Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Aug 1930, p. 7

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Man>'tram' Wbttby Street Aug. 13. 'l':ounVi P, E. Pt- Mrs, Aetceey and Levi and Mrs t ve gene, Ldl SuIe. Howard 'Arksey viited I vîtIs Me, and Mc. Arthur Robinson, a benEldorado recenti>', . 9 er borne W. >J, Lerencl, af Broa1<bin, bas 1 rempletedlitbOaif~t vbestt 'Ireblua.-0 fil M otra f tise soasosi and Ibroshel' t Oh ava issîveen 6000 andul70e0buibefrni ths haOit 15 scres,.William te alvays' lest inls ne n.,' Tran-te, Mc. . Roseaund son, et0ud. k-Iln, bar, bave retursed hom;e ater vteting celeihvsain tIse rttO.ge.' sIlo1 ar alyae St. Tisomsls' cbuecis. 1ev. T. A. NInd, '.rocter, OSunay, Âugust art>' vas ltbilheservice vilbchoai 7 p,m. and Mlr. Tsreviib e sqelservice. a>' lieSý h> Th Sehewllb o et. t . e8a 'lent- SndyScoi* t 23 ' M 'shrt William Sale te oendior e sotvacation t Bîgvol,Inthe Is DIL Francsh'River ditrict, Mis aîbatleon Mankinson, t Tocante, b spessîlur a short bll- otmentm day villi Mrf. sud Ms. A. Lads. 1' 111e 'ïvas ve tvy bore ovr se o edti sisvstis, ont>' acl- upaortd hec.. ASHBURN Emma itishar, of Tarante, te se her vacation, st hise bern Mrsu rtle. 1'2e.t.Gegoc >fa s, oi7sa~a peuuî Weclidary Zlaita tise home of W, H. Ston. Mis Peg K niCrn~e f WIilt- etmpthorhe, Wwn line. Nelion Bath, ef Torono, te hou- tdaying vithis hacousin, MotisMc 5_Gregor. Me, and Mes- Ms>' andMe. and E.Mro, Goizl were: weele end visitons r. t tise home af, Mr. and ira, W. aHall. Bro,.H. Galliver, Se-., la Spendlln c oupe et eetra vus hec dauh te, Mcrs.' StUeon, of ltenirew. Dick Aldnie spnt the hoilsy've1< end vus Me, and Mes. Jact Moos, ut Bracetrilge. Cotty-At Oshaw.a General Mes- puItl, ou Thursdae, fuy>'17, te ýMe, il ehMs. lcreace Catie>', of Toron- 1- to, a haugisier. GREENWOOID etts tvi AL Normanu V uIs>' witis nt an ve., Asgug a a La ud;à AI ore ethfie engieagaiao cet use o aattend.Mr [r. sud Mes- $. Gouda>', et Bs m chi tn; open Stenday ai ith eo e th, Wr. "d Mr.G. Faisher. ilSý e. itn Mlle etuared bore na o "L las ater arusdn; itba pasi ee -à ai Itsginase, ' Hecor irg. E. Jaonsa, etlaUlell, is v iers Sat fise hame ef Mr. aselia. 1 evarsb friands sud neigibsise MWet hersai aitis tmse O fMe. and n gtivsons iswe? vas giveuIpart. saa 3&agM, s. Iandle>'ad oi is Ruth Taylor thse formar blnue t'A cIdent of uic COMMnuilly As f nt MYRTLESTATION1 JC" erg boa. P.L Mttot'ae; Mr. MZ at'qp C" ,e Toc;io te,' Jac bcue' e Leu mol» PmACM &Dd Mcs. S lnos snd Me, sndMres ,d,,"ttk-wahich latata '&a£6 a oUs 04t, Bradley', aof BmkeAbiI t D- G.-Eessnu mmg tt*e«fu"m kow Mr. Jas. .ttOuesL~sl'Ums'y "se au-- = -sippl. î xm" Abe tisesoutsai af0 tha ta, e0d=-C,,W,,, ,W à e ___we bi. and Mes Sp&UidieTo n aef 0 e gsi faUis' ked , cnt»and.andl e Me m Uesorlep, Of l&te&hlsM. aH&rd .mA. ýJ. *e stase et &"-mklg th-se -l c&-47"e d th, .f « t i ish uptli a s icaupit5f, l s he sSaauofeS e a - , an te>'» ,w - tttieg sUBa i C.apll5~ozsoaIc au-sslCAREMONT' ad f ot Mmi~s& Ebel elau startleaits 1ta55 un ata.Utb'a gela' te tie geAs Peas Ria district s"d [racfor & Equip et 18 -« lan oelm MS0e e, Aesywf d ta# a, o Rd edTWO",CW By.A- MLoUm Vaeesd ti bic .