-t7.51 arn.; *1.50 p. rn.; **8.57 a.rn.; P*10.30 a.m. C.PPiRP GOING WEST-7*5,55 a.ni., daily e-x- cept Sunday; 6.31 a.m., Sundays onl y; -7.31~ a.rn., Sunday oniy; t8.50 a.rn.; *4.41 p.m.; *7.45 p.rn. COING EAST-*9.55 a.rn.; *1.53 p.' mn.; t7.45 p.m.; - *11.00 p.rn.;. *12.01 a.rn., wiil stop on Saturday niglit only. :1.30 a.rn. 12.01 a.m. train, on Sundays will stop at Whitby te lolt off passengers !rorn points west. o! London. *Daily- tDaily except Suiiday lSuuday only. ttTuesday, Tliursdays Saturday. 0'*Menday, Weduesday, Friday. The Property Comniittee Chairman aIso promised to report at ne4 a»ieet;-, mng on the question referred to hid co mmittee of the tpwn seeuring a lease of some government property at the lake for beautification purposes, and to prevent further disfigurement of the làke front. wealthoethèalth flodse o under SCOTCU SOCIAL WAS tives." Ieàndf~sion asdpmSTCCESSFUVJ after'eatnHad and Cnt E.o WhPite oiwpt Ta nto(Continued from page -1) etates:. "I'asffered 1 o4.diesio gramme and rendered several stirring for monthsa snd could not est a square Scottish melodies. meaL Sinco .taimg apainT.F.Bee, ! he apia every trace of Stomâcli Trouble lias CpanT .Bseo h at dimappeaed.. I. now eat inythinÈ and Chirch, and Ris Honor Judgeý Thomp- feel lilce a new perion.1" son spoke briefly and incidentally add- "Fruit-a-tives" wil quickly relieve, ed'to the evening's collection of huxuor Indigsion and DYsPepsia. 25c. and mostly at the expense of the Scot. ÈOc, a box-at dealers everywhere.I ___________________ The final xiumber on the programme 1was the. serving- of refreshinents bY Reeve Jackson reeflled that the the ladies, including sandwiches, Town had been threatened with an Scotch shortbread, doughnuts, cakes, action for damages if Ann Street was coffee aniâ other good things. The not nmade passable, and suggested that 1Haggis came last and it was quicklY when the sidewalk was being attend-. diâposed of, many tasting this cele- ed to some gravel might be placed ini brated Scotch dish for the first timfl. the ruts to do for this season. The Social was under the auspices STOCIRS BONDS GRAIN 'Head Office: Reford--Building BAY& WELLINGTON BSTS., TORONTO PRIVATE WIRE SYSTENW il King Ste E., Oshawa-Phones .143 and 144 Phone GaiNs at, Our Expense. To6 Our Custoniers and Patrons t, this season of the year-- b1e, iconvenience and-,e' Rladator flushed and ail fil ikth a good -auti-fe 'Electrie. system and'battery 1 the* strain of winter driving. àagainst em- Lened up, shape to 3. Carburetor cleaned and adjuste'd for cold weather driving. 4. Crank -case drained and filled with a good grade of winter oil. .5. 1 fresh air heater installed to insure you of comfort. We handie only the best Uines of merchandise and can give you quick service at a moderate cost. Give us a cali. The Davidson Mofor Co. Limifedt Dealers Un High Class Cars Dundas St., Whitby Parkor's Bye WAorks WHITBY BRANCH. ROSS' COAL OFFICE Brock St. North. Telephone 34 ,Whether it's a pair of gloves or a coat it iS necessary that -every articleof your wearing ap- paËeL be well cleaned and well pressed. We dlean them. ail and many household articles -as Weil. Caîl us and we will telfyou ail about it. AVOID DISA?>pOINTMENT BY CALLING US EARLY ' Don't delay giVe us a cail now. Odorlese Dry Cleaners; -A-11 iýn Lung lemedy, full of the bIilth- Wvzg wx da from Mother tuéeemf.Wouderfaly h"ain to hnfime tiums A builder ofô od red blood. MaIoe the acquaintance o this tried, reliable i 'emedy. Keep well "ii Winter. Together with the other, fimr Gallagher 'Herbai Hoôuahold Rtemedies; Îaow obtainable from a >Hard-boi1ed water won 't do." - Every drop o! water used-,in our washroom is.-scientifically softened. It must be, in order that it can act properly, to- gether with the pure, soap we use, and loosen up the dirt in "family washes." And when you open your bundie you can confirm the fact in- stantly that we have done a splendid job-everything is crispy fresh and redolent o! cleanliness. We have five different "family wash" ser- vices, each -priced accord.ing to the amount o! work done. Let our young lady explain them to you. Phone now. *We are. calling at our customers' homes until a local agency is estab- lished. -PHONE $16, WHEITBY ILJ HEAR DS To rent, eap.-50 acres- pas- For Sale-.