Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1929, p. 7

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ltY PLAGES BT GAZ E A», cENIQA - ESOOKIENTmsuoveqgvmnaletetb tmpbom ouaies and frou Tmrnt ne u ited cbreb-4v. P. 1u Juil, I1i5 uhied mI mm esfd a del- ad Pet Bo",:t dt hai er bte N.L, Pal UUdBa y, Ajr» 14--10a. 'ffl e ft5li Wh"h *wVet the 10,S-1to lthe déarting oaL dt ih>g the Bud "Sém; Il a*., MoeuIag Is*y a betbh ~Ewlynand Edgutin evonlgMr.White vws prernealwiti serie; ~m. Cmmnlmas'clam thaeclsnt .ectreui a beauti lgoli watch aMd <haaby 7 pm.,ee. impsiicsbjs,0 A very marlus tii. 1v. orgaunlsataW*-.of 1whi*heh. bu, Co ofm Waanit sie , " 11tMoulday wbu 1111h Ba Rth Doat vas bu. Sec-tress. Iu peninsular Win- On Baturday, t tiie UnitedCurh ltteft m theface by a do&g.Several tg* Fair, Peinsular Live Stockou- Nou, h marlg. as ol .-nA istitces vwere r.niied t. close ' h ti o rn Grors t. arlo Beet of Nuis velya EDlias a"d Mr. Mirv i.Goesa en lve~ so Croxall, )ê* of BEolin» 8dmol îa-pd a i. eseventh daogon. miesp1eaetaon vas mae The 14"15Gulld of the United Concssionachool umony, vllwUî by W. EL Manceil a dM1h.e~dr Chuéhha a wS'N metig n iséa utumdanes over -tiiP. pasrend iy IL J. Jolanoton. Wre oi W.dnesday. A very exclimt t«ayer ftw vca urI<le severe t eii w in Rumsel pgedde d penhe on the..Teuiper»Sa question vas rend Of vhoÇ>ping cOu.ad messie. j ere moade by Mayor Xorley, W.e.L by ss.Ratlife.ha.yaigermmm A ti. hua.0f uaimter, mm .w. I Rok. Aid EssIeu and others. Mr. bens gave the musical progmme, 31. Devitt, Bmoouun, on April Su, ii WbtS a _eo htubai compfrtely byt cousstgof a pano duet'hy MiasmanUplgtook plased0fPeau! ster. -surprisemde a Most Smulbe reply. Evelyn Elliottand Misa Irene Spesis, t. Mr. David M% ce f Blcmod W% ii, mJunior Farmer. "miaaBpue-c piano si. by Margaret Agmu, Mar--PI..P. L .JÙuR Offlclatl*ag.meutao t ua dserv ite f gue071W Hanter, u Bth Juil and EVei7IE The. follovlug hafrom the Cbath M r. andmis Ga erie."ado Rlott. A short poem vs wu sdby »any »«»s id viiib. ot interest to, ai u.GereGU u o P . .Mwray. During tii. 0- the frieons f RuipliE.White: Zof Broadview, Saab.,-have been tri@@E IV.quilte vere qulltod. "SeldoinuIl evert bas a1noft »pre- viii ig 111Thoats. % fBei Maning, Oviug t. luconvenleice la taavel oun gîthering been 1i.ld iniIi idftehlouGuo rolin account of the Storm, Mim Jean Bob- digbtr1,than th. banquet li New Bill GUillairs de!.».. for 1h.el- inson wua net able t. reoait. bu Garrp MW ote lut1mIeveniag, WO nlllumr hchy~ awhc work t Kpsasu.ihon«of cf à F. White, th pp 18 1a h. junior western CMaadcbm- Mr, ad Mmuim have been vis- Iagrclua ersna e Who r.- pionshlp team. in luPrinceAbuutUnquahes bMa .duties to-day t. a- Mis elen Neablttla visitlng i ame -a similar Position iYork Sehool re-openoil on Monday villa sored by tblivIe rgamiztiofls, of The vouaI Storma for sm er teashers In charge exp Mr. Zg, hch MrY. The hu 1bech vas sYpon- oerhee e Pi. ig who la i rooklin, but not chIe t. treasurer durin bniS srvice of more lutig about ive hours, duzing which t«elforuafew days mou cont of s: than even Yenasrepresentative of Urne lightning kept the heavens cour.' r1cent tiroat operation. Mms.Mcen- 1he Ontario DePt. cf Agriculturwva stantly lit up, and the-rain came in si, bas charge cf Kr. Ego's rcom. th. ýokffii aeeil