~- ~5s5eigt usuts>',aftia smalWo s'a. U~F "k W&rd -t at -a-ka- as11 GemmaS Bar. resand Mai lr sd hrew and Mcs. Pogg and Win. ,id Mes. Pegg rnoieeed teO (.ven' 4. ou Moula>'. Mes. Wm . \vweut on te Gare Bsy, te viit parents. 1-- se LeetaS. miths, ef Witby, via- tait veekln vhs MIs uth o- ec MiesionBanush ieli tiheïr an- picoOlu intisa flos arle of tise tasi Tisiseca>' fternoeo. os$ 'MarIi M1aggemnan. et tevate, le holdibng vîtis ber paronis, Wm. sud Mr&. Or- as M. Branden bas$isen an s te' MidlssoL. iepond above tise dam toas vers' ic tlvsipOitiseaset dayo for e visa eau svias. 'a. . Bieo pu ntisa La- ,Aid are oise1uanus le.cireem Il at tae cissrcis Manda>' even- AUZUSOSlitt. A Oneast pIs>' b. put eus b>'tise momzbars of group- y ishetg et Aetier tva î IIce h hirvest peeti>' avec. Tise otnued warm ,hec Oai uaturol tise grain ver>' cI>'.- __ rrI aa or Free Fer- le ber t ai - pro* FlowigPastilla theadrMI - ollat m labour.. ,Tatgiv amme aven enueragel C-I-S Mlxcd Forlla lei us tau you Donal sdol tiai5, oflit itel vils freelutlaheree., Me. sud Mes. George'WIl Sonai s t Newraits Misses Jean sud Olive andlie IlWilsont sud Mr. 1 son vere ai Caesea ou i Misa Florence Heaps weete end n Oshava. The Ralan Ladies' Aid invItaI to attend an afie ai tise'home etfMes- Wm.1 umbus, on Tisoa>'AU 0o Mrs. G.!Lokes ;ei Ract st s viatlug vtth M. W.Lutre. ]BASE UNE Wl Mr. JadeHoar pal1 a ' fteuls Suuay. Me1 s. Anu ofied,'et Te a vsiter ai M.Story's eon l1i.W111 a Ù,lo n sd Toronia, vere bore Qnu 91 Mondai. Messra W. Eltis sud,. atter a weeks' heilsys c balte sore hisusreterne Apart>' front Mirice, oetng aléIeatise lake Ic delven b>' a sohheo winh bs1e 10. mites- Tise>'atte ttsel seldihave heeui a Davils 5beach. 1Tise Wood Bros., of 'Te forme? ceidents of Whiiis tevu 40 s'eues ageo, psitt Jimmnie and WIe Ayroî, camp bors. - Me. Wîl Wisonuan& Gorunecîs', apenCivie 1ho bis Parents, lor. and -Mes son, nuie iaolitit hemi tise towa. Tisa rontlnuel dry voat on pastureasdol enlng e iai visait is eut su a goel crep. KINSALE Wnmelu's Missiostar>' I tisicrcuit mete tai I sIeptiensen'a 0onThurodb C. o. Lavlen bas bc lusg R. B. Moavie> for mentis peit. 11 Me. middtet0p lest a s' btisasfav laya ago bho teanl it vs unbeestanL2 Tiss bY>' veater bisu tisé grain ft 00fsit. 'z hbarvsi ai, elgca nss * iss biee. It vili Matl -esté llght i l vtgt. ne Swisat'ahaut aur regul, boeme? We have bée;nlà mame annusl>' for ian>' tise exceoptIof aituy our nev citurel% vas buit ,Our trustoe.,, se 0and Monroe, freni Ottava tu schcisoOtnext s'ose, lis us veil ceometliaddan% siberabîs aspsrtsucs. Mr. 5LawssaIdftmils' bath vith restlas e Me. Jospis Gernile> coine1 te litîs eton Considacable Urne. missSBuste Sablier It set msurimpravel lu1 hope toa glYs a muraisM ahi. repartlus tis asr t 1Webt, tisee letilai bath sOdes have setlel a Cept tise Vole et tise Pa viii go ou unler the as liaptss Chais aviilpIote a ttîlualtoi e More Tisa tr&MblOon M. 7 theesigis Rnala vaLS ver] Saturba>' »d ]MasSa>'. h ottda'. 