Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1931, p. 2

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PAGE TV/O TH-E WHITBY GAZTEE &CHR ON 1C L ETMURSDAy WHffBY GAZETTE AND CHROMCLE Oatutio emuey'aL.*n,.gWfkly Publlnhed every lhrsday morning by firt Pubrith- ing Comepany of Oc6ha iroited: (- LI M ady. Prealdent: A. R. Alcanay Vc-Pctide.-.i- Graydan MJ Goadfeflow Director. SUBSURIPI'TOSRATES Ani-where ln Canada. $200D a p-cr in &*9-ance: $2M0 a p-tac ta nnbscslaers in the United St!e, or otbts fareign corutrta. The date to ahirli t aa bacrtp- tira is vaîi s tadicated on the addre!: label. J. IL ORLI ISTON. Editot anid Bus.i.rs9 Manager Tatiffonea: Veial. 23 and 1.9: t<eidOct. 369. liembet af Canadian %Veeklv Newspapers Assocatton M-HITBY, THVRSDAY, AIIIIL i, 1931 THE COUNCIL AND THE FIRE DEPARTMENT Althouga the Town Council hsn deamaed it Vise Ca niaka. important changes in the Fira Depnrtment iin order ta iucrae its efficiency, thare bas been no suggestion that the m-ork of the volunteer fire ltghtars as a unit haa flot been aInd s lanot satiafactory ansi wnorthy of warm commendation. On tisa conteaey, the Counci han aîways glvan the liremea the strotîgeat support anal has alwnai-n been quhck to recugnize tisa good work -which lias beet clone in prctttcting tise Cavai front fire louaes. Time andi ugain recognaition lisas been giv- an to Chu fact Chat there is no Isutaer volun- N.- ees lira brisigade ta be found aiy onhure than Chat nvhich haus ocra-ts this tain faithîsals ansi weil for ta maay years. l'roof of Chia las founsi in the tact Chat the town today boasa of the very latent la fire fighting sp- -paattia, including Cracks, hose, lasdaers andi ô ther essantial equipmeat. The Coeuncil, reallint- tisat n workman ca ntot do affective work wlthout Chu proper Cools, han placeal In tise ýfire hIsil practicaily uovtrything requir- e.edi ltht lires qulckls' antd effectivais'. The ',- Gafetteý andi Chronicle veaiture.9 Che opinion ~that ack bodys of citizna realîze Chu Ceuth sÈ tp hia statement more thumî Clie firuman *einselvas. The tisys of Chu aid nrerrywea- tber engipa and lipree tirawn aisparatus have long isince passi in Whitby, andt wa believe Chat the majority ai the ratepayera whose olOleY la Clati up ti the nuwcr sud more mnod- ar= apparatua wooulti not m-ish ta see Chem retura. Wisitby has alwnî s hnd rc-ason ta bu praud cf tise work ai ita tiremen, realizint- Chat they art only vsolntuers, recuivint- very littie li tisa way af limandiai rewarti for Chair services, andsi ubject to con iiderahie criti- tissa andsi omutimes abusa. At the heati of th. departatent ta a Inan vnho for half s c tsiry bas sarvudti he town in session ansi seidon missint- a fa-e, andi anjoyhat a ,,d wkicis la bharsi Co beat tn Chis prov. e, if no a ,ia FîrenCW f ý ftlJh tnherfst aM iat4~s -en the othor hanii, ho-paver, the Tonu Council, notwith8tantiing tisa gooti worb ai tise lira brigade, hans a duty Ca panaom for the citizena ta takint- sucis etaps as are deem- tai wiae frosa ime to ime ta ilCeet, thte tfficiency ai Chu organizaton. Men an pri- vnte business do Chia. Tise Couaci! mnusl conduet the business ai tise town accvsrdîtg- ]y. For instance, if the thea Couacîl feeus Chat the equipment mit-ht ha botter looked si tar Chan appears to hava been thse case for some Cime paat, it lias a rit-ht ta mnaku aach