Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1930, p. 8

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WHITBY. GAZE.1TrE AND CI-IRNdI, ITHURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 l, 19030 PAGE ElGHT r Wi'th SportI liT A. FAN W~HiTBIS MEAT ME1N WIN(AM Thle iii tmon, ot Oshiawa aud Wbltby wcrc 'cîittlng-up* aI lthe Town lPark. Wilty. on Tuosao nvoting. 'rîîcy %erv tîryîîig lu hua- tratc jurithiow toi play tlite 'gatisc' of s5u(tball. anîd thte %*lilthy reprt- ,entatiies ijsttiatd if lu lite be('l advanlzigc. vînîîi; n a mesci-niîin. gaine b' i score of*' 2-1 and h iaî lte seenth l)iiiiîî, lu sparr- fnt Ibo bargalit. Tlic tore us flîrîili-. nila asfol- liî'lil> .2 4 s 2 3~ Titi' ..î axiy oi f .jvs verforii for ~ft .' ag ooî piteber; L. uîr.I st basie. tG Forrr , ter, 7nid ha f, C . . Cr;i by Phort-stop: lvro iln' Vfson ~r' riglît fietd; I:<niMonlra 2i la sre: Frait il1, \ P 1, 11 . Pr'i i ei1d C;ordonit fif . IcPf'ri I Tîto 0 ln% i 't;' Pa( krr8 Mark'.si ,t'a 'e.. nliw m an. contre fiplii. Titey d do l o) s Lr U! % II! ths. gatile mas tiîr'flfatg in spofr. Terh Wu%*lport made '< m î bInbIe irit? fielid ga rd@ v. nwfi11r PIllof fJiiîasa cas innn ii bhe leU (fiel. -TIiere c cr i n'a iîr. ' ru flIme sud Fraîik "Vi'ehl, ie h i~lr lisirfa f imeo any Iiiite. i v -T1.XîS DOIS PROMTEiEi Tieivreti omne repi'spntntîve,î ofItle Osiitaaindî,striai 1,(agaiie lisve sean fit Ia o i esrrt ilie c ning of teleazue 1w îte on), imtiide btam-iièt' TuXIt Bayx of Whltb>y. Tite iriter nof inowin; ail Partleularm Of the affair. hati noihing ta "Y ( Oneecrninr aurti C1011:198Uvc fP l itf. lois bJai for suebu a prulest nt aigt lai Je xlIte atter ti, 'conclusion o! lite IcagUe Pisying aeiteduio." Gond Ioscrit Malte ;ood cînnera Bad lasers never nînke gond vin- AUROSS C14N4A "fr toMotorist WiIl Seek AIIC&nadian Route to the Coast Âfiat wiriitup buo the pr"ti- ont big beeu considered I l- POéspble- -drîrîn; uautomobie fren Ilalifsx luniVanceom-r viti- dut leasing C0 nadin betrrtor'-is '1o0Wabolît lu r xaarlousiy altempi- cd. Nnbody up to the presient tinte ha-s realiy urgaRtlzed an ail-Canada r0asitt-aa, motorlng effort, andi 16W aptimiata vWho setuait>' niade tl* ts staO' t Dfto LedY rief la Nanibveseter" Otarlo bad-landg. There la4 atili a total distance or more (bau 13o0 I0 miles heeen ex lating sections Orf bigbvlY, and nietor, ta go front coaat-te-CC ways lîad to deiour States tcrrItury t10 zaps. m'tich occur In (le country wboily mu.qkcg. dcnisely woc lakc'i and rivs-e anÉ croppiiigs. For 14 YCàrs tlhe Gofd Mrdal. btîug Up Iii coitinibhla .Nuloo t1ir, first motorist tri traiîsCanada trnp vi Cailfiiiti oubas; lbox aloit fI hegan lu lolk c îumI ho no aspirant vratioutintil lthe iigbi nta a uost mis llizli as ille, attouid finisiîed i.,posdn orl-. Now. hoq tet niieJ assaut 115la i au cs<.e:-ieued (rail-1 I;îo0fLl van &)Itlthe rier orfSrîr:liweetern c LWs su far hase tirii alielutis 10 Win th ycîung Tcnuulo ni atIl Needbaam. veill nown lrisrla WeuierL Ci foîvral.'tuoblt. cdi crai .