cf the rural and torrents. No damage au reportedi Mrs. J. Graham bad th. mlsfortune urban sections cf the couty, t. an from re but there .vas a lot o! bad t. gel bbe aud cmught i-tiiwrlng- officiai. vho bas eudeared binuseift. vashouta aloug 1h. ralroadàanad er viien wasbing on Moda. h.al sectionsof the communltt lrh other roads. Gangs cf men worked on wu tk tabot Oshawa Hosplttl houe hie untlring efforts t. advanc the i- the C.N-.E. ail day Sunday and no th. seyre vound vas dressed. terestu o! Kent. The fact that md- train got tbrough fuom Friday night Moss Uadelln n e, gS aynt -a fe V antage vau taben cf the opportunftY until Monday morning, viien 1h. cul- day i Toronto. t. pay tribute t. Mu. White by the verts ver. replaced. The. Beinneram ClataI chool mmi- people of th1e county la iudieated by. Schooî re-opened on Monday for,1the be as ehappy r.Udl-n . 1h. attendanceOf *More liai ftfty men final terni of the school year. Miss Me- Mr. - andMus. Cook gave a shower. fromt ail parts o! the. county. There Farlan -returned on Saturday £rom a in honer of Mi)e" eyn Eilins ou vere dm o everalfroua Bisez'aid pleasant visit vith h.r parents in TiI- British AGeiaz Mand 0O9 Tire and Accemsrles always on band.. SiubAgent for FORD Motor. Cars Generul repair work on al .makes of car guaran- IERRV B3AlLE Y, Puke St.e BROOKLIN, Ont. Phone 1502 Paintlng a nd Decoratlng, ofm wR 0WALLPAPMSAN-Mm .ClIOSEPRM, 'n..o Ctract. Anttiot BOES Phee 156 Esilimates Fiee. . aoOKLiti FT DOESWT PAT te ubm i h bmb doea i teod"si jetmoLIs aba f at.h éa prs.Y.um.b b ibs 1 h qSSai chiche. T.. les. w If ym w l ih ci .1paUm 4m eslt>*sma&a Say. ewtsi mi1wv nob m w buetedar qbv e laemm omu a Um Uestie Nw d a - mssun o j-w wk abe- BROOKLIN HAEDWAIW Br«Mg.kIî,Ont. IN FLOUR MILLS MU EOO PRODUCTION FEED sonburg. Mu. aid Mus Oscar' H. Dowmey ver. in Oshawa on Moiday attendimag lie fuieral o! Mus Neil Black, vho di allihe borne o! beuson, Mr. Dan Blacb, o! Oshawa, Saturday. 511. vas in ber eighty-fourth year ami bkai been eonined t. isu bed for the past tire. yeaus Deceaaed vwas formerly a midi u.spectcd citizen o! Ibis village ani old friends heu. exteni sympaliy t. lie daugiler and tvo sons vio have 1e» so _lovingly innstening t. heu. Our mail service vas cil off froua Fnday mcci unlil Mouday mnornimg, ovlnig t. the train being canceiisi ou lihe C.N.R.1 The young people of Mt. ZMon are-1 girlng their draina hion uFriday cv- ening, April 2Ç. Thii. piay ln .»titlei «Cl Service»and la o! mci a'bigi characten liaI Il bas been repeaeci differeul limes. Teose vie have icard il say tljp t I l in the1béatyeti as li eharactens are usai stage artiuts ¶'beves 0o!ap mcml despisable iid visitai lie bonh=omf a viioWMU». Frak helon Sauray igil, oui mêalotanBU occf fine hens. -SoMle et lie ina Rot ioisy evienlly lu lie yrcitmet o! lie Iransfer and lielu honda ver. pillai off oi11 eii (Toc laIe for hast isue) Mci sympaliy i. fel for Mnr. Joe Claugilon la lie deali o! bis molier vi. passai away aI heu home in Shouff ville 1aI vekfolloiig a stroke.- Mus.