Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1930, p. 6

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GAZETTE -AND CHROINIC -LFE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY-6,. i 930 #Y,. ANE DIMON 'lutrted by Armstrong1 la& Gene Before lies flues from flie aqua-' liher Spaulsl f ather,- hie foira of! lirmosa, ýn Newr York her exotle acts flie attention ef ýurbef, wlio engages ber L inodel te go to Paris. ithie,-GloýIre de~ France nlng blonde, Greta er companlon. -.- ütbi dispîay Courbet geins the trip. nt 6f the firat niglit at aqulthat ber bileade S an Iureterate lttle 2iapter 2'7 ept late the mornlng' ionflded te lier tiie la- a lest "cmerabd." dld not come cdownte sent 'wordlie iras husY' ýs la lits cabin. - -'a on the boat," Grcta lie and Raquei me-e' usheon. Rosas he T e- uatlons la thes table's -oi roses 'wth golden rave out a deicate per- ly's'on flie boat," lRa- d. "'Judging froua t1îs aud the decks." "coniplalned Greta. sort the sliapjrem sueli a moh, I'Vel, und ttc woolly aliaep. quel kacuw rhe iras ex- w Intercat. [y. At lcast, lie's a tlheugli 1guassa he's irhite et fIat. Hc's 1dear, but Bartie ied back toecnjoy the verbal bomb. carIe! MAams! Dees- in anytling to yen? ýo. BJank. .Adding- d not," RaQUel admit- s I'm almoat a strang- the name Adams ouglit banii, Why abiculd ho -be lse' ig t '~ g ~ ail the dîmes noir tint.Rockefeller nuiscd," <. l~et ~es~ ar -Misa "lif:yeù're reaIly set on hliie oo,-Isýggtd>e -"ab flue bribe,1l1il d o'my part," agiteëdf 14tay 4 WII -ons.", Raque%. -- ' ~ *'Good, agg.", Greta, inveterate rI4tl littie geid-dlgger tînt ahe, mas, $ If h aêlect 4wo ',uar- bubblcd orer witlideiglit et h.e rs. Project. 'il Seo that lie cernes "Let me la M.t, ob,' Greta dami. tlirough iifth a ticket for yente," ored. * "Pîcasa den't. Id rat her net." "o"sald- Bertie; yeu're -the *t'put it in fthe other- stamp-alI- banker. Sou keap frack ef the hum, dent-le. A girl'can't gather toc' peints."@ mucli haywmille tha sun aliin.a. les Tloy* began fssing flic coin8g D Itable to, ho a long, cola i muter. A fhe. foot-rest of P'aquel's auaer beaker of that white mina for me. chair. Sia iras, nas la d.pradiot- I'va 'got to celebrafe." ced, s. peor gambier, as far- as -wlna- His, cyes fastened -on Raquci mti a neir baubbe. Luneiseon finisied, Greta suggest..' cd tiat'they go te their chairs -on ut or Yoeu. WIillt's deck. One ot the -chairs was.occup- ýlIe Ford or Morgani led. Greta's. Dly a long limhsr Younlg rSay, dearle, wbierei mal, wiio unfurled. himselt lazily tu al our lite, uncon- aud wlio affected an air of, complete ennui witli the. world, including more or lesa cnt off 111e t%1 :>diax1aly* beautiful .younig Drt -of çhat you mlglit women before hlm. He wnas Be rtie, 'lhe muast not mentie% Adams., rets. It mgt o e 'Le, Gret a. XrowdO you do, M.Niss * IRojos," he drawled at Raquel. H.fs laie YOU anapped out restless gray eyes, .