Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Dec 1928, p. 8

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th 'okey Club Dance. Don't miss TI¶ere will be round and 'square dan..., also noveity and spot dances. hilpoons and streamers wili 'be sup- pll.d by the HIockey Club, and, the stage will be sultably' decorated for the occasion. A real evWnng's enter- tulnment ta assure&. ail those' who ak: tend. The gallery' of -the hall. will be Jopen free o f charge as a courtesy to -thoîo who' secured tickets on the1 beautiful chesterfield suite te be given awy to theholder of, the lucky ticket number. The 0draw will take place at 10.80 p.m. sharp, so be on haind. Thé tickets 'on the $160.00 chester- ftid suite are aimoat disposed of. Those flot having tickets had better make application for sanie fromn the club officers at one-don't delay. To-morrow night's dance promises to b. one of theý season's best. SBurns' big arena has undergone ex- tensive repaire in order to - better handie the crowdswhoý arý sure to attend the games this season. Al Phnone 10 4:10 sason for -Wbitby fans. Cut out-the sêhedule of gaines £rom this issuet of thé Chronicie, then paste, it on yotur nurror. 'In this way you wfli be sure te b. constantly remind- ed of thýý dates a=4 teains playing. You are b*able to l0se sight of it i kept anyï otheir place Prentice, who performed .ao crédit- ably betw 1 en Witby's goal posta last season, eýcpects to get transferred to some othe;r ranch of the Canadian Bank of !Commerce in the niearfu- ture on account of the closing of one of the briches here. Thisis t t e . regretted and'especially on the verge' of. the hockey season. H.e certainly has showxn his worth as a net guardian, in ail gaines'played by the locals last4 season, anid the good wishes of the executive of the Club and spectators alike are lextended to Mr. Prentice on hic depa$r1ure fromn Whitby. "Will ;,ye no conme back again." -Whitby',b first home game is sched- uled for January 2, *tvÃŽen' Port Perry pucksnat4hers will clash with the lo- cal teani. Oh me, oh my, but that will ehuno eabl e D8 wwitness the 1I somegame to witness. Santa Knlo wsHis Candios And he knows that at Stugess' is to h found a fine assort- ment of Smlles'n Ciuickles and Neilson's, in Fancy Boxes for Christm~as from 30c a hall pound Up. -~Phone 230 -- Dundas St. West Ford Oealers Whltboy -M Ontario We -are offering some GOOD VALUES in Used Car Sales. Your present car taken as part payment, bal- ance cash or ternis -arranged to ,suit buyer. Re- mebrit 18 most profitable to buy authorized dealers. cars from i *rck st.south 1m Whitby, Childrsn's Chrîta When you're thinking of buying children's DOLL -CARRIAGES, BLACKBOARDS, KIDDIE, KARS, DOLL BEDS, DESKS, _and DESKS WTICHAIRS, see TOWN'S A. deposit will hold1 goods for Christmas Delivery VICE Whltbyp Oqte Wliitby vs Lindsay-Jan Stouffville vs Port Perr Stouffville vs Whitby--- Por Peryvs Lindsay- Whitby vs Port Perry- Lindsay vs, Stouffile, OrNeigkbo on --the o n *-jan. l sentence, gave iiee<i Co the plea *ofAis 1 1. 