Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Dec 1928, p. 5

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It is flot a bit too early te start choosing your Cliristmas-gifts. Our stock of Watches, Silverware, Clocks, French Ivory, Leather Goods, Novelties, Eté.. is coînpIetcý A sýWIa deposit now will hold *any article until Christmas. En-ter our JeWelry contest. I Slogan je . . lick; JEWELER Firet Class Watch ýReplrlng New Location Dundas Stt 3 ders west of PctostOfce WH ITBV Local Happenings_ Mr.' John Giniblett has been confined lliness. Mr.. and Mrs. M. Ma rtin, of Toronto,, were in town on Wednesday. - Mr. Clarence Down, of Exeter, Ont., * spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreBiht Mr..' sudMrs. George Williams and family, of ýNlagara Falîs, ýOnt., spent the week end with the- former's par- Sents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Williams. Miss Allie Montgomery, of Detroit, spent several days last week at home visiting her sister, Mrs. A. W. Beall, Thindas St. East. Be- sure and corne to- St. Bernard's Hall on Dec. 2th. -Funfor young and' old. Admission 25 cents. -24 First in the list of Caniadian Farm papers is the FPamily Heraid and Weekly Star, Montreal, It's only $11 a year or three years for $2. t is attracting' world-wîde attention.- Dr. J. F. Lavery is building a six-1 room bungalow on John St. East, which wifl shortly be ready for teet- ancy. We have an extensive line of Christ- mas greeting cards now on sale. Samples 'gladly shown. Lo»k thema over now, before hunes are sold out. C, A. Goodfellow & Son. The msny frieuds'of Mr. Peter Wii- -liaIns will be glad to know he is iio- proving from his recent iluness. Mrs. W Toms, of Campbellford,1 visited iu t4wn, the guest of Miss Vail * for a few days iast week. The mauy friends of Miss Nina Ross * who bas been quite seriously iii, wil * be gladto know that ber condition is now Much improved. Send your friend a subscription to the Gazette -and Chronicle for one year as a Chriýtmas gift. He or she wiiI appreciate the-,home paper. To nevw subseribers from now until December, 1929, for $2.00.t' The many friends of- Mt. Frank Green, who has been very i11 at his hvrmefor the-~ past tbree weeks, are ILué ana wonderm~ent ut the toYs BO Junev v oUFa:s 5 tjuater welU displayed an~d rmy a parent la lees Radio Set.' Cal 'a iflformed that hie offspring wishes St. Rc' lrw r tr Nicizola, to preselit hlm wlth sueh and Re% H rwr.Soe sueh anW article se nmd n and Ixear this wonderful aueh astore.reception or phone 20W. for a dexnonstration i TO INVEST!IGATE IE o e A 1leenoclk iisFIE yourho e At elve o1lok tis(Thursday) morning, in the Cquncil Chamber, the Would Make a Provincal Fire Marshall's Depart- ment *.will -ýopen an investigation int» Sultable Xmnas ilft. the fire whlch eatly on Sunday morn- ing gutted Hewso6n's drug- store andd S rvic on ail makes destroyed the stoc. Offcials of the (od DePartment were 'here on Tuesday and Of Radios an, investigation 1 was decided upon. Witnesses will be. called upon te give evidence. Ph!