-eary withl lok- md some signs of 1e- lng nt pleasiire,. fastened -on her af~n~"dec1ared with gratitude, ln that sh-e offered e Adams- gIs ociety's .hlima -new bauble. "Ho about a ollcs ga-ve hlm a gold 'libation?", hi teetli on, but k£ "D~e yeurselt," .advlsed, Greta. and owld fo a Y.M girl friend liere don't swim."I r. Good egg, thougb, .'I *d.idn't ask, you .to go swim- STr." Minz." Peevishly. 5V, . - "Yes yen dldP Big By I knowD- flener than lie eau you.ý Champagne.st good looker. - Meant -I tliougiit perhaps a ligit- 1,-but gomebodly made nip. Looking at liaquel., I wished bisa on. an "Netlilng 'deing," said Greta. ,emaker. He's ee "Raque! ýand me tahe our batths. l0w, We'IX apeair te lole like this?" Bertie demandeïd. onise." - Well, there's >herse-races, for ,nd crab the party? one. Sou can take us to the"races. Frrênchy everything. my gd man, and'let 'us pick- ,a ecause he's blotto a- few, inuers." 1 .' ýVhat lie doi't kaow laçiuel tlirilled over tse su-ges7 Il"tIon. Horse.races,, on a ship, ln t1ýé, le-white teeth gleaIn- riddleocf the ocean? Where wa8 let bow of lier mouth. the yre-track? Where were the swide, witli the fler- heorsés? therm. Greta lied gone . iigtànet mery l1ucky at daulesz ef ,lized it. chance," *shie .aid.atUe tmr any attention te mie, ously. sai.4 uncaEily. - y "Wliatdo yumean, 1youere .not vrse than my bite.' lucky?" Gea.eadd got to drooling abotit "Well," ... . Iaquel's mînd flew, i hli il othlng doing. bacle to the adobe but of Panehio o give me a ticket te flojos ln.Iiermos.a... IIbat atlot- er la the Rue de la tery ticketonce. My father dropped lng 1 wanted te pick it someliow and 1 picked it ' up. 1 It se b. could meet was justta littie tot, but I kncw wiliat it iras. I thouglit Îd show It ger vras goflQ. R Itas te the chiildrea I played witi. but ,ngry with a girl like wlsen I irent to get It out of my ,as not dcllbcrately pocket, It iras gene. The number orriglble. * is3622. It wron, quite a lot cf at, for an Introduc- j soney. But ire cbudn'fnd flie xlaimed Raque! lns- ticket, sq father cmildn't claim the 'Let --Sou pick wrlat imoney. He iras ready t , t. wh~me." c î certain point. of She weuldlbnet fellthese two that Ip1 the jeireler off te Pancho liid beaten lier uintil 'Lucy, anbet your best .11k lier meothar, fled fromn thé bouse,, But It'il boP. fat screaming ln terrer, beggifig seme- e' ne dîme seringa- euine te, corne quicitansudvie - ler 1f gratitude, ln that as offered hlm1 !nig uns concerucd, -But she llked file game. If set ber bîeed-racin 1g. A singleo ilp et n silet- dise, 1 a gesturo, andI unee mou or 1s.Lita wli a Silver'disIr. It must ha play- ed mIith dash, Nw-lUi reckleass aban- don. "4You.'re ýminu.s tironty," Greta sang ouf te ber. "«Goali, If you're tînt kind of a loser, yeu'ou.-ht' te lie iucky ilu ea."ý "I thlnk net," snid RaquaI, ne- turning lier quarter te.,L2ddla Adamus. "I'm tbrougli. I ome tfira dollars. ll go sud getIt."P "Yull haf!" expostubafed d'Wait,", Adams said.I. I have a proposition for you.. WeMlI wait.un- fell tise races.,If you mmuino the herses. you oma me nofling. If yen- loe, ynu omwme double." RarquaI conaku ted. A. goeod Ègsfe. Mach or. .. nefiag. - - Cisaptçr 28 lit'e, lie couid t0e very a. irctis'e, uta- quel, decidad. Ha mwashilkable. IHa bied an inf.ect ions.baugh. Ho, remiud- cdl lier oftas flneiy taemperod' steel b! de'; sure .of iimaelf, cv-en'ç-hÈen- ha haut.. "We'il dreasg for tise races." Greta fobd Rnqoel"Exactiy as If ste rc golag te Long clia mpsý or onaeofthtie othen ciraIt Franch tracks.", &Tes, me cught te." 