chant-es as it seau lit. Tise ame atphucas t o the tirivint- ai the trucks or hansitin- ai an y ai the aquipment for Chat mnattar. Sarh changes are aoC necesaarily an indication oi Cotai dissatisi action, or aven criticianu but mereiy an effort an thse Council's part, an bu- haif of tise taxpayeru, to put thse tira brigade on a sounti businesu basis sa, Chat it mas'ren, der Chu utatost ai service at a miimum ai coat. This it, we teel, Chu Wisoie ali, abject ansi busiaiess af theo Cauncil, anti ini such a tank it cieservas the suport sald co-opurelmon ai tisa firemen themsulcea ansi tiho citzonu at large. CLEANING UP NEOLECTàE[I Tise prov incisai goveraiment proposes Cco ake action nhorty ta hava a t-caerai dlean- ing up af neglactati cemetelus, more pnrlic- ulals' un rural aections, whare ia hoîîdredu ai camastise at restLit- plaes of pioncera hava beens satils'neglactatians inta ame iii- stances abansioneti. Tien natter wffli bu duaIl oitin through an enactateat titat cdi pruvmdo rauciiners' for tise prapeg future cane af Chse places. lantOntario couîîty iiinacant yaars rnoch han been dono toovardas cleaazing up tegiect- cd rumoterios, anti yul mucis more oueds le ie donc. Some yearn at-o, as a manster af tht Provincial Boardi aifitenîti, [Dr, T .L. Knaer, ex-M.P.,ao Oshaw4 toak an actîne sateresî n Chia work, wiC tiste resai that not a few cemutaries seere mot only cieaaed up but hu heatiatones and othar memorîia Ca lise men ansi woman Wto hiepes ian no smalU way la make Chis coUnts whst it ta ta- day oero dînher repairasi or taken ap andi placeti tot-ethur in anc plot set aisie for hat purpoeeo A fine exampia of tisis wark may been sean an Groveisi cetnaters' toulay am tise restait oi a sicisian reacisas by tise lTos- ship Council foilowing repMeantatioa matie bic Dr. Kaiser. Tine St. Mary-s journal-Arguas efcos tisa tecsion ai the goversament bin hîs re- spect. Il adoses nt, iowavw, baieve Chat tine neglcct ai maay ai Chopa ceanetaries hait been tise toa n hck of respect. Our rucct- aeand vits Clv etittor ne pgree; ,5t i la cristii of a piausi-r on engmoed in n ý,coitstructivs anter thlat tnattersr riltingt t the poolt surisaas - naritint- of historie sites, the scnserving hiatorît documntls, atnd the lecîint- of I hIàtopry aterial j.,somewnhat nsgletad. 1 hapa ti, tt itudhetsf mind hansometing -do witis aur neglect of cemehîrîîs. Tise a' age individoal tata enougli self-respect1 alg0 sufficictît regard for his son forebe tOa aht to see their graven îsroperI3t mi t4inesi but migration ta the- sic-t ansi to cities 'has shouigus the ierssssîtsiil of ru commrunitiei. ansi the preenss îay inhe ttit han-c sui ,att impersouial iserest in1 tipkeap af the ccmetery. lThos-is rnost lit estesi are riîsw scattered ta distant points i tise resait lîan been vsarioss slgruaa of ai lect. Fortn-iîatety the newnrvtiudmant to1 CeMetcry act il yIlbisft Place- reripoflibil sald pronide legat rnachinery fss caiTytng Ch. nacassara tvork. CONSIDERATIN FOR JIOTELS Osar'readcrs han-e doubtuess o ticesinlist PMois recenlly that thuelîntaris Hateimei Amaccletion bhas aslaed i5renir Henry1 481814tion rchich vili iexempt <tels front Mtilcipal taxation voit h thuenception of s Udtiocz andi taxation fur loscal impravumen Thse hotemem are ado-anciuîg the srgumse Chat under prisent conditiocns, wen roi housas which are laking- ay the legitirna