k Ladties' Sf k Hase an at Wltera'. ire tlase to shiliale You Parn. Get 'our prces. * ploie 52, 1frolio eat W1ltlby'Strsi ýugust iM.Yeua may 5E *sllrg room suite, breRl COis. of coal and, a Il Lynde. TIeacher of Siar Mrs. Walter MacCarl andl sons Itlpirend Neil are spoasdlag a wëel îtihler ister, bUrs. Leslie Mer- combe, ef Omenace. Tire ,W. M. S. ofthtie United, Cisurc i lîl iroif tirir aunual gar- dos tea sasntire Pareonage Lewa, ors Friday, Auguat 8, froin .30 p.m., Ail ladies interasted ara cordislly. fa, viteih, Adn-ission 25c. Mr. gnd Mrs. Frank G. Erakiç and daugiter Thelmna left on 'lues. day merning for a twe steeks' tmotor trip te pointasunthse soutireras ttci. Tise B. Y. P. U., tiret ants tire young peopleetftire Baptlt Cirurcir, bave arraaged for a plenlo et Green- weod4'Park on Sataaaday aftotaoon' leavlag.fire cirsrcli et 2.80 e'clfsol. Tire. mauy friande et Mr. R. N. Basett wfll ie pleased to leacntlss ire recently uadekwent a sncceasfssl operation in 'Toreute Generat lIe pifaI, and ia aew naprovizsg vey fevoreirly. GRAS FRE 11 RCIRD et your dance ticket now for 515, GASFR NOCAtiraei~gasfre DMthse Street Flair on Wednesday lHoa Levne'a Il iar ordering OIeydn-Auguter. sore Park about two 'ttfoek Tues- P].Sullivan, licenied plumiber ilay afteraseen gave the fres deeart- aud trithu, Brock strctt aortb 371, ment a run. Thee lIce aPParatus wasorBo 159 . 'by LO( qssckty on tire opot and the blaze rBx Wrt3 was soon extlnguisbed, with little Tire W. M. S. of the United or nodemage, belasg donc. Clsurch ill hi ld their annual gar- --den tee on tire Pao'sonage Lawn, On 'rak 5iUILJING TENPDEORS CALLICI>Friday, Auguat 8, frein3.3 p.m Tenders for tire 00w streirouse Ail ladies Interested are cordilly ln- building at thse Ontario Hospital vited. Admission 25C. Wlb cloised on Atiguat 45, andI It la ex- local pected tirat thse contrsot still b Watçls for tire.big parade atCie sidewa awarded sirertly, Local contractera, Street Pair next Wodueeday, Aug. <1) fi la understood, arc fnguring on 13. Free jazz borne for thé kif- wssta tire iulldtng. It le expeted tiret dios. Byron a large number of tenders wll ire (2) put lu for tire work. MORE TofflIlTS RONV exitir St go CHECKERS ARE IIOVING. Russell Bailey, whrolias chiarge'ut Trent1 Wirle Ors vacatiooaln Montre t he Towi Park, reports an bcrca (3 re0iir e nsiaber of Ausericea Ioristsgo Cj Best played a six gaine matchs sn .a oe am.FrtrelriCntre5 wît& Mr. Croby, tire Cl ps 0 pari af the oeasop re f ourit - 2 Montreal, in tire Central Y.M.C.A. ic stas very lighît. Il bas pieked e. op, 1 Quite aL lot of intereat Was arosed hiosteverlansire pat two steeko. by tire dteh anasa a gooidly nuliber Of playeras tere tirere te looke on. CHIEF IIdASWITE RAT Th. firt garine %vaa a draw, os wae also tire second. Tire tiird and lest Whitby's Chref of Police