%'storn Journal& iied ram effoir' t* ciý lrom'a (ustlyt,:' toast w fii the Ur."" ~Stat.ei or t'% Ruth.; f id 004 ai saiIfai arou: the irliber. HoelaItepeful arconîplisit bis purpi 'l'ie umajoar i-rtu nI 'iiwhirii tiîv a luiliîerford nmcdiii i An* iltoniobiif Itei lime ire diya 11taiix. Nova Srola ter. Virittl i Ciiilutbis, mi inpotir. 2-Tet rno boat. fI .î1î fi' behr bype of rat 10 'urr otransporti 1-TI'ail11e Journri madc Iiincoîîtfnuo' 4 -That tîte car SI <IiCnor t rnttaported1 r. îtlitta r ra unmiseiton n1v alirc mas' olîter titan Io dire, -%r. Needlîant viii di niodel o! an ciglîl eyl ium ar-. on silîich1 haie beeti nîadc. cxc, iitnai giiolitîo tink acity ut 30 galions. Pol fondrransd runii; mot-ed, alii giihin v abuse ltee lotic of lthe and lthe halter% ralset ,six mcheg. floor bitrds ti higiî"r b> Tue s8peciai equipmenî ta 1'. <ar. rIeti b> lte carI. e.tes flotinnî t, ho deslrod andi a caquai gfjiiuit Into lte near tonneau give' l t ii ImPresslun 'a! a cross beln(îîi a asurvey*or'm work car anti a toad contnuctona t ool wazon..,%Am nng lte liatruantns and tools carrieJ ore a tranzit. î'risnitî co ni pa -a, chalinand lapeo.In.Joanother coîti portment viii ho found i plk-aaca. 1 ld ahanîmerî ruowbas axaea. eosiisa"'M, halîidsacs, Puirvys and lackie. atndin hoxt rf otiter tiecesar>' road bitazine t(ule. in- eiutliug titre hundred fort of sterl rable vitici, viitbe ut4etifor swinc: 1iiîg t cmnpura ry brJigea acrus b ai M m. Tuer loute lu tir' <akysP itby M r. Needianat a ýfroun t-&falx., 'Ihencie Ibrougi, !Moncton. Predenie. Ion, Qtîcbec, Montrreai luil. ()j- taws, Nantit Bay and Corýiraiaib lte end o!r(lie roada ant i Ilgbwisas te "IIsd Latîdp" commntce.anti Air. Needuiarn'*111 plai, biaro thiraugt va)eiy bNakin aentd Ihence aoulhitaerlr ln L.onglae. Ena-rn tiisraliroa telat he car Considerabe Improyenst Shown u aseuit of Rainfail 1 Crup Conditions during lte hast J stock haie lmpnot-ed considerahit' for later cropis uei, aiPolalees and en.%liage tcorn. ult e ahovna r-i rli#ed ton labe falte xssn le b. uf muc eitbep Io1)uckvheat. vblch liq réporbtd as being niere or besau a fallu"t-eliroughoul Western Ontar- in IB eau liii nest Ila ln fuitl.gnint avnd titi yicld w-hi be only fair. licrmam ln anilik flot, la reperteti ln vract trali>- ail eountties. especil- 1%' lu ivesbern Ontario. dueb (o short- aC; of pas? ut-es Essex Ceualy re- ports bhebi carat la rlpelîiag qulekly and1 