(gl.) P. J. Meniai n ad daugilen Pearl are speudling li- e ek villa lie former'. parents, nemi' Belle- 1 ville. UmssBroad, o! Tisoibungi visiti MissMePalami fou a fcv day. last Mu. Jacbk irkham, section foueman o! ie.C..R, as egageil an extra gang o! mai- t. vorb on the section for a mnouli aid a baIL. Sciocicloslei on Tbmnsday for lie Baster vacatio n. Il viiire-open on Menday, Apil 811. Tee tebu' Miss MeFarlan, in spendiig lie iollday sa son at heu home In Tïllsnburg. Mus. Butteuvrti oui her son aI- tenislite fumerai o! a fnleni near OnIMluhat veek Enr. Frank Brown i.ld bis annuel vooi bu oenTeursday, vwhen a nma- bur cf aya sud axes in sbuiied banda voduiUp a splendid pi e.!f vood. Mu., Jack -Birnie visllci friemi. ber. lmut veeb. Mus Percy Phonaili. anidughtei' Gwendolyn, have been visiting vili lie for ra molier, Mus.N. Bate- mnan. Marci came in as meek as a laid> but il maie its exitlia1 char- mtenlatle ur o! a of à Mms.Jack Kinkiam aidé»_ rhave been vlsiting atthle forméeshom nsai' Stirling. is Helen Poilai spent lie Baster hoiday. lu Lyndoci, th. guest of M O. Taylor. Rer. J. S. L Wilom n&irM iM». joury Ul4 etcf Bughtom, -ver. recent guemte 0fMr. aM MmWaler long.. Ted Rtobins.» spent a couple et.day. in Qshava roentiy, e be I 0f1Leon- Tee vealieumoahvey liberal tis Wmig vili rai%, vinil md hunier etorma. Il meu-verlote solu fer lie farmem The cueà oun lirougi Mn. BarUtetsplace rom. Mms.George PîemOii ad Mus. A. Dean ver. in- Torout. at veê at-ý -tendlng lihe ûfuieto!Mrs. Pens indle, Mu. George PBLi A nimber frouier m otored over t. Wbltb>" barbor ou Saturday afler- noon t. see tie new liotor boats triai out. one turici hule, dumping the ~ inthle icY vater.- Miaiy motored t. Pickerîng and Haujmmy W view 1h. damage cau..d* by friday's storm. SSchool re-opeied ou Monday mon- ing -aid, maiy new faces vere to ho see among lic pupis.- Ther. ver. 63 in attendaice at Sunday Sciioc on Apufil'.- Dont forget the. box social, April 19. Mr. and Mms Miles have ho.» vwat. iig lie past webk at Cooksville. vith Mu. Mies' brother. Mr. George Scott is idic improved afler bis Mlness last vcek. Mur. jack Horn bas purchased a new. Foui coupe. A vedding vhich tobk place rè-ý cenlly aI Raglan*vii ho o! midihi- teresl ho residents around houe, as the groom vas bora aIrd lived 11r. for maiy yeaus: Dearburn-WUlao A pretty wed4iig -bob place aI North Star Farm, Ilagla, on Wednes- day, April 3, 1929, o! Mildr.d Amnie, eldest daugiler o! Mu. and Mrs John A. Wilson, to Frederick Eugene*Dear bon, Rey. -R. J. Merriam officiating. Tie bride, vho was b'gin hmarriage by ber fathcu, wore-a gown o! vile flat crepe and a tulle veil caugit viti orange hiossomS. Sic carrici a- bou- quet o! carnations. Si. vus atteùded by Miss Margaret Dearborn, vi. vor. a govi o! rose georgelte and carrici a bouquet o! sweet peas. Little Blanche Wilson was a ciarmig lover girl- inadaffodil chffoàn and carrylmg a basket o! sweet peas. Te Bridai Chorus vas played« by Miss Elva Stark Tic groom was athendei, by Mr. Normai Wilson. 'Aller the. cci.- mony a wedding luneheon was scrved. The groom's gifI ho 1the bride vas a peari ncblacc. Mu. aid Mus. Dean- bon left on a molor trip, th. bride travelling in a navy blue tailou.d coatI viti fox.fur and ]bue hat~ On their retira they vil rside' at 1 FirsI A-venue _ Toronto. Tee best thvses!le commuiity are exended Me» 1oniilE S es. Mm Clinof Toronto,- vas -a guest of ber dangiher, Mus. Jas. Lobe,' on Sunday. FM"day igit, Apnil 5111 villgo dovnin histori as ýa close second o! lie flco!jue, 1890. Few people r.