Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1931, p. 8

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- ~Y. *0- a A WEEKY REVIEW -jOACR03EJVMEETING 17S wben some ý'HA ,ÈEE CALLD ý new recorda may b. recorded. liAS~EE4 CA LFD Following la eague table snd av-I FOR MONDAY NIGHT erages at Fe on estPo8ts »An effort ia te be made toi revive 'Sen'Ltcr3 27 21 6 ,29 an int set in lacresse in Whitby A Ovis 24 16 8 22 met ti;ciail those itrested in Beavers 27 15 12 0 CorWàaoatonl gain, lh a fs 5 24 14 10 18 yrpopular and fiourîahed in Whlt.FIcoIIs 21 12 12 17 "»VDIany years ago, wil be hUleïABecCle 24 12 12 17 "the office of Bob Richard9on, heRobins 21 12 12 16 W$itby Goal and Wood Yard, U Rang(erî 24 13 il 16 StrettB outb. nmt Monday evnf Rovers 2.1 12 12 14 et dlgt o'clockt la inexpeted fliat Cuba 24 7 17 8 lacrosse enthuoinu f rans erookiUn Hawks 21 7 14 8 *he rt «W e_âeIourlshedtd la 1kedt 21 6 16 7- If e o had.There îa a HigheEt Tes= Score, 8 gameikj tWýiW thtwith several good pay. IRançerl Scre,3 Cun erý 'ln towa, lacrossie can stage a HîghestlnidaiSoJ.C- comeaek ere.ninghain of Senators, 675. combae hce. ighest Individual Score, 1 game, iS. Watson. of Beachez. 2'f3. SOFTBAL OUTLOOK Averagea to FcbruMry2, 12I31, FOR THIS SEASON IS are as fellows: SILL UNDECIDED1 OSHAWA JUNORS Wth'tibc grass beginning tu> elv ARE £LIMINATED lu *Dot. ~the sun ,thining on both BYW T O N Oj '-i e s. 1ir;ht!, g mr! V1to le la>#~vii Osllawa Juilors were deriatcd 3-1 b]y the fast Wcýt 'lIronlo tcani in -as, cxcitirrg gaine played bcfere a tre- mendeus crowd in the Toronto Ar. ena Monday nigat- West Toronto now has tbe right of enten'ng mbt the O.H-A. sei-fnals and vil) next Meet Owen Sound. Defeattas mthe West Toroata outfit by 2-1, in the gaine playcd in Oshava Thursday, the red shirts vent up te- Tenante tast ight vitis s amai anargIa ou tbe round ofeegoaL Uae til bise final period, isen tise home- Mstr began te show better tarin. everyone vù coavineel biset Oshawa would com, eut ou -top. But tise To- ronto aggregatloi put ou s gret horst of m1eed in the final twentv minutes, rau ta tvo goals ta quliï succession snd tisescore stoed at 3-1 "eauit Oshawa vison ise final gong mndu.ihed ieroby glvlm tise round to West Toronto by "4 Tisane la mot un osha fan vise sawModas ameh ver, vise a,tpud o sejunior tsm. They es.mid every bit as goed as thie!?op- uoneal sMd' ttwuva atoucisand- maate'rilt up umUtl thse lest miaulte et ply. Tise Trnito spportes~ vers fraakly vorrlad and at the enad eof ths e »oal trame, vilis the@ore 1.1., tiser ?raceaUy e eaedl lb. r»«bd bc tiseltcals.But (t vas tise laft ýtwe#W milutas (bat tel tie tale sud gaý4votise isomustes tb. rutgitet emtigué la tise OIKl. ens. TisaToronto maetliuiemelw (S.. seortasla ths e " larlolbut ÎI. taivas net Itsbblaçial»d mmis as partlua one for pas.'llOi GraboMt ,tise trieby a»dhrdOi hsg abermate, undoubtedll Sot ts big bsanldfrouatise Crovd- GraoSI proved & great thora ia tise aide-e thse West Toronto otl i i swseplig poke-Chedk broke up mIan a smart embbsatiou attAick *Vis»' visen lb Cams.te mtic-h1"iIns b. certaly sisoved(hem nmre POIt- crs Thse Toronto fansits ettauIs. xntpressed viti tise detenil v eFrl et Lertie and Maundral, uho as usus teained up> vol) aud presented 8a yer- table stouevaII te tise attachaet tise1 homesters. liant. tango,mLvaula splemdid form and macle &OSeneb liant gave& Drlnkat centresvas C.rective wblie Peter<Yfl on bofb Wtg shaved up veil and eetlred 0mb- awra*s 'ny goal on a pa-s trous Gra. oskI. Authors showéd pleuty et style visile Bradd iras streflg cn rigisi vin. C. Maundreli. ou tise ai- termate lUnevas net used mutis les aiglit but ha lsa syoung pInTer *hso fi ehowlig a gresi des) of promise for tise future. West Toronto bas as srooth vers- in.