'Raque! mal- c.omed. any, chance te doIve intotIc, closet wit h thsé yards of haw'ibder- ig.cltef is. Alphoe aitultImant fhisate look fiseir',let. -Greta thouglif Raquel should try a ,r*oek'et hlack -and whbite, a etrikiug ct-qation t bat carried e ut thc ides o.et iaMedernists. And a svelte: blnck cont ulth a S'elîrrfox cellar. "ll ent- fis iermmnlile bIne,"$ Greta said. CIf m'akes.mc look *as If a s-wear word mOultI caus5emc f0 aireon." - Shle hnibed B-et-tic -wlie tliey jolned hlm on deck. ý"WouldnIt Yeu t'hink Xrls Ii~ bld gir-en us a mblliona.iru fer- a banele?" she asked. -- i ."You'Il do," lic said, to Greta_ "But Miss Ttojos. .if ris Krnngle- erar g-et a peep at lier, lic'd lang, b'-'ît nler Christmas, truc.", Hastessing -yen, Greta." Usa. que! iras not nccusiomed te bante-. "Oh ne. He's' Juct g-et bà-d 6cyç- elgit. A;. 1 said te thè Prince oI, Wales mien lie lusfsted on habevfn my Vîcture aufogs'apbed. .Dare,' I- '"What number sure yen playing today?" Bartia eut la.,^ - - 1 "Exactly - irlat I sekedthe Prince,'ý said Greta., "But let luT girl, fniend hure, wîle lias nrobablY-us.ver playcd thi. pontes liafore, havefiat, 4 Mvr W,611 sine@.I began buylng bUngal'Ows for -bo okmakers. ai here tili- 1: Our moneyi.# Le iras oft -to cash his tickets. "Do you thlak I outit to -take& il?" Raquel-asked Greta. "I didn'-t really buY the-tickets... .and I lbat tosingceis." She lhad acer-- ed monley from cone nman,,.. .Farrei. Monay alie still cwEd. Greta groaned. "«Hô.ncst,,"» she saisI, "r don't make ,you at-,ail. You geta amelI Lbreak, and tIen yeu rendarif yeu, ouglit te taesIt. And me! IL hatwoir chances to, yenr euce, and ' dreir a bbauk. *Wit1sgir-luci, .and xy technique,',4aa% .au yo7Uhia-: a "R~s àpened... "Ses. Sc dii thse fl.ocd" Greta sighed disconsolately. "0f course, the tickets -didn't cost -me anyth . n,. I ,couldn't lbec, but flaIirb at *I saiglit bave won." Sertie p*ut some mouey lunfRa- qucb's liand. ýShe did net know hem mùuli until-she- went teO ber rooem rte, dresfor -dinner. "It's enough,'? she. ssid te ber- self,- "to. pay -the boan. I will sentI it>.aus son as I get te Paris. Then I wIll oma Jackr Farrell nothing." ý * She lad net assured hersel! au- tlreîy that lier debt te - art-ell would be paid 'i-lth usouey. Didu't she owe hlm seméthin;I more flian a-mere rol etbibIs?.* le hadf stood byr her.