- alized so muci damlage had beem donc untii day brake Satuuday morning. AUl lie bridgee on Duffin's Cr.ebcex- cept the oie at Grewood are Étlier gene or undermineil. Th1e creeb itself kas cul a new course in many places. F. L Green'. dam vas vasisi away. James Gibson and Emerson Ormerod narrovly escaped goiig dov i ilithe foot-valk.they :ad jWatpasc ovru.- -Mr. (reeWs .gardai vas partly -vasi- ai avay aid lie r.st -coveu.i vith mu&d Severai deep, holes ver. vasbed iu -the vest 1hi%1elosing th1e rmd to trafic froua lie vesl. Many culverts ,are. gone or bhars big idles at lieur aides. Fences are vee vere lie vater decided t. go. -Miss Jean MECWbiter returned on Monday a! 1er spending lie Easter vacation villa ber parents at Colbeck. Wmn. Ormerod Jr. ha. a mev. Ford. F. L. Gueen spent, tie veek end willa bisebrther Waltcr in Buflo Mus. Fred Byers and daughter Mar- Jouie and Mus. A. Wilson are risitumi Oviigt. lite IStorm. Mt.Zion oun People dii noti gire'licir playr lasi Fujiday nigit but exPeet tb give il or Fiday, Apnil lSli. Tii. W. KM.S. o! ttEGreemavodlcir cuit met aI lie:pausonage lumaIeu day, afteunoon. The Ii ameallIbusy Ibisweek re pailugflaagedo». by luastekj Storm Mu. George Bieuhin mnd mother spent a fev daya villa le lattena parents. a MuMMJames Festan. MiséE. & lvdaa nt bu oidy risltugfriendin lu Olava Mis o. Beau.eut ;1h. Badte holidays vihh bau moraI Wbite- Mu., John Pearson bhas been vwsting hie p'ar. sl, r a i s. ]ELO. peau- Mlis Mtargaret Payne spent lie veek end wiihon rmoltinlaToronto. Miss Marjorie Bell spent lie veek eii withIrfienis. iniToronto.,- Mis DIorothy Kennedyspn ciii days wiihfuiendsm itchll IN"enraiys have btMi ilmaged eoiderably, by- lie heavy, raina v-e bave, bad, recently. They also canuli MMy bridges, aidculveuhsaway. The. gils -o! Um E L Newman' Bunday, School ciasa met at hou hom in Toront.oen Fniday afternoon. Many gaines ver. played, afler vhici sa damydinier vas serveil. evalcar have been stick on t]ie ae ronds o! lie community.- ~Maiy summer- cottages are beimu but arouni Duibarton. Tune Ohlu lmasnoce -heulu liith CommiliyHall vouli have been bet.- tcer attemisi bai a ieavy -storin ol mae tille aide roadsu impassable. -The youig people of lie United Churei are giving their play entitiad "Sa!ety Put" fou lie, thini lime at Brookli on Iuraday - eveig. Ad mission 25c.- TeA.'Y.P.A. are. giving a social at lie Community Hall on Frday, April 12UL. Tii. W. A. mii G. Wini hou thelr veekly meeinjg on Tmesday afternoon in the. Commmiy HaIl Misses Fanny ,Saies aid Jean An- ian spent lie hoidays vith l.hil graidmolier, Mms Jean Sialeso. 1For Sale-A Ford ]Roadsler, ln goo nning order, oui final clau imechan- ical condition. Apply Duibarton:P. 0C BASE UNE WEST Miss jean Hoar visited futends ir tuis vicinty lasI Saturday. Mn. Bob Xiidsd»ofo!Moitreal i. vlsiting ah bis -home .heu. Telgitimg'at Fiday strié lbt Vanstonie -barni vilioul setting it o0 fire. 1 The Inappers caugit upvards 6 fire.hunilr.i -iskrata be, vii The severe-edectrie stonai aid de] uge of-rain vashed Ibre. more out lets tbrôngi tie gravel on -the lai, Ishore and Mu. BUi' shacb is.:left sui rounded -by vater. Our. deep syuapaliy goes out t. Mp LJ T. Mathison and laznily, ini lic bercavement o! one vo have know nd esteemed fou sixty.years- it e- COLUIMBIS> xMiJesse Meteel, of Toi'ontc>, apeut SuMnay wih ber