xliithNbet of od qualiy. Ntorth-. trti Ontario litaatloylbg gootiWU- Iher for their harm-eting and a keen deinanti for hay la noleti. Allgoma--Har-osîleg lu progrea- inc under Ides I veshber conditions. Titi grain le pra<tiCaliyl -la aiook andi os-er hait ef il la (n tb.bara. Fome farmnera are tsklnmg adian- faite of the steady veather andi aTe rlook tlrbresing Rr*ut-.stock lo la very falIt coi. dtba eenalderisg g9eenl tflen ou. dîtiona. Tiere la litt1. douanut fos stock snd fira a»ns mar~tket- Iatg very meth aI. prfseut814> pies of mlii abowist a mariai fail(ng Off. atube, ttlIyplv toi pappi». J>alwifii;*I oupplie or <resu. 4 %1sb..-'rrb l Usdo'b (aites off la lie milk sawpy lues tb. .&tlkt part «off , ld m55. tý*V«gi mot te lie mme e$IDWI " exp.nlemead te mSt $gB1t. 0*48 to tIbo wpeldd pwW8 «MOÏ48S ik bave ptrYhA484t&85*ff n~e £057Iia snït. 1 "-- yu4.ss.t *.wqu. i greatly nisacqi tbê amW tmv *MdIUK &i rm.t.È.a 4ii 55- mi le. Oficiai Averages For Ladties' SoftbaflLeague The tolloving are tbe league t;z. Pipber IndiVIduai flattlng-V. ElUott. SB. Hil (Cheva.) .463 (10 Sanies). , *. ÉacrifiA Spencer (. t.1 ; 42 (12 £ame.) Indiidul Fildig *Stolen Indvtdal Iella:-1. (10010 iy EB. I (Choya.) .931 (12 Saines). Ontario Home Ruas-J. Wilson tWbîîby led tbic Itovera> 4. 1.315), a 3H.lus!.McDenaId. bM. Kay,14.33j. ..LbevT3. (iummoil) t Uodd lb 12 64 21 1 2111 NXauc Gammes A D Il14N r in)u A v. PCiMedOy 1i l 4 23 1.6 .4:6 19 il tranli-CatiSda %Ill be driven arotind Long Laike cars >eeking 10ia s outllerly tup. Oaat liîa'e al- jAfter ieavlng the town ot Long- lut uiteiid lac. Mr. Needbaml wili be eut et avoli ît Ieýe jtoueli wlth eiizatioI until i lpi- made upî ut country Is unlnhabited. with the ýOded a)pfl cePtlon Of a few ]ndians saud id rock%, out- Ibo occaiai t-apper or pros- pertor. Wlie bin bis reglon. ef- e Rtlerfrif orts wili tbc made te0lieep ln toucli utlctrlwlth iu by aeropl.ane. by Illw Hrit il lm ln tthis section Of Ontarle )bile Club foi that Ncedham viltnicet witIl niake 111e cverv kind of dlqrlng hazard. bhout leait Ther are inountalas. marsbes. kif UIIcIIIII mukegs. forests. gorges. chasmsi fos thf îlsr'- and rnclcy utcroppitigx. to b.cconl- for 1w '<' ruted wlth and overrome. After ýwaY buildCiefs.eaNng the Twill Cities at the .4 ;1 li' ea d or the Lakes. Needbam wll 1 tri rorý- wfnz northwfteterly ate b.last weve!-. ade, :) bc madr1). ewmiles of roadi% horore blazing s i be,,ir n a lon g trailiagai n throucb the for- *btreal r ~ert a. marshes a nd mountains te Otaril rk Dinorwic. A few winter roads and b e ~ : to le tra i ts ill b e u s e d ln ib Is bcn]cda1ý A Front Dinor'wic te Dryden ltert . Ha * , ýi I a provincial highvay ta follow, il lb ~ and arter Dryden. trails and cOn- :atiada ceission lines oiter an outlet to MLOt ,;r- nora. a Uine wiii be made io" (_ a i a "" thirnilzh teIngolf at the Ontario irtol;t (ad houridary. Tt la eatimated that rifbo.