< Had beôn wIlling to mai ,ry ber- that nigÈt abeý hid lu San Jet- enimoa Mission frem Faucbhe ie father, and from ]ill Johiïson, flhe mnan te mhom she vas affianced., Fart-cl l ad promised lier Adven- tnre. the thlng that 1 as tô fill lber, world. Until sho met 13eauty. She ceuld not pay Fart-ellxost la money. Hien'as better off w-it'i eut ber -whilé titisq hunger for Baauty mas Iu ber! elut, Ilier Seui. Alpliongeeeilued lier and Greta e dinner. liHe lad put in a fuI! dcv o'ver bshli~etches. H-e wouid renia-ini for thse concert atier dlinner. Theni lie unut finish bis moitI. "Yenr. eed zi.ot stay for the danc- Ir Mademoilsclle liaquel," lie told lier, liepeful that she rmoulcl ta'Q a-dv'anta--orcfbis tholi 7i-t f V.1nc-eS. "sure', slse'hl stsy," Gretaisî- hC. "I can'tshow y-our mIiole line alone."1 Batie Adams did not Ibave* Ps- -quel's-aide dut-lu; ,the evenl iiin> Tq presence there ag.grss-ated f lieen«v sha coald sec Iu wcnueue's oves. ILie drank a greaf -deal., ThirEftly~, as if cet only hi% fliroat, lut, b is vrt-. seul, easparched. -S ho 1reniombe,-r- o'd.the Bosart hall. Whien lEl5zwotti' flic Pinkr .pig,'had th!cuntee inuitch Ëifel tired." sho st-id. lit Y.011,11 exlcusFe me.... Haein1std ou seeing lier to lir door. . Nonchalant. Tise attel blbdo, iras stronger flan tise mne Ratinne!retlred. Sho ma" hiovering nn thé-border where troubled rosi1- ity uneats pe-aceful 61b-nvon w-bsn, suddanly, sha mas uidcr amake. ýaemÇoneira5 in the gm-n room. Net Gretý. Iustinctively shd kuewir i mas tuet Greta. "fllrcîwasa adreqsslng-'gowu at .j-ý foot cf ber bed. Shie wrànped * aroed lier, Pushed open thse do te the gray room.. A dlsheveled figure stood1y tise- table lunider the dimned ligits. Bartie Adams. He snWied at bier. A. grav'e. ttirod amile.. « ho said. Sot- a t r nl lus tongue. r'v lis.9glittering eyes toM-i Raquel .,*ras' as a man lu a. france. gier mina n'as In a rrt-c" r'uze, struggling wilbdy te fInd Its irey ont. Should lise cd1l the- stýemerd?. No. Sho couldn't do t1iat. V,!th hlm bore, lunlier noom. Shoul ilheý n't eeÉn lienrt-.r Alnîsonsto!. Doua lite cnt-tMr. "1,11 find a roosa foi'yr . h iaid, as if she lbcd offered tn get bisa his li at. "It's just arouaid fhue rerne.r.". Ha teck ber-at-un. forrecf .', - nsost7 gallantIy. -- 'M3onsieur Aiphionse' leu' banc! ,Wes a heating fieits'wb' "%gainst tise deer cf the cabia. Tise drinnt een j MOST PeOO4pi.wmthis àslt antidote for pain, but, arc yon care'ful te say Bayer mien Yen buy i? An 1 d you amways girc a glance te sec [Bayer' on tise box-ani fie 1-word jm ý jersipnited àa red? It isu't tise Ig=e icBayer'Aspirius mithout if! A ]Arusstorc -always lias Bayer, midtiset poedirectioni tucked ia e-very býixz .Alphionse! isee4eac<4.gts: oC SSJIOYiIÇMiL CAi'TUUES. ALLEGED ROBBF.RS] -P.C. ('. urchison (849)- of Dunidn t7. .Statio.n, -lioegcatured. thnt'o nienl, two of tht-ni alieged ï'obbes ansd.ont- i'porfed te have bocusarused imitis a razoir, Single- .[RASIIN1N.STOCR.ü IN LEUSATR -JConservative Government- Strong in Number But Faces -Militant O0 position., Wus7 ih a-il bnp fpiuig - ouisevative iscit-as a rcsuit.ci tîse pit-usjl ,ceucral c-iecticuls (Jt., :)0 laitPretui- ta ai-c the fi'st session ut the 18«li Outrun Lgi1,itur-c. whici i cued ouj WednciIa~ .luit' i the-tcuoelc canlc- Quccii'S Par- l 0 r miînuste- h-J a on rgu; f <91 nmm- bers àgie total opposition o£ Cous-zi.d ce 1-h 1'l' epÎsiation lbas beeu pl-inîied andtI- 'itb flic psro- -Sî1seetsof a -wonlitig >ilaJorïti f. *0lui a bou--e