sister, ÉMa MiUa. V. Mage., o! Madoe, visitai at Mu. aMd wMus.A. iuison'. - ~ ~ e MsBthadlàune -<Cooâ spent. li Baster holid. atI -Tronto. <mies -Evlyn Sott, of Ottava, ris-î Ied ait bu granipareaits,- Mu.ad' lia. .M.8 heuthair regulan zmonly meeting t 1hb.home et Mms John Mholop UmaG. ]ROMspent a !eW days et la#t vesk in Oshav Nu.b. *. silon apeut Buaday vida Mum P. Stone. Cour na lcarrir W14a veiy naurov 1essae "m gping 10 OâIBYS f« the Ma& . U gt eut tq look ata bridge luthm tilvsaf te eume ba bdthe lam 1h. bu i> bq A3flBUEN Mu. Ed. Tarres, o! Columbus, upci Sunday vith hi. molier hee. There vas mo meeting o! thc yowm people ieli 1aI vsek .oing _-t. I condition o! lie roadu. .Mum Brovn, o! Port Peury, spei last veelk viliheu sieten, Mus. -Bras Mms Ziedman.aid daugiten,.o! T ronto, is spending a fev- day. at t] Manse. Mr. Tii... Sanderson ha moviig bis- ferainoth ~fCharemont Il weeb aid Mu. W Knfiti. uaMoril oni tho efanre , y occupied by -1 Sandeusmn MisBennice- Goose ha. baben, position in Toronto. W. P. Joies solil a vaible hi t. A. Foua. oie »day lastI veek. June Goddard spet EasIeu vie vili ion grandiarents iToronto. Tý Iestonua on Friday nigit o! bi week vas oie cf lie vorst biow'u lies. parts mmc. lie floods about fd years mgo, vien bridges aid- feu Uer. vashodavaiy anm middam done. TheiÊe vas-no service here oýn Si .day evening on aceount cf the. 1 conditio f the. ruais. George Saden apent a !ev days I ve&k ill. a 1hmt aid mincej* ad ire 1uswDTaylor, of .Chareni IMMa Jessie Day, Of Tornto, Tt li te week-emind. villa E. iILDay. The drama, té b. gir.» by lb. ZMon young people >aI Greenvoci 1 Fiiray evening has beai poalpo unlii Apnil19t1. Ladies Aid met'at thie churei Tu"sdy afterroon. Tee ladies sv bu.y making a quit toh. donte The beavy stonuandilooiuf 1 Iday nlgalanàhedai aaY ian-ci Vsoeb the bur crosszmg-over licir trcbs isu frd St i oa& oa"! Bridge Conitte. MIL met at Oxford St at 4 pau.on.A 1 last 151th inst Caruled. li a i.I Movei by Mr. iScott, seconded by on -Pwsrfoel,'Pseé t igA irer. aty, mut GivcRcsufts lau7.ays or-Mt ra A.I0. Affin-aMd Es L.,Od Ue% dawy Maeup Y.ou hMWnito-d a liaI erfW m Scb, yen are going t. g ir. our skina .vhf in !à sj M&é remI_ _p WhyqCOÀàp uaI A The. Ceuialof 1h. tovnsbip of Whithy nmet at Broeklin April 5th. Ail members vere promnt ]Rewvein the chair. -meminumtes cf 1h. last meeting ver. rea a euue iNgd The.seeral aScounts ver. present- is mthe5U5@m Cor«pondence was read froua: M i Mn.rý Alph. BHoover, aivising CoDyii5 that-tI 1 ome Teleplon e-s..equte "Imm la &M vlling and -reaiy t. co-operate -wM $8 la aMmdvy thé proper officii 1 the Tob*" dqsiu;ai o of >WhUty. repain !telephoneubo"stemêlis >poli.on' t1e Mtflghvlays th le snid, pu ee mtl.acld. ms gon ea r Dr.Jas. Moore, ashigfor aid frouam tIut the Council for Mliii Yateman an -d Am Patrick Muilen. A eiinsigned by th. ratepayers T wx oXa Princes.St. lu'ii. bamiet Of. ýBrooblin, was pr.sentei t. Coihici, a*king that a tii, h. placed iu thée rditch on 1h. wesl side -o!fsnid street Messrs. Dauby &Walce ve. heard r. Federal duandtrck miM. Wm. Day r. Ford, Fuptri by limes 1unes secondedbhy Major Smithi, I elime t. complet. biý ivorkb b. mid i&u is office ad 1hereby, exteided Wo April Mh, 1929. April-16th. Car tCa &.Tiie By-Law Moved by . F.,Lick, secoided by- Keepers Feuce P. E. Stover, that tJic R eeve with thé. for 1929 vas g 1'reasur e b.aid are hereby. author- ai passe&. Sized to issue theircel que in.favor of .Moved .by Id -N. J. White for th1e sum o! $100.00, Mu. Glover, -t] part. of. bis -salauy asa ansessor for commnite t. M Syear 1929. Carried. cation -of Osha SMoved by Inn.. Granýt, seconded by ,plis froua lie1 P. R.Stover, thafthei. Reeve with the the Oshawa H, STreasu rer b. 