15. counsel, D. A. J. Swanson, that h. 7_. jan. 16. was a very young mani and had neyer Jan Z been iu trgubie before. -Jan. 25_. The evidence showed that the of -Jan. 28. ýmne against the girl was conuuitted ,an. 29. by accused when h. took'her for a motr rde.Seera wineseswere, heard, the Court believing the evidence of._t)ii girl," whichwas giyen with' I gea dffcutyand reluctance owingI IfS _ to her youth, mi' preference ÃŽ6 that of- les fered bythe Youngnm=. Judse Ruddy Liiere was too mucb of this kind of The Carrnage Facteries, LtýL, were tlxing going, ou and stated that it ,'sold on Fridayp,.November 23rd, Lo a would b. e odtigi oieofc syndicat. o! Orillia capitalist ifThe ens, couid apprehend the -offendens be- 'intention of the new company ist fore serious trouble ensued. While subdivide the. property and rent it to the Ciminal Code provides for a peu- a -number of smaller firms, the synî-alty oif iv. years Judge Ruddy teit caLe supplying heating facilities and that tie. ends of justice wouid b. met watchmen. A part of the. office s l- n thicaefth<lgtrpntyw tion of the building has already been ieas.d for six months to John M._______________ Walsh & Co., a concern manufactur- - ing Yarious leather produets. -The WITli THE CHURCIE Walsh company have until-now had their head office located in the Good- year building, Toronto. Their fac- St.. John'a Church, Port Whitbq- tory is located near Toronto.- it 15 Rector, Rev. D. B. Langford. Bible understeod that there is a probabil-i Sunday,- Dec. 9th, l928--Pneachen at ity that the Walsh companyý will le- il a.ni. and 7 p.m. seTvic.s, Mr. C. C. cate at least a part of thein factony Wtis fTrno .. e' in Orillia in the near 'future. The, Bible Class; 3 p.m., Women's Bible 1 Walsh company, Who WIll miove in on i Class and Sunday School. Thursday, December lst, d& a big mail onder (to..day) Remember sale 3p.m. F1 buiess, and their Oillia staff will; day, 8 p.m., Choir practice in Chunch; b. between twenty-five and flfty Confirmation classes in Rectoxry, ýfor hands;* The ownens Of the CarnageI adults, 8 p.m., Thursday; for boys, 2 Factorles have in the. past been aversepm.Stdy;frgls330p.,o te sub-dividing the property, but the pm Saturday o il,3.0pmo new ownens are quit. willing th lease S a ndr4.w floon space by the scjuare foot, andPesyean nuc this is likely to result lu other inus Rev. John Lindsay, pastor. Sunday, tries locating her.. December 9th. il s.m. and 7 p.m., ThénesgnaionofDr.H. auzntDivine Worship conducted by 'the frmTe.osintion of D.H azn Rev. A. C. Reeves, of Oshawa. 3 Foo Inpeco or shaa etenayudi p.m., .Sabbath. Sehool and Bible Study. Foo Inpeterfo Osaw ciyundr Christmas Tree and ententaiument the local, Board. of Health, was an- in connection wlth the Sabbath School nounced Monday. Applications' for the Wednesday evening, Dec. l19th. position have already been asked for AlSit'Cuc Agia) by the Board, duties to commence on hSlts hrh(Agia) January 2nd. Dr. Vauzant is retiring 2nd SundaY in Advent. Bible Sun- £rom his position due to jîl health. He day. 8 a.n., Holy Communion, Con- has been veterinary and food inspecter porate A. Y. P. A.; h a.m., Morning for four years, sueceeding Dr. A. Prayer; 3 p.m., Bible Classes and Wannan on the death of the latter, in, . StMday coo8 p.m., EeningAssoca- 