- teant aud shnwed a little 35010 ftii'bIhln their combination pimys tbait the red soinis. anIPOOSd Item, both det<'nce mn, are strong playrs and ecrIc'i :nnâgrd te s=oe lastnight. Kerr nt centre pays a 900d Saine, viiil. t.be gtod vori of Davis in goal prevcnted thie 1=aà front doing mucis scoring. Mai for man. West Toronto la hardi! as-good] as Oshawa. but tise teant doMé net lnov thse value of combinatien plays and lai the third trame tisey plyed amnnthly vhlle Oshawa wva iop wai'ed andreiled toc much on%.la dit-idual efforts. Altisougis (hero vas Smntestiff ehIn&. pla" vas cdean aid Reters Mitchell hsuded eut aine pmulea tise majorlty béiAg for mlu r etes. lai Perwa PUaY ia tise irmt frame stasteloff vtth a bang. Drinkie got lis. pue at thse taceot and started tisrougb. Me mhxot and thse pueS strucli ers. Toronto contre mmm. ise ho n"4,te tihe IM HoBe as tabou eut tte ganse. Wfut TorMonta tlb.. PoMXaMd, voat tbreuch on tisres.sau tbubta. tIon Tlot a#tý, t utskmui.&- EBradidr&« tb*lrg "iUglti et b Tbisfat gol àW vtiw ali mlnBUtev.éa M.JWm im vmt three, lo m.bile Muosse mu4 id aattri -lat. iKurst bahlAbile ohaMat> , av a"l tb. p*oi.neilll a te rit bt b.êoorW ettisa555 aboacis cm o& d tO& tise Màt bvbW thole Mbutie* Wu Koer; bs. sucai aou'u z as m e perw, 1 Neltier ad.let up on theibesed hbciiip al v li1sd. Wftb rl tormm ce thse tom O"bav &-ay domuwvw Sa oamhWhIlê Wus d a ve bIift* ft bdy cbftkui lie vas te 4&ýtifre for repues Wouest Tetê foWW t a oes visule Lortie wvaa'.*etbut.gO-»o0sr came ba.ck on tb* tuos m be f.eam w»1 v.akensami ai s Bradd tbr.atsw aý Torotf musa andd Vmssent (o the cooler. (M&aa vasavl m ad luck. Masadreli booksd Priuk*u trous be hbad " a sgiven 9 TUt. Oshawa lied ue* Ouly ibrf mOn onthse tee aid, thee fana frua dcl own a. e!d tbeir breatis. SBut Cruboski vas more tissu a itatch for thse entire Queen City for- yard lin., geUter&Ui lIaYed the Toronto lada off ibsir feet. Checktng like a tond b. brohe Up attack alte: attacW8sud woU the applause. <'fth-e vhoie &rems for bis cool and headir work. Thlngs secmsd desperate but the locala mmnazed tb hold off tise home- stera matil thse teaM usa back on tfuit etreigth again. A Uittle taler Lortie vasflt aaliset off taS beavy check- ing whlle Authors vas 1ujured whpn he attempted te Pierce. tbeé Wst To. rorte defence. Durlag thé. lut tum minutes ofté trame tise play vwu ael Osiav,., but the red shirts were not ibis to slip anythig by DavIs altiougis (ey battered bis citadcîl vush abats. if vas ln tiis trame that West Terotws hope.sB&as -Uicf Io"al kept tbem bottled up beblad thMer owva bRu lins. Laortie and Maundreil boUs dr«w Penaltesaamln before thse period demI, vfth fthe scor#eon tise gante atil t1ed 1.1 and Oshawa lëadlmg by e goal on thse round.. 3rdPoehâ % Tva mInuates t tSafaitrme ad not gome betore tts hoilestes ted up tis*romd. Stmataou hfa ram the break-off lher foresi maitaus and MeLelkn&. KoAlpine sud memillan vaut lova togse n'a iûecoin binelon staalsck molie misel sd norme len.d..b. puaisgol"g te thé righit of thi et. Quick a a abot. ItetlbS-ýaàfsislasu*"pa89ed the li m ette MoLelAmi visebatte i PR«t IUMe %visadrom« e t b. le# dunimg'tlst len Mml1»t«5 sud ln aemd.o et isfoar M solig dovn tbe te tog tisr wue pealyion ta nus Minsu-te rus*stise- #a* ite anomy tînirtcr. Tiase tu uIt vers al lt imougisOrabeshi mmdi tvo ortbffl brillait moelesS -tu" dtgthrW tai>t*- ia tise staiariT lirat. o s fnelpa. Tvte bd *ust fix m aft eet 1-t'. Ceup uyPaud Over$27P- in Canadan Town& and. Cities Toronto benstltted to tise ax- tent of $6,013,000 at yea ns' l - peilditures made here by Geucral Motors of Canada,. Lmited, for material that gees itt thé man-- atcture of cart and trucka, It vas revesiel lxi figures isaued by E. R.. Birebard, Manager of tht Gemerai lloters Oshwa Zone. Msr. Erciard. spealciag lefore a deaier gathering. gave many In- and #obaatr 7 - 7,. tmg o! enéral utore,"-e s$Md. .'