Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1929, p. 6

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ma - rAis -__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ QTZES'BAND (Coeue" from page 1) MWe complote programmne given vas1 « asfolev-: "O Canada," Band; 5.loc-j tien, "Souveir ofthte Opera" (lin-1 mier) Baud; Solo# NB. Shah Feod Ris Ftesk," (froni "Tii.Mesdaa") Miss U . <3rrew; Serenade, Baud; Cornet Solo, "Mhe Boly Ct, Mr. Broad- bent; Chaimniau'se romans, Mr. A. W. Jackson; Selection, ""Stilly Niit," Baud; Solo, "lie Was Despised" <troni "The Meuin"> Miss Md. PRos; Selec-I tien, "A Day* lu Camp" (Rimmer) Baud; Mgus.Ilalue, "In Memory of Marshaelli Foeh" Baud; Hynin, ",0 God Our lielp lu Ages Pat," Baud. Tii. WeshIng For COMMuui In a brief nddress cairman Albert W. Jackson Invited the, symipathy sud co-operation etftiie citizum la the. work oethte band whliehb. d eemesi te b.eue of tue beet asMUt any coni- munlty coutd bave. The. sole aim.sud object oethte baud, ho itnted, vas te promoe the 'communlty spirit et whic Wiltby vas se ýmoch le ueed. The bandamen gave treely ef tueir ie sud talent for the. benefit ef the. cititens. Tbrougii constant prac-; tice and caretul training tue bond bad reached its present ig stto'Of et- ficleuîcy sandtoday It wvansuorgan- iszati on-of vbici everycitizen viti -an Intorest lu tue commuulty migit Juat- ty test prend. Mr. Jackson rctèrred'te tiie tact tint.Deputy-reevo Rd. Bowï- man vas on tue programme. for -a solo, -but oWngte a receunt boreav-- mont In bis tamlly b, vas miable te give tue eltiseu on tuSt occasion the. benefit et bis voudertul 'wolce. In exteuding bis sympatiiy te the dcputy-. reeve sud bis vif, be feit tbat b. velced the feelings cf ail tue citizen.. Mi,. Jackson made an, appeal betore takiug la seat forthe. finaucial sup- port etitiie band. * FARMERS' ASSESSMENTS (Contiauod tram pagel1) Aetlvalu.etftthe proparty vas the. basis of att -asseaments. Te oue appea! aUowed by BMe Houer, and agreed upon by the solicitors for tue 1Town, vas tuat et Clonience & Smith, wbere It vas abovi tiat le compni-i- sonw vltandeansd the. quality et the. lsnd, -adjolulug, the. lucrease et $5 paracre vas net varranted. Tii. as- sossument as it nov stands là $40 par acre, the sanie as under the Faera' Agreoement. Speaking for tue Tovn Mn. Consut suggeuted that tue Court sbould besi- tt to t rip te ploeces the. asseaisments- acceptied by tue Court etf Revision,ý wblcii iad gene into tiiem'ni agreed upon tue figures stipnlsted lu th. c-i coptauce shoot. Mfr. Conant submtted tint tue appellauts had taIled te prove -tuat tbey ver. belng unlly d.alt vitu. on tue othorhand b. tfet that tue figures as accepted by tue Court et Reuiuion vre vory reason-, ténU tii. fara.f Sono Fari Value Chas. Fetuergitifer r Ftuerli Bron., appealo aanit an lucroase lu land asseosmeut tram $40 te $50 au ýacre. lie vas wllling"te nccept an lu- .crease et $5 par acre ouly. The tarin comprlsod 100 acres, 50 tillable, sud the balance sald net te b. good pas- wny, It"evas asmmtte, col biblî C, S 9Broghtou, raled tram $4te) $60 peureM su de t mfiurwajs hie sbut h vawuwllling te av an lucease te $55peure. Ho R ai 4 157acre8 la tue terni ef Wblby, sud la amseae t *4,500 y the Cofe Cmos-«=mlnd ly Mu. Conaut Mu. Ureugiten saMdho dld » net mevtue Value. of the. 16 