isotal[ business are becaming tiomarous, t' nIMallor hoteis, lithCose in Whithy, w 800n be forceti tut ai basinuess Whle the reqaeat af the lîstulmen ati seeln te bu a liCCle tao much sa fair as mt icipalltes are cancunîed, Cheit is no t-a. 8"1»lg Chu fact Chat thet tsuritt omabinsaia Suitih ics are rnaliing It NocrY uif icuit for tC aver4ge hotel Ca aperate. Tise Kincsrdine lIWen lesinso ut Chi thse moer car andi the ctasicug af Chu bar a, tWa factors on ttch hatîe dilt obtela hai blows. Speaking af the ado ent aiChu ci ans inlaIts owake Tatriiss Accommosiatio places sprmngsng ap like mashroosi the IR vlew gaya: 'Wlth thet atcent aif-enerai use ai t: motar car Cteamati liotet Rau struck anot] er bIc-w. Molorîstu were alei Carach tisa destiations nîthoat atopon-er; if stop ovt waa isacessari tht motaniat suoma ta preft tise large centres with Chuir etabomaeahai CeIres. The jumping inCa business ai Couý lot accommodation by individtsals, usin Chair.prionte homes. and aChers tIiier coi diltione orkes grant hardshhp on the hot, bua11naaes, otiltlCoday a grant mnny villat- ansd aven tomas have na hotels. isa business condition for hatalmun, wl- tise possihle exception of thenoiies anti larl er towna and at nommer resoia, ln certain] pa~aet Me. casse ita improvemtpt. Wieth oh qleeftf hote s by ý CnexanpticSn la clebatable question, but at tise ,giee ime Cl, feeling in Chateach municipality usaulci ha,, an hoCal of same cdescription."î COLUNTY HEALTR UNITs, Hon. Dr. Robb, at Orilline ln speàking c mnaltera pertaailit- ta public healîli, onu Chat tht next stop should bai tha formatio if n county unitseltis a full tIsitmusmical no oca aif haîti. Thea asvantages af euch os atem, sasthse Orilla Pacicet-Times, ai nînnife.stespaclals'frinthtisaetantipoint i Che uralI municipalitles. Suçis ansoff icer, carefoillo- choseai and woval qualilied for hi job, woutt speale with an autbority 'sthicl cannot be expecteti of afficera engaged imn pri vate practica. Furthar, oui eazC Sintrue con temporm-y adls, "tisa matter la onu i t mîgt-hiwcll ha Investigatedl hy titeCaunt: Council, with a oniese to scartaaint- Chu cor and muit-hingth ie auivantaget. comparu( sottChu preseait syntani. Bs' aIl meuans lut i, Ctrut bu thoroughiy lavestgatel, Thoreare nlraady ton Many gavernment Inspectos anc centrai off icials paradint- up and tiawn Clis prov-ince W hile rendy to admnit Chat Chu arouposus county hesltis unsits mit-ht serve a s ery use. fui purpose the Gazette anal Chroncisi doas nol see lianttiseracan bha macla mmprovemunt on tint prusent system of isaviandistrit niedîcai offucur of isealtis pay ratt-lar i Zsits 10 the niuicipalitlea, and wooricint-hant ini Imaîtt nsitin local health bourda ansi medical health officera. Recomaidtaiatons ofdisetrit «ificere liai-tcoat tise Coovo aiWhitby nat a fesv dollars la racent year. Caunts' bealti ucîts mît-ht acisi te sitdamasadet expendi. t rut. Aller nl]. mont municlpalitias are weil an- sut-h sero-ai by Chair bealtn officers seiliout tin setlmng up of furthtr heaithanacinr- M i Hol SAYS HARD TIMlES' sa, hard imes? Readtis front tht Harit IFxaminer: I P 1jta tfln eeak 2,100 meekers bad buta Suld fsr dut nobleg by Mr. D. H. (huecli, atidtrawt 2<spermuta. Thisi hu art-ual tiomlser e\s ü,oued et titis Ime of yeae Lnst i r(la,,, %5 the busient day of the vene lsuns',' msi tise moraingt il 9.45:>ils