0esManday tc waytbas tbai its 11Cca ait and ta ilu plettilI os tise pressat imea. Josesph tel1411isa hee tuse tigisvcjy wij, 3. Ileoneeeofttihe et la bigvas'. The oxseme hot wvo ne cale lac elpaned Ue veýyr>' i'51and sel vaL teertise goS et aur far un. ieraude *mis lay Oives' er pare p and ,y$ ai )n visl andP PAGE SEVEN e Correspondet awa bas cnmpeted big cantract ad returned ta bis home n Osh-U àJ~ . aa ater ïpendtng a moitis wftb ______ ai_____ andt fa im - hie em ployer .E- - biste on R. B.Mawbcay expecta 'ta rmise Enda'ili MIini" Je bra thebet ftthiesuonth., lter vias- ______ LT -ente, Mr. nray and 10LUMBUS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ onTua- tr. John Brosorît, Torotto, spent ahltuats andt ratas It artililiy. dte otida>' at bis home bare. No*r a atart bas beesi madee t i Mr. Ar- Mr. assdiMes. Rôbt. Ormistais, To- groing h uman cancer ln gflss ,te are ro t it tfse the week-end w tli 'tubes. tslt-relatives. "Woarestarlug"a l Dr Mr, anit Mes. Thos, Paut, Toronto, Wood, tu, do" wbat PatU 1 iteit wifh antd trs. Wottcss, Peterboroutgh. vis-lien ho sbawed ttte way ta civil- Poteher jîd Ms. as.A~hasstai wetc. Izatton oet bact«Oti. rtlicle.llY, a- ;-Misses Mr. Ross tiurison lsas rettrîrd ta woctcupn hItaresbasel sais.. b hialis dues at St. Thomas aller spend- Of. mesleillt'B raet d505 Mr ansd ing twî weeles' vacatioat is homte W kttaw neoccerbteîisa reu ad r., garmi, but wo b ave, iand Cea'&se !Tocante, Mr. ansd Mes.Jas ,Thonîpson, wItb a mîcseo tcancejadd e 'o l.l 'hmp ion; Sailli Oshawa, spent ttse holiday at iy bcaiit cance r and 400 st.etan sudn. -on Mr. C. Hayes. ly b>'atlltY t gr.wBm t forst5 ntie, wîth Lorn Goodmran andt Feeddie Gu 'taa omal ibod' col.e] i A. Grose; has t teir tansits ren'ioved lait week 8,000 yearî ,we bave leeu canpl y and son Mes. John Dyer. Oshawa, spensî a ed ta worlr wtih 4051 cancer celle. D, yle i ew tiy atMr.Wm.Dyes~ Now fir tise Set timse va have M.n. e f W nîygai. Ruibson, Trnt, M.thas alie, aid capable et produe- Toot" Ms i.Rbo, TorotteMs. l,9tac uer! .We vlais ta lcna'- vis ri. ca.H, A. Cook asnd dasseter, Braeklin. vis,-tbey grew. aifait, semethine vO and Mei- Ied ai Mr. Levi Etini ors Mînday . aol nover'Én1<00w sIil v actul. 0e Brent, Mr. a d tira. Fred Heattie, ti- ly ee oie grO*1ltsg j M c .. N . diaa, are viitiig is sister, M ns, 'W e cati a igu tu dy naw lsew 1 u, etf Te- H. L. Pascor. fait a cancer colt tte ithes, tisat la. Mr. Cha Mr. anud Mes. Stevetnson, Picer- bow ropIllY It uses oXygen,. vieths unie, wtb ing, catîrd n tîsir dautier, Mci, or thise h mare or lema ralsîl thail to. Messe y W ils onî, ou Sonda '. 1 :t hse rate et a norm al cètI. An>' dit- eeo) gM. aid Me& Thos. Scott,: tir., fatreso u thse rate mght' ieconsê s fToo tand lits. Harve>'Pascoe, anîd daugli- polit, for a new attacteneuCanlcer. vitti b te cr, tKccuron; sd M r. a nsd tits. W at- 'ýsom e batterIe ca um ie bsea se b>' Pleron. lace Soît, E fictd, visitei at ic. tise poIsons the>' peediuc. W e sesik the mentis Mertian Fascoes cuos Sunday, to lbain wbotbler canSer cls pro- ilcaw", ais tr. ad tif . Cooper and daugli- ducepoibana or, eutualty important, amily et er, Miss Made, attendel Itedrotn tue 1<0ev, forcertain tisat ah.