of, 112,tise Ferguqon Goveruutneutlit l-,s gnr que ahead. preparng ils lil;0 legisîs- tive pregu-e1n1. - hut a distutniiuu olemoent-*blas at-itou andpusisito upset fthe o-rat fflthecoiecg ,,-Session.. If lias corne on -the'icols otfie stock mas-ktet-rshlsand Is-s gioivn lu inteusity as.itrosts bave folloîlved, chairges of irregular oper*atilons ef Ètock, lirokerage bouses. The situ-- ation lias liecomle dominion ide -. and inlu se&tal Instances official' provincial e.ogainzanne. lins licou take .n. Inscvestiga fions bave bliouset tai mottôn an Iare. pnoceedi.ngý -* Wtth fibis developreent- creeptug. c hit o th-e esolitcal field, the Fergýu- son- gos-ernsusot tn, Onariô finds itself fthe- turgef of: a - saat but militant Libcî'i minority.,.-With., charges -ef laxity inus-1w. enforeo1 e ment- levelletI agaiist the Coaser- -native gos-ernuseuîf liby W. E.N. Sin-. clair, flore Lase-t-y i ndication' ftliat, fhe, iu-eereussi.oii froas th stock exlicsugemarket .wiI l .1). subjected f0 a getiefous ais'ingý on e- - f loor .of tise begisaaive as seaub-- * Srseaktsig fî'onî a lulchi plat- forra inl Waterluoo.. Otît., -Mr. Sin- claIr, dliargéd 11611, W. 1H. Pt-be, aftoaeygessra; ixti fallut-c te t mnake ûse uofthle powers s'ested, la his. Ele spoke et -cotîditions !l the brokeu'sge fie-Id tusdmlosses suffered' by the publlcttfbt-ugh thernîchîta- sfiowsi. of, unseniptulous operators. c'tlîsg aiistausce. tof oe iîîiamed. Toronîto houcco w--ib, lue_ cîargedi had "bu-,keted'" sieuû-ly 7î) per cent. 61f its clients' os-dors,..I'he Liberal. leader on lIed for a noyal i oumi,- alois te invest*igite allai-s la flua Pt-oviuice. and.i f iliag Itînt. fie rex!gnatio1il ofthfe attoile e-i POP[ARIN FRANCE 'The Work of ýCarl Xer inagon V iewed*rk-oi * - New Angle --Aitheuglu b9rt -us !u Brampton, iOn t., Caroline 'Wilk-ilison Artubug- fois, as an artist. nctuaily is more asaenttnllv French fIsan*Canaàdiàn Sise.was bot-n andI Irouglit ap lu Cansada, but lias speuf fIte grat-en part et lier lite ila France. Tiare ahe lias sTeceivçed meat o!flier train-: inag and'- pmctically ail etlier iu- apirafion sud -qacou-ragemient. luI endi et tisefte stages eoflier career,, lu portraiture,,lu laudecape sud lu etcblng, tse - corîspi.cueus sucueses.fiat alie bas achiev-adý ha-ve corne te lier. flot as a Cana- dian. but as a French- artist. Hon paiutinga etf St * >ol de Leon. bouglitby fIa Frencli Gort-manit. lier mot-k n' the Musce du: Luxons. bourg- andti-t Petit Palais, er'eis ber tiny êteli ng-o!flice Pont.Royal, that -baugs on thec mal eftheb Queen7s DelIlieouse at ,Seufi-Kos-i-- Singfon, ail tiiese ara French,. sub- jitcf, lu difforent u.ediums. -but %il fo1lowlngfhebe hst traditions of- French art. .ler lpepularlty tn France-nsay le -e;plainaed by the îact thnt aie lovas lier Franceé,fts pens ant, ifs euüntryside. n2nd it 's a rchitectura. ,Whnt lasemetimes qcibdas ber GDjthic,feeling,, or lier synspnatii- tic treatuicut eof, Frendh subjecfs,, sic hersal it 151 ply calis liernuoir-iorbd- passion for, the treasures:nnd th'e romancei-of- fIe ei d. Though she skct"heà -rtf t har.huol>ànd iW Italy. Hcltaan -Norths Africa,.and.aven en her':aùW su'inltefipa te Canada, if mas avas lian Frenchi studias that 'Wniii lighesf honore- and crw flic l,argest commissions-,, Bear'Missed, His.Shaçlow So1ý, Winter May Fadeé-A Just hoir mach trutli tiere la laIn the old'tale about thé, bear seeing, hie shÉadow wmli be proved -by wjeather conditions in thenaxt six. ireeks It la certain that -Mr. Bruia' emergiug 'Stmnday, for. - the fit-st time tliis year. frosa- bila . wiatery bed, dtdflot aee lia aliadoN v and rua back in again, -but ratiier, ac- cording te tihe .old custom, it ta' oar-fate te edure for flie:aext sixt weaks mild -aniýsettl ed ,,veather.: Hoirever, yesterdaY;' cloady- as it was, was brisir and eold an per- hàis Mister Bear iras mwisig there lhad been. a feir seconds eOt sun- alune s'o-thnt lie wouldlave. had, an excuse to retara te lits tomifort- able. dan,, for anotiser moth or -so. W'%ith. the, lies-ni-spoifall .Sun- day and Itathrdaty,,It doca s not-lonk mucliastliough ir e wmere goiug te be coaxed into- aprlag V( Thse eontinued cold to-tI; it seeni even miore impro present there ta -more 1SI there..has-bêe-n all mint-e came just as ,every oeews ning to thiak fliatinter- pIug away, witiiout aiîy r( ify.*Contry roadsara~e il for 'au(omnobiles but, as hbrse.sud cutter lias neût imossible to -et tshroug, crete hîlwns owËver- hluite clos!' for t-lie _Ïnos Yesterday tfliere w-et-eum outeroccupanlts ne mrrirlig tho euîflse M et thete o'esa Ille tbroug- a world of brillia nezs eiecdliere sud i ii occostonal silhouette of a * oebushes. College Students Popularize A meri'caný Music in Gay Havai Cuban Capital iu Canard, Liner Univ. of Penn anid 1frtmnoîith Orchestras Entertain C KNIRI CAN orchec-stra. HeAnoerlean pcciplo and their cus;toms, are bl inva.ding gay Ilaas. ie 'h- apital an rlmetropolis, and Dare- leavlng. their ihuprint unon Uua wre The ti%%o Amrerican c!e &eorhsra ta arn vstn Hvn are proving excelli:nt popt.1ar ,t thet resort. Z orchetr .'3iscor- i prised ~ nieyo et fl"tnvriyo snyvnawosailed ( frorn New' Yoric o;ý the ':trIBnr S. S. Caro,1a and centert!aý,ed i thepassengers oa fliý,c tir- trîp. .lo-erh1F. 1't~anl.the leader i of these iuiin.p~teihr.T"ohrr;.b - iAe rE 11- s gart,. Douglas S'oliiy, Wi1;lmJocChre WbJLawl-er. ,a~ I-tobert .Iolrn.t1 Another college or r.ctppsdehrl fDartmouth sýtudntq Çunard tran.9-Atlinic Iii, r. This gi-oup oi, iuE;clans Js.- ons the 'Barbai-y Coast" orcheat t-a. THE DOMINION 1 Fifty 'iAt nualàÈStater TheFi t-ni1 hýAnnual General, Meeting of The Domninion BaIn Torotoon ednsda, Jnuay 2th, 1930,àt which 'tlisefo)l] * affair-s of the Bank as on -Deceniber 3lst, 1929, was subrnlitted z-- LIABILITIES Capital Stoc.k.paid in . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. ... Reset-vole F'nd . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . -Balanceof. Profit and Loss Account carried forward......... 371,5 :1 iîidend No. 189, payable 21ld Jan uarv, 1930.............09 Bonus. oneo1)£r ntpavable 2nd'.IJanuarv-, 1930 ...... 