ý- n.o cord o! mixed jwood, 4 feet long; 1000 Cedar posts. Sharp Sand and Grdvel and loam sand, delivered any- where. Also cernent work o! ail kinds. Excavations for !ound- ations and cellars. TAXI SERVICE to and from ai trains. <les. H eard & Sons Phones, 399 14 or 74. Broc k St. N., Whitby ««- ___________ Phên.f Cc1le__ D. L. & W. SORANTON OOAL-the standa< ail other coals are judged. No> complaints £tom oui in three years. of handling this, wellk'prepared, clean, 1o'v racite. When you want the BEST (and the best is HIAMILTON. BY-PRODUCT COKE" (Solvay Process> fias established itself as the best on the market. The Ovens are be-. hind on their orders, o'wing to the grèat- demanid .fo'tbis sp1en-' did Coke, b~ut we have a large supply' on hand. John -McCIelIand'- Cor. Brock &Dunlop,- Phone 397, Whitby For Best Resuits use' D. L. & W. ANTHRACITEI, ýCOAL Ail Sizes ln, Stoc k ALSO BEST QUALITY COKE. Prompt Dellv ery 200 B&gs of- lrsh Oobblor Potatoos For Sals James Sawd-on,- WM Mi LICENSEDA O VA (DC All kinds ofsa oî to. -Arrangern Pr made at the reasonabie. P Phone 182 Wli tby AW 1928 Chria«sema NEER AND )R ~The 1928 ChrIstmas Seulg, ln aid et nptiy attended the. Muskoca -and Toronto Hospitais for Connumptives. have just been sales can, be iBsued. These handsooee Sçgss, eur. office. Term In&mý the doube-barrdUed Croo carry a message otf hbpe te these who1 are aMIcted *wIth consumPtion. Every dollar received throughi their,'sale la > NT.usod for the. mainitenance q patiýnta. The National Sanitarju socia- M GLEtIOiIBInneed of tL8du to carry on NGILEtthInwýiGuIkn ,qcpltalààlaMuskoka and at Wby jpt buy tiieà *,bie Sals a WNers.kMoe nZy vi nd y tr ~ ue 1h,'r-t hi bt lem agteater end ent d 1. - rok oi the double-barred nled TARIO Cros O T9ryPacket Nonse thers < OrProi. by achffl children aud A. A. ROBINSON Undertaker j(nd Furniture. Dealer Bell and Indepe ndent Phones& Day or niglit. BROOKLIN - -- ONT. MONU MENTS N. W. STAFFORD Kingston Rd. West, Witby Phone 68 R. 3-2 GRANITE AND-MARBLE DEAILEIR Any kind of cemetery work dune at reasonable prices. Save Commission-..No Agents. YGUR EYES The moment you feel the slightest distress in your eyes, or notice a dim- Ming 'of your vision, you are being warned that something is wrong and that your eyes are being overworked. F. EL LUKE, -Opte O. Optometrist.. 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opp. Sirnpso.n's> ON HAN DU JAlso OTO Nut'Coke. -phone 70 PORT WHB LitH. DILLINO iPAIN~TER AMD DICOATORl Interejor -Dfcora±Ing a Seik OpposîýitRoyal Hoetel hone11194 GEO. ICEIL- Pa4mwerand Paper Ranger Wall Papera in Stock Ei im~<e. Phone 851w., -LJqu - J.iurance - La .&PPOntments Bt Mr.-Browning'8s Office, next door Post Offie. Phone 91 Prof essio>na C ri ýARIHUR a HRs& Barrister, Slicito, N r-Pbi, etc.~ I Ofc nSouth wingo or lieuse. Money ýto an. gOcoi * .H.,KENNIEDY Barrister, Selicitor lu intheSupr -eme Court, Notary, Convey-ACer, etc. WIIITBY ont Office-Birock Street nothone door liolthHRewisyButhershdop .G.BROWNING, kC Barriste,, SoliCitor ,,Etc. Brock Street north, poieBrs GrcrWhitby Office Phone 892' f pintme n ay li nidefor evn ing Consultation. F. .ii.IRWIN- Barrister, solicio Ntr3Pbi Office: Brock Street Nortbli 2 doors forth tR.AlNo ru tr D R. R .Mcj P1xYsican and Surgeon Residence sud'Offic Cor. BrockandMO B. B. BEATON D.. & L..S Dena - oStheRoyal-* College o! Deorntaou d University o!_ 1éCi0njý teo!er Murdoch's Cen- 12; 1 te 5.30.m mehut-9t PHONE 220. WIB .J.HUDSoN, D.D.S. LODS OPFC'EADAS'TERRACE BYRON ST. Ili pUONE124 JF. REYNOLDS, .D.S., LD.S- Office ever AlIni'à »eg tor jexTLWTO14 Wà Dru*Sr - e ," 'NICHOLSON*& IUNDERTAM I Nothing to Seil T i a mîstake to pa of'buying Life Insur- ance.Y$ Insurance Protection is really a sure and conven- ientiniethod Of arranging your perisonal financing. You know, for instance, o! certain obligations which you must, be ready to meet -your wish to Put your chuld through college. -you wish to provide the xnoney to enable your boy to acquire a business of his own-to buy a farni o! bis own, perhaps. -You may wish to provide additional security for your business. "-you may wish to provide a pension for your own old age. Life insurance enables you to make sure and conven- ient provision for- any such objective, and to make sure that your Ob- jective will be attained. It wlll lie a pleasure te' Stell you about-any of these servies in which you May be interested. Book Steet Whitby, Phone 177 Standard Lit AnUbranoï Ue Lys the 1

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