~i vgneraex- o! 017.544874 l' t iss ont durlt130tO. Ts iua«ey, MX. rý ibïr&e e- pWusd, as ti~stiy'.tkont' for purehasflut lahaufttheprlàClpa citles o!tbo e.Doasinios, amas ladi- recly every Gana isi' qm'muatty beneftted - lythse:-'ogeratl=.-or plants at Oia, abrmSt. Cathsarines and. Regilma,-and branches, r.tno oflMes sud.fa- '4Pusrcbatsm et za* miterial and oquilnent (bat go ft ttee <ai- adiacars are made ftm40013Bn. tlsh nd. Coaai a surdos,"liv e pcolnted out.' "Tise $6,013,000 vorth «0fgooda bouihtlao2Z'ooto vers mot only Caiadia la tise hayint of tbem, hoem* but veon CadIin et tise ny soures. whleh meas h iat the metal, vood'aad other coustituent parýts thqtt'O lu- to a motor star.cmefroua Cana- dIan. mimes, foruealdotbefre-m serves& Federtion t. b. Heidd' June 1 i Snd 19 A u Important tonvetlo u ls (0 be held la Osha*a on JIfle 17. '18 and4 19, visca delfgat« te thse Provincial Fedenaïtian -Or tire F'ightcrs vili galber lu the. Ge i'ha Htel. Tise' edoration ta,- cludes tise tire dpartmeat f very Ontaro clty f 10000 popu- lation sud over ad lb la sxpected that 80 delegates trous varloua wvil ha present durit gthse three-day session. Tise coavenUoi' L ,omlng te Oshawa ispon the tu- vitation efthtie clty tire depart- mont and the ciby Couincil. David H. Lamb, of Toronto, sec- rctarY of the. Provinctal Fadera- tien of Pire ?:ghter. vas lu the city Fridsy aud meeting wits representatIes et tbe local tire de- '"irtmnent. a"rngementa for thse ac- cemmedatth ansd bamqueting of the delegatos vers coipiited. Tb.grsday, 3ume 18, will b. a blit ><at the cnventica sud on 7hursday aigbt thse ùatn banquet ~Il fe held la thseisol at hicis ~of 1t vitm- tee lncludeà M*tyor At i(akâý La 811. andrm-AI& "id. Uorris, cbisamaJcetihe t ire, tectiow »uomm1tteeof ise c-P BrockvlUe-It la underatoodtliat there f tsit ne o iinl eadt thcr'presidency of,-thé e Cbsmber of Commerce, which was vacat' ed bïr AI- bert Richards- at. the annuài meeting' held last weck.whckr a cu ttce was appoWntd te brigin a siate of offic- ers i'oitise casui-ng year.ý Mr. Rich. ards rieiterated to-day tisat. he was tiot a ýandidate for re-election. cloud& Roll Away The mortgage was d &e. The old couple were worried sîick -about it. "If1 John were only home to talk it over witis us 1" Then the telephone rang. John hWdroemmbcred, basy ai he e asA 1e . Words -of vise cotinsci and a promise of innediate help frein him--and thse sun shone a"an, thse burden was -lifted. Lýong Distance -had rofled thet'çjouds away. L&4D1N6 VALUES Ve~ Teur A*P V.. Shepe P.n~ - BUTTER i~W 34e '.28e : -b26. lm a te o m e m E- araged tisent t. P-t tmpa ttv ticaI~d~wod et Ue T«onoto sau.5es Sadont ra2higi e4 1% that ise i*"$ engml peybre inatead cf lanthse Q««ees ru vould be dilfý tle aa' e t ", ts ~iQenletterto MULIn > eht o- n J ýi tm sicipi ef thse fence, -and (he boYs -pleytlmarbies on the streets, h las about tinète t thifik about r.oftha1l. jUgt visat Whitby %viii have ti tAie litte la umertuin at present. The"e le a thane---that (hero will ho a MV4¶1eam as la former vearsand ~ssMyslowslete. Thae fan.trin caspe viliprebsbly lk cmled UpM o iitiqÊlà eeUvebefore placsm .0~ul meeingsha%,e aI- ready taou place., CRIBAGE TOURNEY WAS SIG SUCCES$; PR=ZEWINNRS Resuits p«tise Cribjaage Tourna- ,usnt Iseçion Fbrury 20tb in thse 2~d~'iu,8 ins AbentRrla;rd M Stonec.n le tamient vIlI ha leld ox - in *t*0 tsecou*g lClimabers Al l M are qused te sMd la pu, . 06ien avl M d. Play te w«b tg" puiet ~~ alaid-ma wirSloD-. Befrd, J.L P. 1botS., Cya H3«14 J. P. L.riin, ChAA. BartOn RXLLD)OVXjllthIO UWUlrw &bbôft tooi rbm Tait '1 I t' 1 I'ï-- i-i i i il fromý 't" ~:1 ~4 t 'i y, I j i I i[ j 1 >1 h ým, .1 ý ý ý! , ýqmm - 'il ii 1, , 1 , 1, . mai m

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