aces. . Mu. Cornnt stated tiat It vas stuange tua tifaeraWho voue faws- Bar vitu tielu lands dld not kuow thelu value. It - d net appeautuat tbsy vere dealug tairy vitu tue cout p ruedtutmr for au estinate et value lMu. lzougton proaned tnt dhm lid vouId ho vorth $100, peu -Mr. Brougtm o ured tintob. va assesed8M50moe tuan h. almuld le lu conmanson vitu bis ué1hibor viii no'frortags on, altuonias na shi&fam t. tbe KingitoRod Mr Bmu.Eegitoesate m»d nait tadng on thée hlgivay. ge admltted tir eyurs ego for 8450 an acre. Thé. asseor, ozîid thnt tue acre Man ahait ontdis Kingatou n elgay vas vertu $I,5M.goelesed tus qin lmc a on s$ee»r«em saes._ REbout Velasteis»Uhy* a rettred fermerestisosstint*ai6. Erouhtm fan vas verth about $175 pet acre Hee sudeui l tole aà,faIny Pmo fanre ranieuturalP»*AOUMapur-ý W. A. atout"n vas rebutf"o 0 te.U» -pu aesebut.vas vllilg 1o su«Ws.iet lu Pet MM il amu.e Immoau..Ie madidumi a =mm atair lu oemguuu im i wijofiumqfurma. Mr. Inugitonbu 09% me .paid PUM for the hem laUS1MbW di net.kevvhat it- w u e* îR MUL dâw vh _- by r au am " dlo by tho judie te vltbbofldno informa- tion, ho named a ligure of $15ïM. S I- tiiongh b. thougiit he migttbave a bard tins gettlng 1. Mr. Broughton bas 80 roda of King- ston nond frontage at $0 per acre and b. compared this with land owned by John Bateman, assso at $50 Per acre with ne higiiway frontage. He coutended that bis land was net Of as geod- quality as Mr. Bateman'5 Rie called two wituesseS -te bear out tusColtntet Higlavay Froatage 1ev. J. .Jhustomi, with 62 acres, aP- pealed against an increase of fromn $40 t $U60 per acre, but was wiiling 'W compromise at $45 per'acre. He, bas 40 roda rfrente On the- Kingston road, but centended that ail ef tbisi land le b.low the. iighway grade ex- cept eue acre at the top of thi. bih, wiiicii is separately assessed at$30 altbougb it is not separate in anY waY from tiie otiier part of the farm. Most 'etofbis.land, be stat ed, was used for pasture purpeses, sud that land uséd for this purpese frenting on the. the bighway vas. ne more 'valuable than on any otiier road. 1 He paid $19,500 for 183 acres, with buildings, 9 years ago, witb about one third of it, or, 62 4 acres in tthe tewn of Wiiitby. Hec said thus land was wortb fAve or six thousand dollars. Tii. tarm is rented for $850;par year, and b. pays thé taxes. John W. Bateman- opincd that Mr. Johnston's land vas net as- good as ,this. ii. land.was 1ev dewn sud-was ,net desirable for building purpeses. Mr. Bateman t rankly adniitted te Mr. Couant tint bis lands abould b. as- , sesscd .bigiier than -it la. Asseser Pringle tiiougbt that Mr. Jobuaten- had good building land on tiie Kingaton.read, sud that eventual- ly it would be built upon. Appal Front Smith Estate Mr. Robecrt *Clemence appealed on 1bebaîf of thei- J. L.- Smith Estate- aâgainat an increase otf rom, $40 te $45 per acre. Mr. Smith pointed ont that the. farn is 160 rodà soutb cf the. Kingston Road and tiwo-thirds ef it .18 swamp and busii. Mý1r. Conant iutimatcd that the. town. was willing -te bave the assesenient conflrmed at $40.00 per acre, -and thii. Court concnrred.. F. H. Aunes Appeaus F. H. Aunes had twe appeals. On eue parcel of 22 acres, there vas an increase from $4375 te $50- per acre. sud another par-cel of 48 acres was increased trom $U.75 te $30 par acre. Hie claimcd