@e 20 w AT RICI WHITRY HARBOUR ACTIVITIES EVERYTHUNÉ IUN HARDWi !The cernent blocks whieh Wil11 bel utized in repairlng of the west pier at the focal harbour have been manu- AUCTION SALE factùred and, are now lined up on the ',dock at the east iside of the harbour ETTEWLAM .HBS where they will be left until next By instructions of the Trustee andj i spring. The'Rand olph Macdonald Co., Inspeîtors of the Estate of William1 4~ dredging and salvaging firm which E. Hobbs, Township of Pickering4 located at the lake front here this i there -will be offered for sale by pub- surnmer,-has the ctract to repair the 1 lic'auction on the farm premises, late- I pier and the work wiil not be comple- 1 ly ocçupied by William E. Hobbs, bei- ted iitil after the:: winter months. The 1 ing Lot 12, Concession B.P, Town- building of the big 'cernent blocks isj ship of Pickering, on Saturday, the a difficuit task as every precaution lSth Decem-ber, 1928, at one o'clock -must be taken te see that the blocks p.m., a the farrn stock and imple-- do not crack with the frost while the _________________ cernent is stili soft. In order to pre- vent this, steam pipes are used and the unhardened cernent is covered with Next spring.when the ice th' offLthe iharbour, the company's steam derrickfh I I E will pick the blocI4s off the dock and 1W U load thern on a barge whîch will be 1 D RT S N towed by tug to the east pier.Th derrick wi1l again corne into action and swing -the blocks off the barge, dropping thern into place between theJ FOR SALE AND TO LET wooden cribbing oit the pier. The com -_________________ ing of the Randolph MacDonald Co. EN-SMALL BOUSE, ON DUN- to Witb ba meat icrese(das St. E. Apply to Geo. Alin, Whitby, ity to the local harbour and the firm Ontario. -_f. is at prseent ernploying twelve or fif- B UNGALOW FOR RENT-ALL IMPROVE. teen men. A large quantity of mach- ments, gas, furnace, orchard and garage.c inery has been stored on its premises Apply 282 Nassau St., Oshawa. -f which forrnerly was the old Watson FRSL-RMTBUE OM, property. and was :the site of a grain Food clir orcol orwodSG~Od ar I eevaor nd areous. reparations den, Centrally located. Appl>' 10£El Barn- are now being M ade to dry-dock a dnAhStetBo38.-f stearn dredge and 1 tu&. 'IpOR RENT-FIVE ROOM FLAT, ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS Corne and see."liastus" in the "Five Fifteen" at St. Bernard's Hall, on- Dec. 2th. Admission 25c. -24 Ladies' colored ail wool cashmere hose, reg. $1.00, reduced to 49e Sat- S rdayqnly, lat Walters'. Watch our wiindý,t-t; for Christmas gifts a t w es t Rice's Hardware. useful prices. Printed or engraved Christmas greeting càrds inu various Uine~ n designs. Let 1 us -show them to you now. C. A. Goodlfellow & Son. Whbitby- House. -tf. F OR RENT-GARAGE ON HIGHIWAY. lm- -mediate possession. Apply to L.S. Bandel, Whitby Ho use.-I-f. F OR RENr-NEw HousE, 5 ROms, ALL session.. Phone f2$W. TOi LET-GARAGE TO LET, -DRY AND 'lght, 3 doors fronà Kingston Road. $31 Per mohith. J. P. YuIe, Phone 384, Kent St., Whitbyý. F 'OR RENT-GARAGE FOR SINGLE CAR. ined. App1y to G. B. Whitfield. FLAT TO 'RENT-SMALL FLAT WITH convemienoes. 'Cental. Apply to 0 s Neskel. Telephone 2. FOR RENT-GARAGE,' CENTRAL LOCA.. Ftion. Possession at once. e l h The regular monthly meeting of the Gazette .Office. -25 County of Ontario Oid Girls wiii be --_______ ____ held in the iibrary on Tuesday, Dec. ARTICLES FOR SALE il1th, at 4 p.m. Miss Bryan, Superin- tendent of Nurses at the Ontario Hos- ]FOR SALE-APPLES FOR SALE, SPIES, Ontarios, Russetts, Greenings, Talman pitai, Wbitby, will. give a talk on her Sweets, etc., by barrel or basket. From 2c jwork at the Hospital. Ail ladies of the a basket up. J. P. Yule, phone 384, Wýhitby. town welcoine. O SAL-TEN PIGS TEN WEEKS OLD BapistChuch adis' idsale of FOApply to Wm. Gordon, Whitby Town, aprons and fancy work, home