can now Mf Ti stere wn bp Capt. Sest, wiile fth e asmre casiîy dcitified dsring ire S. * 4tir and Stir sntotM3r. Crosbsy. An-. sommner nmonthabecause of biishiite (2) El otirer meeting wa arrengeilfer, bat, sticirb ire r on Friday for Cire IE. bt it lied te ire caucellej owiag te fre time. discardirrgCire rogatatios C(l) BI tire closing up for repaira et the Ciief'a cap. Tir e nc bat wilI ibe N. Y.M.C.A. building. ceoler for Cire sommner mnosiso, anf il ia onc whiclich1 scil din ait police Toti ALL P.UPILS SUCCESSFIJL forces. particularly lunCire larger et wii Tire follewisg à le re eport froua centes. tire ce tire Hambeurg Cepevfsey, Toru-n - sesameý te, of thre seves vocal pupils ef Ar- MEI IH F U ulI firur Lynde, stire teled thse recent S. ithT FFU Àe~ exauiiaustl5* On J'iday eveniag tire Evening PrimaayîHaze1 Wilson, (Isonore); Sraaichirof tihe W.A. of AIl Saints' wil nc rfaiosa eer e (iorfours). Church asponsored a delighfful liens- stroctli Junior-Bennett Smnithir hrt clasor' fgo of funsanadifroUe stiricirs the iswo boueuurs). ief oasthse spatleus lestiseo e tir ~iras Itermediate - Noene Crossaîl, cirsrcir. Tire seatirer cois ideal and miadei V<irýoure); Leura Halberf (hoaous). tise ettenasinçe gratify(ng. Tire aLocal Mbsma Reoil (ioneurs).- was a dliglstul pr9grauame gitls Rsllwa Graduaetion ýA. I1, C. M.) -Mrs. neyer,. delîlmoment. Soles were inajiord Relit. Sadler.. -cetriuted by Mrs. A. W. Lynde. mng 5f Mr&. Allen Walker and Bru. John tof thre IN TEUE POLICE COURT Sawdoas. Miss Greta Wrlglst and lY ange Mr. Artirur Wbltby 1gb h raprosontative, are uakIt of Norths Ontario, bueJ tewstai f tire great Clay te er.perimenfal fs*rn et XM tis tour e specl a course iras, laen asamiage 1(5v. T. F. aussi Isr. L cdfrein tirir holiday e0 lest, bavlag gpent a p fireir eatgiter ande sos in Tierer t g verye-v auasIbst anda nestese. Inteodue- itir MeCul- TORONTO CONSRICvA'tORY JCXAMS. Mr. jerdon, ergasaWiote ieRaton Memorial CirutImr.Teronte, sta thre ouanner at tire id-asuaner em- bnon. ielelat MissaRts<Wrlgirt's Tefolewing pupils of miis1U Wright gara siccesaful: Inteedi- oto PlaneD.Dotir7Rite, -hoora; * ery iviaslce, fat heera,-s houera; Elernentary Piaul- iMargaret lissai,irsoalteue tory pi1o1ozns 8<Qoy, fat claiit a elesa honra; Ir#zfrsdiiefens. iasse- Jade el4 etclasslonors; In- ie ith teard, let claoseIhonoe; Priuaary moe roery - Mns. Saillez, (B*aus, ed Or ANNU'AL PICKIC bAGHTERSg PrinceasMay LodgeDaugbtae et Essgland, b4î trerauuat plesie Bewusasssshl, os Thueer, i'ay Si. Threwme a large attendasce auss as esJeYabie ime wue spest bhi>.l 7reaent. 8'ollowssg store thse prise stiers in tire various races' . Lac GirQlsraeaà Pta7 yeaes--1, Eve-. in fO lYs JhcCulîougir; End, Piryle Leur. an os race, 5 ta 7 yearse-Kosancti i2d PdeDousglas Pegg. - ii,7 te 9 ysm.