Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1929, p. 4

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?MI pe~u INTRODUÇTORY OFFERI 5c Dr. W.e'sToodiBrgish 2U l», WtessTooth Pai Both- ~50c E. . Olum Drugglst sud Statie.ner WtlIlBY, ONT. le leekinàhitby Mr&.-J. F. -Paxton, Who*~bm coufiu.d to Osawa Hospital ince her accident on tise train while retumning f rom Moatreal early la Januar, has returned to her, home bere, thougis stillieonftned to her bec!. Wateh. the windowsj for tise bis- "Brunw1ikTriot,April l1Mi. Thpnsany friends of Dr. B. B. Bea- ton ilfl b.-glad to know he isas me- eovered trom hlm recent ilinemm ad boa again, r.sumed his dental practice. Keep April l6th In mmd for the. play' "Eyea of Lve"la nthe Town Hill on Tuesday evenIng,ý April - 1th, by ex-pupili of St. Bernard'. Schooi. 'Fhe offilers.ac! members of Com-. posite IMdge, No. 30, A. F. & A. M., have iaauec! Invitations for their an- nuai Ladlea' Night, to b. heid la the Maaonie Temple on Wedaesday.evea- lng, April l7th. Towna Wbltby Mea's Minstreis, Hlli, May 7th ac! 8th. FACES LiC.A. CHARGE Charg.d vitis iavng liquor lain ilegmi place, William aciver, Brock Street sortis, vibi appear belon. Mag- i strale Willis m la Police Court tiss (Thuruday) aflennoon. Tise man vûù taben lato cutody on Sunday. even- lug hry Chief Guason ac! Provincial Constable MItchell. Itlal allegec tiset h. wascaugist vith the gooda. BUILDING XMATZRIALS -, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - an iiia i 0KoBlTirma- teriaIs at Factory Diatibutors' prices. Save money on new buildings, alter- utions, repairs. New book Juat priaI- ed offert ovet tsree thousand.build- ers.bargains ln goors, windows, trames, miibwork, floorlng, ooflng, agles, -palWtý, hardware, fireplaces, pampa, plumbing gooda, electric ix- tares as4 general Builders' needs. W rite to"ly. H4UIhiay- Comnpany, Box 8411Hamiiton- --44 DBATH 0F MRS. W. E. CHA'iTER-,ý SON lb. deatis oeeurmed in London, Ont.,- on Mardh, 2mli, of Mgary Jase (Jennie) beloved vif. of Vim.!E.' Chatterson. Tise funerl vas held from her blte xesience, 1171 John St., Léondon,ý on Fflday# Mardi 29th. lMra.Chattersm vas a.-siater of Miss Anale Warkup Easy payinents oun.ttnactive sub- stanllal garages. Ail miatemialz ready eut.- W. pay frelgst. Write for a fres eatalog. lUday Compasny, Box Si. Hailton. --44. day fmet, underthe leadexshiP cf Arthur W. Lgnde. 'Fb. Mlstrel8 uul stage a show eazy i l ay for the] bmefest 0 the Wbitby Bowling à"d Ta" d5qUbw bo fut Dow on. recu- lar pracmes viiib. eld lineCiti- sens'Band hmve paeed t.hei romat thse dîlos4f th~e Minstrelfr prme- tdcm free ci charge. The progranm thia ymar iii b. entireY new. Fur- tIser particulars il! b. announeed later. GRANDMOTHEES'MEETIG The April meet ing of the Womea Institut. vii- b. heId ln thse Couneil Chamber on Fziday afternoon, ApriI l9th# at 3 p. *Grandmothers viii have. charge of the, meeting, Mmra J. J. O'Connor, Convener. Mmra. F. Des- mODIL Pies. au mMeClila 8. AT TUE IDÙEAL SHOP1>E Mother, look st MW49Johns- Look howlovely se looks. in that new out- fit. I wonder where she got It. Leti un go over ad asklher. How do- you' do, Miss Johns, how ane you? Why good morning, lirs. Stevens and Mis Stevens. bio you know Mis-Jobns, I have been- admiring you in yowz. n -ew outfit. You -certalnly look bovely. It jmat suits you. De you -mid telling us. where you got lt ? 