î *er ihen Ingnlf la reached a inîleage '.&DObis 1J r approxîmately 900miles will dai a have pagAed undrie els0 tir. ' ~ :1wcar romHcarbt. Ontario, of 1 bat hr ar ron ot-e In a n mhielî frgi% than 150 imileg wili 1 InPe e.ru ade over roadbedg. It n'il ulýo mmso that the fPir Bar- YVc 0of I**-, '1te: tran-Canada rnotoring tu 1-r 1; 11V \frr laYIng Ingoif. an effort Ilh'made o bilnk nutiit Ibe aIf f- l ,i :; nnip g-W hiternouth Trail laI und (-Ina n the prairiest. cails viii be 1 R0ell-t irItdr Iacir l t te principal cilles on i fnih mait, uneg. and vii Iinclude fiOat.ril, 'r Brandon. Regina. Saskatoon. Ed- tercrl, routon and Calgary. To cross the th1e lt. or}.e., [ho roadi; îhrouch Banff. "Y 1u P 'etatork c. Golden. Kamiloops, us trlp ciie takrn vîb lte wind-upait1 shai \i'iiroivor-tt, cnd of al long, thro.r..rin trail. If fi tlzatdb'!br eedbatm * fia'1'r, ii tae nine or ben mckei hall in t' (o (;ront eoast-to-coasî of enad îf ' - iî. I wiii be spent in rive a 54lok ,rhr Otro iider Cirn- no 4 11.11 U DflTI1) rtion:, ,rIt houri5 rt' wirîng rai,4ed! [ROPS I N ONTARIO %&mne Gameas 1.Spencer il: C. 1. miis. P %IeLtDouald I . tle. I :id A:. l'iabrdi4 JL'. £1.Atlruiy 1 lu r, D. Atteraley (o.mi.); taM aT. (0.1.1. 1, 6. ce Rite - A. Walker. .lisses--M. Spencer, M. 'Ipb.or bM1.i.10. ,o Malleable Iron Teani League ln tenam batilng, and aliso team fieldIng. 0 0 3lb>O 2 O 1 F. PC Hit ais 1 H sM 2 .769 i 1 5 t> 3 21 22 .468 13 44 7 .891 3 2 i a 20 -M .1 .55 9 29 -0 .773 1 1 à0 56 14 16 qZ86 Il 15 14 .660 1 1 1 4 5 57 14 17 .g 10 O 9 .526 0 I1 I 5 46 10 9 1.19 l9 1.568 0 020 b2 'Z'1110 .19! 45 10 :lb.7"d0 5 0 1:0 1 4.190 S6 b> 1 .933 ".Onl0 1 1 os&095 0 7 .533 Ilo 1 I 6 i i .167 J- 9 Il Itby Rover. (R-uante" vp fi 5920 18 ..'os5-2"4 :5 10 7 .:JO0 ;8 48 17î 17 .354 1 5 19 b 4 !7 Z24 .444 :9Il 3614 1 .in 1C2 4 1 7 14 332fi2 9 1 0 (non 48 16 19 .396 82 bu> 17 Ml .983,7 1 o -0 i 4 .33 o O ( I.000 O0 O 0 ti 0 16 ."à8 O Tg - 1 .857 0 o l 3 là .'è0 in c 9 .789 2 1 nb fio 19 .09 4 1 1 A 80 n A j 16 0 07.1 4 &S 14 10 .1 s2 3*0 1 & .S61 0 0 1i :-, 58 22 Xi .213 28 3 8 .321 50 IDJI.I.q Ait a 6s 26 Ils AS: 95 1 5 .865 1 0 1i 1' q .' 5 .66. 0 0 I1 i1 Up for lot IHall) POb A E PC 5 8 & 10 .681 on 00i 36 0 2 .54 S 3 P.66 Il O I O I Co e 64 20 16 .261 il 21 Il .711 2 2 e 56 26 53 18 58 .18 55-.., ~7 36 - 12 s i 55 16 31 7 Il 2 : 4 .4 é* 19 :27 14 .767 20 .39 1' 2 10 .911 1-4 20 2j 6 .861 iii ~ .?~ 1 .?5 I i 2 8 fi le 1O2o~ 1 2 O O 10 12 .890 2 .857 O 1.000 7 403 8 :658 1 3.100 4 .364 f 1 1.487 4 & si 315 : 0 1.000 4 1 !