-es-Blm park. Bos,7to 9 pears-ýClarles ad- , irl,9te ' Giija Park, irasse Bos, 9 to Aen Bradkey. WU- bur ToJean * CH OIR GAVe CONCERtT sWiitby Uapist CliarcirsnWei fillUcd on j Tosday evers.iag:forire- concelirt givenr 5nder lire auspices of, tiretiroir. Captain Bëia, tise pastor. presîded. Tire programmae "0gai l vçry bigla oniler, several local and visiCii4g ertistisappeariaz Cierron Tirs cioir cof 401 suces itîcluding singera froua oCrer cirurcir tioirs in Cirhe ts.n and. under tire lcadershrip .uf Robin Nicirolsen.diepiayed semae r cry fisc werl. Tire tiroir .roade Cirte contriîreio.nt, 0 Cead,' «Sesd OutTry i.igt," auid "O Gof Our Rclp le Agea Faist" aad fecef a- cd weill rserltec4abpleese. Tiresoos. nits ot tbeeeiaa 'creMr. Short, of Almionels, feisr; Les. Ricir. bass; Ers. G. P. Lyud, and Mise Cn- ittante ParroCt, contralto. AU w4e weli receivef and cncrd. A s'ry p leaing argasolo atas- icea by Miss josepiime Thromas, A. T. C. M., ra piasno solo by Miss jssae Webster, a piaà no dlie by Miss Wiliclnsoqande Mr icosoand lto reafinas- by Tis irgp.'lhowork of ail ealiag parC iu tire progr4punse .stes more tIsa ajsprcciated. A silver -collet- fies taken et tire door rcalized a neal pan, atiicir silI ire appliia tire cirorci repaie [und. Auction Se. Tkesiday, Aag. 1491à - Aufe saleoffrsh owa M prlngsrs, tepo ert f enu rttlot 8 o icering Tii,(AtadIyl. in'a I a îo'clocle (tandard Uue. Nu~ bills. Usuel fermis. Wne. Ha*., RA ILWAY MIME T>eBLE Rallway tinse tables for tire Can. adras National and Caeadlas Pitille ttailways, îirowieg trais a arivleq-at andl depa-ting froua Wlitlsy stations are as follos;a Al rains rue on standard tisse. Goiag Wst, .557 a.u. dsily, 833 ena daily =ept Sun' y. 3.27 p.m. -1;7. 6.42-pitndeiy. Goiag EasC-9A0 a.t, ifaily .Z55 pua., daily. 745 puns. dafly ec=pt Ssnday, Il pus, <baBiy. 12,01 miel. metirI.Laly (sloes> oely , 1let 01, passeagers for LouJon and ltireWest.) C4oia Wes-4,36 au., daily. 5.15 &L5, daily. 5.48 ar.., daily. 9.18 LUi. daily except Sundav. 219 pusn, daily except Sunday. 6.56 p.. daii. 829 p.ua, dail>. excepe Sueday.. Gaiin a Rs-8Iti ain, daily except Ssniday- 1244p.r0.. dail1>. cti Sueda>.. 148 pua, sisails. 5L29 pi,, daïyeaccepi Sesdav. 927 p.ns.. daily- 405 -- ally. i L-JUp.git. dai1. Geieg Norths-8-M am-. iansi3.30 i parn. ,Iaily cscept Sunsdm1. Arrive froua ustti-7-Cl a w- andf 1.25 P-s. Arrive tram Oroo-8.57 a.sm. M 'fly. lrdyand CFriday. 1030 -,s,. Tsesdey, Tirad amd ýaCor'day. WC "e wfll f smre on S*ar PR0b PHC Urn A meetîri spftia1 1 prices Tnz'd the King's Highwcsy Daly Coachi Servces WHrMBY .TORONTO Fare 70c 1XAV5 UETUYT JMEVITuitaux" A,.. P.AM t w .10 1L40 6 .40 2L*40 4 .30 2.90 7.40 3 .40 7.30 3.301 8.40 4.40 8.30 4.30 9.40 8.40 9.80 6.8 10.40 s *.40 180, 0 6.0 11.40 71.40 41.80 7.80 PJ. s 8.40 P.M .b 12.40 1.40 ,130 #e v10.10 1.80 16.80 Y-4vadoy . «Csh, eptsênv.