the esienlrirg îO n s a asteadys'streant, antioiv or 1-5ls math n anal over 160 permits tAere tasud 111 FOar'- 600 markars hasi beon ictueci Ou Iill l.a-, ik. Mot of tisa itakero anti Jperidtl a are halaissuedtoefarnatre wha iare ca- ý,tletCe tatout onte side mrns antid A fair numbar sf tht rn&uersa r, r new cars. ity, s'N !ey r: resterlistc: Uthe 0 thty i o f- - F r tii th et li e I i p r i ti - th t r C i g o fN e ' f 9 1 P i n t ýg to OREFOR UNPLANES Iver- -cordTAXonFAITO I TT',S ue mnigs Hili are 9 aMB5d 0 Uite to tk s wlt faciltate the woriclco4_ chL-of Engliab the attngacitit sste50mach ta l',lfg thinning and cost cuItivalt. Bit DrfCi theWallraa ceaet any verandah in, \Acakle ta asoeçscntial for W H ITBY -TO RO O th1 ata ,tlhnnplant îsl -frng the need.i t ta a good ptlan CompusysOeatgo ir seacafotol as a atmfen gli lek off twelu-eiteen andti eght- tbi- aacy but aia ra-idées thé doué ted '-,!"nch lengths an the handies of CP'Y* ahad anad a permnanent apperct eatraefrneannds th athe renîdeace bIl raklng î .-,a tbetweca ravi A hal o font Toronto. - ohlthcaa a- tata aniest allis n¶ star-g i rn aand a doznt rtwa stakes for aplaneaarr4tI nqsaiatlty forS NLa m oatrlnaW l.thia Country wig n il bc nvaluable. Dtgging civil and miitati tatian wih the taeattention ]ttgbt -al . patt I are alto idvisable, for early ROyal Cana 1 1 Force art oc. eg- te climbera. Mrefovr, if we ar ktgat hy iiat crui a1iî htTrnt a arbanvahareîtii a nd etht pallais crn t e nag c h ornofc t h e o n y r n t n g o w l tb o l a ie a C h u d a r , w nt p o t L t o n o n , l t b t r y p o st. , T l ,It e u E n dts c i n - a sI- $ t 2 lity nett rn a%*aywt t iaid bate iltew On ret iua -t'Btaru u i n not mî :dc hpt ,tPerforsia adive io otaet naal célr erlng plaus lt fle-n,,e.a mol wce, utae ik etially the êi- as tht prtvatt 'bn ln ith clawd orcultivators'ln lw b1 neo a lesrY (ffMeveMomday, Merch 23, 931).. coursea! aerm on a thenaar a < nsarhtd will save tanch worle ia the hitbut us a et v sof equipmtnt score te, w erta ana lu h. aw e a I-errgarden, whtle theeriter tan accoriig ta t , .-ork tkey iolîl.be ocua tatwIllat sielntay 1a1iso rtcomasend Irainspersona] CIcx-tlltd tipan tta NO ï AU advlaud. In thit calnactlaute periceaonof thost hand caltivait- Thet craft nes I, for military Ily AI DtchrnaaPipe, a very nd ruaottwleic Stileet rpoe ianvi loaved plant, la recsmmogepd. astorv uceswdtwihluare le bcilveitili semayuss te VPtIU Clla"I, betet fine IImnvalable terth for treinipff pilot$ t' fy clased-ealin he apvu nsay Ou anht Vir senondCIner, 0tai work ln the Place af a boa or tynt saeralUnes Il'hey ssilie bt6 d nI.avarlaîy whlch lus tt-ltanga n rzlar horst or trater srawn Cui- fartusec i -speqI navigation corses aor'ugh sac@ct. in Che wariner sec-t"s a aor Clothet arc a m2alter of per- affinst uIn d tbrtet aftsem w Il ior s tofa the Domno, otn vsnal prefereace, but atout bouts, bharaeangtd eqauipmenî with a ail nd een nglih Iy wil o, . vralla andtCtlon ar unliatdI lather ntwtye af v à:indicatar for 'i ao ail- thia cannection, aq usm 0fWCIt e is t hosld bu considerei. tt o. la ia ingivradia direction T t dWrs ttambiar type are verys attfettheacanis.' IItde] taconplettal A y ffjffýE Ct. provlding acreanse troi am ¶ flot,,F ROCK GARDEWS f tti for ainsi4 rnt"or litd' f- vi nH tnt Octaber anti a profuionlaofniClaver, 15 ,sk gardereai re net ta bt confus- ta witts doaltro'l, a npecial ta- d- uring the earty part of thu e aaotti,, th theoald-fathtoncd anti vrs'stliment boardi .