0f course I bought'it at tise 14cm! Shoppe,,on Brocis St N. It is a pleas. nie Wo go there. They de<> pot mind showing you their goods, whetiser you buy, or not. Mother, let usgotiser. nigistnov, ma see about my*ildw outAlt. 1 AUDLEY The. Audley Community Club* wil meet at thse home, of Mfiss May Broya on Monc!ay evenins' next, April 15tis. WIETECUMIRES St. Aadrew's Preshyterian Cbarch- Bey. John lnclay Pastor. Sunc!ay, April 14tis. il a.m.; Tise Sacrameat of the Lord's Supper. Our Master invites aill His ebldmen to Him Table. 3 p.m., Sabbatis Scisol ac! Bible study. 7 p. Mn., subjeet, "1The Bei'ever's Position in the Worlc!." Friday evening, April l2th, >Pmeparatory. service at 8 o'clock. St. Andrew's churcs extendsa-a vel- corne te ail. Ail Saints' Chumeb- 2ad Sunday mIter Easter: 8 a.m., IHoly Commun- ion; il a.m., Mornîng prayer; 3 p.m., Sunc!ay Scisool ac! Bible Glass.7 Pan., Evening Frayer. St. John's, Port Whithy- Rtector, BRey. D. B. Laagfoiýd, Suaday, Apil 14th--Services at ila.m. and 7 p.m. Preaciser, Mir, Cecil C. Watkins. -3 p.ý m., Sunday Scisool ac!dWoinenles Bible Glass. 4 p.m., XeW~s Bibl e Glass. Thursc!ay (to-day) 2 p.m., W.' A. Sewz ing meeting; 8 p.m., Choir practice. Confirmation Classes st tise Rectory: Saturday,, 1 pm., for boys; Tuemday, 7.15 p.m., for adulta. Monc!ay, April 15, 8 p.m., Btey. Dr. Caracallea, Prin- cipal of 'the Ontaxio i"es' College, wiii give an address iatise Suaday Scisool Hall under the auspices of tise A.Y.P.A., oa "The Situation ia China.", Ail velcome.- United Ciurci- Miuter, Bev. A. L. Richards, B.D. Sunday, April 14, il amin Mornnug wosip. Sermon 15eme, "Cisistanity ac! The League of Na- tions."1 Brief address te chibdrea on O'Presiulent Wilson."1 2.30 Pmn., Sabbath Scisool; 7 pin., Eveniag worsisip. Ser- mou tiseme, "Tise IMd of Christ." The Morning worsisip vill b. fIiowed by tise Sacrament of. Baptim. Tues- day 7.15, The Trail Raniger prograin Ion boys. Wednesday, 8 olock Mid- veek service. The Minister.wvll com- mence s series of Bible lectures on "St. Marb's Gospel." Visitons cordial- ly iuvited. Baptat charch., Whtby-Pastor, T. F . Beit.Sanday, 10 a.m., Bible Seisool, Dr. J. F. Reynolda, Supt. ac! Bible- Ciass teachei. 1il-sam., -"Oic! 'Fume Revivals",; 7 pin., "1Why lmbke Resoutions?" lb. pastor v*iII preacis aI bols services. The- beginning of a veeb's revival services. Ail regular ----o- il- h it--inii a -: - of evaugebistie meetIns. Thursday, SERI~U ()BI109£LECTURfS .&pril 111h, Frayer meeting ac! quar- Commeselmi nWednsday even- teriy budmlaeseeting aI 8 pan. Fm- las net a 8 'eocb, at the United day, litis, Ladies' Aid Home Coobing Cher.!>, 5e. A. I~.Rchards viii glvesale ac!. tea. Ali cordiaUin vited& a socll srte oflectures. on St. Marls GospeL Th. course vilbc .of TRE FARMEES' AGREEMENT Up.a isteneal t. -i! Bibi.estudents otsedtr ael a!Crnce aund i! oter. ansious te inow more TDte Etr ,Getan of tis er.y 0f Ch tt' liesrt b.~ Slrf--Selg your edilonia inh finl lctue - et"aed"unLo's een tImmuere Fariners'Agreement il ontlutr m l. müld Our0f o e ocurred .bo me a bief sumniar>' Of th Mn-1e Fariera Agreement snd the Town >Couneilacton in regard thereto NOTIE o~ANNUL METING woubd b. 0f luteremt te youm readers sud poasbly mais.tise malter ciemier The AsmsiMeeting 0f tho Shar- o um inlmthreW» - am boid,e t t he Whltbr Bowling and 'atiori devéloped bslwesn lieaTovwu Tomsta Clb, lmâted, vil! .be d luaCoun&iland tise fanmers itihitIse tise Comm!! Chau*bo on.Frida>' oven-corporation 0of lb. Town of, whilby lsg, APril 135!. 