cooking Line. and candy at 3.30 p.m., Friday after- ]FOR SALF-WIITE ENAMEL CHIFFON-ý ler, ilgodcnito.Phn68, ht noDecember 7th, in the ,Council by. nt. dcniin.Poe Wiý Chamber. Afternoon tea served from 4 LFOR SALE:-EATON SEWING MACHINE, 4to 6 o'ciock. inj good condition. Apply Miss Emnma Wallace, Green and Ontario Sts. Kng Street Public School Christ- -__________________ ma oncetill be held on Friday ev-FO SALE--CHESTERFEL AN ON ening, December l4tb, in the Music hi.Apypoe3i Hall. Admission 25c. FOR SALE-.BRASS BED AND KITCHEN s tove. Phone 432. Men's and Boys' Hatchway, no-but- s- - - ton underwear at Walters'. WANTED Afternoon tea served in the Coun- WTANTED-CARROTS, ANY QUANTITY. cil Chamber on Friday afternoon, De- v Write Lake Scugog Fair Fanms. 42 Wel- silington St. E.. Toronto. -27 Lcember 7th, from 4 to6,bth Ladies' __________________ 1 Aid of' the Baptist Church. Also sale XXTANTED-MARRIED MAN WANTS PO- of fancy work, aprons, homkeeping. Epoutr pietasd c i m Nt e ou . 1 oe o king V itn. xpor Mrgand r'PtrWllasws oand candy. Apply tW Box 50, Mr. sue dis' etr ilofamhe wihtod The annual Bazaar, under auspices-W N~S thak te Ldis' id f te .Tni~e Iof the Student Christian. MQvement of or chilýdres" * Curcgh for ioessen r Wjîm O.L.C. will be held in the Gymnasium Mrs. - A. Rossetsi durng is linss.of the College on Saturday afternoon, WANTED-COC -ORS-L Dec. 8tb, at 3.30 o'clock. Afternoon tea uation for c. FOR ALEwill be served.. PIY P. ; Box Hudson coupe', ike new; also an aiuminum sport roadster. ,Cash or We.le, MieBrni, J.fR.Eatkand 's D. Tck, o terrns., Apply J. Beecroft or Joues Daei onhp fEs u * aagWhitb'y. West Whitby, .residence Palace St. WANTED-MA Gaag,'Phone 84. P.O. Box 62, Whitby.-tf. ingnral hous -:- - 1 inwritng t Bc 0AD F THANKS 1Special misses white, ail wool vests Office, Whitby. CARD and drawers, reduced'to haîf price, * Mrs. A., T. Lawler and famiiy wish to rg aus$. t 30,si rc express their appreciation of the many 49c and $1.49, -at Walters'. STRAYEDl-RE * sts' of kindness shown them during Th agtrofE lndwlil _ye lf their receut bereavemelit. TeDuheso ngadwi.hî P. yer i STAD TIALTUEDAY a eùchre ou Monday evening, Dec. 10. Brooklin, Ont. Everybody weicoMe. Chief Gunson will bring to Wib The "H1elen" Beauty Salon, Broc G oe nextTueday for mn no WhtbySt. North, Speciaists in Hair Cutting, ur nex Tusda --ourmennowfacîng Marcelliug, Scalp Treatmeut, Facial Wil-H. several charges in Toronto ofbouse- Massage, Mauiêuriug, etc. Phone 385 breakiug sund thef t. The Chief' states fra ponmn that the men admit breaking intofoaupoitet Cooke's gasohine service station iu Ladies' crePe printed scirxf s at $1.59 BROOKLIN Whitby ov'er a week ago, also that each. Walters'.J tbey are conuected.with s recent rob- A euchre wili be heid iu the OrangeRI bery 'lu Pickering. The men wben Hall this (Thursdhiy) eveuiug, Decem-Ir brought here wiil be* charged witb ber 6tb, under the auspices of the-L house breakiug. 0 . B. A. Admission 25c. Refresbmeuts. MERHKNS PAN ORArthur W. Lynde, Teacher of Siug- NEI MERCANTSPLAN-FOR iug. Studio, Centre St., haif block CHRISTMAS NORTH- of highway. Phone 371, or ad-I I Local maerchants are making exten- dress Box 159, Whitby. -_tf inW the *sive arrangements for Christmas bus- P. J. Sullivan$, licensed plumiber andJ iness as xnay be witnessed lu the many tinsmîtb, Brock Street uorth, Whlr- finb wiudow dispîsys which are to be by. -Phone 117. -tf. ICnda seen. Although the weather on ac- Cnj ia count of unusual miiduess, does not Ladies' handkerchiefs, 5e to 75e cher Donald caîl te mmnd the proximity of Christ- each at Walterl bieSa nias, and the ueed for eariy shopping, Mr. W. H. Kennedy, barrister, bas For -sailin these windoIw dispîsys, with tinsel, nioved bis office frein tundas street ansd infori holly and bella, are very suggestive of west, to Brock Street north, ea side, Ticket, Tele the Yuletlde'season.