-.J acreelns so plat-G A MtE ata Scariet Rate ln a beastinîi type itOulr form of aigrtieiag we balld rnay have bits aa ot of the sera. hae Ivilare lar rsoe ongloteer p anioulongusrantemnminatueîaanentaînetl. alarange adlalIl.Thenemalarebig talanttI ,io rckeree.In his ea i hetndr intdutio t Treileuworhîla neally oued tauap- a ah peaks, craga. hady gullie, aI- be obliedtiela tIr andi contraI tht vijl prt ail' climties anti partleularly ina rîttadowsi and al the other crait catircly b thteintruments"1 the roses, atthaagh mtny of h an-<i.iinghan ao te aitke uptht bouati- Thc. îisîrecti b anrentricted oui- andi tlttchma'a Pipe, May- be train- ttbla or the Atpa in 5wtzertïii- correctint- any 1t;stalles lis liad' . Unl- ti on wlreu or strings. lY' tites as taliy tht tarsien lt eatahllhesisaa pupillmai'maltce. Willcaîl tht wannted 'aehjjae mils. tsýo ealdl -al an tht Watt. 0f annueal elinhar, we, a siaturaI staope anti attea leade up :.Yo. arc tI. liglat I bldYas mateiapt bl nd have thu raptel growlng Ropa, star- t s aita. aplsc of faîrly large POSSIntLîTIES 'Sciaritavpard, sanl.my t lettia a -t h~ci.Tht asni tet Itanner anti lyaclnth blaa: v,,0aiar.rcks are secareti ansi thcse ln evcrv saut h ehdalt a ltite.» twe> lt grays'.lu onr- ha Mcan GoieaniWldt3 um-a ' aird fliy tuintht sape at leat Wiagt thal wilt sar ista thestilts, -joan n. White. conett0e the aement oiCcana- her. Tht latter Isa avers' rank graw aIs thîis affrgrontia o aprevent t: tvery hbrn litre buron laves& me g plant anti la inclineil Ca apreati bras îsg or waahiisg att, but so placeti dama.i: at ltndtecrîrinateiy. À, tuappear e auie-iat as possible That leCtasop ai l9e bIaster'snanse. EMS 0F o0IoSER<Je'- tie Jou e a rul Ssreening MuletI -II1 aisease0 ika thteltackeie ai earth Tht fsutp of Che variont met- J asti atway. beau jngent- ird Ath: ahove menttonail cltb- si ten are caanecîed ap with the Ansi thougls the f ime set bot a spackteitalais Chat iret nueifIs the-mana.a haueWe-t ntu arn a toh st o cen e~sea h anil re aa-A feelle glimme in the dinh facture of Cerment recuittilnla h su e ltnew at onca Che Oit!,- arbida abJactionabte fentes, viewa and aiss.îjli rcol growlh and la preveat Thangh brokea. s nions sadly droap farniation of a produst ka on as y'te go homie anti bach. it n aratta, If pranitiet i th supportct -sasseoff n eaituce supplies. Tet vili tht Mi lai, lv.stoop. conente. clakar, vhlcb lua abaril- y Lang Distance -vers' n tht way a! a treiltis or a Wall.i.nt liantued are af an alpine natre. lnder-lika tubstan ce. uaalls' Pa Sh fltoglTil nMa ie ceet pue- t-aditita athons. we eau aisee cnt atri alogues unaally stti, CtaWII bceaîht il<tn the flickering Is' vltritleti anti tarh la coor. Tht wey ta kuep tu taaeh-anti ha rl U13 n a permanent tereen regard- ierd and plants suitahtt ta Canadienna lais oithteson, or va eau tplan, s Be~s lteace tetnptisng ibis h- Y oa f the Weil Ihn aerah hini ofsiagane-tening ivieil a tcighlsaar- air _orna ait tht way f roin a foot htgls 'aR rock garsien ansi secure saine lntIetht haight o!famai. To,,,ellftrtr ntesbet er 0f coursa, araetiscidutosonuatthoac til tertreontt a>et Fer avan In the vînter Cheir berni ant i OLCNIOS branchas viii afard bath varier iv sOIL CeoniSa ON a t a fate icreen.