1»#0,at Metglt 'C!Ob. Iiato tise ose nov eelslingb. Itla! bopsi tsaI««y,' shaeholer Iveentihe min.parties t. vit unfair wii b. praausîonr.p etdb>'1Inealment _b>' Town Couneil lefana- pr".ernsd Il mebMeheduci mn meute stage EL xdm Mà.nu.u% tisaI tse faumsdeeld.d 1 thdrav SscrotaaryTteaarm. fhen the. lova andi othe Tovnshlp 7-40, 42 0f Wqsn Whity. Roveven, tise Town -: - ~Counelsamu lous mfor the. famrinr FMMRMERRSDMNTPASSES 'lenemals a lb.helovnansd ofeéred A fermer resimden fWhltby, Mmns Ilim sevenarg d metLe., 'a e mamb Elisa csmehy, paaa.d avay asemsunea, eepinfendebenlure en Tum ai.> theIlbhome 0f her daugi- debta excepting suoosmd a 4 mli ter, Mma J. CillesaI t ovuameN.Yv of gemural r" ateosF. at theq abet0f8 y.aMa.b. dsceaaed -Tise famera aSspted tise oiber vas a dai ten thelb.laIe Tboma admd ud t he bisFoftmnWAgree- E..!., a mnailv>'maswve llvoiat ment vasboni.Il came imb effeet Por Wvbtb>'fer mas>' ams, a«d Januar>, 188,as confinmed b>'On.- visie abw bal bou aa>' tm bru el te Lllaure and wvas for tes teva for a long lus aba made. Dm- yeana, i ans olib. eneweu! frentime "MIdil" uin l. a udVel b> t».te time. aisbas bu .enlfor«s =Wt dangitt ars IM.A. tmeaoyet0fJaman>', 1M LTeu s an MMou 1âO&POmtN., amd o ua88Mm. y. chages ermaie lu the Aeiet e. MceChal1'76U«grIM beetTe- b>' lbe- T.va Couneil, he els - SuaiO.vas bal at W k" 'humoa i nms lM* ovardageod monda hauem Woiseday cer ga nsi &WU- 5d Malld: lisegmnea rate. lau de>' (neusay>thelb o> i!nv odywma y mas, b>' reqamgtet o tii. Tev in Whitbg md vil!b. laured i - l t.C.ua!1boite., lb. famet m *ob'a ~niU7a a .mNd5I..of thse w"ole amralaed -a: lthe- muts0et *aim las! abla IUfR STO STÂO U oW faimy î a, v, vu *otd ) O~w ulv -- l allaamaaIt te Toua Cumulmaithlb.Aum *0 b »M ye' ffl 2" mWa ve m t be t l I IB7 agreement bac! expired. Mr. J. B. Mit- chsell cafled*the farinera tegetiser ac! they decided, tg sui for a renewal 0f tise agneemeat. In -so far as I. know the Town Counci have not replied te, Tequest bat lastead instruted the Assssor te mae aa. ev ssessint of farm. poperty;, wviidi e cid.'Thi new assesameat vas first brougist te tise attention of tise farinersa t tise Court of Revision, 1visen it vas banc! in smie cases te b. 50% iigier tisa formerly. Tise farinera vere uasi- mous la refu"ig te, accept -the new assessmeat, bat agreed te consider extra asse--Laent placec! ouniouses, vhicis vasone,ac! lan nearly evemy case tise assessmeats vere isigiser tisan thse oic! agreement. Tise Town Coancil would not acccpt thse changes made -by farinera, but came baek vils s evisec! banc! asseau- ment, viserein ou severmi farina the land! values vere reducedi ac! smie raisec! $10.00 per acre, ac! only -alUn. feuce. btveea farma.The Town Coun- cii (the majority of thcm) teld thse farinera if ve ver. not satislled ve couic! appeal to His Honor,.the Couaty Judge. ' efaieal1e Ia conclusion, tefresi h Tovn of Whitby bave been paying a isigier rate of taxation tisa farinera in the Tovnship, ac! bave been wiiling te mnet the Town Coundil haif vay ia order- te remeis an*agmeemeut, but tise Town Council have shova, no con- sideration