> do St 'lc ,S. picole ai Lukes grave ou Sat- net., 1f!vo Suid slcah a PitsOD,ý tia Sereturday tait. we wlib ta ltnoWwlsathe tsO.C'sets t r o h r is tarjorie Ashton r tu ned t a the sa me af er It han be au produc- le me' eToronto un tionday altey spendiot aI 1under artglellcondittis. St laIds. tvi veeki isititilier mother. A nom- thcIfea bs îceae'anert M ilsond ber, of yoonc people a ttended the a peInttoatallcti anit ase bIesdMcCsllach picnié at Blavrtan on imstar>'o sus Wion~ Saturday atternoon tait. Misses Rit- ,We1<0.w:ta sea'stss ,fk- .la and Mare0ret Mileos', titrktsans, cancers ar ehielpeti b>' 1C4iys. We toms, Ge$peit a tew says with their aunt, baye aIse seOme eviblencO ibsat, R- cisoo, ys'Mn, Mais. ray'î 1<111 eibts-rowin noralt Soudi. e, ad trsRobt. Sutherland celtsashoot-ag tait as canacer celle. ilen spent vlsitcd Mn, J. Sutherland et Utica WX r 0C htthsi5S~e t on Suda>'.X-ay are due ta raptS. grQwth ôt. Thse n 4,r.and tIrs. Rab Beath arc vii cancer Colts, a produtcttion rste tisat S. 'Ttnmp iifisg lfil iter, tIns. Roy Ratctiffe. cause" mare ofthotisu b 1ed <11. ; 1 M . and M ci. , o~j1bn A shtontan sd b >the -ray a, lit t Im p artant t e spntt ise Miss Viola Ashston, Toronto, ipent Xre>' affects. Sunday at Mr, and Mci. Morley "Canceer secam eau ha made tisaI have isen Coik wvltt seem lnsby cure a ca n nit , a essatia tes Mn. E, Vice, Mci. Lyons, Norths rats 1lo, bot the lsg hlista be Dyer, 'C ul- O s aw a, and M n,. E. Go odd mn , Ro- ligatireul ta rata i tle a un . a it iti. chester, cllel au trienî n lu tbcvit- i t'u er thora la. no apparent mts- s, Wteon- loge. on titanday',cad ef maktet 511015a eOflhto isote eh ca Mes, Mcee eud son,- Torota, for huiman lisings. bicng tise cotird on bier parents. Mc, and Mci: caelta arîlfletaUvll il lset lu tise - Eh. Sntidden, on Manda>'. stUl> of tht alis etl. 'd. Mîch sytispetti h cttnencd ta Mc. Dr. Wood plans to Ylsît tise Curte EST A, Graie sud tamily ty e lse ofaIntItut3 n Parts sud. vartaits Can. ibeir baro Os>' Ire an Ttaeiday muer- ce r beséateis InistItute lu REglanut. visit to Cd it Miss Blanîche Stevenîson, Wlîitby, ai n ë a s visiti g b r ut, M t. f . W ilson : Saody The sîual pic-nic et the Misiliâj 19 tyeBand 'bell ou WàcadashY alteroaesi POLICEMN dJLJUI' 1sttsgaipaI Mr. 1Wrbbr's bush vaisatee y N i . A y e s , a t l t l t a t hs e a t e n o a i p a s s a s w a y Canii r i ', .0 l: for the .Ch. lr c F1r EI T LANIilAIES erroc sjyd tç tallow- 1110 winsersi j C'= 1 Girls, 5 a edd sindr- sariOn Blair uth tiaand Ruth Coaok. Tenis Cim i ra FM s'çe rvsrds ce- Gils and bays 6,suddsunde-Bilit /ý amlrg# . on Hayon, Stella Blair. Alto Qualify ai Girls, 9 and andor,-ernice. lair, Lnuit rene, nd 1dbBlair. 'ylno', via Bot ys, 1liansunde.