that the. assessen admit- ted that b. tailed te take into censid- eration tbe location et these paircels, betii et viiicb aie at 4east ene-half Mile from the. bigiivay and front on a side-noad which ia usually impassable. lie submitted that the. viole is réaily a 70 acre pancel -and ail shonld be. as- sessed at the. sanie acreage rate as tiiere ia nci fence te mark the. division'. lie opined th&at the. assesaed figure vas, measunably near the- value of the Mr. Amies coztended that bis lands were situated les tavo rably. than otiiors, snd that thore could b. ne comparisinIn e matter et values, vith lands beneftted from àa Kingston Higbway trontage. Appealed ou gousm Tred Rosas appealed- againat. an as- sesament oft $900 on bis bouse and $100 on one haIt acre et land on An- derson St., on. the greund tbat it vas tee bigb. lNe saad tint bie was dis- cnimunated against by tii, assessor, Asaos, Pningle avoue tha inei opinion tue valuation placed on tue bouse vas a veny tai n e, nsd favor- ably conpared witi values lu that vWcity. It4iad an area of 51x25 ft. 6 lu, sud tuer. ver. tvç>* nthuildinga on the. property. R& J. 'Underwood testMed tint the As*àirdk n elsanim o~tf aches ami ds mes levmset u Aidm hla g*ila" *d0tiWoved .gmukm-d re4as m eeny box. Yen cane go vroq if youl ue lochaeh baubon r bouse vawu oly aaboli, aid piud1 that at. $9W it as a e ssd bi i. Judge Thompoon, atter bea"fur à tiereviempc, granted Mr. ]Rosa a rem' duetion d $50on bis bouse DftLUGE 0F. WATER (Gnnued from page- 1) Bridge WashedAvsy Pringls Creek looka 11-ke a amail laite today. The. bridge on Grand rruxÈ. Street, built to fur"i ian.1 Out- et for two familles, is COMPleteY îrecked and will bave te b. rplaced. Part'of the. north bank caved in and mdangerqed polsa of the. Public Util- ,tyCommisson te such and extent ;bat wiring had -to b. re-arranged, yvbicb was no small task. The. cement bridge over the creek in Ross Park, built at a <t of $1,M0, withsteod the. deluge and was not damaged. PRESENTATION 0F (Continued fromn page 1) Eila Muir, Beverley Parker (honora), Elizabeth Cerrelli, Annie Rodd, Kath- leen Hogg and Mary Sawdon. - Some of tiie questions given on the. papers were asked and replied to by the contestants. Refreshments, consisting of sand- wiches,'coffée and cake, brougbt the evening to a close.' lIngWARD »fECOSY HOME" Buider anmd Coatractor Let me figure your plans. Estimates free. Corner Dunlop amid Centre Streets Wbitby, Ont. f. O. -MASON PAINTER AND DECORATOR A good job at the right pre Sample w.all paper boôk cllivered te your residence iwithout- obligating yen to buy; or sec samples--at residene Brock. Street N. Phone Dominion Stores 373. IFer WALLPAPERi -a and -yens*rSprlng i ECORATINO I 3@9 Frau k WsIIs a ma"y st:::t East oi Phn Jus i Wit 1or Grea tet Ijist orq adac'md by te.1929 caglf Buick! During- eh. paie monti, -McLaughli n-B ulck sales have beeni 25% greater "tha ach cf Ras eu sor reater tRissany previonu Match lxi il MLauguinBickhistory. More people buy Mclaughin.Bulck th=aian e ther car ne -or above les price'.. because eh. 1929 McLauglinBuick wieh lesMamiece Bodies by Fiiherihai unqucseionably .staliuh- cd a c-v standard of vpeforma nce ani a ncw ordir cf bcaueyo Oct behiud te.wheul and seeteh.faces!1: MOFFATT MOTORSALES9,fLimie<ý Oshawa, Ont. Whe leterAuesmobilss EARN 6.00 TO 10.00 A DAY iru