for the farineraac! tise only course open te 1the fariners lu te withdmav froin the towa. ;TisaakIng you'ufor space la your valuabie paper, I am, Yourn truly, Faim, Play. DEATH CLAIMS WAR NURSE At tise resideace of hem sister, lira. C. E. Bovmma, early bast Friday momniag, the dealsh occurred of Miss Elvira Tisompion, daugister of the iste Mr. and lirs. William Tisompson, of Georgetown. Her ibiness, culminat- of service reuder.c! as a a urse on tise front uine in the. gr.at vwar. Shortly ater ber arrivalinla Wisitby eigist veeka ago, te visit ber sister, sevas taen l, ac! despite every cmansd ~ttention tseGrim Ramper lcb ed Tise deceased vas a graduate of'tise hompitai at Clilton Springs, N.Y., ac! visen -tise United States entered --tise war se joiaed the army aursing corps lb. homo of A CHOCOLATE *BAR SPECIAL FOR TME WEEK-JND Neilson's large bar of JesyMilk Chocolate, igstquality. Per Bar 19e. Simd ami Pastu'y Let us supply you with your Bread and Pastry.ý You willthen be a steady customer. tigiit Rofuàsmtî Drop ini for a good cup of Tea or Coffee, with Sandwiches or Cakes. You'il like This Service We handie those good Smiles 'n Chuckles Cho- colates. ~lhm si ftu28~ * I 'I I N I N N N N N I N I N I N N N N N I N N N M M M N N N E E N M M N N N M N N u N N a u i asc!.sg ~ -~stoi voiftl 'mises wM,*- -' ber hel. A atet fvesogebyw5, Ehe reoeve4her due~gmla the pallia, 'n igdâiootapr. ShewVa Mey PôPnbar girlmd lbe . setb deathvarefvditb5l po ii her tovu, asvellasbly Tne tuneùs! as 1bldonSmi>'s lemnoo n nGeorgetovu, Sand. '55vis der tihe us e~ftishe Cmad"ie*- l pis, tise membersof hieh attendei la a body ac! earnîec! out MMlItr houons, tise -Lut Pose being souWId as tise body vas lowered .mb otise grave. An impressive serviee vas éon- dacted by Bev. Dr. Dieble, 0if the Unmted Chareis. vio #Maisg!ovln tribut. e tiste- useMful11e of deesased, imc her beauty of c isamacter. The. fanerai vas very largely atten!ec! Deeemsec! lu survied by two mistera, lns. c. L IBOWMaa, Of Wbitby, ac! mis Mary Thomapson, of the Queea Alexandnia Hoapita4L, tndon, 4aie n brother, John J.. Tisompson, of George- tovis.1 DEATR 0FP'MISS L. WILSON The deatis occared Thursday at Victoria Hospital, London, ef Miss. Ldiela Wilson, at -.ne lime assistn ladyprincipal oftise Ontario Ladies Coilege here. Tse deceased vas cou- nected with 'tie coibege for a number e1 yeama, being a teaciser of mamic. She. left Whitby soine lime ago and bas since taughin laRdley Collegei u Prompt attention to ail orders in téoving and, Trucking. Good Service.- A ATKINSON Phone 65, --' Byron St. South of Gazette Office Town of. WhItIy E' E M M E N M E M E E E E M M E E E E E E E E NI mu I E I I E I I E I I E E I E I I I I I I I I I E I I andi tIse TWrunito .nevatwet lin- et nevas renming w" herbar er, Mmx, Jon S. Bamuard, of Tomt., audc formery of WMhy. Anotor sMater la. Mm.Catherine Perhinsj of Owen Boum!. Word c0fwsaWlames death vas xeceiedwth regret by hor mas> ----'fflJ News Na"y Blue Suits, l linedat 39.50.LawcePaelal cream or visite, reg. $1.00 foi 79e, reg- $L.OO for $1.49. Eq.ý oieu= Floor eovering, reg.Sk lor M9e sq. yd. 27x14 Rexleum, Filoor mats, at 10e eaeb, dme iSi s6 at4,9c. Holeproof Fuill-as- lon.ed silk home st $LU6; 81M to -the top at 98e. Meues silk aud wool.sox, special for Saturday, 49r. Mea's Suite, made-to-meas. ure, at $27M6. New.stock sili rayon veste anmac!bloomers ta match. 