1924. Dr. Vanzant was pneviously weîî 1 er ' ody ..,MnsAsca -known in this city, having carried on tion;j Dec. -17th, next meeting A. Y. the practice of a veterinany surgeon P.A.; Dec. 21st, S.S. Christmas -en- in Oshawa. For -niany years pnior tê terXtaimmeut and tree; Dec. 23, Christ-r bisnemoval to Oshawa he had been on mas Sunday., Usual services on the. editorial staff of the Farmen's Ad, Christmas Day. Dec. 27, Christmas 1vocate and the Canadian Countryman. Cantata by the choir. Qudnît rodctio ofthe 929 The. United Church-Minister, Rev. - .Quâtit prducionof he 929A. L. Richards, B.D. Sunday, Dec. Chevrolet will commence at the plant 9th. 11 -a.m., Morniug Worship; ser- of General Motons of Canada, Liai- mon theme, "Why Should We Pnay?", ited, on Decemben 10; when the flrst, Story sermon for the boys and girls. newsix-cylinder Chevrolet will. rolOff 2.30 p.m., Sunday School and Wo- the. assembly limes. The body shopmn'i Men's Bilîlse.7p bas already begiin making bodies for --M, Eîrening Worship; sermon theme, this model, and workers'in the mili "The Living Christ. Visitons cord- room, paint shop and trim room will ially 'invited to ail these services. ahl begin work befon, December 10. Monday, 8- p.m., Young People's Fel- This anmouncement was made Mon- lowship; Tuesday, 7 p.m., Trail Rang- day afternoon by W. E. Davis, assist- ers; Wednesday, 8 p.m., mid-week aut general manager o! the company. service; Fniday, 7.30 p.m., Tuxis Boys' It had been the intention of the. comn- pnogram.. Tuesday, 3 p.m., Ladies' pany to stant the Chevrolet lime before Aid. Annual meeting and election the end of Novenaben, Mn. Davis sadof officers. but s delayin gettiug delivery o! raw Whitby-Baptist Church-T. F.-Best, matenials forced the. compsny te put paston. Sunday, Dec. 9th. -10 a.mh., the date ahead until December 10. The Bible School, classes for ail ages, die shop, iu connection with the Dr; J. F. Reynolds, Supt. il a.m.., stamping plant, is wonking 24 hours snd 7 p.m., the paston at both ser-ý a day completiug the necessany dies to vices., Unc'hurched people cordially mfake the uew models. invited. Monday, 8 p.m., Young Peo- - -~ ple's Society, physical group in TOOK CAR FROM FRIEND charge. Thursday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting snd choin practice; Friday, Sevenal -eriminial cases have been 3.30 pam., Bazaan and aftennoon tes' disposed o! lu the County Judge's 1in~ the tewn hall. Cifinal (Court A.1..4.i 41,. .4 ...aJ.. 1 by His Honon Judge Ruddy, the ac- - cused lu each case having elected tetHo, ~P Iû be tried by the county judge without s I lUES IJUUUJ Jur,- afternoou Edwin Cuiner, RE laORT&3> cf Mount Albert, was couvicted ou a ------- ___________ changé o! taki ng a car without the . ownerys permission. Hie was flned $20 Results o! weekly examinations; sud costs or three months, a friemd Forms IV., snd V-Literature--R. cou-iig to bis nescue to save him, £rom Halliday 77, A. Grandy 74, R. Taylorj the gaol term1. His Honon poiuted out 74,,0. Roberfson 74, K. Stuttaford 68, te sccused that the. charge in bis case IJ. 