-Eb a alry and esi as nna - n- oc I- evncgceen altoetinsese h. very i-""n, soit is he taundatian or alD MO N F C Ig portant ativaotaee o! provitilat a riieiing andi if this ie put li prap- sat anctury fac aur heautifal ant i i hape rit-ht al tht îtact caccets is i- anful eaag hîrtis. OC annuel mater , a malter ai course. A heany tel tel we have an axtensive Il.1 et onlaî vanilbec ceaty irnproved hy tht tedisîposai. In addition ta tht afnnai sun or dîttint- : in fstrawy mns- I c m a clsaheru nenttonuti la hu precedt,iîs e and vegetahie refuse snch as I c m a n paragraph, an havahusehs', upigasiit er gowîh of clavera. fals-'e ansi [th Planta noch ai tht Cosmos, a tell unitar plants. This, witls thorough t ata, blaamrecbrîgthand ildor,, sîtivation wilI do nsch ta baoses 9-tintornamntati uflaower0e it nstype 0 oiatprenent bahut- anti D ue A pril ]Y foar taetghîtlt kit-b, Hllyh Ila I 4ke su lig4ýer a ntifreeasity -pert- le urFncO'c. ,DahlIas, Afrin i aaledhy anmoistare.The saine a Iag8'bIt an accan t a! tt. e i4810,~th ~ ar tragrancIo larecamaitideti tac tiant ln tht moi] andi keepint it glattsmornngut other tait. àanl crtadsire nmoisil le. thtI bat- ucen.ather. Ptrtilzec. ethercomt.er- o.lw n xt on s Vt-taaSotaings ai or Inanure, l s ually asivsahîete tan ,l e I sle grsIinit la eat ni , on e t irulate gronth. For quicb gretafi l o mou gt i lstht ilrut vegtas a#sAd owtjt a commrercial tertilizer higîs (a) $3,0O ln the cae6famnaModepes.snor hoe.»bolda, i tIssa a., btfinImrlapartant ta Ce nitrogen iî adauscatti, vhile barneor any ceber persons whbu asdepencleesiupon Isas IIany itir t hal e<îîî asndîtîonu are ft etI lveciseti ehcepmsalfare, ansi eIrs If tht tariS comapacta v n u ;Jmixtd cheenical ferîllitte se of tihe followlng peraons lthn ap asti squeeentdln tht hatlti, cable for pîthin t eady t-r -uh Dn kep evay. or -folu o e e isre bathi greta material, rmots snd < (~i)mi pren orgratidparrst; aresly ud'fitdy after tramping anar vera. Tht tertilizer uhosîti neyer (il> a dasghter coradoter; id heS gardona the tinialalent seC as- appuied etiatt i aleittuîcrmei)asnsc rta ndr2 uc aeo cp an rinveirn r vvrhng ap the soait How- dretîcontact wiih seleti, toilso 11 o otte nu r21Vsrs faeorIcp aever, If lu crumbnlaa, rathur than cmi st rallher bel arc aowven(Ir able cf uelf-aaipport on accouit of omentalor fpacha. one van go aheati. In the ont-side thet oles.pbyslcal lnfirmlty. e retetabte linao, nuthhetaiga etof_ re wihthelusil ati e L attice tiret. FAIR SEX FIGHTS FAT<b) 1,500 lnthe caaeof other peraona, if ach i0adtsS anti 'statrtiTheraj$e -Esqulcien amna -r esaranlear n<(c$50fiacchI ode21aasfae h lde if ltîetie asue r ira.. plsntlngtbam R eraI Canadien cicseitugget ai ()$0 orlIasldudr2 Vaeo gowol e . fi) mnas aait l!!tta e a fair eastshatloa niaewandsici an uo h afle o upot rif2 eno t18 r w Tt ilts « sttPadua i~rdiet!ta preterve thar syuîsh-lîhiapyrfo upro 12 -aso h ga a aue tart o ea Peaatr.s -.Gn h tnaunmtuage or lover, la incapable cf self-support on accourat of 1sial m asautkoteoirci lota. bhe tilce oi toast andi tht glsuitsi I ofopbsclnfrsl -is In vi ii bo ue kaehaîhs II .tnst aead tht mdniaitmine s(di) $5W0 for cacis panrse, geadparen rt e rdtr h rsi ectaisîca sacS as Rueta qui. mi.ng on a-haie -heatl anai ll -h an, i atrosu. Laarly Tucalps anti ]Mr. gParebiscuit lorm-iaîth uîîlk andi WJmreFermi incapable cf