72x90 ba tts at 69c, each. ror ai!me;- wu sv,> iort UCCO Plant Food vil! imulat. 69e gout âfaylava-o.mdmotmy sol. SACcO S»ÂECCO as tise a.ot G. A. CANNI NG, Flour and Food Store Whitby, -ont. lotir Loans! Sanie day-service Let us mre-finance, your present contract or advance additions! cash at a Mo- mcat's notice. Courteous mac! confidentiaL -'ur rates second ta-, noÉe. Motor Loans £A Discounts Ltd. Boom 6, 14'!, King StE Open Eveningu OSHAWA JOHN I. FROST, Treasurer, Town of Whitby i NOT ICE I r mmmmmmm1 N. M N M M E Service Cicanci under new *ina carcfully done. Phone 49. ser vice 'MENU. Thr i*ft Paiys NOW ITHAT THE WEATHIER 1S MILDE!R, TRY A LOAD 0f General Motors WOOD More Heat Las- Moue'. Big LoAdL% Re aa Iuç.. * haeCOAI. « Ses -bave a Lmrge Suppiy etAli- Kinds EVERYTH1146 FOR ECONOMY6. LaeYens Orders for Sibrlnsg 0eIlverles. Te . o«s S pb...m- eme -3 4&. Ofce 84, *~ek Mn~ ~ rs and Dycis, Brock Street Norths. is opened-: Lnagemeat, by up-to-date -workmen. Al.work Give us a cal. Goods cailed for and deivered.N CIeaners &Dyers, Wbltby mng hem terni aI tise Ir! aise emmauded thse lome a et thse studeni body m~d 1 whaie ~ ase "gavewiag erIe aaddinÈ ito thse -m Fer In-aIIv tWeeds or gri cloths. ately pi M ~ImokSou1i* L, WbItby ~ E ~stats j E E SCOVER I Residentiai j the Town of I N E e me if you'I e * - g M Jackson j 5.Office335j M E ______________ M - N M M N N E N I -. E E ~E. 1* s- i M M N 1' M M ~ I~r Y.v YOur Cbild. o0neýOf 18 modela from 11Y2 t10 Yemn Wb avét. 4 idit KaMis» too C . Are built Just Il Un a real SIcyt They are the t Children's THOROti Pices'raun $7m75 le wu 1As Holli Brock St HW TO E J. J. IA-, tise wKdfae R. magnet, said: youi bç a success,.or failure? Here tise test-A abieý to, save? .If not drop out; you will iose."' !But. y.ou- say, lin :not going to scuimp and- if I1 never gel ricis. Ai ight,: try the, casier method. Mrs. 'Saneseeing:,and ler auntie, MusM -arc inCe,Mfgue it out in tiis way: ~Hcre, -aunlie, take my pencil, yours has a 1 point. Now, auntiç, we use aIl-told about i Bkg.Powder" cadis week: 52 iba. at say, -35c.lb . .... ... . .......... 52 lbs. Bowes,-a:15C.. lb . .... ...... ..... Gée,- auntie,, hows& that?, a saving of cxactly WeILNcttie dear, you're a good reasoner, mgt say noçhing but cold figures wouid havi "And furtser,, Nemte, we coubd put that $5 wee Tcddies Bank accouaI next (Cmrismand su e g7 thtie godhbi f aing--and grow rici. al, Your businessfricnd, P.S.-,-Granulated Suger-.4he best 10 16. foi ....... ..... ....... 2- dozm Oraugesfe........ ....... WhiSky, Out. MY LISTING 30 te 40 flou Properties.-b Whtbye art laterestedé Alberi.W: Phone.Res,.1l 'I *EUMMM.NEUUMEEMUEUEEMUUMUUEEEUMEUMEEUEUMUUENEM JL %d -Lm mm"mmmmmmin! 4251 Phone 361, Dohutues, Fîr Sale TheCrpr of thse Town of' Whîby hereby- offers, for' sale Scwer Construction debentures is. sucd under By-2Law No. 1297 to the amount of $1 182.84. These de-, bentures wiilbc soid iocally in a-' mounts ranging from $212.14 to $264.37 and. bear intercat at tise rate of 41/2 per cent. per. annurn. Thse price is par and accrued inter-, est- and debentures arc redeemabie in froin twenty-five to thirty years. Furtiser particularsr may bc obtaincd at tise office of the Town Treasurer. A- ý

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