sadlaruioumnt iie osrohn open. Wut.or cali, freutnucehbo*. DONMDOM CHAR111lMioca 10 MBometo -Coi STOCKS -BONÇDS GRAIN -Head Ofti:e: Retord Buiding BAY£ WELLINGTON- BTS., TORONTO PRIVATE WIRE SYSTENA il King St E., Oshawa-Phones 143 and 144 Phono Cals at Our Expeuis.. GJovernment, Municipal, and Corporation Bonds Yielding from 4P% to,7 Ede Do wman WIITSY, ONT. CIIOICE MIEATS 'y ~~~ ter n % apid teOUum- " 18.We not only carm * veYtlng là seaso, but ane eaeuto metbat aulmuat or paultry that entera Our 5hop àup gte ebNe #àd- maId tt b,,nM&o Mr nam as baliers synmuswl afords. Herb WIlIs . MUAT MAmmoeT, Phese i. Ni~t 31., UTSONT.' Ar.~~~~~u Tho-c.ghhmBikWI aM1.m SA ND. and GRA IVEL. First-class. gravl and asarP sand for concrete worlc, perfect- ly clean, delivered* *any.. place wthiu tenniles of Wlutby.- We have thre. trucks and can make prompt deivery. Aise LOAM SAND AND LQÂM FOR GARDEN PURPOSES Also filling for holes on lawns, old wells, etc. to and troiii lltrains. Plieuen »q 14 or 74. Iz5ok t .sqWhitZ. INothing j Tis imstke te speak of -Iwb itUe ingur- insurace protectin reallY *a sureand.conven- ient method of arran g your perwonal linscing. Yen kmev, forinstance,cet certain obligations viieli yen must le ready te meot -your vili e th yeur chd threngiic a -yen wisb teovd the. niOnU o eenboyour boy te acquire a biusesof bis owv--to buy a larm et bis ow, ý.perbapa. -yen mMay vili te provide addtional aocurty o -yen m ay visi te provide a pensio for your own ojd Luie inurSanc e ebles yen te MU"e suem Md' conveni- lent .provision for aMy -snob objectve, a"i te make sr t myourob- jectmive vil!e attfaed. It vm l e a pIeuo.t. tel e bu u. hu tihin calories and warmi iydratesv?4ýo fuss or bother- in oven and serve with 1 bleda& i~ b ainShreddedWht Whltby Feed St( BIGGER AND BETTER CROFSAÂ CLEANER AND BETTER FAR3 From our selected stock %of AIsike, OntaË Red, Peel.gow Alfalfa, Sweet Clov Timothý. AlsoWLiw= Grass Seed. Our stocks of Flower and Vegetable eomplete PHONE 78 G..Ci * -OAL For Best Resuits use D.L. & W. ANTHRACITE COAL Ji11Sizes ln S ALSO BEST QUALUTY COKE. Prompt Dell Jaes, Sawdon., W. B.PRING6LE Nboay P»ublic WUITV, -ONTARIO NICHOLSON a. SELDON I IUNDERTAKERS A. A. ROBINSON. Undertaker.and- Furniture er Dcli amIpnd d on lues.Day BROQILIN - -ONT. ýM ON <JMENTS N. W. -STAFFORD' ingston Rd., West Whitby Phone M8 R.3-2 Any ,kind. et cemeterywork done at reasonable prices. se" o CuniuI.a-N. Agents.. COMINO SEE,1Eý at A. H. Ailungs àiug store WHITva, ONT IOE8DAY, APIL' 23 168-167 Ton"e mree4-T, Tot (tptisopp., Simpuon') COAL, Don% t lt o ur eilnbocMo ety.Pon us fo r mre D. r & -W. ei i i Aiberta Osai. Try a tom R.GLORNO PA1NTH AN D DCORATOR Phone 182 LICENSED AUl j=e ARTHiuRiE. C Barristes,, Solicitor, etc. office in seuti House. Money te Ionl W. IHLKEN] Barnistor, Solicitor ij Court, Notary, Ces WHITBY, Offlce-Brock Streot north Hewis' Bu A. Ge BROWN Barristere SSiI Bnock Street north, Grecery, office Phiie Appolntmentsnmay be 9egcensul F.eHe M.al Barrister, Solicitor, O)ffice: Brocli St adoors noueli A.H 4 Telephim DR. IL T. M PhYecan an Realdence U Cor. Brock and Mary B. B.. BEA IJ.HU>S9 OFFiCE.-Ml BYRON ST. J. 1' IYNOL OfficeHOMMr tg Phon. 294 Officeovv I i WI.uTBY Thme t EsKEIL nd.SundY, WSI1UPSIIES~ Cour.ond WU=, - ', . ve 1 , 1 1 . 1

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