'andarï'e.herby author- Moved 11eX n ized b issue their cheqtie'la favor of by Mr. Glover, E. J. Dingman, Roaàd. SupI., for $6.00, eouùta h. peud. -being amount cf 'mistabe -on choque Myra Cumii rissued tb himi onMary '1h,1928.Car- IH.L GlfordU ried. .S. S. 1, $1800; d Moved by -. F. ick,-seeonded by 4, $175; H. HL -W. . .Cook, that the Reeve. vili1the _5, $80; A-E.CG STreasurer bho and -anc heueby author- W. A. Oumisti izei t. issue them cl.e"e fou lb. sum' Trimnu, B. o! of $50.001ni favor o! H.' W. MecBuien, o!f. ,$0O Treasurer o! 1h.- Brokli ýSpring Fair, Relie!, $19.76, in Association1the.-sain e bemg.grafit $37.29; City cf from 1the.township o! Whitby, tW lion, $75.00; Mi 1, s-pring-.Pairto. hield on the. 241h $(LOO; Contrad 'o! -MaY. Caruied.. Municipal jWor] le Moved by W. J. Coobç, .scconded ýby- Ian People, midi M R. P. 1Mb, that 1h.Reeve, vilthoheElectric, St. L Treauurer, ho ani re hereby author- Electrie, HaU of ied to, issuethhir jch1qus in favor Freiieh. salary of 1h. everaVysn is me a.B !I appeau on Voucr No. 4,Ro1"sand'Rss a :l" Bridgg,.nurnhoriingifrom 1 W 42 lu-__ Brent $17.80; t- lusive, am o f accont, $682.70, 'nest AlS»n, $5.( oalso paymcnt o! Accounts She.t -No. W. Glover, $89 S4, iimbering: froua iý1 t. 9 inauie C. F.ý Bennett amount o! account *307.85. Cauricd. $5.75-; Jos. W] M. Moved by W.. J.-'Coob, -that 'lus * 1.50; . Rosà 'fr Council does now iajoun ho,- meet $15.40; T. Ha lagain on the. 711 da'y o! May, ut tiche 0;J. W. hour- o! on'eo'cloc, pî..Gas,$3410; H.. W.! MBien, Clerk. H.f. T. Cole, $1: -M. J. Peremia at '»Y 3.60; Ed. Pai Igad,.VIU -*Moved by1 STheý Council o!* thc Township o! Mu. Glovr, Ilh heEast WhVitbY met! ah Columbus, on adjouru t. mel Monday, April ý8111, ith all mnembeus '106sam, in t1he, nI present.-,Reeve Ross, :occupici 1the s.chair. Minutes o! lite former meeting ______ 7 v er., read aid adoi'ted.' b.ý C ommpunications v. er. rend 1!uom W Coat-& Anxuis,~Po.Dp.o <Iealth ' Mundy Prlnting C., Work- d bi ensCmpensation. Boaud, ]Dept.o!f na rig Public Highways, Ontario. Bridge Co., . 1Ontario Municipal Asso..,M. J. Peu.- -l Walk wm Bmgla,! .00. -A. Pasece, 5.00; J. PIL Pi S$20.40; -P. LJ rray, $16.85; I e, $1.75; H. lm Rl, $10.20; M. Rogers, $42.À« W. A. Ormistc 1.40; Jas. Li M, $5M5; T. 1 urker, $2.75. ,fr. Dycu, sec ast li.Coura eet again ou m Township HMa .P- Ir. Pur, ftte to Lhem. I ung puat lb udngta] are collecta ei, vs oflci in oe of~ corne from muer. FreiN ad o! th1e v 5and kuov t kersameai oflteb ae L& us so. -I st k"ai bh servicefia Fehoome. lA m la 7mn am 'III lE nin ers ci o tiaI lis îeet Mu. tt 7.80 «p.1 lied. Vlvenae ïr. Seott» ma inrel municipal 10 Scboc, Kajor Sm thal th1e agiam, 8. un., *80 W. W.1 Hîtei Grass, S. E iS. S.. i;. C fOshawaý lmdy Prim et Record h1, supplii leaWk, Ughts, $1 il lists. wth Iiicuators~nc hBrooclera r% 1

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