'Bascom 65, C. Robertson 63, H>. might have been the more seious oej Quinn 67, A. Dra'per 60, J. Hutchison1 o! the!t. Unden the. provisions o! the 57p N. Garnard 55, 1. Punves 54, L.i Criminal code h. was liable te a5 IneBasconi. 56, Hl. Lee 54, W. Cox 51, E. o! $500 or 12 menths' impnisoument. Peance 44, 11. Pascoe 43, H. Menniani The. cincumstances of the. case, are 39, D, Mauudrell 34, C. Parker 31. that early this Faîl accused borrowed Form 111.Latin-B. Odlumn 93,. K. s car belongimg te bhis !niend, Percy Lotmax 80, H1. Levine 79, M. Osborne Dyen, o! Uxbridge. Appareutly ou sev- 78,,P. Ward 77, M. McArthur 72, F. eral occasions he had dniven Dyer's Newmaw-68, G. Scott 66, K. Thexupson car but on this particulan occasion h. 65, I. Brswley 65, J. MacConneli 60, did mot ask hMs permission sud took C. Webster 58, G. Elms 57, I. Luke 47, it out o! the garage withcOut his J. Giroux 42, C. Worfolk 39, T. Parker frieud's kuowledge. To guard against 34 P. Fric. 17. just such an occurrence, Dyen had ne-, Foi: II-li ,terature-W. Baker 90, moved the. battery and other parts, E. Bird 84, M. Merriam 82, L. Levine but Cùmen secured these £rom anethen 77, M. Mantell 75, B. Lawlen 73, O. UxbridgE citizen sud uiotered to Rich- Dewland 73,-F. Resettani 71, Z. Gee moud Hill, where he visited a rela- 6,V al6,J clnok6,A tjv. Ti. ar as etuuedte ts wn-Jeffrey 68, C. Greenfi.ld 66, V. Hunt- er lu good -condition. ley 65, D. Pringle 64, J. Lawrie 61, P. The. accused was repnesemted by Mn. Levine,60, T. lIes 56, M. HÃ"tuenr 55, Gneig, o! Greig & Littlejohu, o! Ux- N. Spaîl 54, M. Roberts 50, H. Stien bridge, whule the pnosecution was con- 50, M.- Niddery 49, W. Osbonne 46, J. ducted by Crowu Attorney J. A. Mc- Stevens 45, H. Augustes. 45, J. Heard Gibbon. Cumen wss orderd to psy the 41, E. McBride 40, K. Wood 37, B. costs o! the. court, amounting te $96. Gale 37, O. Bandel 35, J. McQuay 34, Evidence wss given by Cumer's L. Inwin 30, J. Wilson 30, F. Clark. father, sund a Mount Albert business 30,,.D. Milue 27, K. Coôke 23,,HI. Bath For Swollen Joints, Most remédies fail but 3Joint-Eabe succeeds. Its for joint troubles only, whether. in ankile, knee, liip, elbow, shoulder, finger or spine-whether rheuinatic or flot, It limbýrs up stiff, inflamned pain- fui, creaky joints so quickly you'll be astonished. Two seconds' rubbing and away it goes through skin and flesh right down, to the bone indlign e~ thatPs whyit succeeds. Ask A. 1H.i Alun or any reliable druggst Form II.--Geometry-L. Levine 100, W. Baker 100, P. Levine 100, V. Hall 100, E. Bird,100, Z. G.. 98, O. Baudel 95, F. Clark. 94, E. McBride 93, F. Rosettami 92, M. Hotuer 87, D. Pringle 82, H. Stein 80, M. Manteil 79, N.* Spgll 77, W. Osborne 77, H. Augustus 75, A. Jeffrey 73, V. Huntley 73, T. Rea 69, M. Niddeny 63, K Cooke 60, C. Gneenfield 59, B. Gale 58, L. Inwin 51p J. McClintock 42, K. Wood 41, J. Wilson 30, M. Menniam 30, J. Laurie 23, J. Heard 23, M. Roberts 22, D. Ilarris,15, HI. Ball ab., J. McQuay ab., O. Dewiand ab., B. Lawlen ab. Form -I. B.-Llterature-F. Every' 77p H. Webst.r176, R. Aylesworth 75,. B. Dalby 72, G. Scott 71, 1. Dav.y 67,1 E very Coat Must beSôld, Regardiesi Now is ýiYour Chance. to Save Mc Toyland, China and Gif t Shop nthe EÉverPy Departmnent in theStore ISflled with É Xmas Gifts. Get the, Christmas ýSpirit. Bu b- k I j' i Gift Linen Department IJNEN TOIVELS..... .. ......... .29e., 39e., 69c., $1.00, $5 each BATHR TOWELS ....