69,9 1 FomrDvdnsucaîe..................... Total .iailiities to the Shireholders ............. :* Notes of the Bank in Çirculîation...................... 1,690" D-epois not bearinginterest............. 2,248,743 445 Deposisbe in n tt;ncluding intereast * . ac(cruedto..date. 8............ Advianëes undecr the-Finance Act....................... 4ý,5ffl,l Balances elue toaoeher la in Caniada....... .... - Balances due'to Banks and Banking Correspondents eise- where. than in Canada, ....... «.. .... . > 80S3,6 Bils Payable................................. -, Liabilities niot incliuded -in the foregçrpug...................53, Letters of Credit Outstanding................. MASSETS Gold and Silver Coirn, current .........1............ * DominionGovN. et-nment Notes................... .......8,9, l)eposit in the. Cen, trâl Gold Reserves.................... 1.500,1 Notes of other Banks.............................. 6, 17hited States and other Foreign Currence. .......14 Cheques on othr Banks.*a......................... 071 Balances due b3t other Banks, in Canada ... Baances due bv Banks and. Banking Corresodn'as- - ..,here than iu Canada........... ..............3,0, - Doinlu andProinc*al GoKei-nment Securities, rat ex- C ceeding market value ...........................14G37 Cauiadian Muinicipal Securities, and British, Foreigu andI- Colonial -Public S-ecurities othtr than CanadJian, . not emceeding market value. ........................ -.Rail flgàýdmotiheiBonds, Debentues andI Stocks, iaot ex.-I, Cali and'Short (not exceeding thirtv days) Loans iu Canada on Stocka,- Debentyireý and' Bonds an~d other Securities of a sufficient marirétabie value te cover..............,7, Cal andI Short (net- exce-eding thiitty days) Loans fa%iîvwerc than il Canada on Stocks, Debeiltures and~ Bonds andI other Securities -of a suflicient m2rketable value to cover............ ............................ 7,004,0( Other'Current Loans andI Discounts in Canada (less relate of intereat),after'niakin>g full provision for ail bad and outudebts. ............................763, Odier Current Loans and Discounts eisewhre than in Canada (less relate of interest) aiter making full proovision for ail lied and doubtful debta...................... Non.tm'zent Loans estimnated loss prevýided for......... ]Bank PWemises, at- net morethan ceet, iess amotxntswrTitten off 5,809,iý Real Estate other tisais Bank Premnises................. 1 Mortgigeson Reial Estàte sold -...... . 17, Deposit wkth thzMAinister of Fin:a. n.ce for.th .e purposescof the -',Circslation Fund. . .............................32, - Cther Assets flot induàded ini thefoein. ........9 , - -Liabilities of'Customierý indter Letters ci Creclit, as per contra AUDITORS' REPORT TO SHÀRnRHOWEYRu -sas ov TEE DOMINION Basu,%,,- eaboya BalauKe Sheèt as et IFeteuubex 3!n, i11", id wifls the certtlled returna ftpm t-se Branehes. t have requit-ad. ansd uinemir opinion thse Ltranactioo in thée sower, ni thse-Ba nk - te Shset dLmcies tise truie condituîof aithse Eant A. B HP 19311. -A W. AUSTIN, Pre;iden!,

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