<4aIc Gamme. Ail R St. PS«I, 13 82 17 .111. Mocl I tu . '. 4à.r 13 4 14 il 1 - b, & 3 .4 01,01)o tboacmt n PC le soi l'O A 41 21 00101 o e o o i o o* i o : o O O O 0 F. PC m m m su foi, 14 .81460 1 0g0osi 17 .3~ 1> O K .782 O O 3 I S S .~1. 84 I 33 .612 O O 2 O 4 Where. Prices Ladies' Silk Paj'am as Vcry pretty range of colors. Lice trimmed. Regu!ar $1.95 value. Spe- cial price. suilt. S-TAMPED GOOD$ Stamnped -Pillow Cas= es.g. $1.25 value. Special price, pair ...98 C Stannpecd Apronis Regular 25c value.' Specîi price. cach . ... ..... 9 Stamnped Runners. Reg. 75c value. Special pnîce c E-ach ....................59 Taiki -i o lob. JIELPFUI LET An Mozon sathoe potiah eau bo mnade by mlxing ordinairy, shos, blacking wiii a litile mlk, É Itb a littie onulta leather and . It wlit reqiliro t-ar>'lit.tla poiléibnt t producci a good i b.- To atiffen halistnruohotl, prOpat-e astroag solution et alitai *41ter- twvo-pent.y worth of alun, iDte a quart of bot walr-and lassé the bruiso b onk lnta s e haït CHINESE 8CKiLLEDP ,Kinsten.-On'e ClUneé"Ig.dea d and fit-1 other Chuiese are la bos- pîtal cr(ltc*ly. ltjuted aaist.'tsui of atteleor craath oq,'the Ganitnoque Il hway-about two,-Iiles cast -Ofthis ciel h-Chinest- bid btiÏn,*'end- ing thieday ih iKnst ïad vere oit 'tiiir wa . omets rckil wheîî the car fn wlih Î h>'..wrrid- lis coUide4 ivitia- one drivte» by an Amerka oritc Jt.bm ofd GoQvenei, êwYox: 'lnlt wa s aI, n cntlclyured Crustaceai» Arc in Style And Experts Tell How To Lat Thm "car wien the' kitgly truta- rt-a nt' oint, Ittiti> bc un and la iook'ti tpon h b), re lesand restaiirâsitleiri ua ia lipart of the tiil' duel. Thtre are two kinlIï of 1.-gruîtr iii thtse oceau.'l'ho onei tt nf 'ni liar along tic torthere "IC 'ia5 rd off a dccii grern colon althi large CI&aw S.Une et te clavaliai larte lee i1k. gnlnding moaar. andi la uaed for Crîutiî-lligor grintnt thelb food. Tb* koflar .çlaw lmas mail aiairp tLedtaît and1 istimoeafor holding the (oqd. Those clawa are exbretsely poverful tandia (wo- roundti obster cuId ealily çru#bi lie bon" t'l' a mon'* baud. - lb lem if 14s l SU .73.0 I1 O0 0 I1 J3 « id1437810 11 .07 101 0îIli ria .: 1 44 8: 0 6t O O 4 c 1 le .:34 l4it 2 * *-M 6 's b * 3 LWSf O es e g .e$ f I i I I lOi lit. .Nature bis wttseby pros Bled the >seber wtnîtbs e "» for- gruivt new claw II Hahauldi b>' &mensac- dent or eut4ccFer c'llh aettic rt#easp«e-la e.une Pt lIa cri- liml pluersThIt acc.obttU for ete W ranace in use -of lia 'asosttimsafoub4 ila apct. (« oi dmetc SupI'. 7Ti. otkor vtIely *4848we M» Iroshe sa*"fb th a M vA- %ti*C7&jk traartsi.enBb Cor a#aPt r Sidabu no l.ygp e*w.,The A. 'Walker 13 U. Morgan il V. Fulten Il C. 0. 