> one door north of Hewis' butcher ahop,j RVELS OF TOYLAND arvels of Toyland May uow in thie windows of sonie Of stores. The ingeulous mech- edels, pslnted lu attractive le Drettilv dressed dols, the centrally, located for the convemience of his patrons. *-tIL Fhunbing and heating ane our upee- lalties. LXW. Southweil, !Phone 228J. Brock tmet North, -f See Walters' assortment of Christ-' 1rna gifts. Phione 434 perienced at farminir. bee- yraising and carpentering. 0,Gazette Office. sclothes at home. App _y to II LUi. Brock Street north.-_24j )OK, GEN4ERAL, GOOD SIT -__ ,mpetent girl or woman. ap-- 857. KPERIENCED MAID. APPLY oppôsite Post Office, Oshawa. AID FOR COOKING AND asework, small family. Apply 3ox 100, Gazette and Chronicle LOST- ED STEER CALF, ABOUT A from 7th concession, Whitby lease notify Jas. W. White. side Cemetery Phon 250 JONES, Sexton r ONTARIO'j STMAS and W YEARS OId 'Country. 1Pacific Stearnships, An- [dson Lines, Cunard Lines, rLines. ngs, alliUnes, tickets, ffaresi iation, railway tickets. lgraph and Express Money Order. -B4LOW P. o. Box 630 WHITRY. ONT. l E'S HARDWARE ARE AT LOWEST PRUCES ments formerly owned by the said Wm. E. Hobbs. Sale Cash. No reserve., Dated at Whitby, Ont., December 5th, 1928. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer, Whitby. R. S. Deacofi, Trustee, 611 Lumsden Building, Toronto, Ont. Births, Marriages, Death& IREAN-On Tuesday, December 4th, 1928, at-Toronto, William Kean, in bis 52nd year;' son of the late Wmi. and Jane Kean, of Beaverton, and brother of Mr. D. J. Kean, Whitby., Funeral will be held (to-day) Thurs- day, from the- residence of bis bro- ther-in-law, D. W. Walls, Victoria, S;t., Beaverton. SÀLE REGISTER Saturday, December 8 th- Auction,1 sale of seventy head of cattle, fresh 'î cows, springes and heifersý, the prop- erty of Oliver Denny, lot 24, con. 4,j Whitby Tp. Sale at one o'cloc k sharp. Sec bills. Wm. Maw, auc-tioneer. Monday, December lO-Auction sale of frame house, garage, quarter acre choice garden land, the property of Mrs. Mary E. Ballard, Myrtle, Ont. Sale at 2 o'clock sharp. See bis. Wrn. Maw, auctioneer. Wednesday, December l2th-Auc- tion sale of farrn stock, implements, hay, grain, roots and household furni- ture, at lot 16, B. F. Con., Pickering, the property of' L. H. Spragge. Sale a12 o-cock. See bils. Wm. Maw, aûctiôneer. -CLEAI WINTER -mange OLts W eSt Of nrocr Street> on the Munilcipal Plan of part of Lot number 26, ini the lat Concession of the Townâhip, -now Town of Whitby, for Park purpoesg, and to authorize the issueý of dejenture of the Town of Whitby to the aàmount of $3,00-00 for the, purpose of providing funds for such purpose- ,The principal and interest will be paid in fifteen annual instalments of The .interest rate will be 5%. per annum. I, John-R. F'rost, Clerk of the Cor- poration of the Town of Whitby, here- by certif y, under my hand, that the above synopsis of a BY-law te be sub- mitted te the electors at the annual election te be held on January 7th, 1928, is true and correct in every par- ticular. ' In