sef.gupp<sotaonacSlctof attnatfor ph-ysi. nuiilpi At ibis tlise toc thafitret.f -it atisesi a cali iifirsuiy, wbt> la dp ilit p n heia. Acrfo io battatflaa ara planti and le Thtenquien whicbatrcmnatie of May b. bild support (unleas otherovlse proveuvd frl teAt it ihssssigh nai am hardy an nhe «Chics staurasît awnecns' î ht Lanaiuna d airsitiautti they ala naucept~i etisitti 'sVheat Coiiasy nclatieti 'II An m Po Usasa (t) $> 2,000for coepMdaSmua su to ran Iftsi hu Plants e Ila ollowing questions Art tashole o 1 S'.uglS Che.,kgrousti wblch vliiti l etalaluie ahail types sore PnP- NOTE-Whoe the huaitasdaud wle @nc aiseàasaan nor, le tn a . cah i a toctntght aAetr r wth lady cssoniers than fine 2- Auy Inspecter cf it.areis of<$1.300, the IIssu ush uhali evea Ut *3,000 maemptmi Id ptitîse paadila pan weatb<ar e-aago? Tht tep! y Wanlan al- ImticcifJO xSIat bu $1.» Oenpdoei condtiîons. Rapetrplantînige ir, ltunanirnoni TES nvith th tt of aSu Ilates IePrartIlsally ail ni tht earty -caïs-e.;- t tiais issle breakfast àd tsîl bêJedIzREA E'IE E êFRETFO)4 laSSa tsaery tetidayt utnCl :dt bigtcenrainatinRalaî hala II H U il D TRN OM jthe middle ai Juas so thal tht bar- t5ten item, are hecainsg totreas.- <l~l.,L SFL. S oi seasîsa i,r thèea iliiebu xteai- 1I11oalarauothen citais, par-. éi~ s er nr the ithidpiantîng crsap vwlil r Ian.msuslu.PtmT et eM s rinFtmr s 'aietiha teally tandad tinge, ab!h keti fotreassiN.1Ibi dasteTl mmd Ram ita oat lneMlnCnuaai- ny repliesi tharnes erpored s- aers. eanta siand an ananva upu. tilemhat tmr s tatei ibvt straA.Qi..Bnh areboa kpt uîties o unow on t hoe weat fuitandimlk iva NNTPet.Femi I T orFerF iraRn-hrersy [Ii altiasnger vo! frontt is ver. hiinosnetinourialaiatdiet. ce-7 n Acsacig lie hsrdltut. ase! 0flw,0I.Lth tissstr athe Canadian OTTT o etpta sadJmnSel (aleadut ( an vrn a nyf, Ildoies heu Cmpnythat the §MEINCiT>NCmpn i Apss a.laifaal Ppp vCos. itd ado tiser bas hcen inapiretimm K niansCallopsi, a. Lespur. Ps, ]y by asinerting ha! mote cet- bussa vujan -r inaîrta. n Itthata filch ati SapaI la hy vantisseti niedissal aulvsae fOOttTcOpsr. Pt Peas.ba t Sntremuentk:ie ova 55 gh ar uschanuci2etîhaue S ibord us8~ Il ary s pseibe.Aftr aneraom li cmpltefod alu o sch UàbTO. M.RETUENS ARE DUE IL 30th, 1931, ront bas patcaîîy tihappesw tieJd îbs îcetughL .em" uree-.I O -Zinnia. Nasartlatn Aster, St Ir, e t, ht t a5uu5tss. REPORTIN 1930NT Baloisa. Oaptragan. blatîgaltid ___ Xt.RTUM N FRT93 c;îatiîsîae ray eplanied hti -Faiase t Li rtaiu ai e etapyrabeea an- ana are altemr edhl :rH SNOWfsROP-3 SONGC d"Falr ofkrtm edr -'a«Ual o - atiasseant hhuamur ctie-f sk essnsnth brielha in pein.aaby o fveaVpe Sumttisofth Unacaiaof the t«aisy. geni haidsa sla ssiiusi e n i ,her hec rîl n tal l«m a IV . able wltb a maximum penlty $500. - enn9tlris.i tomaij->enshe eaas. hsae EQUAI PM ARENT SEpRVItCnE IiIE Im-r.ta bS m las bemade payabir the Receiier Gesserail CANADIAN IÂni Pt andVIit. VI.1ci drnap matitis Cf ad.adgjuma iill -s n Y cecjtd andi t sîke ygili bsut i ansi ecri totisg- thougbtht ÎuusTAiý e-idb is aheu.slb auetTxae qasthe sresreasiris --teve . idu antas w. tva.,ghý 1 cu WuftSUd b te ftbmso III Mvalle.. ansisia ilsas as-a- httee c tb ce, rvll oitchei cnet 0ue-d n«,Potloitds, Porl d crs5 inec. trasstasriorol'lx rhed% hi.ghtc!g.eM ho i su -stîlu111.42s-,s iSovîeu

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