13lair Il F. 6 G. IlcComb 7 E-.de Elitt C 6 ttilea ELîlott4 K. Wecks t 2 Naine Cames M. Farrealcn t9 Bl. Long. 1'4 !son M.. M. Nlerman 1 C. E. Watson Il Ml. Blow11 3 L. Nelli, CP.6 t%eshlei, a.. Usuail»bc fournid1tu thebody. not ihirow tMIS swsy au It la or the atnet taty part& lot the -4 lf ee f GEO.HAM ERS Ti»smithin Furnaces, Metal W4 a. * 7W l fi i il LA Laýdi'es- slips AUl colorn. Reg- $1.49 value. Spt- cilprce, garment, Clearlng Stamner Hats Values to $3.95 ecd. Special Price, 790c h Ladies'tAIlaniA' Girls'Sport Slk Hose* . OSE. Lead ,ng <a Ic. tV îqualîîy. ri n W o. $.5 Regular $1.00 slue pcia'l SIk nd W o. $. pritre pair. value. Special price, pr. 57C 6c W. A. Dewland, Liie Phone 318 Whitby, Ont. rs Cour con aier ectian o ptenibe lianber. on at veCom resident Tii. qu bubiness VWhttby. -Mar !i 7son byet duce. the monthiy (item lut- not- boi,, opiuln ' 4t lessional show the ested ln h'y Mn'( sorne et insL*adi erg, ,&ioi brief ýtai buula6ss lowéd b: will elsO and ln 1 tzl lune] A ûoz *e eleci ti DEALERS PRÈPAR[ FOR LOBSTER DAYSI I 4 M j Fi' TaxiSeryle 'Su«uwrsto Vernon Rowe Caref ul Driver* .Comfortablc Clo8ed iCars Prompt Attention to Ail Clil A Service Y0u Wl Like Pliones !38248j Dr*wm'sTaxi CLU] MaIy- . iot, 1Q 47 about the mme ta aie and arc equal- 1>' populur.1 Lebsleri èRcithbbc market ln~ four cenerul foribs; aIe old lobsier utoat and canned. Someé people have the ides (bast albster *bould he quite actIve viten on ei- hIlbition, lni fart (bey bellovt-oUsl lie abouid cayort arounti inucth 11ke a race lhorse. Thtis la dutlnctiy agtainet 'Mr. lRbstesinature and for this reaqsabi nany perfectly gond &pflerîmênara* boled,by tn deai- ers and sitid a&cold, bolietilobst et. Sýoze'peopIe objecet laking the mrat eut or t. he oi Aanti thîs bas led 10 lte tnsrketing of lebsLerý Mq&asal4 1t aiesfrein tour te ftVe pouatâs et lobster tbo maie ont jpounti off mrâ sud Ibis la consilder- P d te Citapeet vay te bur lobabor. jCanned lbater la torougbly pro- .oP andtlll kPop lbhe aimnea an>' other ca"1ed cemmodlly.* ii*r-uslt ib Meis ndumibry. c-btch do% ehîp* Inti> large proportions et Ihiai acafOn as the PrIe nl-loy and" itUppi! ample, E. l. cooley off the lîiasabuattsI"ahortes %#soet4- lion maye. -1 arm ottein saied the. roasoin for the dwtaoloruttonR or déan- salnc off eannd lobeter ment. ,Ila- i %'tlttoii by» lemdîng fond- exporits #&amsIown tlot Ilt. praeticslly 11>' poasibiee 10kpep erb or lobstir' meet . frOi» d.niiuinx. TiaemW bhowevr50odetetortion andtb li 9aste and the topti rajue re»isiltbsg same, tbe OsLy effaIein; logt. eauae- lte bhOUsevlfta e dilit# ie s&p- In saiUaktof the mot adlIhI( verts:-oetthe keb Id#, Us.oolà Sat-r"A.g-eq.i * -, - -13 4 ýfj ýT-ll 1 the Season Wheni a

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