the event of the assent of the electors being obtained the By-law will be taken'into consideration bty the Council after the expiration of one xnonth from the first ýp ublication (6th December, 1928). A tenant desiring to vote must deliver te me at my office not later than the 26th day of Decem- ber, 1928, the declaration provided for by subsection 3 of Section 274 of- the Municipal Act. The appointment of peirsons to at- tend at the pofling places and at .the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk will ta1se place at ,the Town Clerk's Office on the 27th day of De- cember at 10 o'cloXk in the forenoon. (Sgd.) John R. Frost,- Clerk, Town of Whitby.- 26- COUNTY 0F ONUÂRI0 TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAND FOR ARRIEARS 0F- TAXES. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now liable te, be sold for ar- rears of taxes in the County of Ontar- io has been prepared and is being pub- lished in an advertisement- in the On- tario- Gazette upon the Twenty-sec- ond and Twenty-ninth days of Septem- ber and the Sixth and Thirteenth days of October. Copies of such list of ad- vertisement mnay be had upon appli- SALE HATS. We are offering ail our up-to-date Winter Hats for one week only at two prices. One lime at $2.95 ax4d the other at $3.95. No.reserve., Corne early and get your choice. Gwen W8sight Phone 232 Brock St. Southu, m Whitby, Ont Wbat we. -Give? ACK tlrough the centuries Christzn2 has alwaysbeen a B tinie for the giving of presents-bmg or. littie tîîngs to deliglt and gladden the hearts of* ehildren and their elders--. But where are the Christnias preseuts of other, years-the toys, the useful things? Broken-worn out-forgotten. Keep alive the spiit of your gift. Let it bring happiness and -contentment from year to year-add a Royal Bank Savinga Book te your list of Christmas presents. Chriai PA seiagonCooeram or okivGifi Book& mbrl Roal Baui k of'Cand Whitby Branch A.ZE.Kmmna,Magr -MY LISTINGS COVER 30' to 40 fine' Residehtîal MAPLE LEAF' Properties In the Town of Whltby. - UO1RSCOWLLER t CaIl end -scee mé If you TIMES BUILDING, OSHIAWA are I1nterestd.- Day andNight Classes- inail Comi- merdiai subjects. Enter any tinte. Albert W. Jackson, ie C ASHENRSIJàT Principal Phone--Res. 15, ,Off lce>335' "A Trained Mlir(d Wins." igCrsas S'ais in Full Swi1 BIG REDIJOTIONS are being made in » COATSP, DRIESSES, ami HOSUERV - to enabie you to buy goods .' Cheap for Christmas. Sal e Ends; on Saturday MgiIt. Corne-in now and get some real - bargains. Goods at unheard of prices. SatisfactionUM Guaranteed or Money' Refunded.* See our stock of Christmas Bi'g Reductions Un ail our WUNTER COATS. The -IdeaiS hoppe BrockSAIJEL SCHWARTZ, Propo BokSte North, - Whlttby, Ontario @ELUIDMIDIL@ OIEDnPDv 7.Mixeci Nuts, A new stock, with peanuts........ b. I Without Peanuts 25c. lb. 8. Slick Hand Cleaner, reg. 15c. .....special 3 for 25c. 9. Castile Soap, long bars.......... ... special, 2 for.- 23c. I 10. Bread....... ...... ..... ......... ..... 9c. per iof ,~JI i i Butcher. Department- Swet icledRoils ......... ........ ..... ......21c. IL Park Loins, haif or whole............22c. IL Fresh Shoulders of ý Pork, 5!2 to 7 lbs........ ....... 17C. IL Pot Roast of Yoüng Beef ....... ..........1 IL. QYSTERS CISCOES F11ILmS. ALL KINDS 0F COOKIED MEATS WE DELIVER 9,VERYWIIBE OPEN AIL DAY -WEDNESDAYS -1163 -- W5~~W c --OPF 4 1 te% 0 i 0, - ý - -- - ý J6 p J6 .

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