*. ......*'...25c., 39c., 49c.; 75c. 98c., $1.50 each BRIDGE SETS .............. .......$1.49$249anJ3.49 Set BRIDGE CLOTHS ....................$10each Christmas Suggestions for. Ladi aes LADIES' SILK LINGERIE, Watson'si.. Bloomers 99c. eaeh, Vests 79c. each LADIES' SILK KNIT NIGHTGOWNS..........$1.9,8 each LADIES' GLOVES, Chamoisette, ail shades.... ..59e., 85c.i $1.25, $1.50 pr. LADIES' SILK HOSIERY, ail ishades, priée..... ..$ %O $1.50j $1.95 LADIES' SILK & WOOL and Plain C.ashmere- Rose. .79c.., $1.00, $1.25 pair CHILDREN'S Sand andBlack Ribbed Cashmere Hose. Special 49c. & 69c. LADIES' PIJRSES ...... ......0. 0O.......0 0..Seial $1.98 4-hd $2.98 Christmas Suggestions for Men MEN'S GLOVIES...............$2.50 and $3.50 Pr. MEN'S FANCY HANDKEURmFSà'...........79c. and $1.0 INITIAL HIANDKERCHIEFS.............3 for $1.00 MEN'S FANCY SOX ..... ...........59ec, 98c. and $1.25 pair MEN'S FINE SHIRTS........ ... -$10O, $1.50,$1.95,$2.50,*$2.95, $4.75 ea. MEN'IS SUJSPENDERS'..................45C. and 75ec. pair MEN'S TIES ...... ... ...................49c., $1.00, $1.50 MEN'S IYNDERWEAR..................AilPrices MEN'S UMBRELLAS .... ...... ............$1.75 and $2,50 MEN'S SWEATERS'................$1.98, $2.n8 $4.95 f"C¶QPITYYmCI ]BOYS' MEN'S MEN'S .ii -b ............. S.00 each IJN'DERWEAR ...... ... ............AlPie and BOYS' Colored Handkerchiefs, colored borders . ..-2 for 2Me. SCA.....-. $1.50, $2.0, $2,50, $3.50 COMFORTERS, WOOL BLANKETS, WOOL BED COVERS WATCH OUJR WINDOWS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Store- closes 10 o'clock Saturday nlghts. Open ai day Wednesdays. W. A. Dewl.and td H. Neal 67, C. Mayne 66, G. Pollard t 66, R. Blow 64, J. Grant 64, E. John- son 63, F. Brooks 62, W. Ruddy 60, B. Johnson 60, -K. McGregor 59, D. But- ler 5$, H. Elms 56, H. Broome 56, K. Sleep 56, W. Harkness 54, F. Mander- son 54, A. Downey 50, E. Wilson 47, B. Salisbury 46, W. Mowat 46, B. Smith 62, J. Mathioný 59, M. Bartoî Sleep 45, C. Sleep 42, N. -Clemence 41, 52, D. Rice 50, D. Sniitbi 50, M. HIo1tby L. Wilson 40, W. Thachuk 37, C. Bell 46, H. Burt 43, M. Mowat 42, P. Price 36, J. Holtby 35, J. Harkness 34. 40, MaucLSmith 38,- D.- Clarke 27, E. Literature 1. G .. Threadgold 73, Sleightholm -36, E. Southwell 34, G- E. Norman 72, G. Levine 72, M.P Mac- Steffler -27, I. Tueker 27,- Marjoryý Conneil 69, Madge Heard 62, Marjlory Heared 27. Ross, Goal ý,Yar'd HOW TO HAVE AMPLE, EVIEN :HEAT To keep the Thermometer at the Heaitb and Co mfort Point, you need only an Efficient tleater ln Good Condition, 'Properly Mianaged- and -a Bin of Good IlOId Company's" Lehigh Anthracite from Ross& Son's Coal Yards. We wili beilad to suppiy you. Havlng but New Coal Sheds, our Coal and Woodwiil ail lie undewr cover and del t L1 ALUTV Ilvered to you by polite, and courteous drivers. Phones- Oftlice ,34, Residence 345. T. W. OSS & Wildr ê~Deverel Ford, Dealers PRIVATE AMBULANCE FIJRNITIIRE AN~D FIJNERAL SERI nc Il 1-SEF aMmMmmmMý

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