-Gat Web- a s'Omît t ber, Ra>' Hayes. v-Isite ini Girls 10 and onder - Mary Carc, Part. Francs--Tise Peencissust Jean McCullacb, la glinsmars attentiontstaIs avec f~~n1y, t Thee-lgrel race - Ruths Brent, bafttRat é tisuby OZfotretaitl- ida wtt nd Dacothy Hayes, jean MCUlliclilit ii5tais ,JohnWtt- aid' Mary Cir -lan>' paître oliteSes t it O resdant 0t Patate race-MarI aesl i-mpL ncil>'are able ta speate - 1 lion Underwaad, Ra>' Hayes and twoa oretistagi s'ilaie ber 1s8ibardtOBlanchie Blair, Tise ebampiat cf tissai9a1la Ageet 'tise grain Three minute race-Ruth Breni, Xaaaw J'.Gseo."f ha 155fti aur mars lanuges. tisa depstmleflt AIma Rois. 111 hauOfaccal te devisa a nev type Seapotd ot race-Blanche Blair, Gladri uîfrw Blair. Fo er aab polie affict visa - At tise sssppee baie aIt est dawst îeari idfaseOgit. tangue lias te >ta a heant>' me a, aller hlcis tht vear n ie taft ares a brasar, la- pkeniclçeri leit for their home. dIC&tlng tise teesue lteviieéte sal qallleoi as an itrpréer. Jittde L U a 1 Ow bas elgis t oftises. brassads, Scdet>' fa i L et stî lva 10>' litt ram s'oeart g as dlite ta atocO i St a1: 7 qu 4Iit> fer ce. W iate s'oea et atiCco. In O ler t t 4e bito- s>' 0f thîa wtth 'torvard tace sud unrlatt.ait tisaresigisy ea6leit- loie s s u t s a u t s t qu it v î t t a , c ole l a g it u o n à a r men "*siat- Net issrc>'DKta t. naot isrnt119 eur, dur tag' viicislie yuwll abot ana tram tis. geai; 'atuay tise nglai services aetfee- , o m o urnisg focr Cths thinga tisa t aius police for .Ce t. eia pi iba in ls hedito pasi mac halibl t s edt UtaecuIS aouts l ton In 'fit 5ys. At B.a ie? alven repantts' ,; ' P a ne. p r o n v i a t th é ê f u t u rs v o ile , b u t b >' t is a F re n c i s T e n n is W d e a t l a e . es uttise with a *bisla te is sctasin ot tise Ptieh i>' nt tac And hippy iearititht pays Its talI cisampptamaip toucuaiiut, jsas. tce laIsTe Tautti and Âge and travets aU Bortra, lassonsas a TIi7e Bouadîsta doult. ithhee. Bsqti," adea moat unsisai ,a ars~vest Sua lot tise.va>'vittd.UPtheaMIstLor speech lu reptytusate to at MaB hligte dwh egan tu Franch. and cetinuted. r yaxlin l r cousis or snoaotb, thfisSnt le Engats tisebln setose, su ysrs vit taourne>' i ishe 10; .liait lelpanisb, apsete; ait t1his. lit. 1 S55 ek g* I ,souiltsvisa faretan o usi% 5quIs ftuetty. Tise 4g lo .but a boy, Ja ano as. e, Mrta. steise le 0gtaelau e tfricndobll>s, islaM adveuturs. Fenscissnd EngItib, sel Sul>' lef Côe taIsoaie nde a crao bts avn o tafal, vitçcisan Inter- a 05 ~My' hoet. vilI bopth ie courage at pester translateI. 4i vitis Cou- t se qu ot, épen ais-And hope teroad's lest tues i vîtI WOMAIÇ, (181W MISING Mr ieni bh es.Plcten.-A marcs là beiniq can- er îcier-- Hnry VnDyke buels ter Mes. IMargaret Isattis, li as os ____ _ aoul 42. and bsr dauigiter,-Mae- tee cerne garai;Jease Seatte, agel 5, et wsng.utngs sesmtnu dolphusiowO visa have beulicc s- lareportefl el~~>sng tram ltïot e onis e eaci>' tareÉh tavar-tw wLes > A meM. trom caam SLUCLy -wý- ý -, --ý- ý vAIL maraist p,« t, tuft £MM U»D mttt

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